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Yore in Central Java there is a widow who is old. Rondo is his name. His work is

only looking for wood in the forest. A long time ago, which Rondo
would like to have a child. But he's just a poor widow, anyway he is old. Where can she get older.
One day, after collecting wood in the forest. Mbok Rondo sat resting while complaining;
"I wish I had a child, the burden of my life somewhat lightly, for it is that helps me work."

Suddenly the Earth vibrate, like there is an earthquake. In front of which is a large-bodied
giant appears Rondo and his creepy. Rondo is afraid to see it.
"Hi, Mbok Rondo, you wanted a kid, huh? I can grant your wish, "said giant's loud."

" Really? "asked Mbok Rondo. A sense of fear began to disappear.

"Right .... But, there is a requirement. If your son was sixteen years old, you've got to hand it to
me. I will make him santapanku, "the giant's responsibility.
Because it's so wanted her to have children, then Rondo did not think long, which is longer. Its
important to have children soon. "Well, I don't mind," replied Mbok Rondo.

Then, it gives the giant cucumber seeds to Mbok Rondo. Mbok Rondo immediately go home
and plant the seeds of it in the backyard.

Every day which is a Rondo watering the seeds of that cucumber. Magic!! Two weeks later, the

plant was already fruitful.

The dense fruit once. Among the many fruits that grow cucumbers, there is one very large one.
Yellowish in colour. If it were hit by sunlight, it Shimmers like gold. Rondo is very interested in
the great cucumber fruit he plucked and bring home the fruits of it.
Up at her home, Mbok Rondo took a knife and chop the fruit. Then, she opened it

carefully. Magic! It turns out there was a beautiful baby girl!

"Ah, it turns out that the Giants do not lie!" said Mbok Rondo. "Now I have a daughter." Ouch my
heart glad.
" Rondo is very excited. He named the tiny baby that Cucumber gold and is called the "Timun
Mas" .

Day, month, and year ever. Timun Mas grows became a girl waiting. Rondo is very fond of
The morning was very bright. Mbok Rondo and Cucumber Mas preparing to go into the forest
to look for wood. All of a sudden, Boom ... Bum, bum ... The earth shakes. Then followed the sound of

laughter boomed.
"Hi, Mbok Rondo, come out! I've come to collect on pledges, "said the giant.
Shaking the whole body which is a Rondo, he quickly embraced the Cucumber and then tell so
Mas girl hide under the bed. Then Rondo, which comes out to meet giant.

"I know thee hither to take Cucumber Mas. Give me two more years. If Cucumber Mas I give
now, certainly less delicious eaten. Her body is still small. "
" It is also true, well, two more years I'll come. If it's a lie, you will kutelan slavishly, giant

threatens it.
While laughing, the Giants went home leaving Mbok Rondo. Mbok Rondo heaved a breath of relief.
Later, he went into the House of his son who was still hiding in the space under the bed.
"My Son, Come Out. The giant it was gone, "said Mbok Rondo.

Two years later, Cucumber Mas are grown. His face is getting pretty. Peel yellow skin. But,
Mbok Rondo anxious if reminded of his promise to be the giant.
One night, when food, Rondo was asleep, he heard the voice of the unseen in his dreams.
"Hi, Mbok Rondo, if you want your son to survive, to enlist the help of a hermit on the Hill of
" The next day, Mbok Rondo went to the Hill Gandul. There, he met a hermit. Recluse that
gives four small parcel contents seeds of cucumbers, needles, salt and shrimp paste.


Mbok Rondo take it with a sense of wonder. The hermit explains the usefulness of objects to

Arriving at the House, he told about the awarding of the hermit to Cucumber Mas.
"My son, from now on you don't have to worry. You do not need to fear the giant it is, since
you already have penangkalnya. Pray always lest God saved you, "said Mbok Rondo. "Thank you
Is ...!" So haripun changed yesterday. Until sometime Mbok Rondo is being sewed clothes for
Cucumber Mas, suddenly the earth shook giant Harbinger comes.
" Hem the giant's , come again apparently." said Mbok Rondo.
Sure enough, soon a giant that already are on the doorstep. "Ho. .. Ho. .. Ho. .. Where Cucumber
Mas! Come on, quickly leave him to me. I have been very hungry! "said the giant with big sound.
Rondo came out with food, body shaking. "All right. I will bring him out, "said Mbok Rondo. He
immediately went into the House. He took the bundle of granting the hermit, later given to
Cucumber Mas. "My son, take stock. Go through the back door before the giant's menangkapmu.
"" All right, this food, "Cucumber Mas soon ran through the back door. "Remember my son, do not
forget the message of the ascetic. Do you still remember not? "" Remember this food! "" Good,
now quickly flee! " Not later, giant Food has called Rondo. "Which is a Rondo, where Cucumber
Mas?!" the giant's voice sounded impatient. "I'm sorry, giant ..!" What is it? What is it? "" He
says he's gone Mas cucumber. "" What you said? "snarled giant. "I'm sorry ....!" "Brash, why don't
you say since last?"

With the angry giant immediately circulate around the view. Lamat-lamat from a distance
he saw a girl was running fast in the pasture. "Hehehe ... want to run where you're a little girl?"
With its large and capital accounts, giant immediately stepped. He doesn't need to run fast. But
the steps are wide like footwork horse ran fast. Timun Mas are located at a distance in a short
tempo was almost disusulnya. "Even though the run to the end of the world, I can definitely
mengejarmu!" cried the giant. Because of continuous running, Cucumber Mas began to fatigue. In
tribulation, cucumber Mas recalled will bundle the awarding of the hermit. He took a handful of
cucumber seeds in the bundle. Quickly he sprinkle cucumber seeds around it. Truly magical.
Cucumber it instantly grows with dense. The fruit is large. The giants stopped when he saw the
fruit of cucumbers lay before him. "Ha ... ha ... ha ... cucumber fruit will be able to add to the
tenagaku," said the giant. For a moment he stared at Cucumber Mas who kept running toned
depart from them. Hehehe ... not sweet boy, why flee as strong as tenagamu. Anyway I would be
menyusulmu. " Then she plucked cucumber-cucumber it all with leaves that are still young.
Greedily he soon devouring the fruit there is, until none is left. After a satisfyingly, the giant's
rest for a moment. He's not so worried about looking Cucumber Mas ran fast. The soonest
possible the girl run, anyway, he will easily could catch up with him. Hehehe ....! Now tenagaku
growing strong! I can definitely catch the little girl! " Sure enough, after sufficient rest, he
again pursued the Cucumber Mas. In just a few movements of the legs, he was able to overtake
Cucumber Mas. Timun Mas fears, then he took the needles from the bamboo wood is cut small.
At a critical time. Timun Mas sowing needle to the ground. Truly magical! The hands were
turned into lush bamboo forests. The Giants tried to pass through. But the body and legs ached
because scratched and broken bamboo skewered. He never give up. And made it through the

bamboo forest was.

He continues to pursue the Cucumber Mas. "Hi, Timun Mas, do hope you can get away with it!"
exclaimed the giant while bending over to catch the Cucumber Mas. With alacrity. Timun Mas
jump to the side and excused himself shy away. "Oh, I almost caught up," Golden Cucumber
Sweat began to moisten her body. He remembers on the bundle of granting hermit who
lived two of it. Contents salt and shrimp paste. He soon opened the binding rope bundle of salt.
Salt was thrown toward the Giants. Once the grain of salt it turns into the ocean. The Giants
were very surprised, because all of a sudden her body might fall into the sea. But, thanks to the
accounts, he managed to swim to the edge. He resumed the pursuit of Cucumber Mas. Feel
mocked, giant's growing anger peaked. "The insolent Boy! If caught, would you I did eat roundround! "
Cucumber Mas increasingly worried because the giant got through a vast sea of it. However,
he did not despair. He kept running despite his fatigue. Giant continues to pursue. Cucumber Mas
threw the contents of the parcel. Shrimp paste it directly thrown in the direction of the giant.
Just suddenly resulting in the Lake of boiling mud. The Giants were surprised at all. In an instant,

her body was engulfed in a sea of mud. With every effort, he tried to save themselves. He
thrashed. But, his efforts in vain. Her body slowly sinks to the bottom. Timun Mas, please help
me! " I promise I will not memakanmu, "the giant's asking for mercy.

But the hot mud that swallowed the giant's body. The giant died at the bottom of the
Lake. Now the Cucumber Mas can breathe legas because of danger of death.

He immediately walked towards her house. In the distance loomed

Mbok Rondo ran towards the Cucumber Mas, presumably the woman worrying about her son's
safety. "Thankfully my son, apparently God still protects you." said Mbok Rondo after the two
exchanged approaches. They cuddle up with a sense of Homecoming and happy.

A. Character
1. Timun Mas

: well, love, caring, honest, and intelligent

2. Mbok Rondo : good, compassionate, patient

3. The giant

: evil, greedy

B. Setting
1. Place Setting : In the home , Bald Hill , On the home page
C. Plot

: Advanced Flow

D. Poin of Vieu : Any decision should be well thought out first the impact will be, and every problem there
must be some way out and every patience will surely be led to good results.
E. Them : The fight (because in the story has been told about the struggle to fight the giant Golden
cucumber evil that wants to eat him. He struggled mightily to beat him and he finally manages to)

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