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Appendix: I MATLAB code for enthalpy based numerical solution
clear all
close all
% Tm = melting point [0 C]
% ro = density [1000 kg/m3]
% k = thermal conductivity [2 W/m.C]
% LH = latent heat [100000 J/kg]
% Cps = specific heat of ice [2110 J/kg.k]
% Cpl = specific heat of liquid [4181.3 J/kg.k]
Tm = 0;
ro = 1000;
k = 2;
LH = 100000;
Cpl = 4181.3;
B = 2.5;
m = 50;
dx = B/m;

t = 2160000;
n = 600;
dt = t/n;
T = zeros(n+1,m+1);
H = zeros(n+1,m+1);
a =(k/ro)*(dt/dx^2);
T(1,:) = 2; H(1,:) = Cpl*(T(1,:) - Tm)+ LH;
T(2:end,1) = -10;
for j=1:(n)
for i=2:(m)
if H(j+1,i) < (Cpl*Tm) T(j+1,i) = Tm + H(j+1,i)/Cpl;
H(j+1,i) = H(j,i) +(a)*(T(j,i-1) + T(j,i+1) - 2*T(j,i));
if H(j+1,i) >= ((Cpl*Tm)+LH) && H(j+1,i) <= LH T(j+1,i) = Tm;
if H(j+1,i) > LH T(j+1,i) = Tm + (H(j+1,i) - LH) / Cpl;
T(j+1,m+1) = T(j+1,m);
subplot(131), plot(xx,T(j,:)) pause(0.001)

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