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In this series of studies, Aaron Adams homes in further on a chapter of Matts book
and gives us some thoughts and questions for further personal or group study. This
month we look at chapter one, and in particular the life of Job.

Chapter One: The Unquenchable Worshipper.

Who could blame him really? In a matter of days Job had lost his fortune. His
children had been suddenly taken from him. The pain from the boils that covered his
skin must have been unbearable. All of it; his health, wealth, and family was gone.
Job was not dead, but that was just a minor technicality. And so Jobs outburst is
understandable, for deep suffering isnt only looking for the pain to end, but for an
answer to the question: Why me?
If I have walked with falsehood . . . and my foot has hastened after deceit, let Him
weigh me with accurate scales and let God know my integrity . . (Job 31 v 5-6) Oh,
that I had one to hear me! Behold, here is my signature, let the Almighty answer me!
And the indictment which my adversary has written . . . I would bind it to myself like
a crown. (Job 31 v 35, 36b)
And how does God respond? He does not defend Himself. He does not explain
Himself. God chooses to reveal Himself.
Have you ever in your life commanded the morning, and caused the dawn to know
its place, that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked be shaken
out of it . . .(Job 38 v 12-13) Who has put wisdom in the innermost being or given
understanding to the mind? Who can count the clouds by wisdom, or tip the water
jars of the heavens? (Job 38 v 36-37)
When silence falls once again, Job finds that the answer to his suffering is not found
by asking: why but by knowing: Who. It is not found in questioning Gods
worth, but in seeing Him for who He is. God answers the problem of Jobs suffering
with the grand and wonderful mystery of His power and presence. Job himself says
as much:
I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.
(Job 42 v 2) I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You.
(Job 42 v 5)
An unquenchable worshipper does not rely upon endurance, doctrine, or
determination alone. An unquenchable worshipper returns again and again to the
revelation of a God whose worth and whose love does not waver to spite our
suffering. An unquenchable worshipper can sing then with Job perhaps one of the

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most profound lines in all of Scripture:
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job
1 v 21)
Matt and Beths song Blessed Be Your Name focuses in on this scripture, and tries
to give worshippers a voice to respond to God with praise, even in the painful times
of life. Matt writes:
I think weve received more personal testimony feedback from this song than any
other. I have come across some of the harshest life circumstances Ive heard of as
people have emailed in their stories of how theyve chosen to worship our amazing
God even in some of the hardest times of life. More than anything, this reminds me
of how much pain there is in the world, and about how important it is to be real,
honest and true (yet always remaining reverent) in the worshipping church.

Blessed be Your name

On the road marked with suffering
Though theres pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
Ill turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say


the name of the Lord

Your name
the name of the Lord
Your glorious name

You give and take away

You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name
Questions for Discussion/Reflection
1. In this chapter of the book, we talked about worship that can never be
extinguished and then looked at the analogy of a fire needing heat, oxygen and fuel
to keep going. We can lose the heat in our worship by allowing the cares and
struggles of life to take our focus away from God. Essential oxygen can be cut off
when we dont allow the Holy Spirit to take the role of lead worshipper in every
aspect of our lives; in church and outside of it. And finally, we can shut down our fire
s fuel supply by not recognizing the revelation of Gods power and glory all
around us. How strongly is the fire of your worship burning right now? Could it be

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fading in any way because of a lack of heat, oxygen or fuel? What steps can you take
today to stoke your worships fire?
2. This chapter also brings up the issue of the two choices worshippers have in the
face of adversity: to challenge or question the worth of God or to meet Him in the
style of the lament Psalms; songs that combine the honesty of desperation with, an
underlying confidence and trust in God. Take a moment to read through a few
passages from the lament Psalms to see Gods model for authentic worship amidst
brokenness. Looking back at difficult times you may have experienced in the past or
may be experiencing now, what path have you chosen? Has worship been quenched
by the pain of lifes circumstances? Has honest desperation given root to bitterness?
Take a moment to reflect and, if necessary, resolve to make changes for the future.
3. Chapter One referenced Romans 1:20 where Paul writes that Gods divine nature
is clear in the very fabric of this creation we inhabit. There are times when we can be
so busy with the trials and busyness of life that we can miss the signs all around
us pointing us on towards our God. Consider the places where God may be hidden
in your life. You may want to ask God to remove the blinders that may be hampering
you from seeing His goodness and presence around you.
God, our Creator, Father, and King, please allow me the grace to see Your glory,
power, presence and love even amidst lifes darkest hours. May these glimpses of
Your unchanging worth continually feed a fire of Your worship in us that can never be


Chapter Two: The Undone Worshipper
I saw the Lord, sitting on a throne
. . . the train of His robe filling the temple . . .
Seraphim stood above Him . . .
And one called out to another and said Holy, Holy, Holy . . .
And the foundation of the thresholds trembled at the voice . . .
The intensity of the opening verses in Isaiah 6 build one upon the other, a steady
drumbeat marking the march towards the moment of realization. Whenever that
moment took place, it becomes clear that, in verse 5, reality came crashing down
around the prophet -

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Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the
midst of a people of unclean lips, for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines undone as destruction. If Isaiah 6 is about

a picture of Gods grandeur and glory, then its also, at the same time, about the
destruction of the prophet himself. The two seem to go hand in hand. When faced
with one of the most glorious visions of unhindered, true worship of God, he declares
his own ruination and destruction. He didnt need a lesson in theology to understand
that he could not survive standing on his own merit in the presence of eternal
perfection. In Isaiahs mind, meeting God in such a way marked the beginning of the
There are moments in worship when we must, like Isaiah, declare that we are
undone, that we are ruined, that the ways in which we still cling to what Paul called
the old self, must be destroyed if we are to be in the presence of our King.
Chapter 6 could have ended with the doomed finality of Isaiahs own words. But
God, in his unknowable, unfathomable love and mercy grants us a fresh, new start Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand . . . He
touched my mouth with it and said, Behold, this has touched your lips and your
iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven.
Undone worshippers do the hard work of turning the light of Gods glory into the
corners and crevices of their souls, to find any way that may be unpleasing to the
Lord. When called, they humbly return to the realization that they cannot stand on
their own, that they must be cleansed, regardless of the cost. They realize that, only
once they have been undone by Gods holiness and glory and restored by His love,
can they begin again and fully respond to His call Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Scripture Review
Scripture tells an amazing story of a God searching, seeking, and hungering after a
relationship with humanity. In that story there are moments of revelation in which
the Lord bursts through time and space and meets with men and women, young and
old, rich and poor to point them towards Him. Some are healed, some are comforted,
and some are undone. Below are a few passages to read, consider or pray through as
an individual or as a group. They are stories of undone worshippers throughout
scripture. They are individuals who have found themselves broken in the presence of
the Lord and yet, in that brokenness, found grace, hope, empowerment and promise
for the future.
Saul/Paul: Acts 9 verses 1-17
King David: Psalm 51

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Thief on the Cross: Luke 23 verses 35-43
Peter: Luke 5 verses 1-11
John: Revelation 1 verses 9-20
Questions for Study
1. Psalm 139 verses 23-24 is a passage that strikes at the heart of what it means to
be an undone worshipper. David decides that he wants so much of God that he asks
God to search his heart for any hint of sin. Undone worshippers invite God to point
out any sin in their lives because they knew that this was the only pathway to true
and unhindered worship. Consider whether or not you need to move from being a
reactive to a proactive undone worshipper. Is it time to move on from waiting for God
to point out ways you need to change and begin to tenaciously pursue holiness?
2. This chapter of the book highlights individuals from Scripture who seemed to be
set aside for a period of time while God communicated painful but important lessons.
We also looked at a difficult yet fruitful season in Matts life when God drew him
away from leading worship to help him refocus on the important essentials at the
center of Gods heart. Take a few moments to look back at the times you have felt
sidelined by God. Perhaps that is taking place right now. Is there anything that
God may have been or is trying to say to you? While it is certainly not true that God
is disciplining us every time we undergo hardship, could it be possible that you need
to reframe your idea of how God may be trying to work in and speak to you in these
challenging times?
3. Essential to understanding the idea of being an undone worshipper is the idea of
God as both a tough and tender Father. Many of us have real trouble balancing those
notions of God in our hearts and minds. We may run from being an undone
worshipper because we are afraid of seeing God as some angry and wrathful Father
who wants to punish and inflict pain upon us. Others of us may live and dwell in our
past, not forgiving ourselves though God has forgiven us, punishing ourselves and
never allowing ourselves to move on in freedom, love and acceptance. How do you
see your Heavenly Father? Does your view of God hinder your ability to fully become
the undone worshipper He wants you to be? Have the events and relationships in
your family or your life skewed your idea of the God described to us in Scripture?


Chapter Three: The Undignified Worshipper.
They had seen him, only five days earlier, riding into Jerusalem hailed as the King of
the Jews.
And now they were seeing him gasping.

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And dying.
This is not the way it was supposed to end. A coronation had turned into an
execution. For his followers who could muster the strength to stay and watch the
man in whom they had placed their faith, love and devotion hang from a cross, the
pain of loss and the confusion at what had gone wrong must have been a potent
Hes dying.
Our King. Our Answer. Our Redemption.
The One clothed in blinding Majesty on the Mount of Transfiguration, now having his
clothes fought over by Roman guards.
The One who had commanded the sea to rest and demons to flee, now struggling to
take each breath.
The One who summoned Lazarus from the tomb with a great shout, now silently
teetering on the edge of death.
It makes no sense. Gods Son had stepped into time to become one of us. But surely
not to be spat upon, laughed at, tortured and die.
Jesus chose to let go of the majesty, glory and power that were his in heaven. He
chose to put on flesh and blood - flesh that could be torn apart and blood that could
be spilled. But why?
For love (John 3:16).
Reckless, passionate, unreasonable love. And undignified worshippers live and love
without reservation because they have received so lavish a love as this.
My pride? My finances? My name? No price is too steep. No treasure is too precious.
No call is too much. Undignified worshippers see the unreserved and passionate love
that Christ displayed on Calvary - a love that doesnt make sense, but cost Him
everything. And, standing in the light and safety of that love, they worship with an
abandon that says there is nothing I have, nothing I know, and nothing that I am
that Im unwilling to part with for the Lords renown.
Scripture Review
Scripture is filled with the worship of the undignified. These men and women show a
willingness to let go of their reputations, resources, and even their own lives to give
honor to God. They have realized that life is full of blessings, but that none can
compare to the matchless worth of God. Below are just a few examples of individuals
who were able to cut themselves free from the cords that entangle and keep us from

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true undignified worship:
David responds to the goodness of God - 2 Samuel 6
The widow gives all that she has - Mark 12:41-44
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego risk their lives for the worship of God alone Daniel 1-3
Peter and John refuse to stop preaching whatever the costs Acts 4:1-22
Thoughts for Reflection
1. In this chapter, we are encouraged to find a source and inspiration for undignified
worship in the passionate love of God for us. Matt briefly highlighted the story of the
Prodigal Son, where we see a picture of a Father willing to shed his status and pride
for the love of seeing his son return home. This is the love of our Heavenly Father.
Take a moment to reflect upon other instances in Scripture and in your own life in
which the unconditional and passionate love of God is evident. How have you
responded to the boundless overtures of his heart to yours? His love for us has been
given without reservation. Can the same be said of your own love for Him?
2. Before we can become undignified in our worship, we must cut ourselves free from
those things that keep us from dancing as David danced. Take a few moments to
contemplate whether or not there is anything in your life that you may classify as
too precious to give up to God. It may be fear of what others will think, fear of
handing over finances to God, or it may be something different altogether. Is there a
particular area in which God has been calling you to come clean with Him so that you
can fully enter into an open and uninhibited worship of Him in your life?
3. In this chapter, we are reminded that the act of being undignified in our worship
must come from and overflow of love and adoration for God. For lead worshippers
this may mean not getting caught up in the performance aspect of being on stage
in front of others. But those of us who dont dare step behind a microphone or play a
musical instrument can also fall prey to misguided motives. How many of us have
given, spoken or served for God when it was really more about ourselves. Think
and reflect on the motivation behind your own acts of worship and ask God to
speak to your heart about this matter.


Chapter Four: The Unpredictable Worshipper

She may have been as surprised as anyone in the room that evening as she pulled
the alabaster jar out from underneath her cloak and broke it over Jesus feet.

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After all, what she was about to do would cost her dearly.
It would cost her financially. The value of the nard inside the jar was equal to the
amount a first century worker would earn in an entire year.
It would cost her personally. Scholars tell us that the ointment was most likely a
family heirloom passed down from mother to daughter, from generation to
generation. Did she think about the stories she had heard as a child about the
mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers before her that had cherished the
flask of precious oil?
It would cost her reputation. Were not sure if she knew anyone at the party, but
Mark leads us to believe that she wasnt on the guest list. And what did she expect
the reaction to be when she, a woman, interrupts dinner and anoints this teacher
with so costly a gift?
Yet, she was compelled to sacrifice to demonstrate His worth. Mark doesnt explain
the reasons behind her devotion. But maybe thats the point. A gift like this doesnt
have a reason behind it. Logic, as it has a habit of doing, gave way to love.
Sometimes worship doesnt really make much sense to those looking on and
Simons other guests that evening were no exception. They were used to doing
things the way they had always been done. They were caught off guard. Faced with a
lavish and unpredictable act of adoration, they said:
How impractical!
What a waste!
But Christ loved the extravagance of her gift. And maybe He saw in it, a faint
reflection of what He was about to do.
Unpredictable worshippers understand that worship is not a measured response built
to exacting specifications. It is the cry of a heart of love to a God whose worth
cannot be measured. Unpredictable worshippers are listening worshippers, listening
to the Holy Spirit for what He has planned for each song, each service, each
encounter and each life. And they are ready worshippers, ready to follow His lead
regardless of the cost or sacrifice it requires. They realize that the call may be
something they never would have expected - and yet they go ahead. After all, the
love they have been shown and the love they seek to show demand nothing less.

Scripture Study
Oftentimes lifes most moving moments come from the unpredictable gifts of love
we receive from those around us. Perhaps its a gift from your spouse given just

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because they love you or a homemade card from your son or daughter, letting you
know how much you mean to him or her. The unpredictable act of love is so powerful
because it steps outside of our expectations and catches us off guard. It tells us that
the giver is not satisfied with showing his or her love in the usual ways.
The Bible tells story after story of men and women who threw caution to the wind
and brought offerings in new, exciting and unpredictable ways to God. For them it
wasnt about what was expected. It wasnt about measuring out love in
appropriate amounts. It was about responding to Gods love and glory with a
new song - a lavish and fresh act of worship. Below are a few stories from
Scripture that paint a picture of a worship that is truly unpredictable in ways both big
and small:
The woman anoints the feet of Jesus
Mark 14:1-9
Peter jumps out of the boat to pursue Jesus
John 21:1-14
Two blind men defy the crowd and acknowledge who Jesus is Matthew 20:29-34
Moved by the Holy Spirit, Peter gives an unexpected early morning sermon to a
gathered crowd
Acts 2:1-40
Questions for Reflection
1. It may be helpful to, as we did briefly in this chapter, reflect upon the church in
Ephesus in Revelation 2. Matt wrote that the church there seemed out of love. She
is enduring hardship, yet no longer enjoying Jesus. Are we still enjoying Jesus? Or
have we, over the course of life, forgotten the fire of our spiritual youth? What can
we do to rekindle that flame of passionate and unpredictable worship that we once
2. The chapter highlights the vital role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the
unpredictable worshipper. It is the Holy Spirit that guides our worship, whether it is
in song or in life. Are we listening to His voice or have we deadened our ears,
assuming that we know what he expects from our worship?

3. One sign of a worshipping heart is that its always looking to bless God with the
gifts it has been given. Sometimes, however, even the best of intentions can be
twisted into a burden and we can find ourselves feeling pressured to do it all alone.
In this chapter, we discussed the fact that when we allow the Holy Spirit to lead our
worship, we come to realize that we were never intended to do it alone. Instead, the
Holy Spirit leads, enlivens and directs our gifts to be used to their fullest capacity of
Gods glory. Take a moment to think about whether worship, in whatever form that
may take, has become centered on your own striving to make it happen.

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Chapter 5 - The Unveiled Worshipper

Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lords
Acts 9:1
Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by
proving that Jesus is the Christ.
Acts 9:22
Now any student of the Bible will tell you that the original text wasnt written with
chapters and verses attached. Still, its pretty strange to think that the Saul that
made a name for himself by breathing out murderous threats against followers of
Christ had begun to, only twenty-one verses later, breathe out the truth of Jesus
revealed to humanity. The Jews that Acts mentioned were surely baffled by the
wondrous mystery of Jesus true identity. But, it wouldnt be a surprise if they were
also baffled by who God had chosen to deliver the message to them?
The persecutor had become a preacher. How could something like this happen?
Saul had become an unveiled worshipper.
He wasnt on any leisurely horseback ride that evening as he made his way down
the road to Damascus. He was a man with a mission - a mission from the high priest
himself. He was on his way to do what he did best - round up Christians.
And then God stepped in.
He came in power and splendor.
As he [Saul] neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed
around him. He fell to the ground Acts 9 v 3-4a
He came in an almost plaintive humility. He came in intimacy.
[He] heard a voice say to him, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Acts 9 v 4

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Saul had watched Stephen die as he cried to heaven. He had built a reputation on
the backs of persecuted Christians. He had most certainly heard of this Jesus. But
now he had come face to face.
And he would never be the same.
Christianity would never be the same.
He had meant to spend his life snuffing out the body of Christ. Instead, through a
moment of intimate and powerful revelation of the person of Jesus, he ended up
giving up his own body - his own life - for the name of his Saviour.
Unveiled worshippers are men and women who have themselves fallen to the
ground when faced with the glory of God. Still, as they listen to the whirlwind of
power, they can hear the sweet whispers of love and intimacy. They have seen the
love of the cross and the power of the empty tomb. And, born from that life of
worship, unveiled worshippers become, quite simply, different. Rooted in their Lord,
they shine with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control.
They shine forth with the humble and powerful grace they have seen for themselves.

Scripture Review
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. And still, He is a God of change.
Scripture tells the story of the great unveiling of Gods plan for humanity. On a much
smaller scale, the Bible is full of the smaller changes, the changes that happen one
life at a time. These are often the story of unveiled worshippers: those who
encounter Gods love and power and emerge as new creations.
Acts 9:1-22 Saul meets Christ and is never the same
Luke 2:8-20 Simple shepherds become bold evangelists when they come face to face
with the announcement of the promised Messiah
2 Cor. 3 Paul describes the difference between the unveiling of our worship that
takes place because of the message of Christ
Questions for Reflection
1. This chapter discusses the two sides of the unveiled worshipper: revelation and
transformation. Second Corinthians 3:18 talks about the fact that, when faced with
Gods glory, we are being transformed into Christs likeness. Perhaps its time to
ask ourselves, are we still being transformed? Are we increasing in our love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control?
(Galatians 5:22-23) If not, what does that say about our need to possibly reencounter God?
2. Bowing is a posture of the body and of the heart. The unveiled worshipper is
warmed by Gods intimacy, but, at the same time, overwhelmed by His glory. Simply
put: when was the last time you were bowled over by God? It is important to

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recognize that these encounters are many times God-initiated and that we cant
live on the mountaintop, but are we missing the opening of heaven and a glimpse
of Gods grandeur in the songs that we sing, the Scripture that we read, the nature
that surrounds us and the relationships in our lives? Reflect upon whether or not its
time to at least pray that God would overwhelm you again.
3. The unveiled worshipper is, in many ways, a missionary worshipper. He or she has
encountered God and the subsequent transformation is, like Moses radiating face,
visible for all to see. Is our worship missionary in this way? Do we let the light of
God, shining brightly upon us in worship, reflect to those around us? Do we ever get
caught up in the way in which worship makes us feel that we forget that we are
meant to spread the overflowing presence of God that He showers on us?
4. Quoting Revelation 3:20, Matt goes a bit deeper and describes the intimate nature
of the Greek word deipnon or eat. He writes that this meal was not a hurried
event . . . Jesus is saying in effect, Let me deeper into your life. I want to come and
eat with you, to be close to you. I am not calling you just to be a waiter at the table,
serving Me as I eat. Im calling you to sit down with Me and for us to eat together.
Has our worship become hurried? Are we afraid to allow the words that we sing to go
deep into our soul? Are we more comfortable with a drive through encounter with
God than we are with the deipnon he is asking for? Is it time to ask God for the
strength, patience, and discipline to sit, worship, wait and listen?


Chapter 6 - The Unstoppable Worshipper

The three of them would have been easy to spot.
A crowd of thousands.
The music plays.
Whos that over in the distance?
Those three are not still standing are they?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!
What are they doing?
They had ruined King Nebuchadnezzars party by not playing by the rules. And the
rules were pretty simple: When the music plays, you fall down and worship my new
ninety-foot high golden statue. If youre still standing, we burn you alive.
Scripture paints a powerful portrait of their defiance. But what dont we see?
Standing alone, surrounded by a sea of bowed worshippers, their minds must have

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been racing.
What about my lifes work? My reputation? After all, Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego werent wide-eyed idealistic twenty one year olds. These men had spent
their life building a career in public office - placed there by Nebuchadnezzar himself.
And what about my life itself? What kind of pain awaits a man being burned alive?
And still they stood.
A name disgraced? A torturous death?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would worship only One.
The story crescendos with Gods amazing act of miraculous deliverance in the fiery
furnace. But their speech, midway through Daniel Chapter 3, to a furious king makes
it clear that these men were ready to pay any price for the name of God.
If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from
it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want
you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold
you have set up.
Even if.
This is the song of the Unstoppable Worshipper.
Even if I am persecuted.
Even if I am laughed at.
Even if I am abandoned.
Even if God doesnt deliver me.
Even if I am killed.
Even if.
I will not stop worshipping my God.
Scripture Review
Throughout Scripture, God places trust in the unlikeliest of people. Emboldened by
the Holy Spirit and by their passion for their Lord, these outsiders refuse to be
stopped by what is expected of them. They cannot help but speak the truth,
defend the honor, and declare the Glory of God. Below are a few examples of men
and women in the Old and New Testament that defied the expectations placed on
them and would not stop in their quest of the Lords renown.
I Samuel 17 David, a boy not able to fit into armor, fights and kills the mightiest
Philistine warrior

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Luke 2:8-20 Shepherds, whose testimony wasnt even admissible in court, are
among the first to be trusted with the Good News of Christs birth
John 20:10-18 Jesus appears for the first time after his resurrection to Mary
Magdalene, who, as a woman, and like the shepherds above, did not have the social
status to even testify in a court case
Exodus 3 God nominates Moses, a former prince suspected of murder with a speech
impediment who has spent the last several years as a shepherd in the wilderness, to
go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites
Questions for Reflection
1. Each chapter of The Unquenchable Worshipper makes it clear that worship is
something that happens both inside and outside of the church. However, it seems
that this chapter on The Unstoppable Worshipper is particularly emphatic in that
regard. Matt writes that, Ive always found it very easy to lift up Jesus in the
context of the church but very hard to find opportunities - and take them - outside.
Take a moment to reflect on how you are doing lately at that very aspect of your
worship - lifting up the name of Jesus in your life outside of the church.
2. We read about Pauls audacious prayer for continued boldness to speak about
God. Considering your answer to the question above and Pauls own desire to
fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:19), could it be
time to pray for a more emboldened worship?
3. Matt makes a striking comment when he writes- Unstoppable worshippers are
adventurous hearts, taking every opportunity to demonstrate the Good News of God
to this world [emphasis mine]. Unstoppable Worshippers are adventurous because
nothing is too much and no risk is too big to take to share, speak and sing of God
and His Goodness. Being an Unstoppable Worshipper is to be a man or woman of
unbridled freedom in Christ. Is the spirit of adventure gone from your worship? Could
you be too concerned with the cost of worship that you have become stopped up?
4. Matt dove a bit into the story of David and Goliath. David was not stopped from
worshipping his God by what people said about him. He was small. He was only a
boy. He was the youngest of his brothers. All of these things were true. Still, he did
not let those labels define him. He recognized the call to step forward and fight for
the name of the Lord. Take a moment and ask yourself if there is any way that you
have defined yourself or any way in which others have defined you that has stopped
you from fulfilling the call God has for your worship of Him. Ask God to help you
begin the process of re-identifying yourself with the way in which He sees you.


Chapter 7 - The Unnoticed Worshipper

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Matthew 14 describes a day that is about as far from normal as you could imagine.
But then again, this is Jesus were talking about.
He begins the day by learning about the gruesome execution of his cousin John the
Baptist. Trying to escape to mourn the loss, Jesus gets sidetracked by thousands of
desperate men, women and children - all wanting to see and be touched by this Man
they had heard so much about. He ends up spending hours - into the early evening healing and performing miracles for the gathered crowd. When the disciples begin to
get nervous about the lack of dining options for the masses of people, Jesus takes it
upon Himself to cater the entire event, multiplying fives loaves and two fishes to feed
all of the thousands of individuals gathered. It is later that very evening when the
disciples, undoubtedly still chattering on about the events that had taken place
earlier in the day, saw a solitary figure approaching them. Not too strange - until you
realize that they were in a boat and the person approaching them was not! It was
Jesus, walking on the very sea itself.
Mourning a tragic loss.
Healing thousands.
Making the impossible possible.
Defying the laws of nature.
And we think our schedule is packed!
And still, if youre not careful, you may miss v. 22 and 23.
Immediately, He made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the
other side, while he sent the crowds away. After he sent the crowds away, He went
up to a mountain by Himself to pray, and when it was evening, He was there alone.
Somewhere between taking a meal for two and turning it into a meal for thousands
and taking a stroll on a tumultuous sea, Jesus stopped to pray. And He did it alone.
Actually, its pretty clear that Matthew wants us to know a couple of things. He
mentions twice that Jesus sent the crowds away and again repeats himself by telling
us twice that Jesus was alone as He prayed.
Word travels fast in a crowd, and by the time the last bit of fish and last hunk of
bread was handed out, it wouldnt be surprising if the entire crowd knew the
miraculous recipe Jesus used to create that meal. The air must have been electric.
And he sent them all away.
He stopped it all.
To be alone.

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Or rather, to be alone with His Father.
An Unnoticed Worshipper is one who is willing, even when things are going well, to
step back and check in with God. He or she realizes that the key to ministry is not
what goes on amongst the crowds, but what goes on before the King. The Unnoticed
Worshipper is relentless in his or her pursuit of the pleasure of only One. He or she
knows that the fame, accolades, and praises of humanity pale in comparison to the
chance to hear well done, good and faithful servant and that the wellspring of a
ministry that is powerful, honest, and full of integrity is a heart focused on being
known by God alone.
Scripture Review:
One of the tremendous things about having the Bible is that God Himself inspires it.
To put a finer point on it, we get a history lesson from Gods own perspective. In so
doing, He gives us glimpses into the lives and deeds of all kinds of worship. Some
worship, like Davids undignified dance is there for the entire world to see. At
other times worship goes unnoticed by most, but remains dear to the heart of the

Questions for Reflection

1. The opening story in this study highlighted a busy Jesus, remembering to simplify
His life back down to just Him and His Father, right in the middle of a packed day.
One famous Christian quote says something to the effect that Im too busy, not to
pray. Take a moment to reflect on whether or not a busy schedule, even if it is busy
with God stuff has taken your attention away from the Lord.
2. If you are currently serving in your local church, how do you feel when someone
else is serving in your place? In this chapter, Matt spoke quite directly to worship
leaders and musicians. If you find yourself there, how do you feel when someone
else is playing or leading worship? Perhaps you are a speaker or group leader. How
do you feel when another person is doing what you do? Regardless of your area of
service, are you able to enter in and meet with God, or do you find yourself
evaluating what this other person is doing and how you would do it better? Has
service of God become more about whos doing what and how theyre doing it,
rather than about God Himself?

3. We live in a performance culture. Almost everything we see around us is geared

towards entertaining us and grabbing our attention away from the next guy. There
are times, unfortunately, when even the Church, can fall into the trap of putting on a
show rather than leading people closer to God. As Matt said, we want to represent
God with nothing less than excellence, but things get more difficult when that begins
to distract us from seeking His Glory instead of our own. How are you currently
involved in the Body of Christ? Perhaps you lead worship. Maybe you speak or lead a

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small group. You may play and instrument or run lighting or sound. Whatever the
case, take a few moments and pray about whether or not any echo of performance
has crept into your service of God?


Chapter 8 - The Undivided Worshipper

No one would have noticed if he had just ignored the voice he heard that day.
After all, if sounded preposterous.
The old man had been promised a son, and from that son a nation. So many years.
So many tears.
And now this? Sacrifice what God has promised? Murder the good that was to come?
Kill the hope once and for all? Take the life of his own son?
The Bible doesnt give us much detail about what Abraham was going through as he
spent three days marching through the wilderness to find the place where the
sacrifice would take place. Was it agony to see his very own son laughing and eating
around the campfire each evening? Was there a moment - were there a thousand
moments - when Abraham almost called the whole thing off and headed back home
to start this nation he had been promised? Did he despise the setting of the sun each
day, knowing that it brought him one day closer to losing - in the worst imaginable
way - his son?
The story ends well, with the Lord stopping Abraham at the last moment. Still, any
honest reader has to ask: What drives a man to do such a thing?
Simple, undivided obedience.
God had spoken. Abraham would act.
What about the promise?
God had spoken.
What about his wife?
God had spoken.
What about his future?
God had spoken.
What about his son?
God had spoken.

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Abrahams dedication to his Lord would not be divided, even when those questions,
those distractions were good, noble, even Godly. God had spoken and Abraham
must obey.
The Undivided Worshipper is a person of simplicity. A person of simple devotion to
God. The ringing of a mobile phone. The beeping of a Blackberry. The pain of lifes
trials. The agony of sacrifice. None of these - nothing - will deter them from that first
commandment: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Their love is undivided
because they have been washed over by the ultimate expression of a love undividedGods own Son, sacrificed on a hjll outside Jerusalem. Obedient to death. Even
death on a cross. (Phil 2:8). Simple, undivided obedience.
Scripture Review
They may not have had mobile phones, the internet, or hi-definition television, but
the men and women of Scripture faced the distractions common to all humanity.
What does the Bible tell us about real people coming into contact with the choice of
whether or not to answer the calls for mediocrity and distraction? Below are several
passages that you can read as an individual or as a group. Consider and pray about
the new ways in which God may want to speak to you through even the most familiar
of passages:
Matthew 21:12-17
In light of your reading in this chapter of Unquenchable Worshipper, reread this story
of Christs own undivided passion for pure worship of His Father.
Psalm 86
This is a Psalm of petition in a time of great need. Yet what does David pray for in
this time of pressure in verse 11?
John 19
Read this passage with an eye towards the undivided heart that drove Jesus to
endure the humiliation, suffering, injustice, and pain.
Questions for Reflection
1. The well-known Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote purity of heart is to
will one thing. That is, in many ways, an excellent description of an Undivided
Worshipper. To will something shows an act of volition. With so much clamoring for
our attention these days, are we being proactive about being undivided? Are we
actively seeking out the opportunity to sit at the feet of Christ?
2. This chapter discussed the temptation to be distracted and divided by busyness.
It is undoubtedly difficult to avoid the potential distractions created by things like
riches, fame, lust, and power. However, it may be even easier to fall prey to the lures
of being busy - especially when we busy ourselves with good things. Prayerfully

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consider how you approach the balance between activity and adoration. Is there any
ways in which God is calling you to change?
3. In times of suffering and stress, we can often find ourselves looking elsewhere for
the resources and answers we need. We can become divided. Psalm 86 is a helpful
reminder of praying for an undivided heart. Take a moment and reflect upon whether
or not your focus on being undivided stays strong regardless of the circumstances
that you may encounter.


Chapter 9 - The Unsatisfied Worshipper

Passover week had not worked out the way the disciples had imagined it would. It
was supposed to be a coronation of a king, the initiation of the Kingdom of God.
Israel would be restored.
And then Jesus was crucified. And then he was buried.
It was over. Hope was lost.
And then . . . three days . . . there he was.
Holes in his hands and a gaping wound at his side. But there he was still. Alive.
Talking. Laughing. Eating.
Alive again.
So who could blame the disciples for springing the question on Jesus?
So when they met together, they asked him, Lord, are you at this time going to
restore the kingdom to Israel?
He said to them: It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by
his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and
you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth.
After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from
their sight.

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They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men
dressed in white stood beside them. Men of Galilee, they said, why do you stand
here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into
heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.
(Acts 1 v 6-11)
We read Jesus answer to the disciples with a bit of distance now. Two thousand
years to be exact. The expectation of Passover week, the pain of Calvary, the joy of
the Resurrection must have been all wrapped up in their questionLord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom of Israel?
The distance may mask a bit of the emotion that was carried in their question that
day. But we know something of how they must have felt. For we feel it as well.
We know that His work is not finished.
We know that we have yet to see Him in his His fullness.
We know that the world is not yet as it should be - that things are not yet set right.
We are left unsatisfied - pushing for more.
We, along with the disciples, ask
Lord, is it the time?
And the Lords response?
The details are up to the Father. Wait for the Holy Spirit and then go.
And so, unsatisfied, we move forward, worshipping.
Never resting in our knowledge of Him, but pushing to see Him more fully in this life.
Never accepting that the love of Gods Kingdom cannot change the injustice and
pain in our world.
And always trusting in Saint Pauls encouraging words
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror- then we shall see face to face. Now
I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. I Corinthians 13 v
Scripture Review

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In Revelation, the story of Scripture is finally satisfied. The Lord returns and Creation
is reborn - united with the Creator in perfect love and peace. The passages below
highlight that story - a story of desiring more of God and acting to bring His Kingdom
to earth.
Romans 8v18-25
Humanity and all of creation crying out to be satisfied
Matthew 6v9-13
Jesus, asked how we should pray, responds with a prayer not to wait for the Kingdom
of God, but to bring it to earth
2 Corinthians 5v1-10
Paul offers a wonderful picture of our unsatisfied separation from knowing God as
fully as we will once we meet Him face to face and our desire to please him
regardless of whether we are home or away
Questions for Reflection
1. In this chapter Matt writes of the Unsatisfied Worshippers desire to know more of
God - to push beyond what he or she know of Him now. Take a moment to reflect
upon your own desire to know more of God. In any relationship, an individual can
grow used to the idea that he or she knows someone else enough. That is often
the time when things grow stale. Is there a possibility that you have grown used to
what you know about God and have lost the desire to see more of Him revealed to
you? Have you become satisfied?
2. Throughout the Unquenchable Worshipper we have read about the intimate
connection between worship and action. Here again, we have seen that the
Unsatisfied Worshipper is one that is not only unsatisfied in his or her pursuit of God,
but in his or her pursuit of seeing His Kingdom come here among us. In a culture
that is full of news of devastation and pain 24 hours a day, we can grow deadened to
the suffering and injustice all around us. Consider your own sense of holy
unsatisfaction with the current state of affairs in your own neighborhood, nation
and world.
3. The Unsatisfied Worshipper is aware that he or she is broken -healed in part, yet
still so fragile. This realization calls us back to dependence on God who has
brought us safe this far. Though still broken, he or she looks back on what God has
done this far and draws upon His faithfulness for strength to persevere. There is a
tendency for all Christians to stop pushing ourselves to be fully healed - to feel that
we have done enough. While there doesnt always need to be something wrong, it
is helpful to maintain a healthy sense of being unsatisfied with where we are and to
demonstrate a longing to be whole. Reflect on what God has done to bring you
towards wholeness thus far and prayerfully consider what he may still desire to do in
your life to bring you closer to him.

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Chapter 10 - The Unending Worshipper

The possibility of death seems to sharpen a persons priorities, values, and
When time is short, the unimportant begins to fade.
What really matters?
What does it all mean?
And there sat Paul.
In prison. Alone. Rumors of his own execution swirling, if not amongst the guards that
watched him twenty-four hours a day, then, at the very least, in his own mind.
With death a very real possibility, he ponders a question that lingers in the back of our
mindsWhat does it mean to live?
What does it mean to die?
These are the big questions that we bury underneath grocery lists, car repairs and
office deadlines. These are the questions that we never stop - or avoid stopping - to
Pauls answer?
To live? Christ.
To die? Gain.
Paul, in two short phrases, sums up what it means to live this kind of in-between
existence we call Christianity. We are to live in eager expectation of our heavenly
inheritance (Philippians 3 v 20-21) while, at the same time, being firmly fixed on
ensuring that Your Kingdom comes, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6 v10)

If Paul is released He will continue to live in Christ, not stopping for a moment his
life of worship through obedience, intimacy, adoration, and proclamation. To live is
If Paul is executed He will see face to face and know fully (I Corinthians 13 v 12)
the presence of Christ. Faced with the unspeakable Glory of God, Paul will forever sing
and exist to praise Him. To die is gain.

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And there is the Unending Worshipper. Like Paul, they understand that worship does
not end.

does not end

does not end
does not end
does not end
never ends.


the guitar is silent.

you are away from Church.
life deals you a crushing blow.
this life itself ends.

Worship is the constant for Christians because, whether in this life or the next, we are
never outside of the Presence of God. And it is that very Presence - the love it brings
and the awe it inspires - that demands to be praised.
Scripture Review
Being an Unending Worshipper is, in large part, about realizing that worship is our
natural, God-given response to the fact that God is evident in Creation and in our daily
lives as a foreshadowing of the amazing power of His Presence we will know when we
pass from this life to the next. The passages below will hopefully help you to focus on
some of these aspects of being an Unending Worshipper.
Philippians 3 v 20-21; Hebrews 11 v 13; 1 Peter 2v 11 These passages and
others highlight remind us of the fact that we are not here long term and that our
actual citizenship and authority rests in Heaven.
Matthew 6 v 9-13; Matthew 5 v 1-12
The Beatitudes and the Lords Prayer are two central passages that highlight the reign
of Christ and the Presence of God here in this life.Christ calls us to live and pray with a
distinctly horizontal as well as vertical orientation.
Questions to Consider
1. In this chapter, Matt discusses the dual recognition or focus on our earthly
relationship with God as well as our eventual eternal relationship with Him when this
life comes to a close. Scripture portrays both of these concepts as important: the here
and now and the then and there. Consider for a moment how you interact with
these ideas. Are there any ways in which you have leaned on one side of the equation
too heavily - perhaps to the exclusion of the other?
2. Once we are in Heaven, we will be so enraptured with Gods presence that we will
not be able to help but praise. However, in this life, we are oftentimes easily distracted
and can tend to compartmentalize our worship so that it starts and ends at certain
times and with certain conditions. I worship here, but not here. I worship in front of
him, but not in front of her. As much as is possible in this life, is your worship of God
unending? Are you doing all that you can do to ensure that the way in which you live
your life echoes the passion and perfection we will find in Heaven?
3. This is the final chapter in The Unquenchable Worshipper. Take a few moments, or
even a few days, to contemplate the different types of worshippers that Matt has
highlighted throughout the book. Scan through the book. Reread a few passages if

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necessary. Ask God to highlight what He may be saying to you about your worship of
Him. Ask Him to remind you of any lessons that may have been important along the

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