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Activities to Improve Gross Motor Skills

General Play- Encourage the child to engage in rough play indoors or outdoors
which involves lots of running, jumping, hopping, skipping, tumbling, rolling, playing
on swings, playing on monkey bars, riding a tricycle or bicycle, etc.
fine motor skills
handling play-dough also develops some important skills. Squeezing and stretching it helps
strengthen finger muscles, and touching it is a valuable sensory experience.
Do some finger painting.
Using finger paint can strengthen your childs hand-eye coordination
Squeeze out a sponge
Color with broken crayons.
Sewing/Lacing Cards
Importance of using puppet
Puppets add a new and exciting element to childrens impromptu or planned performances.
Through puppets, children feel empowered to speak and behave on behalf of the character they
are portraying. Children can pick up a puppet, begin speaking in a different voice, and quickly
adopt the personality of the character they are portraying. (Often this personality is very
different from his or her own). Children can also take part in performances in which the teacher
acts as narrator, telling the story while pausing for actions and dialogue to be performed by the
childs puppet. The opportunities for fun and learning through puppets are unlimited.
Puppets are a valuable means for promoting oral language skills and confidence in
public speaking.
the use of puppets invites role play where a teacher or parent can explore with
children issues such as conflict resolution, empathy, how to deal with aggression and
bullying from others, how to be kind and helpful, etc.
Puppet Play for Thinking Skills When children use puppets to tell stories, a number of
cognitive skills come into play. They can retell stories using their memories and
sequencing the events. They can also alter the stories, thinking of different endings,
additional events, and projecting the characters lives and events into the future. And
then, theres the creation of their own stories, further stimulating their creativity and
imagination, developing their problem solving skills and their ability to narrate.

How can I tell if my child has a learning disability?

During the preschool and kindergarten years, children learn at different rates and with
different styles. But if your child has significant trouble with numbers, letters, or
speech, he may have a learning disability.
Learning disabilities are often grouped into three categories: speech or language
disorders; problems with reading, writing, or math skills; and a range of other
disorders such as problems with coordination, motor skills, or memory.
Sometimes it's clear that a child has one kind of disability, such as dyslexia or
dyscalculia disorders that impair reading and math abilities, respectively. But it's
also common for children to have a combination of different disorders.
Red flags that could indicate a learning disability in children age 5 and under include:

Delayed speech

Pronunciation problems

Difficulty learning new words

Difficulty learning to read

Trouble learning numbers, the alphabet, days of the week, or colors and

Poor concentration

Difficulty following directions

Poor grasp of a crayon or pen

Difficulty with buttoning, zipping, and tying

Newer teaching strategies

There are 7 primary learning styles:

Visual (Spatial) These individuals learn best through pictures, images, and
spatial understanding
Aural (Auditory) These individuals learn best through sound and music
Verbal (Linguistic) These individuals learn best through words, verbal
and/or written
Physical (Kinesthetic) These individuals learn best through experience and
rely on the sense of touch
Logical (Mathematical) These individuals learn best through logic and
Social (Interpersonal) These individuals learn best through group
Solitary (Intrapersonal) These individuals learn best through self-study
It is important to note that many kids learn well from a blend of learning

1. The Desire Method

The reason its so hard for teachers to grab their students attention is because most
teachers make the classic About A Topic mistake. The About A Topic mistake is
when you teach About A Topic.
Student needs to immediately feel the benefit of the content you are teaching. When
you show a benefit, you create desire. And where theres desire, you guessed it, you
hold attention.
A Wild Secret for Effective Teaching:Teach with VAK
Heres something you already know: There are 3 main types of learners - Visual,
Audio, and Kinesthetic. To really master effective teaching, notice which type your
students are.
Visual is seeing the material, Audio is hearing the material, and Kinesthetic
is feeling the material. Meaning, the optimal learning environment is NOT to sit
passively waiting for a lecture to end. The IDEAL learning environment is when the
Student sees, hears, and feels the material themselves.

Piagets stages of growth and development

Piaget concluded that there were four different stages in the cognitive development of
The following discussion outlines these four stages:

(Birth-2 yrs)

Sensory Motor Stage

(Birth - 2yrs)

Pre-operational Stage


Concrete Operational Stage


Formal Operations Stage


Characterised by
Differentiates self from objects
Recognises self as agent of action and begins to
act intentionally: e.g. pulls a string to set mobile
in motion or shakes a rattle to make a noise
Achieves object permanence: realises that things
continue to exist even when no longer present to
the sense (pace Bishop Berkeley)

(2-7 years)

Learns to use language and to represent objects

by images and words
Thinking is still egocentric: has difficulty taking

the viewpoint of others

Classifies objects by a single feature: e.g. groups
together all the red blocks regardless of shape or
all the square blocks regardless of colour
(7-11 years)

Can think logically about objects and events

Achieves conservation of number (age 6), mass
(age 7), and weight (age 9)
Classifies objects according to several features
and can order them in series along a single
dimension such as size.

(11 years and up)

Can think logically about abstract propositions and

test hypotheses systemtically
Becomes concerned with the hypothetical, the
future, and ideological problems

Montessorie method of teaching

The Montessori Method of education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a childcentered educational approach
Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or
reading. Children in Montessori classes learn at their own, individual pace and according to
their own choice of activities from hundreds of possibilities.
The schedule - The three-hour work period
Multi-age grouping
Children are grouped in mixed ages and abilities in three to six year spans: 0-3, 3-6, 6-12
(sometimes temporarily 6-9 and 9-12), 12-15, 15-18. There is constant interaction,
problem solving, child to child teaching, and socialization. Children are challenged
according to their ability and never bored.
Work centers

The environment is arranged according to subject area, and children are always free to
move around the room instead of staying at desks. There is no limit to how long a child
can work with a piece of material. At any one time in a day all subjects -- math,
language, science, history, geography, art, music, etc., will be being studied, at all levels.
Teaching method - "Teach by teaching, not by correcting"

Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development

We can help build listening and understanding skills by talking with
them, listening to them, reading and singing with them.
Birth to 2 Years

Encourage your baby to make vowel-like and consonant-vowel sounds such as

"ma," "da," and "ba."

Reinforce attempts by maintaining eye contact, responding with speech, and

imitating vocalizations using different patterns and emphasis. For example,
raise the pitch of your voice to indicate a question.

Imitate your baby's laughter and facial expressions.

Teach your baby to imitate your actions, including clapping you hands,
throwing kisses, and playing finger games such as pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, and
the itsy-bitsy-spider.

Talk as you bathe, feed, and dress your baby. Talk about what you are doing,
where you are going, what you will do when you arrive, and who and what you
will see.

Identify colors.

Count items.

Use gestures such as waving goodbye to help convey meaning.

Introduce animal sounds to associate a sound with a specific meaning: "The

doggie says woof-woof."

Acknowledge the attempt to communicate.

Expand on single words your baby uses: "Here is Mama. Mama loves you.
Where is baby? Here is baby."

Read to your child. Sometimes "reading" is simply describing the pictures in a

book without following the written words. Choose books that are sturdy and
have large colorful pictures that are not too detailed. Ask your child, "What's
this?" and encourage naming and pointing to familiar objects in the book.

2 to 4 Years

Use good speech that is clear and simple for your child to model.

Repeat what your child says indicating that you understand. Build and expand
on what was said. "Want juice? I have juice. I have apple juice. Do you want
apple juice?"

Use baby talk only if needed to convey the message and when accompanied by
the adult word. "It is time for din-din. We will have dinner now."

Make a scrapbook of favorite or familiar things by cutting out pictures. Group

them into categories, such as things to ride on, things to eat, things for
dessert, fruits, things to play with. Create silly pictures by mixing and matching
pictures. Glue a picture of a dog behind the wheel of a car. Talk about what is
wrong with the picture and ways to "fix" it. Count items pictured in the book.

Help your child understand and ask questions. Play the yes-no game. Ask
questions such as "Are you a boy?" "Are you Marty?" "Can a pig fly?"
Encourage your child to make up questions and try to fool you.

Ask questions that require a choice. "Do you want an apple or an orange?" "Do
you want to wear your red or blue shirt?"

Expand vocabulary. Name body parts, and identify what you do with them.
"This is my nose. I can smell flowers, brownies, popcorn, and soap."

Sing simple songs and recite nursery rhymes to show the rhythm and pattern
of speech.

Place familiar objects in a container. Have your child remove the object and tell
you what it is called and how to use it. "This is my ball. I bounce it. I play with

Use photographs of familiar people and places, and retell what happened or
make up a new story.

4 to 6 Years

When your child starts a conversation, give your full attention whenever

Make sure that you have your child's attention before you speak.

Acknowledge, encourage, and praise all attempts to speak. Show that you
understand the word or phrase by fulfilling the request, if appropriate.

Pause after speaking. This gives your child a chance to continue the

Continue to build vocabulary. Introduce a new word and offer its definition, or
use it in a context that is easily understood. This may be done in an
exaggerated, humorous manner. "I think I will drive the vehicle to the store. I
am too tired to walk."

Talk about spatial relationships (first, middle, and last; right and left) and
opposites (up and down; on and off).

Offer a description or clues, and have your child identify what you are
describing: "We use it to sweep the floor" (a broom). "It is cold, sweet, and
good for dessert. I like strawberry" (ice cream).

Work on forming and explaining categories. Identify the thing that does not
belong in a group of similar objects: "A shoe does not belong with an apple
and an orange because you can't eat it; it is not round; it is not a fruit."

Help your child follow two- and three-step directions: "Go to your room, and
bring me your book."

Encourage your child to give directions. Follow his or her directions as he or

she explains how to build a tower of blocks.

Play games with your child such as "house." Exchange roles in the family, with
your pretending to be the child. Talk about the different rooms and furnishings
in the house.

The television also can serve as a valuable tool. Talk about what the child is
watching. Have him or her guess what might happen next. Talk about the
characters. Are they happy or sad? Ask your child to tell you what has

happened in the story. Act out a scene together, and make up a different

Take advantage of daily activities. For example, while in the kitchen, encourage
your child to name the utensils needed. Discuss the foods on the menu, their
color, texture, and taste. Where does the food come from? Which foods do you
like? Which do you dislike? Who will clean up? Emphasize the use of
prepositions by asking him or her to put the napkin on the table, in your lap, or
under the spoon. Identify who the napkin belongs to: "It is my napkin." "It is
Daddy's." "It is John's."

While shopping for groceries, discuss what you will buy, how many you need,
and what you will make. Discuss the size (large or small), shape (long, round,
square), and weight (heavy or light) of the packages.



1. Get Chatty

Engaging in conversations with children

2. Be a Commentator

Giving descriptions of objects, activities or events

3. Mix It Up

Using different types of words and grammar

4. Label It

Providing children with the names of objects or actions

5. Tune In

Engaging in activities or objects that interest children

6. Read Interactively

Using books to engage childrens participation

7. Read It Again and Again and Again!

Reading books multiple times

8. Props, Please!

Introducing objects that spark conversations

9. Make Music

Engaging in musical activities

10. Sign It

Using gestures or simple signs with words

Reggio melia approach

The Reggio Approach is based on a comprehensive philosophy,

underpinned by several fundamental, guiding principles.

The child as protagonist, collaborator, and communicator

The teacher as partner, nurturer, guide, and researcher.

Cooperation as the foundation of the educational system.

The environment as the "third teacher."

The Parent as Partner

Documentation as communication


Children are strong, interested, capable and curious.

Children learn best working with others: with other children, family, teachers,
and the community.

Children have the hundred languages through which show us what they
know in many ways they move, draw, paint, build, sculpt, do collages, act,
sing, play music and more

Children learn from the spaces they are in they need beautiful, orderly space
where everything has a purpose and can help children learn.

Children are capable of long-term, sustained learning when the topic is of

interest to them.

Teachers listen to and observe the children closely, ask questions, and explore
the childrens ideas.

Teachers provide experiences that provoke childrens thinking and learning.

Teachers document the childrens work so that they can talk to each other and
the children and better understand the childrens thinking and education in

Parents provide ideas and skills, which make them active partners in the
childrens learning.


Child-centered learning

Creativity and aesthetics




Working in partnership with parents



Build on the strengths, competencies, and curiosities of the children (the

image of the child)

Encourage, support, and develop collaborative learning

Have less structured rooms, but carefully planned spaces and well-organized
materials, so that children are free to spend more time on projects that interest
them and are often able to move between activities at their own pace (the
environment as the third teacher)

Offer a wide variety of basic art media, including paints, clay construction,
drawing , collage (the hundred languages)

Listen to and implement childrens ideas for projects on which to work

(negotiated curriculum)

Display the childrens creations and photographs, showing the children at

work in the classroom (documentation)

Build a portfolio of childrens work at school (documentation)

Make a great effort to communicate with parents and to help parents feel
involved in their childs project work (parents as partners)

The MONTESSORI energy is individual, sequential, ordered, independent,

linear, historical, masculine, predetermined, methodical, rigid, an internal
process, controlled movement, structured, expected, predictable.

The REGGIO EMILIA energy is group-centered, cooperative, social, open-ended,

spiral, an expressive process, new age, feminine, flexible, spontaneous,
serendipitous, open movement, fluid, freely expressive.

MONTESSORI has a pre-determined curriculum and materials set up by the

teacher, with the information flowing from the teacher to the children;
hypotheses are adult established; the emphasis is of a vertical nature.

REGGIO-inspired learning is determined by the children and teachers in

collaboration, in a co-learning context with the ideas flowing between children and
teachers; an expressive approach; problem solving and hypotheses developed
within the triangle of child-teacher-parent interaction; the emphasis is horizontal.

MONTESSORI classroom walls are traditionally bare and visually quiet to focus
the childrens attention on the learning materials on the shelves.

REGGIO EMILIA classroom walls are filled with documents of the childrens
explorations and experiences-photos, conversations and visual expressions; the
walls of the environment are used as a tool of reflection and revisiting by the
children, parents and teachers.

The visual arts of clay, paint, collage, drawing, wire and the verbal arts of
music, dance, movement, drama are not a priority in the MONTESSORI

In REGGIO, these models of expression are seen as languages of the child a

hundred, thousand languages, giving children a vehicle for expression and
Blooms Taxonomy

by Patricia Armstrong, Assistant Director, Center for Teaching

Background Information | The Original Taxonomy | The Revised

Taxonomy | Why Use Blooms Taxonomy? | Further Information
How Parents Can Help

Talk about the positive aspects of your childs personality and help them to
understand that it isnt always about the way a person looks, its the person
inside that really counts.

Try not to label, criticise or blame your child which will give them negative
messages which can stick and can have a detrimental impact on their
emotional wellbeing later on in life.

Positive parenting is also vital as it is important that your child knows that you
do recognise when they have done well, have made an effort and look good
which will help to improve self esteem in children.

How can a parent help to foster healthy self-esteem in a child? These

tips can make a big difference:

Be careful what you say. Kids can be sensitive to parents' and

others' words. Remember to praise your child not only for a job well
done, but also for effort. But be truthful. For example, if your child
doesn't make the soccer team, avoid saying something like, "Well,
next time you'll work harder and make it." Instead, try "Well, you
didn't make the team, but I'm really proud of the effort you put into
it." Reward effort and completion instead of outcome.

Sometimes, a child's skill level is just not there so helping kids

overcome disappointments can really help them learn what they're
good at and what they're not so good at. As adults, it's OK to say "I
can't carry a tune" or "I couldn't kick a ball to save my life," so use
warmth and humor to help your kids learn about themselves and to
appreciate what makes them unique.
Be a positive role model. If you're excessively harsh on yourself,

pessimistic, or unrealistic about your abilities and limitations, your

kids might eventually mirror you. Nurture your own self-esteem and
they'll have a great role model.
Identify and redirect inaccurate beliefs. It's important for parents
to identify kids' irrational beliefs about themselves, whether they're
about perfection, attractiveness, ability, or anything else. Helping kids
set more accurate standards and be more realistic in evaluating
themselves will help them have a healthy self-concept.

Inaccurate perceptions of self can take root and become reality to

kids. For example, a child who does very well in school but struggles
with math may say, "I can't do math. I'm a bad student." Not only is
this a false generalization, it's also a belief that can set a child up for
failure. Encourage kids to see a situation in a more objective way. A
helpful response might be: "You are a good student. You do great in
school. Math is a subject that you need to spend more time on. We'll
work on it together."
Be spontaneous and affectionate. Your love will help boost your
child's self-esteem. Give hugs and tell kids you're proud of them when
you can see them putting effort toward something or trying
something at which they previously failed. Put notes in your child's
lunchbox with messages like "I think you're terrific!"

Give praise often and honestly, but without overdoing it. Having an
inflated sense of self can lead kids and teens to put others down or
feel that they're better than everyone else, which can be socially
Give positive, accurate feedback. Comments like "You always work
yourself up into such a frenzy!" will make kids feel like they have no
control over their outbursts. A better statement is, "I can see you
were very angry with your brother, but it was nice that you were able
to talk about it instead of yelling or hitting." This acknowledges a
child's feelings, rewards the choice made, and encourages the child to
make the right choice again next time.

Create a safe, loving home environment. Kids who don't feel safe

or are abused at home are at greatest risk for developing poor selfesteem. A child who is exposed to parents who fight and argue
repeatedly may feel they have no control over their environment and
become helpless or depressed.

Also watch for signs of abuse by others, problems in school, trouble

with peers, and other factors that may affect kids' self-esteem.
Encourage your kids to talk to you or other trusted adults about
solving problems that are too big to solve by themselves.
Help kids become involved in constructive experiences.Activities
that encourage cooperation rather than competition are especially
helpful in fostering self-esteem. For example, mentoring programs in
which an older child helps a younger one learn to read can do
wonders for both kids. Volunteering and contributing to your local
community can have positive effects on self-esteem for everyone

What Are Montessoris Main Components?


The link between family and school is important.

Most Montessori classrooms have multiple age groups, which is intended to
give children more opportunity to learn from each other.
Montessori advocated that children learn best by doing.
In order to help children focus, the teacher silently demonstrates the use of
learning materials to them. Children may then choose to practice on any
material they have had a lesson about.
Once children are given the lesson with the material, they may work on it
independently, often on a mat that designates their space.


There is a belief in sensory learning; children learn more by touching, seeing,

smelling, tasting, and exploring than by just listening.
The childs work as a purposeful, ordered activity toward a determined end is
highly valued. This applies both to exercises for practical life and language.
The main materials in the classroom are didactic. These are materials that
involve sensory experiences and are self-correcting. Montessori materials are
designed to be aesthetically pleasing, yet sturdy and were developed by Maria
Montessori to help children develop organization.

Evans (1971) summarized the preschool curriculum in a Montessori program

as consisting of three broad phases: exercises for practical life, sensory
education, and language activities (reading and writing). (p. 59)

Environmental Set-Up

Montessori believed that the environment should be prepared by matching the

child to the corresponding didactic material.
The environment should be comfortable for children (e.g., child-sized chairs
that are lightweight).
The environment should be homelike, so child can learn practical life issues.
For example, there should be a place for children to practice proper self-help
skills, such as hand washing.
Since Montessori believed beauty helped with concentration, the setting is
aesthetically pleasing.
In the setting, each child is provided a place to keep her own belongings.

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