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Obsidian Protection

Obsidian protection is very strong, and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent
protection against psychic attacks. In particular obsidian protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very
grounding stone, and very healing. Physically it benefits the stomach; intestines, muscle tissue, and can
rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision, and helps
get in touch with buried issues before they explode. Obsidian is related to the root chakra.
The stomach area is interesting since even with the removal of larvae from the naval area, it is not
necessarily strong enough.

Rules of Spiritual Development

The ability to clairvoyantly see the blue light on black of mudshadows is vital. Premature connection
to mudshadows is incredibly painful and can manifest as physical illness or disease. Use quartz crystals
from us to purify your body and surroundings. Obsidian devours mudshadows and other entities.

Using Obsidian Crystals

The obsidian should be kept with the user at all times for protection, and works best in conjunction
with the quartz crystals.

Working with Dark Magick

Modern physics estimates that only 10% of the matter in the universe can be seen. The rest is referred
to as dark matter, which has mass, therefore weight, the particles that are believed to comprise it such
as neutrinos have no mass so it is currently undetectable.
The magician or spiritual seeker should be master or mistress of the universe. Even if we believe, as is
the case, the magickal and spiritual universe is far greater than anything envisaged by science, the idea
that 90% is unavailable is unimaginable. What has gone wrong, and how can we rectify this?
One fruitful source has been the Voudoun loas. Approached the right way, the Loas are friendly and
helpful, totally unlike their reputation. The problems with Loas are the black magicians and those who
imprisoned them. Although we associate the Loas with Voodoo, West Africa and Caribbean countries
such as Haiti, they originated in ancient Egypt. Something happened to shift the geographical location
westwards. The Loas are cousins of the Goetia who have also been mistreated and misunderstood. The
Tarot spirits of Liber 231 whose origin is Egyptian, and were rediscovered by Aleister Crowley, and
can be contacted using divination discussed in my book The Tarot and the Magus.
Now, the Loas, Spirits of Liber 231, the Goetia and Enochian are all related, and constitute a major part
of the missing dark matter in the universe. They have all been denigrated, dis empowered, controlled,
weakened, and otherwise demeaned in the eyes of the world.
Returning back to the 10/90 split between the two types of matter in the universe. Assuming that
neither the twain shall mix, there would nevertheless be an attraction between the two. The visible 10%
that would be attracted to the invisible 90% and that is the spiritual experience, the desire to travel
towards the Unknown. Step forward the archons, mudshadows, and all other kinds of degenerate
forces. Since they operate at levels near to that of the dark matter, they have the power to appear to be
operatives, and they have the appearance of those powers, but it is all illusion. The proximity of these

entities predatory to human beings so close to the dark matter results in working as a lens to view dark
matter, obscuring our view, and ensures that we see however dimly only in ways that these entities
allow us to.
Carlos Castaneda did not have the power to fully penetrate, but he got close, so we have to read his
writings knowing that they are filtered through masquerading entities.

Obsidian Power crystals

My own research has found that obsidian rather than quartz has a particular affinity with dark matter.
The ancient Mexicans were Toltecs, who used obsidian extensively. Coming closer to the present day,
John Dee had an obsidian mirror to skry Enochian magic. This is particularly significant since
Enochian is the most powerful system of magic yet discovered, and within the system are multiple
levels of universes that are still largely unexplored. Pat Zalewski, author of Golden Dawn Enochian
Magic says:
I prefer small, jet-black obsidian balls, which also have an extraordinary effect that not
only alleviates tension, but generally gives the whole system a shot in the arm.

Sex Magick
A pair of quartz and obsidian crystals used in sex magick creates beings similar to the mudshadows,
which allows the user to maintain extended periods of contact with the junction point between light and
dark matter. These entities are not anti mudshadows, they perform a different function, and create an
environment where mudshadows and other negative entities cannot function.

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