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As a final work to close our brief survey we may choose the new English
version of P?re Jean Dani?lou's classic study S acr amen turn Futuri (Paris 1950):
it is From Shadows to Reality: Studies in the Biblical Typology of the Fathers,

translated by Dom Wulstan Hibberd (Westminster, Md. 1961), an attempt

to offer a sound estimate of the contribution of Alexandrian typology to the

understanding of the total Christian revelation. Dani?lou here points out

clearly the weakness of Philonian allegory with its use of an almost completely
arbitrary, riddling technique. Philo acts as though the Scriptures were a con
tinuous riddle for which he alone possesses the clue. Dani?lou, however, recog
nizes a legitimate area in which Origen and those who followed his method
of exegesis transformed Philonian allegorism into acceptable 'typology': these
are the three areas of the sacramental (or the life of the Church on earth), the

messianic, and the eschatological. Despite the opposition of the Antiochene

school, there was a legitimate extension of those areas of typological interpreta
tion inherited from the biblical writers themselves and from the practice of the

apostolic kerygma. His conclusion: 'over and above all... deviations, we meet
an agreement of all schools upon the fundamental types. This proves that we
are face to face with something which is part and parcel of the deposit of Reve

lation' (p. 288). P?re Dani?lou's monograph remains as much a challenge

now as it was when it first appeared over ten years ago, ten years which have

witnessed an incredible growth in patristic studies. Despite the inevitable

centrifugal forces which threaten to split the once unified field into many spe
cialist fragments, the last few years have seen an enormous progress in the
collaborative sharing of common problems among scholars of all nations and
religious beliefs. For all the difficulties it entails, this common historical quest

has achieved a certain flexible unity; with the vast outlay of dictionaries,
texts, atlases, monographs, and other accurate instrumenta studiorum over
the last decade it would seem that patristic scholars can be ever more sanguine
for the future.

Bellarmine College,

Plattsburgh, New York.

Herbert Musurillo, S.J.


The following checklist includes work published in the quarter-century between
1935, the twelve-hundreth anniversary of Bede's death, and 1960, inclusive.
It lists editions, studies and translations into Modern English of his Latin works;
it omits translations into other languages, including Old English, and studies
of these, as well as the Old English poems sometimes attributed to Bede. Most
reviews of the listed books have also been omitted, although some which make
substantial modifications have not. A universal writer like Bede is mentioned
in many studies; only those that deal directly with him, or that seem to make
real contributions to Bede scholarship, are in this checklist, which would other
wise have been many times its present length. The grouping is by topic, chrono
logically within each topic, alphabetically within each year. An asterisk marks

those works which I have not been able to see.

a bede bibliography: 1935-1960


Compilers of checklists know better than to claim that they commit no omis
sions or errors; such accuracy as this one may boast owes much to my former

student and assistant Miss A. M. Saxon, now of Rutgers University.

BB: The Beda Book (London 1957). (Reprints of articles published in
The Beda Review [Rome] since 1933.)

EHR: English Historical Review

IHEMA: Laistner, M. L. W., The Intellectual Heritage of the Early Middle
Ages (Ithaca 1957).
Jnl.: Journal
JTS: Journal of Theological Studies
MA: Medium aevum
n.s.: New Series
RB: Revue b?n?dictine
ZDG: Zeitschrift f?r deutsche Geistesgeschichte

Danzer, ., 'Beda der Ehrw?rdige,' Benediktinische Monatschrift 17 (1935)
Gillett, . M., St Bede the Venerable (London 1935).
Goodier, A., 'St. Bede the Venerable,' The Month 165 (1935) 205-15.

Heilig, . J., 'Beda in Oesterreich,' ZDG 1 (1935) 286-98.

Hill, E., The Venerable Bede (London 1935).

Hilpisch, H., 'Beda und das germanische Christentum,' Pastor bonus 46 (1935)

Lebhe, D. ., 'Le xiie centenaire de S. B?de le V?n?rable,' Revue liturgique

et monastique 20 (1935) 197ff.

Manitius, M., Handschriften antiker Autoren in mittelalterlichen Bibliotheks
katalogen (Zentralblatt f?r Bibliothekswesen, Beiheft 67; Leipzig 1935);

Bede pp. 344-51.

Manser, A., 'Von Bedas fr?herer Verehrung auf deutschen Boden,' ZDG 1
(1935) 298-303.
Maycock, A. L., 'Bede and Alcuin (735-1935),' Hibbert Journal 33 (1935) 402
Meagher, J. R., 'St. Bede the Venerable,' Clergy Review 10 (1935) 1-9.
Orchard, ., 'Bede the Venerable,' Downside Review 53 (1935) 344-68.
Raby, F. J. E., 'Bede, 735-1935,' Laudate 13 (1935) 140-55.
Salaverri, J., 'S. Beda il venerabile e la sua fede nel primato di S. Pietro,' La
Civilt? Cattolica (1935, voi. 3) 337-49.
*Sanmiguel, G., 'S. Beda el Venerable,' Monasticon 2 (1935) 57-64, 110-14.
Sarabia, J. M., 'La romanidad de S. Beda el Venerable,' Estudios ecclesiasticos

14 (1935) 51-74.
Schreiber, ., 'Beda-?berlieferung in Sachsen,' ZDG 1 (1935) 278-85.
Sutcliffe, E. F., 'The Venerable Bede's Knowledge of Hebrew,' Biblica 16
(1935) 200-306.
Thompson, A. ., Bede: His Life, Times and Writings (Oxford 1935). This
work includes the following contributions: Whiting, G. E., 'The Life of

the Venerable Bede' (pp. 1-38); Watson, E. W., 'The Age of Bede' (39
59); Thompson, A. H., 'Northumbrian Monasticism' (60-101); Peers, C,
'Monkwearmouth and J arrow' (102-10); Levison, W., 'Bede as Historian*
(111-51; reprinted in Aus Rheinischer und Fr?nkischer Fr?hzeit [D?ssel

dorf 1948] 347-82); Jenkins, C, 'Bede as Exegete and Theologian' (152

200); Colgrave, B., 'Bede's Miracle Stories' (201-29); James, M. R., 'The
Manuscripts of Bede' (230-36); Laistner, M. L. W., 'The Library of the
Venerable Bede' (237-66; reprinted in IHEMA [Ithaca 1957] 117-49).
Willard, R., 'The Venerable Bede: 735-1935,' American Church Monthly 37
(1935) 266-80.
Chambers, R. W., 'Bede,' Proceedings of the British Academy 22 (1936) 97-127.

(Reprinted in Man's Unconquerable Mind [London 1939]).

Daniles, J., 'Viering van het Eeuwfest van Beda Venerabilis, ' Studien 126
(1936) 33-43.

Furlong, P. J., 'On the Twelve Hundreth Anniversary of the Death of Bede,'
Catholic Historical Review 22 (1936) 297-303.
Inguanez, M., ' II Ven. Beda nei Codici e negli Scrittori Cassinesi Medievali,'

Studia Anselmiana 6 (1936) 41-50.

Ogilvy, J. D. A., Books Known to Anglo-Latin Writers from Aldhelm to Alcuin

(670-804) (Cambridge, Mass. 1936).

Schreiber, ., 'Beda in buchgeschichtlicher Betrachtung,' Zentralblatt f?r Bi
bliothekswesen 53 (1936) 625-52.
Schreiber, H., 'Beda und die literarische Tradition,' St. Wiborada 3 (1936)
Schreiber, H., 'Beda Venerabilis und die mittelalterliche Bildung,' Studien
und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens und seiner Zweige

55 (1937) 1-14.
Beda Venerabilis: Bibliographie. Deutscher Gesamtkatalog. Sonderhft. (Ber

lin 1938). (Identical with the Bede portion of the Deutscher Gesamtkatalog
14 [1939]; lists editions and translations of Bede and pseudo-Bede in Ger

man libraries in 1939.).

Laistner, M. L. W., 'The Western Church and Astrology during the Early Middle

Ages,' Harvard Theological Review 34 (1941) 251-75.

Laistner, M. L. W. and King, H. H., A Handlist of Bede Manuscripts (Ithaca

1943). Cf. the following reviews, which make important additions, cor
rections or revisions: Ker, N., MA 13 (1944) 36-40; Smalley, B., JTS 45
(1944) 228-31; de Montmollin, V., Revue du Moyen Age latin 4 (1948)
395-96; Silvestre, H., Scriptorium 6 (1952) 287-93; Bees n, C. H., Classical

Philology 42 (1947) 73-87; Boyer, . ., Classical Philology 43 (1948)

31-39; and Silvestre, H., Les manuscrits de Bede ? la Biblioth?que Royale

? Bruxelles (L?opoldville 1959).

Levison, W., 'Modern Editions of Bede,' Durham University JnL n.s. 6 (1945)

Carroll, Sr. . . A., The Venerable Bede: His Spiritual Teachings (Catholic
University of America Studies in Mediaeval History, n. s. 9; Washing

ton, D. C. 1946). This is an important study with extensive bibliography.

Beeson, C. H., 'The Manuscripts of Bede,' Classical Philology 42 (1947) 73-87.
Duckett, E. S., Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars (New York 1947), pp. 217


a bede bibliographie: 1935-1960


Boyer, . ., 'Insular Contributions to Medieval Literary Tradition on the

Continent (conclusion),' Classical Philology 43 (1948) 31-39. (Part I,
ibid. 42 [1947] 209-22 deals mostly with Aldhelm.)
Sch?tt, M., 'Ein Beda-Problem/ Anglia 72 (1954) 1-20. (Bede's knowledge
of Pelagian writings.)
Stranks, C. J., The Venerable Bede (London 1955).
Grosjean, P., 'Le "De Excidio" chez B?de et chez Alcuni/ Analecta Bollandiana
75 (1957) 222-26.
Keldany, H., 'St. Bede Our Patron/ BB (London 1957) 243-47.
Laistner, M. L. W., 'Bede as a Classical and Patristic Scholar/ IHEMA (Ithaca
1957) 93-116. (Reprinted from Transactions of the Royal Historical Soci
ety 16 [1933] 69-94.)
Sutcliffe, E. F., 'Some Footnotes to the Fathers/ Biblica 6 (1957) 205-10.

Colgrave, B., The Venerable Bede and His Times (Jarrow 1958). This is the
first Jarrow lecture, an annual series devoted to Bede and kindred topics.

Nicholl, D., 'St. Bede/ The Month 22 (1959) 253-66.

Silvestre, H., Les manuscrits de B?de ? la Biblioth?que Royale ? Bruxelles
(L?opoldville 1959).
Whitelock, D., After Bede (Jarrow 1960). This is a Jarrow lecture.
Dekkers, E., C lavis patrum latinorum. Sacris erudiri 3 (2nd ed. 1961).

Jenkins, C, 'Bede as Exegete and Theologian/ in Bede: His Life, Times and
Writings (Oxford 1935) ed. A. H. Thompson, pp. 152-200.
Capelle, ., 'Le r?le th?ologique de B?de le V?n?rable/ Studia Anselmiana
6 (1936) 1-40.
Spicq, C, Esquisse d'une histoire de l'ex?g?se latine au moyen ?ge (Paris 1944),

pp. 29-32 et passim.

Carroll, Sr. M. T. A., The Venerable Bede: His Spiritual Teachings (Washington,

D. C. 1946), passim.

Barr?, H., 'Marie et l'Eglise, du V?n?rable B?de ? S. Albert le Grand/ Etudes

Mariales 9 (1951) 59-143. Also separately (Paris 1952).
Beumer, J., 'Das Kirchenbild in den Schriftkommentaren Bedas des Ehrw?r
digen,' Scholastik 28 (1953) 40-56.
Bischoff, B., '?Wendepunkte in der Geschichte der lateinischen Exegese im
Fr?hmittelalter/ Sacris erudiri 6 (1954) 189-281.
Holland, T., 'St. Bede the Theologian/ BB (London 1957) 248-53.

Morris, P. J., 'St. Bede and the Sacred Scriptures/ BB (London 1957)

Commentary on Acts; Retractation

Laistner, M. L. W., 'The Spanish Archetype of MS Harley 4980 (Bede's Exposi

tion of Acts)/ JTS 37 (1936) 132-37.

Laistner, M. L. W., 'The Latin Versions of Acts Known to the Venerable Bede/
Harvard Theological Review 30 (1937) 37-50. This is reprinted in IHEMA

(Ithaca 1957) 150-67.

Laistner, M. L. W., Bedae Venerabilis Expositio Actuum Apostolorum et Re
tractatio (Cambridge, Mass. 1939).



Ogilvy, J. D. A., Noteworthy Contribution to the Study of Bede/ Univ.

of Colorado Studies in the Humanities 1 (1942) 261-64.
Commentary on the Apocalypse

Kamlah, W., Apokalypse und Geschichtstheologie (Berlin 1935).

Sparks, *. F. D., Celtic Text of the Latin Apocalypse Preserved in Two

Durham MSS of Bede's Commentary on the Apocalypse/ JTS, n. s. 5
(1954) 227-31.

Commentary on the Catholic Epistles

Jenkins, C, Newly Discovered Reference to the "Heavenly Witnesses"

( John v. 7, 8) in a MS of Bede/ JTS 43 (1942) 42-45.

Laistner, M. L. W., ' An Addition to Bede in MS Balliol 177/ JTS 43 (1942)

Collectaneum on the Pauline Epistles

Chartier, C, 'La compilation Augustinienne de Florus sur l'Ap?tre/ RB 57

(1947) 132-86.

Fransen, I., 'Les Commentaires de B?de et de Florus sur l'Ap?tre et S. C?saire

d'Arles, 'RB 65 (1955) 262-66.

Affeldt, W., 'Verzeichnis der R?merbrief komment?r? der lateinischen Kirche

bis zu Nikolaus von Lyra/ Traditio 13 (1957) 369-406. On pp. 375-76

the MSS of Bede's Collectaneum on the Pauline Epistles are listed. MS
Troyes 96 is of Florus, not of Bede.
Commentaries on Luke and on Mark

Hurst, D., Bedae Venerabilis Opera, 2.iii: Opera exegetica. In Lucae evang?lium
expositio. In Marci evang?lium expositio (Corpus Ghristianorum 120; Turn

hout 1960).

Commentary on Proverbs

Hablitzel, J., 'Bedas Expositio in Proverbia Salomonis und seine Quellen,'

Biblische Zeitschrift 24 (1939) 357-59.
Obersteiner, J., 'Die Erkl?rung von Proverbia xxxi, 10-31, durch Beda den
Ehrw?rdigen und Bruno von Asti/ Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift

102 (1954) 1-12.

Vaccari, A., 'Le antiche vite di S. Girolamo/ Scritti di erudizione e di filologia

II (1958) 31-51; Bede pp. 36-38.

Commentary on Samuel

d'Al?s, A., 'TertuUien chez B?de?' Recherches de science religieuse 27 (1937)


Commentary on the Song of Songs

Ohly, F., 'Beda und die Karolingerzeit/ Hohelied-Studien (Wiesbaden 1958)


a bede bibliography: 1935-1960


Riedlinger, H., Die Makellosigkeit der Kirche in den lateinischen Hohelied

kommentaren des Mittelalters (Beitr?ge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und

Theologie des Mittelalters 38.3; M?nster 1958), pp. 71-88.

De Tabern?culo
Krabben, P. v. D., 'Beda als Bron van den Gheesteliken Tabernakel/ Ons
Geestelijk Erf 9 (1935) 382-87.

Colgrave, B., 'Bede's Miracle Stories/ in Bede: His Life, Times and Writings
(Oxford 1935) ed. A. H. Thompson, pp. 201-29.
Loomis, C. G., 'The Miracle Traditions of the Venerable Bede/ Speculum 21
(1946) 404-18.
Metrical Life of St. Cuthbert

Jaager, W., 'Bedas metrische Vita Sancti Guthberti/ Palaestra 198 (1935).
This was also published separately in Weimar in 1935 with an Introduc
tion which was the editor's Berlin University dissertation.

Campbell, A., 'Some Linguistic Features of Early Anglo-Latin Verse and its
Use of Classical Models/ Transactions of the Philological Society (1953)
Hornung, H., 'Ein Fragment der metrischen St. Cuthbert-Vita des Beda im
Nachlass der Br?der Grimm/ Scriptorium 14 (1960) 344-46.
Prose Life of St Cuthbert

Colgrave, B. and Masson, I., 'The editio princeps of Bede's Prose Life of St.
Cuthbert, and its Printer's xiith century "copy"/ The Library 4th ser.

19 (1938) 289-303.
Colgrave, B., 'The History of British Museum Additional MS 39943/ EHR
54 (1939) 673-76.
Colgrave, B., Two Lives of St. Cuthbert (Cambridge 1940). Cf. especially the
review by M. L. W. Laistner, American Historical Review 46 (1941)
Jones, C. W., Saints' Lives and Chronicles in Early England (Ithaca 1947).

Levison, W., 'Bede as Historian/ in Bede: His Life, Times and Writings (Oxford

1935) ed. A. H. Thompson, pp. 111-51.

Redlich, P. V., 'Beda und die deutsche Geistesgeschichte/ ZDG 1 (1935)273-77.

Jones, C. W., 'Bede as Early Medieval Historian/ Medievalia et Human?stica

4 (1946) 26-36.

Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Dempf, A., 'Beda und die Entstehung der Artussage/ ZDG 1 (1935) 304-10.
K?hn-Steinhausen, H., 'Bedas Kirchengeschichte in den ?ltesten M?nchner

HSS/ ZDG 1 (1935) 325-26.

Mohr, W., 'Die
*Thum, B., 'S.
17 (1936)

geographische Beschreibung Englands in Bedas Kirchenge

' ZDG 1 (1935) 322-24.
Beda in historia ecclesiastica Angli??,' Comm. pro Religiosis

Druhan, D. R., The Syntax of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica (Catholic University

Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Latin 8; Washington, D. C. 1938).

Klaeber, F., 'Beowulfiana Minora,' Anglia 63 (1939) 400-25. (Bede: 403-4.) Cf.

the reply by . Malone, 'The Meaning of Bede's Iutae,' Anglia Bei

blatt 51 (1940) 262-64.

Str?m, ., Old English Personal Names in Bede's History (Lund 1939).

Blasche, H., Angelsachsen und Kelten im Urteil der Historia ecclesiastica gentis
anglorum des Beda (G?ttingen 1940).

Anderson, O. S., Old English Material in the Leningrad MS of Bede's Eccles

iastical History (Lund 1941).
Torreta, L., 'Coscienza nazionale e ideale d'universalit? nella Historia eccle
siastica del venerabile Beda,' Atti del 5? Congresso Nazionale di Studi
Romani 3 (1942) 9-20.
Deanesly, M., 'Roman Traditionalist Influence among the Anglo-Saxons,' EHR
58 (1943) 129-46.
Levison, W., England and the Continent in the Eighth Century (Oxford 1946),

pp. 265-79.
Plummer, C, Venerabilis Baedae Historia Ecclesiastica ... 2 vols. (Oxford
1946 [reprint edit. 1896]).

Clausen, W., 'Bede and the British Pearl,' Classical Jnl. 42 (1947) 277-80.

Blair, P. H., 'The Moore Memoranda on Northumbrian History,' in The Early

Cultures of North-West Europe, ed. C. Fox andB. Dickins(Cambridge 1950),

pp. 245-57.
Arngart, O., The Leningrad Bede (Early English MSS in Facsimile, 2; Copen
hagen 1952).
Colgrave, B., 'The Leningrad MS of Bede,' Times (Jan. 7, 1953) p. 8.

Stephan, J., Bede MS,' Times (Jan. 9, 1953) p. 7.

King, J. E., Baedae opera hist?rica, with an English translation (Loeb Clas
sical Library ; 2nd ed. New York and London 1954). 2 vols.
Knowles, D., Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation (London 1954).

Schorer, M. T., 'Alguns aspectos do monasticismo irland?s, atra v?s da H is to

rio ecclesiastica gentis anglorum do Ven. Beda,' Revista de Hist?ria 5

(1954) 273-301.
Mathew, D., 'The Venerable Bede as a Historian,' BB (London 1957) 260-61.
Schuster, M. F., 'Bede and the Sparrow Simile,' American Benedictine Review

8 (1957) 46-50.
Visentin, P., 'La posizione di S. Beda e del suo ambiente riguardo alla tras
lazione del corpo di S. Benedetto in Francia,' RB 67 (1957) 34-48.
Lowe, E. A., 'An Autograph of the Venerable Bede?' RB 68 (1958)200-202.
Cf. the notices by T. J. Brown, Book Collector 8 (1959) 180, P. Meyvaert,

RB 69 (1959) 100-101 and D. Missone, ibid. 97-9.

Lowe, E. A., Key to Bede's Scriptorium,' Scriptorium 12 (1958) 182-90.
Pepperdene, M. W., 'Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica,' Celtica 4 (1958) 253-62.
Schapiro, M., 'The Decoration of the Leningrad Manuscript of Bede,' Scriptor

ium 12 (1958) 191-207.

a bede bibliography: 1935-1960


Blair, P. H., Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation and its Impor
tance Today (Jarrow 1959). This is a Jarrow lecture.
Blair, P. H., and Mynors, R. A. B., The Moore Bede (Early English MSS in Fac
simile 9; Copenhagen 1959).

Lowe, E. A., 'The Script of the Farewell and Date Formulae in Early Papal
Documents as Reflected in the Oldest Manuscripts of Bede's Historia
ecclesiastica/ RB 69 (1959) 22-31.
Meyvaert, P., 'Colophons dans des MSS de Bede/ RB 69 (1959) 100-101.

Missone, D., ' "Famulus Christi": A propos d'un autographe deB?de le V?n?rable,'

RB 69 (1959) 97-99.
Mozley, J. H.. 'Bede, Hist. Evang., bk. 5, ch. 2,' (Notes de Lecture, 86) La
tomas 19 (1960) 578. This essay deals with the word clymeterium.

Stengl, E. E., 'Imperator und Imperium bei den Angelsachsen,' Deutsches

Archiv f?r Erforschung des Mittelalters 16 (1960) 15-72 (Bede: 17-28).

Leclercq, J., ' Le iiie livre des Hom?lies de B?de le V?n?rable,' Recherches de
th?ologie ancienne et m?di?vale 14 (1947) 211-18.
Lambot, C, 'La tradition manuscrite anglo-saxonne des sermons de S. Au
gustin,' RB 64 (1954) 3-8.
Hurst, D., Bedae Venerabilis Opera, 3: Opera Homiletica (Corpus Christianorum
122; Turnhout 1955).

Schreiber, H., 'Beda als Dichter,' ZD G 1 (1935) 326-27.
Whitbread, L., Study of Bede's Versus de die iudicii/ Philological Quarterly
23 (1944) 193-221.
Fraipont, J., Bedae Venerabilis Opera, 4: Opera Rhythmica (Corpus Christiano

rum 122; Turnhout 1955). Cf. W. Bulst, 'Bedae Opera Rhythmica?'

Zeitschrift f?r deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur 89 (1930) 83-91.

Whitbread, L., 'Note on a Bede Fragment/ Scriptorium 12 (1958) 280-81.

Wilmart, A., Precum libelli quattuor aevi Karolini I (Rome 1940), pp. 143-59.

School Treatises
Atkins, J. W, H., English Literary Criticism: The Medieval Phase (London
1952), pp. 42-51.

De arte metrica
Palmer, R. ., 'Bede as a Textbook Writer: A Study of his De arte metrica/
Speculum 34 (1959) 573-84.
De schematibus et tropis

Elder, J. P., 'Did Remigius of Auxerre Comment on Bede's De schematibus

et tropis ?' Mediaeval Studies 9 (1947) 141-50.



Scientific Treatises
Jones, C. W., 'Two Easter Tables/ Speculum 13 (1938) 204-205.

Jones, C. W., Bedae opera de temporibus (Cambridge, Mass. 1943). Cf. esp. the

reviews by H. Henel, American Historical Review 49 (1944) 694-96 and

Jnl of English and Germanic Philology 43 (1944) 411-16.

Wynn, J. B., 'The Beginning of the Year in Bede and the Anglo-Saxon Chron

icle,' MA 25 (1956) 71-9.

De natura rerum
Strunz, F., 'Beda in der Geschichte der Naturbetrachtung und Naturforschung, '

ZDG 1 (1935) 311-21.

Thum, B., 'Beda Venerabiiis in der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften,' Stu

dia Anselmiana 6 (1936) 51-71.

Jones, C. W., 'MSS of Bede's De natura rerum/ Isis 27 (1937) 430-40.

Strunz, F., 'Beda Venerabiiis in der Geschichte der Naturbetrachtung,' Rivista

di scienza 66 (1939) 57-70. Cf. *F. Strunz, 'S. Beda el Venerable en la

historia de la investigaci?n de la naturaleza,' Investigaci?n y progresso
12 (1939) 407-13.
De temporum ratione

Jones, C. W., Note on Concepts of the Inferior Planets in the Early Middle
Ages,' Isis 24 (1936) 397-99.
Cordiolani, A., 'Notes sur le MS latin 7418 de la Biblioth?que Nationale,' Bi
blioth?que de VEcole des Chartes 103 (1942) 61-68.
Cordiolani, A., propos du chapitre premier du De temporum ratione deB?de,'

Le Moyen Age 54 (1948) 209-23.

Dillon, M., 'Vienna Glosses of Bede, ' Celtica 3 (1955) 340-44.

Jones, C. W., 'The "Lost" Sirmond MS of Bede's "Computus,"' EHR 52 (1937)

Cordiolani, A., 'Un MS de comput int?ressant,' Scriptorium 12 (1958) 247-53.

Doubtful Works
Weisweiler, H., Das Schriftum der Schule Anselms von Laon und Wilhelms von
Champeaux in deutschen Bibliotheken (M?nster 1936), pp. 57ff., 62-9,
on the authenticity of Aliquot quaestionum liber.

Weisweiler, H., 'Die handschriftlichen Vorlagen zum Erstdruck von Pseudo

Beda, in Psalmorum librum exegesis,' Biblica 18 (1937) 197-204.
Jones, C. W., 'The Byrhtferth Glosses,' MA 7 (1938) 81-97.
Laistner, M. L. W., ' Was Bede the Author of a Penitential?' Harvard Theological
Review 31 (1938) 263-74. This is reprinted in IHEMA (Ithaca 1957) 165-77.
Jones, C. W., Bedae Pseudepigrapha. Scientific Writings Falsely Attributed to

Bede (Ithaca 1939).

Schildenberger, J., 'Die altlateinischen Texte des Proverbien-Buches,' Texte und

Arbeiten 1.32-33 (Beuron 1941) 145-49.

a bede bibliography: 1935-1960


Lentini, A., 1 sermone di S. Bertario su S. Scolastica,' Benedictina 1 (1947)

Bertola, E., 'Il De trinitate dello pseudo Beda/ Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolas
tica 48 (1956) 316-33.
Pizzani, U., 'Uno Pseudo-Trattato dello Pseudo-Beda/ Maia 9 (1957) 36-48
(De musica theoria.)
Salmon, P., Les 'Tituli Psalmorumf des M SS latins (Collectanea Biblica latina
12; Rome 1959), pp. 149-86: S?rie de Cassiodore, r?sum?e par B?de.

University of Reading, England. W. F. Bolton

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