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EDU 659 Final Project Application 1

Gunner Brown
Class: Algebra 1 (9th Grade)

Topic: Factoring polynomials (specifically trinomials)

Time: 50 minutes (1 class period)
Previous Knowledge Required: This lesson is designed as a day 2 lesson. The day
before would have been an initial introduction to factoring trinomials. The goal for this
lesson is to identify students who are struggling and try to scaffold them to a higher level
of understanding, while also challenging students who already are understanding of
factoring basics.
Format: After a warm up reviewing yesterdays work, students will move through
several stations with a partner, completing tasks that are at various levels of learning. At
each station, students can choose between an advanced, progressing, or beginning
activity to match how they feel about factoring. They will be asked to leave their answer
and justify it to later groups. One of the stations will be with the educator so that they
can interact and help identify struggling students. This will allow the opportunity to
scaffold their learning to address weaknesses.

Warm-up/Review from Yesterday (10 min) - Have students attempt the following
problems on their own, reminding them it is okay if they are struggling. After about 5
minutes, walk the students through the problems as thoroughly as possible.
1) x2 + 7x + 12

2) z2 9z +20

3) y2 12y 13

Group selection: Students will be assigned partners randomly by the teacher. I will use
a website, such as to get students
their groups.
Group rotation: The number of groups at each station will be determined by class size.
There are five (5) different student-led stations, plus the teacher oriented station.
Students should take approximately 6 minutes at each station, leaving about 5 minutes
for a full group breakdown of the activity.
Below are the instructions I would have posted on the projector as the students are
working. It outlines directly what the students should be doing at each station. After the
instructions are the half-sheets I would put at each table. Each group needs one half
sheet at the station, which they will leave at the station on completion. Finally there is a
full sheet that I would use as the instructor at my station.

EDU 659 Final Project Application 1

Gunner Brown

Instructions: When you and your partner arrive at a station, you will take one of
the blank half sheets for that station.
-Your first job is to complete one of the problems on that sheet. The problems are
given at different difficulty levels, and you are to pick the one you feel you are
ready for. Challenge yourself!
-Once you feel like you are done with your problem, describe what you did to get
your answer.
-After the first rotation, there will be another groups answer to a problem. You
should not look at these answers until you are done with yours. Look at the
problem they completed and check their answer. Give them comments or ask a
question to help clarify what they did.
- If you get done with time remaining, look at the other problems from the station.
Solve them to the best of your ability, or write down the part of the problem that is
confusing you. These questions are what I will use to help guide the next couple
of days of class, so if you think it, you should write it!
*You will be graded on the amount of effort you and your partner show on the half
sheets. I will be able to see your work and hope that you will challenge yourself to
do difficult problems and get better. Ask questions and dont be afraid to be
wrong! :)

Station 1

Group Members: _______________________________________

Pick one of the following problems to answer. Be sure to check your answer with
1) x2 - 2x - 15

2) 2z2 + 14z + 12

3) 2y2 + 9y + 7

Describe how you got to your answer and whether or not you think it is correct. If
you are not sure about something, write a question! Once you are done with this
section, turn your sheet over.

Comments from other groups:

EDU 659 Final Project Application 1

Gunner Brown
Station 2

Group Members: _______________________________________

Pick one of the following problems to answer. Be sure to check your answer with
1) x2 - 16x + 64

2) z2 - 81

3) 10y2 + 100y + 250

Describe how you got to your answer and whether or not you think it is correct. If
you are not sure about something, write a question! Once you are done with this
section, turn your sheet over.

Comments from other groups:

Station 3

Group Members: _______________________________________

Pick one of the following problems to answer. Be sure to check your answer with
1) x2 + 8x - 48

2) z3 - 6z2 + 5

3) 2y2 -162

Describe how you got to your answer and whether or not you think it is correct. If
you are not sure about something, write a question! Once you are done with this
section, turn your sheet over.

Comments from other groups:

EDU 659 Final Project Application 1

Gunner Brown
Station 4

Group Members: _______________________________________

Pick one of the following problems to answer. Be sure to check your answer with
1) x2 + 20x + 36

2) 6z2 +12z + 6

3) y4 - 81

Describe how you got to your answer and whether or not you think it is correct. If
you are not sure about something, write a question! Once you are done with this
section, turn your sheet over.

Comments from other groups:

Station 5

Group Members: _______________________________________

Pick one of the following problems to answer. Be sure to check your answer with
1) x2 + 0x - 16

2) z2 - 58z2 - 120

3) (y2 - 5y 6)(y2 16)

Describe how you got to your answer and whether or not you think it is correct. If
you are not sure about something, write a question! Once you are done with this
section, turn your sheet over.

Comments from other groups:

Gunner Brown
Station 6 Teacher

EDU 659 Final Project Application 1

Group Members: _________________________________

Give students basic problem below, and have them talk you through how they
would solve it. Scaffold students if they need help, finding their weaknesses
through questioning and reevaluation. If they are able to do the basic problem
easily, move on and repeat through more difficult questions. At the end of the
rotation, give students a number from 1-5 that represents their level of
understanding, with 5 being totally comfortable and 1 being needs remedial work.

x2 + 11x 24

3y2 - 15y 18

2y3 + 28y2 + 96y

12z2 + 22z + 6z

Teacher estimation on level of understanding: _________________________

Gunner Brown

EDU 659 Final Project Application 1

Final breakdown: Have students spend the last 5 minutes of class in a whole
group discussion of their impressions of the activity. Did they progress into more
difficult problems? Did seeing what other groups did help them identify
mistakes? What questions do you still have?

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