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'Non-profit Organization

U.S. Postage Paid

Princeton, In 47670

May 1, 1983
P 0 Box 567


Permit #193

Princeton, IN 47670

Forwarding Agent:

Larry W. Jamison, Director

GTO Evangelizing Association


9 1983

P 0 Box 567

Princeton, In 47670

Sharlotte Ray
Missions Services Assn

Leslie & Rosie Wilkerson

Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 3790.1

%Alexandra Enriques
208 F Manalac, San Rogue
Cavite City, Philippines 2705

Make checks payable to GTQ, ear-marked for Wilkefson's.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ in America;

April 11, 1983

Only by your help and support can we stay in the Philippines! But please for
give me for taking so long to get this report out to you. We are all fine, other
than the usual colds and fever which is normal for these earthly bodies.
Psalms 9:1 says "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart!" Namely:
(1) For the blessing of health. (2) For the blessing of safety. (3) For the bles

sing of being accepted by the brothers and sisters here. (4) For the blessing of all
who continue to pray for us and send their support and letters of encouragement. We
do receive them; we just need to get better in answering them. (5) For the blessing
of the approval of our permanent resident visas, which means as long as God can use
us here we can stay without renewing our visas every one or two years, like the rest
of the missionaries do. (6) For the blessing of a service jeep that we are buying

on payments for $2,000, ^j_f any of you would care to help us with some extra sup
port for this, it would sure help us in a big way. X^) For the blessing of being
able to preach the gospel of Jesus in English and be understood. Yes, I will still
need to learn Filliplno anyway, and start lessons June 8th. (8) For the blessing of
our-family being able to adjust to the food, waterr, weather, and people here;-our
children are already learning the language and have made many new friends^ (9) For
the blessing of a forwarding agent like Larry Jamison and his wife Barbara, and all
the hard work they do for us. May we all learn to be like Jesus, and instead of
complaining about what we don't have, thank God for what we do have!
I want to tell you what we have been doing from December thru March. I will
also tell you much about Ben Sales, the Filipino preacher, I work with so much. He
has sacrificed much for the cause of N.T. Christianity here.
December 1-5, Ben and my family preached in Mariveles Bataan. We learned it was
named for two lovers; Mary from a rich family and Veles from a poor family, and both
families were against their marriage. Finally, the rich family had Veles killed, and
Mary was so heart-broken she went into the mountains to grieve, and died up in the
mountains. The villagers point out that the mountains resemble the figure of a woman
and thus it was named Mariveles. Across the bay is Corrigadore, an American and
Filipino military base during ViW II. There the Ja;anese captured many and put them
to death, marching the rest to Manila and enroute killing many more. The name of
it is "Bataan Death March" and markers along the way commemorate the story. Our
visit greatly encouraged the Church of Christ there, and one other Church in Balanga.
The Balanga Church meets in the home of Bro. Edong, who started it. As we were the
first American missionaries to visit them, we were received warmly!!
We returned to Cavite City very tired, but continued December 6-10 in house to
house evangelizing with no results, but seed was planted. Dec. 12 I preached in
Zion Bible Church, a Pentecostal group, at their request with no results. In the
evening I preached at Caradad Church of Christ and on Dec. 13 we baptized Cheley,
Gina, Joni, and Ona, into Christ according to Acts 2:38. There were all relatives
of my wife, Rosie. Pray that Satan won't be able to destroy this beginning. Dec.
14 thru 17 we preached a Christmas crusade at Dinalupian Bataan, combining the effort
of all the Churches of Christ in the area, and the result of all our preaching, we
rejoice that 22 were baptized into Christ!
December 19 I preached at Caradad, and was so surprised to find Charles and
Florence Littell, our fellow-missionaries on the Island of Mindanao. After morning
services, we went to dinner together and spent the day sharing with them about the
work. Their reason for being in our area was that their son Matt and family were to
have arrived in Manila International Airport to join them in their work in Mindanao,
but because of Visa problems they were not allowed to come, and to this day they
are still not here. I am sure Charles and Florence would appreciate your prayers
on this matter.

The rest of December I spent preaching through out the Cavite providence. On
December 31 we had a special service at Caradad Church of Christ and ordained some
Elders and Deacons. We had previously ordained others, so this was not our first

ordination service.

We also ordained Bro. Ben Sales, and thus brought the year to

and end and what a great way way to end it!!

January 1 & 2, preached and broak bread.

January 3-14 "Woe, woe, is me", as

I came down with fever, body aches, horrible depression, and no apparent reason for
the attack and I just could not shake it. But thanks be unto Dod I survived and re
covered. Rosie was like the woman spoken of in Proverbs 31 with her care and love.
From Jan 15-22 I spent working furiously on my financial reports for income
tax reports for Larry and the IRS. As the years go by, I hope I can do better in iny
records keeping.
January 23 I preached at Economia Church of Christ, and 24 thru 28 worked and
prepared for the Mexico Paganga Youth Rally, and on 29th and 30 preached at Bethany
Church of Christ in Tagayty Cavite with a message on encouragement. That afternoon
we meet with brethren from Talon Church of Christ to talk about starting a new Church

in Amadeo Cavite. Plans were made to begin the work and from Feb 1-11 house to house
calling and Bible Study was conducted. February 12-14 we spent at Talon Cavite
having a seminar on evangelism with those who would be Involved in the new work in
Amadeo. We were supposed to be conducting the seminar on Evangelism, but at the
conclusion learned they had already prepared and would have preferred one on
preparing for an evangelistic crusade. I don't know how this mistake was made, but
regardless we made plans for a revival to be at Talon Feb 28-March 6, and as a result
of this revival, 17 souls were baptized into Jesus. Since the revival, we have been
working house to house, as well as having preaching in the house the Talon Church
rented for this work.

There is a team of 11; 7 men and 4 women, with off and on

help from members from the Talon Church helping. As of now, no more new one have
been added. We are in Amadeo from Monday thru Friday, and this leaves the weekends
open for other speaking engagements, which Ben and I have been preaching. Each time
we go to a new place, we find out about some other new place for preaching the gospel
but I must admit there is too much to do for only two preachers, so join in prayer
that the Lord of the Harvest will send us more help, or raise up preachers from out
of our midst.

Brothers and sisters, I have tried to share with you the best I can how the work
is going here. My prayer is that it is sufficient to keep you informed. I am
trying to use the money God is supplying for us through you the very best and wisest
way I can. If I can help in any other way, please feel free to write and ask me.
How can one conclude a letter except to praise God and bless Him. God bless you too,
and keep you all within His will till the day of the coming of Jesus to deliver us
from this body and life to our new bodies and lives in Heaven.

Leslie, Rosie, Bob, Leslie Jr., Debbie, Marciathe WILKERSUN'Sl


January income
January expenses deducted...


Check sent to Wilkersons


February income
Feburary expenses deducted


Check sent to Wilkersons


March income
March expenses deducted


Check sent to Wilkersons


April income
April expenses deducted (82 taxes)
Check sent to Wilkersons only


Note from Bro. Larryyou can see from the financial report that Leslie is not

getting but just barely enough to scrape by. Thanks for your gifts to help him.
His report shows that he is reaching souls and helping in new Church evangelism.
Keep your gifts wrapped up in prayer, and keep the Wilkersons lifted up in prayer
Janet Wentworth, Canaan, Indiana, has agreed to help take some of this load
by being Leslie's secretary Yor GTO. At some time in the near future, we will
set it up for you to send your support for Leslie to her, and she will channel

his support thru the GTO Princeton office. We'll keep you posted!

July 7, 1983


Non-profit Organization
. V'-^ ;0



%Alexandra Enriques
'. : .

-. U.S.. Postage Paid

' :-: v-

Princeton,; IN .47670
Permit .#193

208 F Manalac, San Rogue

CaviteCity, Philippines 2705


. '

Janet Went.worth -


P 0 Bo-x 19, R # 1

Canaan, IN 47224

- .

Forwarding Agent '

Larry W., Jam1,s:on,'Ui rector .v

GTO-Evangelizing Association


"'Missib-ns Servicey-^A

Box '24.27-
' "



y. . 7. ..7





P Q Box 557

Princeton, In .47670





Make checks payable to 6.T.O., ear-marked for Wilkerson's

May 30, 1983

GREETINGS, PEACE, ANU JOY, from God the;Father ,and the Lord Jesus, to. all our
brethren In the States.

With joy and excitement we send this letter;

May has been a

busy month for me, and for Rosie and the children as,well. .Last month 1 mentioned .
about the Churches of Christ Convention that I got to preach at, and as a result two
more preaching meetings were arranged.
The first was at San Casimiro, Licab Nueva Eclja, a provence of northern Luzon.
Joel G Oe La Cruz is minister of the Church of Christ there. Ben Sales, Leslie Jr.,
and I worked with him-from May 9-15.

Now during the Spanish control of the Philippines (1665^to. 1898), this section of
thousands of acres of land was under the control of the Nueva Ecija family, and.thus -:

was named Licab Nueva Ecija. Spain had three goals: (1) to propagate Catholicism,
(2) to achieve glory, and :(:3) to acquire wealth, She: did it .very wel 1 herel
Finally, the Filipinos had enough and with the help of America and the Spanish^v.

, .

American War, the Treaty of Paris was,signed on Dec. 10, 1898,-thus ending the Spanish
control. But the ironic thing Is that this area was not taken out of the control
of the Spanish-.Ecija family .until 1972, when it was divided up and put .into plots
for the Fllipano people.

So, this is the setting for the crusade there.

The first night of the crusade we got rained put, so we met with the Christians
of Casimiro, a barrio about 2 miles away from Licab. The next day we started house
to house visitation. Our two goals were (1) tointroduce.the N.T, Church to that,
area, and (2) to fulfill the great commission by the grace of God and power of the
Word of God.

Our opposition came mainly from a group that claims to be the "true Church of
Christ" (called Iglesia NI Cristo). They were our #1 opposition. Its founder is
Felix Manalo, a Filipano, who would be in comparison to all the cults in the world
and a man who was unhappy with all the religions in the world and set put to find
the true Church, opened the door for Satan, and, started his in. 1914 at the
beginning of WW I, which he said was fulfillment of .prophecy. To his followers,
Manalo is the one sent of the Angel of the East.

Their # 1 target is to destroy

the Deity of Jesus Christ, thus scripturally, they are "anti-Christ".

opposition from the Catholic Church of course, . . . .

We had some

The second night of the crusade we.were rained, out again, so we.met again
with the Casimiro brethren.

The third day and night, we were, able to meet -In the

town plaza and preach the gospel openly. The crowd was not so large, but we knew
many were listening from their houses. The rest of the Crusade was about the same; . .- ,
until the last night.' Then the .Iglesia NI Cristo-showed up in force to see who would
dare to be baptized. At the.invitation. four:ca.ine and- the Lord added them by baptism
to his body. You might say, "Only four! !" Well if God arid the angels rejoice over
just one, then there was still quite a celebration in Heaven!. Saturday, we had a .. .
picnic and swim atthe beach for all the workers and neW:converts. Sunday; I preach
ed at the Church in Casitrriro and one more young man came to be baptized.

He Is a

college student who is now talking about transferring to Manila Bible Seminary to
study for the ministry.

Monday, May 16, Ben, Joel, Leslie Jr, Juliet, a sister in Christ, and I, went
back to Cavite City and had a day long reunion with Rosie and the other children.
The next day I left for another revival in the Southern Region of Luzon, which was
an eight hour bus ride. We were to work in Naga City, Bicol, with Jeremlas C. Rubio,
the minister of the Church of Christ there.

The Naga City Church of Christ was started in a Crusade conducted by Reggie
Thomas of White Fields Evangelism, as well as other Churches throughout this area.
The World Wide Church Builders, led by Ed Thomas, built the Naga City building in
September, 1982.

So, on May 17, Bro. Rubio, and his son, Jerry, and I, left from Manila at 8:00 PM,
arriving at Naga City at 6:00 AM on the 18th. Picking up a few more workers, we
went by Jeepney on a rough two hour ride to the West coast, and then took a boat
for two more hours. When we arrived the brethren greeted us with, "There's a
welcome herel There's a welcome herel

A Christian welcome here!"

was, from the time we arrived till we left!

And indeed there

The area was just beautiful.


was no electricity, no running water, and our house had a kerosene refrigerator.
The area was a "field white unto harvestl" So thru the preaching of the Word during
the day house to house, and in the barrio plaza by night, the Lord was able to add
twenty nine souls tO;be body of Christ on the West coast ia Bicol. ; Also during the
crusade I was able to. preach on the radio for the first time, and only .God; knows .

the good that it will do for the message was the Church Jesus Built (Matt 16:18)1 ^
:,:But not only was there victories for the Kingdom in baptisms, but we made a
decision TO MOVE TO THE BICUL REGION-IN DECEMBER, 19831 We are asking'all of you
to pray about this move and our work In Bicol, so that it will be according to God's
will and not just mine. The place truly won my heart. But the Bible says, LEAN NOT
blessings in this matter as well as all of yours.
The Bicol Province consists of five major regions, which would be similar to
States, Then within these there are cities, towns, and small villages which
make up a population of about ten mil lion peoplel
We have 18 Church of Christ in this area, but our plans are to increase that
number. We will work thru crusades, radio, house to house evangelism. Bro. Rubio

is receiving support from the Gospel Broadcasting mission, which Bill McClure is
Director. So, we are joining our efforts together with the Churches in that area
to preach the gospel and establish N.T. Christianity, train leadership, and all we
can do to build up the Body of Christ.
Before I close, I need to tell you about the week after our crusade at Nueva
Ecija. Brothers, Joel, Ben and Buena, preached a second week, and twenty-four more
were added to the body of Christ, bringing to 28 the number reached there! Amenl.
Amen! and Amenl To Godbe the glory!

Rosle and the children are fine. We are trying to finalize the children's ^
enrollment in school, which is a little harder here because are are aliens and nedd
special permits. Your Filipino brethren here send you all greetings and blessings.
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. We desperately need
both! Without God's help, we could not make it.; We just keep trusting him and
trying to-make ends meet. Jesus is coming!! Hebrews 10:25 "LET US NOT GIVE UP THE

In Christian Love,
Leslie,. Rosie, Bobby,
Leslie Jr, Debbie, Marcia

May income.
May expenses deducted.

....^..l.llb.OO :
, 215^83

Check sent to Wilkersons


June income


June-expenses deducted

. 181.46

Check .sent to Wilkersons.



To help take, the office work load off, Janet of the Salem Christian Church, Canaan,

Indiana, wilirbe receiving the Wilkersons missionary support, and sending out the
receipts and letters for Leslie. Funds sent to Princeton office will be forwarded '
on to Janet In Canaan. Janet will send all deposits to Princetonj and I will send
Leslie's check on to him as b^forew Our.thanks to Janet for taking this ministry.

You have, or shortly will be, receiving the new self-addressed envelopes. ,

.. . ; , ,


. ,

t . .

. . ...

. .


':v - V

, -=


A A'-/:


July 31, 1983

Non-profit Organization




U.S. Postage Paid . . .,

Princeton. IN 47670: ^

XAlexandra Enriques

Permit # 193,

208 F Manalac, Sah Rogue

: *'

Cavite City, Phlllpdpines 2705


Janet Wentworth
P 0 Box 19, R # 1
Canaan, IN 47224

:^UG : 8^ 11983

Snarlotte Ray
Missions Services Assn


Box 2427

Knoxville, T.N 37901

Larry W. Jamison, Director
GTO Evangelizing Association


P 0 Box 567

Princeton, IN 47670

SEEKING TO Obey The grEat commission and tare the gospel into all the nations
June 28, 1983 Cavite City, Philippines

And so do Rosie, Bobby, Leslie Jr, Debbie, Marcia, and~X

We are all fine and

still seeking to do God's Work. June has passed so fast that is hardly seems It was
here! This month my traveling has slowed down and more time has been spent in Cavite

City working with the Caradad Church of Christ. June 9-13 found Bob, Les Jr and me
in Quezon City, Metro, Manila with the Project Seven Church of Christ. Our reason
for being there, I thought, was evangelism, but upon arrival found out differently.
Our task was to help revive some of the members who had grown cold and gone away from
the Lord. So Bro. Martin and I went calling, visiting, to restore them back into

the faith. Then on Sunday I was the speaker. We were to hold services from 4 to 6
PM in the City Jail, but the prisoners in one section started a riot, so we were
unable to get in. Bro. Martin and others members of the Cruzada Church in Manila are
sharing this ministry. Joe Garman of A.R.M has preached here. Two weeks before
they had a crusade and baptized 24 souls into Christ. Anyway, Monday we took the,
day off and Tuesday, Bob, Les, and I took a bus back home to Cavite. The rest of
the week I started trying to learn Tagolog. No one has volunteered to help me, so I
prayed and started inyseVf; The basics of this language is simple enough: HCTlettefs,
5 are vowels and 15 are consonants.

A,E,I,0,U are vowels and Ba, Ka, Da, Ga, Ha, La,

Ma, Na, Ng, Pa, Ra, Sa,Ta, Wa, & Ya are consonants. W & Y are semi vowels. From
this I went to the Philippine Bible, and practiced even though I did not understand
everything I was reading, yet I am able to read the Philipino Bible, to God be the
Glory! From here I read for the first time in the congregation in Tagolog, which
was enjoyed by myself and every one else. Next, I must learn with the Lord's help,
to preach in Tagolog.

Bro. Ben has been working in Nueva Cija, and as a result of the crusade I helped
preach there, and Ben, Bwena, and Joel of Casamiro, a Church has been established!
The first service has held June 12 of the new church. As a result, other area
Barrios are interested in the New Testament Church, so a whole new area has opened
up to New Testament Christianity!

Saturday, June 18, I preahed to the youth of Caradad Church on ;"Unity in the

Body." Sunday morning I preached at Kawit Cavite as the new work there has not '
gotten off the ground as we think It should be. So we plan an Evangelistic Meeting
there October, from which results will detennine our future work there,

June 20-24 I was home resting and taking njedicine to get over the flu, which
I did. June 25 I went to Rosie's grandfather's house to have prayer and Bible study.
He had been sick and couldn't eat, but refused to go to the hospital. He and grand
mother are not Christians, so I explained why I was there and continued. So I hope
to continue teaching them, and with your prayers, win them to Christ.

Saturday evening I spoke at the Caradad Dorcas meeting on "Christian Parent's

Responsibilities to Their-Children!" Sunday, June 25 I taught Sunday School Adults,
and preached on "What God Expects From Christian Fathers!" In the afternoon I
preached at Kawit on "Christians; God's Caretakers!"
The rest of the week I spent at home with the family, and, oh yes! I almost

forgot! Debbie started school on the 20th, and Bob, and Les Jr. started on the 23rd!
Math, Reading, and Science are in English, but the rest of the subjects are in Philipin
With June gone, and July 4th coming up, the United States is one year older!
And If you haven't forgotten, on July 5, at 8:00 PM, one year ago, we left the good,
old, USA! In that year, God has been so good to us! In July we have plans to start
a Bible Study in Cavite City High School and seek to lift up the Lord Jesus there.
Also our plans have been changed to move to Naga City, Bicol, the last of March,
because of the children's schooling. School here starts In June and ends in March,

Thank you once again for your support, prayers, and encouragement.
Now, I want to give you some US/Philippine history. Hope you enjoy the lesson.

June 12, 1983 marked 83 years since the Philippines won their independance from
Spain, thus becoming the Republic of the Philippines. The first Philippine Republic ..
was established in Malolos Bulacan on January 23, 1899. But before this, there^ 1 ;
were many battles and lost of many lives, as well as property. To begin with, we
go back to the days of Ferdinan Magellan, the first Spainard to set foot on
Philippine soil. At first, they met little or no resistance from the Filippanos.
In fact, if they had not been so hospitable, Magellan and his men would have died*

The first people to rise up against the Spanish was King Lapu-Lapu of Mactan in 1521,
The Filipinos submitted to Spanish control, but they did not lose the desire to throw
off the Spanish control over them. As a result there were more than lOU revolts
from 1574 until 1872, but because of the lack of unity, these efforts failed.
Things changed, however, when a man named Jose Rizal took up the battle cry for
freedom. Dr. Rizal used all his talent to free the Philippines frotn the Spanish.
His talents were many. He was a doctor, essayist, poet, novelist, linguist of 22
languages, historian, painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, naturalist, agricultur
ist, businessman, traveler, sportsman! The great thing he is loved for was his

concern for his people's freedom. Dr. Rizal was the first leader of Asian NationalIsm. He wrote and spoke about the dignity of the individual, of human rights,
sanctity of freedom, equality of all men, education, justice, and happiness. He
died in Manila on December 30, 1896, at the hands of the Spanish. As a result of his
death, the Filipanos were ready to unite and fight against the Spanish, thus sealing
the doom of Spanish rule in the Philippines. His successor, Andres Bonifacio,
founder of the Revolutionary Society called Katipunan on August 26, 1896, and thus
brought freedom one step closer.

On March 22, 1897, Bonifacio was replaced by General Emilio Aquinaldo. On

November 1, 1897 he established the "Blak-na-Bato Republic", making himself the
President. The Spainlsh authorities realized they could not put the Revolution down

by force, so they agreed to sign an agreement called "Pact of Biak-na-Balo". This

pact was signed on December 14, 1897, which was that Spain agreed to pay Aquinaldo
and his patriots $100,000 dollars in instalments, but Aquinaldo and his patriots
had to go into exile In Hong Kong.

That brings us into the Spanish-American War of 1898. On May 1, 1898,

Commadore George Dewey sank Admiral Montojo's fleet in the Manila Bay, which marked
America's reign in the Orient. This Battle brought Aquinaldo and his men out of
exile. They arrived on Philippine soil by American ship at the Cavlte Providence.

Upon arrival he continued the fight for freedom, by ordering his army to fight with
the Americans, and the people of the Philippines joined in as well. On June 12,
1898, Aquinaldo proclaimed the independance of the Philippines at Kawit Cavite.
Americans and Philipinos, fighting together, captured Manila from the Spanish. On
December 10, 1898, the "Treaty of Paris" was signed ending the "Spanish Aitierican War."
The Filipinos were free at last, at least from the Spanish, but the American
Government thought they were not ready or stable enough to stand on their own, so
they were brought under the wing of America, which the Filipanos did not like.
On January 4, 1899 an American soldier shot and killed a Filipano soldier while
he was crossing the San Juan Bridge in a suburb of Manila. This started a war and
the Filipanos realized they did not stand a chance against America, but were
determined to show they were not going to be walked on, fought back. The War lasted
until 1902 and was costly for the Americans in money as well as lives. The Filipanos
did not win this war, but they won our respect and the two governments worked to
gether to help stabilize the country.
During World Wars I a II, the Filipinos and Americans fought together as Allies.
At the conclusion of UW II, the Philippines received Independance on.July 4, 1946-and

until recently, they celebrated their Independance on July 4, but have not gone back
to June 12, when Aquinaldo declared freedom in Kawit Cavite.
The Philippines Is a country that is advancing, even though there are somewho
think not. They are still fighting to stay free, but this time the enemies are

fighting from within. Does this sound famllar? In researching this mateptal I was;
amazed to see the similarities between our two countries.

I hope and pray this . ^

Information will help you understand our field here as we preach the gospel. The

history books say the Philippines is the only Asian Country with such a strong
Cristian ihflueh,"ahd"tliat becWse onhe Roman CathalTc Spanish teaching themr

the concept of one true and living God and father of the Lord Jesus. God knows and;,
we know that the Catholic Church is not the true Church, but they did introduce

the true God to the Filipanos, preparing the way for the Church of Christ. Our
first American missionary was Mr and Mrs Leslie Wolf who came here in 1907, and ,
since then the 'truth has been marching on'!
God's Servants and yours*..
Leslie and Rosle

Bobbie, Leslie Jr, Debbie, Martia


October 27, 1983 ^


* "


%Car1dacI Church of Christ

0CT31 1983

Non-profit Organization
' 'U.S. Postage Paid
Princeton; IN 47670
' Permit # 193

509 P. Burgos Avenue, Caridad

Cavite City, Philippines 2705

.: .




Oanet Wentworth


: ;

. i

aan, [^4^4^
IN 47224

Ray. . . . Assn


Box 24^7

Larry W. Jamison. Director

.. .


Knoxvxl+e, ..N 37901.

GTO Evangelizing Association '


P 0 Box. 567

Princeton, IN 47670



(written Aug 6, received Get 25)

On July 3, I preached at Caridad Church of Christ and two came for baptism. On
July 4th, Leslie Jr, Debbie and Marcia became sick with the fever and heat rash, so
Rosie stayed home while I attended the Inter Cavite Christian Youth Fellowship.
There I met Bro. Rubio, who will be working with me at BicoT Region when we move
there in April of 1984. He came home with me and we planned another crusade for

Bicol i.n September, '83, including a radfo program; the dates set were July 15-17.
July 5-9 spent at home doing various things, and preached once at Caridad on
"The Sin of Dlvisionl"

July 10 preached at Caridad again on "Stewardship of God's People". Two came

for baptism; one was Rosie's 75 year old Grandfather, and the other was our house
cleaning girl of 15 yrs, Isay.

July 11, Ben, Bwena and I began sessions at Cavite National High School, having
40 minute sessions with thie 4th year students.

There are more than 27 sections of

students numbering aprox. 4,000. We are teaching them one section at a time each
Monday and using "Training for Service" from Standard.' We are offering them
additional study on Wednesday and Thursday nights, plus we get their names and
addresses for-future evangelistic work.

- - -

July 15-17 was supposed to radio record with Rubi'd, but lacked funds so I was
unable to meet with him as arranged.

July 18 back at the High School; Rubio's son stopped by tO'see why I was not
at radio broadcast. Rubio said not to worry about the funds, to come anyway for
new dates of Aug 5-7.

July 21 went to Pasic Camachili barrio for evangelistic meeting; English is not
used in this barrio much. The work was begun in June by' fellow Filipino preachers.
7 have been baptized. Returning to Cavite City, Ben dsked me tb go with him to
Nueva Cija but as I did not have the money for bus fare, I did not go.
July 24 went to serve Rosie's Grandfather the Lord's Supper. One of' his
neighbors asked to come talk with him, so Monday thru Wednesday spent working with
him and teaching; his problem is drinking. He did not believe it was a sin, but
now he does and maybe we can further reach him for Jesus. Mb has 27 in his family.

July 30, Saturday attended the crusade at Pasic Camachili arid two more were baptized.
July 31 preached at Caridad on "Why The Church of Christ is Not Succeeding In Its

Thus ended the month of July.

(second letter written Sept. 27, and received Get 25)

Revelation 5:6-14, Jesus is coming and 'what kind of people should be be?

We thank God for your.faithfulness in giving for our work here.

We pray God that

He is satisfied, as welT as you, with our work so^ far. We want the work here to
continue! We must have your continued support/both financially and prayerfully.
With the arrival of August, Ben, Bwena, and I afe'^tfT'l involved at Cavite

High School teaching on-Monday's. Unlike some from denomihations, WE'HAVE NOT BEEN

asked to leave the schopi grounds, and we have not compromised the truth. Our

hope is to be allowed to,return next year. Our emphasis has been on the authenticity
of the Bible because many here like in the USA say it has so many human errors that
it is not true, thus helping to open the.doors for other writings of groups like

the Catholic Church, Mormons, arid Jehovah Witnesses.

;' I try to spend some time studying, being a,father, and helping Rosie around the
house. But since the first week-end of August 1 have been going to San Pedro in
Lagunna. Bro. Rubio is buying a house in a new housing project, Pacito Complex,
of some 14,000 homes. H.e has moved his parents in and started a new church in the
house, and already has aprox. 20 members', which are mainly Christians who have
been transferred here from other areas. Our plans are four-fold: (1) letters to
house telling of our plans (2) follow up (3) house to house evangelism, and (4)
worship services each first day of the week.

On Sept 11, Ben and I met with the Elders, Ministers, and other concerned
Christians at Santa Cruz, Lagunna to discuss future work there. We told them of
the new church and they were pleased. They invited me to be the guest speaker on
Get 2 for the Anniversary of Leslie Wolfe's starting the Santa Cruze work.
Sept 14, Rubio, his son, and I went to Naga City, Bicol, traveling all day by

bus, arriving at 9 PM. Our purpose was to preach and exhort for the anniversary
of the building constructed by Ed Thomas and the World Wide Church Builders. They
erected the building for this church in 2 weeks, during a typhoon, so many of them
did not think it would stand up thru another typhoon, because they did not do it

like it's done in the Philippines, but it has and in it I preached and exhorted
them all to be faithful to Jesus.

We had one baptism in this 4 day meeting and preached on the radio at Maga,
on "The Conversion of a Just ManActs 10". We will receive follow up letters to
see how much good was done. We went back to Cavite on our all day, weary, bus
trip, arriving home Monday morning at 7AM. Rosie and the kids were fine, but a
thief had broken into our house and stole $30 worth of Pecos, our wall clock,
cassette player which was borrowed, and our food. It could have been worse; thank
God it wasn't.

Sept 20, was Happy Birthday to ne; I am now 33 years old, and thank God that
I have a healthy body and sound mind. Rosie fixed me a cake, we bought ice-cream,
had spagetti which is Philippine custom for one's birthday meal, and Rosie and my
kids sang Happy Birthday to me; as a matter of fact Marsha sang it for three daysIU
My gifts were salvation, my wife, and our children hugging me and kissing me, and
saying God bless you daddy.
Tuesday and Wednesday studied and worked around the house.
Saturday, 24th, Ben and I started for Lorrel, Batangos. We traveled by jeepneys,
buses, and finished on foot. Lorrel is in the mountains and was quite difficult
to reach. The work there was started in June by two Filipano preachers, Colixto and

Soriano. They started out with one woman from Talon Church of Christ and now have
baptized 15 into Christ, with no church building. Plans are to build one out of
bamboo and grass-roof, which is sufficient for this area. We hiked somelO miles

up and down mountains and across river beds. We used lanterns as electricity has
not reached here yet. We hiked two miles to get water, and take our bath in the
river. Wow! But Sunday morning we assembled with our brethren and broke bread
together and took the blood of the Hew Covenant. As is practiced here where ever
the body of Christ meets, an offering was received, and the worship service was
closed with prayer. Afterwards we took pictures, and enjoyed one another's company.
When we traveled back to Cavite City, we took another route which was longer but
half of it was actually a road and the scenery was more beautiful than before!
Mountains, trees, rivers. Lake Taal, named after Taal Volcano which last erupted
in 1964, so we thanked God as we traveled to be able to see this. We arrived at
the main highway tired, sweaty, and hungry, but thankful no harm had come to us

in traveling. Arriving in Kawit, we had services at the house being rented to

establish a N.T. Church. Only one family has been reached so far, but October and

November are set for evangelistic crusades here. My sermon there was "True Life"
from Romans 8:Iff,

I arrived home Sunday evening to discover an empty house because Rosie and
the kids were at Church, all except Bobby. Rosie did not know where he was. Well
when he came in about 9 PM, we had a heated session! He said he had been at a

friends house waiting for Rosie, but investigation revealed he had been chosed to

represent his school on a basketball team, so he had sneaked off to play basketball.
I removed him from that team! You might be thinking, "Leslie, that's hard for
the first time punishment." Well, it's not his first time to disobey, and Proverbs
says "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child but the rod of correction
will drive it far from him." So, just as God chastizes us, 1 must my son as well.

Here it is Sept 27th already. Time seems to be speeding by faster and faster
all the time. We can't count on time. The lives of others we can't count on, but
our own life is in our own control; our destiny is in our own hands. Jesus askes

"What does it profit if we gain the whole world and lose our own soul?" Our life
is Christ's life when we become Christians.

Our destiny is either Heaven or Hell.

God so loved us that he gave his only begotten son! "He that believeth and is

baptized shall be saved..." What shall it be brethren? God's time or your time; "
Christ's life or your life; heaven or hell??

I have tried to let you know about the work here. As I write you, we are all
just fine. We want God to continue to use us here. Much of our work has been to

the general body of Christ here; not much new churches or baptisms, but we fully
except to be doing that soon. Read Eph 3:14-21. We love you all in Christ.
Leslie, Rosie, Bob, Les Jr, Debbie, and Marsha Wilkerson

P.S, Larry, what does your schedule look like for 84 & 85, Could you organize a
team and come over for a crusade?

(Well, readers, any of you tough enough to go with me, if so????)



. 11/30/83

.Non-profit Organization
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^Alexandra Enriques

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208 F. Manalac, San Rogue

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Janet Wentworth

P 0 Box 19. RFD 1

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' Snarlotte Ray


Missions Services Assn

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Larry W. Jamison, Director

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GTO Evangelizing Association

P 0 Box 567

Princeton, IN 47670


SEEKING TO Obey The great commission And take the gospel into aUl the wurlu!
November 4. 1983


Philippians 4:1-7 "So, then, my brothers, how dear you are to me, and how I miss
you! How happy you make me and how proud I am of you! This, dear brothers, is how
you should stand firm in your life in the Lbrd. Euodia and Syntyche, please, I beg
you, try to agree as sisters in the Lord.

And you too, my faithful partner, I want

you to help these women; for they have worked hard with me to spread the gospel,
together with Clement and all my other fellow workers, whose names are in God's
book of the living. May you always be joyful in your life in the Lord. I say again,
rejoice! Show a gentle attitude toward all. The Lord is coming soon. Don't worry
about anything, but j_n all your prayers ask' God for what you need, always asking
him with a thankful heart.

And God's peace, which is far beyond human understand

ing, will keep your hearts and minds safe, in union with Jesus Christ."
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As Paul wrote these encouraging words to the Church at Philippi, so it is with

joy and confidence that I greet you with the same. I know there are no Euodia's
or Syntyche's, or even Clement's, but what was written fits men and women of Christ
even today. All Christians are encouraged to be one in John 17. We are instructed
toqjreach the gospel to all creatures in Mark 16:15? We are also Instructed that^
the 'hope* within us is because Jesus arose from the dead and is coming again in
I Corinthians 15. So brothers and sisters in Christ, we the Wilkerson family,
continue to give thanks unto God for your continued support and prayers on our
behalf. October came and went by so fast it doesn't even seem that there was an
October. This month found me busy around Cavite during the week- Bro. Ben Sales

and I have been busy visiting members who have been absent from the Lord's Day
services. It seems like many have contracted the "dreaded falling disease", or
better known as disobedience to the will of God.

This month has been a bad one for the Cavite National High School.


Because due to the preparation for special events the students are involved in,
when we arrive at school on Mondays, we were unable to meet with the Bible classes.
The last of September Bro. Ben Sales, the Church of Christ at Caridad, and I made
a request to the Mayor to have Bible study. This study was to be held at the Cavite
City Jail on Wednesday mornings from 9 till 11:00 o'clock. We received approval,
with the stipulations that it was to be renewable on a monthly basis. However, when
we arrived at the jail the 2nd Wednesday of the month, we were denied entrance. Why?
Because the station commander was not in. We were told to come back that afternoon
and talk with the station commander to clear things for the next week. Ben went

and talked and arrangements were made.

We were assured there would be no problems

when we came the next time. But, alas, when we arrived we were denied entry for
the same reason. Well, I must admit, I was quite upset and when we met with the
station commander, I was going to make sure there would be no problems the next

week. He was very apologetic, called in the warden and told him v/e were not to be
denied entrance again. And if we had any more problems, come to him and we would
get them worked out. I was unable to be with Ben the next week, as I was out of
Caridad. I have not talked with Ben, but I am sure he was able to get in and have
Bible study with the prisoners.
The second week of October, four high school age boys and one girl came to our

house at night for Bible study.

We started in the gospel of Mark studying. However,

after four nights, they have not returned.

All of my weekends were spent in San Pedro Laquna. This is a new work and has a
membership of 20 Christians. This work was started by Jeremias C Rubio in his home.
I have been asked to help establish this body of believers as well as evangelize in
this housing project. There are 14,000 houses in this complex and with God's help,
we will reach them for Jesus.

We will be working with this new Church until we

come home on furlough in 1986 or 1987. Our plans are to move to San Pedro in April
of 1984 after Bob and Les Jr. are out of school.

These 20 Christians transferee! to San Pedro from other churches in Manila and

Valenquela, Bulacan P.U

So they are not newly baptized as the -result. o^f. the work

in San Pedro.

On Saturday, Oct 22, I preached at the Caridad Christian Youth Fellowship. My

topic was "Trust and Obey." My text was I Sam 15:22,23. Sunday morning I preached
at Caridad Church of Christ on "We Have An Altar!" That afternoon, Rosle and I went
to San Pedro to meet M/M Clyde Brooker of Ft. Scott, Kansas. They were in the
Philippines as the advance team for World Wide Church Builders, Ed Thomas, director.
They were an enjoyable and pleasant couple to meet and talk with. It seems they
are quite missionary minded. They had traveled to Africa, India, Haiti, and many

other places which Tcan'^t remember. The team was coming in November to build a
Church building at BocaTod, near Cebu, which is in the southern part of the P.I.
Cebu is where Ray Carlson is working. There is Cebu Bible Seminary as well, which I
believe Bro. Carlson started. Saturday, Oct 29, I was part of the C.Y.F youth
fellowship at Laguna and I helped give out medals for those who won them in music,
drama, preaching, memorization of speeches and delivery. In the afternoon, I visited
two churches in Laguna to start the process of reviving them thru a week's revival
and once a month seminars and teaching sessions.


Monday, Oct 31, I was still at San Pedro talking and planning our work with
Bro. Rubio, when one of the brothers brought us some v/onderful news. There is a lot,
with a building constructed on it. The area is 305 square meters and it was for
sale. The price of downpayment to secure right of ownership is $1,428.57 or 20,000
pisos. The deadline for this payment is Nov. 30, so we started a fund raising
campaign here among the churches. I would also like for the Christians and the
Churches that this newsletter reaches also to consider this need and send help. But
this is only a downpayment. The total cost will be Pisos 300,000 which at 14 to 1

is $21,428.57, It is my goal to .raise.$6,000 to help, toward this project.

It is

my intention to send pictures and more'information to our supporters as well as

other churches for this project. .This lot and,house will be used for housing my
family, as well as the Church services on Sunday. Later there will be extentions
made to separate the house from the auditorium. The property will belong to the
Church of Christ at Pacita Complex, San Pedro, Laguna, arid not to me or GTO. As
God spoke to Moses to tell the children of Israel to take for him an offering in
order to build and furnish the tabernacle, so I 'am askihg the people of God to rise

up and meet this challenge. May God .bless'-and guide you,al 1 in any decision.
^ As I began this newsletter with the word of G6d,'so'I will finish with the

Ephesians 6:18,19, "Do all this in prayer, askihg for God's help.


on every occasion, as the Spirit'leads.- For'this reason'keep'alert and never give^

up; pray always fop all God's people.

And pray also for me, that God wilT give me a

message, when I am ready to speak, that 1 may speak boldly and make known the
gospel's secret."
Rosie, Bob, Les Jr., Debbie and Marcia all send their love and Christian
greetings. We are all fine in the Lord, not perfected, bdt working toward that



1. $1,478,57 for downpayment on house and lot for new church work at San Pedro.

2. $6,000 toward total payment on lot and house towards the $21,000 total payment.
3. $500 to make full payment for a jeep.4,

We need to raise ;our monthly support up to $2,000 monthly.

this goal Would be greatly appreciated.


Any help toward

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