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Chapter Four

University of Texas, Austin

Neal Palmer, seated behind his desk, tried to maintain a reasonable phone conver
sation with Dr. Miriam Goodman in Houston. Face turned toward the window, Neal s
aid, "Miriam, I hear what you're saying but I also know what Bramble wants. Yes,
yes . . . of course he wants the truth, but . . . I know, I know. Look, if that
's all there was to this deal, he could take the NEI findings and forget anythin
g else." Neal doubled over in his chair and put one hand to his forehead, resign
ed to hear Dr. Goodman out.
"Neal, we are likely to dilute our limited resources and waste precious time on
this Japanese earthquake theory of yours. The Admiral's problems center on Pearl
Harbor and Oahu, right? I understand that we have other military resources in t
he Pacific and that they may or may not need to take precautions, but . . . thos
e men and women are in areas of possible, not probable danger. You and I may hav
e time for one primary analysis. We don't have time for anything else. OK?"
Neal countered, "Miriam, I think the best thing to do now is to link up a data
exchange. After our computers have traded and integrated what we've each got so
far we might have a clearer picture of the net-net for the whole area. If Hawaii
still looks like the main show, so be it. I'll go quietly. But if, as I think w
ill happen, Japan pops out as the major shaker, then I'll concentrate on that an
d you continue the Hawaiian data analysis. Fair enough?"
"No, I don't think it's fair Neal, but what choice do I have? We can start the l
ink from this end in about 20 minutes. I'll call your computer room to coordinat
e," and Miriam started to hang up - firmly!
"Miriam, calm your dander down girl. You think you're right. I think I'm right a
nd this is a reasonable compromise. Now, when is Bramble coming back?"
"He's not. His aide called last night. The Admiral would like a telephone confer
ence in two days, mid to late afternoon Central time. Can you bring your finding
s here and we'll knock heads for a few hours 'til the call comes through?"
"Why Professor Goodman! You didn't tell me you were receiving evening calls from
Thomas T., " Neal chortled.
"I did not because I have not." Then silence. A long silence.
That quiet period enabled Neal to notice there was another person in his office.
Startled, then put off, Neal hurriedly closed out the phone conversation, "Righ
t, I'll be there - call you back later with details. Got to go love, bye." Stari
ng hard at Leigh Roper, standing just inside the office door, Neal started his o
wn interrogation, "How long have you been in here?"
Leigh did not appear fazed by Putnam's countenance and even less concerned with
his tone of voice. She calmly took a chair and moved it to the side of his desk.
She moved the chair to encroach upon his personal territory, a big deal with mo
st men. Neal took her intent as a PTA deflection; boggle his brain with Pussy, T
its and Ass and expect him to forget to be angry. Leigh settled prettily and pri
mly and with hands crossed in her lap said, "How nice to find you in so early. I
have so looked forward to our little chat. You haven't forgotten your offer, ha
ve you?" Leigh fairly beamed at Neal who fairly champed at the bit for a chance
to rain a little piss-pool on her sunshine.
"I haven't forgotten, " Neal allowed himself to say. "I won't forget this
either," he added to himself. "Wouldn't you know, this is still not a good time,
Ms. Roper. There is never enough time to enjoy a good conversation . . . or a p
rivate one for that matter. Now, if you don't mind, just what did you manage to
glean from your eavesdropping? And, please move your chair to the front of my de
sk. We wouldn't want to appear unseemly in front of any impressionable minds tha
t might wander by, would we?"
"Heavens no Professor Palmer, " Leigh exclaimed scooting back her chair about fo
ur inches. She reclaimed the lost ground by crossing her legs while pushing forw
ard with her down foot. "As to your accusation of eavesdropping, I don't believe
I heard anything that made any sense to me. Perhaps you could explain it to me?
"Cute, Leigh. Really cute. Too cute for words is the expression I believe, so wh
y don't we dispense with words and you may leave peacefully." Neal leaned back i
n his swivel office chair and gestured toward the door with one arm.
"My editor would so hate it if I misquoted someone of your prestige, Dr. Palmer.
If it were not for that, well, I'd just be up and out of your day in a flash. I
'm sure one or two little questions would clear up all my confusions
and put the whole matter to bed . . . so to speak, ah, that is, to rest." Leigh
even managed a small blush at this point.
Neal was no less perturbed by this conversational point but the performance was
getting interesting. Remarkable for something so corny and yet threatening. He d
ecided to wait and see what â Devil Leighâ would next jump up. He hoped it would prov
e informative as well as entertaining. Still silent, Neal only cocked his head a
nd gave Ms. Roper an inquisitive look.
Leigh could not help but be a little impressed with Neal's cool. Most men would
have done something stupid by now: run out, thrown her out or lost their discret
ion while preening and posturing for her approval. "Perhaps a more direct approa
ch," Leigh wondered? " Let's see," she almost said out loud.
"My first question is, why was Fleet Admiral Bramble secreted away with you and
Dr. Goodman in Houston when his butt should have been in Pearl playing save the
Navy? My next question is, what did you mean by Japan may get the bigger shakeup
? Third, is Bramble going to redeploy some of his forces to the Mid East using t
he impending Pacific earthquake as his cover?" Leigh relaxed, confident the reti
cent Dr. Palmer would now go hyperactive.
Dr. Palmer leaned forward and in his most patronizing voice said, "If I understa
nd the implications associated with your questions, Ms. Roper, I believe you are
asking me to impart national and international secrets. Do you really expect me
to believe that you are some sort of media blessing out to save the world from
the nasty people? Is that about right, Peaches?"
Lee-Roy Roper, flashing a lopsided grin in full megawatt fashion, stood up and h
ands on hips replied, "Not exactly, sweet pea! I would prefer you stick your thu
mb up your ass and shout â mamaâ just before you SHIT-IN-YOURPILLOWCASE-DIE you pompo
us, overstuffed assâ ¦Herr Doctor Pouchicums!" Leigh sat Lee-Roy back down and cro
ssed their nyloned legs in a way that afforded Neal a panoramic thigh-high view.
Leigh dipped her head and softly added, "I hope that clarifies any silly ol' mi
sunderstandings we may have had as to my silly ol' objectives."
Neal, feeling as thoroughly mashed as a road lizard, searched for safer ground a
nd respite. All that surfaced was his famous sigh, complete with dangling 'shee-
it'. Eventually, Neal managed a bit better.
"Lady, umm, Ms. Roper, do you always skewer and, ah, enlighten your
interviewees so . . . so graphically if they, ah, fail to see the clarity of you
r, ah, your clear purpose?" God, this was crazy, thought Neal.
"Why heavens no, professor Pouchicums," crooned Leigh. "Only the cute ones." The
n Lee-Roy took over. "The rest I send to Bum-fucked Evermore, you supercilious t
wit! Now either be nice to little ol' Peaches or Peaches will find some bored ol
' redneck to roast your nuts and serve them up as oysters-on-the-half shell for
this little heifer to enjoy! Well, now. Hasn't the time just flown? Perhaps it's
time for Peaches to run along . . . for now. Enjoy your day professor. I've enj
oyed having you." With that, Lee-Roy stood and rapidly left Dr. Pouchicums to hi
s thoughts and his empty office.
Neal felt the air still moving from her hasty departure. Leigh's scent swirled w
ithin. Her well rounded and exceedingly vituperous ass was still branded on his
retina as Neal conversed with himself, "Jiminy-shit, that woman could rape a Rot
o-Rooter, overturn cars and munch several boxes of boy scout fillets in the same
three minutes."
For the next best part of an hour, Neal Palmer phoned various Houston movers and
shakers to find someone capable and daring enough to muzzle, defang or otherwis
e incapacitate Leigh Roper - at least in and around Austin.
The collective responses of those contacted, including two Houston City Council
members, could be summarized in the words of old-time TV reporter, R. B. Kerbow.
"Yep, you well and truly met up with the famous Ms. Leigh and the infamous Ms.
Lee-Roy Roper. Count yourself blessed ol' son, you've got tenure but don't piss
her off again. Very few banditos, no cops and only an occasional, idiot power-pu
sher have dared the wrath of that double nova."
"You talk like she's two different people," blurted Neal.
"Naw, she's like two different sides of a braided scarf, son. One side's silky s
mooth and the other's like a bullwhip. What's important to bear in mind is that
either side can strip yore innocent hide to the raw and bleeding aspects of a po
or looking pork chop. My advice to you is, be sweet or be gone when and if Ms. R
oper comes a-callin'"
Neal Palmer rarely went looking for trouble and two encounters with Ms. Roper se
emed enough for any sane man. The best thing to do now, he resolved, would be to
file the experiences under "combats lost" and to avoid her butt assiduously in
the future. For Dr. Palmer, however, it was not to be. In two days, combat would
Tripoli, Lebanon
"Mustafaa, the protests from Western and many unaligned nations have been floodi
ng into Damascus." Assad Kemadi, Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon was speaking. "The
most vehement are of course from Great Britain, Israel and the Netherlands. The
British are threatening to sever diplomatic relations if an apology is not imme
diately presented."
"What will be Syria's reaction?" asked Mustafaa.
"My government has already recalled her Ambassador to Great Britain," replied As
sad. "The next step will be to expel the occupants of the British embassy in Dam
ascus. I believe another English outburst will trigger this expulsion. What do y
ou believe would be appropriate action, Mustafaa Ibrahaim Daoudi? Do you and the
others believe in the wisdom of such harshness?"
"Is there wisdom in following Allah's wishes Assad? Is it wise for Arab men and
women to stand up to their oppressors? How wise is it for the Arab Brotherhood t
o accept the role of slave to unbelievers? Where is the wisdom in cowering in te
nts while the world has entered the twenty-first century? A
new century has come which will be led by those nations that have reached out an
d seized the orchards that bear the sweetest fruits." Mustafaa waited for Assad
to reply. "What else would you have me say to you Assad?"
"I will convey your words, Mustafaa," answered Assad.
Esam Jamail added, "Let it also be known that today, Lebanon will join with Liby
a and The Republic of South Yemen in strong support of our brothers in Syria."
Assad directed his eyes to Esam and said, "And what of Egypt and Jordan? They ha
ve only urged the Westerners to come forth with a reasonable compromise offer? R
easonable to whom, my friends?"
Mustafaa held up one hand as he answered, "Do not be concerned with Egypt and Jo
rdan, my brothers. They are as committed as we to a just resolution. It is prude
nt to unbalance a stronger opponent. A terrible sword may not strike home if the
wielder has poor footing. Confused and wearied, a strong King may sally against
an empty castle and leave the Kingdom unguarded." Stepping across to embrace As
sad, Mustafaa concluded, "Let Syria rejoice. The crescent moon has begun the ris
e to its greatest glory,
may Allah be praised."
As Assad was leaving, the television - always on and turned to CNN - carried an
announcement from Iraq. "The Iraqi government just released a statement condemni
ng the US and Israel for, quote, sponsoring the despicable predations practiced
by De Beers and other Jewish-dominated racketeers. The statement goes on to cens
ure those others who seek to enslave and abase the Muslim faithful with deceitfu
l and shameless contrivances."
Mustafaa, Esam and Assad had stopped to listen to the broadcast. Now Mustafaa op
ened wide his arms and proclaimed, "You see my brothers, our fortitude is a bulw
ark to which others may rally in defense of justice. Be assured our cause is rig
CNN continued its broadcast unnoticed as Mustafaa was leading his compatriots in
mild celebration, "In a related action, Israel announced increased terrorist de
fense measures as Israel girds for renewed Arab unrest. Heavily armed patrols ar
e reported in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank. CNN also has unconfirmed report
s of a planned curfew in Arab portions of Israel and increased defensive measure
s along Israeli borders
and seaward approaches.â
Pearl Harbor, CICPACFLT Headquarters
Admiral Bramble was reviewing the latest dispatch from Defense. Attending were V
ice Admirals Winston Potter and Larry Lawrence, Rear Admirals Jefferson Cooper,
Nicholas Adderley, and Hiram Word (Rear Admiral Frank Mann absent), Commodore Br
ent Davis and Commander Robard Robinski, aide to Admiral Bramble. Admiral Brambl
e was ordered to increase presence in the Red Sea ASAP. In the Desert Wars after
math, the US had rotated various complements of ships in and out of the Red Sea.
Of late, Western ships sailed those waters less frequently and in smaller numbe
rs. Currently the USS Hornet Carrier group was steaming south of the Red Sea, Re
ar Admiral Homer Barlow in command.
This was a typical Defense directive, vague and open, leaving plenty of room for
the weenies to do their 'dirty dancing' if things got ugly later. Fortunately o
r unfortunately, the Pentagon would follow up with clarifications. If the politi
cal sitrep was too fluid, even DeBliss would have to weasel and direct Thomas T.
to 'adjudge and advise regarding deviations from planned redeployments'. In oth
er words, it will be up to Fleet Admiral Bramble to
decide how and with what the Red Sea group is to be augmented as part of the Pac
ific redeployment contingencies. That was exactly what Thomas T. expected and Ge
neral DeBliss delivered on cue. Commander Robinski, aide to the Admiral, brought
in General DeBliss's communiqué within the quarterhour.
Reading the Pentagon clarifications, Bramble grinned at his staff and said, "Gen
tlemen, when was the last time any of you saw pigs shit molasses and farmers buy
ing out banks? Well, now's the time for believers. Either miracles or mayhem is
a comin' and we have to be ready for both. Winston, when you reach Diego Garcia,
I want Hiram to go on with his task force and link up with Admiral Barlow in th
e Red Sea. Hiram there's not room for all you will be bringing. You and Homer wo
rk out a rotation with a least four surface ships and two subs patrolling just o
utside. Homer will be in command Hiram. Jefferson, I need you to detach Commodor
e Davis to my direct command."
Rear Admiral Jefferson Cooper nodded his assent. Turning to Commodore Brent Davi
s, Thomas T. continued, "Brent, I've got a nasty one to put on your plate. I wan
t you to get underway immediately with the Forestall (guided missile destroyer)
and the O'Brian (destroyer escort) to the Johnson Atoll. You will join Captain P
arkinson aboard the Forestall. Upon arrival, your
group will stand off twenty miles South-Southwest until further orders. Commodor
e, Johnson may catch a heavy dose of earthquake driven seas. If so, you and your
men will be severely tested in those destroyers. Brent, I have a strange intuit
ion on this. I may be wrong but I have to go with it."
"Aye sir," Commodore Davis said. "Will that be all, sir?"
"Yes Commodore and good luck," finished Bramble.
"Larry, Winston, I want a status on everything we've got in for repairs in any F
ar East port and how soon they can be made ready to sail and at what speeds. Con
tingency plans are fine for healthy ships but they are not worth a hoot in hell
for the exceptions. Gentlemen, make ready to embark at 06:40, day after tomorrow
. Stragglers will rendezvous with Rear Admiral Mann no later than 18:00, the nex
t day, following for escort. Any ship that makes ready after that will proceed d
irectly to Auckland and link up with Admiral Adderley. That's about it for now g
entlemen. Progress reports to Commander Robinski by 23:45 tonight. Reconvene 06:
00 tomorrow. I appreciate all your earlier inputs and efforts. Good job."
Bramble's staff filed out exhausted, realizing how little sleep they had and
would manage over the next thirty-six hours. Thomas T. signaled for Vice Admiral
Lawrence to remain.
"Commander," the Admiral called as his aide was about to leave, "contact Profess
or Goodman and postpone the conference call 'til 20:00 her time unless she or Dr
. Palmer have urgent Intel. That's all."
Turning to Admiral Lawrence, "Larry, I've got Generals Morton (Major General, Ar
my commanding officer, Scoffield) and Wyburton (Major General, Air Force command
ing officer, Hickham Field AFB) and Brigadier Ogilvy (Marine Corps commander, Pe
arl Harbor) in twenty minutes. I'd like you to stick around for that."
Vice Admiral Larry Lawrence said, "Only if you've got something to cut this acid
paste Robinski serves as coffee."
"I think I've got just what your old hull needs." Thomas T. pulled a bottle of t
welve-year old single malt from the wet bar and held it out for Lawrence to insp
ect. "One sip is ambrosia, two sips bring amnesia and three sips - you're trench
"Maybe for ye, me wee laddie but for high-steppers sech as meself, three sips ar
e but a dram. Lead on me boyo, lead on."
"Methinks you're mixing your brogues a bit laddie," replied Bramble.
"Just so long as you don't mix my ambrosia with anything but air, Admiral," resp
onded Lawrence.
Pouring two fingers for Lawrence and only a taste for himself, Thomas T. said, "
Larry, don't pin me down on this but I think we have worse coming than this eart
hquake event." Seeing a look of puzzlement on Larry's face, Bramble added, "I kn
ow, name three things worse than an earthquake threat scary enough to drive the
fleet out of half the Pacific. You have to understand, I've got red lights all o
ver my internal status board and I don't have a thing in concrete to justify the
m. But I have learned not to ignore that board, Larry."
"What can you tell me about it Thomas?" asked Larry. "Anything in particular sta
rt the light-up?"
Thomas T.'s sixth sense was clearly in high alert mode. All that was missing
was a holographic image of Grandpa shaking a warning finger. Japan, Middle East,
Middle East, Japan; it was almost a litany for attention.
"Well, first it was the Chinese refusing that high-tech shipment from Japan. The
n that flare up in the UN over De Beers and some new outfit called CMR Corporati
on. CMR's sugar tit is Japan. Now a doodlebugger I know in Texas says he thinks
the biggest quake may hit Japan rather than the Hawaiians. Something keeps shovi
ng Japan in my face and I can't quite latch on and decipher the message. I do kn
ow those sun-risers are as quiet as bedbugs in a warm crotch and that also conce
rns me. You see anything there?"
"Not really Thomas. Of course I haven't the faintest God-rotten idea what a dood
lebugger is and that's probably what's holding me back." Watching a frown cross
Admiral Bramble's face, Larry hastened to add, "Seriously Thomas, I don't see mu
ch to put up signal flags over but I do trust the Admiral's instincts. I'll keep
a full watch on for anything that might tie in to what you've said."
"Thanksâ Larry. Once you are underway, run a few extra drills just to keep the boy
s sharp, OK? I'll ask Potter to do the same but without the explanation."
The two Admirals, long time friends and partners in tough situations, finished t
heir drinks as Commander Robinski announced the arrivals of Generals Morton, Wyb
urton and Ogilvy.

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