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5 Tips perfecting your Foreign Language fluency

These tips and insights were created to help you start speaking in your target
language fluently in less time. As they say, “It is all in our minds.” This seems to hold
true just as much in language learning as it does in any other field. The limits we impose
on ourselves are our only obstacles to obtaining anything we desire. .
Tell yourself always that you will be a more efficient speaker and in no time your
SL2 speaking skills will be better than you ever thought possible. Your success in second
language acquisition should you accept the challenge and attempt to gain one, is
dependant on how much you are willing to commit yourself to memorizing words part3,
understanding and applying the basic grammar principlespart4 (as outlined in Part 4
essential grammar )and how much you can adjust physically and mentally to a differing
culture and mindset. What are you waiting for? Begin your journey toward Japanese
mastery today.
The following is just one way \ example, that any person of average intelligence
could realistically accomplish the language goals which they themselves set up for their
own betterment and challenge. These language learners set goals which are challenging
enough to keep them interested, but not too difficult as to stifle enthusiasm or to wane in
the interest of the language. This discourages younger learners from wanting to press
forward with their language study and pursuit of fluency.
Let me tell you something about learning a language in less than a year. If it is not
your primary or your native language and you are not living in the country where that
language is spoken, the chance of you becoming fluent are very minimal unless you
possess 3 qualities of the worthy steward of the gift of tongues, or the ability to speak and
understand two languages. You need 1. An unnatural amount of enthusiasm, 2.
Overpowering motivation and desire to learn the language, 3. And the potential learner of
Japanese or the second language must be zealous to the point near madness. To Reiterate,
language because without those 3 traits/qualities, there will develop a lackluster attitude
which tends towards fruitlessness.
The tendency for the learner to become complacent, lazy, and uninspired, is
always greater than the tendency to succeed in the pursuit of Japanese fluency. You have
to want it bad enough else it will not come. If you are older than 13 -14 years of age some
say that your tongue and brain areas that process the stuff that languages are made out of
are by this age hardened and cannot be retrained to accept different input. If you have
those three qualities above and really desire the ability to speak however you can obtain
I must say however that true pronunciation and true mastery may never be
attained for anybody at any age that studies any language, there is just too much
information to absorb and too short a life span to absorb it all. Therefore determine now
that you want it! You must want it (the ability to speak in another language. You must
want it more than any other earthly thing. You must want it severely else stop reading this
page right now. You have not a desire strong enough to obtain fluency and the training
will do you no good. However, if you desire this thing to obsession you can have the
object of your desire (fluency).
Any old grammar translation teacher of old can say, “Listen and Repeat, or the
immortal, "Ecoutez et Repetez” or any Joe Dirt could have learned how to say, “My name
is Dirk.” or “This is a pen.”, but not many people can sit down and jam out a whole sew
of sentences and rap like a native in a conversation with the natives and in similitude as
one, with proper pronunciation, diction, inflection, meaning, or sharing a common
message and communicating.
Determine within yourself now that you want to be one of those that possess
superior fluency and work on it until you can say it truthfully. Determine within yourself
now that you will find a way to harness zeal and enthusiasm and motivation to the
betterment of your second language acquisition. Quitters never win, and Winners never
quit. Plug away little by little and you will eventually get there. Here is just one set of
possible goals that help me acquire that ever elusive second language (In this case
Japanese).Convince yourself by saying, “I’ll be speaking like a native in no time!” and
really believe it else all is for naught. Here are some example goals that you might set up
for yourself if you really wanted to become fluent in another language.


Once you grasp the idea about how much of your passion and desire is involved
you will begin to realize this axiom stated by someone, "The more one knows… the less
that one can possibly ever know.

So what exactly is fluency?

How do we measure fluency? Rest-assured, there are lots of ways to measure
fluency in a language. The one that I am considering here is the amount of vocabulary
one has under one’s belt. The amount of words that you know and are able to translate
into and out of your native tongue can be a measure of your fluency. . Know the meaning
of words so thoroughly that you can interchange them instantly. Also the use of
mnemonics I suggest as helpful ways to memorize words, especially in Japanese. Those
two techniques are all to be had in my other two lessons Mnemonics and Circumlocution,
how to use and apply them in both directions this is taking for granted and assuming that
at least one language is known. This could be considered a unilateral understanding.
Fluency can be measured in terms of how many words one knows and that is what
section 1 was all about (if you missed it check it here http://
Just as one can word or phrase or apply any manipulation to the language so that
its suits our purpose and the main purpose and reason is to get our meaning across.
Sharing a As long as the method we use suffices to get our message across it doesn’t even
matter if we can speak Japanese or not. In any language, if you look like you got to go
‘pee’ you don’t have to say a word people will understand you. If you look tired or
motion your hands as if you are sleeping, our knowledge of Nihongo lets body language
assume the role.
What is the shortest distance between you and getting what you want? You are
allowed to use any and all means necessary to get your meaning across. Please see my
article on circumlocution for sure fire ways to get your meaning across even if you don’t
know the Japanese words for it.
An individual's own natural or native tongue, just in mannerisms and the exact
vocabulary, grammatical structure which is employed by the speaker gives way to mis-
understandings and a certain amount of missed meanings will infiltrate the conversation,
clouding the meaning. Japanese could be spoken in any number of differing ways;
intelligently, suave, brave, naive, sophisticated, charming, honorifically, stately, manly
cunning, feline like, drunk, legendary, moody, kosher, and all sorts of ways to speak like
and just as we have the ish to make a noun into -- having the likeness of - You do the
same thing in Nihongo(Japanese) the word becomes ~ppoi. Beautifully, wonderfully or
bold or any other way you can think of
Noun+ ppoi = noun ‘ish’
The levels keigo kokugo must know how to manipulate verbs, while memorizing
and strengthening your store of Japanese words to put into your goal oriented language
arsenal. With that arsenal and using all of your faculties to summon together the ability to
speak inside of another tongue, and also to be able to open the ears to such an extent that
they become even more sensitive to different words, consonants, vowels, any phonemes.
Along with your noun memorization oath, (see appendix) noun (don't take for granted
any place names that are presented to you on your Japanese quest. You have to commit
yourself to a reasonable yet challenging goal.

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