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A Letter to Novus Ordo Young Catholic Women

Dear Young Novus Ordo Women,

You, as a group, have been brainwashed about the Catholic Faith. It is not your

fault. Chances are its not your parents or teachers fault. It is the fault of your
neighborhood parish priest for not telling your peers the truth.

Chances are you grew up in a rural or suburban area in a two-story colonial

house. You are from a family of four with your parents working good-paying jobs. Your
family went to church on Sunday in town. As a baby you were initiated into your
faith community with your baptism. At age seven or eight you received your First
Holy Communion and many not have been told accurately what it really is. When

your parish bulletin advertised the need for altar servers, you or your sister answered

the call and begun serving the next available Sunday liturgy. You would serve until

you receive your confirmation, when you would be asked to be either a lay lector or
Eucharistic minister.

If you went to Catholic school it is because your parents were rich and wanted

to bail you out of the public schools, ensuring you good SAT scores and a scholarship to

college. Along the way you wore a preppy school uniform everyday that cost a fortune
while learning about Thomistic Theology, dogma, and apologetics.

If you went to public schools for the other subjects but were sent to CCD classes

thinking you were going to learn something, you really didnt. Coloring pictures doesnt
teach you anything.

Once you enter your Confirmation class at your faith community, you were not

taught about being a soldier of Jesus Christ. You were instead taught about helping the

poor and doing community service, and required to replicate such acts in order to get
confirmed. And once you get confirmed, you are thrown a party like its your

graduation from high school. Chances are the students who sat besides you in those
classes will never set foot in a church once again after confirmation.

Regardless of where you went to school, you go to church on Sunday and

chances are your family doesnt pray the other six days. The Mass you attend at

your parish is in English and the priest presides over the service facing the
congregation. During your years attending this parish, you have never heard a sermon

on Hell, sin, death, judgment, and so forth. Confessions are seldomly heard, and
sermons on marriage and family are scarce. The music is contemporary praise and
worship song heard in Protestant Megachurches. And youre never told the dogma
that Outside the [Catholic] Church there is no salvation.

Growing up in your household you were taught that the Church was a

community organization and nothing else. Youth group was the most important thing.
You hung out with your friends. God was not the most important thing in life. Family

and friendships were. Food pantries were more important than worship to glorify
Christ the King. You might even been told that the Latin language was by the Church
many years ago.

My dear young women, youre all big girls now. Your parents have no control
over your decisions anymore. If they and the rest of the outside culture believe that you
should use birth control, they are wrong. Ignore them. If they believe you should

consider having an abortion, they are wrong. Ignore them. Start praying the Rosary
and attend the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively, now! Start learning the faith from
the pre-Vatican II sources now! Arm yourself for the persecution of Christians
worldwide. Do exactly what I did, quit the new order church.

If you want to get married, make sure you date only men who attend the
Tridentine Mass, only men who are serious about the faith, and who wish to have as
many children as God grants them.

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