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Geometry (H)
Review: First Quarter Test
Part I
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or phrase.
1. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, ____________________________
2. If point B is between points A and C, then AB + BC = _________________.

3. If AOC is a straight angle and B is any point not on AC , then

mAOB + mBOC = ____________________.
4. A line contains at least __________ points, a plane contains at least
____________ points not all in one line, and space contains at least _________
points not all in one plane.
5. Through any two points there is _______________________________.
6. The three undefined terms used in plane geometry are
7. A statement assumed to be true is known as a __________________________.
8. The set of all points is known as _______________________.
9. Points that lie on the same line are called ____________________________.


10. A point that divides a segment into two congruent segements is known as
11. ___________________________lines are two lines that intersect to form right angles.
12. An angle whose measure is 180 is known as ______________________________.
13. The process of making a geometric figure with a straightedge and compass is known as
14. Non-parallel, non-intersecting lines are called _____________________________.
15. Two, distinct, collinear rays with the same endpoint are called _____________________.

Part II
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or phrase.
1. A statement in if-then form is known as a _______________________.
2. The converse of the statement "if p, then q" is _____________________.
3. The inverse of the statement "if p, then q" is _______________________.
4. The contrapositive of the statement "if p, then q" is ___________________.
5. If two statements are logically equivalent it means they have the same ________________.
6. The converse of a statement is logically equivalent to the _________________.


7. List the five parts of a proof in two-column form.

(A) _________________________________ (B) _________________________________
(C) _________________________________ (D) _________________________________
(E) _________________________________
8. Given the statement "All right angles are congruent" write
(A) The statement in if-then form.

(B) The converse of the statement.

(C) The inverse of the statement.

(D) The contrapositive of the statement.

Part III

1. Describe, using correct terminology, the procedure for constructing the perpendicular bisector of a segment.

2. Describe, using correct terminology, the procedure for bisecting an angle.


3. State the three undefined terms which are accepted as intuitive ideas in Geometry.

State the word or phrase that is defined in each of the problems below.
4. Points all in one plane.
5. The set of all points.
6. Points all in one line.
7. Non-parallel, non-intersecting lines.
8. A conclusion reached by using inductive reasoning.
9. The point that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
10. A line, segment, ray or plane that intersects a segment at the point defined in #9 .
11. Segments with the same length.
12. The figure formed by two rays with the same endpoint.
13. An angle whose measure is between 90 and 180.
14. Two angles with a common vertex and a common side but no common interior points.
Answer the following questions about postulates.
15. What is a postulate (or axiom)?

16. According to the Segment Addition Postulate if B is between A and C what must be true?


17. According to the second part of the Angle Addition Postulate if AOC is a straight angle

and B is any point not on AC, the mAOB + mBOC = ?

18. If two points are in a plane what can you conclude about a line that contains the points?

19 What can you conclude about the intersection of two distinct planes?

20. Complete the following postulate: If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then...

Complete with always, sometimes, or never to make a true statement.

21. Intersecting lines are _____________________ coplanar.
22. Two planes _____________________ intersect in exactly one point.
23. Three points are ________________________ coplanar.
24. A line and a point not on a line are ____________________ coplanar.
25. Four points are __________________________ coplanar.
26. Two lines ________________________ meet in more than one point.

27. AB and BA are __________________________ the same ray.

28. AB and AC are ____________________________ the same ray.

29. AX and XA are ____________________the same segment.

30. TQ and QT are _______________________ the same line.

31. Skew lines are __________________________ coplanar.


2y + 1


If AC = 45, find the value of each of the following.

32. y

33. AB

34. BC




Find the measure of each angle below.

35. EBF

36. EBA

37. DBE

38. DBC

39. ABF

40. DBF


Find the measure of each angle.



41. CDM

42. KDM

43. JDK

44. JDM

45. CDB

46. CDK

Part IV
Questions 1 - 4 refer to the digram below. Note that lines a and b are parallel.

1 2
3 4

5 6
7 8

1. 3 and5 can be classified as


2. 2 and 6 can be classified as

3. 3 and 6 can be classified as

4. If m1 = 120, find the measures of the angles listed below.

(A) 2 _____

(B) 4 _____

(C) 6 _____

(D) 7 _____

(E) 5 _____

(F) 8 _____

Determine whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

5. If two angles are congruent and supplementary, each is a right angle.
6. All right angles are congruent.
7. Two vertical angles may be complementary.
8. If a line is perpendicular to one of two parallel lines then it is perpendicular to the other line.
9. The statement "If A @ B, then B @ A" is an example of the reflexive property.
Questions 10 - 12 refer to the following:

10. From the figure illustrated above, name a pair of corresponding angles.
11. From the figure illustrated above, name a pair of alternate interior angles.


12. From the figure illustrated above, name a pair of same-side interior angles.
Questions 13 - 15 refer to the following:
D 3
1 2


C 10


13. Name the segments, if any, that are parallel if 5 @ 7.

14. Name the segments, if any, that are parallel if 4 @ 8

15. Name the segments, if any, that are parallel if DCB and 6 are supplementary.

16. Two angles are complementary. The larger angle exceeds twice the smaller angle by 15.
Find the measure of each angle.

17. Two angles are supplementary. If the measure of one of the angles is z +20 degrees, find
the measure of the other angle in terms of z.



18. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of the conditional below and determine
the truth value of each statement.
If ED lives in Nashville, then he lives south of Canada.
Truth value
Truth value
Truth value
Questions 19-24 refer to figure below. Use the given information to determine which lines, if
any must be parallel. If any lines are parallel, justify with a postulate or theorem.


9 11
10 12


19. 1 @ 3

20. 1 @ 6

21. m7 = 70, m9 = 110

22. 2 is supplementary to 3

23. 2 @ 10

24. 11 @ 7



25. Complete the following proof.



Given: a b
Prove: 1 @ 3


1. __________________

1. Given

2. 1 @ 2

2. ____________________________

3. __________________

3. Vert. 's are @.

4. 1 @ 3

4. ____________________________

Part V
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or phrase.
1. Another name for an if-then statement is a __________________________. The part
after the if is the ___________________________and the part after the then is the
2. When you determine whether a conditional is true or false you determine its
3. The ____________________ of a conditional interchanges the hypothesis and conclusion.


4. When a conditional and its converse are true, you can combine them as a
5. The ____________________ of a statement has the opposite meaning.
6. The _______________________ of a conditional negates both the hypothesis and the
7. The __________________________ of a conditional interchanges and negates both the
hypothesis and the conclusion.
8. The congruent sides of an isosceles triangle are the ______________ and the third side is
the ________________.
9. The congruent sides of an isosceles triangle form the _______________angle; the other
two angles are the ________________ angles.
10. Given the conditional statement "If p, then q" write each of the following:
A) the converse ____________________________________
B) the inverse ______________________________________
C) the contrapositive ________________________________

11. The segment connecting the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is called a

12. A _________________ is a set of points that meet a stated condition.




Complete each of the following theorems.

13. If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then
14. The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is
15. If a triangle is equilateral, then
16. If a triangle is a right triangle, then the acute angles are
17. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then
18. All right angles are
19. If two angles are congruent and supplementary, then
20. If a segment joins the midpoints of two side of a triangle, then the segment is
21. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is
22. If two sides of a triangle are not congruent, then the larger angle
23. If a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, then it is equidistant from
24. If a point is on the bisector of an angle, then it is equidistant from

25. Find the value of x given that R, S, and T are midpoints of AC, BC, and AB respectively
and the perimeter of DABC = 120.






26. Find the value of the variables.



27. List the angles of DXYZ from smallest to largest given XY = 10, YZ = 11, and XZ = 2.

28. Write an inequality to represent the range of values for z, the third side of a triangle, if the
lengths of the other two sides are 8 and 12.

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