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In the recent researches, training has positive effects on productivity and

safety of employee. . A safety culture training could help company increasing

the safety performance. However, the positive effects only significant when
trainees understand the purposes and types of the training then they can
provide the proper training to employee. There are strategies for trainer to
create a highly effective training and achieve goals of the training.
Effective of training on the productivity
Training can change safety culture and attitudes
Culture is a complex contruct which has many definitions and
characteristic (Hofstede,1991) Safety culture is the key factor of the safety
performance, so improvement of safety culture can create the improvement
of safety environment. However, people wonder if training could change the
safety culture within the organization or not. The answer is proper trainings
can change safety culture. A study of Harvey (2001) indicated that the safety
training program in his research is the directed reason of the accident
prevention, reduction of the recidivism or the more technical aspects of
safety. Safety culture training method is appropriate to change the culture of
the company. Instead of focus on changing behavior, safety culture training
is designed on changing attitudes so it may also affect some extent in
reducing risk and perceiving the risk (Harvey 2001). Safety culture training
do have the positive effect on safety performance but the problem is how to
design an effective training for employees.

Purpose of training
There are many methods of training with a number of objectives. The
training methods have to be suitable for the requirements of the program.
According to Vani (2014), there are some important objectives for the
training. First of all is helping new employees gain the basic knowledge and
skill to perform their jobs well. Another purpose is making employee adapt
the new techniques to meet the changing requirements of the jobs. Finally,
training employees build them up to the managers with the higher level
tasks Vani (2014). Wilkins (2011) defines the main purpose of workplace
training as educating adults from various backgrounds who will
consequently face different challenges. The trainers have to choose the
methods that are most effective for the purpose of the training. Training
maybe not important but proper training is very important. If people lack the
proper training then they become a part of the productivity problem
(Hoffman & Mehra, 1999) Trainers have to pay attention on how to create an
effective training program for the improvement of safety culture and
employee productivity.
Strategies for creating an effective training
Harvey (2001) did a careful research about safety and training. In his
research, he defined the safety training process in chronological order have
three sections: pre-training planning strategies, training delivery strategies
and training transfer strategies. Firstly, the pre-training planning strategies

are preparations for training. In this section, it is important for managers to

determine the need of training. According to Harvey (2001) the answer is
contained in this question Do employees possess the needed knowledge
and skills to do their jobs safely? Preparations is not only just finding a
room and a trainer but also planning for training as an ongoing process to
make training more effective. Trainers have to plan for the entire training
course, divide knowledge and skills into lessons, make all the lessons
consistent and prepare equipment for tutorial. Trainer must pay attention on
choosing the way to conduct training to employees.
Secondly, the training delivery strategies are the methods that trainer
used to deliver knowledge and skills to employees. The key for success is the
connection between the trainer and employees. There are studies indicated
that active approaches are much more effective than passive approach.
Training is passive when trainer does not connect to employees. Training
need the participation from both trainer and employees, it does not mean
that trainer only talks and employees just listen. A research conducted by
Reimonld (2003) indicated that trainer can improve delivery effectiveness
and connection with employees when they focus on three main goals:
1) Demonstrate respect for audience
2) Do not depend on the content
3) Explain and illustrate benefits of training to trainees.
There is a powerful tool to help trainer connect and improve delivery
effectiveness to trainees that is telling stories especially telling personal

stories. Garguilo (2002) implied that stories are a powerful tool because they
empower the speaker, make the environment more trustful, engage the
trainees mind and create an effective way to deliver and learn from personal
experiences. Stories make trainees imagine and experience about situations
which did not occur. With their imaginations they can envision and
understand the worst and best situations that will improve the awareness of
training on safety and productivity. Stories, especially personal stories are
very effective for trainer to use in the safety culture training which focuses
on changing attitude of employees.
Blair, E., & Seo, D. (2007) used telling personal stories in his training
that created a high awareness of safety by employees. The following story is
used to deliver the important of safety and help the employees perceive the
risk in his safety training culture:
I remember this as if it happened last week. The facility
maintenance supervisor came running into my office, his face drawn
and white. "Hurry, follow me, we have a serious injury in the dialysis
department." A 32-year-old maintenance mechanic had been
repairing the gearbox to a chain-driven stainless steel hopper
(which weighed about 2,000 Ib) used for mixing dialysis solutions in
a large tank, perhaps 15 to 20 ft tall. The hopper was wedged in the
top position and the mechanic was working beneath it. As the
mechanic worked, the hopper released from its position and crashed

down on him, crushing him to death. Suddenly safety becomes

much more urgent. Unfortunately, our actions were now all reactive,
not proactive. The maintenance supervisor had to go to the home of
the widow and three children and inform them her husband was
crushed to death at 1:30 pm. We attended the funeral. The state
OSHA automatically came to the plant to investigate. (Blair, E., &
Seo, D., 2007)
This story makes employees think deeply about the risk and safety.
Employees will remember the story for a long time because it touches the
mind and emotions of them. Cullen (2007) stated that: stories engage both
the thinking and feeling sides of our brain, we can place ourselves in the
story, and think about what we might have done in the same circumstances,
and feel the anxiety caused by the problem simultaneously. After they
thought about the story, trainer and employees have to discuss about how to
prevent these accidents on the factories and improve safety of environment.
When trainer and employees discuss together about the situation, they will
become more proactive and learn lessons from the story.
Finally, training transfer strategies can make training affect long term
performance. Although trainer can make a highly effective training delivery,
the result will not be significant if new knowledge and skills are not applied
and transferred to culture of the organization and workplace. Blair, E., & Seo,
D. (2007) have expressed a similar view If employees do not immediately

apply and practice the skills learned in training, the skills may become
diminished or lost altogether. Organization must support employees
integrate what they had learned directly and immediately to their job.
Managers and trainers take responsibility to transfer training to workplace.
Line managers and trainers must observe the employees if they apply and
practice the new skills properly or not. Then managers should enforce and
support news behaviors to make they become a part of organization. In order
to have long term effectives, employees must learn and improve
continuously every single day.

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