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Meet Jim

Old World
4 Drink Recipes
The Dicture Gallery

Candy Corn Crispies

1 Magazine Volume
1 Issue 2

Established 2015 Magazine
a Company

How Naked Yoga Enlightened Me

By Sandra LaMorgese Ph.D.

Faces & Bodies


By Vadimage

Block Party Clothes-Free Community in Action?

By Sunny_Naturist

Meet Jim


Old-world Charmer


The Dicture Gallery

By Felicity Jones Magazine
Publisher: Troy Ozarowicz
Designer: Paul Streubel
NAKd.Life is the magazine for and by real nudist men. Real Men. Really Naked.
Consider us a magazine celebrating men as they are. Great articles, great information, great nude men, reader submitted stories and
inspiring photographs we aim to provide our readers with the information they need to be part of a community of other men.We welcome
all generations of men, as we continue to expand our readership to include all men, everywhere. We always encourage our readers to
add to this publication. If you have anything you want to see published, submit it for consideration. Please be sure to credit any sources if
the material is not your own.
All content within the pages of this digital magazine were either submitted by the public or found within the public domain. All efforts were
made to preserve copyright information and credit to various sources. Any errors due to editing or the fact that we are men are solely our
own and are not to be read as a statement of any kind on the original content creator or the content itself.
(*** Acknowledgement of legal age required by law is necessary to view this magazine. ***) Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

Hallow eeeeee
Troy Ozarowicz - Publisher

embarrass him with antics no staid usher

would dream.
But what of the nudist? What of the man
who dropped his kit with his tools at
the end of a harvest day? What guise of
death could one mock without replacing
the distained garments disdainfully cast
off? What antics well, that one is easy.
For this issue we have done our best to
bring you the nudists guide to Halloween. Costumes were hard to come by
for these men, but ingenuity prevailed.
Never doubt the power of derision and
the promise of spiced liqueurs to excite
the imagination. These men had some
good ideas and if youll read the advertisements in these pages you may find
some mischief of your own.

or the fuddy-duddy old men, who never seem to have any fun, Halloween
is a night to go to bed early and prepare to attend mass the next day to commemorate dead saints, martyrs, and family members who maybe havent gotten to
heaven yet. Its a somber remembrance on
All Saints Day (or Hallows Day) for those
who came before and pass into death. Halloween is about acknowledging death and
evil and ones place in a world influenced by
the Fallen.

My goodly partner has scoured the pantry and Great-grandmas cookbooks to

find dishes to pass out to your manly
friends after heaping testosterone upon
them in the kitchen, but I dont know of
a better dish to serve than an open house
to any man who may stop by nor a more
honorable way to treat our forebears and
scorn death than to bare witness to the
bare men who arrive. Sexist as I may be,
nothing says strong, virile, and healthy
than a nude man.... especially when his
hands are bound while bobbing for apples.

For everyone else Hallows Een is a harvest

festival at worst and a reason to be silly incognito at best. Its a chance to lay down
the hoe and scythe after the harvest is complete relax for the first time in months and
thumb ones nose at the threat of winter,
starvation, and death. What better way to
do that than to dress up as death itself and Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

... We need YOU!!!!! We need to get your

pics and stories of yourself doing
whatever it is you do...

Buy yours today! Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

10 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


Clubs | Spooky Events Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


How Naked Yoga

Enlightened Me
By Sandra LaMorgese Ph.D.
One question haunted me
for days leading up to my
first nude yoga class. At
work, as I ran errands, and
as I fell asleep at night, this
one absolutely crucial question bounced endlessly
around inside my head...
Do I put my yoga mat at the
front of the class, or at the
back of the class?
I have been practicing yoga
for 16 years. I initially started the practice to increase
my muscle length and flexibility. When I walked into a
yoga class for the first time
(with shoes on, like a true
novice), I wondered, Where
are all the mirrors? Coming
from a fitness background,
I was used to exercise being all about strength, tone,
and my outer appearance.
With its focus on deep
breathing, smooth movements, and inner stillness,
yoga felt completely foreign to me at first. But, after a few months of practicing, I started feeling good in
very unexpected ways. I remember telling my teacher,

I dont understand all the

physical, emotional, and
spiritual healing aspects of
yoga, and sometimes its
kinda weird to me. All the
chanting, breathing, postures, and sitting just seems
strange to me. But, Im going to stick with it. Im so
glad I did, and the health
benefits have been immeasurable, but naked yoga?
This was a whole new ballgame.
Anyone with even the most
casual familiarity with yoga
can easily imagine my concerns. Why would anyone
want to do yoga naked? I
wondered. What could possibly be the benefits?
After a little snooping
around on the Internet, I
found out that the practice
of naked yoga dates back
to ancient times. According to the ancient philosophy, naked yoga helps to
strip away our attachments
to material and sensual desires and connects us more
powerfully to our spiritual
selves. I still didnt fully un- Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


derstand the appeal, but in my 59

years, I have learned that the best
way to understand unfamiliar
things is to experience them -- to
give new ideas a wholehearted,
honest chance. The only way you
can truly learn is by moving from
observation to participation.
So, once again, I got naked for
the sake of personal growth.
When walking into a naked yoga
practice, you leave your ego at
the door. You have to, because as
soon as the sexy yoga pants, jewelry, and makeup that we use to
cover and express ourselves are
gone, you are left only with your
natural, unembellished human
form. In those first uncertain moments of class, I felt incredibly
vulnerable on my mat in the front
of the studio. I fought the urge to
feel embarrassed by my own nudity and by all of the other bare

bodies around me.

As the powerful Vinyasa flow began, however, I became increasingly aware of the
connection to the others in the room. Nothing about the feeling
was sexual at all -- instead, I had an overwhelming sense of
everyone in the room
being the same.
Suddenly, the bodies
around me, though
beautiful, didnt seem
as important as the
feeling of freedom
created by the whole
group through our fo-

cus, vulnerability, and

After class, I spoke to
Monika, the instructor,
about why she teaches
naked yoga and why
people should try this
very intimidating art.
She explained to me,
The best part of
teaching naked yoga
is witnessing the transformations
undergo. First-timers
are always scared to
participate, and they
worry about being
judged, but after their
first class, they describe it as the best, Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

most open, and most

free experience of
their lives. Its all just
in the mind. In reality,
naked yoga is one of
the least judgmental
and intimidating atmospheres that you
will ever experience.
Actually meeting your
own body -- observing how it functions
and appreciating and
loving it -- thats the
beauty of naked yoga,
and its a great way to
start changing your life
for the better. When
you practice loving and
accepting yourself as


who you are, you will

gain confidence and
pleasure in all areas of
your life, whether its in
the bedroom or in the
Before practicing naked yoga, I carried
those exact fears, assumptions, and limited perceptions that
but now I know that
I couldnt have been
more wrong. In fact,
after class, the only
thing that felt uncomfortable was putting
my clothes back on.

2 avocados from Mexico, halved, pitted and peeled
1/4 cup minced onion, divided
1 tablespoon chopped jalapeno
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, divided
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup finely chopped plum tomato
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime juice
In a bowl, place 2 tbsp of the chopped onion, the chiles, 1 tbsp of the cilantro and
the salt. With the back of a wooden spoon, mash until the mixture becomes a juicy
paste. Add avocados; with a fork, coarsely mash avocados; stir to combine with
the paste. Fold in the tomatoes, lime juice and remaining onion and cilantro. Serve
with tortilla chips. Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


By Vadimage

Sometimes some interesting stuff escapes

your attention. Only recently I read about
the work by Frans de Waal and Jennifer Pokorny which won an Ig Nobel Prize in 2012
for discovering that chimpanzees can identify other chimpanzees individually by seeing photographs of their anogenital regions
(their behinds) [1,2]. Chimpanzees were
not only seeing the photographs as repre- Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

sentations of chimps they knew, but linked

the face and behind by drawing upon a mental representation of the whole body of those
chimps [3,4].
When I pushed a vision of respectable scientists, taking photos of chimps behinds in order to share them with other chimps, away
from my imagination, I came to understanding that this discovery might hold a key to understanding the purpose of clothing. Among
the Hominidae, chimpanzees are the closest
living relatives to humans [5]. Someone even
calls humans the third chimpanzee [6].
Though, one may ask, What about humans?
A psychological study done at the University
of Texas in 2013 revealed that people do better at facial recognition when the whole person, not just the face, is presented. It appears
that when faces are partially obscured or difficult to differentiate, subtle body cues allow
people to identify others with surprising accuracy. Our work shows that the body can
be surprisingly useful for identification, especially when the face fails to provide the necessary identity information, project supervisor
said [7].
It should be taken into account that in the
timescale of evolution clothing is a relatively
new invention. Earliest recorded signs of
clothing date to 36,000 BCE. Considering
that the use of clothing has a relatively short
history, two scientists have assumed that it is
possible that the responses of the brain networks specialized in body perception could
show attenuated responses towards bodies
wearing clothing [8]. It indeed turned out
that the human brain showed enhanced visual processing of nude over clothed bodies.
Human visual system has been found to be
particularly sensitive to detecting nude bodies. The experimenters discovered that brain
mechanisms specifically devoted to process-


ing visual information worked more effectively as the amount of clothing on images shown to
healthy male and female volunteers decreased from full clothing via swimsuits to nude bodies. The
response traditionally assumed to be most pronounced to human faces proved to be even greater
to nude bodies than to faces [8]. With all these in mind, we can now suppose that one of the purposes of clothing is to hide ones true identity and fool others into believing that he or she has is
actually someone else. In culture, the putting on masks attempting to hide ones true identity is
often considered as suspect or even criminal (see, for instance, [9]). Of course, under certain circumstances, there might be reasons to disguise ones identity [10]. But, despite the fact that you
may enjoy being someone different, its nice to know youre still yourself at the end of the day
[1] Frans B. M. de Waal, Jennifer J. Pokorny,

Faces and Behinds: Chimpanzee Sex Perception,

Advanced Science Letters, Volume 1, Number 1, June 2008, pp. 99103(5)
[2] List of Ig Nobel Prize winners From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[3] Chimps can recognise friends by their behinds New Scientist
[4] Butts, Faces Help Chimps Identify Friends National Geographic News
[5] Chimpanzee From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[6] Jared M. Diamond,

The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal, Harper Perennial, 2006
[7] Study: People use body cues to help identify faces
[8] J.K. Hietanen, L. Nummenmaa,

The naked truth: the face and body sensitive N170 response is enhanced for nude bodies,

PLoS One. 20116(11):e24408
[9] Christine Matzke, Susanne Muehleisen,

Postcolonial Postmortems: Crime Fiction from a Transcultural Perspective, Rodopi, 2006
[10] What are some reasons why someone would want to hide their identity?
[11] David Numeroff, Laura Joffe Numeroff, Why a Disguise, Turtleback Books, 1999.
A modified version of the post with some speculations on human evolution
can be found on or DeviantArt. Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


Dracula Kiss

1 oz Blackcherry Vodka
1/2 oz grenadine
Marashcino cherries for garnish

Grim Reaper
1 oz Kahlua
1 oz rum
1/2 oz grenadine
Fresh ice

Witchs Brew

1 ounce Coconut Tequila

2 ounces Pineapple-Orange Juice
ounce Blue Curacao
Marashcino cherry
Fresh ice Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2



By Sunny_Naturist
Community is defined as a unified body of individuals with common interests or an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in
a common location. That definition could not
be more true of those supporting and living a
clothes free life.

good time. How different could we get? We were

white, black and brown. We were tanned and
fair skinned. We were thin and heavy. We were
young and old. We were urban and rural. But the
irony is, only in retrospect do you realize the differences. For at that time and place we were the

Yesterday we had the opportunity to participate in our first block party at Turtle Lake Resort
in Union City, Michigan. Like your typical block
party, it was complete with traffic cones to block
traffic, a DJ and food. Food is actually a pretty
generic term. There were approximately 9 tables
lined up covered with all the dishes and desserts
your heart could desire. As unique and different
the people, so was the food.
This has been going on for over 10 years on the
Labor Day weekend. We were told yesterday
that each year it continues to get larger. We
took our place towards the end of a VERY long
line when it was time to eat. Our first thought
was, there isnt going to be any food by the time
we get up there. Boy were we wrong. There was
plenty of food for us and all the additional people that continued to show up behind us. To be
honest, we dont have a count of how many participated in this block party but a conservative
guess would be 125-150.
Now back to the definition. An interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common location. That is what yesterday was, a
group of different people in the street having a Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


World of Aenya
a new fantasy book based on Nick Alimonos' Aenya series.

Long ago, the world was torn from the heavens, and drifted through
the great void. The oceans boiled away in the West, and not a sapling
endured the cold in the East. One Sea remained, and the Potamis
flowing to it, where the naked clash with the civilized. And yet she
remains, the spirit in every leaf and beating breast, Aenya herself. Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


Jim is a native Bostonian who just happens to reside in sunny luxury amid
hand-made chandeliers and gardens. Still, he hasnt lost the east-coast accent nor mentality amid such a paradise. Maybe the endless chores keeps this
Navy Veteran and retired store manager from losing his meat-and-potatoes
attitude by constantly fighting him for ownership of the estate. Maybe its
just NAKd living that does it. Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

21 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

22 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

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24 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2



Working Together.
Send us your selies!
One condom,
one cock,
one safer-sex issue!


December 1

#cockinacondom Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


The Dicture Gallery:

Talking Dick Pics With
Artist Soraya Doolbaz
Interview With Artist Soraya Doolbaz
About Dicture Gallery & Dressing Up Dick Pics

By Felicity Jones
September 8, 2015
Dick pics try so hard to get our attention
and be sexy, yet they are so often unwanted, poorly executed and anything but sexy.
Now one artist is attempting to change the
whole dickscape with her Dicture art.
Soraya Doolbaz photographs penises
dressed up in tiny outfits. Its sort of elegant and hilarious at the same time, and
thats the whole point. Soraya came up
with the idea while laughing over dick pics
with her friends and says on her website, I
thought it would be funny to treat dick pics
like a high fashion photo shootMy goal
with all this was to make people laugh.
Her sense of humor even extends to her
artist-alias name Doolbaz means plays
with dicks in Farsi.
I was interested in Sorayas unique art, so
I reached out to her to discuss penises and
dick pics, and her experiences in photographing this taboo body part.

Youve talked about receiving dick pics

yourself. Were they unsolicited or youve
asked for them?
Mostly unsolicited but some requested.
If we were already in a relationship and Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

comfortable with
each other I would
ask for it. I find
dick pics are a
good way to keep
things hot in a
long distance relationship.

How do you feel about receiving unsolicited dick

Ive found it really funny that this was even a move
/ play to get my attention. I was embarrassed for
them. The worst is when a guy sends the same dick
pic twice. Some guys pull out a black Amex [credit
card] and pay for dinner. Some guys send a dick
pic. At the end of the day, theyre just trying to impress.

Youve said that some guys dont want to attend

your exhibition because there are penises. What
do you think it is about looking at penis artwork
that makes men uncomfortable? Do you think
its a reflection of the male homophobia thats
still embedded in our society / culture?
While I do have some straight male fans (confident
types with a sense of humor), I find most straight
men do get uncomfortable with the idea of looking


at another mans penis. Even if

it is art. I would agree with you
in saying it has everything to do
with the male homophobia that
exists in our society. I believe
thats due to lack of exposure.
If I had to pinpoint it, I think it
started around the time people
covered the statue of Davids
dick with a fig leaf.

Thats an interesting statistic. I

assumed this was the case when
I made that comment about
men controlling the content. I
stand by my comment. Perhaps
if we had more women behind
the scenes there would be more
male nudity. Until then, lets
enjoy our Magic Mikes of the
world and of course, Dictures. :)

Theres a very noticeable lack

of full-frontal male nudity in
the movies and pop culture,
while female nudity is commonplace. Youve said you
attribute this to the fact that
Men are controlling the content and thats what [heterosexual] men want to see. I
think this is a great point. Just
a quick Internet search will
bring up stats like, Women
made up only 4.4% of directors in the top 100 box office
films each year from 2002 to
2012, according to a 2012
study by Sundance / Women
in Film.

So in the photo shoot, I guess

the man or his partner helps
him get erect and then maintain the erection? Do the guys
have trouble maintaining it?
Its got to be a little bit of work
for them!
Regardless of any mans boner
quality, its hard to maintain
it through laughter. Laughter
is the boners enemy. Its also
hard to maintain between costume changes. This is why I only
shoot couples. The partner is
there to help while I stand on a
chair waiting for the best moment to take the photo.

Rabbi Shaftstein Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

Talking about the erection

part made me realizeI think
this is the first time Im seeing
an erection being portrayed in
a nonsexual context! As naturists we always talk about how
nudity can be nonsexual, but I
think many dont realize even
erections can be nonsexual.
Was it weird to be in this photo shoot situation involving
erections where it wasnt sexual or about sex? (Or was that
sexual element still present?)
People always think erection =
porn. Do you think we need to
desexualize the male erection
to some extent?
I agree with you in that nudity
doesnt have to be sexual. I
dont think erections have to be
either. Although on some level
it has to be sexual for the model
to maintain it but not for everyone else, as they are looking at
the pics and laughing.

Old Saint Dick DJ Klaus Cm Gn


Since you say youre also trying to end genital shame, have
you given thought to the diversity of your penis models? Using circumcised and non, small
and large, etc? Part of peoples
shame and anxiety seems to
come from the fact that they
dont realize how varied human genitals are!

Yes, I shoot all penises. Regardless of the characteristics or

size, as long as they show up
with a partner. I have costumes
of all sizes and I think ALL penises should be celebrated. A
couple of my characters in the
first shoot are uncut. They are
hard to come by since North
America is all about circumcision. Did you know that during
the Roman times dicks were everywhere? All those greek gods
had their cock and balls out like
it was for sale. Having a small

uncircumcised penis was considered attractive. You can see

that on all the statues from that
era. Large penises were considered vulgar and unattractive. It
wasnt until the introduction of
porn that people became obsessed with penis size.

To read the full article

follow the web address listed on
our links page or click on the
authors name.
Learn more about Soraya and her work at:
and if youre in NY be sure to check out her upcoming art opening party September 17! Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


Buy yours today! Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


Candy Corn Krispies

1/4 cup butter
1 - 10 oz bag marshmallows
7 cups Rice Krispies
Food Coloring

1. In a large microwave safe bowl, melt butter
(about 45 seconds)
2. Pour in marshmallows and stir to coat evenly.
3. Place back in microwave and heat in 30
second intervals, stirring in between each
interval until marshmallows have melted.
4. Separate melted marshmallow into three
separate bowls (large enough for rice krispie
cereal). Separate the melted marshmallow into big, medium and small
amounts. I just eyeballed it until I felt like they were ranging in sizes. Basically
you want a 3:2:1 ratio.
5. In the largest melted marshmallow amount, stir in some yellow food coloring until desired color is reached. Stir in 3 1/2 cups Rice Krispie cereal until
evenly mixed.
6. In the medium amount of melted marshmallow, stir in orange food coloring
(may need to mix yellow and red) until desired color is reached and stir to
evenly combine. Stir in 2 1/2 cups Rice Krispie cereal until evenly mixed.
7. Stir 1 cup of Rice Krispie cereal into the small amount of marshmallow until
evenly mixed in.
8. Grease a pie pan. In the center of pie pan, press the yellow section along
the outside of pan into a circle shape. Then press the orange section inside
of the yellow to form a circle shape. Place small section in the center and
press down until remaining whole is filled. Let cool and form shape.
9. Cut into eights or as small as you want them to be. Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2









What is Colorlight Therapy?

Turning the light on or off
can bring inner balance
and peaceful restoration
through Samassati Colorlight Therapy. Color light
therapy is the centuries
old concept used by the
ancients in India, China,
Greece, Egypt and elsewhere to alleviate and
even cure various diseases.
Breathing, the heartbeat, and the digestive tract
are all regulated by the bodys automatic processes which depend on light. Light controls our
bodily functions. The re-emergence and growth
of this technology backed by modern scientific
principles is certainly an exciting adjunct to energy healing today.
Plants, animals, humans, everything in the natural world exists as color. The physical human
body is basically composed of colors or, simply
put, visible energy observed as colors. The human body is stimulated and healed by colors.
Many have heard of the human aurameasurable colored light (even visible to the trained eye)
emanating from inside the body which is generated internally as expressions of the cells themselves and can indicate healthy organ function.
Samassati Colorlight Therapy is a non-invasive,
painless, and effective method of applying colored light to specific areas of the body and on Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

acupuncture points for restoring balance and resuming vibrant physical, mental
and emotional health. Color is selectively used and
applied to either stimulate
or suppress the biochemical and hormonal processes to obtain balance within
the organs and throughout
the entire body. Samassati
Therapy is being used to effectively treat a wide
variety of both acute and chronic diseases and
disorders, including bacterial infections, viruses,
muscle-skeletal and hormonal imbalances.
We know light is energy or electromagnetic radiation (the fluctuation of electric and magnetic
fields in nature), and the color spectrum visible
to the naked eye is produced when energy and
physical matter interact. Each color is a specific
wavelength with its own fixed frequency. We
are able to see or discern only a small segment
of light or specific wavelengths as distinct colors
with the naked eye. Our cells and atoms exist as
energy, all having their own vibrational frequency we observe as color. In fact, each organ and
other tissues have their own color or measurable
vibrational frequency, distinct from the others.
Different colors have different frequencies and
respond differently when used on different parts
of the body.
Why is the use of light so integral to our function-


ing and how can we use color

light to help us heal disease?
Light entering the eyes
reaches the visual centers
of the brain, including the
hypothalamus, considered
to be the brains brain. This
in turn stimulates the pineal
gland (as well as the pituitary) to control much of our
bodys hormonal impulses.
Using light on the skin and
on acupuncture channels or
meridian points is known to
have measurable restorative
effects on the body.
Everyone is entitled to the
human right of relative
peace and a sense of sanity, clarity and wholeness in
their daily lives. Using light
simply, effectively and easily inspires and allows us to
regain contact with our innate, indwelling capacity to
restore natural health and
wellbeing. Anyone can benefit from learning how to
use light: laypersons, energy medicine practitioners,
therapists, nurses, and physicians willing to increase
their depth of understanding
and enhance their treatment
methods and skills, while
at the same time providing
a proven, non-invasive and
effective therapy for clients
and patients. Caregivers and
parents will find this training
one of the most efficacious
methods of avoiding costly
medical bills and needless
procedures for aging elders
and children. Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

Colorlight Therapy Uses:

Red, considered a warm color, provides comfort as well as
excitement as it energizes the heart and blood circulation.
The kidneys, spine, gonads and sense of smell are associated with the color red.
Orange is associated with sexual stimulation, enthusiasm,
joyful relationships and pleasure. This color is also considered antibacterial.
Yellow is used as a decongestant as well as for digest- ive
and lymphatic problems, and is associated with wisdom,
clarity and self-esteem. It is affiliated with the gall bladder,
pancreas and stomach.
Green, used for nervous breakdowns, insomnia, irritability,
ulcers and known to calm the spirit and restore balance, is
also used as an antibacterial as well as an antiseptic. It is affiliated with the heart, lungs and thymus.
Blue alleviates pain, stops bleeding, reduces fever, treats
liver disorders and jaundice, and eliminates toxins. It assists
in improving communication and calming strong emotions
such as anger and aggression. It is affiliated with the ears,
throat, hands and mouth.
Violet, known for its association with the pituitary and spiritual awakening, relaxes muscles. It calms the nervous system and internal organs.

Indigo controls bleeding as well as brings relief to abscesses. It is used as a sedative, bringing calm and stimulating


The Dicture Gallery: Talking Dick Pics With Artist Soraya Doolbaz

Faces & Bodies

How Naked Yoga Enlightened Me

Block Party Clothes-Free Community In Action

World of Aenya

Night of the Naked

Indiana Naturists

Central Ohio Naturist Guy Alliance

Turtle Lake Resort

Rainbow Naturist Brotherhood

Dallas Area Male Nudists

Tampa Bay Gay Nudists

Dallas Area Male Nudists Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2

34 Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


Check out the new

touch and swipe interactive website
Click HERE to subscribe!

to subscribe.) Magazine Volume
1 Issue 2 of legal age required by law is

Share your bare!

You could be a cover model! Magazine Volume 1 Issue 2


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