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Nftvmbr 21* 197?

In t:h j!tl<?^l<> f October w- move<? Into a r%ot<J housp <m tl^e northrn <<r of S^'odn!* Wo Hvo In a ouie^ tr^prsiJly co^Runlty o#!I.ef 'Saku-

rasrooka,* whieh moans ^Cherrf Troo

C^r iwvso U

Japanot*. wjth

parmr sliding tfoors anri "tacwol** floors (,ol*as!uiC rIce stra-# rtC>, w>

havf? throe s^all rootsf jjjus a fairly

r<.H:ii-kltchon. Also,

ar& forturatp te have n em.:Jo?rd gra^rsy ynrd

-oanv Intoroatlnjr shrwiM
ant) floaera- Across the j;troat Is a ehHrtttrs pjaygrotmrt.
We are the orly forofsinerfc

o'^.z rroa and so are the ^*talk

of the to'jp-.'* Wo are also the only -wttAesi; for Christ here an*'' aot tor**
trilMng, we wH! endeover to establish e nev con^froyntion^ DeJe ar.iJ I
have nsde iaany new-frl-eitds r. ot^r neighborhood,


the. ehfldrers

have been e big help, Tli^^y often stijr.Cs fn our driew.iy and wisve.e to
Other child'cn- He bows lev and jabbsrs ?tway, We're net svw whether It's
^ny.!ish or Jspanese. Children cfter co--?te to the Jtouse for Mark and

sjiyirrR Asob!R:asho,'* which m^-ans ^^Let^s olsy-/' It 5? -slwavs already dark

c^tsldf. vhc". Mark and Beth return fro?r. school so they don't

mach tlwe

t-o spend with chseir frlords,

Reciffntly, Date has been spending tyjJte a bit of time werklrg on the
#sa.hli?fiOka Ch-jroh of Christ building. He hss been halping Mlitw. and ^
Cnre)-: Jon^s end Mr* ShltBada, the minister, Lat reek they Installed nine
p^rc of the floor. There Is still ?nuch t?ork to be done wlrtlumblng, paneling, etc.

This work will b dwf bit by blr as time

and funds verrelt*

This cast turd's Day we went to the tmm of Kopota to fellowship with
the SuankI famlTy, This inark^ the bofri-TiiJr.g ct a new o'Tsfl In our m5slcmary '^rk. Mr, and Mrs. Suzyki ar^ the Ciwistlsns in their town
and they greatly desire to twiva a church started, Oi; their own tksy have
started a woeltly 'Sunday School, Date wiU be prcACblng therfc twice a ncpith
and Also do house to Hpusd evar'gellsjn. AH of this hAS to Vv done in Ja
panese, of course^ and so It is a r-jsl cl?anen.g,>. Q^'e and I still are
llftited Ifi out fluetjcy, hut u do the t*-;fsfr w\- Cin.
help wc ^.Ul be victorious,

Vlt.h the .<jrd'a

yiea^e be 'n oraycr as we again launch ct*

At iKla Thanksgiving time we are InHoed "counting out blessings,"

*4m ate so thankful for o nuch.

For the Ta>rd Jesus ^-rho died for us and

the ptlviledge of witnessing In Japan for Hl, fox- Japanese Christiana

auch aa ?ir* and Mrs, Suaokl who ere boldly witnessing in their eoismnrltlwa and for you In America who ore working, praying, and racrjfletng for

the cause of Christ through-out the world, "Bieased be the lord, who
dally leadeth u with benefits, ever, the Gcd of our salwatlen," {l**;. 6Bil9)
That I jwy publish with voice of thanksgiving, and tell' of all thy won

drous worka," (Fa, 26(7j

May The herd be with each of'you,

7t^Ckl- -/iexX^


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