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Lesson 4: Recognizing Repeated Ideas

Lesson Overview: This lesson will teach students how to annotate and mark the text for
repeated details in the text.
Resources or Materials Needed
Chart paper and markers
Junior Scholastic Article, The Ivory War
Marking and Annotating for Repeated Details Google Doc
Readers notebooks
Document Camera
Performance Objective: Given an information text, students will be able to indicate an
idea(s) that is repeated multiple times throughout, scoring a 3 or higher on a 4 point
rubric scale.
Time: 55 minutes
Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities
Teacher will review the organizational structure of texts with students.
Students will answer the entry question: what are the different parts of
informational texts?
Students will turn and talk to discuss their prior knowledge with their partner and
then share out to class.
Teacher will share the purpose of the lesson with the students.
Step 2: Content Presentation
Teacher will explain that the central idea is what the whole text says and therefore
the idea should present itself throughout the whole text. In order to be able to
determine the central idea readers must pay attention the repeated ideas and detail
and to help them do that they should mark and annotate the text.
Teacher will explain that marking is when a reader underlines, highlights, stars,
etc. things that they find important and annotating is where the reader writes their
thinking on the text.
Teacher will do a read aloud and model the process of marking and annotating for
repeated ideas with Junior Scholastic Article, The Ivory War
Teacher will start by examining the text features and mark/annotate any words or
ideas that are repeated in them. Making sure to identify the topic and remind
students that the central idea will be what the text says about the topic.
As reading, teacher will continue to mark and annotate repeated details.
Step 3: Learner Participation
Students open the Marking and Annotating for Repeated Details Google Doc and
have them make their own copy using the File dropdown menu. Then have them

read it independently for about 10 min and highlight repeated words, ideas, and/or
details they find.
Then have one partner open the Google Doc with the text and make a new copy
that they will share with their elbow partner and teacher.
Give students 5 minutes to add their original highlights to the shared document
and have them add annotations using the comments tool to explain why they
chose to highlight what they did.
For 5 more minutes, have partners read and comment on each others comments
After they have marked, annotated, and commented, partners need to get out their
readers notebooks and record what the topic is and what they think the entire text
was saying about the topic.
Each pair will share out their statement and teacher will record them verbatim on
chart paper.

Step 4: Assessment
Teacher will observe what students are marking and annotating on the text and
assist or reteach if necessary; provide verbal feedback of students work.
Teacher will record partners statements and use them in a future lesson to teach
how to crafts a central idea statement.
Students will take a post assessment to test their ability to recognize repeated
details. Feedback will be given on the rubric upon completion.
Step 5: Follow-Through Activities
With every new text students will practice the process of marking and annotating
for repeated ideas.
Students will also use this process when reading informational text in science and
social studies class.

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