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Volume 1/Number 3

Ward 5 Newsletter
4300 South Park, Tucson AZ 85714
(520) 791-4231,

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good

people to do nothing.
and immigration policy. The federal government activity in our state. Our local economy depends upon
Ward 5 Happenings must finally act to address this issue. And the revenues from the sales of local products and services to
people of Tucson and Southern Arizona want to people from outside Arizona and to people who are here
• Another Goodwill Store Opens
work with any federal officials willing and able to legally from other countries. It is clear that the number of
• Paul Cunningham New Councilmember address the border issue in a forthright and people who come to Tucson to shop, vacation or attend
reasonable manner. professional meetings will be reduced due to boycotts of
• Tours Starting our state. As a result, the revenues we need to enforce all
state and local laws and conduct all of our public safety
Mayor Walkup believes that the overall intent of operations are also reduced.
• Budget Townhall Held
SB 1070 is to enable the State of Arizona to
• Statement on SB 1070 address these failures of the federal government.
However, Mayor Walkup and a majority of the SB1070 fails to protect the rights of our citizens, puts our
• Tucson Files Legal Challenge to SB Tucson City Council voted to file a legal chal- police officers at unnecessary risk and is already damag-
1070 lenge against SB 1070 today for a number or ing our local economy. Therefore, the City of Tucson will
reasons: file an injunction and ask the courts to help protect our
• Serve on a Committee citizens and our city.

• Right Size Your Can, event May 18 SB 1070 puts the rights of Tucson citizens at
risk. It is not clear how police officers are sup-
• Furlough Day posed to interpret what constitutes “reasonable COUNCILMEMBER
cause” when they question citizens. And citizens
should not be unnecessarily detained until they RICHARD FIMBRES
City of Tucson Files can prove their citizenship or legal status.
Legal Challenge to
SB 1070 enables citizens to file lawsuits against CUNNINGHAM AS THE
SB 1070 police officers if they believe that the law is not
being adequately enforced. This provision could NEW WARD 2
Mayor Walkup agrees that the federal gov- subject police officers and the City Of Tucson to
ernment has failed in its responsibility to frivolous and costly litigation that can impede COUNCILMEMBER
control Arizona’s international border. public safety and drain critical dollars from our
Crimes and other violence that are directly public safety system.
related to the lack of border security are
unacceptable. At the same time, the count- SB 1070 will cost Tucson and the State of Ari- EDUCATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY.
less deaths of undocumented migrants in zona in the reduction of tourism and commercial
our deserts year after year after year are VOTE FOR PROPOSITION 100!
another example of a failed federal border
“SB 1070 is bad policy and it will hurt our city and “SB 1070 puts the rights of Tucson citizens at risk. in our state. Our local economy depends upon revenues
COUNCILMEMBER our state as similar measures, such as the Martin It is not clear how police officers are supposed to from the sales of local products and services to people
Luther King Holiday controversy did to Arizona in interpret what constitutes “reasonable cause” from outside Arizona and to people who are here legally
FIMBRES the late 1980's and early 1990’s,” Councilmember when they question citizens. And citizens should from other countries. It is clear that the number of people
Fimbres said. “It is an unfunded mandate by the not be unnecessarily detained until they can prove who come to Tucson to shop, vacation or attend profes-
STATEMENT ON Governor and Legislature that will cost the cities their citizenship or legal status. sional meetings will be reduced due to boycotts of our
and counties law enforcement, thousands of state. As a result, the revenues we need to enforce all
SB 1070 dollars to enforce.” state and local laws and conduct all of our public safety
“SB 1070 enables citizens to file lawsuits against operations are also reduced.
police officers if they believe that the law is not
In a letter to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (dated On Tuesday, May 4, by a five to one vote, the being adequately enforced. This provision could
April 22), Tucson Councilmember Richard Fimbres Tucson Mayor and Council voted to file a legal subject police officers and the City Of Tucson to “SB1070 fails to protect the rights of our citizens, puts our
(Ward 5), urged her to veto SB 1070 and to “continue challenge to this new law, which will go into frivolous and costly litigation that can impede police officers at unnecessary risk and is already damaging
to work together as Arizonans to build a better state affect on July 23. In his press release, Mayor public safety and drain critical dollars from our our local economy.” Through this vote, the City Attorney,
as we approach our Centennial as part of these Robert Walkup summed up the reasons for this public safety system. will file an injunction and ask the courts to help protect our
United States.” Governor Brewer signed SB 1070 into succinctly and for which I wholeheartedly agree citizens and our city, so that we can work together for a
law. with, and which follows. “SB 1070 will cost Tucson and the State of Arizona better Arizona. “
in the reduction of tourism and commercial activity
Page 2 Ward 5 Newsletter

BUDGET TOWN HALL HELD Ward 5 Council Office Staff:

Barbara Jordan (Executive Assistant),
More than 40 people turned out for the City of Tucson Eileen Contreras (Executive Assistant
budget town hall that was held Wednesday, May 12, at PT) Abe Marques (Council Aide),
For some residents in Tucson Melinda Jacobs (Council Aide), Mark
the El Pueblo Senior Center, 101 W. Irvington. who did not fill out their first Kerr (Council Aide).
U.S. Census survey, a second
Many good questions and dialogue was had during this one will be forthcoming in the
town hall meeting. I also want to thank City Manager mail and something that TOURS STARTING!
Mike Letcher, Budget Director Marie Nemerguth and benefits all citizens if com- The Ward 5 Council Office is in the process
Deputy Police Chief John Leavitt for attending and an- pleted and returned. of setting up tours of the Los Reales Land-
fill/Recycle America and Tucson Water. If
swering the many questions posed. If you have sugges- interested, please call the Ward 5 Council
tions for the budget, please call or E-mail the Ward 5 SERVE ON A COMMITTEE Office, 791-4231 or E-mail us at, subject line “tour.”
office. You can obtain a copy of the presentation at the
Ward 5 blog/website. Councilmember Richard Fimbres has openings
on the following Citizen’s Advisory Commis-
sions: Ward 5 Furlough Days
Goodwill Industries  Friday - May 28 (Citywide)
has opened another  Parkwise, Rodeo Grounds, Women’s Commis-
store in Ward 5 at  sion, Environmental Services (Needs to be a
Campbell and Irving- Ward 5 Resident), Public Art., LGBT Commis-
ton, bringing 40 more 
sio0n and SBMWBE (Business). TOWN HALL, MAY 18
jobs and opportunities  For more information, please call the Ward 5 Tuesday, May 18, 6:30 p.m., Quincie Douglas Library, 585 E. 36th
to Ward 5 and Tucson.  Council Office, 791-4231. St. For more information, call 791—3171

RIGHT SIZE YOUR CAN or the shared alley container. The blue recycling contain- is completely self-sustaining. We receive no tax dollars nor do
ers and collections are not affected by this program. Also we collect from the City’s General Fund. But, in order to
By Andrew Quigley, included in this fee are twice-a-year brush and bulky continue offering our current level of service, we had to make
Director of Environmental collections and the Household Hazardous Waste Program. some hard choices and increase our current rates. We chose
the Right Size Your Can program to give our customers op-
Services, City of Tucson tions to meet their budgets and to encourage more conserva-
FECT? - The new pricing structure affects the approxi- tion and recycling.
WHAT IS “RIGHT SIZE YOUR CAN”? - Our Right Size Your Can mately 99,000 household customers who have curb ser-
program is what is known as a volume-based service plan for vice with the 95-gallon containers. It does not affect WHEN WILL THE VOLUME-BASED SERVICE PROGRAM START? -
residential refuse collection. With volume-based service, the customers who have shared neighborhood containers in Pending final approval by the Mayor and Council, we expect to
less trash you make, the less you pay. It’s new to Tucson, but the alley. They will retain that service at the proposed be able to begin taking requests for different size containers
is being used successfully in many other cities across the U.S. new rate of $16.00 per month. beginning June 1, 2010 and implement the new rates effective
Beginning July 1 (pending Mayor and Council approval), your July 1, 2010.
monthly Environmental Services charges will depend on what
size trash container you have: Small – 48 gallon - $15.00/ WHY IS THE NEW VOLUME-BASED SERVICE PROGRAM
month; Medium – 65 gallon - $16.00/month; Large – 95 gallon - BEING IMPLEMENTED? ISN’T THIS A RATE INCREASE? - It is WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? - If you want to keep your current
$16.75/month. no secret that costs associated with trash collection have 95-gallon container at the rate of $16.75 a month you don’t
risen dramatically over the past few years. The ES rate is have to do a thing. If you would like a smaller trash container,
among the lowest in the state, and the department has call our customer service representatives at 791-3171 after
Note: These are proposed rates only. Rates will be set by the only implemented one small rate increase during the past June 1, 2010.
Mayor and City Council Currently customers pay $14.50 per five years. The Tucson Environmental Services Department
month for weekly pickup of their existing 95-gallon container

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