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Berkeley CS191x: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation

Optional Class Project

This document describes the optional class project for the Fall 2013 offering of CS191x. The project
will not be graded.
In this project, we will explore the computational power of D-Waves alleged quantum computer, the
D-Wave One. To understand where it stands in comparison to classical computers, we will implement a simple classical algorithm for the optimization problem that the D-Wave One is specifically
designed to solve and compare the performance of the two.
This project will require a good command of the C programming language. You may use other lowlevel programming languages such as Fortran if you wish, but please note that high-level languages
such as Python or Java will not be able to compete since we want to run highly optimized numerical
You can think of the project as a discussion question with a programming component. There will
be an official thread on the forum for discussion of the project, and we encourage you to openly
exchange ideas, results, and even codes. Even if you do not have the required programming skills,
you can still participate by contributing conceptual ideas on how to optimize the code.
Of course, we will also provide you with feedback whenever appropriate. We hope you enjoy working
on it!

Note: If you want to jump right into the project, you can start reading from Section 4. But we
strongly recommend that you first read the first three sections, which will provide a nice context
in which this project is scientifically meaningful and relevant.

Brief History

On May 11, 2011, D-Wave Systems announced what they claimed to be the worlds first commercial
quantum computer, the D-Wave One, which they described as a quantum annealer with 128 qubits
[1]. The device, whose quantumness has been called into question, was purchased by Lockheed
Martin and installed at the Lockheed Martin Quantum Computing Center at the University of
Southern California. In April 2013, a research group that had been conducting experiments with
this device published a paper claiming evidence of quantum behavior in the device [2]. In May
2013, McGeoch and Wang published a paper [3], which claimed that the D-Wave Two solves
certain optimization problems 3,600 times faster than the best classical software solvers. They
failed to disclose in their paper that their study was sponsored by some combination of D-Wave
and Google, and the specific tests they performed were determined by their sponsors [4].
Soon after the publication of that paper, it was announced that a collaboration between Google,
NASA, and Universities Space Research Association was to purchase a new D-Wave computer, the
D-Wave Two, a quantum annealer with 512 qubits [5]. It was said that they intended to use it for
their research on artificial intelligence and machine learning. D-Wave Systems is now claiming that
they have a machine that is better at something than any other option available, [6] and that
they will have a 2,000-qubit quantum annealer by 2015 [7].
The coverage of these events in the news media and popular press was quite breathless, and
promoted the view that D-Wave has successfully created quantum computers that are orders of
magnitude faster than the best classical computers. The goal of this project is to give you an
opportunity to explore and understand precisely what computational problems the D-Wave machine
solves and whether there are any scientific grounds on which to believe the claims made by the
company and the news media.

Quantum Annealing

First, we briefly discuss what a quantum annealer is. D-Waves machines are built upon the same
idea as that of adiabatic quantum computing, but they are not true adiabatic quantum computers.
The reason is that their system does not satisfy the two conditions of the theoretical model of
adiabatic quantum optimization: a) the system should be isolated from the environment and b) it
should be run at zero temperature. Instead, D-Waves machines do interact with the environment
and run at a nonzero temperature. The resulting physical process is a somewhat noisy version of
adiabatic quantum optimization whose performance is even less well understood theoretically than
adiabatic quantum optimization. The hope that this noisy quantum annealing may still yield
decent solutions to optimization problems in practice.

State of the Art

In this section, we briefly summarize the two main scientific results about D-Waves machines that
have been repeatedly quoted by the media as evidence in favor of D-Wave [2, 3].

1. Quantum annealing with more than one hundred qubits, Boixo et al., 2013 [2]
This paper reports experimental results about the D-Wave One installed at USCs Lockheed
Martin Quantum Computing Center. They run three different algorithms on a certain optimization problem (this problem, which we will define precisely in the next section, will be
referred to as the D-Wave problem from this point on, because it is the problem that the
D-Wave machines are specifically designed to solve) and compare the results. The following
are the three algorithms compared in the paper.
(a) Simulated Annealing: Simulated annealing is a classical probabilistic algorithm for
optimization problems. It is in many cases one of the first choices when dealing with a
computational problem for which we do not know a provably efficient algorithm.
(b) Quantum Monte Carlo: Despite its slightly misleading name, Quantum Monte Carlo
is a classical algorithm that attempts to simulate quantum dynamics.
(c) The D-Wave One
The experiment that they run is as follows; first, they randomly generate 1,000 instances of
the D-Wave problem. Then they run each of the above three algorithms 1,000 times on each
one of those 1,000 instances and record how many times it found the optimal answer. Thus,
they obtain the success probabilities for each algorithm on each of the 1,000 instances. (That
is, we will have 3,000 of these success probabilities.)
Based on these data, the paper initially exhibited two pieces of evidence to refute the claim
that the D-Wave machine was a purely classical device. We will only discuss one of them here
because the other one has been successfully refuted by Smolin and Smith [8]. The surviving
evidence is that the correlation between the success probabilities of the D-Wave One and
the success probabilities of Quantum Monte Carlo is higher than that between D-Wave and
Simulated Annealing. The paper puts this forth as evidence that the D-Wave machine must
be performing some kind of quantum annealing and therefore must be using entanglement.
The jury is still out on whether this constitutes convincing evidence of quantumness of the
D-Wave machine. In particular, it is not clear whether the paper has ruled out other possible
classical dynamics according to which the D-Wave machine might be evolving.
The other result of this paper, which the news media mostly failed to pick up on, is that their
simulated annealing code was in fact about 6 times faster than the D-Wave One.
2. Experimental Evaluation of an Adiabatic Quantum System for Combinatorial Optimization,
McGeoch and Wang, 2013 [3]
This paper contains the results of experiments with the newer D-Wave Two machine as
performed by Catherine McGeoch and Wang. In this paper, they compare the D-Wave
machine to three off-the-shelf classical solvers on a slightly differently phrased version of the
D-Wave problem. Also, since they are using the D-Wave Two which has 512 qubits, the size
of their test instances is much larger than in the Boixo et al. paper, using as many as 439
qubits as opposed to 108 qubits of Boixo et al.
They report that the D-Wave Two was as much as 3,600 times faster than the classical solvers
on the D-Wave problem. However, here also remain some questions, especially whether they
are comparing to the right classical solvers. The three classical solvers that they use in

this experiment are general-purpose solvers that can handle any combinatorial optimization
problem, whereas the D-Wave Two is designed specifically for the D-Wave problem (although
it can also handle other problems by encoding them in the form of the D-Wave problem). In
fact, within a month, Alex Selby claimed to have written a classical code that was 160 times
faster than the D-Wave Two [9], based on an algorithm that he devised specifically for the
D-Wave problem. But it is not possible to compare his algorithm to McGeoch et al.s results
directly, as the data from McGeoch et al. have not been made public and thus we cannot test
the algorithm on the same data set.
McGeoch may have been aware of these problems from the beginning, as she said in an
interview in May 2013 that the speed tests are also not quite fair, because generic computers
will always perform less well than a device dedicated to solving a specific problem [10]. She
also commented later, our tests were never meant to be used to compare platform speeds,
and it is wrong to use our data to support arguments either way. . . . Fundamentally, I think
the experiments in our paper . . . are far too small in scope to support any conclusions about
the larger picture. . . . I think the results are not nearly as exciting as the press does [4].
Concluding this section, we bring to your attention that we are summarizing 30 pages worth of
material on one page here. If you want to get a complete picture, you can read the above papers
yourself, but that is out of the scope of this project.


In this project, we will implement the simulated annealing algorithm and run it on the same test
instances of the D-Wave problem which were used in the experiments of Boixo et al. [2] to see how
it compares to the performance of the D-Wave One. Ideally, we would want to do this experiment
with the newer D-Wave Two machine, but the data regarding that machine have not been made
public at this time.


The D-Wave Problem

The combinatorial optimization problem solved by the D-Wave machine, as defined in [2] is the
following Ising spin glass ground state problem:
1. Input: Number of particles n, coupling constants Jij {1, 1} for each 1 i < j n.
2. Goal: Find an assignment zi {1, 1} that minimizes the following function:
Jij zi zj

(The actual combinatorial optimization problem solved by D-Wave imposes some very strict constraints on the structure of the interaction graph, which we are suppressing in this description. For
further detail see the appendix of [2].)

Note that we can easily formulate this problem in the formalism of the quantum adiabatic
algorithm using the following initial and final Hamiltonians.
H0 =

Hf =

Jij iz jz


If we start in the ground state of H0 which is just |+in and then evolve our Hamiltonian slowly
from H0 to Hf , we will arrive in the ground state of Hf which will give us the optimal solution to
the D-Wave problem.


The Data

The research group that conducted the experiments of [2] have generously shared their test instances
as a service to the community. The data can be downloaded at
Their input files are formatted as follows.
# name: /Users/.../Benchmarking--...-13-55-11.mat with energy -173
1 5 -1
1 6 -1
1 7 -1
1 8 -1
2 5 1
2 6 -1
As one can see, the first line of the file contains the optimal solution for that particular instance.
From the second line, the coupling constants are given in the form i j Jij . All unspecified Jij s
are assumed to be zero. For instance, in the above example J12 = J13 = J14 = J19 = = 0. The
number of particles n is fixed to be 108 for all their test instances.
In success.txt, they provide the success probabilities of the D-Wave One for each of the 1,000
instances, i.e. the probability that it finds the optimal solution.



The goal of the project is to write a classical code that beats the D-Wave One all-around. That is,
(a) it should run faster and (b) it should achieve higher success probabilities on average.
According to the Methods section of [2], the D-Wave One takes 2.5 seconds to cool down to a
sufficiently low temperature and then performs annealing for 5 microseconds, taking a total of about
2.5 seconds per instance. Ideally, we would like to beat the pure annealing time of 5 microseconds,
which the authors of [2] actually did using high-end classical chips, but we expect that this would
be difficult to achieve on a personal computer. So in this project, we will attempt to beat their total
running time of 2.5 seconds. Note that, if achieved, this will already demonstrate that personal
computers can readily outperform the D-Wave One, which was presumably priced at millions of
dollars, on a specific problem that it was designed to solve.

With careful optimization, we expect that it should be possible to write codes that run in less
than a hundred milliseconds and still exhibit much better success probabilities than the D-Wave



You are free to solve the problem any way you want, but one guaranteed way to achieve our goal is
to use simulated annealing, as demonstrated by [2]. We will only briefly sketch the algorithm here,
but you can read [11] and [12] if you want more detail.
Simulated annealing is an algorithm that borrows its inspiration from a technique in metallurgy,
in which a material is heated and then cooled slowly in a controlled manner. This controlled cooling
helps the material explore the state space and find the lowest energy state, thus forming large
crystals. If the material is cooled too fast, it will get stuck at a local minimum and yield defective
Simulated annealing is basically a local search algorithm that starts with some randomly generated solution (that is, randomly assign zi s) and then explores its neighboring solutions by making
some local change to it (for instance, flip the sign of zi for some random i). A greedy local search
algorithm would accept the new solution if and only if it is better than the old solution, and thus
would very likely get stuck at a local minimum. In simulated annealing, we try to overcome this
limitation by using the notion of temperature. The temperature is set to be a high value at the
beginning of the algorithm and is gradually decreased down to zero as the algorithm progresses.
When the temperature is high, the algorithm will not only accept better solutions, but also accept worse solutions with some probability. When the temperature is zero, the algorithm will only
accept better solutions.
At a high level, the simulated annealing algorithm has the following structure.
Generate a random state z_is.
temperature = some high constant
for some fixed number of steps do the following
pick random i
new state = old state except the sign of z_i is flipped
if H_new <= H_old, accept the new state
if H_new > H_old, accept with probability exp(-(H_new-H_old)/temperature)
decrease the temperature
Note that this is a mere guideline and you should feel free to modify and optimize this skeleton to
obtain better performance. One obvious degree of freedom comes from the choice of the annealing
schedule, i.e. the pace at which we decrease the temperature. Also note that you can control the
runtime of the algorithm by choosing the number of steps appropriately.



Once you have a working code, you have to compare its success probabilities to the D-Wave Ones.
A good way to visualize your results is to produce a histogram of the success probabilities as in
Figure 1.

Final Words

We hope that in the process of working on this project you will come to better understand the
combinatorial optimization problem encapsulated in the Ising spin glass ground state problem, as
well as form an informed opinion about the D-Wave controversy.
As quantum computing researchers, we are excited to see these experiments being done which
can potentially provide us with very useful insights on the power of quantum systems. Unlike the
news media, as scientists our only duty is to get to the truth of the matter. To quote Bertrand
Russells advice to future generations When you are studying any matter, or considering any
philosophy, ask yourself only: What are the facts, and what is the truth that the facts bear out.
Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe, or what you think could have
beneficent social effects if it were believed; but look only and solely at what are the facts.
We hope you enjoy working on the project!

Figure 1: An example histogram



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