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Analysis of Crystal Oscillator

Takehiko Adachi
Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
Tokiwadai 79-5, Yokohama, Japan

Abstract 2.1 Principle of analysis

Fig. 1 shows an equivalent circuit of a crystal oscil-
In this paper, analysis methods of a crystal oscillator lator. A crystal oscillator is composed of a crystal
are explained. The SPICE base method insures the
10 6  10 8 frequency resolution with short calcu-
resonator and an active circuit. The oscillator cir-
cuit is usually designed to oscillate at the frequency
lation time. The algebraic analysis methods presents where the crystal resonator is inductive. Therefore,
the equations of negative resistance and equivalent the one-port impedance of the active circuit is ex-
capacitance, the frequency stability against power pressed by the series circuit of a negative resistance
supply voltage, and the start-up times. Ri and an equivalent capacitance Ci . The negative re-
sistance and the equivalent capacitance are the func-
tion of the frequency and the magnitude of the crys-
1 Introduction tal current. On the other hand, the equivalent circuit
of a crystal resonator is composed of the series res-
onance circuit of inductance L1 , capacitance C1 , re-
A quartz crystal oscillator is a key device as a stable
sistance R1 , and the parallel capacitance C0 . At the
frequency source for communication equipments.
steady state oscillation, the characteristics of a crys-
Recently, there are urgent needs for improvement
tal is expressed by the series circuit of equivalent re-
of its performance; low power operation, low power
sistance Re and inductive reactance XL obtained by
supply voltage operation, high frequency operation,
its equivalent circuit parameters. The steady state
phase noise reduction, miniaturization, etc. Precise
oscillation is attained when the negative resistance
and efficient analysis method of crystal oscillator is
and equivalent capacitance of the active circuit bal-
indispensable to meet these requirements. SPICE
ance the equivalent resistance and reactance of the
and its family simulators are widely used for crys-
resonator, respectively.
tal oscillator design[1]. Although SPICE is a pow-
erful simulation tool, specific technique is effective
for crystal oscillator simulation. We have been stud-
ied the effective and efficient analysis method and L1
-R i
design technique of crystal oscillators. In this pa- C1 C0
per, we have outlined the analysis method using
R1 Ci
SPICE[2][3][4] and an algebraic approximate anal-
ysis method[5][6].

Figure 1: Equivalent circuit of crystal oscillator.

2 Analysis method using SPICE
Usually, crystal current has only fundamental os-
Usually crystal oscillator is analyzed by transient cillation frequency, because the impedance of the
analysis of SPICE. But its transient analysis requires crystal resonator becomes 2π 1f C0 at the harmonic
large amount of calculation and obtained results are oscillation frequency and is much bigger than the
not sufficient in frequency resolution. Our approach crystal equivalent resistance Re . And the frequency
is a kind of simplified harmonic balance technique. change of the equivalent parameters of the active

circuit is much smaller than that of the resonator. frequency is calculated from the obtained equiva-
Therefore, when the current dependence of the lent capacitance and the crystal parameters. The fre-
equivalent parameters of the active circuit are calcu- quency deviation caused by the power supply volt-
lated beforehand, the oscillation frequency and the age variation can be calculated by similar calcula-
crystal current can be calculated by these character- tion for the power supply voltage VCC + dVCC . By
istics and the equivalent parameters of a crystal res- this method, the frequency deviation of 1ppm 
onator. 0.01ppm can be estimated by calculation of the ac-
tive impedance with the 10 3  10 4 resolution.
2.2 Calculation method of negative resis- Ci
tance and equivalent capacitance Ci B1 VCC
Ci +dCi B2
The negative resistance and the equivalent capaci-
tance of the active circuit can be calculated by the
following procedure; At first, the voltage response at
the crystal terminals is calculated using the transient ix i x +dix i
analysis, when the crystal resonator is replaced by A1
- Re
the sinusoidal current source with magnitude Ix and A2
frequency f in Fig. 1. Then, the magnitude Vx and
phase φ of the fundamental component of the volt- VCC VCC +dVCC
age response are calculated from the 1-period data - Ri
of the steady state voltage response. The negative
resistance and the equivalent capacitance are calcu-
Figure 2: Crystal current dependence of negative
lated using obtained Vx and phse φ and the crystal
resistance and equivalent capacitance.
current Ix , by the following equations.

Ri = cos φ (1) 2.3.1 Convergence
Ix To obtain the negative resistance and the equivalent
Ci = (2)
2π fVx sin φ capacitance, the calculation of the transient analysis
is necessary until the voltage response reaches the
steady state. Judgment whether the response reaches
the steady state is easily made by checking the varia-
2.3 Calculation method of steady state tion of the period of voltage response cycle by cycle.
characteristics Necessary cycles to reach the steady state is roughly
proportional to the number of transistors used in the
The crystal current and the oscillation frequency at oscillator circuit. Although necessary cycles depend
the steady state can be calculated by following pro- on the purpose of the calculation, 20  50 cycles is
cedure; The crystal current dependence of the nega- sufficient for the colpitts crystal oscillator composed
tive resistance and the equivalent capacitance are ob- by single transistor.
tained at the power supply voltage VCC and the crys-
tal nominal frequency, as in Fig. 2. The steady state 2.4 Example
crystal current is obtained from the current value at
the point A1 where the magnitude of negative resis- Fig. 3 shows the schematic diagram of the cas-
tance agrees with the crystal equivalent resistance code crystal oscillator[7] widely used as a frequency
Re . The steady state equivalent capacitance is ob- source of mobile communication equipments. The
tained from the value of capacitance at the current negative resistance and the equivalent capacitance,
level obtained above. The steady state oscillation and frequency stability against the power supply

voltage are calculated and compared to the measure- 20
ment. 16

Ci [pF]
Rc 10
RD 8
Q2 Output 4
CD 0
VCC 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
RA Ic Ix [mA]
Ix Cs 0
Q1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Ri [pF]
CA -200
CB -300

Figure 3: Cascode crystal oscillator -500

Figure 4: Crystal current dependence of negative

resistance and equivalent capacitance
2.5 Negative resistance and equivalent ca-
pacitance 0.6
Fig. 4 shows the crystal current dependence of the 0.4
f/f [ppm]

negative resistance and the equivalent capacitance. 0.2

The values at Ix = 0 were calculated by the small
signal analysis (AC analysis). The calculated results 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
agree with the measurement results within a several -0.2 VCC [V]
percent error. The margin of negative resistance for -0.4
oscillation can be estimated from the difference be-
tween the values at the steady state current and null Figure 5: Frequency deviation caused by power
level. supply voltage variation

2.5.1 Frequency stability

Fig. 5 shows the frequency deviation caused by the grammed by C language or shell script. And the sim-
power supply voltage variation. Calculated results ulation is made automatically by changing the input
agree with the measurement within 10 7 order er- file of SPICE.
ror in absolute values. The resolution of 10 6  In the case where the harmonic components of the
10 8 can be obtained for the estimation of frequency crystal current are not negligible, as high frequency
change . Averaging is necessary for the estimation oscillator, the current source replaced crystal res-
of frequency deviation in 10 8 resolution. onator must be parallel connection of the necessary
harmonic component current sources. The voltage
2.6 Automatic calculation and hybrid har- responses of the active circuit and the crystal res-
monic balance method onator are calculated at each harmonic frequencies,
and the magnitude and phase of each harmonic cur-
To obtain the crystal current dependence of the neg- rent sources are adjusted to obtain the agreement of
ative resistance and the equivalent capacitance, the the voltage responses. The obtained current values
transient analyses are made repeatedly by chang- are the components of the steady state crystal cur-
ing the driving current. This procedure can be pro- rent and the oscillation frequency can be calculated

by the obtained equivalent parameters of the ac- R0BVA
R + RB
tive circuit and the crystal parameters. This method  
IC0 = (6)
is a modified harmonic balance method based on 1
B f (RA + R0B)
1+ RE +
the time domain analysis and the frequency domain Bf
Recently, sophisticated simulators base on the
harmonic balance technique are available. ADS[8] 1
RA + R0B
and Micro wave office[9] are the examples of these 1
simulators. These simulators also have the function VT
of phse noise analysis.
 ln (
! ) (7)
(RA + R0B )RE 1 RA
R 0 1+
3 Algebraic analysis method
where B f , VA , IS are transistor model parameters,
Although simulator is a powerful tool for crystal os- and R0B is the parallel resistance of RB and B f RE .
cillator design, it is difficult to grasp the relation be- K (v) is expressed as follows;
tween circuit performances and circuit parameters
by simulation. We have derived the several approxi- 2 I1 (v)
mate equations for the fundamental performances of K (v) = (8)
v I0 (v)
a crystal oscillator.
where I0 (v) and I1 (v) are 0th and 1st order modified
Bessel functions, respectively.
3.1 Negative resistance and equivalent ca-
R p is the equivalent loss component of the active
pacitance circuit. The loaded Q of the oscillator is determined
The approximate expression of the negative resis- by the crystal equivalent resistance Re and R p .
tance for the cascode oscillator shown in Fig. 3 is The equivalent capacitance is given by the follow-
given by the following equations[6]. ing equations.
1 φ 1

Ci = C jBC + + (9)
gm Ix CB
Ri = K( ) + Rp (3)
1 1 1
Rp = 0 + +  
RBE (ωCA ) 2 RE (ωCB ) 2 RAB (ωCt )2 gm Ix 1 1
φ = 1+ 0 K( 0 ) 0 + (10)

where VT is the thermal voltage, CA0 is the parallel 3.2 Frequency stability against power sup-
capacitance of CA and the large-signal base-emitter ply voltage variation
capacitance of transistor Q1 , Ct is parallel capaci-
tance of CA0 and CB , RAB is the parallel resistance of
Frequency deviation caused by power supply volt-
age change is calculated by the deviation of equiv-
RA and RB , RBE is the large-signal base-emitter re-
alent capacitance of the active circuit using the fol-
lowing equation[5].
gm is the mutual conductance of transistor Q1 at
the large-signal collector DC current IC0 and is ex- d f=f CiC1 dCi =Ci
= (11)
pressed by the following equations. dVCC =VCC 2(Ci + C0 )2 dVCC =VCC

ICO The deviation of equivalent capacitance is calcu-

gm = (5) lated by the following equation.

Table 2: Comparison of frequency stability
dCi =Ci 1 1 MJC CJC estimated by approximate analysis
= (
+ )
and simulation
V JC frequency deviation [ ppm] Error
1 + CA =CB CA V JE
Circuit Simulation Analysis [%]
1 No. 1 0.485 0.543 12
( V JE ) No. 2 0.063 0.070 11
(12) The start-up time is defined by the time where the
crystal current reaches the 90% of its steady state
where MJC,CJC,CJE,V JE are the transistor model value. The approximate equation of start-up time is
parameters, VBC0 , VBE0 , VB are the base-collector given by the following equation.
bias voltage, base-emitter bias voltage, base bias
RDCD (RA + R0B ) n  VBE o
voltage, respectively.
RA + R0B + RD
k is the margin of the negative resistance: the ra- t90% = 3 ln 1
tion of the negative resistances at the steady state
oscillation and the small signal level. 2L1
Calculation of the frequency deviation are made Rn0 (R p + R1 )
and compared to the simulated values for the cir-
cuits with the parameters of Table 1. Tabel 2 shows  ln
+ ln
Ri (Ix1 )
Ri (Ix2 )
the comparison of the frequency deviation between ( !)
the algebraic approximate analysis and simulation. 2L1 R p + R1
+ ln 10 + ln 1 2
Sufficiently good agreement is obtained between the R p + R1 Rn0
approximate analysis and simulation.

Table 1: Circuit parmeters where VBmax is DC base voltage, Rn0 is small signal
negative resistance, Ix1 , Ix2 are the crystal boundary
Parameter No. 1 No. 2 current used by approximate analysis.
CA = CB [ pF ] 36.0 108.0 The analysis of the start-up characteristics of the
RE [kΩ] 18.0 6.0 cascode oscillator is made and compared to the sim-
RA = RB [kΩ] 128.0 42.7 ulation. Tabel 3 shows the circuit parameters of the
L1 [mH ] 5.80 5.80 circuits. Fig. 6 shows the start-up characteristics.
C1 [ f F ] 11.9 11.9 Tabe 4 shows the calculated results of start-up time.
R1 [Ω] 14.0 14.0 Sufficiently good agreement is obtained between the
C0 [ pF ] 2.84 2.84 approximate analysis and simulation.

4 Summary
3.3 Start-up Characteristics of Cascode
The analysis methods of a crystal oscillator are pre-
Crystal Oscillator
sented. SPICE base method gives high resolution
On the design of cellular phones, the reduction of the with short simulation time. Approximate analysis
start-up time of a crystal oscillator is required for re- methods can estimate the frequency stability and
duction of the power consumption. We have derived start-up time with sufficient accuracy. Presented
the algebraic analysis method of start-up character- methods are thought to be useful for crystal oscil-
istics of the cascode crystal oscillator. lator design.


Table 3: Circuit parmeters of cascode oscillator 1

Circuit No. 2

IX [mA]
Parameter No. 1 No. 2
1e-2 Circuit No. 1
CA [ pF ] 180 60
CB [ pF ] 220 180

Crystal current
CD [nF ] 10 10 1e-4

CS [ pF ] 42.29 1e-5

RA [kΩ] 68 20.0 1e-6

RB [kΩ] 62 40.0 1e-7

RC [kΩ] 1.8 0.5 1e-8

RD [kΩ] 47 15.4 1e-9 Approximation

RE [kΩ] 5.1 1.9 1e-10
0 10 20 30 40 50
Q1 ; Q2 2SC1359 2SC3585 t [ms]
L1 [mH ] 18.72 27.6
C1 [ f F ] 13.54 5.607 Figure 6: Start-up characteristics of crystal current
R1 [Ω] 11.9 14.56 calculated by approximate analysis and
C0 [ pF ] 2.75 1.52 simulation.
VCCC [V ] 5.0 3.0
f [MHz ] 10 12.8
[4] Akio Ushida, Takehiko Adachi, and Leon O.
Chua,“Steady-State Analysis of Nonlinear Cir-
Table 4: Comparison of start-up time estimated cuits Based on Hybrid Methods,” IEEE Trans.
by approximate analysis and simulation on Circuits and Systems-1, Vol. 39, no. 8,
pp.649-661, Aug. 1992.
start-up time [ms] Error
Circuit simulation analysis [%]
[5] Takahiro Shoji and Takehiko Adachi;“An Al-
No. 1 36.97 35.20 4.8 gebraic Formulation of Frequency Stability
No. 2 11.14 11.42 2.5 against Supply Voltage Variation of Quartz
Crystal Oscillator,” IEICE Trans. on Electron-
ics, J81-C-II, no.10, pp.796-804, Oct. 1998

[6] Shoji Izumiya, Jun Asaki and Takehiko

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