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Computer games have always been

a part of my life. I can remember

playing with my brother until the
joints in our thumbs hurt. My
favorite ones to play were extreme
sports and adventure/fantasy,
complete with magical weapons,
levels, and evil henchmen.
Siempre he sido aficionado a los
juegos virtuales. Recuerdo que
jugaba con mi hermano hasta que
nos dolan las articulaciones de los
pulgares. Mis juegos preferidos eran
los de deportes extremos y
aventura/fantasa, con toda la
parafernalia de armas mgicas,
niveles y secuaces malvados.

But many times while gaming, I would either

encounter a particularly difficult level, come up
against an adversary with seemingly no
weakness to exploit, or find myself in a chamber
or room that had no way of escape. During
those frustrating moments, my characters
would pace back and forth, completely lost, or
Id lose and have to start the chapter over. When
it got to a point that I just couldnt take it any
longer, I would pause the game, go online, and
look up what gamers call a walkthrough.

Muchas veces al jugar me quedaba trabado en un

nivel particularmente difcil, me topaba con un
adversario que no pareca tener ninguna debilidad
que yo pudiera explotar, o terminaba encerrado en
una cmara o sala de la que no haba escapatoria.
En esos momentos de exasperacin, mis
personajes se ponan a caminar de un lado a otro
completamente desorientados, o perda y tena
que volver a empezar el captulo. Cuando llegaba al
punto en que ya no aguantaba ms, pausaba el
juego, me conectaba a la red y buscaba lo que los
aficionados a los juegos llaman un walkthrough,
una gua paso a paso o gua de recorrido.

A walkthrough is a meticulously detailed log or video from a gamer (usually a very good gamer) who
has already played and beaten the game. He or she will describe exactly how to get past certain
points. They will go on to explain how to best get past the bad guys, tell you special things to look out
for, as well as give clues and hints to discover hidden treasures you would have previously missed. By
following the instructions, one can breeze through levels that would otherwise have caused hours of
En pocas palabras, una gua de recorrido
es una meticulosa serie de instrucciones
o un video, obra de un jugn o gamer
generalmente muy bueno que ya ha
practicado el juego y ha conseguido
llegar hasta el final. Describe
exactamente cmo seguir avanzando.
Explica la mejor forma de eludir a los
malos, detalla las cosas a las que se debe
estar atento, y revela claves y pistas para
descubrir tesoros ocultos que de lo
contrario uno habra
pasado por alto.
Siguiendo las
instrucciones, uno puede
superar fcilmente niveles
que de otro modo le
habran causado horas de

The Bible is my walkthrough. And I have my very own Grand Master. Anything that I go through in my
life, Jesus understands. It was tough for Him too, and at one point, it almost seemed like Hed lost the
game. But then, in a dramatic comeback three days later, He obliterated His enemy and triumphed as
the undisputed Victor. So He truly knows the score and is more than happy to share His tips,
comments, and suggestions. Not only that, but He has a vested interest in my success.
La Biblia es mi gua de recorrido. Adems tengo mi propio Gran Maestro. Jess entiende todas mis
dificultades. l tambin lo tuvo duro. En determinado momento hasta pareci que perda el juego.
Sin embargo, en un vuelco dramtico, tres das ms tarde triunf sobre Su enemigo y qued como
incuestionable. l
est bien
enterado, y le
encanta darnos
consejos y hacer
comentarios y
No solo eso:
tambin est muy
interesado en que
yo tenga xito.

As a young and amateur gamer in life, I dont know what my next trial will be, or even what next
month will bring. But I do know that when Im really stuck, when Im totally and completely at the end
of my rope, Im going to stop, pause the game, and look up a walkthrough by my Best Friend and
Gaming Champion.

Como joven gamer en el

juego de la vida no s cul
ser mi prxima prueba, ni
lo que me deparar el mes
que viene. Pero s s que
cuando me quede atascado,
cuando se me agoten los
recursos, voy a pausar el
juego y buscar una gua de
recorrido de mi mejor
Amigo, el campen de los

Text courtesy of Activated! magazine. Used

by permission. Art TFI. Featured on

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