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Fiber Optics with Axis Products.

Funciona: The glass fibers function as waveguides.

Distance: These light signals can carry a large throughput of data over
long distances.

Diameter fiber is smaller than copper : This allows more data to go over the
same cable, and makes optical fibers ideal for carrying digital information.
fiber optics are immune to electrical or magnetic interference.
two types of optical transmitters (light sources) LEDs and LDs.


Fiber optics with Axis products

as well as: Al igual que
usage: uso
advantages: Ventajas.
light pipes: tubos de luz.
Carry: llevar.
Throughput: rendimiento.
Copper: cobre.
cost effective: econmico, rentable.
such as: como.
Encode: codificar.
far-distant: distante.
the most out: mximo provecho.

Fiber versus copper

Suitable: adecuado
Therefore: por lo tanto
Slender: esbelto.
bundled: incluido
a given-diameter: dimetro dado.

longer lifetime: vida ms til.

Investment: inversion.
Of its: de su.
Whereas: mientras.
Supply: oferta
Dwindles: disminuir.
transmitters : transmisores.

Instead: en lugar de
Lower- power: baja potencia.

Fiber optics in society.

Sheathings: revestimientos
Armor: armadura
Several: varios
Such as: como.
Burial: entierro
Trenches: trincheras
Conduits: conductos
Lashing: amarradura

Welds: soldaduras
Plumbing: plomeria
Sewer: alcantarilla

How does an optical fiber transmit light?

Shine: brillar
Beam: haz (de luz)
Hallway: pasillo
just point : punto justo
could place: podria poner
bend: curva
corner: esquina.
winding: tortuoso
bends: curvas
it bounces: rebota
through: Mediante.
cladding: revestimiento

Fiber optics communication system.

What funciont the switch en un fiber optics system?

Encoder and Decoder (Switch).

Relay: rele
Upcoming: prxima.
Covered: cubierto

Closely: cercanamente.
Encodes: codificadores.
Sender: remitente.

Optical transmitters and receivers.

Incoming: entrante
within : dentro
spread: propagacion
is gets spread: es decir se extendi.
Due: debido.
Narrow: angosto.

LEDs and LDs:

Thickness: Espesor
Thicker: Mas grueso
Powerful: Poderoso
Reliability: Confiabilidad
Linearity: Lienalidad.
output: salida, produccin

so it takes: por lo que toma.

Therefore: por lo tanto
Spatial: espacial
Prone: propenso.
kinks : torceduras, pliegues.

Light signal degradation

Bounces: rebotes
Off the: fuera de
Due: debido

Optical regenerators
Spliced: empalmado
Boost: aumentar
Widely: ampliamente.
Among: entre
Drawback: inconveniente
Bent: doblado
The bend: la curva
vary: Variar.
has high : tiene alta
clad: revestido
it has: tiene

A thin strand of pure glass

thin: delgado
strand: hebra
encased: encerrar.
Slender: esbelto.
Surrounding: circundante.
Coating: revestimiento
Damage: daar
Moisture: Humedad
Strength: fuerza
Arranged: arreglado.
Bundles: paquetes

A strand in detail
a vacuum: un vacio.

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