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1. Meaning of Literature.

a. Literature is a writing as an art form, or any writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual
value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage.
b. Literature is any type of writings on any subject, it means the body of artistic writings of a
country or period that are characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality
of intellectual and emotional appeal.
c. Literature is an imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value:
"Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity"
(Rebecca West).
2. Importance of Literature
a. Expanding horizons
First and foremost, literature opens our eyes and makes us see more than just what the front door
shows. It helps us realize the wide world outside, surrounding us. With this, we begin to learn,
ask questions, and build our intuitions and instincts. We expand our minds.
b. Building critical thinking skills
Many of us learn what critical thinking is in our language arts classes. When we read, we learn to
look between the lines. We are taught to find symbols, make connections, find themes, learn
about characters. Reading expands these skills, and we begin to look at a sentence with a larger
sense of detail and depth and realize the importance of hidden meanings so that we may come to a
c. A leap into the past
History and literature are entwined with each other. History is not just about power struggles,
wars, names, and dates. It is about people who are products of their time, with their own lives.
Today the world is nothing like it was in the 15th century; people have changed largely. Without
literature, we would not know about our past, our families, the people who came before and
walked on the same ground as us.
d. Appreciation for other cultures and beliefs
Reading about history, anthropology, or religious studies provides a method of learning about
cultures and beliefs other than our own. It allows you to understand and experience these other
systems of living and other worlds. We get a view of the inside looking out, a personal view and
insight into the minds and reasoning of someone else. We can learn, understand, and appreciate it.
e. Better writing skills
When you open a book, when your eyes read the words and you take in its contents, do you ask
yourself: How did this person imagine and write this? Well, many of those authors, poets, or
playwrights used literature to expand their writing.
f. Addressing humanity
All literature, whether it be poems, essays, novels, or short stories, helps us address human nature
and conditions which affect all people. These may be the need for growth, doubts and fears of
success and failure, the need for friends and family, the goodness of compassion and empathy,
trust, or the realization of imperfection. We learn that imperfection is not always bad and that
normal can be boring. We learn that life must be lived to the fullest. We need literature in order to
connect with our own humanity.
Literature is important and necessary. It provides growth, strengthens our minds and gives us the
ability to think outside the box.
3. What makes history of literature interrelated?
The roots of all our modern academic fields can be found within the pages of literature.
Literature in all its forms can be seen as written records, whether the literature itself be factual or
fictional, it is still quite possible to decipher facts through things like characters actions and





words or the authors style of writing and the intent behind the words. The plot is for more than
just entertainment purposes; within it lies information about economics, psychology, science,
religions, politics, cultures, and social depth.
Seven Literary Standard
a. ARTISTRY - This is a quality which appeals to our sense of beauty.
b. INTELLECTUAL VALUE - A literary work that stimulates thought.
c. SUGGESTIVENESS - Associated with the emotion of a literary piece.
d. SPIRITUAL VALUE - Elevates the spirit by bringing out the moral values of a person or
e. PERMANENCE - A great work of literature endures
f. UNIVERSALITY - Great literature is timeless.
g. STYLE - This is the peculiar way in which a writer sees life, forms his ideas and
expresses them.
Two Divisions of Literature
a. Prose is written in paragraph form and is meant to reflect common, everyday language.
The chief objectives of prose are to inform or educate the reader, or instruct the reader to
do something. Examples of prose include a novel, essay, letter or biography.
b. Poetry is written in verse form, with the express intent to appeal to the reader's emotion.
It relies heavily on the use of metaphors and abstract language to encourage the readers to
use their imagination. Examples of poetry include a ballad, an epic, a sonnet or a song.
Types and Elements of Prose
a. Examples/kinds of prose include novels, short stories, essays, letters, editorials, articles,
and journals.
b. Elements of prose includes Plot and Structure, Characterization, Theme, Setting, Point of
View and Style
Types and Elements of Poetry

Figures of speech


Lay Poetry
Classicism Poetry
Romanticism Poetry
Idyll Poetry
Canzone Poetry
Narrative Poetry
Rhyme Royale Poetry

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