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Personality Dimension Assignment



The four pairs of MBTI test are

As per my test scores, I am ESTJ.

1.Extraversion and Introversion- This pairs refers to Attitude,

E [Extraversion]- Like to work in groups and

Inner and outer world of ideas.


2.Sensing and Intuition- Is a perceiving function, sensing data

S [Sensing]- like to be practical.

from 5 senses and Intuition focus to plan future.

T [Thinking]- look for explanation before taking

3.Thinking and Feeling- are decision making calculating function.


4.Judging and Perceiving- describes how you want your outer life

J [Judging]- organized in proper way.

to be. More structured and preferences.("Myers Briggs Type

ESTJ are Practical, Organized and they focus on

Indicator Explanation", 2016)

getting the best result by best possible way. They

put more effort on implementing plans.

Five Dimensions are: BIG 5

("The Myers & Briggs Foundation - Judging or

Perceiving", 2016)
My scores are: -

1.Extroversion-Introversion- level of sociability and interest

2. Neuroticism- level of calmness
3. Openness to Experience- how creative and curious you are.
4. Conscientiousness- organized

1.Extroversion = 25
2.Neuroticism = 12
3.Openness to Experience= 20

5. Agreeableness-Antagonism person who is trustworthy and cooperative.

(Jason Rentfrow & View all posts Jason
Rentfrow, 2009)

4.Conscientiousness= 31
5.Agreeableness-Antagonism= 25

Personality Dimension Assignment


The test shows how if we are in control of our destiny. It checks if

High score or low Score

My score for Extroversion is 25. It is a high score. I
am an outgoing, sociable and friendly person.
My score of Neuroticism is 12.It is a low score.
My score of Openness to Experience is 20. It is a
high score. I am open to try out new ideas and
creative thinking.
My score on Agreeableness is 25. It is a high
score.I am highly trustworthy and approachable.
I got 10 in this test.

a person attributes success or failure to the things they have

It shows that I have very high internal locus of

control over, or to forces outside their influence.


If a person has a score of 8-10, they have a high internal locus of

Whatever I do, I attribute it to my own behavior. I

control. It means that they see outcomes as a result of their own

am responsible for my own words and actions. I am

behavior, like hard work and dedication.

also very goal-oriented.

If a person has scored 1-2, they have a high external locus of

control. It means that people see outcomes as a result of external
factors like fate and destiny.
("Locus of Control: Are You in Charge of Your
Destiny?", 2016)

The test finds out how a person sees himself in his own eyes. It is

I took this test and got 91 as the result.

how valuable we think we are to the world and to others around

It shows that I am a person who has a very high

us. High self-esteem makes people confident and makes them feel

self-esteem. I value myself and I know I bring

powerful. Very low self-esteem leads people to become depressed

value to others lives as well. I am optimistic,

Personality Dimension Assignment

and makes us fearful.

independent and

This test is designed to measure how emotionally strong and stable

I got 87 in this test.


we are in the corporate setting. People who have a strong

A score higher than 100 means that I do not have a


emotional intelligence score know themselves well and have a

very high emotional intelligence.

sense of understanding about the emotional needs of others around

But there is a good platform of EQ which can help

them as well.

me develop my managerial skills in the

The subscales of this test are:



Managing Emotions
Motivating Yourself
Social Skills
("Emotional Intelligence: Developing

Strong", 2016)
This test shows if we are high on Machiavellianism or low on it.

I got a score of 28.

The term is used to describe people who are duplicitous,

The average score of American adults was 25. This

cunning, narcissistic and believe that ends justify means.

("8 Characteristics of a Machiavellian Leader -

means I am slightly above the average and I have a

high Machiavellian trait.

Create Great Company Culture with The Mojo


Company", 2013)
This test shows if a person has the ability to regulate himself and

I got a score of 54.

his behaviors or not.

It is a higher than 53, which shows I am a high self-

Personality Dimension Assignment

This test checks if a person likes taking risks or wants to stay safe.

I got a score of 6.5.

This shows I am a moderate risk taker.

This test checks if a person is a Type A personality or Type B

I got a score of 120.


This means that I am type A1 personality.

Comparison of two test results:

I am taking the scores of Self-Esteem and Self-Monitor tests.
In the self-esteem test, I got a very high score of 91. In the self-monitor test I got a high score again of 54. This means
that I believe in myself and my abilities, and because of the trust I have in myself, I am able to control and regulate my
behavior to get the desired outcome.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Explanation. (2016). Retrieved 3 June 2016, from
The Myers & Briggs Foundation - Judging or Perceiving. (2016). Retrieved 3 June 2016, from
Jason Rentfrow, P. & View all posts Jason Rentfrow, P. (2009). The Big 5 Model of Personality | World of Psychology. World
of Psychology. Retrieved 4 June 2016, from

Personality Dimension Assignment

Locus of Control: Are You in Charge of Your Destiny?. (2016). Retrieved 4 June 2016, from
Emotional Intelligence: Developing Strong. (2016). Retrieved 4 June 2016, from
8 Characteristics of a Machiavellian Leader - Create Great Company Culture with The Mojo Company. (2013). Create
Great Company Culture with The Mojo Company. Retrieved 4 June 2016, from

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