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& Leadership Notes

Guy Duinick @ Spring Thing 2010

Saturday evening

Psalm 1
- believer shall be, not just what he does
- be and do connected, if will be then will do
- whole tree sustained by root - get root right
- being is important, then doing will happen, naturally follow if root is right
- internal excellence will show up
- get roots in river, don't worry about rain or drought
- if roots in river, don't need to look externally for the rain, this meeting, that touch
roots > looking in Word is looking in mirror which shows what to adjust
Word is also sword that shows what can be cut out / trimmed
fruit bearing follows root-bearing
- be as wise as the seed, which puts down it's root in the early days
- don't see the critical early stage when the root gets put down
- be rooted and built up in Christ
> no root, no fruit
- fruit is the normal, final product of a healthy tree

2 Peter
- there is a deep joy from growing, and knowing cannot be moved and becoming
useful for God, a man-to-man working relationship with God, living life called to
- ruling my own spirit, governing own flesh

Psalm 1
- not deciduous, you are evergreen
- whatever you do prospers
- first call to leadership is seek and know will of God, lead yourself first

2 Peter 1:3
- called to glory and virtue

Philippians 3:8
Paul also understood importance of personal development / character
- that we know God, not just used in ministry
- what we do is connected to who we are in our discipline / relationship developed with God
- living a resurrected life that looks like someone who's been raised from the death
- powerful, wise life (GREEK telios - reach the end)
- seed not telios, but when tree fully grown - that was purpose of planting seed
- follow-after (GREEK hunting, in pursuit)

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- pursued not just what do for God, but also who he was in Christ his character
v13: one thing, even though healing & miracle minister, etc, his one thing is his
heart / focus to be relationship not ministry

- I press toward the mark, prize of high calling

v15: be of the same mind - if maturing Christian, constant thought is seeking to lay
hold of a life that matches my calling

in area of leading, home, work - not just gifting, also character

(more who you are than what you do)
- lead self first, bring self into will of God, place of strength
(before reaching out and leading others)
- can't model what can't live - people watch your life

2 Peter 1
- external excellence, internal brilliance
- show forth, shine out not just talk about, living exhibit of all characteristics of him
who called us out of darkness into marvellous light
- leadership also what we have become since being saved

- employ every effort (AMP) in developing character

- Jesus our pattern WWJD, our example
- he prepared for his life of leadership: 30 years in prep, 3 years in execution
- our execution follows our proper preparation, getting ready for what God called to
- Jesus approved at baptism
- won't fall apart as being used if prepared
- plastic forks on planes are not functional - we need something that works
- master craftsmen prepares tools, needs good tools to build masterpiece
- make tools to make the stuff before can wield us
- sword needs to feel like it fits the wielder, perfectly balanced, light, strong, sharp
- then God can use you, you are useful
v5: start with I will, decision to commit, finishing with love
- be diligent, invest in yourself, make decisions, lead yourself
- decide not to be cranky, not godly
- happiness is a choice
- parents to teach children to self-govern
- kids shouldn't be having fits of selfishness, should be trained out of it
v9: called to heaven, called to serve, called to lead
- build foundation from which to fulfill calling and election sure
- worse time to fall is when get in leadership, especially if mislead others
v12: not be negligent, not fail in my responsibility to always remind of these things
- incorporate these disciplines, means you can dance in the future continually than
just in a meeting (not just hot air, don't want to puff up meetings - Bible says just shall LIVE,
were are not here to exist from meeting to meeting)
- will of God to be fruitFULL, much fruit, that remains, not just a 'little blessing'
- Jesus said he called us (for this purpose)
v13: I will endeavour (good leadership quality); whatever sits at front of thinking sets course of life
- if think about calling from God on continual basis, called to live and serve and lead

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(to whole church: you ought to be teachers)
- should be able to teach fundamental doctrines without Bible and without notes,
should incorporated into life
- by this time, pass on what we have learned: baby > teenage > full age
- leader, influence others, first place is leading yourself
- decide what to do with body, make sure it knows who's in charge, discipline /
self- control in food, Word, prayer etc
- not lure people with false promises, prayer and Word IS work, a discipline, spirit is
willing, flesh is weak (most people don't say…
“I don't want to watch movie today, but I need to, put TV on, well I've made first step”)
- not always fun, but has long-term benefits - praying for others not for our benefit,
but we do our job, making selves servants to will of God > Jesus had oil of joy from
obedience, bringing self into subjection

2 Peter 1 is good meat for character development - leading own life

Sunday morning

- word belongs close to heart

- David: lamp and light
- can't do what don't know
- straight path, sure steps, finish the race
- be people called to be, work called to do, people changed through us

John 4
Church - what is my ministry?
- three primary ministries of church
- individually we believers, corporately we are the church
- every we do will fit into these three ministries; Jesus came to do the will of God, same for us

Saul on road to Damascus

- first: who are you, Lord? Jesus answered
- second: Lord, what would you have me to do? once saved,
(what should I do with the rest of my time in the flesh before heaven)
- Word is clear on general will for people - can know will of God for us, specifics for
each day come from Holy Spirit

Church ministries
- why God called us out and together ek-klesia, out of and into central place
(out of sin, rulership of Satan etc, yet also called into corporate work to fulfill
purposes on earth)

In each of the 3 ministries, we do these 3 things:

1: something with our heart

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2: something with our hands
3: something with our mouth

1st ministry: reach up

Worship Father as a kingdom of priests

(every Christian a priest unto our God, Revelation: made us kings and priests)
(as company of priests, we all called into the priesthood, our calling is to be a priest,
whose function is to bring the sacrifice, spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Christ)
- not singing songs to get ready for Word, we function in calling in our ministry to God
- opening our hearts to God, pouring out and lifting up our hands, hearts, voices – all lifted up
- renewed interest in God: revivals are followed by new music, as revivals include giving to God
- Hebrews, sacrifice of praise, fruit of our lips giving thanks: the words we say because we love God
- altar is our heart; always turn first to our ministry to the Father, always up

John 4v19
worship the Father, true worshippers
- Israelites called out of slavery called unto God, a nation of priests
- called us out of solo lifestyle to a be a ministering body, a body that ministers
- called to BE the church, more Biblical than 'going to church'
- we have ministry to others, to ourselves, and to the Father - in each, we have open
our heart to people & God

1 Peter 2v4,5
- holy priesthood, living stones to OFFER (offering)
- offer someone water is opening heart to them
- we offer the Father is worship, adoration, love of our hearts for him and his plans for us, what he has done
- lifting up hands, hearts, lips as he is worthy; we don't sing songs to fill time; we know by instinct lifting up
to God is part of calling (hence new music following revivals); fulfilling ministry we are called to
- get altar set (heart), present sacrifice (lips), offer up spiritual sacrifice,
(not same as natural one (bull, goat); love, worship, fruit of our lips)

Hebrews 13
- God called us out of individual dead-end roads; doesn't leave us in vacuum,
always brings us into - into the church
- some things are us things, not me things; David understood not about natural sacrifices, about love for
God; he made some of the Levites into musicians, full-time music ministry to render sacrifice of praise;
David like a NT Christian - a king-priest who could strip down and dance, lover of Word, lover of God
- life begins to change when we know who we are
- first ministry to offer to God; give God what he doesn't have, our worship unless we give it
(Father seeks true worshippers - has everything else)
v15 - continually: like function of priest, regular priestly activity,
like eating is part of life, though not non-stop
- fruit of our lips (fruit always declares the root); if not saying thank you, may be not appreciating God, may
be not understand what God has done (more we understand, more we appreciate, more we thanks)
- ministry is always giving: offering fruit of our lips
- we have heart motivation, not always definition of what to do:
number one, worship the Father

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2nd ministry: reach in
Ministering one to another

John 13
- human body takes care of itself (self-repair, feeding), otherwise doesn't work
- once ministered to itself, can then go and do
- who teach? who encourage today?

John 13: you ought to... one another

- Body of Christ designed to care for itself
- fitly framed, every joint supplies, self-edifiies
- take care of each other, not keep asking for blessing from God
- can I wash your car? clean your house? bring groceries for you? pray for / with you?
- being aware of our brothers and sisters as well as lost
- part of our calling to meet needs of our body
- corporate body to be fed, to be prayed for; made healthy / strong so we fit to do our work
- could be 75 significant needs in congregation of 350 people
- not all needs met direct from God
- foot-washing ceremony: not about washing feet
(about practical ministry to each other)
- more teaching in NT about one-another than lost
- when people are healthy, they work; sometimes not well, therefore outreach not at its best
- when every are met, we are ready to go
v15 - example

1 Peter 4v8
- open to heart to one another, may need to open our wallets, our homes, share possessions, time
- deal with somebody else's mess; reaching lost is easy giving the gospel,
reach Father is giving our worship, yet...
- to one another, they may not be thankful
- fervent charity amongst yourselves - God can show you a need or you can open eyes / heart / ask
- reaching in more difficult than reaching up - he's not needy
- if we don't help someone, they may not be fine, if we don't worship Father, he WILL be OK
- washing feet then was most practical, like opening wallet with £10 may be more
practical to opening up “the mysteries of Gard!”
- would you like a night out? I'll babysit, pay for your dinner
(may be saving someone's marriage without 10hr seminar!)

1 John 3v11-18
- part of calling is take care of your (church) family
- who stands with you when chips are down: blood kin

3rd ministry: reach out

Ministering to the world
Philippians 2v14,15
- stretch our hands to the lost

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- holding forth the word of life (hands up to Father, in to each other, out to world)
- we have word of reconciliation for ministry of reconciliation
- if 1st and 2nd ministry, then when we turn to world, we take life
(not sick, dysfunctional church, but a ministering body)

who we are and what we do

- church covers all the bases of ministry

Sunday evening

Acts 13
- Holy Spirit sometimes leads with specific truth not specific direction
- Jesus: many things to say to you
- Holy Spirit guide you into all truth - truth place to live from not just for mind
- can show in 3 mins by revelation what couldn't learn in 2 yrs
- God can hide and disclose, seek will find, ask will be given;
(road to Emmaus, disciples' hearts burned within them)
- Jesus unveiled truths as a teacher
- another comforter, therefore had to be first teacher, Jesus

Acts 13
- separate Barnabus & Saul, 14yrs after Saul's conversion though called to Gentiles
- when Holy Spirit said re: under direction when we ready / he knows when we not ready
- may have direction, but not ready - may not be time, sense of direction is our cue to
prepare for when we go on stage
- Moses knew 40yrs before he was ready

Isaiah 54 - strengthen stakes - otherwise will blow away

- character development necessary before extending out
- not over-extend because of zeal, not always do as soon as we see
- ministries may be less effective as we are missing spiritual understanding,
knowing purpose, but not God's way
- Paul understood not called to everyone; to Corinthians,
can't stretch out until you develop more, as you my responsibility
- Jesus ministered to one man at pool of Bethesda, not everyone – spiritual understanding critical
x just principles / strategies - we are not a for-profit business
(different truths apply in God's business)
- Jesus will lead and guide us, we to be about our Father's business, the owner of this enterprise
- Jesus knew this when he was 12, 18yrs later that he fulfilled will of God, being a full-age man

John 3
- without weapon of word of God, Jesus would have failed at temptations in wilderness
- devil not stupid, hit in area of weakness and area of ignorance
- Jesus had revelation, understanding which truth to apply

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- devil twisted Word to try to get to Jesus as he could see Jesus followed the Word; need to rightly-divide
(scripture not apply to jumping; applies to falling - therefore escaped snare as prepared in the truth, not
because was committed or anointed, Jesus could have lost everything despite who he was)
- we hear when we are quiet - simple truth can keep you free
- we to speak word in season to him who is weary, not blab same word in same situation
- to be skilled, effectual, accurate, so if taken to pool of Bethesda, led by Holy Spirit, guided
to know what to do and what not to do

Acts 13
- fasting means not doing regular thing to set that time apart to minister to the Lord
> set course of Paul & Barnabus for an effective team
- HS chose Barnabus, Paul chose Silas
- with wise counsel, make war

- evangelist and other spiritual office is for perfecting* of saints (Eph 4)
(same GREEK word* CATARTISO as that used re: fisherman mending nets)
- spiritual offices: their ministry is untangling people's lives
- so evangelist / all spiritual offices are to care for people
- teachers don't always have their '3 points' - improperly perceive > improperly receive
- Nazareth didn't see Jesus as Son of God, but Joseph's son
- we not 'guest speakers' (not NT office) - otherwise people receive a speech
- if we teachers, people need to receive us that way
- not bees, drop of pollen, pick up nectar (not give message and collect an offering)
- teaching for perfecting* (Hebrews 11 - worlds framed to be put in order - if Moon
too close & not in proper relationship with other planetary bodies, we would be dead,
yet we are travelling over 1000mph and yet we are fine - how come things don't fall off?)
- God wants to puts us in divine order to use us, not for giving of a 'sermon' but to preach the WORD
- better to read the Word out if don't have a God-given message
(we to teach the Word, not ideas)
- correction can be for better performance, not necessarily rebukes - eg shorten / lengthen stride for speed
x get Scriptures to support my topic
> my purpose is to bring out the Word - God will impart the topic
> we are responsible to the church to teach Word, model life, sound doctrine, pray for church
x give favourite message and collect an offering
> replace all concepts with truth, sometimes we need fine-tuning on our understanding
- the church is God's instrument, we are him in the flesh, angels don't preach
- we to be fine instrument for master musician
> God has music to play, we are the voice, hands, feet, love of God, light of the world

1 Cor 3 - according to grace of God, as a wise master builder

(not arrogance, honesty - became expert in ministry)
- God wants to refine us, deepen our knowledge of truth so we can live from it,
deepens our character, makes us broader, so when we extend out, we don't lose our balance

- spend time, not waste it
Eph 5v15 - walk wise, redeeming the time, in understanding, firmly grasping,

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nailing down God's will in every area
- if not sure / hesistant, can't run; serve accurately: Paul said this to a spirit-filled
church, as wisdom not automatic, easy to be a fool, and way of fools is hard
- if sharp and strong, will always come through, without damage know what to do,
have capacity / power to do it
- executors of his will
> ignorant and weak > will fail
- don't know who you are, don't know what to do
- some not good fathers, as think they are still a man
- husband is not called a 'man living with a woman'; 'one who cares for the ground'
(responsibility to tend to wife)
- if church doesn't know who it is... we not a for-profit business, we go first to the
Word and do what we supposed to do

Revelation 1v4
- local churches in a city are the church
- Aaron had to keep lamps burning, Jesus, the head of the church new about those seven churches
v12 - these first 3 chapters teach us about churches
v12 - Jesus in middle of lamps (churches) in his priestly robes, to keep lamps
burning night-and-day and never stop shining
- God lights world from local lamp to illuminate that region of world
- Jesus was the local light - the people saw great light because Jesus was there, not heaven opening
Matt 5 - sets lamp of lampstand
Rev 1v14 - judgment unto change, not death; seven stars
Rev 1v20 - seven stars are angels / messengers - spiritual leaders
- right-hand > next in authority
- Jesus to speak to spiritual leaders to bring correcting judgment so lamp keep shining light for years
- Jesus speaks to leaders first as character, motivation etc of local church connected to quality of leadership
- always said he knew the works of each church: efforts, character of local body - needs to burn effectively
- Lev 24 - priest responsible to keep lamps burning
- we are God's lamp, his opportunity to illuminate the world in our region
- God sets up a local body to illuminate that region

Revelation 2
- church at Ephesus commended for not permitting false teacher - good leadership
- however, v4, yet if church unhealthy doesn't hurt you going to heaven but heaven
can't come to the church
- therefore, lampstand removed as can't illuminate the region
- Jesus looking to make us really useful, burning brightly as possible
- sometimes burning brightness of local church, not just evangelism that affects the
community, it's the health of the church function in every way in and amongst the
members as well as to the community
- some teaching is unnecessary, doesn't enrich church
(leader's responsibility to keep good doctrine in church)
- the truth may be told 1000x as it may be the truth that saves lives,
even if not 'exciting', may be the right word
- endure sound doctrine - continue in the Word, in the Scriptures even though know
it, needs reminding - save yourself and those who hear you
- Jesus: someone who calls herself a 'prophetess' - leaders allow false teachers in

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Isaiah: new thing is not 2010 thing, it was the NT age prophesied ahead of time
- we to preach gospel, which doesn't change, which isn't a new thing every year
(if you're really hungry may stuff yourself with the wrong thing - not eveything is good for us)
- God lights the world with lamps - olive oil doesn't make smoke, but burns bright, day-in and day-out
- so people who sit in darkness can see a light and may see our good works and glorify God (Matthew)
- God's MOD is to reach the world through the church x move of God - need moving church
- we know what to do - to be light of world, minister word of reconciliation
(plant the seed, don't have to convert them)
- Romans, word is power of God unto salvation, don't need fabulous sermons (Acts 2)
- preach gospel, not enticing words of men's wisdom, preach Christ & him crucified, resurrected
- for a moving church, we need to be properly built

Lev 24
- tabernacle well built, lampstand built from one piece of gold, with seven lamps on it (as in Revelation)
- Aaron to order lamps, keep them functioning

Zechariah 4
- symbolism: picture can be worth 1000 words
- lampstand of gold - one piece of gold, central bowl with oil (one Holy Spirit) feeding the lamps
v3 - picture is not HS working while we watching TV, we the church working with Holy Spirit
- church is lamp filled with oil, speak / work by his spirit
- commission to go into world after being spirit-filled

Matthew 5
- we are in the world to be the church
- God's illuminates the world through the local church growing to maturity under good
leadership, everyone doing the works of the ministry / their part and giving people
opportunity to see God
- not everyone came to God when saw Jesus, but they at least saw the Father
- church is not bunch of sick people in a hospital
- church is holy temple, lamp, light of the world
- can't move until we are set - God sets us in the body, then we ministry of Jesus
carried out through his body
- Jesus, head of church is ensuring local body has right leadership, doctrine, is fed so lamp burns brightly
- preparing us things ahead - not reacting to trouble, being ready to deal with as have been prepared by
trimming of the lamp

Matthew 5v14
- God has faith in us, entrusted his Word to us, grace gifting, stewards to multiply for the master
- growing in grace, knowledge etc, lampstand is preparation / foundation / platform from which to set the
lamp in place (becomes portable to broadcast light where need)
- we not left under bushel of stupidity etc etc, we on lampstand of character, love etc etc
> then people come to the light
> lamp lights whole city - as church grows, adds more light and lights whole region
> become model church, can show other churches how to shine though healthy functioning, built-up church
- we have a part to play in broadcasting light: let your light shine, not your light will shine

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- when woman lost her coin, she lit a lamp
- God lights a lamp when looking for his lost people into every bar, brothel,
workplace to see if something valuable can be recovered; God has lost his people
and sets us on fire with oil of HS, people see our good works and come to the light

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