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Chronic sinusitis is when the symptoms, pain and discomfort of sinusitis keep re

turning frequently. Chronic sinusitis treatments can because the symptoms can su
ggest possibly more serious ailments that trigger the chronic sinusitis conditio
n. There could be another disease e.g. AIDS or diabetes, physical deformation or
some obstruction in the nasal passage. Hence chronic sinusitis must be treated
by finding the root cause which makes its treatment different from that of the a
cute sinusitis with its temporary effects.
Chronic sinusitis can be treated only after finding the actual cause of the sinu
sitis e.g. constant clogging of the mucus, frequent infection etc. There are sev
eral ways to detect the causes of sinusitis. The first is endoscopic surgery whe
re the surgeon sends a fine tube with a light source and camera. This shows the
doctor the actual reason for the sinusitis. Once that is determined, eliminating
the cause isnâ t very difficult and often the problem is solved by a simple surger
y. Some delicate issues like a crooked nasal septum, birth defect that causes ob
struction in the nasal passage etc. could also be detected by computerized tomog
raphy scan or magnetic resonance imaging. A deep inflammation or some sort of hi
ndrance in the nasal pathways shown by these scans can then be treated according
Allergy to certain things like dust mites, pollutants and pollen, animal fur and
other irritants could be pinpointed by doctors using an allergy skin test. The
allergic response of the body can spark excess mucus secretion or inflammation t
hat may spoil the balance inside the delicate nasal passages and the narrow sinu
s cavities. In some cases, doctors even follow the method of tissue culture whic
h will show the harmful effect of a bacterial pathogen that is affecting the muc
ous lining. All these methods of detection are relatively easy and pain-free and
depending on the cause of the chronic sinusitis, the doctor can go about treati
ng it. For example, a deformation inside the nose of the nasal septum or the tur
binates could be operated upon and the obstruction cleared. The presence of nasa
l polyps which are nothing but overgrowth of the connective tissues can also obs
truct the nasal lining which causes problem in free flow of air and mucus. These
too can be removed by minor surgeries. There are various tools that can be used
to shave away polyps or clear minor obstructions inside the nasal passages. Bal
loon sinuplasty is another form of surgery where a balloon is utilized to increa
se the size of the nasal cavities without harming or affecting any other part. T
he balloon once inserted is slowly inflated to apply the appropriate pressure.
Immunotherapy which involves taking allergy shots helps make the body more resil
ient towards the allergens that are sparking the chronic sinusitis symptoms. The
use of antibiotics such as doryx, monodox or combination drugs like trimethopri
m-sulfamethoxazole are all directed against eliminating the bacterial or viral i
nfection. The course of these antibiotics is usually around 10-14 days and one s
hould be careful as to not stop taking antibiotics in the middle of the course.
This will bring back the original symptoms as the bacteria will not be completel
y destroyed. Saline nasal sprays and corticosteroids like mometasone, budesonide
etc. are also used to treat inflammation and clear the congestion inside the no
se. Although one can use decongestants as well, it shouldnâ t continue for long as
they inhibit the secretion of mucus which is not desirable.
Adam Bradley is a lifelong sufferer of sinus problems just like you. After years
of dealing with hundreds of doctors, prescribed medications, suggestions and ho
me remedies he decided to do an exhaustive research on the subject of <a href="h
ttp://">chronic sinu
sitis treatment</a> , infections, and natural remedies. He lives in Boulder, CO,
is now enjoying the outdoors, and encourages anyone who is sick and tired of na
sal congestion and sinus infections, to try his <u>free 15 step Mini-Course</u>
on sinus relief, available at the <a href="http://www.naturalsinusreliefcenter.c
om">Natural Sinus Relief Center</a>.

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