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(Niquinohomo, Nicaragua, 1893 - Managua, 1934) Lder guerrillero nicaragense que

luch tenazmente contra la ocupacin y la intervencin norteamericana hasta obligar a los
Estados Unidos a retirar sus tropas de Nicaragua. Tras su asesinato a manos del entonces
jefe de la Guardia Nacional, Anastasio Somoza, Sandino se convirti en el referente
ideolgico del Frente Sandinista de Liberacin Nacional (FSLN) y de la revolucin
promovida por este movimiento que, aos ms tarde, acabara con la dictadura somocista.
Augusto Nicols Caldern Sandino, naci el 18 de mayo de 1895 en Niquinohomo,
departamento de Masaya. Su madre, Margarita Caldern, era una humilde campesina, que
se ganaba la vida como domstica y obrera agrcola. Gregorio Sandino, su padre, fue un
mediano propietario y productor agrcola, con quien se fue a vivir a los 11 aos de edad.
La infancia de Sandino transcurri junto a su madre con la cual trabajaba recolectando caf
en las plantaciones del Pacfico nicaragense, ah conoci y sufri toda clase de miserias y
En su adolescencia, fue testigo de la primera gran intervencin militar del imperialismo
yanqui en su tierra, que culmin con el asesinato del general Benjamn Zeledn, el 4 de
oMs tarde, Sandino abandona la casa de su padre para buscarse la vida por s mismo. As,
trabaja como ayudante de mecnica, en un lugar cerca de la frontera con Costa Rica.
Posteriormente, en 1920, viaja a Honduras y a Guatemala, en 1923, donde trabaja en las
plantaciones de la United Fruit. Posteriormente marcha a Mxico donde trabaja, para
empresas petroleras en Tampico y Cerro Azul.
Durante su estancia en Mxico, Sandino se vincula con lderes sindicales, obreros,
militantes socialistas, anarquistas y masones. Conoce de las luchas sindicales, de la
agresin yanqui contra Mxico por el control de los yacimientos petroleros, de la
Revolucin Mexicana y de las luchas de la clase trabajadora.
En agosto de 1925, luego de 13 aos de ocupacin, Estados Unidos retira sus tropas de
Nicaragua. Sin embargo, permanecen los instructores de la Constabulary, antecesora de la
Guardia Nacional. En octubre, ocurre el golpe militar del general Emiliano Chamorro.
En el mes de mayo del ao 1926, ocurre un alzamiento liberal contra Chamorro. Las tropas
norteamericanas desembarcan en Bluefields. Al enterarse del inicio de la Guerra
Constitucionalista, Sandino parte rumbo a Nicaragua a donde llega el 1 de junio.

Octubre de 1912. Sandino qued muy impresionado con la imagen del patriota.
De origen muy humilde, trabaj como minero en Nicaragua, Honduras y Mxico. En 1926
regres a su pas, ocupado desde 1916 por las tropas estadounidenses que defendan los
intereses de las compaas fruteras de Estados Unidos. Opt por defender la autonoma
nacional, afectada por el convenio Bryan-Chamorro y por la firma del tratado StimpsonMoncada, por lo que reuni un grupo de guerrilleros y se alz en armas.
Durante seis aos combati contra las tropas de diferentes gobiernos apoyados por Estados
Unidos, al trmino de los cuales haba logrado aglutinar a su alrededor a unos tres mil
hombres y se haba ganado la admiracin popular. Organizada bajo su mando, la guerrilla
rebelde se refugi en las selvas de Nueva Segovia, donde se convirti en prcticamente
Al no lograr derrotarlo, el presidente estadounidense Herbert C. Hoover orden la retirada
de las tropas desplegadas en Nicaragua, lo que, junto con la eleccin de Franklin D.
Roosevelt como presidente de Estados Unidos, movi a Sandino a negociar con el gobierno
de nicaragense la deposicin de las armas y el retorno a la vida civil (1933).
Sin embargo, su prestigio poltico continuaba siendo una amenaza para los dirigentes del
pas, por lo cual, tras aceptar una invitacin para acudir al palacio presidencial, fue
emboscado y asesinado por Anastasio Somoza, jefe de la Guardia Nacional y sobrino del ex
presidente Jos Mara Moncada.
Con todo, la muerte del lder no signific la desaparicin de su movimiento, y su nombre
pas a encarnar la lucha de liberacin de Nicaragua. El Frente Sandinista de Liberacin
Nacional (FSLN), alineacin poltica creada en 1962, se constituy como continuadora del
ideario de Sandino y centr sus miras en el derrocamiento de los Somoza mediante la lucha
armada, objetivo que logr en 1979.
El 21 de febrero de 1934, al bajar la loma de Tiscapa, luego de una cena con Sacasa, es
capturado y posteriormente asesinado junto a loslos generales Francisco Estrada y Juan
Pablo Umanzor por orden de Somoza Garca. Poco antes, su hermano Scrates haba
corrido la misma suerte. El coronel Santos Lpez, quin participar posteriormente en la
fundacin del Frente Sandinista de Liberacin Nacional, logra escapar.
El 23 de agosto de 1934, el Congreso decreta una amnista para todos los crmenes
cometidos por la Guardia Nacional.
Creyeron que asesinando a Sandino mora su ideologa. Pero se equivocaban, el sandinismo
haba calado hondo en la conciencia del pueblo, buscando completar la obra iniciada por el
Padre de la Revolucin Popular y Antiimperialista. Es as como surge el Frente Sandinista
de Liberacin Nacional, FSLN, heredero y continuador del programa popular y
antiimperialista del general Sandino.


(Niquinohomo, Nicaragua, 1893 - Managua, 1934) Nicaraguan guerrilla leader who fought
tenaciously against the occupation and US intervention to force the United States to
withdraw its troops from Nicaragua. After his murder by the then head of the National
Guard, Anastasio Somoza, Sandino became the ideological referent of Sandinista National
Liberation Front (FSLN) and the revolution promoted by this movement that, years later,
would end the dictatorship Somoza.
Augusto Nicols Caldern Sandino was born on May 18, 1895 in Niquinohomo, Masaya.
His mother, Margarita Calderon, was a humble peasant who made his living as a domestic
and agricultural workers. Gregorio Sandino, his father, was a medium-owner and farmer,
with whom she went to live to 11 years old.
Sandino's childhood was spent with his mother with whom he worked picking coffee
plantation of the Nicaraguan Pacific, where he met and suffered all kinds of misery and
In his teens, he witnessed the first major military intervention of US imperialism in their
land, which culminated in the assassination of General Benjamin Zeledon, 4 Prompter later,
Sandino leaves the house of his father to fend for himself. So, he is working as an assistant
mechanic at a place near the border with Costa Rica. Later, in 1920, he traveled to
Honduras and Guatemala in 1923, where he worked in the plantations of the United Fruit.
Then march to Mexico where he worked for oil companies in Tampico and Cerro Azul.
During his stay in Mexico, Sandino is linked to union leaders, workers, socialist activists,
anarchists and Masons. Known trade union struggles of the US aggression against Mexico
for control of the oil fields of the Mexican Revolution and the struggles of the working
In August 1925, after 13 years of occupation, the United States withdraw its troops from
Nicaragua. But remaining instructors Constabulary, the predecessor of the National Guard.
In October, the military coup of General Emiliano Chamorro occurs.
In May 1926, a liberal uprising against Chamorro occurs. US troops land in Bluefields.
Upon learning of the beginning of the Constitutionalist War, Sandino leaves for Nicaragua
where he arrived on June 1.
October 1912. Sandino was very impressed with the image of a patriot.
From very humble beginnings, he worked as a miner in Nicaragua, Honduras and Mexico.
In 1926 he returned home, occupied since 1916 by US troops defending the interests of US
fruit companies. You have opted to defend national independence, affected by the Bryan-

Chamorro agreement and the signing of the treaty Stimpson-Moncada, so he gathered a

group of guerrillas and took up arms.
For six years he fought against the troops of different governments supported by the United
States at the end of which he had managed to unite around about three thousand men and
won popular admiration. Organized under his leadership, the rebel guerrillas took refuge in
the forests of Nueva Segovia, where he became virtually invincible.
Having failed to defeat, US President Herbert C. Hoover ordered the withdrawal of troops
in Nicaragua, which, along with the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt as president of the
United States, moved to Sandino to negotiate with the government of Nicaragua the laying
down of arms and return to civilian life (1933).
However, his political prestige was still a threat to the country's leaders, therefore, after
accepting an invitation to attend the presidential palace, was ambushed and killed by
Anastasio Somoza, head of the National Guard and nephew of former President Jos Mara
However, the leader's death did not mean the disappearance of their movement, and its
name was changed to embody the liberation struggle in Nicaragua. The Sandinista National
Liberation Front (FSLN) political alignment created in 1962, was established as a
continuation of the ideas of Sandino and focused his sights on the overthrow of the Somoza
through armed struggle, a goal he achieved in 1979.
The February 21, 1934, down the hill of Tiscapa, after dinner with Sacasa, is captured and
subsequently killed along with loslos General Francisco Estrada and Juan Pablo Umanzor
by order of Somoza Garcia. Earlier, his brother Socrates had suffered the same fate.
Colonel Santos Lopez, who later participate in the foundation of the Sandinista National
Liberation Front, manages to escape.
The August 23, 1934, Congress decreed an amnesty for all crimes committed by the
National Guard.
Sandino believed that killing was dying ideology. But they were wrong, the Sandinistas had
penetrated deep into people's consciousness, seeking to complete the work begun by the
Father of the People's Revolution and Anti-imperialist. Thus the Sandinista National
Liberation Front, FSLN, heir and successor of the popular and anti-imperialist program of
General Sandino arises.

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