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Chapter 17

Industrial Supremacy

Sources of Industrial Growth

1) Six factors that contributed to growth of American Industry-A. Industrial Technologies
1) Status of steel production prior to the Civil War? When did it soar?
2) Credited with the development of steel and the process which is named for him?
3) Which process made possible greater quantities and larger dimensions of steel?
4) Where the steel industry emerged?
5) What other cities became centers of steel production?
6) How did steel serve the Great Lakes?
7) A close relationship grew between steel companies and the __________________.
8) As oil also became tied to the steel industry, in which state did petroleum reserves support this
growing need?
B. The Airplane and the Automobile
1) What is the source of gasoline?
2) Who perfected the internal combustion engine and where was he from?
3) How many cars were being produced by 1917?
4) Describe the successes of Wilbur and Orville Wright
5) Charles Lindbergh-C. Research and Development
1) Why did corporations develop research laboratories?
2) What was the result of corporations funding universities for research?
D. The Science of Production
1) What did Frederick Taylor urge employers?
2) What were the results of the process known as Taylorism?
3) How did Henry Ford contribute to change in production?
4) What did his revolutionary process do the price of the automobile?
E. Railroad Expansion
1) Principal agent of industrial progress
2) How did railroads impact the concept of time/ what was created?
3) How were railroads funded?
4) Who controlled most of the nations rails?
5) What did railroads contribute to the development of?
F. The Corporation
1) What did industrialists realize about corporations?
2) How did early corporations raise money?
3) Benefit of limited liability
4) How did Andrew Carnegie dominate the industry? What did he control?
5) New managerial techniques
G. Consolidating Corporate America
1) Horizontal integration
2) Vertical integration
3) Which form of consolidation did Carnegie employ? Rockefeller?
4) What percent of the refined oil in the U.S. did Rockefeller and Standard Oil control?
5) Believed by many to be the greatest curse of modern economy
H. The Trust and Holding Company
1) *What did the Trust and Holding companies eventually accomplish toward control of
economic power?

2) What percent of the corporations controlled more than a third of all the manufacturing by the
end of the nineteenth century?


Capitalism and its Critics

A. The Self-Made Man
1) two examples of self-made men
2) most of the business tycoons came from where?
3) How was the success of industrialists a result of corruption?
B. Survival of the Fittest
1) How tycoons claimed to attain their success?
2) Social Darwinism
3) Herbert Spencer
4) What belief did William Sumner share with Herbert Spencer?
5) Why did Social Darwinism appeal to businessmen, above all else?
6) What laws were defined by Adam Smith?
7) *How did their actions not match realities of classical economics?
C. The Gospel of Wealth
1) What was their duty according to Andrew Carnegie and his book the Gospel of Wealth?
2) Philanthropic works
3) What did Horatio Algers novels celebrate?
D. Alternative Visions
1) Lester Frank Ward argued that civilization was not governed by what?
2) Who first gained popularity by defining poverty and blaming social problems on
monopolists control of rising land values?
3) What does he propose to destroy monopolies?
E. The Problems of Monopoly
1) Monopoly
2) What problems were monopolies blamed for?
3) Why were monopolies considered dangerous?

III. Industrial Workers in the New Economy

A. The Immigrant Workforce
1) immigrants 1870s and 1880s
2) immigrants by the end of the century
3) What did the Labor Contract Law force immigrants to do to pay for their passage?
B. Wages and Working Conditions
1) Average income? How far away from minimum comfort level?
2) While the average standard of living rose after the civil war, what other factors were negatives
for workers?
3) Most disturbing aspect of factory labor
C. Women and Children at Work
1) Why women labor and how much did it increase by 1900?
2) Largest industrial employer of women
3) How many more children by 1900 than thirty years before?
4) Railroad workers deaths
D. The Struggle to Unionize
1) The National Labor Union excluded whom?
2) Molly Maguires

E. The Great Railroad Strike

1) Reason for railroad strike of 1877 and results
2) What did it illustrate?
F. The Knights of Labor
1) Uriah Stevens
2) How were the Knights of Labor different?
3) What did they champion, and what was their goal?
4) What event discredited the Knights of Labor?
G. The AFL
1) How was the membership of the AFL different?
2) Samuel Gompers
3) Gompers was hostile toward whose effort to protect labor?
4) How did the AFL hope to attain its goals?
5) Haymarket Square incident
6) What did the bombing mean to the American middle class?
H. The Homestead Strike
1) Most powerful trade union in the country
2) The union had a foothold in how many of Carnegies Steel factories?
3) How did Henry Clay Frick attempt to break the Amalgamated?
4) Pinkertons
5) How did the state intervene?
6) What did the defeat of the Amalgamated symbolize about union strength?
I. The Pullman Strike
1) Eugene Debs
2) Peter Altgeld
3) Who and what now protected railroads from striking unions?
J. Sources of Labor Weakness
1) Reasons why workers failed to make greater gains
2) Most important reason
3) Corporations had whose support?

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