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The greatest part of success energy lies in 5 areas and thats what were going to cover in
this download.
To make a big impact, have more success and play a bigger game you must shift in many
ways and the easiest is to shift your energy. Most people teach that its the mind shift that
needs to happen first and the highest truth there is states that its in the energy first.

Maybe one of these sound like you:

Maybe you have a sense of urgency to make a difference and are noticing more
circumstances where the old ways of being, doing and growing a bigger income
and business no longer work.

Maybe you have a new concept and dont know how to get it out there and then
even if you did you dont know how to get it to make money and support you the
way youre accustomed.

Maybe you are frustrated with staying in the same place financially and every
time you take a step out side of your norm you get knocked back.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

Maybe you want to be of more service and yet dont have the income to just do
what you know youre here to do.

Maybe youve tried a lot of programs that got you a percent or two closer to your
goal but just didnt move the needle much.

Maybe youve got plenty of resources and yet dont know which direction to take

Each of these are aspects of what I can help you with and the 5 Essential Energies book
can help you start on the path further to solution or resolution or even massive
breakthrough. You will be changing your frequency when you use the techniques in this
download and starting here is like shoring up the foundation of an older building readying
it for greater things.
If you think any of those above sound like you then read about this story of one of my
Sue was an executive who was making a good income but had her sights on earning
$150,000 and every time she got close shed end up having a significant health challenge
that would cost a lot to solve. Sue had a plan to break out on her own and her family
started to have crisis that she had to help solve. Once we helped her break free she
achieved her first, then second and subsequent goals of hear own successful business,
better income and vibrant health.

Who am I and what gives me the authority to talk to you about this topic?
My name is Sheevaun Moran and Im an entrepreneur. Ive helped tens of thousands of
people achieve success using these and other advanced techniques to break through and
break free from what has held them back. I have been highly sensitive to energy since

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

childhood and have found that there are abilities that you want to learn how to use for
success and business that include the use of energetic solutions. Discovering these
sensitivities came at a pretty high price through many losses and I decided I wanted to
ensure anyone who was driven and had were sensitive could achieve greatness and the
successes they know are right for them and yet cannot get to the finish line. I have helped
many companies go from a solo idea to six figures and zero sales or a few employees and
struggling to hundreds of millions of dollars and sold to a bigger company. Clients have
come to me with health challenges and weve unwound that to have them live the life of
their dreams (maybe you got here from seeing a story about a client of mine named Jeff.)
My passion is helping people achieve their mission or purpose ensuring they have the
means and income they deserve to get them to live the life they desire. Freedom from
worry and more energy, vitality, health and success is the whole story. The person who
has whole success is the enlightened success the world has been waiting for.
I teach people to innovate, expand, and how to deal with anything that holds them back
through a set of ancient principles that before were only accessed by the elite or specially
trained. It is far beyond the mind where the most successes originate. Throughout these
pages Ill share some riveting successes.
Thanks for being here!
To your success,
Sheevaun Moran

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

The Energy
Many leading conversations in major magazines, newspapers, television and boardrooms
are focused on energy and how to have more of it. Theres a great deal of emphasis on
how to use the mind to increase energy and have a more peaceful life. Energy is more
than mindfulness and new age and more than just expanding your consciousness.
Energy is the leading edge of where we will be taking technology and our greatest leaps
in understanding and successes. Not just how much energy we have but the subtle energy
that surrounds us. The leading edge innovations are from things that are in the unseen
world that we are now almost taking for granted. The sooner you gain knowledge to the
subtleties that have existed in your life since childhood and no longer dismiss them as
weird or just random, the sooner youre able to grow your business or just increase your
income. Money and energy do go hand in hand.
The future of this planet does not have to be the gloom and doom that the media is
putting into your heads around not enough money and the rich are bad and do bad things
with money. With news that is fear-based, television shows that thrive on someones
failure, and movies that predict mass destruction we shift from upward and more
successes and innovations to downward and destruction. The future is based on our
adaptation to the subtle energy that we are bombarded with every day (wireless
technologies of any type, negative thinking, invisible chemicals etc).
Energy goes where thought flows. Where is your energy going?
A survey by Harvard indicated that more than 20% of the population is sensitive and
more than ever our children are highly sensitive. Being sensitive gives you the ability to
sense beyond the seeing, touching and tasting. Now before you take this too far and think
is woo woo or weird think of energy and sensitivity like this 100 years ago we didnt
light a room by electricity and even 20 years ago we spoke on the phone with a wire and

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

today we have wireless electronics. This is a type of sensitivity that we are all using today
in electronics. Your body has sensitivities or else you wouldnt feel emotion when you
see something that makes you feel love or something that has you feel sadness. These
electronics (wireless remotes, planes, connectivity, etc) prove that theres a level of
additional sensitivity in the electrical field that is now affecting our own personal space
and perceptions and thats based on the energetics of your body and brain.
Have you ever walked into a room and felt strange when just before you walked in that
room you were feeling happy? Thats an energy residue and those types of energies are
all around us, influencing our thoughts, hearts and attitudes. Our bodies are highly tunes
and the more we awaken to these interactions with our surroundings the more
energetically sensitive and aware we are. The more aware and awake to our own unique
ways of being, doing and having we are the less other peoples energies can influence us
and we are more of our own person. Learning a few simple energetic principles and
techniques to feel more you and less clutter or burdened is when youre empowered
and able to break free from being or feeling stuck in any way.
These are a few ways to tell if your energy is off: 1) you cant seem to get money flowing
but you seem to have a lot going for you, 2) you have constant illnesses, 3) accidents
seem to happen regularly, 4) things start to go your way and then suddenly stop.
If you have ever had a tendency to follow your intuition which leads to a good result and
then suddenly you seem to have run out of good intuitive impulses then youll want to
pay attention to this steps in the following pages as start to getting back your flow or into
your zone.


Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

It is a common thought that money is energy and energy is money. To many people that
is a given and yet the reality of that concept is much more than that. In this chapter Im
going to reveal to you that one difference of how understanding and applying the concept
of money and energy can set you free.
In order to have more money you need to expand your awareness. Your awareness of
what you are, how you think or dont think and how you have the ability to be more is the
first step. Beyond that you must take and expand your awareness to include how you can
do what you currently do for higher income to expand its reach.
Billionaires of today Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, Hamdi Ukelilei of
Chobani, even Mark Zuckerberg each attribute the work they did to break free from old
bad habits and attitudes, along with internal mental breakthroughs to succeed and break
boundaries. Much of that work is expansion of vision and mission and certainty.
Let me give you an example:
I had the opportunity to work with the founder of Chobani and recall meeting Hamdi for
lunch one day and I thought Id ask him simply what made him want to be a billionaire.
His answer was that he had a vision for food that didnt exist in the U.S. and he wanted to
see if he could get to that level. He is one of the kindest people youll meet and yet one of
the hardest working on himself and what makes him a better person.
To address your money and grasp another level of how energy and money work hand in
hand means to take the reigns and bring a new level of energy. A new energy is like
having cleaned your car after the rainy season and it just seems to run better. We will
apply this to your income source as well. Whether you have your own business or you are
an employee its imperative to get this piece sorted out.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

Placing a band aid on a wound that hasnt been cleaned out ensure the wound will fester
and this is what most people do when they get a new technique. They place the new on
top of the old and it seems to take forever for change or shifts and if you were to deal
with the energetic piece first, sort out the chaotic energy then success is that much more
effortless and quicker to occur.
To shift your energy around money you must shift some of your perceptions. One of
those is that money is dirty and although you dont physically touch money too often
these days you still have that thought energy around money. When you think of your
bank account you often think in terms of how much money you dont have or if you have
enough. These energies build up and create patterns of avoiding money, avoiding
touching money or even wanting more money.
The aware person thinks in terms of knowing how much money they have and how much
money they are about to spend in relation to what they wish to purchase.
Another shift is via the Law of Compensation. This law is the golden rule of life and
business. If you are in lack of something in your life you dont have a money problem
you have a numbers problem. There is no real lack just a lack in knowing where to get it
or allow it into your life. Awareness is the golden number solution.
Expecting something for nothing and feeling good when you get something without
paying for it means youre violating the law of compensation. You want more for you
and are willing to take something free from others but this creates friction between the
want and need. When you think like this you are depleting your own energy and thus
your money energy. Every time you arent willing to pay your way you are keeping
yourself in a lack mindset and then you will have lack in your life.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

Every time you look for bargains you will ensure that people will bargain with you and
expect you to provide things to you for free.
I worked with the finance department of Hyundai to help them understand their complete
dislike and disregard for the sales department was helping create difficulty with the
company to have ease with their sales process. Once we worked through some of the
conflicting thoughts and energies the finance department had the two departments had
more ease, mistakes went down and sales improved.
Some of the very basic teachings included the program that helped Hyumdai and many
other successful client stories is shared in my book Learn to Meditate in 2 Minutes for the
Lazy, Crazy and Time Deficient.
Your thoughts permeate your life and every thought will land somewhere. The more
aware of your thoughts and who they are aimed at the sooner you are able to master your
We are often so caught up in the daily habits that rarely do we stop and think and if we do
it is afterward. To pause a moment is to be mindful and to be mindful means you are first
using breath in a deliberate and consistent manner.
Do this to get more energy and clarity which results in money:
So stop right now and sit up straight, move away from the back of your chair, shoulders
relaxed and breath slowly into your abdomen. Pause for a moment once you take an
inhale breath this pause is your magic. Then exhale and pause for a moment. (if you
need count to 7 on the inhale, count to 1 on the pause and count to 7 on the exhale) Do
this 12 times slowly and youll find that you have more clarity and peace than usual.
Youll also find that your worries are diminished and that you are more productive.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

Your mind is an incredible conduit for energy. Every thought that passes through your
mind becomes one that needs a place to land. Once you think a thought and have a person
or situation attached to that thought ensures that the thought will land somewhere. Do
you know where? Are you available to understand that your words carry energy and that
its important to deal with the way you think and about whom you think.
Let me give you a few examples:
You need a parking place and you pray to angels for a great spot by the front. Well the
fact that youve made the decision, had a powerful thought and turned it over to give you
a result is where it lands.
You set your mind to a new car and suddenly you see that car everywhere.
You place an arrow in your bow and you have a bullseye that youd like to hit the center.
Your next thought is breath, focus on the end result and let go.
This is exactly how a thought lands and with thousands of thoughts most of them are not
intentional and land here and there and everywhere. Being intentional about your
thoughts and realizing when you have a similar thought that is negative and replacing it
with a new one gives your mind much more of a work out. A mental work out every day
with replacing thoughts that creep in which are negative with new ones or a better ending
gives you mind muscle.
Mind muscle is what every successful person does. They use their mind to a specific end
which is intentional with every single thought and where it is to land.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

The more you have on thought that gets interrupted by some other thought or energy or
social distraction the more addicted to that pattern you become. Your thinking then
become more muddy and chaoti
Mahatma Gandhi said, A man is the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he
The more calm your mind the more ease you have with what you need to do to increase
your income. Maybe you need to take action on an item and youve been so worried or
caught up on the busyness of your day that youve forgotten a key ingredient, which leads
to mistakes. Its possible that you have been seeking a solution for something in on
direction so long that youve not allowed any space (this is what breath gives you
space) to enter and thus theres more pain and chaos surrounding the project.
Do this technique right now:
Think of something negative and worrysome. Take an invisible samurai sword and cut
those connections. It looks like this you have a thread connected in your body to the
thoughts of worry or fear and you are cutting that thread, repeatedly, until that you are no
longer worried. (Heres a video on how to do this
Indecision is debilitating; it feeds upon itself; it is, one might almost say, habit-forming. Not
only that, but it is contagious; it transmits itself to others. ~ H. A. Hopf

You can also use this technique that I gave a CEO who had debilitating ADD:
1. Take your left index finger
2. Touch it to the tip of your nose
3. Breath in
4. Release index finger
5. Exhale
Do this 3 times when you are in the midst of indecision, too much to do or just need some
inner quiet.
It helped him go from bankrupt and almost divorced to a business thats now worth over
$20 million and a very happy life with his wife.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988


Mahatma Gandhi said, You can chain me, torture me, you can even destroy this body,
but will never imprison my mind.


It is proven that the heart is the most powerful generating organ of the body and the heart
mind connection is key to the reduction of stress. Stress reduction is proven to allow
more creativity.
Is it any wonder that when youre young youre filled with lots of energy and then you
get to 28 and something seems to shift? When youre younger you have more clear
energy and as you have life events the heart and mind connection has gotten clogged up.
Most people who have a passion would like to have a magical formula or win the lottery
so they can get their work out there. This is a significant disconnect to the heart and mind
and living a full life connection. That magical thinking is what happens when you try to
only think positive or you are using law of attraction. Its one sided and very misleading.
Its often the situation that when youre heart is in the business, or youre finally doing
what you have been called to do that there becomes a serious disconnect to money and
prosperity energy. Theres also the challenge of not knowing how to make an idea a
business or even get people to buy your products or programs suddenly when in your
other life you were a serious player or rain maker.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

Heart centered people are often more introverted and are driven with the right idea but
going in the wrong direction. The desire to give often gets you to give away your services
or products for little or no cost and that is often for the need to be acknowledged and
When you are all heart you give everything away in the name of doing good. But what
about living fully to the capacity that you were created for? What about having the life
you dreamed of?
Do this one exercise to get back in your body and aligned so that the prosperity energy
starts flowing and even following you.
Its a body, brain, foundational technique that was for many years only taught to those
who were descendants of kings and royalty.
Place your left thumb to your right earlobe, cross your right arm on top of your left and
place your right thumb on your left earlobe. Make sure youre sitting up straight and
breath. Youll feel like youre clicking into gear. For the video on the full grounding
technique (as what I just described is only one portion of it) youll want to watch this:


You are the expert of your body and to be more vibrant and energetic you must become
more in tune and expert at the energy of your body.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988


I had a client many years ago who was having trouble selling anything. His income was
low, his relationships were filled with problems and his health was not very good. Along
with some of the above techniques he used the concepts below to turn his income around
to $250,000 and improved all other areas of his life.
One of the reasons I love to talk about food so much is because its the rocket fuel of our
physical body. Its that changing what we eat is the most common and easiest way to
make a change in our life.
Here are a few very simple things to do that will help you immediately, and you dont
have to eat salads all day long.
1. Supergreens in my daily smoothie the easiest way to get greens into your diet
without having to eat pounds of salad. There are powders that you can put into
your drinks that give you more greens than even a smoothie can.
2. Minerals in my daily routine these are the keys to feeling lighter and having
enough mental energy to bounce back easily and to think more creatively.
3. Water you are likely not getting enough water. Just drink one or two more
glasses a day to start. If you can start your day with a glass of water, room temp
then youll feel better throughout the day.
4. Take the food that you know will help you feel good with you if you travel
keep healthy food bars, not the ones with lots of sugar, with you so that you can
have what you want to eat rather than dealing with bad airport food.
5. Say loving thoughts to any food that you are served every time you say
negative thoughts about what youre eating you are ingesting negativity.
6. Probiotics These are the good energies that help your body handle all those
food items that are not so good for you.
7. Salt Shower take a shower or bath with salt every day. This will help you wash

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

away negativity more easily. Its a tiny version of being in the ocean which is
very cleansing and invigorating at the same time.

Your spirit is on fire when you are aligned with right thought, right food, right action and
right energy. Having someone help you achieve these things is the quickest way to
achieving your desires, fulfilling your mission or purpose and helping those people on the
planet you are here to help.
If youve made it this far in this download then congratulations and it means youre
committed more to you than ever. Take this tiny exercise and when we meet next tell me
about how this one tiny shift has helped you. It has helped thousands of my clients.
Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. If you can place it toward the
back of your pallet on the soft non ridged area. This will help your alignment and right
brain and left brain work more effectively. (Warning: it has been known to help many get
focused and get to their destination much more quickly with fewer delays.)
Oscar Wilde said, Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are
infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.

Copyright by Sheevaun Moran and Energetic Solutions, Inc. You may not share this information unless you
acknowledge the author. Please take responsibility for your mind, health and success. You can reach us at or 714.374.1988

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