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ARNICA This is the No. 1 remedy for all cases of injury as it also deals with shock. It
removes the blood back into the vessels as well. Give Arnica first in every First Aid
situation. It is even fine to give if nil by mouth in case of an injury needing an
operation. Good for sprains and strains. It has also been sited as usual for severe
exhaustion and jet lag. NB If using Arnica tincture it must not be used on broken skin
as it can cause a rash.

ACONITE Fright is the keynote of this homeopathic remedy when there is great
anxiety and sudden emotions. It is for any complaint that comes on suddenly after
exposure to cold dry windy conditions. Coughs, colds, chills, fevers that come on
suddenly may need this remedy especially if there is congested pain with restlessness.
It can also be used in an emergency situation for a panic attack.
APIS This is for bee stings and insect bites where there is a lot of swelling, heat,
redness and stinging pains. It is > cold applications and < heat. It is also an emergency
measure for anaphylactic shock to give on the way to the hospital!
ARGENTUM NITRICUM Fear and anxiety before an event, flying and ordeals of every
kind. There is distension of the stomach, burping, palpitations, diarrhoea especially
after sweet things.
ARSENICUM ALBUM for food poisoning with diarrhoea and vomiting. Feel cold and
fearful frightened to be left alone. < 11.00pm 1.00am. Complaints after exposure to
wet and damp.

BELLADONNA Fever with great heat which follows Aconite well. Red, hot, skin, dilated
pupils, throbbing pains. < light, noise and jarring. Throbbing headaches and mild
sunstroke. > bending backwards, sitting or standing erect. Sudden and violent onset of
BELLIS PERENIS Specific for bruising of soft tissue like the breast and internal
organs. Ailments after a blow. Good for internal bruising after a hysterectomy. It is also
called the Gardeners friend as it works well for aches after gardening.
BRYONIA A dry remedy. Dry fever, dry cough < for any movement, company or
talking. Dry lips, thirst, irritable. Bursting headache < any movement. Must stay still.
Red swollen, shiny joints, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica. A stitching pain >
pressure. Appendix symptoms which develop slowly specific. < heat > cold.
CALENDULA the healing remedy. Use the tincture as an antiseptic. For all infections
and inflammations where flesh is torn. It prevents pus formation. Beware that there is
no infection inside the wound or the skin will close up and keep it in! This homeopathic
remedy can be bought as a cream and useful for childrens cuts and scrapes.
CANTHARIS bad burns and scalds with blistering. Stops the pain.
CARBO VEG Air hunger, wants to be fanned but is chilly. Bluish colour. After near
drowning or electric shock and patient is cold, blue and lifeless. Indigestion with a lot of
CAUSTICUM Also for burns. Take a 30C potency and the pain goes in about 7 mins.
CHAMOMILLA great sensitivity to pain. Teething in babies. Very irritable.
CHINA Any illness when a patient is weak after the loss of vital fluids e.g. vomiting,
haemorrhage, sweating, diarrhoea. Distension of abdomen, flatulence, burping and
discomfort. Oversensitivity.

COCCULUS For sea sickness and travel sickness. Nausea, dizziness < motion > sitting
still or lying on side
COLOCYNTHUS for colic in babies which is > doubling up > hard pressure. Also
menstrual colic.
EUPATORIUM PERFORLATUM Flu, fever with great thirst, aching, bone pain,
bruised and aching muscles in back, chest and limbs. Scanty sweat. Restless, chilly,
nausea. Weakness. < cold air < 7 -9am < motion. Sick headache, nausea at the sight of
food. > vomiting.
GELSENIUM Also for flu but no thirst. Comes on over a couple of days. Nerves
affected. Heaviness in limbs. Face a dusky red colour with heavy droopy eyelids.
Muscles wont do as they are told.
HEPAR SULPHURIS Eruptions, boils, whitlows by nails, Ailments that are made
worse by a draft of air. Abscesses, sensitive to touch. Sore throats, earache that has
yellow thick discharge. Pain that is splinter like.
HYPERICUM is the homeopathic remedy for injuries that are rich in nerves, like
fingers, toes. Specific for injury to the coccyx. Use the tincture or cream for very painful
cuts, grazes and burns. Also use tincture as an antiseptic as it prevents tetanus.
IGNATIA Emotional and mental stress with grief, worry and disappointment.
Characteristic signing. Moody. Illness after a loss or shock. < tobacco smoke. Anger and
then suppressed tears or emotions after a loss. Globus hysterica ( lump in throat)
IPECAC Colic with nausea. Giddiness, vomiting. Profuse saliva. Any complaint where
there is strong nausea. No thirst.
LEDUM Puncture wounds, which are cold to touch, wounds from rusty nails, bites,
needles, wasp stings. It prevents post injury infections. (Aches and pains that are > ice)
MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE Bad cramping pains which are > heat > pressure and
doubling up. Especially period pains.

MERCURIUS pus, bad breath, offensive profuse sweat. Excessive saliva. Thick yellow
discharges. < warmth and < cold. Sore throats, ear pains. throat infection after the pus
has formed.
NUX VOM Hangovers. Illness after too much rich food > fresh air < indoors. Chilly and
irritable. Fever when every movement causes shivering even when wrapped up. Piles.
PHOSPHORUS After effects of anaesthetics particularly after injections for dental
treatment. Jet lag. Dry irritating cough. Loss of voice. Craves ice cream and ice cold
drinks. > for sleep.
PULSATILLA Earache. Weepiness, clinging dependant, whining. Craves attention.
Crave fresh air, like the windows open. > walking in fresh air. Very changeable. No
thirst. Cough > vinegar

RHUS TOX Aches and pains which are < first movement > on continued movement. <
damp < rest < cold > warmth. Restless. Often stops the irritation in chicken pox.
RUTA GRAV Strains, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Bone injuries, dislocations
and eyestrain. < with motion < lying on painful side. < cold > warmth
SULPHUR > open air. Boils, inflammations, a hot person, burning pains, offensive
SILICA splinters, promotes rejection of thorns, glass etc. Boils, abscesses. MUST NOT
BE USED if patient has anything artificial in body like new hip joint, pacemaker as it
may cause rejection.

First Aid Remedies

(1) Arnica. Number one remedy for accidents, shock, injuries, and bruising. Patient has
a fear of being touched and may say they are all right when they clearly are not. Other
applications include pain after dental work and jet lag.
(2) Calendula. Number one remedy for healing wounds. Useful as a topical cream in low
potency. Quickly seals wounds, so make sure wound is completely clean before use.
(3) Hypericum. Number one remedy for injuries to nerves. Pains are sharp and
shooting. Useful for pain after dental injection.
(4) Apis. Number one remedy for bites and stings. Helps with redness, pain, and
(5) Ledum. Number one remedy for puncture wounds. Also useful for animal and insect
bites. Along with Hypericum, a useful remedy for tetanus. An important remedy for
Lyme disease. Pain is better from cold application, worse from heat.
Remedies for Specific Situations and Acute Illnesses
(6) Kali-bichromicum. Number one remedy for sinus infections.
(7) Chamomilla. Number one remedy for teething.
(8) Ignatia. Number one remedy for acute grief or emotional shock.
(9) Belladonna. Number one remedy for high fever.
(10) Aconite. Number one remedy for nipping a cold in the bud, especially if onset is
precipitated by a cold, dry wind, or a fright or shock. Useful when illness comes on
very suddenly.
(11) Gelsemium. Number one remedy for the flu. Extreme prostration and weakness,
shivering up and down the spine, trembling, aching muscles, heaviness of head and
(12) Eupatorium. Another important flu remedy, especially if characterized by extreme
aching in the bones, as if they were broken.
(13) Arsenicum Album. Number one remedy for food poisoning. Also useful for the flu.
Patient is anxious and restless and does not want to be left alone. Fear of death. Worse
between midnight and 3am. Thirst for frequent sips of water.
Common Remedies for General Constitutional Use
In addition to the above remedies, the following commonly used remedies have frequent
application to many illnesses and chronic conditions.

(14) Pulsatilla. Number one remedy for childhood ear infections. Patients are clingy and
tearful, are thirstless, feel better when outside, and tend to have thick yellow-green
discharges. Can be a useful remedy for stomach upset after eating fatty foods.
(15) Nux-Vomica. Number one remedy for hangovers and overindulgence in food.
Patients tend to be ambitious, angry, tense, and irritable. Sensitive to light and noise.
Like to be warm in bed.
(16) Natrum-Muriaticum. Number one remedy for cold sores. Patients tend to be closed
and sensitive. Silent grief. Craves salt.
(17) Sulphur. An important remedy for itchy skin problems that are worse from
warmth. Patients tend to be warm-blooded, and like to kick the covers off in bed.
Hungry at 11am. Loves sweet and spicy foods. Intellectual or philosophically-minded
(18) Lycopodium. The insecure bully. Anxious and lacking in self-confidence, but can be
aggressive toward others. Fearful when trying to do something new. Complaints tend to
be right-sided. Flatulence and bloating. Worse from 4-8pm.
(19) Lachesis. An important remedy for left-sided tonsillitis. Patients are talkative and
amusing, but also suspicious and jealous. An important womans remedy, especially
around menopause. Left-sided complaints. Craving for alcohol.
(20) Phosphorus. An important remedy for tickling coughs, worse from laughing and
speaking. Patients are bubbly and outgoing, but with poor boundaries. Fearful and
anxious. Fear of thunderstorms. Thirsty.

Dana Ullman, MPH

The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Understanding
Homeopathy by . View all columns in series
If you wish to experiment with homeopathic medicines,
here are ten medicines that are used for common
These medicines should be taken in the 6th or 30th
potency. Generally, if there is minor pain or discomfort,
you should take the medicine three times a day, stopping
once health has been restored. If there is more severe the
pain, you can consider taking the medicine every one to
three hours, decreasing the doses as symptoms are
reduced. If you do not observe some improvement after 24
hours in an acute condition, the medicine is probably not
the correct one. If symptoms persist, consider another
medicine or seek professional homeopathic care.

It is generally recommended that people treat themselves for non-threatening acute

conditions only and obtain professional care for chronic or potential dangerous health
conditions. Dr. Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman's Everybody's Guide to
Homeopathic Medicines (Tarcher/Perigee, 1991) provides detailed protocols for
helping to determine when symptoms are beyond self-care.
Allium cepa (onion): Because it is known to cause tearing of the eyes and dripping of
the nose, it is a frequent remedy for the common cold and hay fever, especially when
there is a thin, watery, and burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils. Typically,
the person's symptoms are worse in a warm room and are relieved in a cool room or in
the open air.
Arnica (mountain daisy): This is the #1 remedy in sports medicine and first aid. It is
used for shock and trauma from injury. It also helps to reduce pain from injury and to
speed the healing process. Whether you're into competitive sports or exercise regularly
or if you simply don't like to feel the pain of an injury, Arnica is the place to start.
Chamomilla (chamomille): Many parents owe their sleep to homeopathy, not because it
helps them directly, but because it is so good for their infant. Chamomilla is THE
remedy for the irritable infant, especially from teething or colic. The infant cries
incessantly, and nothing seems to provide any relief, except carrying them, and even
then, the crying begins recurs as soon as the parent puts the child down.
Hypericum (St. John's wort): This remedy is the first medicine to consider for injuries
to the nerves or to parts of the body rich with them, including the fingers, toes, and
back. Any injury with shooting pains should be given this remedy.
Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean): One day this remedy will be used by the majority of
psychiatrists. It is one of the leading homeopathic medicines for acute grief, anxiety,
and depression, especially after a death or separation from a loved one. The person
sighs frequently, has a lump in the throat, and may tremble.
Magnesia phosphorica (phosphate of magnesia): This is the most effective remedy for
cramps, including menstrual cramps. It has helped prevent many women turn from Dr.
Jekkyl into Ms. Hyde as a result of menstrual cramps. It is particularly indicated when
a woman's cramps cause her to bend over and when they experience some relief from
warm applications.
Nux vomica (poison nut): This is the premier medicine for ailments exacerbated by
conventional or recreational drugs. It is also a common remedy for treating symptoms of
overeating or from drinking too much alcohol. Considering how many people have these
vices, this is an all too frequent medicine today.
Pulsatilla (windflower): Perhaps the most commommon remedy given to both children
and women, this medicine is not indicated for a specific disease but for a specific

pattern of physical symptoms and psychological characteristics. Physically, these people

are warm-blooded: they wear less clothes than others, prefer open air, and don't feel as
well in the heat. Psychologically, they are a gentle, mind, and yielding person, with a
quickly changing emotional state and a strong tendency to want to please others.
Rhus tox (poison ivy): This medicine is the most common remedy for sprains and
strains. It is especially indicated when a person experiences a "rusty gate" syndrome,
that is, pain on initial motion which is reduced the more the person continues to move.
It is also often given to people with the flu or arthritis who experience this similar rusty
gate syndrome.

Use by
in UK based
Use Only


Symptoms are sudden, violent brief Aconite

anxiety, fear, restlessness, grief - high
temperature with great thirst - Insomnia
Apis mel
Argent nit

Insect stings. Burning, stinging pains.

Swelling of lower eyelids. Absence of thirst
Colic. Headache. Dizziness


Use after any injury. Bruises. Sprains.

Arnica is also a very
Physical exhaustion. Insomnia due to over
popular herbal remedy.
tiredness. Muscles ache all over
Arsen alb

Upset stomach. Vomiting. Diarrhoea (as

from food poisoning). Cramps in calves.


Brightly flushed face. Swollen joints.

Vertigo. Facial neuralgia. Severe throbbing
headache. Dry hacking cough. acne


Irritability. Dryness. Dry painful cough.

Dry lips. Thirst especially for cold drinks.

Calc carb

Cracked skin in the winter. Period pains.

Itching skin. Premenstrual tension.

Toothache. Vertigo. Insomnia.

Calc fluor

Carbo veg

Head colds with thick greenish-yellow

discharge.Catarrh. Croup. Toothache.
Burns and scalds before blisters form;
Indigestion with excessive flatulence.
Hoarseness. Loss of voice. Tinnitus with
nausea and vertigo.


Teething; irritability and restlessness;

colic; green slimey diarrhoea


Travel sickness; nausea with hollow

sensation in stomach; nausea during




Colic; stomach pains; flatulence; cramp;

stitching pain
Cold with watery eyes and streaming nose.

Influenza. Sneezing. Sore throat.

Symptoms of flushing, aching, trembling.
Weary with heavy aching muscles. Runy
nose. Vertigo.

Gelsemium is still used

by professional medical
herbalist but is not
available over the

Unhealthy skin. Cracked finger tips.

Constipation. Tinnitus. Earache. Sinus
trouble. Dandruff

Hepar sulph

Skin highly sensitive. Acne. Croup.



Painful cuts and wounds. Lacerated

Hypericum is also
wounds involving nerve endings. (after
known as St John's
consultation with a medical professional)l Wort.


Kali phos

Fright. Prolonged grief. Sore throat.

Piercing headache.Insomnia
Mental tiredness from overwork. Nervous
exhaustion. Nervous indigestion. Loss of
voice. Hoarseness. Giddiness from
exhaustion and weakness
Irritability. Fear of failure. Period pain.

Premenstrual tension. Hiccough with

Mixed Pollen Hayfever when triggered by pollen
Nat mur

Sneezy cold. Runny nose. Vertigo.

Premenstrual tension. Housemaid's knee

Nux vom

For over indulgence in food and alcohol.

Itching piles. Stuffy colds. Vertigo.
Constipation. Raw throat

Phosphorous Dry cough; hypersensitivity; night sweats


Premenstrual tension. Catarrh. Styes.

Menopause. Acne. Tinnitus

Rhus tox

Rheumatic aches and pains. Overexertion. Pain in ligaments. Tickling


Ruta grav

Injuries to bones. Fractures, dislocations.

Sprains of wrists and ankles. Eye strain.


Physical and mental debility due to

exertion. Boils, abscesses, acne. Bunions.
Chronic headaches. Sinus trouble


Unhealthy looking skin. Tendency to skin

disease. Itching skin. Acne. Insomnia
Tinnitus Lack of energy


Warty growths. Morning headaches

Thuja herbal tincture is

used for its anti-viral
properties to treat
warts and can be
prescribed by a
qualified medical

Common Acute Homeopathic Remedies to Keep on Hand

By Christina Mueller

We keep a few commonly used acute remedies prepared in liquid in 30C potencies in
our metal remedy box***. We remix new remedies every 2-3 months to make sure they
are fresh and still active:

Aconitum napellus - fear, fright; sudden onset of violent symptoms with fever
after exposure to cold and dry wind
Apis mellifica*** bee, wasp, hornet, etc. stings; with pain, and red, puffy,
shiny, hot swelling

Arnica montana after injuries such as falls, concussions, bumps, bruises,

contusions, car wrecks; to prevent shock from any injury; emotional shock;

Arsenicum album colds, stuffy head, irritation from mucus and irritation in
throat, better from warm drinks; food poisoning, with vomiting and diarrhea;
such as from eating bad meat

Belladonna - high fevers of sudden onset in children with hot, dry forehead,
glassy eyes, thirst-less; affects of sun stroke; helpful at antidoting the adverse
effects of rabies shot in animals

Bryonia alba - Sprains and injuries worse from motion, better from rest and
warmth; colds, flu, fever with great thirst for large gulps of cold drinks, aching all
over, irritability

Calendula officianalis - first intention healing of wounds, cuts, tears, ruptures

of tissues, tendons and bones (orally in potency); anti-infective, antiseptic
(diluted tincture applied directly to wound)

Cantharis burns and scalds, to first or second degree; sunburn; UTIs or

urinary complaints with burning pains

Cellphone and Cell mast to antidote any effects after second-hand cell phone
and other wireless technology exposure

Hypericum perfoliatum concussion of head, neck, spine or tail bone; shock;

injuries to nerve rich areas like fingertips, neck, groin, toes; to prevent tetanus
resulting from puncture wounds in palm of hand or sole of foot.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum between the 3X-12X potency (whatever we are

on), used to antidote mercury symptoms; remove foreign objects like a splinter,
etc.; to antidote inhaled metal dust from aerosol spraying operations

Ledum palustre - insect and spider bites; swellings and inflammations with
white swelling and cool to touch (inflammations are generally warm to touch); to
prevent tetanus resulting from any wound

Rhus toxicodendron*** - poison ivy, oak and sumac; injuries for over-straining,
pains worse from being still, better from motion, worse on first motion (creaky
gate); as first aid in case of heart attack

Ruta graveolens (after use of Arnica ), strains of muscles and tendons; eye
strain; parts feel bruised; injuries to periosteum (consider also Symphytum and

Staphisagria - anger, indignation, victimization; UTIs; injuries from sharp

object such as a knife or scalpel (think of it after surgery)

Symphytum officinalis - breaks and fractures; injuries to periosteum;

traumatic injuries to eye

X-ray to antidote radiation exposure such as after air travel, and to help
neutralize any effects from solar flares, medical x-rays or too much sun exposure

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