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Research method is a means used in the investigation or the nature of scientific

research using scientific methods, then the conclusion of the research will be
accounted for scientifically.
Research method is one of the factors that determine the success of the goal to
be achieved in each study, a new study is considered valid, if the study were using
methods that can be responsible for the truth.
This chapter discuss about research design
a. Research design
The research carried out the class in four meetings. In each meeting the
researcher introduces about the funny stories and gave explanation abaout reading
comprehension by using funny stories to stimulate the students. The second meeting,
the researcher gave 3 (three) funny stories as a simple and then students read and
researcher asked the students what their difficulties about the funny stories. The third
meeting, the researcher gave essay test and each student answer the questioned about
the funny stories and the researcher asked the students again what their difficulties
about the funny stories. And the fourth meeting the researcher gave essay test again by
using funny stories and the students repeat and correction. Every meeting the teacher
use the different funny stories.
b. Data collection teachnique
To gain the data that is needed for this research, the writer used three kinds of
instrument in order to get data which has validity of quality and high reliability. The
instruments are observation, quesionnare, and test.
The instrument of this research was a reading test. Students read the funny
story. The reading test was administrated in the pre-test and the post-test. The test
consisted of so essay test. The researcher choose essay test because the students can
comprehend the material while the post-test was intended to know the students

Before doing treatment, the researcher applied a pre-test. Students were in the
class joining the test. The researcher distributed to identify the students prior
knowledge in reading comprehension.
Post test
Students read the funny story, and than they answer the question.

Post test
Please read the story and answer the question below..!

The Zoo Job Story

One day a clown was visiting the zoo and attempted to earn some money by making a
street performance. He acted and mimed perfectly some animal acts. As soon as he started to
drive a crowd, a zoo keeper grabbed him and dragged him into his office. The zoo keeper
explained to the clown that the zoos most popular gorilla had died suddenly and the keeper
was fear that attendance at the zoo would fall off. So he offered the clown a job to dress up as
the gorilla until the zoo could get another one. The clown accepted this great opportunity.
So the next morning the clown put on the gorilla suit and entered the cage before the crowd
came. He felt that it was a great job. He could sleep all he wanted, played and made fun of
people and he drove bigger crowds than he ever did as a clown. He pretended the gorilla

However, eventually the crowds were tired of him for just swinging on tires. He began to
notice that the people were paying more attention to the lion in the next cage. Not wanting to
lose the attention of his audience, he decided to make a spectacular performance. He climbed
to the top of his cage, crawled across a partition, and dangled from the top to the lions cage.













At the end of the day the zoo keeper came and gave him a raise for being such a good
attraction. Well, this went on for some time, he kept taunting the lion, the audience crowd
grew a larger, and his salary kept going up. Then one terrible day happened. When he was
dangling over the furious lion, he slipped and fell into the lion cage. The clown was really in
big terrible situation. He was terrified.

Sooner the lion gathered itself and prepared to pounce. The clown was so scared. He could do
nothing and he began to run round and round the cage with the lion close and closer behind.
Finally, the lion could catch him. The clown started screaming and yelling, Help me, help
me!, but the lion was quick and pounces. The clown soon found himself flat on his back

looking up at the angry lion and suddenly he heard a voice from the lions mouth;Shut up
you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?.

1. What is the story about?
2. What is the clown do in the zoo?
3. Why zoo keeper grabbed the clown and dragged him into his office?
4. Is clown accept the job?
5. How the clown do to interest the audience?
6. Is he did his job?
7. What is the clown do when he saw the audience more interested to the lion?
8. What happen when the clown swinging in the lion cage?
9. Is the lion angry?
10. What is the lion do to the clown?

Answer key
1. The zoo job story
2. He attempted to earn some money with acted and mimed perfectly some animal act
3. The zoo keeper explained to the clown that zoos most popular gorilla had died
suddenly and the keeper was fear that attendence at the zoo would fall off. So, he

offered the clown a job to dress up as the gorilla untill the zoo could get another one
Yes, he is
He imitating a gorilla and swinging on a tire
Yes, he is
He decided to make a spectacular performance. He climbed to the top of his cage,

crawled across a partition, and dangled from the top to the lions cage
8. He slipped and fell into the lion cage
9. Yes, it is
10. The lion gathered it self and prepared to pounce. And suddenly the clown heard a
voice from the lions mouth. shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?
Mouse Deer and Crocodile
One day, Mouse Deer went down to the river to take a drink. But he knew that the
crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him, so he said out loud. I wonder if the
waters warm. Ill put in my leg and find out. Of course Mouse Deer didnt put in his leg. He
picked up a stick instead and put one end into the water. Chomp! Crocodile grabbed the

stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. Ha haha Stupid crocodile! Cant
you tell the difference between a stick and a leg? Then Mouse Deer ran off to drink
somewhere else.
In the next day, Mouse Deer wanted to cross the river. He wanted to eat the fruits on the other
side of the river. He saw a floating log in the river. He knew that Crocodile looked like a log
when he floated. Mouse Deer didnt want to be eaten by Crocodile when he crosses the river.
He had an idea. He called out loud, Crocodile! Crocodile rose from the water, Hello,
Mouse Deer. Have you come to be my lunch? Mouse Deer smiled. Sorry, not today,
Crocodile. I have orders from the King. He wants to invite all the crocodiles in this river to a
party. He wants me to count all the crocodiles so he could prepare enough meal for you.
Really? Tell us what to do, said Crocodile. You must line up from this side of the river
to the other side, said Mouse Deer. Crocodile then got all his friends and family. They lined
up across the river. Mouse Deer then jumped onto Crocodiles back. One, he counted. He
jumped onto the next crocodile, Two. And the next crocodile, Three. Mouse Deer kept
jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. How many are there? asked
Crocodile. Just enough, said Mouse Deer. He laughed as he ran to the forest.***
please read the story above and write the letter (T) if the statement is true and (F) if it is

Crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat the mouse deer.

The mouse deer put his leg into the water.
The crocodile is eating the mouse deer leg.
The mouse deer didnt brave to come back in the river.
The mouse deer is clever animal.

Answer key..!!

When scoring the students worksheet, the writer scored the rating as follow:

Table: the rating scored for reading test.

Criteria of Mastery





Very good







Less than 50

Very poor

C. Data analysis technique

To analysis the data, the writer employed the formula as follows :
1. Scoring the students correct answer of pretest and posttest
Score : the total correct answer x 10
Total number of items
2. The score of the students pretesst and posttest
a. 9,6 to 10 classified as excellent
b. 8,6 to 9,5 classified as very good
c. 7,6 to 8,5 classified as good
d. 6,6 to 7,5 classified as fairly good
e. 5,6 to 6,5 classified as fair
f. 3,5 to 5,5 classified as poor
g. 0 to 3,5 classified as very poor
(Kanwil depdikbud, 1985)
3. Computing the frequency of the rate percentage of the students score
Where :

: frequency
: the total number of students
( Heaton, 1988: 73)

4. Calculating the mean score of the students answer by using formula :

Where x = mean score
x = total row score
N= the total number of student
5. Finding out the significant difference between the pretest and posttest by
calculating the value of the test. The following formula is employed :
Where : = deviation

= standart deviation
N = number of student
N 1

Where : SD = standart deviation

= total row score
N = the total number of student
(Gay, 1987:363)



N (N 1)

( )

: = the difference between the score of pretest and postest

= the mean score from the different score of pretest and posttest
2 = the square of
N = number of student
( Arikunto 1995 : 509)


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