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Homework topic 9

Read the following article and write a review. You must read the information below
to learn how to write one.
This homework in due Wednesday October 22, 2014.


In previous topics you have seen different techniques for writing a summary, in a
summary you should only declare or condense the authors main idea without
emitting any personal opinion.
On the contrary, writing a review involves reflexing about our personal opinions,
likes and dislikes on a given issue.
You can write a review on countless topics, books, articles, pieces of art like
paintings, or on everyday objects like household items, even videogames.
Here you can find some tips on how to write great reviews:
a. Be informative and insightful: be specific and relevant what youre
reviewing, and describe what others are likely to experience. Highlight what
makes the item special or worth of interest.
b. Keep it real: be authentic. Review your own experience, and explain why
you liked or disliked what you are reviewing. Try to be as accurate as
possible, and include both the positive and negative aspects.
c. Be respectful: not every experience is going to be perfect. Sometimes
youll want to share negative feedback. Even if youre frustrated, make sure
your criticism is constructive.
d. Reviews not general commentary: dont let you go with what others are
commenting on the same issue. Be sincere and write about your firsthand

e. Write with style: people will pay attention when you write thoughtful
reviews. Keep them readable and avoid excessive capitalization or
punctuation. Use good grammar, check your spelling, and avoid profanity.
Choose the right length - a paragraph is great. Be creative and have fun!

Digital Heaven
If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? The
obstacles to keeping your body alive indefinitely still seem
insurmountable, but some scientists think there is another possibility
opened up by digital technology: creating a digital copy of your "self" and
keeping that "alive" online long after your physical body has ceased to
In effect, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike the
familiar physical clones - offspring that have identical features as their
parents, but that are completely separate organisms with a separate
conscious life - your electronic clone would believe itself to be you. How
might this be possible? The first step would be to map the brain.
How? One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology. Ray
Kurzweil - one of the prophets of artificial intelligence - predicts that
within two or three decades we will have nanotransmitters that can be
injected into the bloodstream. In the capillaries of the brain they would
line up alongside the neurons and detect the details of the cerebral
electronic activity. They would be able to transmit that information to a
receiver inside a special helmet or cap, so there would be no need for
any wires protruding from the scalp.
As a further step, Ray Kurzweil also envisages the nanotransmitters being
able to connect you to a world of virtual reality on the internet, similar to
what was depicted in the film 'Matrix'. With the nanotransmitters in
place, by thought alone, you could log on to the internet and instead of
the pictures coming up on your screen they would play inside your mind.
Rather than send your friends e-mails you would agree to meet up on
some virtual tropical beach.
For Ray this would be, quite literally, heaven. Once you upload the brain
onto the internet and log on to that virtual world the body can be left to
rot while your virtual self carries on playing Counter Strike forever.

Generations of Christians believed in Christ partly because his

resurrection held out the promise that we too might be able to enjoy life
after death. But why wait for the Second Coming when you can have a
shot of nanobots and upload your brain onto the internet and live on as
an immortal virtual surfer?
Who needs faith when you've got broadband?
(One snag: to exist on the net you will have to have your neural network
parked on the computer of a web-hosting company. These companies
want real money in real bank accounts every year or they will wipe your
bit of the hard disc and sell the space to someone else. With your body
six feet underground how will you pay? Here the anology with heaven
really breaks down. God keeps heaven going for free, but the web is
something you have to pay for.)

No estoy de acuerdo con el proyecto, es injusto que el hombre intente jugar con la
naturaleza, las peliculas ficticias tal vez cuenten historias que parezcan increibles y que
resulevan problemas que parecen imposibles para el ser humano, pero es simple
imaginacin o cosas que ni la mejor tecnologa puede resolver.
A veces aunque suene raro me gustara pensar en un mundo sin tecnologa o por lo
menos sin internet, para no depender de una red de intercomunicacin que nos aisle de
las grandes cosas que podemos hacer en la vida real. Es mil veces mejor vivir por
siempre gracias a un acto de valor que te haga ser recordado en las mentes de otros,
grandes personas como los beatles, bob marley, etc. son inmortales. Ese es el tipo de
inmortalidad que debemos lograr, los avances tecnologicos van y vienen, pero por
siempre vamos a ser seres humanos, nuestro propsito de vida est cerca de los 100
aos y qu si slo vivimos 80 o 70 aos? est en la naturaleza tambien aceptar que no
podemos inmortalizarnos

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