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Its true. Its true! All the world is full of drama.

Manupilate the drama in the

best possible way to your advantage.
Yes. This is the newest of my addition to the multiple thought processes I ve
put down over the past few weeks.
The real question is what do you want?
Varys has his agenda, Petyr his own, Tyrion, and even Cersei. Everything is
barely enough. Its too ambiguous and depressing- What about programing,
its certainly part of everything, BUT Have you thought about it at all even?
Some times you bit more that you can chew. Sometimes you dont really
know what the fuck is going on, and your in some other world.
So first, in the most disorganized fashion, in the interest of putting down the
first thought that comes into my head before checking snap chat and getting
distracted all over again, Id like to reinterate breathe into your balls and
follow your heart : a major argument put forward during this 12 minute
video, was that we tend to compare ourselves to others but worse still, to our
perception of others, Sure he is a multimillionaire, but did you know the guy
has three stomache ulcers? Intellectually he argues people are so detached
from their balls and their hearts ( i.e their souls ) because the brain is being
groomed to see the world as society does ( whats wrong with that? ) and
then denounce all feeling behind our mask we call the forehead ( it hides the
prefrontal cortext). This potentially means that people are not truly doing
what they feel like- i.e they dont follow the bigger picture their heart sees
not the I feel like being lazy now ideal, but the broader more deeper feelings
that govern what we do like and what we dont.
Ever considered why you dont like papaya? Too sweet? Smells bad? Where
did that scorn come from? Bad experience? Conditioning? Frames? Or is it
deeper- is it part of this object we call a soul?
Either way. As Akhila so rightly questioned earlier today Do we really own
anything? I mean, your thought patterns are controlled by nature and
nuture, your experiences and your lifestyle. Its all the fucking same.
Lifestyle- probably because it has style in it reminds me of Style. He argued
I think that we shouldnt forget what a lifestyle is. Its not you being over
stingy or the opposite with your money. Its how you live, not what you life for
( both of which I strongly believe have a real link to happiness- like the
unfathomable satisfaction and contentness that we all are seeking.
Very intriguing yes? This subject of trying to understand why we are here and

Well while we are on that subject- souls broadly- let me take you back to
the alchemist( glorious book I must say, take your time with the text, hidden
meaning and wisdom rarely exposes itself to the unweary. But yes that book

argued that as children, experience and failure dont dull our souls- that we
have not been limited by fear. It says that out childhood dreams, however
outstretched it may be, is actually the heart and soul of our selves- a fire an
idea that sound that comes from your universal soul. Wowo.

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