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Social heuristics and physical resistance

If you can't you identify you get to hit a reset button. It's so very profound you if you want to if you're
dying and want to be a woman can be a woman. If you're you know if you want to have an amazing
body have an amazing body doesn't matter what that means that a bunch of the bunch of people
don't have to deal with body shape. There they get to they get to remove that from the equation. And
if they do because I think it's naive to be like oh you know people just shouldn't feel body because
people do it and that's that and some people it's in this they're going to feel bad about the place
that's the person inside you think encourage a culture that does not you know support body shape
but on the other hand there are some people that are just going to feel bad about their bodies and
the for that he's confident in her going to screw up another part of their life and that's too bad you
think that social stigma would ever possibly be have lovely really faded by this like you could
Pavlovian Leake condition yourself if you're confident in the game about your body to be the
translate into the real world or do you think that level the level of reality escapism or always
suppress that can carry over because I do think I think what it will do is I think it will teach a lot of
people how to interact and be. Interested in the Book of people and those are lessons no matter what
sort of body you are useful to you're going to have one people who are doing all these new social
sphere but the thing is that that's the thing I think social skills could vary as you've explained could
very easily translate into the world where if and I dictate that in order to actually be good at said.
Game for those introverts who actually find that they're very passionate about games to translate
over the world I think that's very easily an outcome. I just I wonder about the actual physic call
computer because being able to speak is something that you don't necessarily need to have a body
for and so that's why it does it can very easily translate over because it's nothing really changes it's
your it's your voice it's your your social app at the adeptness but I think that a lot of I think what we
share is very complicated issue. It's a thing in many places and one of the little things about it is you
know if you don't feel confident in your own body then he'll feel confident going out and talking to
people then you have new for us and when you have no friends. Society deems you will lose your
little room. We think of you don't you. We don't we don't treat with you I just realize if you don't
write a book you could totally do a TED talk on this show really really narrow the advocacy of future
game artificial intelligence the substituting. Advanced social her wrist sticks and adeptness in order
to assist extremely socially social introverts with psychologic all restriction is causing them to have
issues in their daily lives to bring them out of their shell into the real world I think you could very
easily turn it into an actual guy. If you're the hose older. You're a loser. Then you know your friends
then you're deemed a loser by society and you feel even worse. However if you can remove your
body from the picture and inhabit another body and then you can develop your social skills within
that body or just in general if you can build your social skills in that way then you can go on real get
for us we get friends have you have a support network so want easy to get it with body shape. So if
we can teach social interaction through people then you've done something really and move to really
want to say the population which is giving people. Well there's this fantasy and the solution to the
problems from which they apply to this is the fundamental. This is the fundamental answer to what
is the point of videogames yet because most of the time the answer to what is the point of a game is
usually not as simple as it will build some mental capacity your skill. It's usually. Mentally useless
but something like what you're proposing is something which can translate into something that
could literally help people in their daily lives it's not just yeah. So essentially what certain work with
so the produce that seven second life was more about the problem was there was no direction of
Second Life. I think first something like this to succeed. There has to be there has to be a narrative
arc or some certainly a point or goal is about teaching teaching lessons with Second Life was a you
know he will to be whoever you want in a virtual And so you know some people you know use that
for various reasons I had my grandfather's best friend from playschool his wife. It's actually your
science professor when she's not like in school teaching at an institution or she's got like a program
through Second Life where she said she really teaches. Suman ours to second which is really really
you know that was the thing. Yeah I was doing it so you can feel like you're in you can you know
simulate a classroom and you deliver science to people interact with people in that way which I think

Social heuristics and physical resistance

it's rude for go through that there is really really core idea patient here. Yeah. Yeah you know I think
the video games. I think. Video games can be educational when they're here to tell you the way
lessons to other forms of media books and movies and that they have an even greater. Vanish.
Because the leaders before him. So if the players in control over here and who they are presented
with those choices themselves rather than a character who was in those forces and they see the
repercussions of those actions and they hear we can always go back and figure it out and we'll see
who's with I see two two. I guess considerations for this one is in order for people to advance the
something they typically have to go beyond their means like in order to get faster you have to force
yourself to push yourself to your absolute limit. So for for learning new I guess social interactions
you typically need some sort of motivation and that's why I think something like Second Life Well the
idea of becoming someone else is going to free the or the issue yet the issue is that it's directionless
I think you. I think players would need to have like an actual direction. That's Don't allow themselves
to express themselves in a limited a limited number of ways in order to figure out what works and
what doesn't work but it has to have some kind of direction. Whether or not that is you find a virtual
wife which I think the only way for that's actually work is if actual So shoal social scientists marriage
and relationship counsellors pooled together their collective knowledge on how a successful and
healthy relationship would be attained and implemented it into a game in order that for players to
actually succeed in a win virtual wife rule or husband. Sure whatever the fuck. That they would
actually have to go through the social loops. Necessary to establish what would be defined as a
healthy relationship. In their own unique way. Mind you but. They would need that. They need some
kind of direction or incentive. They need like either a quest. Or a goal or something that they have to
overcome in order to learn. Bigger. Yet they're not disappoint. They can totally see the benefit of
like. If you learn how to be really good at talking to people you can sell your goods and wares in the
marketplace and get better level. Up. You know. Leveled up. Armor and weapons. But that's going to
be meaningless unless the reason for doing that is because eventually they have to fight. A dragon or
eventually they have to go. Rescue a village or eventually they have to do something. They just need
a goal. It also has to be that there are many different ways. For the player to retrieve that goal.
Because we don't want is you don't want people picking up the gear and. You know trying it out and.
The people who actually do to win the lesson. Quickly figuring out there are no. Very good figures.
Given his that's a problem with the original right. In the group of people are going to have to bill it's
him who i don't like the person you know. You can like tell the person they can win the game.
Technically speaking. If they continue to be socially awkward. You you know will also make that.
Have incredibly boring. You know. More boring than with any other. Noise just go out into the hills
grind for a while to come back. Some guy they were barely to wait to see what you're advocating
that or you're also playing that as a means of the of showing that's that's one possibility further than
do that. Oh OK Actually I totally get it. Yeah hundreds of hours on the other hand if you want to be
gained sixty hours of the nobles gain their confidence in order to have them back you with an army
and take the dragon's cave by force with an army backing or you know me you happen to like me a
person or you happens to be accurate. Yeah accolade of the lesser god you know the issue here meet
the lesser god you act like trying your way into the hole. And the Lesser God gives you a wide range.
If interested are a lot more interesting and grinding than fighting dragon and the way that you may
be so go about. Talking to that person is through what they call them what our son Chon Kuhn in
lecture on a reflects the way that you too that is by learning the equivalent honorifics of how you
would speak to a god which requires you become more socially adept than you are in order to be on
the same level as someone who would can converse with God in a game or whatever the equivalent
is also because right now I think one of the big things especially R.P.G. is nice you were talking to
Jews because I'm more or less it's really much the only situation for educational but I'm sure you're
just going to believe the truest form is that which is closest to imagination. Yes this is too hard a
nation but also those closest to an imagination combined with a reality. And in that sense I think that
R.P.G. users are vying for the game because the closest to your combining all very factors of motion
without it being you know the player has enough control of the wheel or they could make decisions

Social heuristics and physical resistance

and you know the developers made them think versus like platformer where it's very clear that it's
only the developer it's really making your choices and you're just trying to beat the tests that the
developers sort out from all the big things that are produced of science right now is actually really
great you know we you know since we've got you know bigger map sizes. We stick more content into
this map so for you I mean if you spend enough time exploring the small mountain ridge. You may
find a cave that has a thing right that leads you to a whole series of other fast pseudo you give
people the possibility of social exploration and you tell them Well you know if you want to if you want
some poor quests you want for Kool-Aid domes you will have more fun and games then you do more
stuff or try things out you know you're going to be. I mean certainly has this review component of
the game that it's some one. Your character. You know has the option of trying to use a doctrine that
you will use of into giving them your mission they need if that's what one question they need to get
something out of someone you know with her various ways they can do that you know through that
method you can teach people you know these various different social scenarios. Because they're
motivated by the desire of your. It's just that yeah that is the fundamental difference between a
sandbox directionless game and an R.P.G. where there are set boundaries and rules within the game
even if potential actions that your character can do or another into the game world has somewhat of
a direction there are caves that exist somewhere. They're not just they can't just be anywhere you
can just drag and drop caves anywhere you like there are specific caves that you can't modify and
because of that interaction stemming from talk about the caves where the kids are located on the
Everyone's map. There's always like a direction and I think that that is there's also have the spring in
months about future. That's sort of his dream and I woke up in just a dream because His love it when
you can do that room. Yeah continue to perpetuate whatever interesting thing you're thinking about
and it was basically this that I had woken up in magical fantasy and it's sort of been going about my
doing and has been Jules several times that I have to do a new ministry and I found the
administrator is all medieval fantasy but I found the person and the minister just kind of hanging out
in this you know on this the room in the middle of an empty board and I talk to him and he told me of
his if I wanted. I always had the option of stepping out but you know as long as I was happy with
these fools who put me in that state and so when I woke up one. But this alternate version of the ME
where we know that you have because after going to vary in the movies. There are some people who
remain in the matrix that don't want to leave you I just keep with that sort of thinking at some point
in time it's going to get to them you know if overpopulation. You can see how it is and you know
transportation of the canals. You know he was really rather general it's very destructive. So if we
hear you of a potential future could be there. Everyone exists. You can exist outside of the hall but
you have the option of going into Parliament and living any number of various fantasies and you can
live separately from the rest of reality or you know connected into a larger network. So there can be
like I have a fantasy where we're like half of the you know half of the people we're you know parts
and half of the people you know a few and they just lived in this world. It seemed completely natural
to them and felt perfectly OK and felt just like this will be some magic and you could essentially
conserve the amount of space walking by going into one of his heart and with all these various
reality is hence we would have also figured out how to do things like you know food would stop
being an issue because you'd just be fed the correct number of vitamins per day. I served with you
know a pretty generic Mili substance for injustice and you have to be able to it's like in Richardson.
They tell ciphering us to go there you know most of their names only when they're like say for you
know if you want to go out you know what return really it's like yeah just one more week of are like
yes we'll have stick slip slips big time you can have you can think you're eating steak all the time if
you want to you just you just are great a lot of stuff to keep you healthy and furthermore you know
my future picture of your least there will be programs for the viewer. For instance if you were of use
and want to do in more professionally where the machine would put it would do it like scan your
review your behavior but then if you like self-induced like dialing where you could you know you get
a little telephone booth or simply perhaps all these wires so that every time you put the machine
actually least resistance on it is such that you could do it soon we're here because you're in the very

Social heuristics and physical resistance

beginning you know. Everyone's going to want to be the strongest and fast as they possibly can so
we put you know we put their bodies under very little stress for any particular you know if you're
running you know your white charger over will translate into your thinking with a few you know
sprinting as fast as you can we can change that we can make it so that you know even though you're
lifting you know this huge sleepwalk It's like a field with a sleepwalk too but it's going to feel like a
cement in the way but you really. You know why with the city block. It's Superman or something so
we can put a very slight strain on people's muscles and we can feed them a very specific diet such
that people hold to mint condition English over time. Yeah it'll be the ultimate dishing machine and
you never have to know you never have to you know you never have to care about this you're a yeah.
Even if you're living in a virtual reality where you're not like heating things up or if I'm just walking
down the street. It's just increased you know it's like it's people really like graphic. That's really you
know push just move. It's a valid reason for a major examples you know stress on. Body. Yeah you
could work out between his heart. If you thought you were doing it for fun but yeah yeah I think you
do it for fun. Craig. No but that's I mean that's that's what's great about it is how good you will run
for a few hours when you get a little bit work out time you know you know people and you can eat
like normal and if it would if it's feeding you just so when you're just a healthy amount your body is
actually you could actually probably fix people's metabolisms that could fix their dietary health
issues but if you really want to if you really want to transition back in the real world you could really
get Sunday in it if you want to smoke you could like there wouldn't be any restrictions on smoking if
you want to feel you know when we were smoking your longer smoke was like everything else really
just a brain signal synthesize it. So you know you will not believe in the future if you want to smoke
cigarettes or can never be sad because you are cancer. Yeah it's all in your head you know this could
be you you've basically aside from given a valid reason for why the R.P.G. could with advanced.
Official mechanics require players just to learn to speak to people and communicate better if you
had a valid reason for something like The Matrix to be used as a means of actually helping people
heal their body isn't that it's that bad yet matrix is actually pretty great you ever goes to all of the
people that are really healthy when they first come out troops. Yeah. All of them like really good. I
mean it's we are for them but I think they have like you know that sleep beautifully of weirdness of
being outside of it to believe you know comes out in really good shape. I think that the idea of
resistance band was through like I personally it is is a concept that actual call orse Scott Carr the
person who wrote and was killed. I think every I saw that he had written about one of his books at
one point and that that does sound. Yeah like very very much something that can be applied to
people who want to like what do people hate about exercise. The fact that it's T.V.'s You're
frequently where you feel like you're wasting your time in one particular place doing repetitive
activity with no end in sight. That's what it can to show as ish and so powerful that yeah but if you
were in a superhero in a virtual reality world and your body is just doing the T.D.M. in the
background. In a box and you don't realize it. It doesn't become tedious. Yet it's one big feels like
doing a little karate or taekwondo is you know not just it's you know self-defense. Or that it's
exercise. It's also there it's exercise and you get to do a really cool thing. You and it's the difference
between reservoir muscle and dumb muscle as though it would rather people would rather you know
learn how to face them then spend the next six months. You know lifting weights and running in the
tread. So if you can make something fun for people to give you exactly the Furthermore you know
there will be other possible to hurt yourself that would be OK I take that back in the matrix it is
possible to hurt yourself but what you could theoretically do is make it make restrictions so that you
would be involved or ball to pain. I mean you still feel strange but you like you could get hurt. So you
could do you know super heroic feats or whatever in the virtual world and that would trust translate
to you having to exert more effort and strain on your real body which would translate to you more
well in better shape. So yeah I could see that. Yeah. Me Well well you're well you know your body
used to get in shape you get to walk around as anyone you want and do anything you want to do they
could be combined for the ultimate scrawny social introvert or ultimate extremely obese.
INTERVIEWER with no social skills condition your body to become a human in the background of

Social heuristics and physical resistance

your mind while you walk around in whatever personality you want and develop your social skills to
become more adept at interacting with the people around you. Yeah could be the ultimate teach you
how to be a human teach you how to. You know this. I mean it's really you know out of you know
even being will not just be a human being but how to be a human being you know to be you know
older and happier commute more of a community of human being a better life. I mean let's get you
know not a human being but the looseness goes for you want to influence you bring more and indeed
together this problem with the streak of that who's in the room when you know there was five more
minutes worth of the room to fifty or forty one as the for the other three Oh OK so the other thirty
minutes. But anyway they get to the second part going to have three in the morning. This dude who
no longer in the fair fairer areas and I was just going to say I read something recently which says
that the not supposed to like in order to be healthy. This was not supposed to be late because what
your bodies should what your body is technically supposed to be doing that during that time.
Technically. But biologically is healing itself that's what it's that's what it's doing during sleep and if
it diverts energy to to digest food. It takes away from your body healing itself and thus you become
on the health of your as a result like your body will decline in health because you're putting energy
into digesting instead of healing your liver supposedly. REM sleep favorite comedians on the subject.
Why the hell of the Kool-Aid in the refrigerator is fair enough I was just going to say supposedly
remise Louis one of the main purposes is to feel like your lungs and liver which are not your lungs
but your and your liver and your stomach lining regenerate most during them away right. Sleep and
they're always regenerating because their you know your stomach acid is basically destroy your
stomach away separate regenerating constantly but it happens fastest when you're in REM and
when you get a hold the amount of sleep and that's why you can have your digestive issues where
your stomach lining breaks down more than it should because you're not sleeping enough and so I
think that's also one of the reasons why staying awake for two one can literally kill you and kill
certain animals because those animals use that time when they're sleeping to heal the lining of their
stomachs don't like eat themselves alive which is kind of a scary thought when I think about it but
supposedly humans have gone like weeks and weeks without sleeping in like get us more and like
world record type things and so I think it must be a much longer process for a human to do that you
know and I can't go more than like a day without sleeping like I but the next day the only two hours
of live from the next day all run on adrenaline up until about midday and then all just feel really
really cold all over and then I'll become mentally and nap for the rest of the afternoon. If I close my
eyes my eyes will start to close and voluntarily so. I have like lapses in time and like where all those
close my eyes and I'll be like open the middle of people a minute thirty to twenty seconds later
because I'll just fall asleep standing up and then what will happen is as soon as I close my eyes and
I'm like doubt I'll fall asleep and not wake up and so I had sufficient recovery time which is usually a
period of like ten to twelve hours because as to make up for not sleeping eight hours prior to that
and also the amount of extra rest you need you needed because you need to recover from that
adrenaline you've all your spew spent in order to physically move your body after one day of not
sleeping at all this is this that's really about your over the top figure a lot of ours for all of our to go
into the power. So I can sleep two hours. It's great it's the worst. That's also sleeping you have a
really great sleep you can't sleep I can't sleep said no he wouldn't really do. That's interesting I sleep
for three hours feel awful for ice for me it's for about thirty minutes or two to the power of one half
of the would have his square root of two which is the rational number. Yeah you know you got leave
to the good. That's such an exact and does what goes on for having lived through to the one point
five but it has to be even is what you say has to be even worse reading but also not all. Live ready to
do anything let's go to the heart of anything is even two senators two two zero this one and two to
the one point five two to the one to the one half right to to the wise he switches to the one half to
two The No sir. Plus one has or should know what stoop to which no to the one or two the third is
equal to to do the first time you have to make a fraction and to the second which is so that means
you construct it out that had its square root of two two. Yeah you're right. Exponent fractions
fractions and see here but don't tell them that it's in their thing it's to five hundred dollars. OK so it's

Social heuristics and physical resistance

being loaded screwed if you have one is a value there is no magic there. It's just a rock No two
square is this imaginary This is his I know what it is under saying you can still manipulate it
mathematically it's not like wholly imaginary It's just a matter it's dubbed imaginary He knows it yes
I mean it's not a real good rationale how we want to hear. Technically speaking we don't really have
a definitive solution. I hear there's not really that's more up. There's not and interact with either of
the things we get. Problematic because they do want to has to be wary of the sort of one of his plus
minus one. Well word negative one has to be Plus if it has to be plus minus except that it's sort of
like well if I is positive then I also has to be naked when I need to ask. That's funny so we take it off
there when your representation of the entry but it's just like that's what's things he would be like
isn't this school here will be like yeah that's pretty cool. It'll be like yeah it's really cool because I
don't know what we know about math but then he'll do a little make of something to stick by.

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