Sei sulla pagina 1di 476

consortium book sales & distribution

fall | winter 20162017

where independent publishers live

consortium book sales & distribution

fall | winter 2016-2017

3dtotal Publishing
AK Press
Akashic Books
Alice James Books
Alternative Comics
And Other Stories
Arsenal Pulp Press

A Missile
O Jack

what a relief
a laugh

this morning
see everything goes anywhere
that any other place
is also
Believe me

it is pure joy
to overshoot the moon
and find you
out there

From Scree
by Fred Wah
Used by permission of Talonbooks

Behler Publications
Bellevue Literary Press
BIS Publishers
Biteback Publishing
Bitter Lemon Press
Blue Apple Books
BOA Editions, Ltd.
Breakaway Books
Bywater Books

Fabled Films Press

February Books
The Feminist Press at CUNY
Fence Books
Feral House
Frame Publishers
Gallic Books
Garnet Publishing
Gentle Path Press
Gilgamesh Publishing
Global Book Sales
Green Integer
The Gryphon Press
Haymarket Books
h.f.ullmann publishing
High Conflict Institute Press
Holy Cow! Press

Ocean Press
Open Letter
Paris Press
Paul Dry Books
Profile Books
Prospect Park Books
Redleaf Press
Saqi Books
Sarabande Books
Secret Acres
Serpents Tail
Small Beer Press
Stockholm Text
Stone Bridge Press
Sweetmeats Press
Text Publishing Company
Theatre Communications Group
Third Man Books
TOON Books
Torrey House Press
Turtle Point Press
Two Dollar Radio
Tyrant Books

Centipede Press
Central Recovery Press
Chin Music Press
ChiZine Publications
Cicada Books
Cinco Puntos Press
City Lights Publishers
Coach House Books
Coffee House Press
Common Courage Press
Copper Canyon Press
The Critical Press
Curbside Splendor Publishing

Ig Publishing
Image Continuum Press
Imperfect Publishing

Daylight Books
Deep Vellum Publishing
Dewi Lewis Publishing
DoppelHouse Press

Mandel Vilar Press

Manic D Press
Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd.
MCCM Creations
Milo Books
Monkfish Book Publishing

Wave Books
White Pine Press
Windhorse Publications

New Internationalist
New Society Publishers
New Vessel Press
New Village Press
Nicolo Whimsey Press
Nobrow Press

Constellation digital-only
CarTech Inc.
Stark Raving Group
Sunrise River Press

The Eighth Mountain Press

Enchanted Lion Books
Engine Books
Enigma Books
Etruscan Press
Exterminating Angel Press

Joshua Odell Editions

Karadi Tales
Kehrer Verlag
Koyama Press
Kube Publishing Ltd
Leapfrog Press
Lesser Gods
Lumen Books

Uncivilized Books
Unfiltered Media
Vodka & Milk

Zephyr Press
Zuccotti Park Press

Where Independent Publishers Live

Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 1

4/5/16 8:32 AM

Congratulations to all our award winners and bestsellers!

New York Times
Go the Fuck to Sleep
Adam Mansbach; Illustrated by
Ricardo Corts
Akashic Books
Paper over Board
US $14.95 | CAN $16.95
978-1-61775-025-0 W*

2015 Hurston/Wright
Legacy Award for
Not for Everyday Use: A
Elizabeth Nunez
Akashic Books
Trade Paper
US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-61775-233-9 W*

The Market Gardener:

A Successful Growers
Handbook for Small-scale
Organic Farming
Jean-Martin Fortier; Illustrated
by Marie Bilodeau
New Society Publishers
Trade Paper
US $24.95
978-0-86571-765-7 W*
(excludes Canada)

You Have to Fucking Eat

Adam Mansbach; Illustrated
by Owen Brozman
Akashic Books
Paper over Board
US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-61775-378-7 W*

ABA Bestseller
The Red Notebook
Antoine Laurain; Translated
by Jane Aitken and Emily
Gallic Books
Trade Paper
US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-908313-86-7 USC

Art & Fear: Observations

on the Perils (and
Rewards) of Artmaking
David Bayles and Ted Orland
Image Continuum Press
Trade Paper
US $12.95 | CAN $15.50
978-0-9614547-3-9 USC

Awards and Bestsellers

FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 2

4/5/16 8:32 AM

Congratulations to all our award winners and bestsellers!

Maggie Nelson
Wave Books
Trade Paper
US $16.00 | CAN $17.99
978-1-933517-40-7 W

2010 Pulitzer Prize

for Fiction
Paul Harding
Bellevue Literary Press
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-934137-12-3 W*
(excludes Canada)
Trade Cloth $25.00
978-1-934137-19-2 W*
(excludes Canada)

Howl and Other Poems

The Essential Neruda

Allen Ginsberg
City Lights Publishers
Trade Paper
US $7.95 | CAN $8.95
978087286-017-9 W
Trade Cloth
US $12.95 | CAN $15.50
978087286-310-1 W

Pablo Neruda
City Lights Publishers
Trade Paper
US $16.95 | CAN $20.50
978-0-87286-428-3 W*

2015 New York Times

Notable Book in Fiction
The Story of My Teeth
Valeria Luiselli; Translated by
Christina MacSweeney
Coffee House Press
Trade Paper
US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-56689-409-8 NA

Leaving the Atocha

Ben Lerner
Coffee House Press
Trade Paper
US $16.95
978-1-56689-274-2 W*
(exludes Canada)

Awards and Bestsellers

FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 3

4/5/16 8:32 AM

Congratulations to all our award winners and bestsellers!

Men Explain Things To Me

Rebecca Solnit
Haymarket Books
Trade Paper
US $12.95 | CAN $15.99
978-1-60846-466-1 USC

Wabi-Sabi for Artists,

Designers, Poets &
Leonard Koren
Imperfect Publishing
Trade Paper
US $16.00 | CAN $17.00
978-0-9814846-0-0 USCO*

2014 Pulitzer Prize for

The Flick
Annie Baker
Theatre Communications
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-458-4 W*
(excludes Canada)

Octavias Brood: Science

Fiction Stories from
Social Justice
Edited by Walidah Imarisha
and adrienne maree brown
AK Press
Trade Paper
US $18.00 | CAN $22.50
978-1-84935-209-3 USC

2015 NYT Notable

Book in Fiction;
2015 PEN / Faulkner
Award Winner
Preparation For The
Next Life
Atticus Lish
Tyrant Books
Trade Paper
US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-0-9913608-2-6 USC*

War of the Foxes

Richard Siken
Copper Canyon Press
Trade Paper
US $17.00 | CAN $21.50
978-1-55659-477-9 W

Awards and Bestsellers

FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 4

4/5/16 8:32 AM

Congratulations to all our award winners and bestsellers!

Zen in the Art of Writing:

Essays on Creativity

2015 Scotiabank
Giller Prize
Fifteen Dogs

Ray Bradbury
Joshua Odell Editions
Trade Paper
US $14.95 | CAN $18.00
978-1-877741-09-8 USC

Andr Alexis
Coach House Books
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-305-6 W*
(excludes Canada)

The Motorcycle
Diaries: Notes on a Latin
American Journey

Blue is the Warmest


Ernesto Che Guevara

Ocean Press
Trade Paper
US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-876175-70-2 W*

2016 Etisalat Prize for

Tram 83
Fiston Mwanza Mujila;
Translated by Roland Glasser
Deep Vellum Publishing
Trade Paper
US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-941920-04-6 NA

Julie Maroh
Arsenal Pulp Press
Trade Paper
US $19.95
978-1-55152-514-3 US

Youre the Best: A

Celebration of
The Satellite Sisters
Prospect Park Books
Trade Cloth
US $19.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-938849-58-9 USC

Awards and Bestsellers

FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 5

4/5/16 8:32 AM

2dcloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3dtotal Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
AK Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Akashic Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Alice James Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Alternative Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Arsenal Pulp Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Bellevue Literary Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Biblioasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
BIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Biteback Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Bitter Lemon Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
BOA Editions Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Bywater Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Centipede Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Central Recovery Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chin Music Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
ChiZine Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Cinco Puntos Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
City Lights Publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Coach House Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Coffee House Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Contrasto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Copper Canyon Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
*The Critical Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Curbside Splendor Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Daylight Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Deep Vellum Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Dewi Lewis Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
*DoppelHouse Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Engine Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Enigma Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Etruscan Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Exterminating Angel Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
The Feminist Press at CUNY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Feral House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Frame Publishers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Gallic Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
GILES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Global Book Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Green Integer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Haymarket Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
*h.f.ullmann publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
High Conflict Institute Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Hispabooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Holy Cow! Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Ig Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Table of Contents
FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 6

4/5/16 8:32 AM

Kehrer Verlag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Koyama Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Kube Publishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Leapfrog Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
*Lesser Gods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
*Mandel Vilar Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Manic D Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Monkfish Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
New Internationalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
New Society Publishers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
New Vessel Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
New Village Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Nobrow Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Open Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Paul Dry Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Postcart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Profile Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Promopress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Prospect Park Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Redleaf Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Saqi Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Sarabande Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Secret Acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Small Beer Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Stone Bridge Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Talonbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Text Publishing Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Theatre Communications Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Third Man Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Torrey House Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Two Dollar Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Uncivilized Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Unfiltered Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
*Vodka & Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
White Pine Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Windhorse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Zephyr Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
*Indicates first season at Consortium
Distributed Publishers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index by Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index by Primary Subject. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sales Reps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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4/5/16 8:32 AM

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FLC F16 fm i-viii.indd 8

4/5/16 8:33 AM

Perfect Hair
Tommi Parrish

A vivid cross section of relationships, identity,

and the gradations of emotion that color them.

Parrishs storytelling explores

The Sydney Morning Herald






Tommi Parrish makes dreamy, sentimental comics and sculptures that

kind of mess with all your assumptions about sentimentality and dreams.
Spook magazine
Visually speaking, [Parrishs] human characters tend to be of big proportions,
sometimes with minimal facial features and small heads . . . this evokes a sense of
graceful strengthwatching [their] characters can be like watching slow-moving
giants.Mous. magazine
Perfect Hair, the debut graphic novel by Tommi Parrish, is a vivid set of vignettes
that balances emotional honesty with a keen cultural awareness. Deploying
their bold, innovative style to navigate topics such as fear, loneliness, identity,
body politics, and more, Parrish is a promising newcomer from the burgeoning
Australian alt-comics scene.


6 x 8 | 72 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-937541-27-9 W

Tommi Parrish is a cartoonist, illustrator, and art editor based in Melbourne,

Australia. Their work has appeared in various anthologies, magazines, mini comics, and gallery shows in New York, Argentina, and throughout Australia, as well
as the online column Advicecomics. They are also the art editor of the Australian
literary journal The Lifted Brow.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
Outreach to comics, arts, and LGBT
publications and websites
Social media campaign
Giveaways through Goodreads
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD
Minneapolis, MN Brooklyn, NY
Montreal, QC Seattle, WA

FLC F16 2dcloud 1-4.indd 1

4/5/16 8:44 AM

Trying Not to Notice
Will Dinski

Will Dinski returns with a character study told through a prism of foils,
each novel-worthy in their own right.

Dinski is an astute observer of the human condition, transcribing our fears,

anxieties, delusions and desperation in his every line, taking care to remind us
of the humor that can be found in ones ongoing struggle with the myriad impediments inherent in our species.Joshua W. Cotter, author of Skyscrapers of
the Midwest and Nod Away
Will Dinskis long-awaited return to long-form comics following 2010s Finger
Prints sees not only a dramatic shift in style, but in approach to storytelling as
well. Focusing on the meteoric rise of a stand-up comedian as told by the people
in his orbit, Dinskis ability to create a layered, nuanced narrative is in top form
with Trying Not to Notice.
5 x 7 | 184 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $10.95 | CAN $14.50
978-1-937541-28-6 W

Will Dinski is an illustrator, cartoonist, printmaker, and graphic designer based

in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Winner of the Isotope Award for Excellence in
Mini-Comics in 2009, his debut graphic novel, Finger Prints, was published by
Top Shelf Productions in 2010. In 2012, Will was awarded the MCBA Jerome
Fellowship in order to produce a series of letterpress comics. The past five years
have seen a series of smaller releases appear in a variety of places: a pair of comics published by 2dcloud, a piece in the Nashville Review, and most recently a
self-published collection of shorts titled Quick and Painless.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
Outreach to comics and arts publications
and websites
Social media campaign
Giveaways through Goodreads
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Minneapolis, MN
Bethesda, MD Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

FLC F16 2dcloud 1-4.indd 2

4/5/16 8:44 AM

Sound of Snow Falling
Maggie Umber

Sound of Snow Falling is a graphic novel done in a poetic documentary mode. In

this unique work, the reader becomes a voyeur of the natural world, following a
great horned owl family through the dead of winter. Extensively researched and
expressively painted, Sound of Snow Falling is a triumph of the comics form.
Maggie Umber is a cartoonist and associate publisher at 2dcloud. Sound of Snow
Falling is her second graphic novella.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
Outreach to comics, arts, nature, and conservationist publications and websites
Social media campaign Giveaway through Goodreads
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Bethesda, MD Duluth, MN Minneapolis, MN
Contributor Hometown: Minneapolis, MN


6 x 8 | 104 pp
Color illustrations
Flexibound US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-937541-14-9 W

A paint and paper documentary,

observing great horned owls
in their natural habitat.

Extended Play
Jake Terrell
Extended Play, the debut collection by Jake Terrell, seizes upon the millennial zeitgeist from an array of angles. From the haze of summer to the conflicting feelings
of ennui and hope that guide the figures in Terrells magical realist landscapes,
theres an effortlessness to his work that obscures the heightened sense of understanding he brings to the form.
Jake Terrell is a cartoonist based in Brooklyn, New York. Part of the Tumblr
generation of cartoonists, his mini comics and zines over the past few years have
focused on a youth-c entric cast of characters written into magical realist or
measured fantastical narratives.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Outreach to comics and arts publications and websites
Social media campaign Giveaway through Goodreads
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Bethesda, MD Brooklyn, NY Manhattan, NY
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY


6 x 8 | 104 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-937541-26-2 W

Jake Terrells debut collection employs a

deft, impetuous line to toy with notions of
youthful abandon and surrealistic malaise.

FLC F16 2dcloud 1-4.indd 3

4/5/16 8:44 AM

Sarah Ferrick

With Yours, the debut collection by Chicago-based cartoonist Sarah Ferrick, the
notions of art, poetry, and form collapse into one of the most singular approaches
to comics in recent memory. Ferricks intimate love letters read as both a confession and a seduction.


5 x 7 | 104 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-937541-24-8 W

A lyrical, sensual collection of work

that plays with comics conventions
of repetition and pattern.

Sarah Ferrick is a painter, illustrator, and cartoonist based in Chicago, Illinois.

Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies, as small-r un editions with
presses such as Sonatina and Perfectly Acceptable, and in galleries in Baltimore,
Virginia, Chicago, Scotland, and San Francisco.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Outreach to comics and arts publications and websites
Social media campaign Giveaway through Goodreads
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD Brooklyn, NY Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

Sprawling Heart
Sab Meynert

Sprawling Heart is an intimate musical of paper, paint, and ink. Inward ruminations reach outward as exhalations and a whisper becomes a sumptuous song.


8 x 6 | 52 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.99
978-1-937541-25-5 W

Like a music video made of paper

intimate, abstract drawings, paintings,
and words collide as powerful
agents of meaning.

Sab Meynert is an illustrator and cartoonist based in Toronto, Ontario. Their

work, which has appeared in publications such as Juxtapoz, Lucky Peach, and the
Lifted Brow, as well as gallery shows in Toronto and Los Angeles, uses abstract
symbology to convey sequential narratives of visceral experiences. In addition
to their illustration and comics work, they are the co-founder of Toronto-based
Sever Press.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Outreach to comics, arts, and LGBT publications and websites
Social media campaign Giveaway through Goodreads
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD Brooklyn, NY Toronto, ON
Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

FLC F16 2dcloud 1-4.indd 4

4/5/16 8:44 AM

3dtotal Publishing
Beginners Guide to Digital Painting
in Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing
The Beginners Guide to Digital Painting series continues with the
Beginners Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy.

Beginners Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy is a step-by-

step guide exploring the fundamental aspects of the two most popular genres in
digital art. With a methodical approach that makes using Photoshop accessible
for readers who are new to the software, this guide provides a comprehensive
introduction to how the interface can be used to create a number of impressive
sci-fi and fantasy artworks.
Experienced digital art industry professionals including Victor Mosquera,
Joseba Alexander, and Caroline Gariba demonstrate in manageable portions how
anyone can create dramatic, imaginative scenes. Packed full of useful tips, techniques, and detailed descriptions of how to use Photoshop tools, this guide is
essential reading for any aspiring digital artist of sci-fi and fantasy art. The book
covers the fundamental aspects of creating sci-fi and fantasy art, including how
to design a dynamic composition, develop an accurate sense of perspective, and
use color and light effects to enhance the mood of a painting. Readers will also
be able to put their new skills into practice with twelve fun, stimulating projects
presented by a range of professional artists. An inspirational gallery, including
works in progress and a quick tips section for painting the indispensible elements of sci-fi and fantasy art, makes an excellent launch pad for the readers own
original creations.
Instructive and inspirational, Beginners Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop:
Sci-fi and Fantasy is an exemplary resource for anyone taking their first step into
the digital painting world.

Beginners Guide
11 x 8 | 224 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $64.99
978-1-909414-35-8 W*

Marketing Plans
Outreach to digital art publications
and websites
Social media campaign
Competitions and giveaways
Promotion by authors
Promotion through:,

Beginners Guide to Digital Painting
in Photoshop
Nykolai Aleksander and Richard Tilbury
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing
Beginners Guide
Trade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $54.99
978-0-9551530-7-5 W*

FLC F16 3dtotal 5-8.indd 5

Beginners Guide to Digital Painting

in Photoshop: Characters
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing
Beginners Guide
Trade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $62.50
978-1-909414-14-3 W*

4/5/16 8:56 AM

3dtotal Publishing
Beyond Art Fundamentals
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

8 x 11 | 224 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $37.99 | CAN $49.50
978-1-909414-36-5 W*

Apply the fundamentals of art and

take your creations to the next level
with 3dtotals latest in-depth book,
Beyond Art Fundamentals.

Building on the foundations set by our popular Art Fundamentals book, Beyond
Art Fundamentals shows artists how to take their work a step beyond theory
and mechanics. A memorable, unique image requires more than just accurate
anatomy and choosing the right tools, after all! This impressive volume offers
in-depth guidance on conveying mood and emotion, creating narratives, and
improving your images storytelling through composition, character details,
and atmosphere. Beyond Art Fundamentals is an ideal book both for hobbyists
and new artists wanting to add extra depth to their work, and for skilled illustrators looking for a spark of new inspiration.

Marketing Plans
Outreach to digital art publications and websites Social media campaign
Competitions and giveaways Promotion by authors
Promotion through:,

Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

8 x 10 | 104 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-909414-41-9 W*

GRAPHITE brings together artists and

art lovers in one inspiration-packed
quarterly magazine featuring industry
professionals and talented newcomers.

GRAPHITE is the new quarterly bookazine by 3dtotal Publishing, bringing artists and art lovers over one hundred pages of beautiful and inspiring drawings,
sketches, interviews, and tutorials in an elegant periodical format. Combining
eclectic, exciting artwork with informative guides and personal insights from
both industry professionals and talented newcomers, GRAPHITEs luxurious
design and timeless content make it a perfect investment for artists of any skill
level, and a great gift for any art appreciator. Social media integration and downloadable content add an online dimension for readers looking for extra reading
material, activities, and community feedback.

Marketing Plans
Outreach to digital art publications and websites Social media campaign
Competitions and giveaways Promotion by authors
Promotion through:,

FLC F16 3dtotal 5-8.indd 6

4/5/16 8:56 AM

3dtotal Publishing
Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 8
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

With the series now in its eighth year, Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 8
continues the tradition of showcasing the latest digital painting trends and
techniques from industry experts. This volume presents detailed tutorials on
how to create custom brushes and illustrate scenes from differing points of view;
how to design characters, costumes, and machines; as well as techniques used
for matte painting.

8 x 11 | 288 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $64.99
978-1-909414-37-2 W*

Marketing Plans
Outreach to digital art publications and websites Social media campaign
Competitions and giveaways Promotion by authors
Promotion through:,

Learn all the latest digital painting

techniques with the eighth volume in this
essential series for any digital artist.

Masters of Sketching
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing
Sketching has been used by generations of artists as a way of quickly capturing something they see, working out concepts, or planning a final composition. Sketches are
generally not used as a final rendered image. We have gathered together twenty
master sketchers who have taken sketching to the next level. They will take you
step-by-step through their process, sharing their creative insight along the way.
Whether you want to improve your drawing or you are just starting out, Masters
of Sketching is an outstanding collection of useful tutorials and inspiring images.
ART | January | 8 x 10 | 216 pp | Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $35.99 | CAN $44.99 | 978-1-909414-38-9 W*

Sketching from the Imagination:

Edited by 3dtotal Publishing
Sketches and drawings are the foundations of great art, where thoughts and concepts first come to life as an image. In Sketching from the Imagination: Characters,
fifty talented artists share their sketches, inspirations, and approaches to creating
characters. This book is a visually stunning collection packed with useful tips and
creative insightsa n invaluable resource that will inspire artists of all abilities.
ART | March | Sketching from the Imagination | 8 x 9 | 320 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.99 | CAN $38.99 | 978-1-909414-39-6 W*

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Selected Backlist from 3dtotal Publishing

Anatomy for 3D Artists

The Essential Guide

for CG Professionals
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing
8 x 11 | 288 pp
400 color illustrations and photographs
Trade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $62.50
978-1-909414-24-2 W*

Sculpting from the

Imagination: ZBrush

Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

8 x 9 | 320 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.99 | CAN $38.99
978-1-909414-33-4 W*

Beginners Guide to
Comic Art: Characters

The Art of Loish

Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

A Look Behind the Scenes

Lois van Baarle

11 x 8 | 208 pp
400 B&W and color illustrations
Trade Paper US $24.99 | CAN $32.50
978-1-909414-27-3 W*

10 x 10 | 152 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Slipcased US $34.99 | CAN $45.50
978-1-909414-28-0 W*

ZBrush Characters
and Creatures

Beginners Guide to
Sketching: Characters,
Creatures and Concepts

Kurt Papstein, Mariano Steiner,

and Matheiu Aerni
Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

9 x 11 | 280 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $49.99 | CAN $62.50
978-1-909414-13-6 W*

Edited by 3dtotal Publishing

11 x 8 | 208 pp
400 B&W and color illustrations
Trade Paper US $37.99 | CAN $47.50
978-1-909414-23-5 W*

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AK Press
Hegemony How-To
A Roadmap for Radicals

Jonathan Matthew Smucker

Its time to come in from the margins.

This book is your roadmap to relevance.

A lucid diagnosis of the American lefts paralyzing ambivalence about power and
its tendency toward purism, fragmentation, and insularity. Smucker shows how
we might turn popular disaffection into a powerful force for change. This book is
desperately needed.A stra Taylor, director of iek! and Examined Life
Jonathan Smucker is a critical voice within an important emerging political project whose aim is to move the next Left generation from symbolic and often self-
marginalizing strategies toward approaches that can lead to effective main stage
intervention.Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air
If Saul Alinsky and Antonio Gramsci somehow had a bastard lovechild, he might
be named Jonathan Smucker.A ndrew Boyd, co-editor of Beautiful Trouble:
A Toolbox for Revolution.
A conceptual guide to political struggle for a social movement and generation that
is deeply ambivalent about power, Hegemony How-To makes a moral and strategic case for the intentional cultivation of collective power, organization, and leadership. Combining decades of grassroots organizing with a skillful use of social
theory, Smucker digs into the structural constraints and subjective challenges of
social movements that tend to gravitate toward symbolic forms of self-expression
and insular, identity-a ffirming rituals, often at the expense of real political intervention. At the same time, he shows how savvy groups have been able to successfully navigate such self-defeating dynamics, and win.
Jonathan Smucker is co-founder of Beyond the Choir, an organization providing strategic support and organizational development to social justice organizations. His work has been published in the Berkeley Journal of Sociology and the
Sociological Quarterly.


5 x 8 | 290 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-84935-254-3 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising
National radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Academic mailings
Animated book trailers
Goodreads giveaway
Promotion through:

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC Chicago, IL Boston, MA
Baltimore, MD New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Lancaster, PA

FLC F16 AK Press 9-14.indd 9

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AK Press
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist
Alexander Berkman
Introduction and annotation by Jessica Moran and Barry Pateman

An early classic of American prison literature,

now annotated in this definitive edition.

A book of rare power and beauty, majestic in its structure, filled with the truth of
imagination and the truth of actuality, emphatic in its declarations and noble in
its reach.Bayard Boyesen, Mother Earth
No other book discusses so frankly the criminal ways of the closed prison
society.Kenneth Rexroth

eBook available

In 1892, Alexander Berkman tried to assassinate Henry Clay Frick for the latters role in violently suppressing the Homestead Steel Strike. Berkmans attempt
was unsuccessful. He spent the next fourteen years in Pennsylvanias Western
Penitentiary. Upon release, he wrote what was to become a classic of prison literature, and a profound testament to human courage in the face of oppression.
This new edition of his account of those years is introduced and fully annotated by Barry Pateman and Jessica Moran, both former associate editors of the
Emma Goldman Papers at the University of California, Berkeley. Their efforts
make this the definitive version of Berkmans tale of his transformation within
prison, his growing sympathy for those hed considered social parasites, and
the intimate relationships he developed with them. Also includes never-before-
published facsimile reprints and transcriptions of the diary Berkman kept while
he wrote this book, conveying the difficulties he had reliving his experiences.

Marketing Plans

Alexander Berkman (18701936) was a leading writer and militant in the anarchist movement and author of the classic primer What is Anarchism?


6 x 9 | 550 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $24.00 | CAN $30.99
978-1-84935-252-9 USC

National print and online campaign

Social media campaign
Academic mailings
Goodreads giveaway

Barry Pateman is an archivist with the Kate Sharpley Library and the editor of
Chomsky on Anarchism.
Jessica Moran is a researcher, writer, librarian, and archivist.


FLC F16 AK Press 9-14.indd 10

What is Anarchism?
Alexander Berkman
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-902593-70-8 USC

The Blast
Alexander Berkman
Trade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $26.50
978-1-904859-08-6 USC

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AK Press
No More Heroes
Grassroots Challenges to the Savior Mentality

Jordan Flaherty

Charity is not solidarity. Saviors need not apply.

The left is full of missionaries. Privileged in terms of race, sex, or class, these do-
gooders set out to save the poor and oppressed in ways that make matters worse
and also serve to bolster their own social power. They are driven by a desire for
justice, but they dont want to listen to those they are ostensibly rescuing.
Seasoned journalist Jordan Flaherty brings us inside the dark and politically
twisted mind of the savior. Starting with Brandon Darby, an FBI informant whose
rise within radical circles showed how movements are susceptible to a particular
style of political heroism, Flaherty introduces us to would-be liberators and the
damage they cause. We meet the young, idealistic, and mostly white people who
join Teach For America and displace unionized African American teachers. We
hear from anti-sex-trafficking crusaders and the marginalized women their programs put behind bars. We see Red Cross coffers grow at the expense of local communities who consistently do more with less. And we also see a growing response
to these dynamics: grassroots and street-based uprisings like those in Ferguson,
Missouri, creating accountable movements focused on real, systemic change.
Insightful and unsparing, No More Heroes is an indispensible tool for social
justice activists.
Jordan Flaherty, executive producer of The Laura Flanders Show, is an award-
winning journalist who has appeared on television and radio shows including
Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Headline News, and News and Notes on NPR. He is
author of Floodlines: Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six.

5 x 8 | 175 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-84935-266-6 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Goodreads giveaway
Promotion through:

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL
New Orleans, LA Boston, MA Baltimore, MD
Detroit, MI Minneapolis, MN New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Austin, TX
Seattle, WA Madison, WI
Contributor Hometown: New Orleans, LA

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AK Press
Emergent Strategy
Shaping Change, Changing Worlds

adrienne maree brown

Change is constant. The world, our bodies, and our minds are in a constant state
of flux. They are a stream of ever-mutating, emergent patterns. Rather than steel
ourselves against such change, Emergent Strategy teaches us to map and assess
the swirling structures and to read them as they happen, all the better to shape
that which ultimately shapes us, personally and politically. A resolutely materialist spirituality based equally on science and science fiction: a wild feminist and
afro-f uturist ride!
adrienne maree brown, co-editor of Octavias Brood: Science Fiction from Social
Justice Movements, is a social justice facilitator, healer, and doula living in Detroit.
5 x 8 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-84935-260-4 USC
eBook available

In the tradition of Octavia Butler,

here is radical self-help, society-help, and
planet-help to shape the futures we want.

Marketing Plans
National radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Goodreads giveaway
Promotion through: and

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Chicago, IL
New Orleans, LA Boston, MA Baltimore, MD Detroit, MI New York, NY
Cleveland, OH Philadelphia, PA Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Detroit, MI

The Revolution Starts at Home

Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities
Second Edition

Edited by Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani,

and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

6 x 9 | 368 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-84935-262-8 USC

Movements for social change are not immune to sexual assault and gendered
violence. This landmark collection brings together two dozen fearless and compassionate voices to challenge the intimate forms of oppression that surround
us, while developing strategies for safety beyond the false security of prisons and
state-sanctioned justice. This is a crucial book for navigating some of the most
troubled waters in todays social movements.

Marketing Plans
National radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Academic mailings Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
A brave, urgent, and roaring response
to the silence that usually surrounds
sexual assault.

Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Baltimore, MD New York, NY

Philadelphia, PA Austin, TX Houston, TX Seattle, WA
Contributors Hometowns: Milwaukee, WI / New York, NY / Seattle, WA

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AK Press
Worshiping Power
An Anarchist View of Early State Formation

Peter Gelderloos
Worshiping Power cuts through inadequate theories of early state formation
to offer a new analysis of the roles that kinship, religious practice, and commerce have played in stifling self-organization. Gelderlooss partisan approach
to human social complexity is highly innovative, yet comprehensible to the lay
person. A formidable assault on a social institution whose contemporary ubiquity renders it almost invisible.
Peter Gelderloos is an anarchist writer originally from Virginia. He is author of
How Nonviolence Protects the State, Consensus, and Anarchy Works.

Marketing Plans
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Academic mailings Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Baltimore, MD New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA Seattle, WA


5 x 8 | 180 pp
Trade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.99
978-1-84935-264-2 USC
eBook available

Where did the state come from?

Where is it going? This study in
politogenesis shakes up the status quo.

Miximum Ca Canny
the Sabotage Manuals
Ida Brjel
One of the most important poets in Scandinavia.Kamilla Lfstrm, Information
At once practical handbook, philosophical inquiry, and series of fables set in
Putins Russia, Miximum Ca Canny the Sabotage Manuals throws a wrench into
the machinery of contemporary language, generating strange solidarities between saboteurs past and present. Sourced from political pamphlets and factory
workers diaries, Brjels profound poem allows for the most expansive (and explosive) sense of sabotage.
Ida Brjels first book, Sond (2004), received the prestigious award
Katapultpriset. Since then, she has written numerous works, including Skneradio,
Konsumentkplagen: juris lyrik, and MA.
Marketing Plans
National radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Academic mailings
Goodreads giveaway Promotion through:

Author Events
Oakland, CA Washington, DC Baltimore, MD New York, NY Philadelphia, PA

Commune Editions
6 x 9 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-934639-20-7 USC

A how-to for the destruction of the present

order. A wrench in the works of linguistic,
political, and economic systems.

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AK Press
The Selected Works of
Voltairine de Cleyre
Poems, Essays, Sketches and Stories, 18851911

Voltairine de Cleyre
Edited by Alexander Berkman
Introduction by Hippolyte Havel


5 x 8 | 480 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-84935-256-7 USC

Poems, essays, and stories from

a pioneer of womens liberation
and American anarchism.

Emma Goldman called her the most gifted and brilliant anarchist woman
America ever produced, while historian Paul Avrich considered her a greater
literary talent than any other American anarchist. In this facsimile reprint of
a collection originally published in 1914 by Emma Goldmans Mother Earth
Publishing Association, de Cleyres gifts as a writer are undeniable, and read like
a breath of fresh air even today.
Voltarine de Cleyre was a popular speaker and tireless writer at the turn of the
twentieth century. Plagued by poverty, poor health, and chronic pain, she died
prematurely at the age of forty-five in 1912.

Marketing Plans
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Academic mailings Goodreads giveaway

The Complete Works of Malatesta V.III

A Long and Patient Work:
The Anarchist Socialism of LAgitazione, 189798

Errico Malatesta
Edited with an introduction by Davide Turcato
Translated by Paul Sharkey
The laws protecting workers are respected only where the workers know
how to look after themselves and where those laws are, as a result, pointless.
Errico Malatesta

6 x 9 | 620 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-84935-258-1 USC
eBook available

Anarchist agitation from one of the

movements most important thinkers.

The first in AK Presss ten-volume Complete Works of Malatesta. This one (volume three chronologically) focuses on the important years in Errico Malatestas
life when he returned to Italy to edit LAgitazione, the most important of his many
Errico Malatesta (18531932) wrote for and edited numerous radical newspapers throughout his life.
Davide Turcato is the author of Making Sense of Anarchism and the editor of the
Italian edition of Malatestas complete works.
Marketing Plans
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Academic mailings Goodreads giveaway

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Akashic Books
Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook
Delicious Meals Made with Whole, Organic Ingredients

Ziggy Marley
A cookbook inspired by the food of Ziggys upbringing
in the household of Bob and Rita Marley.

As the oldest son of Bob and Rita Marley, Ziggy was raised with both traditional Jamaican food and the more natural and healthy ital food of the familys
Rastafari culture. The approximately fifty recipes included in the book, inspired
by Ziggys youth and accompanied by beautiful full-color photographs, are contributed by Ziggy Marley, Karen Marley, and Orly Marley, as well as celebrity chefs
Bruce Sherman, Ben Ford, and Ricardo Rodriguez.
From Ziggys introduction:
I first started dabbling in the kitchen as a teenager. I enjoyed making cornmeal porridge, and it helped me to begin appreciating the idea of nourishment, the idea that
food can make your body feel better. I would make Irish moss and some of my dads
juices. . . . Our Rasta culture was different than regular Jamaican culture. We used
to have both sides then, because my auntie would cook the more traditional Jamaican
food. But then, on the other side, our Rasta culture drew us to a different way of eating. My father would always have a lot of juices and greens and nuts. We were introduced to ital foodfresh, organic, and nutritious, less salt.
Ziggy Marley, a multiple Grammy Awardwinning reggae artist, was born to Rita
and Bob Marley in 1968 in the slums of Trenchtown, Jamaica. He first performed
with his father in 1979 and since then has recorded albums with the Melody
Makers (with his siblings), as well as solo albums. In recent years, Ziggy launched
his own food line, Ziggy Marley Organics, which features GMO-f ree coconut oil
and roasted hemp seeds. In 2014, Akashic Books published Ziggys best-selling
childrens book, I Love You Too.

Also Available

7 x 10 | 120 pp
60 color photographs
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-61775-483-8 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
20,000-copy first printing
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
5-city national tour

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Miami, FL Chicago, IL New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
I Love You Too
Ziggy Marley
Illustrated by Ag Jatkowska
Paper over Board US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-61775-310-7 W*
Ages 1 and up
eBook available

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Akashic Books
The Third Squad
V. Sanjay Kumar

A dark, complex morality tale exploring the limits of justice

in contemporary Mumbai.

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-497-5 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans

The Third Squad is an arresting, ripped-from-t he-headlines noir novel that deftly
explores how in recent decades, to ostensibly combat the rising tide of crimi
nality in Mumbais underworld, the Indian Police Service has carried out many
hundreds of extrajudicial assassinations of suspected criminals. Karan, an expert sharpshooter in an elite branch of the Indian police dispensed with dishing
out this peculiar blend of vigilante justice, has a difficult choice to make: should
he continue to blindly follow orders from his superiors, regardless of their moral
standing, or should he take matters into his own hands and do what he believes
to be right?
Belonging to a hit squad whose members all fall somewhere along the autism spectrum, Karan, who has been diagnosed with mild Aspergers syndrome, is notorious for his ruthless precision and efficiency in carrying out these
assassinations, yet he remains aloof and distant. Gradually, his impenetrable
faade begins to crack, and Karans emotional and psychological depth reveals itself as he is forced to make decisions where the stakes are literally life-a nd-death.
Dark, gritty, raw, fast-paced, and never sentimental, The Third Squad distills the
best aspects of classic American noir writing into a uniquely Indian context, revealing V. Sanjay Kumar as a singular talent on the crime fiction circuit.
V. Sanjay Kumar runs an art gallery and writes about art for various magazines
and exhibition catalogs. His two previous novels take place in the bustling cities of
Mumbai and Chennai, exploring the fringes of middle-class life there.

Advance reader copies

National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

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Akashic Books
The Painted Gun
Bradley Spinelli

A washed-up ex-journalist looking for a missing girl in San Francisco

is framed by a Guatemalan hit man for a series of murders.

Critical Praise for Killing Williamsburg by Bradley Spinelli:

Spinelli offers sharp and stylish prose. . . . Bensons nihilistic views may reso
nate with readers in their twenties facing an uncertain economic future.
Publishers Weekly
Spinelli has written the first visionary neo-Romantic novel of the twenty-fi rst
century.The Awl
Its 1997, the dawn of the digital age in San Francisco. Ex-journalist and
struggling alcoholic David Itchy Cranes fledgling information consultancy
business is getting slowly buried by bad luck, bad decisions, and the growing
presence of the Internet. Before Itchy can completely self-destruct, a crooked
private investigator offers him fifty grand to find a missing girl named Ashley.
Crane takes the job because the moneys right and because the only clue to her
disappearance is a dead-on oil portrait of Crane himself painted by the mysterious missing girlw hom he has never met.
As Itchys search for Ashley rapidly becomes an obsession, he stumbles upon
a series of murders, gets slapped around by thugs, is intimidated by cops, and begins to suspect hes being framed for the murders by a psychotic Guatemalan hit
man. Left with no avenue but survival, Crane goes on the offensive, fighting to
clear his name, solve the murders, and find the beguiling portrait artist Ashley,
who may have a few surprises of her own.
Bradley Spinelli is the author of the novel Killing Williamsburg and the writer
and director of the film #AnnieHall, which the Village Voice called fascinating.
He contributes regularly to Bedford + Bowery and lives in Brooklyn.

5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-498-2 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
6-city national tour

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Boston, MA New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

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Akashic Books
Dance of the Jakaranda
Peter Kimani

Kimani reimagines the rise and fall of colonialism in Africa

by telling the story of the birth of Kenyas railroad.

Set in the shadow of Kenyas independence from Great Britain, Kimani re

imagines the rise and fall of colonialism in Africa, and the special circumstances
that brought black, brown, and white men together to lay the railroad that heralded the birth of the nation.
The novel traces the lives and loves of three men brought together by the railway, which intersect when preacher Richard Turnbull, the colonial administrator
Ian McDonald, and Indian worker Babu Salim are implicated in the controversial
birth of a child. Years later, when Babus grandson, a singer named Rajan, accidentally kisses a mysterious stranger in a dark nightclub, the encounter provides
the spark to illuminate the three mens shared, murky past.
Dance of the Jakaranda teems with life and vitality, love and lust; seldom has
the story of Africas colonization been told with such tenderness and complex
humanity, providing a new metaphor for race in contemporary Africa.
5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-496-8 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans

Peter Kimani was born in 1971 in Kenya. A leading African writer of his generation, he started his career as a journalist and is the author of several works
of fiction and poetry. He was one of only three international poets commissioned by National Public Radio to compose and present poems to mark Barack
Obamas inauguration in January 2009. Kimani earned a doctorate in creative writing and literature from the University of Houstons Creative Writing
Program in 2014, and is a faculty member at Aga Khan Universitys Graduate
School of Media and Communications in Nairobi.

Advance reader copies

National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
3-city national tour, including trade conferences

Author Events
Washington, DC New York, NY

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 18

4/5/16 8:55 AM

Akashic BooksKaylie
Jones Books
The Year of Needy Girls
Patricia A. Smith

A young boys murder unleashes chaos in the life

of a schoolteacher and a small New England town.

The Year of Needy Girls is as much about how fear can cloud our perceptions of
both self and others as it is about the persistent search for love and home. Patricia
Smiths vision is at once keen and generous.E lizabeth Graver, author of
The End of the Point
Bradley, Massachusetts is in many ways a typical small New England townthe
green, the churches, and the bricked library. Deirdre Murphy and her partner
Sara Jane (SJ) Edmonds have just moved to town, where Deirdre teaches French
to girls at tony Brandywine Academy. A dedicated teacher from a working-class
background, she is well loved by her students, and this particular fall, living for
the first time in an open relationship with SJ, in their first house, should be her
happiest yet.
But the murder of ten-year-old Leo Rivera changes everythingfor Deirdre
and SJ, for the girls at Brandywine, and for all of Bradley. And when Deirdre is
falsely accused of sexually molesting one of her students, the entire town erupts.
Patricia A. Smiths nonfiction has appeared in several anthologies including One
Teacher in 10: Gay and Lesbian Educators Tell Their Stories and One Teacher in Ten
in the New Millennium: LGBT Educators Speak Out About Whats Gotten Better . . .
and What Hasnt. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in such places as Salon,
Broad Street, Prime Number, and Gris-Gris. The Year of Needy Girls is her first novel.
A native New Englander, Smith now lives in Chester, Virginia, with her partner.

Kaylie Jones Books
5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-487-6 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
6-city national tour

Author Events
Washington, DC Boston, MA New York, NY
Chester, VA Richmond, VA
Contributor Hometown: Chester, VA

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 19

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Akashic BooksOpenLens
Pressure Makes Diamonds
Becoming the Woman I Pretended to Be

Valerie Graves

The powerful memoir of a female African American

advertising executives unprecedented and unlikely success,
which began in the Mad Men era.


5 x 8 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-493-7 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
5-city national tour, including trade conferences

This is the unflinching memoir of a black womans journey from the projects
of Motown-era Michigan to the skyscrapers of Madison Avenue and beyond.
With marches, riots, and demonstrations as the backdrop and rock and roll as a
soundtrack, this book accompanies Graves as she traverses the seismically shifting terrain of 1960s and 70s America on a stumbling quest to be somebody.
In the 1980s and 90s, as Graves makes her ascent to the East Coast heights
of the white maledominated advertising world, she turns familiarity with harsh
realities like racism and sexism into robust insights that deeply connect with
African American consumers. During the golden era of black advertising, she
becomes an undisputed somebody. Soon, though, she learns that money, success, a good marriage, and connections that reach all the way to the White House
cannot entirely insulate her against the social ills that threaten to crush black
Valerie Graves, whom Advertising Age magazine named one of the 100 Best
and Brightest in the entire industry, is a nationally recognized creative director of such Fortune 500 accounts as Ford, General Motors, AT&T, Burger
King, General Foods, and Pepsi. A former teenage parent from the factory town
of Pontiac, Michigan, Graves broke barriers in advertising as one of the first
black copywriters at BBDO, Kenyon & Eckhardt, and JWT. She went on to an
award-w inning career as chief creative officer at the UniWorld and Vigilante/
Leo Burnett agencies, senior vice president of creative services at iconic Motown
Records, and creative consultant to President Bill Clinton. In 2007, recognizing Gravess stellar career and public service via the Advertising Council and the
Partnership for a Drug-Free America, industry coalition ADCOLOR awarded
her the title of Legend. She resides in New York City.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC Chicago, IL
Detroit, MI New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 20

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Akashic BooksEdge
of Sports
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
College Football and the Politics of Rape

Jessica Luther

A meticulously researched and powerful expos on the epidemic of

cover-ups that surround sexual assault and college football players.

Football teams create playbooks, in which they draw up the plays they will use
on the field. If all goes well, the large amount of work that goes into a single
play suddenly looks like a natural flow of bodies moving in unison that results
in the movement of the ball down the field or the successful stop of the other
teams offense.
This book is about a different kind of playbook. Over the last three years,
sexual assault on college campuses has been a hot topic as people are wondering aloud and often about it, especially when it involves star football players.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct explores that playbook: the one coaches, teams, universities, police, communities, the media, and fans seem to follow whenever a
college football player is accused of sexual assault. Its a deep dive into how different institutionst he NCAA, athletic departments, universities, the media
run the same plays over and over again when these stories break. If everyone runs
their plays well, scrutiny dies down quickly, no institution ever has to change how
it operates, and the evaporation of these cases into nothingness looks natural.
In short, this playbook is why nothing ever changes.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct unpacks this societal playbook piece by piece, and
explores the possibility of destroying the old plays and replacing them with ones
that will force us to finally do something about this issue.
Jessica Luther is a writer and investigative journalist living in Austin, Texas.
Her work on sports and culture has appeared in the Texas Observer, the Austin
Chronicle, Sports Illustrated, Texas Monthly, Vice Sports, Guardian Sport, and
Bleacher Report.


Edge of Sports
5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-491-3 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
6-city national tour, including trade conferences

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
New York, NY Austin, TX Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
Contributor Hometown: Austin, TX

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 21

4/5/16 8:55 AM

Akashic Books
No One Told Me Not to Do This
Selected Screenprints, 20092015

Jay Ryan
This third collection of Ryans greatest hits includes a foreword by master illustrator Aaron Horkey and features over two hundred screenprints made between 20092015, including posters for bands such as Andrew Bird, Shellac, My
Morning Jacket, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., Hum, St. Vincent, and others.

8 x 11 | 184 pp
Trade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $29.99
978-1-61775-495-1 W*
eBook available

Jay Ryan has been making screenprinted concert posters in Chicago since 1995.
In 2007, Crains Chicago Business named Ryan to their prestigious 40 Under 40
list, and the following year, Time Out Chicago named him a Chicago Cultural
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
5-city national tour, including trade conferences

Author Events
The third book from the iconic
underground poster artist.

San Francisco, CA Champaign, IL Chicago, IL Minneapolis, MN New York, NY

Madison, WI
Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

Anecdotes and Images from the Film Salad Days:
A Decade of Punk in Washington, DC, 19801990

Scott Crawford
Acts not only as a musical primer but as a monument to a moment: when punk
was both a way to find kinship with like-m inded oddballs and a tool for fighting
issues like racism and economic disparity.R olling Stone, on Salad Days
The Washington, DC punk music scene gave birth to influential bands like Bad
Brains, Minor Threat, and Fugazi. Here that scene is portrayed in its purest form:
an oral history by the creators, including nearly two hundred photographs capturing the power and spirit of this politically progressive corner of American
underg round music.
10 x 10 | 132 pp
200 B&W and color photographs
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-61775-500-2 W*
eBook available

An oral and photographic history of

the Washington, DC punk rock scene,
including Minor Threat, Bad Brains,
Fugazi, and more.

Scott Crawfords documentary debut, Salad Days, played around the world and
received critical accolades, from the New York Times to Rolling Stone.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign Social media campaign 8-city national tour

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Chicago, IL New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Washington, DC

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 22

4/5/16 8:55 AM

Akashic Books
The Game Dont Change
Mazaradi Fox

The posthumous novel from legendary Queens rapper

Mazaradi Fox, a member a 50 Cents G-Unit crew.

The Game Dont Change is a story from the streets, where life and death are closer
than you think. Mazaradi Fox knew how to play the game better than most, and
his life and experience shine through every page of this tough and unsentimental
book. An instant classic of NYC thug life.Prodigy of Mobb Deep
Mazaradi Fox wrote this novel in 2013 during his incarceration at the Orleans
Correctional Facility. The Game Dont Change opens when DeMarco Jones escapes from a juvenile detention facility. Successfully evading the law, DeMarco
builds his reputation on the streets of Queens as a fearless and charismatic
drug hustler. Though he is only sixteen, women of all ages cant get enough of
DeMarco. He finds, however, that he must battle ferociously to maintain his new
kingpin status.
Mazaradi Fox (19712014), born Jamal Green, was a rap star who grew up in
South Jamaica, Queens. Like childhood friend 50 Cent, Fox was on the streets
from an early agea situation that led him to make numerous trips to prison.
It was during an eight-year stint on heinous charges that Fox made the decision to focus on his music. Upon Foxs release, 50 Cent brought him over to his
label, G-Unit Records. In January 2014, Fox was killed when a gunman in a black
ski mask opened fire on an SUV he was in on Farmers Boulevard in his native
borough of Queens, New York.

Infamous Books
5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-61775-482-1 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
New York City book launch event

Author Events
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Queens, NY

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 23

4/5/16 8:55 AM

Akashic Books Noir Series

San Juan Noir
Edited by Mayra Santos-Febres

Puerto Ricos capital city enters the Noir Series arena,

meticulously edited by one of San Juans best-known authors.

With San Juan Noir, Akashic Books for the first time presents simultaneous
English-and Spanish-language releases of the same title. Following the success
of the Noir Series in the Caribbean with Havana Noir, Kingston Noir, and Haiti
Noir, this volume shows that the island of Puerto Rico is not just sandy beaches
and extravagant hotels. Here, Mayra Santos-Febres, one of the literary titans of
the island, recruits a stellar list of compatriots to contribute stories of depravity
and the underside of life in Puerto Ricos capital city.
Featuring brand-new stories by: Wilfredo J. Burgos Matos, Ernesto Quionez,
Mayra Santos-Febres, Jos Rabelo, Luis Negrn, Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Ana
Mara Fuster Lavin, Janette Becerra, Manolo Nuez Negron, Tere Dvila, Edmaris
Carazo, Alejandro lvarez Nieves, Charlie Vzquez, and Manuel Melndez.

Akashic Noir
5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-296-4 W*

Mayra Santos-Febres has published more than twenty-fi ve books of poetry,

short stories, essay collections, and novels. Among her most renowned titles
are Sirena Selena (2000), Our Lady of the Night (2006), and La amante de Gardel
(2015). Her works have been translated into Croatian, Icelandic, French, Italian,
German, and English. She currently teaches creative writing at the University
of Puerto Rico, and is one of the main organizers of Festival de la Palabra.

eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
3-city national tour

Also Available in Spanish

Author Events
New York, NY San Juan, PR

San Juan Noir (Spanish-language edition)

Edited by Mayra Santos-Febres
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-488-3 W*

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 24

eBook available

4/5/16 8:55 AM

Akashic Books
Frederick Douglass in Brooklyn
Frederick Douglass
Edited by Theodore Hamm
This volume compiles original source material that illustrates the relationship
between the abolitionist leader and Brooklyn. Most prominent are the speeches
Douglass gave at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Plymouth Church, and other
leading Brooklyn institutions. Whether discussing the politics of the Civil War
or recounting his relationships with his friends Abraham Lincoln and John
Brown, Douglasss towering voice sounds anything but dated.
Frederick Douglass (18181895) was an abolitionist leader and defender of
womens rights. He escaped from slavery and in 1845 published Narrative of the
Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.
Theodore Hamm is chair of journalism and new media studies at St. Josephs
College in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. His previous books include The New Blue
Media and Pieces of a Decade. He lives in Brooklyn.

5 x 8 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-485-2 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign Social media campaign 2-city book tour

Author Events
New York, NY

A fascinating collection of
Frederick Douglasss always-controversial
speeches in Brooklyn, New York.

Some Go Hungry
J. Patrick Redmond
Redmond weaves an intriguing tale of bigotry, religion, murder, and personal redemption in small-town America. He has the authentic voice of a born
storyteller.Jonathan Odell, author of Miss Hazel and the Rosa Parks League
Some Go Hungry is a fictional account drawn from the authors own experiences
growing up in a rural Indiana town that was rocked by the scandalous murder
of his gay high school classmate in the 1980s. This is the story of a young gay
man forced to choose between the happiness of others and his own joy.
J. Patrick Redmond is a contributing blogger for the Huffington Post, and his writing has appeared in the NOH8 Campaign blog, the Southampton Review, and in
the Barnes & Noble Reviews Grin & Tonic. He is also the 2012 recipient of the
Deborah Hecht Memorial Prize in Fiction.
Marketing Plans
National TV and radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign 5-city national tour

Author Events
Miami, FL Mount Vernon, IN Madison, WI New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Mt. Vernon, IN

Available Now
Kaylie Jones Books
5 x 8 | 226 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-61775-467-8 W*
eBook available

A gripping portrait of a rural Indiana town

still reeling from the unsolved 1980s
murder of a gay teen.

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Selected Backlist from Akashic Books

Hurricane Street

Native Believer

The Book of Harlan


5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-450-0 W*

5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61775-436-4 W*

6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-61775-446-3 W*

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

Go the Fuck to Sleep

You Have to Fucking Eat

Illustrated by Ricardo Corts

Illustrated by Owen Brozman

Simons Cat Off to the

Vet . . . and Other

8 x 6 | 32 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $14.95 | CAN $16.95
978-1-61775-025-0 W*


8 x 6 | 32 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-61775-378-7 W*

eBook available

eBook available

Ron Kovic

Adam Mansbach

Ali Eteraz

Adam Mansbach

Bernice L. McFadden

Simon Tofield


8 x 6 | 240 pp
B&W and color illustrations
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-61775-403-6 US
eBook available

FLC F16 Akashic 15-26.indd 26

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Alice James Books

Shara McCallum

Poems progress through the wilds of the mind and memory,

dispatching parables and challenging of the myth of self.

These wonderful poems open a world of sensation and memory. But it is a world
revealed by language, never just controlled. The voice that guides the action here
is openhearted and open-mindeda lyric presence that never deserts the subject
or the reader. Syntax, craft and cadence add to the gathering music from poem to
poem withto use a beautiful phrase from the book, each note tethering sound
to meaning.Eavan Boland
Haunting, alarming, transformative, and elusive, these poems bridge together the
gaps between development stages: from girl, to woman, and then mother. With
the complexities that intertwine them, can you be all three at once? Who shapes
our identity, and who is in control here? How do we recognize, acknowledge, and
honor the changing of who we are?
Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Shara McCallum is the author of four previous books of poetry. Recognition for her poetry includes a Witter Bynner
Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship. Her
poems and personal essays have been published in literary magazines, anthologies, and textbooks in the United States, United Kingdom, Caribbean,
Latin America, and Israel and have been translated into Spanish, French, and
Romanian. Since 2003, McCallum has been the Director of the Stadler Center for
Poetry and a Professor of creative writing and literature at Bucknell University.

Also Available

6 x 9 | 100 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938584-28-2 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising: American Poet, American
Poetry Review, Poets & Writers, The Writers
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Lewisburg, PA

This Strange Land

Shara McCallum
Trade Paper & CD US $19.95 | CAN $23.95
978-1-882295-86-9 USC
eBook available

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Alice James Books

Contradictions in the Design
Matthew Olzmann

Fighting illogic with illogic, these poems employ humor as a way to make
affecting points about American society and cultural norms.

Matthew Olzmanns poetry is that rare thing that embraces complication

while, at every turn, filling us with wonder. Contradictions in the Design incorporates patterns among celestial bodies, the mysteries of Christ, X + Y, crossword
puzzles, free will, but also the playfulness and oddities of life that allow us to
laugh hardest at ourselves. Desire, Supervillains, Moby, and the idea of Moby:
prepare yourself to be dazzled.C . Dale Young
These political poems employ humor to challenge the cultural norms of
American society, focusing primarily on racism, social injustices, and inequality. Simultaneously, the poems take on a deeper, personal level as they carefully
deconstruct identity and the human experience, piecing them together with
unflinching logic and wit. Olzmann takes readers on a surreal exploration of
discovery and self-evaluation.
5 x 8 | 100 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938584-27-5 USC
eBook available

Matthew Olzmanns first book of poems, Mezzanines, received the 2011

Kundiman Prize and was published by Alice James Books. His writing has
appeared or is forthcoming in New England Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry
Northwest, the Southern Review, Forklift, Ohio , and elsewhere. Currently, he is a
visiting professor of Creative Writing in the undergraduate writing program at
Warren Wilson College and co-editor of the Collagist.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising: American Poet, American
Poetry Review, Poets & Writers, The Writers
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Also Available

Contributor Hometown: Hamtramck, MI

FLC F16 Alice James 27-30.indd 28

Matthew Olzman
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-882295-98-2 USC

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Alice James Books

World of Made and Unmade
Jane Mead

Heartfelt poems from a daughters perspective as she cares for her

elderly mother in her nal weeks of life.

World of Made and Unmade is a deep blue yarn of very fi ne thread. . . . Jane
Meads poem could be neither more literal nor nearer the verge of appearing a
litt le too perfect for this world. As the laundry room floods and the grape harvest
gets done; as Michoacn waits for another time, her beautiful, practical mother
is dying. Ashes are scattered in the pecan groves of her own Rincon, her own
corner of the world, and the poet, in elementary script, draws a sustaining record of the only feeling worth the struggle, and she cannot, will not, does not
fuck it up. C.D. Wright
Jane Meads fi ft h collection candidly and openly explores the long process that
is death. These resonant poems discover what it means to live, die, and come
home again. Were drawn in by sorrow and grief, but also the joys of celebrating a long life and how simple it is to find laughter and light in the quietest and darkest of moments.
Jane Mead is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently Money Money
Money / Water Water Water (2014). Her poems appear regularly in journals and
anthologies, and shes the recipient of a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship,
a Whiting Writers Award, and a Lannan Foundation Completion Grant. She
teaches at the low-residency MFA program at Drew University and farms in
Northern California.

Also Available

6 x 8 | 100 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938584-32-9 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising: American Poet, American
Poetry Review, Poets & Writers, The Writers
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Napa, CA

Money Money Money Water Water Water

Jane Mead
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-938584-04-6 USC

FLC F16 Alice James 27-30.indd 29

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Alice James Books

House of Water
Matthew Nienow

This boat-builder poet treads on open waters, rocking on unpredictability,

disenchantment, and dreams transformed by reality.

Deeply felt and beautifully built, the poems in Matthew Nienows long-awaited
debut shimmer with hard-won grace. . . . House of Water is a staggering book that
marks the arrival of an important voice in American poetry.Eduardo C. Corral
This debut highlights fatherhood at its peak as it juggles the uncertainty and
deeper meaning of everyday life. The hesitant-yet-curious voice of the poems is
deeply entrenched in the familial, yet also refreshingly open about the crush one
feels when their ideals crash down. How does one build a life, only to be redirected
and start anew?
The Magazine
is evening-lit in your hands
so the boat it shows
5 x 8 | 100 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938584-64-0 USC
eBook available

in its small square of water

has the light of the room, the windows
behind you, the reflected bay
the magazines horizon
nearly the same, so no matter
how you try to strip the room

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising: American Poet, American
Poetry Review, Poets & Writers, The Writers
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Port Townsend, WA

of metaphor and meaning, the room

becomes the boat, which you are in,
hardly alone with your red sails
and curtain wind
Matthew Nienow lives in Port Townsend, Washington, with his wife and two
sons, where he builds boats and custom wooden paddle boards. His poems
have appeared in Best New Poets (2007 and 2012), the New England Review, and
Poetry, which awarded him a 2013 Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship. He has also
received fellowships, grants, and support from the National Endowment for
the Arts (2011 Fellowship), the Elizabeth George Foundation, Artist Trust of
Washington State, the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and 4Culture of Seattle.

FLC F16 Alice James 27-30.indd 30

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Alternative Comics
Johnny Appleseed
Green Dreamer of the American Frontier

Paul Buhle and Noah Van Sciver

Truth is separated from legend in this thorough graphic

historical biography of Johnny Appleseed Chapman.

This is the first scholarly comic art biography of the legendary John Chapman.
Johnny Appleseed made himself famous by spreading the seeds of apple trees from
Pennsylvania to Indiana. He was also an early follower of theologian Emanuel
Swedenborg. Along with apple trees, he offered the seeds of nonviolence and
vegetarianism, good relations with Indians, and peace among the settlers themselves. The story of Chapman operates as a kind of counter-narrative to the glorification of violence, conquest, and the winning of the West in the story of the
Westward movement, and clears up many of the half-myths of Johnny Appleseeds
own life and work. His apples, for instance, were prized for many reasons, but
mainly for the making of hard ciderportable alcohol. His method of operation
was a form of land speculation, purchasing potentially fertile acres on contract
(such as bottom land), planting saplings, reselling the land, and then moving
onward. He had less interest in becoming prosperous than in spreading his own
gospel, based on visions of peace and love.
Paul Buhle, formerly a senior lecturer at Brown University, produces radical
comics. He founded the SDS journal Radical America and the archive Oral History
of the American Left and, with Mari Jo Buhle, is coeditor of the Encyclopedia of the
American Left.
Noah Van Sciver is member of Mad Magazines usual gang of idiots, and the
author of The Hypo and Fante Bukowski.


8 x 12 | 112 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-68148-534-8 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
US tour
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Bethesda, MD Brooklyn, NY Columbus, OH
Contributors Hometowns: Madison, WI /
Columbus, OH

FLC F16 Alternative Comics 31-36.indd 31

4/5/16 8:54 AM

Alternative Comics
After Land Vol. 1
The Dream You Dream Alone Is Just A Dream . . .

Chris Taylor

Psychedelic dystopia: Vangelis meets Jodorowsky. Love, dreams, and

magic conspire to overthrow the powers of an evil, mechanized society.

Terrifying, persuasive, and aesthetically delightful.Nick Diamonds, Islands,

The Unicorns
Chris Taylor is a visionary and a prophet. He is in our reality to teach us how to
see the world in more meaningful ways. After Land is a demonstration of his genius and is a gift for humanity from beyond the membrane of our earthy perceptions. It is elegant, bold, beautiful, and unlike anything else.Benjamin Marra,
author of Terror Assaulter (O.M.W.O.T.)


Floating World Comics
8 x 11 | 112 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-1-942801-99-3 W

Marketing Plans

This is the debut graphic novel from illustrator, designer, and musician Chris
Taylora science-fiction soap opera featuring the exploits of a no-nonsense detective named NONO who is a composite of two females named JO and DO.
JO has the mysterious ability to ingest the milk from the Madeleine Flower and
enter an ethereal realm known as PURE INTUITION, where she can spy on the
unconscious minds of humanity. JO shares this information with DO and together, as NONO, they sell it to the highest bidder in the cloud.
Chris Taylor is a Canadian-born artist, musician, and writer with a peripatetic studio called WERK AAN ZEE. He has lived in Montreal, New York, and
Amsterdam doing creative work for advertising agencies. His illustrations have
been seen in Vice magazine and ad campaigns for the Rock Band video game.
He currently lives in Los Angeles, California.

Advance reader copies

National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Western US book tour
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL Brooklyn, NY
New York, NY Toronto, ON Portland, OR
Montreal, QB
Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

FLC F16 Alternative Comics 31-36.indd 32

4/5/16 8:54 AM

Alternative Comics
Floodgate Companion
Robert Beatty

Floodgate Companion is Robert Beattys debut monograph, a cosmic and

immersive collection of artwork from the renowned album cover artist.

Its that sort of artwork which looks like it was never made by anyone, it simply
exists in its own realm.Paul Pope, author of Battling Boy
Airbrushed insanity.Daniel Lopatin, Oneohtrix Point Never
Floodgate Companion is comprised of previously unseen artwork recalling the
heyday of paperback sci-fi , experimental animation, and the outsider realm of
artist-released jazz and psychedelic records. This book brings the viewer into a
world that is uniquely Beattys own, moving stylistically through ink drawings,
digital airbrush paintings, and psychedelic op-a rt collage framed in asemic type
to create a cosmic and immersive artifact.
Robert Beatty emerged from the mid-2000s American noise music underground
to become one of the most sought-a fter figures in contemporary album art, designing upwards of seventy-five record covers in the past ten years. His designs include
award-w inning album covers and logos for Tame Impala, Oneohtrix Point Never,
Neon Indian, Real Estate, and Peaking Lights. In addition to album art, Beatty
creates installations and illustrations for publications as diverse as Lucky Peach,
The Wire magazine, and the New York Times. His artwork and designs have been
featured in the art comic anthologies Mould Map and Kramers Ergot. Beatty was
the first artist featured in documentary series Pitchfork Unsung,
focusing on individuals who have made significant contributions to music but remain outside the spotlight.

Floating World Comics
7 x 10 | 112 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-942801-98-6 W

Marketing Plans
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Excerpts in: 50 Watts, Its Nice That,
Wire magazine
Published to coincide with national book/
gallery tour
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA New Haven, CT Chicago, IL
Lexington, KY Baltimore, MD Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Lexington, KY

FLC F16 Alternative Comics 31-36.indd 33

4/5/16 8:54 AM

Alternative Comics
The Short Con
Aleks Sennwald and Pete Toms

True Detective meets Encyclopedia Brown but set in a girls orphanage.

R ich Barrett, Mental Floss
A loving and hilarious pastiche of the detective genre. Legendary kid detective
Pops Popowski prefers to work alone, but when shes saddled with a rookie
partner named Mary Branwell, Pops wont stop until she discovers who offed
Marys parents, whether Mary wants her to or not.
Study Group Comics
Pops and Branwell Mysteries
6 x 6 | 48 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.99
978-1-68148-008-4 W

Top kid detective Pops and rookie

Branwell tackle their first case!

Aleks Sennwald is a writer and storyboard artist for the hit TV show Adventure
Time. Pete Toms is the Ignatz-nominated author of In Post. The Short Con is their
first graphic novel.
Marketing Plans
Advanced digital reader copies Social media campaign
Select tour dates Promotion through:,

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Bethesda, MD Portland, OR

So Buttons
Man of, Like, a Dozen Faces

Jonathan Baylis
This volume collects the choicest slices of life from ten years of So Buttons,
writer Jonathan Bayliss autobiographical comics series, as well as two new stories, So . . . Hallow with art by Rick Parker and Noah Van Sciver, and So. . .
Bejeweled with art by Rachel Dukes. Baylis utilizes an all-star cadre of indie
artists to illustrate his true-life tales, including Jim Steranko, Joseph Remnant,
Fred Hembeck, Dean Haspiel, Jay Lynch, Ed Piskor, and Tom Scioli.


Alchemy Comix
6 x 9 | 184 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-0-9881877-9-5 W

In the tradition of Harvey Pekar, funny

and fascinating real-life personal stories
by a critically acclaimed indie auteur,
illustrated by well-known artists.

Jonathan Baylis started in comics as an intern at Marvel and Valiant. He was

also an associate editor at Topps Comics.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
US illustrator tour Promotion through:,

Author Events
San Jose, CA Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY / Denver, CO

FLC F16 Alternative Comics 31-36.indd 34

4/5/16 8:54 AM

Alternative Comics
Object 15
Works by Kilian Eng

Kilian Eng

The third eagerly anticipated collection of digital work

by award-winning artist Kilian Eng.

Since most of the work in the book has been drawn in the computer environment I was glad and surprised how the images opened up in a new way when I saw
them in the printed form. There is definitely something happening when you
can see the work on paper instead of on the screen. It is really the ultimate way
to look and get to know the artwork.K ilian Eng
Object 15 is the third collection in Kilian Engs successful monograph series,
following the acclaimed books Object 5 and Object 10.
Engs images present alternate worlds where the environment plays a great
role. Many of these sequences present visual stories, without any text. He is fascinated with the details that can create these imaginative worlds: colors and
lighting; dimensions and sounds. His inspiration comes from classic and futuristic architecture, surrealism, and science fiction as well as natural and urban
Kilian Eng is one of the most popular and acclaimed digital illustrators working today. His prints of dreamy landscapes and his retro-f uturistic style are admired by many. He is known for his Mondo poster series, designing posters for
Game of Thrones, Argo, Jodorowskys Dune, and Sony PlayStation. He has also designed many acclaimed album covers including soundtracks for Aliens, Oblivion,
and The Knick. Kilian earned a Bachelors and Masters in Graphic Design and
Illustration from Konstfack University of Arts, Craft & Design in Stockholm,
Sweden and has won numerous awards for his illustrative work.

Floating World Comics
9 x 12 | 80 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-942801-80-1 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
US illustrator tour
Promotion through:,

FLC F16 Alternative Comics 31-36.indd 35

4/5/16 8:54 AM

Selected Backlist from Alternative Comics

Chainmail Bikini

The Anthology of Women Gamers

Edited by Hazel Newlevant
6 x 10 | 204 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-5136-0012-3 W

Test Tube


Melissa Mendes
6 x 8 | 160 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-68148-520-1 W

Shes Not Into Poetry

Mini-Comics 19911996
Tom Hart


6 x 9 | 272 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-934460-88-7 W

Carlos Gonzalez

Anna Ehrlemark


Why Would You Do That?


6 x 9 | 144 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-942801-92-4 W


6 x 9 | 128 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-942801-91-7 W


6 x 8 | 64 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $10.00 | CAN $12.99
978-1-68148-102-9 W

Andrea Tsurumi

FLC F16 Alternative Comics 31-36.indd 36

4/5/16 8:54 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Chowgirls Killer Party Food
Righteous Bites & Cocktails for Every Season

Heidi Andermack and Amy Brown

A stylish cookbook of delicious appetizers and small plates

for home entertaining by the proprietors of Chowgirls Killer Catering.

With an eye for style and appreciation for seasonal ingredients, the proprietors
of Chowgirls Killer Catering, one of the Midwests leading catering companies,
share their inspired ideas for delicious appetizers, small plates, and cocktails that
are perfect for home entertaining. Amy Brown and Heidi Andermack were early
adopters of the local, organic, sustainable, and seasonal approach to cooking;
their ethos is clearly reflected in this cookbook, which offers fun and elegant, yet
easy-to-prepare recipes arranged by season that will be the hit of your next social
For your party to welcome spring, impress your guests with Spring Pea
Toasts with Gouda, Mint-Crusted Lamb Chops, and Wasabi Crab Cakes. For
that backyard summer fest, try Flank Steak Skewers with Chimichurri, Sweet
Corn Risotto with Grilled Shrimp, and Gazpacho Jars. On that chilly fall gathering, offer the Grilled Sirloin with Farro Tomato Salad, Bacon-Pecan Tartlets,
and Roasted Fall Vegetables with Saffron Aioli. And for that festive winter blow-
out, make the Italian Beef Sliders, Crab & Green Chile Gratin, and Artichoke
Tapenade. Then to wash it all down, make sure theres plenty of Mint Julep Sweet
Tea, White Sangria, and Strawberry Basil Daiquiris!
Andermack and Browns shared passion for cooking and entertaining shines
throughout this beautiful and inspiring cookbook. Their righteous bites will
impress your guests with dazzling, organic, locally sourced recipes that show
you care. Party on!
Michigan-born Heidi Andermack and Kentucky-born Amy Brown co-founded
Chowgirls Killer Catering in 2004. They both live in Minneapolis, Minnesota,
with their families.

8 x 9 | 168 pp
50 color photographs
Trade Paper US $22.95
978-1-55152-645-4 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Publishers Weekly,
Library Journal
8-page BLAD samples to major reviewers and
cooking media
Contributors Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 37

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Such a Lovely Little War
Saigon 196163

Marcelino Truong
A spectacular graphic novel on the early years of the Vietnam war
through the eyes of a young Vietnamese boy.


6 x 9 | 272 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $26.95
978-1-55152-647-8 US
eBook available

This riveting, beautifully produced graphic memoir tells the story of the early
years of the Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of a young boy named Marco,
the son of a Vietnamese diplomat and his French wife. The book opens in
America, where the boys father works for the South Vietnamese embassy; there
the boy is made to feel self-conscious about his otherness thanks to schoolmates
who play war games against the so-called Commies. The family is called back
to Saigon in 1961, where the father becomes Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diems
personal interpreter; as the growing conflict between North and South intensifies, so does turmoil within Marcos family, as his mother struggles to grapple
with bipolar disorder.
Visually powerful and emotionally potent, Such a Lovely Little War is both a
large-scale and intimate study of the Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of
the Vietnamese: a turbulent national history interwined with an equally traumatic familial one.
Marcelino Truong is an illustrator, painter, and author. Born the son of a
Vietnamese diplomat in 1957 in the Philippines, he and his family moved to
America (where his father worked for the embassy) and then to Vietnam at the
outset of the war. He earned degrees in law at the Paris Institute of Political
Studies, and in English literature at the Sorbonne. He lives in Paris, France.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Publishers Weekly,
Library Journal
8-page BLAD samples to major reviewers and
graphic novel, alternative media

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 38

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

The Case of Alan Turing
The Extraordinary and Tragic Story of the Legendary Codebreaker

Eric Liberge and Arnaud Delalande

Translated by David Homel
A gripping graphic novel on Alan Turing, the heroic British codebreaker
of World War II later condemned for his homosexuality.

Alan Turing, subject of the Oscar-w inning 2014 film The Imitation Game, was
the brilliant mathematician solicited by the British government to help decipher
messages sent by Germanys Enigma machines during World War II. The work of
Turing and his colleagues at Hut 8 created what became known as the bombe,
which descrambled the German navys messages and saved countless lives and
millions in British goods and merchandise.
Despite his heroics, however, Turing led a secret life as a homosexual. After
a young man with whom he was involved stole money from him, he went to the
police, where he confessed his homosexuality; he was charged with gross in
decency, and only avoided prison after agreeing to undergo chemical castration.
Tragically, he committed suicide two years later.
Authors Liberge and Delalande used once-classified information only available in 2012 to create a biography that is scientifically rigorous yet understandable for the lay reader. Its also a meticulous depiction of World War II, and an
intimate portrayal of a gay man living in an intolerant world.
Delving deeper into Turings life than The Imitation Game, this graphic novel
is a fascinating portrait of this brilliant, complicated, and troubled man.


9 x 12 | 112 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $23.95
978-1-55152-650-8 US
eBook available

Eric Liberge has authored or co-authored more than thirty graphic novels in
his native France, including books on Versailles and World War II.
Arnaud Delalande is the author of nine novels as well as numerous graphic novels in France, including Le Pige de Dante (Dantes Trap), translated into twenty

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Publishers Weekly,
Library Journal
8-page BLAD samples to major reviewers and
graphic novel, alternative media

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 39

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Becoming Unbecoming

A graphic novel that explores violence against women

through the eyes of a twelve-year-old girl in 1977.


6 x 9 | 208 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $23.95
978-1-55152-653-9 US
Ages 15 and up
eBook available

Marketing Plans

This extraordinary graphic novel is a powerful denunciation of sexual violence

against women. As seen through the eyes of a twelve-year-old girl named Una, it
takes place in northern England in 1977, as the Yorkshire Ripper, a serial killer
of prostitutes, is on the loose and creating panic among the townspeople. As the
police struggle in their clumsy attempts to find the killer and the headlines in
the local paper become more urgent, a once self-confident Una teaches herself
to lower her gaze in order to deflect attention from boys.
After she is slut-shamed at school for having birth control pills, Una is the
subject of violent acts for which she comes to blame herself. But as the police finally catch up with and identify the killer, Una grapples with the patterns of behavior that led her to believe she was to blame.
Becoming Unbecoming combines various styles, press clippings, photo-based
illustrations, and splashes of color to convey Unas sense of confusion and rage,
as well as sobering statistics on sexual violence against women. The book is a no-
holds-barred indictment of sexual violence against women, and the shame and
blaming of its victims, which also celebrates the empowerment of those able to
gain control over their selves and their bodies.
Una (a pseudonym) is an artist, academic, and comics creator. Becoming
Unbecoming, which took seven years to create, is her first book. She lives in the
United Kingdom.

Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Publishers Weekly,
Library Journal
8-page BLAD samples to major reviewers and
graphic novel, womens, and alternative media

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 40

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Conflict Is Not Abuse
Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility,
and the Duty of Repair

Sarah Schulman
Sarah Schulman illuminates the differences between
Conflict and Abuse in this revelatory book that addresses
the contemporary culture of scapegoating.

From intimate relationships to global politics, Sarah Schulman observes a continuum: that inflated accusations of harm are used to avoid accountability.
Illuminating the difference between Conflict and Abuse, Schulman directly addresses our contemporary culture of scapegoating. This deep, brave, and bold
work reveals how punishment replaces personal and collective self-criticism, and
shows why difference is so often used to justify cruelty and shunning. Rooting
the problem of escalation in negative group relationships, Schulman illuminates the ways cliques, communities, families, and religious, racial, and national
groups bond through the refusal to change their self-concept. She illustrates how
Supremacy behavior and Traumatized behavior resemble each other, through a
shared inability to tolerate difference.
This important and sure-to-be-controversial book illuminates such contemporary and historical issues as Black Lives Matter; the sexual violence of women; and
the plight of migrants, people with HIV, and Palestinians. Conflict Is Not Abuse
is a searing rejection of the cultural phenomenon of blame, cruelty, and scape
goating, and shows how those in positions of power exacerbate and manipulate
fear of the other to avoid facing themselves.
Sarah Schulman is a novelist, nonfiction writer, playwright, screenwriter, journalist, and AIDS historian, and the author of eighteen books. A Guggenheim and
Fulbright Fellow, Sarah is a Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at the
City University of New York, College of Staten Island. Her novels published by
Arsenal Pulp Press include Rat Bohemia, Empathy, After Delores, and The Mere
Future. She lives in New York.

6 x 9 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-1-55152-643-0 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Bookforum, Publishers
Weekly, Library Journal

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Boston, MA
New York, NY

Rat Bohemia
Sarah Schulman
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55152-235-7 US
eBook available

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 41

Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

The Mere Future

First Trade Paper Edition
Sarah Schulman
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-55152-424-5 US
eBook available

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Tomboy Survival Guide
Ivan Coyote

A memoir told in stories, in which the acclaimed

trans storyteller recounts their childhood as a Yukon tomboy.


5 x 8 | 208 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55152-656-0 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans

Ivan Coyote is a celebrated trans storyteller whose previous books include

Gender Failure (with Rae Spoon) and One in Every Crowd, a collection for LGBT
youth. Tomboy Survival Guide is a funny and moving memoir told in stories, in
which Ivan recounts the pleasures and difficulties of growing up a tomboy in
Canadas north, and how they learned to embrace their tomboy past while carving out a space for those who dont fit neatly into boxes or identities.
Ivan writes movingly about many firststhe first time they were mistaken
for a boy; the first time they purposely discarded their bikini top so they could
join the boys at the local swimming pool; and the first time they were chastised for using the womens washroom. Ivan also explores their years as a baby
butch, dealing with new infatuations and old baggage, and life as a trans adult,
in which they offer advice to young people while seeking guidance from others.
And for tomboys-in-training, there are directions on building your very own
unicorn trap.
Tomboy Survival Guide warmly recounts Ivans transformation from a diffident yet free-spirited tomboy into a confident, self-a ssured trans person. These
heartfelt, funny, and moving stories are about the culture of differencea
guide to being true to ones self.
Ivan Coyote is the award-w inning author or co-author of ten books, and the
creator of four short films as well as three CDs that combine storytelling with
music. Ivan lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National print and online campaign: outreach
to LGBT media

Author Events
San Francisco, CA New York, NY
Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Vancouver, BC

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 42

Gender Failure
Ivan E. Coyote and Rae Spoon
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55152-536-5 US

One in Every Crowd

Ivan E. Coyote
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-55152-459-7 US

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

The Dad Dialogues
A Correspondence on Fatherhood (and the Universe)

George Bowering and Charles Demers

A poignant, funny correspondence between two generations

of fathers about raising their daughters.

In this unique book of correspondence, two men from different generations

write to each other about the burdens, anxieties, and singular joys of parenthood. Thirtysomething Charles Demers and eighty-year-old George Bowering
are both celebrated authors and the best of friends, and both are the fathers of
daughters. The letters begin as Charles and his wife discover they will become
parents; he expresses his hopes and fears of impending fatherhood, compounded
by his OCD and his own fathers illness, while George recalls his own experiences raising a daughter in the 1970s and his own anxieties about bringing a
child into a troubled world.
Together, their thoughtful, funny, candid missives reveal what fathers know
(or dont know) about raising daughters, as well as themselves and each other.
Their combined observations make for a passionate, funny, and moving portrait
of fatherhood in all its imperfect, beautiful glory.
George Bowering is Canadas first Poet Laureate and an Officer of the Order of
Canada. He is the author of more than eighty books, the most recent of which
include The Hockey Scribbler, Writing the Okanagan, and Pinboy. He lives in
Vancouver, British Columbia.
Charles Demers is a comedian, performer, and writer. His previous books are
The Horrors (Douglas & McIntyre) and Vancouver Special (Arsenal Pulp Press).
He lives in Vancouver, where he teaches writing at the University of British


6 x 9 | 288 pp
30 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55152-662-1 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National print and online campaign: outreach
to mens, parenting, alternative media
Contributors Hometown: Vancouver, BC

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 43

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

The Remedy
Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care

Edited by Zena Sharman

An inclusive, populist anthology on queer and trans health issues

by members of the LGBTQ community and health care providers.


6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95
978-1-55152-658-4 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National print and online campaign: outreach
to LGBT, health/medical, alternative media
Academic outreach in the fields of health care,
sociology, social work, LGBT studies

To remedy means to heal, to cure, to set right, and to make reparations.

The Remedy invites writers and readers to imagine what we need to create
healthy, resilient, and thriving LGBTQ communities. This anthology is a diverse
collection of real-life stories from queer and trans people on their own healthcare experiences and challenges, from gay men living with HIV who remember
the systemic resistance to their healthcare needs, to a lesbian couple dealing
with the experience of cancer, to young trans people who struggle to find healthcare providers who treat them with dignity and respect. The book also includes
essays by healthcare providers, activists, and leaders with something to say about
the challenges, politics, and opportunities surrounding LGBTQ health issues.
Both exceptionally moving and an incendiary call-to-a rms, The Remedy is a
must-read for anyonegay, straight, trans, and otherwisepassionately concerned about the right to proper healthcare for all.
Contributors include Amber Dawn, Sinclair Sexsmith, Francisco Ibanez-
Carrasco, Cooper Lee Bombardier, Vivek Shraya, Kara Sievewright, and Kelli
Zena Sharman is a passionate advocate for queer and trans health. She has over
a decades experience in health research; currently she is Director of Strategy at
the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. Zena is also co-editor of
Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Also Available

Author Events
San Francisco, CA New York, NY Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Vancouver, BC
All Ways Butch and Femme
Edited by Ivan E. Coyote and Zena Sharman
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-1-55152-397-2 US

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 44

eBook available

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Niagara Motel
Ashley Little

Eleven-year-old Tucker, the only child of a narcoleptic touring stripper, believes

his father is Sam Malone, a barkeep in Boston. After his mother is hit by a car, hes
sent to live in a group home where he meets Meredith, a pregnant teen, who joins
him on a cross-country road trip to find his father. Niagara Motel is an epic depiction of mid-9 0s America as seen through the eyes of a boy who must learn
hard lessons on his way to becoming a man.
Ashley Little is the author of Anatomy of a Girl Gang.
6 x 9 | 296 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55152-660-7 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign
Contributor Hometown: Kelowna, BC

Eleven-year-old Tucker embarks

on a cross-country odyssey to find
the man who he believes is his father:
a barkeeper named Sam Malone.

Nick Comilla

Arthur is a young gay man at a crossroads. He gets lost in a blizzard of boys and
endless possibilitieslooking to fall in love and to experience devotionbut
finds himself increasingly immersed in a world of hedonism and deception,
especially as he deals with the messy remains of his relationship with Jeremy,
his chimeric first love.
Candyass is a coming-of-age novel with hard edges and a soft heart: a striking
debut work about what it means to be young, queer, and urban today; a radical
chronicle of queer love and desire among millennials.
Nick Comilla lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign: outreach to LGBT and alternative media

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

5 x 8 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-55152-664-5 US
eBook available

A novel about a young man who seeks

authenticity in the contemporary queer
scenes of New York and Montreal.

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 45

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Arsenal Pulp Press

Arabian Nights
Michael Moon

A Queer Film Classic on 1974s Arabian Nights by Pier Paolo Pasolini, the controversial Italian director who was murdered under mysterious circumstances
in 1975. In what turned out to be the last years of his career, Pasolini turned to
several classic literary works as models for his own radical expansion of cinemas
capacities for telling, showing, and enacting embodiment, nudity, and sexual desires and behaviors.
This book explores the legacy and context of Arabian Nights, in many ways
the most optimistic and appealing of Pasolinis late films.
Queer Film Classics
5 x 8 | 160 pp
35 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55152-666-9 US
eBook available

A Queer Film Classic on Pasolinis 1974

film, an exploration of human sexuality
based on One Thousand and One Nights.

Michael Moon teaches at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign: outreach to LGBT and cinema media
Academic outreach in the fields of film studies and LGBT studies
Contributor Hometown: Decatur, GA

even this page is white

Vivek Shraya

Vivek Shrayas debut collection of poetry is a bold and timely interrogation of

skin. Poems that range in style from starkly concrete to limber break down the
barriers that prevent understanding of what it means to be racialized. Shraya
paints the face of everyday racism with words, rendering it visible, tangible, and
Vivek Shraya is a writer, musician, and filmmaker whose previous books include
God Loves Hair and She of the Mountains. He lives in Toronto.
5 x 8 | 72 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95
978-1-55152-641-6 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
East and West Coast national tour

Author Events
A poetry book by the author of
God Loves Hair: a bold and timely
interrogation of skin.

San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL New York, NY Portland, OR Philadelphia, PA

Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

FLC F16 Arsenal Pulp 37-46.indd 46

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Bellevue Literary Press

A Novel

Jerome Charyn
A startling novel about a celebrated author whose life was
warped by war, shrouded in mystery, and broken by scandal.

Jerome Charyn is one of the most important writers in American literature.

M ichael Chabon
One of our finest writers.Jonathan Lethem
One of our most intriguing fiction writers.O, The Oprah Magazine
Charyn skillfully breathes life into historical icons.New Yorker
Jerzy Kosinski was a great enigma of post-W WII literature. When he exploded
onto the American literary scene in 1965 with his bestselling novel The Painted
Bird, he was revered as a Holocaust survivor and a refugee from the world hidden
behind the Soviet Iron Curtain. He won major literary awards, befriended actor
Peter Sellers, who appeared in the screen adaptation of his novel Being There,
and was a guest on talk shows and at the Oscars. But soon the facade began to
crack, and behind the public persona emerged a ruthless social climber, sexual
libertine, and pathological liar who plagiarized his greatest works.
Jerome Charyn lends his unmistakable style to this most American story of
personal disintegration, told through the voices of multiple narratorsa homicidal actor, a dominatrix, and Joseph Stalins daughterwho each provide insights into the shifting facets of Kosinskis personality. The story unfolds like
a Russian nesting doll, eventually revealing the lost child beneath layers of
trauma, while touching on the nature of authenticity, the atrocities of W WII,
the allure of sadomasochism, and the fickleness of celebrity.
Jerome Charyn is the author of, most recently, A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for
the 21st Century, Bitter Bronx: Thirteen Stories, I Am Abraham: A Novel of Lincoln
and the Civil War, and The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson: A Novel.
Also Available

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942658-14-6 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways through Edelweiss, Goodreads,
Promotion through:

Author Events
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY
A Loaded Gun
Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century
Jerome Charyn
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-934137-98-7 W
eBook available

FLC F16 Bellevue 47-50.indd 47

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Bellevue Literary Press

Bob Stevenson
Richard Wiley

A psychiatrist falls for a charismatic patient

and must unravel the mystery of his identity.

In what I like to consider a one-man mission of literary reparations . . . Richard

Wiley appears not necessarily to integrate but to insert himself unobtrusively, a
watchful eye and empathizing listener, into alien identities, operating through
plain, credible protagonists.Wole Soyinka, Nobel Laureate in Literature
A gifted writer who can create and sustain tension with spare, unembellished
prose.The New York Times Book Review

5 x 7 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942658-16-0 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Giveaways through Edelweiss, Goodreads,
Promotion through:

Dr. Ruby Okada meets a charming man with a Scottish accent in the elevator of
her psychiatric hospital. Unaware that he is an escaping patient, she falls under
his spell, and her life and his are changed forever by the time they get to the street.
Who is the mysterious man? Is he Archie B. Billingsly, suffering from dissociative identity disorder and subject to brilliant flights of fancy and bizarre, vio
lent fits? Or is he the reincarnation of Robert Louis Stevenson, back to haunt New
York as Long John Silver and Mr. Edward Hyde? Her career compromised, Ruby
soon learns that her future and that of her unborn child depend on finding the key
to his identity.
With compelling psychological descriptions and terrifying, ineffable transformations, Bob Stevenson is an ingenious tale featuring a quirky cast of characters
drawn together by mutual fascination, need, and finally, love.
Richard Wiley is the author of several novels, including Soldiers in Hiding, winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and Ahmeds Revenge, winner of the
Maria Thomas Fiction Award. Professor emeritus at the University of Nevada,
Las Vegas, he lives in Tacoma, Washington.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Denver, CO Boston, MA
Las Vegas, NV New York, NY Portland, OR
Seattle, WA Tacoma, WA
Contributor Hometown: Tacoma, WA

FLC F16 Bellevue 47-50.indd 48

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Bellevue Literary Press

Sleeping Mask

Peter LaSalle

Mind-bending tales of passion, obsession, and brutality

from an award-winning master of short fiction.

LaSalles [stories] transcend their particulars to show people with dreams,

dilemmas, and disappointments that will move any reader.Jhumpa Lahiri,
Harvard Review
A major talent.Providence Journal
One of our most distinguished short fiction writers.Bookslut
LaSalles stories are subtle, evocative, hauntinga nd brilliantly written.
K irkus Reviews
The twelve stories of Sleeping Mask, written in propulsive, fluid prose, introduce readers to remarkable characters. They include a child soldier sent to raid
a girls boarding school, a Virginia Woolf scholar surviving cancer, a desperate
writer living under fascism in a futuristic Latin America, the spirits of recently
deceased college students on a tour of the Muse dOrsay in Paris, and a middle-
aged man transported back to his childhood, where he is led out to sea by his
mothers ghost.
LaSalles tantalizing fictions are evocative of many of the great innovators
of postmodern literature, from Jorge Luis Borges to Vladimir Nabokov, while
charting a path entirely their own. Through all of their stylistic pyrotechnics
these stories never forsake rich characterization and plotting to probe the deepest parts of the contemporary human condition, such as the nature of erotic desire, the legacy of art and artistry, the power of grief and fear, and the horror of
war and violence.
Peter LaSalle is the author of several books of fiction, including the story collections Tell Borges If You See Him, recipient of the Flannery OConnor Award,
and What I Found Out About Her, winner of the Richard Sullivan Prize in Short


5 x 8 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942658-18-4 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Giveaways through Edelweiss, Goodreads,
Promotion through:

Author Events
Boston, MA New York, NY Austin, TX
Dallas, TX Houston, TX
Contributor Hometown: Austin, TX

FLC F16 Bellevue 47-50.indd 49

4/5/16 8:53 AM

Bellevue Literary Press

Talking Back, Talking Black
Truths About Americas Lingua Franca

John McWhorter

An authoritative, impassioned celebration of Black English,

how it works, and why it matters.

One of our sharpest explainers of linguistics.Steven Pinker

McWhorter debunks some of our most persistent myths about language.NPR
McWhorter makes all the right arguments, and he makes them clearly.
New Yorker
Do you think Black English is a dialect full of mistakes? Youre likely to
change your mind about its languageness after reading Mr. McWhorter.
Wall Street Journal


5 x 7 | 192 pp
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-942658-20-7 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Excerpts in: Time magazine
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Giveaways through Edelweiss, Goodreads,
Promotion through:

It has now been almost fifty years since linguistic experts began studying Black
English as a legitimate speech variety, arguing to the public that it is different
from Standard English, not a degradation of it. Yet false assumptions and con
troversies still swirl around what it means to speak and sound Black. In his first
book devoted solely to the form, structure, and development of Black English,
John McWhorter clearly explains its fundamentals and rich history while carefully examining the cultural, educational, and political issues that have undermined recognition of this transformative, empowering dialect. Talking Back,
Talking Black takes us on a fascinating tour of a nuanced and complex language
that has moved beyond Americas borders to become a dynamic force for todays
youth culture around the world.
John McWhorter teaches linguistics, Western civilization, music history, and
American studies at Columbia University. A New York Times best-selling author and TED speaker, he is a columnist for Time and a regular contributor to the
Atlantic, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. His books on language include The Power of Babel, Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue, What Language Is,
and The Language Hoax.

Author Events
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Jersey City, NJ

FLC F16 Bellevue 47-50.indd 50

4/5/16 8:53 AM

The Life-Writer
David Constantine

While writing her late husbands biography, Katrin struggles with

heartache after discovering that she was never his true love.

Constantine . . . proves himself yet again one of the greatest analysts of feeling working in fiction today, and one of the most lyrical. The first chapter is so
shockingly accomplished that I had to stop, go back and immediately reread it.
The Guardian
Here, [Constantine] has a persistent interest in the discarded pieces of other
peoples lives that can reawaken ones own past, or open up the incommunicable
in the present.Financial Times
After the death of her beloved husband, Katrin, a literary biographer, copes with
the loss by writing his personal history. While researching the letters and journals he left behind, however, she comes to the devastating conclusion that his
life before their marriage was far richer than the one they shared. To understand and recreate the period of his greatest happinessa period of intense
friendship and love in the fall and winter of 1962, with a young French woman
named MoniqueK atrin embarks on a heartbreaking journey to discover the
man she never fully knew.
David Constantine is an award-w inning short story writer, poet, and, translator. The title story of his North American debut collection of short fiction,
In Another Country: Selected Stories (Biblioasis, 2015) was adapted into the
Academy Awardnominated feature film 45 Years. He is the author of one previous novel, Davies, as well as four collections of short stories in the United
Kingdom, and ten collections of poetry. He lives in Oxford, England, where
until 2012 he edited Modern Poetry in Translation with his wife, Helen.

5 x 8 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-77196-101-1 NA* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

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Seths Christmas Ghost Stories
Charles Dickens, Edith Wharton, M.R. James,
Marjorie Bowen, and A.M. Burrage
Illustrated by Seth
Seths project to bring back the holiday tradition of communal reading is
inspired!Stephen Sparks, Green Apple Books on the Park
Seths series of beautifully illustrated, collectible books shares the newly revived
Christmas Ghost Story tradition with a fresh generation of readers. Trimmed
to fit the coziest stocking, theyre specifically made for display beside the registers of the finest bookstores. Twenty-five titles come with this full-color, easy-to-
assemble loader.
Seths Christmas Ghost Stories
B&W illustrations
Counter Display US $99.95
978-1-77196-130-1 W* (excludes Canada)

Seths comics and illustrations have appeared in the New York Times Magazine,
McSweeneys Quarterly, and the New Yorker. He is Lemony Snickets partner
for the new young readers series All the Wrong Questions, and the author of the
Palookaville series of graphic novels.

This prepack includes a narrow,

full-color counter display loader,
plus a starter kit with twenty-five copies
of the Christmas Ghost Stories.

The Signalman
A Ghost Story for Christmas

Charles Dickens
Illustrated by Seth
The classic Christmas ghost stories that Seth and Biblioasis fashioned last year
were a huge success for us. Nifty packaging, striking designso Seth. The perfect
impulse, stocking-stuffer, take-to-a-party gift idea that you can tuck into a tiny
space.Ben McNally, Ben McNally Books

Seths Christmas Ghost Stories
4 x 6 | 56 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $6.95
978-1-77196-064-9 W* (excludes Canada)

Halloween might seem like the spookiest time of year, but Charles Dickens felt
otherwise. He was among the many authors who set their scariest stories during
the dim and shivering days ofyes, Christmas.
First published in 1866 for a special yuletide issue of All the Year Round,
Dickenss The Signalman has since fallen into obscurity. An eerie story of isolation, dread, and supernatural visitation, this book is a small treasure, meant to
be read aloud on a cold, dark winter night.

eBook available

Designed and illustrated by Seth, this

reissue breathes new life into a work many
consider to be Dickenss best ghost story.

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A Ghost Story for Christmas

Edith Wharton
Illustrated by Seth
A newly rich American couple buys an ancient manor house in England, where
they hope to live in solitude. But when her husband disappears shortly after an
eerie encounter with a mysterious stranger, the wife learns the truth about the
legend that haunts the ancient estate.
FICTION | October | Seths Christmas Ghost Stories | 4 x 6 | 64 pp | B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $6.95 | 978-1-77196-133-2 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

The Diary of Mr. Poynters

A Ghost Story for Christmas

M.R. James
Illustrated by Seth
While engrossed in an account of the death of a student obsessed with his own
hair, a man leans down to absently pet his dogoblivious of the true nature of
the creature crouching beside him. This classic ghost story by M.R. James is a
spooky holiday delight.
FICTION | October | Seths Christmas Ghost Stories | 4 x 6 | 64 pp | B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $6.95 | 978-1-77196-125-7 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

One Who Saw

A Ghost Story for Christmas

A.M. Burrage
Illustrated by Seth
Originally published on Christmas in 1931 and widely regarded as A.M. Burrages
masterpiece, One Who Saw tells the story of a writer enchanted by a spectre of a
weeping woman. His obsession builds until her ghostly hand falls from her face
and he, in horror, becomes one who sees.
FICTION | October | Seths Christmas Ghost Stories | 4 x 6 | 64 pp | B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $6.95 | 978-1-77196-066-3 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

The Crown Derby Plate

A Ghost Story for Christmas

Marjorie Bowen
Illustrated by Seth
An antique collector hears of an ancient woman with a large collection of china.
Hoping to complete a particular set, the collector pays a visit to the womans ramshackle house, where she makes a terrifying discovery. This 1933 ghost story confirmed Marjorie Bowen as one of the best writers in the genre.
FICTION | October | Seths Christmas Ghost Stories | 4 x 6 | 64 pp | B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $6.95 | 978-1-77196-123-3 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

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4/5/16 8:52 AM

In Another Country
Selected Stories
First Trade Paper Edition

David Constantine
Revelatory.The Wall Street Journal
Constantines stories ache with concern for the retreating, vulnerable, sacred
natural world.New York Times Book Review (Editors Choice)

5 x 8 | 280 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-77196-129-5 NA* (excludes Canada)
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-77196-017-5

This paperback edition of David Constantines Selected Stories, originally named

among Kirkus Reviews Best Story Collections of 2015, features In Another
Country, the tale that inspired the Academy Awardnominated feature film
45 Years. Constantines work is acclaimed for its pristine emotional clarity, spare
but intensely evocative dialogue, and timeless, enduring appeal.
David Constantine is an award-w inning writer, poet, and translator. His debut
North American novel, The Life-Writer, will be published in the fall of 2016.

The paperback edition of one of

Kirkus Reviews Best Story Collections
of 2015, including the story that inspired
45 Years.

And Other Stories

Mia Couto
Translated by Eric M.B. Becker
Coutos work doesnt so much blur the generic and stylistic boundaries we
normally draw as explode them.The Boston Globe
This new collection of short fiction from Mia Couto, author of Confession of the
Lioness (FSG, 2015), offers a stylistically dazzling variety of pieces tackling both
timely and timeless issues: the ravages of war, the legacy of colonialism, endemic
racism, and more.
5 x 7 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95
978-1-77196-121-9 W* (excludes Canada)

Mia Couto is the author of twenty-five books of fiction, essays, and poems. He was
the winner of the prestigious 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature,
and a finalist for the 2015 Man Booker International Prize.

eBook available

A new translation of brilliant stories

by Man Booker finalist and author of
Confession of the Lioness.

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The Two of Us
Kathy Page

[Kathy Page] is a fierce writer.K irkus Reviews

The stories in this collection focus on pairs: intense one-on-one relationships and
encounters. Characters undergo genetic testing, garden, overeat, starve themselves, travel, fall pregnant, all while simultaneously driving each other towards
moments where theysometimes unwillinglyglimpse the meaning and shape
of their lives, and who they might become.
Kathy Page is the author of eight books, including the novels Alphabet (an Indie
Next Great Read of 2014 and Kirkus Best Book of 2014), Frankie Styne & the Silver
Man, and The Story of My Face, as well as many short stories.

5 x 7 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-77196-099-1 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Contributor Hometown: Salt Spring Island, BC

A new collection of short stories by the

acclaimed author of Alphabet, named to
Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2014.

The Museum at the End of the World

John Metcalf

John Metcalf comes as close to the baffling, painful comedy of human experience
as a writer can get.A lice Munro
Set in Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and Ottawa, the stories in this collection span the life of writer Robert Forde and his wife Sheila. Playing with various forms of comedy throughout, Metcalf paints a portrait of twentieth-century
literary life with levity, satire, and unsuspecting moments of emotional depth.
John Metcalf is the author of more than a dozen works of fiction and nonfiction,
including Standing Stones: Selected Stories, Adult Entertainment, Going Down Slow,
and Kicking Against the Pricks.

5 x 8 | 272 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-77196-107-3 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Contributor Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Humorous but deeply felt stories spanning

the life-long career of a writer, painting
a memorable portrait of the literary life.

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4/5/16 8:52 AM

Swinging Through Dixie
Novellas and Stories

Leon Rooke
Rooke is an original. . . . Deliciously inventive, always rewarding.
The Washington Post
The two novellas and three short stories in this new collection by the critically-
acclaimed, North Carolina-born author Leon Rooke are united by place and
mood. Set largely in the post-W WII American South, peopled by Watermelon
Queens and ten-year-old businessmen, these joyful, touching, and brilliantly
crafted pieces speak to a time and sensibility long forgotten.
5 x 8 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-77196-103-5 W* (excludes Canada)

Leon Rooke is a novelist, short story writer, editor, and critic. He has published
twenty-eight books and nearly three hundred short stories, and is the recipient
of the North Carolina Award for Literature.

eBook available

[Rooke does] story-telling at its

most compelling.Chicago Tribune

Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

A Good Baby
A Novel

Leon Rooke
During the night of a storm, an Appalachian girl delivers a baby and disappears.
The next morning, Raymond Toker finds the baby under a bush and takes to the
mountain roads to find her a home. While Turner carries out his quest, the childs
father, Truman, with teeth as rotten as his soul, drives his battered car along
the same paths.
FICTION | September | ReSet Series | 5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | 978-1-77196-105-9 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

100 Maple Leaf Moments

Bob Duff
A fun collection of the one hundred most memorable, unlikely, unheard-of,
and scandalous stories in the first century of the Toronto Maple Leafs history.
Written by one of hockeys greatest encyclopedic anecodotalists, Bob Duffs new
book is essential reading for every Maple Leafs fan, and hockey fans in general.
Trade Paper US $15.95 | 978-1-77196-115-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

FLC F16 Biblioasis 51-56.indd 56

4/5/16 8:52 AM

BIS Publishers
Strategic Design
8 Essential Practices Every Strategic Designer Must Master

Giulia Calabretta, Gerda Gemser, and Ingo Karpen

This book will help design professionals to become more familiar with effective
practices and tools for strategic innovation projects. It provides a set of guidelines to facilitate the application of such tools, assist the professional to play a
strategic role, and create effective ways of working on projects.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | September | 9 x 7 | 240 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $45.00 | CAN $58.50 | 978-90-6369-445-6 USC

Mastering the Art of Negotiation

7 Guides for Creating Your Journey

Geurt Jan de Heus

One encounters various facets in negotiations: how people influence each other,
including the legal, cultural, and economic aspects. One must negotiate in private affairs as well as in daily business situations. This book demonstrates how to
develop and maintain these essential skills.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | September | 9 x 7 | 240 pp | Two-color art
Trade Paper US $45.00 | CAN $58.50 | 978-90-6369-431-9 USC

Thinking in Services
Encoding and Expressing Strategy Through Design

Majid Iqbal
Design is the ultimate expression of policy and strategy. Expressing design in the
form of a code makes it possible for every layer of the service enterprise to execute the design in a timely and consistent manner. This is the introduction of a
new system and method.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | October | 9 x 7 | 240 pp | Color illustrations, maps, charts
Trade Paper US $45.00 | CAN $58.50 | 978-90-6369-430-2 USC

Concept Code
How to Create Meaningful Concepts

Gaby Crucq-Toffolo

The consumer wants to experience every key point of a concept. This book will
help to translate your idea into a fully matured concept and give insight into the
consumers mind to make your concept successful.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | September | 7 x 9 | 192 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $45.50 | 978-90-6369-432-6 USC

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BIS Publishers
Different Brains, Different Approach
Successful Neuro Advertising for Both Genders: Male and Female

Huub van Osch

What could the brain tell us about gendered differences in motivation during the
purchasing process? Understanding the neuro conative processes of men and
women enables us to communicate more effectively. Different Brains, Different
Approach isnt just another book about neuromarketing: its the first book that describes the neurological differences between men and women from a commercial
perspective. Although it is scientifically based, case studies and guidelines make it
easy and directly applicable for those in advertising. Perfect for everyone working
in the marketing and communications field.
8 x 8 | 192 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $45.50
978-90-6369-435-7 USC

CEX sells
Inspirational Book on Valuable Customer Experiences

Beate van Dongen Crombags and Deborah Wietzes

It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to differentiate themselves on
the basis of products; the solution is to explore and introduce services to make
the difference. Many companies try this, but do not succeed. CEX Sells offers
the tools and inspiration to create a brand-worthy customer experience.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | February | 8 x 8 | 176 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $45.50 | 978-90-6369-444-9 USC

Handbook Event Design

Systematically Design Events Using the #EventCanvas

Roel Frissen, Ruud Jannsen and Dennis Luijer

Event design is a new approach to systematically deconstruct and reconstruct
successful events. By using the #EventCanvas template, one can identify where
and for whom the event can be innovated. It is a handbook to document, discuss,
and design events worth attending, and illustrates good event design.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS | October | 8 x 8 | 192 pp
Color illustrations, maps, charts, worksheets
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $45.50 | 978-90-6369-434-0 USC

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4/5/16 8:52 AM

BIS Publishers
Design My Privacy
8 Principles for Better Privacy Design

Tijmen Schep
Because of the emergence of the Internet of things, the question about privacy
protection is increasingly relevant to designers. Daily products, such as watches,
clothing, cars, and houses, are becoming smart and connected to the cloud. This
book provides guidance on how to design for privacy.
DESIGN | November | 4 x 7 | 160 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-90-6369-437-1 USC

Creative Thinkers Exercise Book

Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm
By enhancing your ability to identify connections, you can enhance your creativity. This exercise book strengthens your ability to recognize connections. The
exercises are based on the theory of the book The Secret of the Highly Creative
Thinker, as well as observations in neuroscience and seventy years of creativity
PSYCHOLOGY | November | 7 x 9 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $24.00 | CAN $30.99 | 978-90-6369-438-8 USC

Divergent Convergent Thinking Book

Dorte Nielsen

Creativity research shows that by dividing thinking into divergent and convergent aspects, one can improve idea production, and as a result produce more
ideas, unexpected thoughts, and original solutions. This book includes guidelines
to enhance innovative thinking and practical exercises to strengthen creativity.
PSYCHOLOGY | September | 11 x 6 | 152 pp | Two-color art
Trade Cloth US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-90-6369-439-5 USC

Creative Chef Postcards

Jasper Udink ten Kate

A postcard book with twenty food visuals inspired by the Creative Chef s work
as a culinary artist and food designerthink MacGyver food solutions meets
Make Food, Not War. These cards present the Creative Chef s humor and
unique way of looking at the world.
COOKING | December | 5 x 3 | 50 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $15.50 | 978-90-6369-440-1 USC

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BIS Publishers
Read Nothing in Here
21 Things You Should Know About Nothing

Seema Sharma
In this book, you will learn everything about nothing: this book is for the curious, the smart-asses, the conversation starters, and for everyone who needs more
of nothing in their daily life. Read Nothing in Here is an unscientific exploration
of the meaning, function, history, and misuse of the word nothing.
DESIGN | September | 5 x 7 | 144 pp | 25 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-90-6369-441-8 USC

The Company Game

Grow Your Business or Inspire Others to Grow Theirs

Bjorn Uyens
Based on the 6D Waypoint TheoryDefine, Discover, Design, Develop, Deliver,
and Drivethese sixty cards actively place you in the seat of an entrepreneur.
With plenty of strategic questions to think about, this game generates more effective ideas than any other game in just thirty minutes.
GAMES | December | 5 x 4 | 60 pp | Two-color art
Boxed Set AH US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-90-6369-442-5 USC

Outsider Art Memory Game

Anja Brunt

Outsider art is produced by untrained artists who are unconnected to the conventional art world. The task is to collect two cards that make one set; in this
case, two cards of the same artist. The cards can be easily recognised by the
distinct style of each contributor.
GAMES | December | 2 x 5 | 60 pp | Color illustrations
Boxed Set AH US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-90-6369-443-2 USC

Create to Conquer
Studio Kluif

This fifth anniversary monograph features the works of the Dutch design shop
Studio Kluif. This internationally well-k nown, prize-w inning studio never ceases
to amaze with their attractive designs. Spanning graphic design, illustration,
packaging, and design for fashion, this book is packed with new creative projects.
DESIGN | March | 6 x 8 | 160 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $32.50 | 978-90-6369-436-4 USC

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4/5/16 8:52 AM

Biteback Publishing
Little Cyclone
Second Edition

Airey Neave

Originally published in the years after the war,

Little Cyclone is a mesmerising tale of the best of humanity.

A true story of extraordinary bravery, betrayal, tragedy and triumph.

Daily Telegraph
On a hot afternoon in August 1941, a twenty-four-year-old Belgian woman walked
into the British consulate in Bilbao, neutral Spain, and demanded to see the consul. She presented him with a British soldier she had smuggled all the way from
Brussels, through occupied France, and over the Pyrenees. It is a journey she
will make countless times thereafter, at unthinkable danger to her own life.
Her name is Andre de Jongh, though she will come to be known as the Little
Cyclone in deference to her extraordinary courage and tenacity. She is an inspiration. From nursing wounded Allied servicemen, de Jongh would go on to establish the Comet Line, the most famous escape line of W WII, one that saved
the lives of more than eight hundred airmen and soldiers stranded behind enemy
lines. The risks, however, would be enormous; the cost, unspeakably tragic.
Her story is shot through with the constant terror of discovery and inter
ceptionof late-night knocks at the door, disastrous moonlit river crossings,
Gestapo infiltrators, firing squads, and concentration camps. It is also a classic
true story of fear overcome by giddying bravery.

5 x 7 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-84954-960-8 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-84954-503-7

Airey Neave served as an intelligence agent for MI9 in W WII before later becoming Member of Parliament for Abingdon. The author of several highly acclaimed books on W WII, he died in 1979 in an IRA car-bomb attack at the House
of Commons.

FLC F16 Biteback 61-64.indd 61

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Biteback Publishing
Stand by Your Manhood
A Survival Guide for the Modern Man
First Trade Paper Edition

Peter Lloyd
Men are brilliant. Being a man is brilliante xcept for penile dysmorphia, circumcision, becoming a weekend father, military conscription, critics whove
been hating on us for . . . well, pretty much fifty yearsoh, and those pesky early
Fortunately, Peter Lloyd is here to tackle controversial topics in this fearless
bloke bible; part blistering polemic, part politically incorrect road map for the
modern man.
5 x 7 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-78590-021-1 USC

Peter Lloyd is a journalist at the Mail on Sunday and MailOnline, while also contributing to the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mirror. He was formerly the staff
writer at Madonnas UK PR company, and his clients included Russell Brand,
Robert Plant, and Rufus Wainwright.

Frank, witty, and long overdue,

this is the book men everywhere
have been waiting for.

I Find That Offensive!

Claire Fox

When you hear that now-ubiquitous phrase I find that offensive, you know
youre being told to shut up. Social discourse is now dominated by competitive
offence-c laiming. But how did we become so thin-skinned? This book blames
three culprits: official multiculturalisms relativistic conflation of tolerance with
positive recognition, narcissistic identity politics, and finally, therapeutic
educational interventions such as anti-bullying campaigns.

4 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-84954-981-3 USC

Claire Fox is a British libertarian writer. She is the founder of the Institute of
Ideas think tank and a broadcaster and social commentator, appearing regularly
on BBC television and radio.

A clarion call to toughen up,

become more robust, and make a virtue
of the right to be offensive.

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Biteback Publishing
European Resistance to the Nazis, 19401945

M. R. D. Foot
The definitive history.Sunday Telegraph
This groundbreaking book was the first to analyze the whole field of wartime resistance to the Nazis in Europe. In following a truly epic theme, with its drama
of intelligence, deception, escape, and subversion, and in gathering its main
threads into the fabric of a single volume, Michael Foot achieves a unique and
valuable work of gripping and lasting significance.
Michael Foot served throughout W WII, and in 1945 was decor ated for service with the French Resistance in Brittany. He taught at Oxford University
for eight years, before becoming professor of modern history at Manchester
University. He died in February 2012.


5 x 7 | 356 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-78590-046-4 USC*

The definitive story of

wartime resistance to the Nazis
in Europe during WWII.

Becoming British
UK Citizenship Examined

Thom Brooks
Migration to the United Kingdom receives widespread attention, but less attention is paid to the major increase in the number of people becoming British citizens. UK citizenship has undergone substantial changes in recent decades, and a
clear, up-to-d ate examination of what UK citizenship actually means, as well as
who has access to it and on what terms, is long overdue.
Thom Brooks is professor of law and government at Durham University, and
one of the United Kingdoms leading experts on British citizenship. Brooks
passed the UK citizenship test and became a British citizen in 2011. He is a dual
citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States.


5 x 8 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-84954-976-9 USC

A work that examines the relationship

between immigration and citizenship
in order to challenge the popular and
political myths that surround this topic.

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Selected Backlist from Biteback Publishing

Ian Fleming

A Personal Memoir
Robert Harling
6 x 9 | 384 pp
Trade Cloth US $27.95 | CAN $36.50
978-1-84954-935-6 USC

An Inconvenient Genocide
Who Now Remembers
the Armenians?
First Trade Paper Edition
Geoffrey Robertson QC


4 x 7 | 304 pp
20 B&W photographs, maps
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-84954-897-7 USC


The True Story of the Spy They

Traded for Gary Powers
Second Edition
Vin Arthey
5 x 7 | 272 pp
17 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-84954-969-1 USC

Hillary Rising

The politics, persona and policies

of a new American dynasty
James D. Boys
5 x 8 | 336 pp
Trade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $28.50
978-1-84954-964-6 USC

Guy Burgess

The Spy Who Knew Everyone

Stewart Purvis and Jeff Hulbert
6 x 9 | 480 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $27.95 | CAN $36.50
978-1-84954-913-4 USC

Islam Beyond the

Violent Jihadis
Ziauddin Sardar

4 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-84954-949-3 USC

FLC F16 Biteback 61-64.indd 64

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Bitter Lemon Press

Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian Lions
Mario Giordano
Translated by John Brownjohn

Auntie Poldi, sassy, brassy, and sixty, moves to Sicily for a

quiet alcohol-fuelled retirement. A murder spoils her plans.

This is the first novel in a charming new mystery series set in Sicily and laced with
Italian sensuality and humor. It features an amateur sleuth, the sassy and foul-
mouthed Auntie Poldi.
Recently widowed Poldi moves to Sicily in order to quietly drink herself to
death with a sea view, but fate intervenes. When she finds the corpse of a young
man on the beach, his face blown off with a sawn-off shotgun, she becomes a potential suspect in his murder case. Poldi soon falls for the gorgeous Commissario
Montana, who has been assigned to lead the case. They form an investigative
and romanticpartnership. The delightful details of this romance, and the extreme awkwardness of Poldis retelling it to her mortified nephew, are some of
the novels many high points.
Sicily, a vivid backdrop, is an island of people obsessed with food. They talk
passionately about which remote village produces the best olives, pistachio ice
cream, oyster mushrooms, mandarins, and marzipan, and about which restaurant serves the best pasta al nero di sepia or canolli a la crema di ricotta. And there is
never a direct reference to the mafia (an invention of those fascists in the North),
even when confronted with murders committed with sawn-off shotguns.
Mario Giordano, the son of Italian immigrants, was born in Munich in 1963 and
studied psychology at the University of Dsseldorf. He writes novels, books for
adolescents, and screenplays. He lives in Cologne, Germany. Auntie Poldi and the
Sicilian Lions is his first mystery novel.

5 x 7 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-908524-69-0 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways through Twitter, Facebook, and
Bitter Lemon Press website
Promotion through:

The Russian Passenger
Gunter Ohnemus
Translated by John Brownjohn
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-904738-02-2 W*

The Sinner
Petra Hammesfahr
Translated by John Brownjohn
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.00
978-1-904738-25-1 W*

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Bitter Lemon 65-68.indd 65

4/5/16 8:51 AM

Bitter Lemon Press

Writing about Art in a Popular Newspaper

Richard Dorment
An extraordinary collection of over one hundred essays which distill and commemorate some of the finest and most memorable art exhibitions of the last
three decades. Ranging from early prehistoric art of the Ice Age to the performance art of today, and taking in nearly all the significant art in between, the
book is an astonishingly readable and accessible introduction to the work of the
worlds finest artists.

Wilmington Square Books
6 x 9 | 528 pp
176 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-1-908524-67-6 USC
eBook available

A selection of the best exhibition reviews

and art criticism by Richard Dorment in
the London Daily Telegraph 19862015.

Richard Dorment was the art critic of Londons Daily Telegraph. He wrote almost every week about the most significant art exhibitions not only throughout
the United Kingdom, but also in Paris, Amsterdam, New York, and Washington.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Giveaways through Twitter, Facebook, and Bitter Lemon Press website
Promotion through:

Stonypath Days
Letters between Ian Hamilton Finlay and Stephen Bann

Ian Hamilton Finlay;

Edited with an introduction by Stephen Bann


Wilmington Square Books
6 x 9 | 224 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-1-908524-72-0 USC*
eBook available

The second volume of letters of the

most significant Scottish artist of
the late twentieth century.

A companion to Midway, this is the second volume of the letters of Ian Hamilton
Finlay (19252006), the leading Scottish poet, artist, sculptor, and garden designer. His garden at Stonypath, now called Little Sparta, has been described
as the only truly original garden created since 1945.
These letters to and from Finlays friend, the English poet and scholar Stephen
Bann, center on the initial development of the garden near Edinburgh. They cover
Finlays turn away from poetry towards sculpture and garden design and the
thinking behind, and consequences of, this development.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign
Giveaways through Twitter, Facebook, and Bitter Lemon Press website
Promotion through:

FLC F16 Bitter Lemon 65-68.indd 66

4/5/16 8:51 AM

Bitter Lemon Press

Chain of Custody
Anita Nair

Bangalores Inspector Gowda is back in another nail-biting thriller. What does

thirteen-year-old Nanditas disappearance have to do with the murder of a well-
known lawyer in a gated community? Gowda is soon embroiled in the investigation of a child-trafficking racket. Negotiating insensitive laws, indifferent
officials, and uncooperative witnesses, he is in a race against time to rescue
Nandita from one of the most depraved criminal rings he has ever encountered.
Anita Nair lives in Bangalore, India, and is an internationally acclaimed author
and playwright. Her novel Ladies Coupe is a feminist classic, published in thirty

The Inspector Gowda Series
5 x 7 | 365 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-908524-74-4 USC*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Giveaways through Twitter, Facebook, and Bitter Lemon Press website
Promotion through:

Inspector Gowda is back in another

nail-biting thriller set in Bangalore, India,
the city now a hub for child trafficking.

The Road to Ithaca

Ben Pastor

This volume is the fifth in the Martin Bora WWII mystery series. In May 1941,
Wehrmacht officer Bora is sent to Crete, recently occupied by the German army,
and must investigate the brutal murder of a Red Cross representative befriended
by SS-Chief Himmler. All the clues lead to a platoon of trigger-happy German
paratroopers, but is this the truth?
Bora takes to the mountains of Crete to solve the case, navigating his way
between local bandits and foreign resistance fighters. With echoes of Claus von
Stauffenberg, Bora is torn between his duty as an officer and his integrity as a
human being.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Giveaways through Twitter, Facebook, and Bitter Lemon Press website
Promotion through:

Martin Bora
5 x 7 | 352 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-908524-80-5 USC*
eBook available

Occupied Crete 1941:

A Wehrmacht officer investigates the
murder of a friend of SS-Chief Himmler.

FLC F16 Bitter Lemon 65-68.indd 67

4/5/16 8:51 AM

Selected Backlist from Bitter Lemon Press

Ben Pastor

Tin Sky

Ben Pastor


A Dark Song of Blood

5 x 7 | 410 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-908524-51-5 USC

5 x 7 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $17.95
978-1-904738-66-4 USC

5 x 7 | 246 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-908524-30-0 USC

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available


101 Places in Italy:

A Private Grand Tour

A Cut-Like Wound
Anita Nair

5 x 7 | 365 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-908524-36-2 USC
eBook available

Letters from Ian Hamilton Finlay

to Stephen Bann 196469
Ian Hamilton Finlay and
Stephen Bann
6 x 9 | 400 pp
15 color illustrations, 30 B&W illustrations
Trade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $43.99
978-1-908524-34-8 USC

Ben Pastor

1001 Unforgettable Works of Art

Francis Russell
5 x 7 | 288 pp
150 color and 60 B&W illustrations
Flexibound US $24.95 | CAN $27.50
978-1-908524-32-4 USC
eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Bitter Lemon 65-68.indd 68

4/5/16 8:51 AM

BOA Editions, Ltd.Celebrating 40 Years

The Days Last Light Reddens the Leaves
of the Copper Beech
Stephen Dobyns
Best-selling poet and novelist Stephen Dobyns focuses on the hard truth
of mortality, including sonnets about the recent death of his wife.

This new collection from best-selling poet and novelist Stephen Dobyns focuses
on the hard, ephemeral truth of mortality, including the section Sixteen Sonnets
for Isabel about the recent death of his wife. In true Dobyns fashion, these poems
grip and guide readers into a state of empathy, ultimately raising the question of
how one lives and endures in the world.
The awful imbalance that occurs with age
when you suddenly see that more friends
have died, than remain alive. And at times
the memory seems so real that the latest
realization of a death can become a second,
smaller death. All those talks cut off in mid-
sentence. All those plans tossed in the trash.
What can you do but sit out on the porch
when evening comes? The days last light
reddens the leaves of the copper beach.
Stephen Dobyns is the best-selling author of twenty-three novels, fourteen
books of poetry, two collections of essays, and one book of short stories. Among
his many honors and awards are fellowships from the National Endowment for
the Arts and the Guggenheim Foundation. Dobyns has worked as a reporter
for the Detroit News and has written reviews for such publications as the New
York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Times
Literary Supplement. He has taught at various academic institutions, including
Sarah Lawrence College, the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers,
the University of Iowa, Syracuse University, and Boston University. He currently
lives in Westerly, Rhode Island.

6 x 9 | 116 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-942683-16-2 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: American Poets,
Poets & Writers, Rain Taxi
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Regional New England tour
Contributor Hometown: Westerly, RI

FLC F16 BOA Editions 69-72.indd 69

4/5/16 8:51 AM

BOA Editions, Ltd.Celebrating 40 Years

The End of Pink
Kathryn Nuernberger
These James Laughlin Awardwinning poems plumb
the marvelous and the strange through fact and folklore.

Winner of the 2015 James Laughlin Award, Kathryn Nuernbergers The End of
Pink is populated by strange charactersBat Boy, automatons, taxidermied
mermaids, snake oil salesmen, and Benjamin Franklina ll from the annals of
science and pseudoscience. Equal parts fact and folklore, these poems look to the
marvelous and the weird for a way to understand childbirth, parenthood, sickness, death, andof coursejoy.

American Poets Continuum
6 x 9 | 104 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-942683-14-8 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: American Poets,
Poets & Writers, Rain Taxi
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Multi-city tour

Finding myself in a mesmeric orientation,

before me appeared Benjamin Franklin,
who magnetized his French paramours
at dinner parties as an amusing diversion
from his most serious studies of electricity
and the ethereal fire. I like thinking about
how he would have stood on tiptoe to kiss
their buzzing lips and everyone would gasp
and clap for the blue spark between them.
I believe in an honest and forthright manner,
a democracy of plain speech, so I have to
find a way to explain I dont care to have sex
Kathryn Nuernbergers first book, Rag & Bone (Elixir Press, 2011), was a love letter to backwoods junk collectors and abandoned cabins in the Ozark Mountains.
An unapologetic dilettante, she has received fellowships from the American
Antiquarian Society and the Bakken Museum of Electricity in Life to research
aspects of the history of science and medicine. She teaches at the University of
Central Missouri, and serves as the director of Pleiades Press.
Also Available

Author Events
Miami, FL Kansas City, MO
Seattle, WA Spokane, WA
Contributor Hometown: Columbia, MO

The Book of Goodbyes

Jillian Weise
American Poets Continuum
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-938160-14-1 W
eBook available

FLC F16 BOA Editions 69-72.indd 70

4/5/16 8:51 AM

BOA Editions, Ltd.Celebrating 40 Years

Mandatory Evacuation
Peter Makuck
Through lyrical narrative, the poems in Mandatory Evacuation find radiance
in everyday people and subjects by the simple act of noticingof seeking that
which matters most. Like returning home with new eyes after a devastating
storm, these poems startle us to awareness, focusing on the passage of time, the
beauty of small, fleeting moments, and the importance of paying attention.
Peter Makuck is the author of numerous BOA collections, most recently Long
Lens: New and Selected Poems (2010). He is a distinguished professor emeritus
at East Carolina University, where he founded and edited Tar River Poetry for
thirty years.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National advertising: American Poets, Poets & Writers, Rain Taxi
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Regional events in North Carolina Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Pine Knoll Shores, NC

6 x 9 | 104 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-942683-18-6 W
eBook available

Using lyrical narrative, Peter Makucks

latest collection startles us to attention,
giving us new eyes to find radiance
in small moments.

The Art and Life of Horace H. Pippin

Janice N. Harrington
A biographical reflection on the art and life of Horace H. Pippinthe best-
known African American artist of his timePrimitive is also a critique on current perceptions surrounding African American folk art, as well as the absence
of key African American history in present-day curricula. Award-w inning poet
Janice Harrington connects readers with this fascinating, odds-defying artist,
all while underscoring the human need for artistic expression.
Janice N. Harrington writes poetry and childrens books. A Cave Canem fellow, she is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Kate Tufts Discovery
Award. She currently teaches at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
National advertising: American Poets, Poets & Writers, Rain Taxi
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Regional events in Illinois Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Champaign, IL


7 x 9 | 104 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-942683-20-9 W
eBook available

Biographical poems on artist

Horace H. Pippin, who left an invaluable
record of African American life
during World War I.

FLC F16 BOA Editions 69-72.indd 71

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BOA Editions, Ltd.Celebrating 40 Years

Seed in Snow
Knuts Skujenieks
Translated with an introduction by Bitite Vinklers
The first bilingual US publication of renowned
Latvian poet Knuts Skujenieks, which was written during
seven years of Soviet imprisonment.

This first US publication of Knuts Skujenieksone of Latvias foremost contemporary poetsis the authors most important and widely-t ranslated body of
work. Convicted in 1962 of anti-Soviet sentiment, Skujenieks wrote these poems
during seven years of imprisonment at a labor camp in Mordovia. Vivid and expressive, this collection overcomes the physical experience of confinement in
order to assert a limitless creative freedom.
A Love Poem
I would like clarity. To exclude
A relationships tangled yarn.
Not a word.
Let reaction suffice.
6 x 9 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-942683-22-3 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: American Poets,
Poets & Writers, Rain Taxi
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

So. Only so. And if the two of us

Are pitched alone against the world,
That we can instantly swing about
From face-to-face
And stand back to back.
Would that be too much?
But a poem cannot be written
If one awaits the bullet
From the back,
And not from the front.
Knuts Skujenieks was born in 1936 in Latvia, where he studied philology and
history at the University of Latvia. In 1962, he was convicted of anti-Soviet activity and served a seven-year prison sentence in the Mordovia gulag. While there,
he wrote many poems in letters to his wife, which were first published in 2002
as Sekla sniega (Seed in Snow). A polyglot, Skujenieks has translated into Latvian
such poets as Federico Garcia Lorca, Yannis Ritsos, Pablo Neruda, Csar Vallejo,
Konstanty Ildefons Galczinsky, and Tomas Transtrmer. He has received the
highest literary and state honors in Latvia, as well as awards across Europe, including Swedens Tomas Transtrmer prize, and his poetry has been translated
into more than thirty languages. He currently lives in Salaspils, Latvia.

FLC F16 BOA Editions 69-72.indd 72

4/5/16 8:51 AM

Bywater Books
Ann McMan

For the quirky residents of Jericho, life has as many

twists and turns as a winding mountain road.

I love Ann McMan.Dorothy Allison, author of National Book Award finalist

Bastard Out of Carolina
Ann McMan is the lesbian Armistead Maupinonly better.Lee Lynch,
author ofThe Swashbuckler
Goldenrod takes us on a delightful journey back to Jericho, a sleepy town in the
Appalachian Mountains of Virginia where life is anything but dull. As Maddie
and Syd struggle to find a new normal without their foster child, Maddies patrician mother retires to Jericho and becomes uncomfortably attracted to a much
younger man. Meanwhile, the irrepressible Roma Jean Freemantle struggles to
pilot not just an unwieldy bookmobile, but also her growing attraction to another woman. Throughout it all, life and love in this endearing community take
as many twists and turns as a winding mountain roadbut hope and the human
spirit glow as brilliantly as goldenrod in the autumn sun.
Ann McManis the author of six novels and two short story collections. She is
the recipient of two Golden Crown Literary Awards and her novel Hoosier Daddy
was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist. She resides in Winston-Salem, North

5 x 8 | 350 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-61294-083-0 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Radio campaign
Print and online campaign
Outreach to lesbian and women-focused
publications and websites
Social media campaign
Regional tour across the south and the
mid-Atlantic seaboard

Author Events
Washington, DC St. Louis, MO
Asheville, NC Charlotte, NC
Raleigh-Durham, NC Winston-Salem, NC

Ann McMan
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-61294-063-2 USC

Ann McMan
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-61294-087-8 USC

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Bywater 73-76.indd 73

Contributor Hometown: Winston-Salem, NC

4/5/16 8:50 AM

Bywater Books
The Liberators of Willow Run
Marianne K. Martin

The untold story of the women who built

the bombers that helped win World War II.

5 x 8 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-61294-079-3 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans

Its 1943 and the world is at war.

Hope for victory rests on the wings of Americas Liberator, the B-2 4 bomber.
And with more than nine million Americans on the front lines, there is only one
way for the assembly plants to produce enough planes to meet the demand
recruit women by the thousands into the workforce.
Audrey Draper is committed to the war effort, and beyond that, to finding
her own personal and financial independence. And she is not alone. Ruth Evans
also chooses to seek employment. As a waitress living on her own, she not only
searches for freedom, but also a way to fulfill an important promise. And then
theres young Amelia, a fifteen-year-old rape victim who is being forced to return
to a dark and dangerous home. Audrey, Ruth, and a handful of these newly in
dependent women must risk everything they have fought so hard to achieve to
give one of their own a fighting chance to survive. Set against the backdrop of a
rapidly changing world, these women capture the spirit of the times through their
determination, ingenuity, and enduring courage.
Marianne K. Martin is one of the most popular lesbian romance authors in the
genre. She is the author of ten novels, including four Lambda Literary Award finalists. She has been honored with the Trailblazer Award from the Golden Crown
Literary Society, and she was inducted into the Saints and Sinners Literary Hall
of Fame in 2013.

Social media campaign

Print and online campaign
Outreach to lesbian and women-focused
publications and websites
Regional tour across New England, the
Midwest, and the mid-Atlantic seaboard

Author Events
Washington, DC Rehoboth Beach, DE
New Orleans, LA Provincetown, MA
Ann Arbor, MI Detroit, MI


Contributor Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI

FLC F16 Bywater 73-76.indd 74

Tangled Roots
Marianne K. Martin
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-61294-053-3 USC

Under the Witness Tree

Marianne K. Martin
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.50
978-1-932859-00-3 USC

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 8:50 AM

Bywater Books
Close to Home
Rachel Spangler

Can a CPA and her brash, young intern reconcile their differences,
or will the answers hit too close to home?

Kelly Rolen is a CPAshes smart, shes focused, and shes worked hard to build
an orderly career and a respectable life in her hometown of Darlington, Illinois.
Everything is precisely as it should be. Well, it is until her father suffers a debili
tating stroke during the busiest time of her yeartax season. Suddenly, Kelly
finds herself overworked, exhausted, behind schedule, and forced to hire an intern to meet her deadlines.
Elliot Garza is young and brash, but shes also a talented accounting student
who is charismatic, driven, and solely focused on completing her internship so
she can escape from the bleak Midwestern town to Washington, DC, and her
dream job. She knows she has the professional skills necessary to do the job well,
but she is less certain about her ability to handle her beautiful, prickly, demanding, and compelling new boss.
Will Kellys past and Elliots future add up to something greater than the sum
of their escalating attraction, or will the answer to their equation end up hitting
too close to home?
Rachel Spangler, one of the genres top young writers, is the author of ten lesbian romance novels and novellas and the winner of two Golden Crown Literary
Society Awards. She pens the popular blog Wonder Boi Writes and lives with
her wife and son in Western New York.

A Darlington Romance
5 x 8 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-61294-081-6 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans

Also Available

Social media campaign

Print and online campaign
Outreach to lesbian and women-focused
publications and websites
Regional tour across the upper Midwest,
New England, and the mid-Atlantic seaboard

Author Events
Washington, DC Provincetown, MA
St. Louis, MO Buffalo, NY
Contributor Hometown: Fredonia, NY

Perfect Pairing
Rachel Spangler
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61294-069-4 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Bywater 73-76.indd 75

4/5/16 8:50 AM

Bywater Books
The Ada Decades
Paula Martinac

Over the course of seven decades, one woman reaches her own form of
Southern womanhoodcompassionate, resilient, principled, and lesbian.

A girl from a Carolina mill family isnt supposed to strive for a career, but Ada
Shook graduates from college on a scholarship and lands a plum job as a school
librarian. As the 1950s South rocks with turbulence, Ada finds herself caught in
the ugly fight to integrate the Charlotte, North Carolina, public schools. At the
same time, she makes friends with Cam Lively, a teacher who challenges her to
reexamine her narrow upbringing. The two young women fall in love and throw
in their lot together, despite their underlying fear of being found out and fired.
Over seven decades, Ada is witness to the racism laced through her Southern
city, the paradox of religion as both comfort and torment, and the survival networks created by gay people. Eleven interconnected stories cover the sweep
of one womans personal history as she reaches her own form of Southern
womanhoodcompassionate, resilient, principled, and lesbian.
5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61294-085-4 USC
eBook available

Paula Martinac is the author of three published novels and a collection of short
stories. Her debut novel Out of Time won the inaugural Lambda Literary Award
for Fiction. She has published three nonfiction books on lesbian and gay culture
and politics as well as numerous articles, essays, and short stories. Also a playwright, her works have had productions with Pittsburgh Playwrights Theater
Company, Manhattan Theatre Source, the Pittsburgh New Works Festival,
No Name Players, and others. She teaches creative writing at the University of
North Carolina at Charlotte.

Marketing Plans
Social media campaign
Print and online campaign
Outreach to lesbian and women-focused
publications and websites
Regional tour across the south, New England,
and the mid-Atlantic seaboard

Author Events
Washington, DC New Orleans, LA
Provincetown, MA Asheville, NC
Charlotte, NC Raleigh/Durham, NC
Contributor Hometown: Charlotte, NC

FLC F16 Bywater 73-76.indd 76

4/5/16 8:50 AM

Centipede Press
The Man with the Speckled Eyes
R. A. Lafferty
Introduction by Richard A. Lupoff
Afterword by John Pelan
Illustrated by Jacob McMurray

Fourth volume of the complete short fiction of R. A. Lafferty.

With most of his brilliant and original work now out-of-print, this is the fourth
volume in Centipede Press series of the short fiction of R. A. Lafferty, one of science fictions most highly-regarded authors. Volume four features a new introduction by esteemed science fiction and fantasy author Richard A. Lupoff, an
afterword by John Pelan, and art by Jacob McMurray. The Man with the Speckled
Eyes includes nearly twenty stories, many of which have never before been collected in book form.
R. A. Lafferty (1914-2002) was a Hugo Award-w inning science fiction and fantasy author known for his singular creativity, originality, and wit. In a Washington
Post article after Laffertys death, Neil Gaiman eulogized him as being without
precedent; Arthur C. Clarke referred to Lafferty as One of the few writers who
have made me laugh aloud. In 1990, Lafferty received a World Fantasy Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Richard A. Lupoff is a Hugo Award-w inning editor and Nebula Award-nominated
author of short fiction, novels, and nonfiction.

5 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Cloth US $100.00 | CAN $129.99
978-1-61347-167-8 USC

John Pelan is a genre historian living in New Mexico.

Jacob McMurray is a graphic designer and illustrator living in Seattle, Washington.
He is also a curator at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle.

Contributor Hometown: Seattle, WA

The Man Underneath
The Collected Short Fiction,
Volume Three
R. A. Lafferty
Afterword by John Pelan
Illustrated by Jacob McMurray
Trade Cloth US $100.00 | CAN $129.99
978-1-61347-164-7 USC

FLC F16 Centipede 77-78.indd 77

The Man Who Made Models

The Collected Short Fiction, Volume One
Second Edition
R. A. Lafferty
Trade Cloth US $100.00 | CAN $124.99
978-1-61347-144-9 USC

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Selected Backlist from Centipede Press

The Devils Backbone

and Pans Labyrinth
Studies in the Horror Film
Edited by Danel Olson

Introduction by Guillermo del Toro

Preface by Ivana Baquero
Afterword by Fernando Tielve
5 x 8 | 416 pp
Color photographs, illustrations,
B&W photographs, illustrations
Trade Paper US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-1-61347-101-2 USC

Studies in the Horror Film:

Stanley Kubricks
The Shining
Edited by Danel Olson

6 x 8 | 600 pp
Color photographs and illustrations,
film stills
Trade Paper US $45.00 | CAN $56.50
978-1-61347-069-5 USC

The Bride Wore Black

Cornell Woolrich

6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Cloth US $150.00
978-1-61347-145-6 US

Black Alibi

The Black Curtain

The Black Path of Fear

6 x 9 | 256 pp
Color photographs and illustrations,
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $150.00
978-1-61347-146-3 US

6 x 9 | 212 pp
Color photographs and illustrations,
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $150.00
978-1-61347-147-0 US

6 x 9 | 224 pp
Color photographs and illustrations,
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $150.00
978-1-61347-148-7 US

Cornell Woolrich

Cornell Woolrich

Cornell Woolrich

FLC F16 Centipede 77-78.indd 78

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Central Recovery Press

Breaking the Trance
A Practical Guide for Parenting the Screen-Dependent Child

George T. Lynn, MA, LMHC

With Cynthia C. Johnson, MA
Strategies for parents to understand and create a healthy family
relationship for recreational screen media use at home.

Screen media use (accessing digital content on tablets, cell phones, etc.) is quickly
replacing traditional family time, and it is accepted that nothing can be done.
With few resources available, many parents are driven to look for a new framework to make the best decisions for their families.
Written as an easy-to-follow guide for parents who want to understand recreational screen media use in their homes, Breaking the Trance does not blame
parents, nor vilify technology as a whole, but rather provides easy and effective strategies to implement immediately. Using clinical examples and specific
guidelines, the authors equip parents with tools for measuring the presence of
an issue with screen media use toward getting screen dependency under control.
Ultimately, parents will be able to establish a screen control plan based on their
own familys values that works and can be enforced.
George T. Lynn, MA, LMHC, is a psychotherapist from Bellevue, Washington,
who has pioneered the use of psychotherapy for adults and children with neuro
psychological issues. Lynn is the author of four previous books on the topic of
parenting children with neurological differences and has appeared on National
Public Radio, Air America, and The Maury Povich Show to talk about his work
with children who exhibit extreme behavior problems.
Cynthia C. Johnson, MA, is an educator and founding director of the Venture
Program at Bellevue College, the first degree program in the nation designed
for students challenged with learning and intellectual disabilities. She holds a
Masters Degree in Educational Administration.


6 x 9 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942094-26-5 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
Advertising in: Kirkus Reviews, Publishers
Weekly, Library Journal, Psychology Today
Booksigning at 2017 BEA trade convention,
publicity in conjunction with NCAD, Journal
Training, and APA events.
Outreach to womens general interest and
parenting magazines
Promotion through:
Contributors Hometowns: Bellevue, WA /
Seattle, WA

FLC F16 Central Recovery 79-84.indd 79

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Central Recovery Press

Connecting in the Land of Dementia
Creative Activities to Explore Together

Deborah Shouse

Simple, imaginative activities and expressive therapies designed for

caregivers to engage and connect with people living with dementia.


6 x 9 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942094-24-1 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
Advertising in: Kirkus Reviews, Publishers
Weekly, Library Journal, Psychology Today
Booksigning at 2016 BEA trade convention,
publicity in conjunction with NCAD, Journal
Training, and APA events.
Outreach to senior-interest magazines
Promotion through:

Finding the connection with a loved one afflicted with dementia is a challenge millions of people face: One in ten Americans has a family member with Alzheimers,
and one in three knows someone with the disease. This book offers care partners
practical, hands-on ideas for meaningful, creative activities they can do with their
patients, family members, or friends who have dementia. It also includes creative
tips for busy care partners, offering quick and easy forms of renewal and respite.
Too often, people living with dementia are entertained instead of engaged.
Research shows that artistic and imaginative activities reduce the need for psychotropic medications. Doing activities together also increases social inter
actions, builds positive energy, and adds a sense of discovery to the day.
Connecting in the Land of Dementia also features the innovative ideas of seventy thought leaders in the field of dementia and creativity. Both family and professional care partners can use these activities, involving music, movement,
cooking, nature, storytelling, poetry, movies, technology, and more, to engage
and connect with people who are living with dementia.
Deborah Shouse is a writer, speaker, creativity catalyst, and dementia advocate.
Her first book in the Love in the Land series is a bestseller for Central Recovery
Press. Her writing has appeared in a variety of publications including the
Washington Post, Huffington Post, Natural Awakenings, Readers Digest, Newsweek,
Womans Day, Spirituality & Health, the Chicago Tribune, and Unity Magazine.

Also Available

Contributor Hometown: Kansas City, MO

Love in the Land of Dementia

Finding Hope in the Caregivers Journey
Deborah Shouse
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937612-49-8 USC

FLC F16 Central Recovery 79-84.indd 80

eBook available

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Central Recovery Press

A Nutrition Doctors Journey from Empty to Full

Anne McTiernan, MD, PhD

One womans gripping coming-of-age story of her triumph

over heartbreaking emotional and physical deprivation
to become a successful doctor.

Set in the working-class, Irish-A merican Boston of the 1950s and 60s, Starved is
an inspirational coming-of-age story. At the young age of four, Anne McTiernan
was left by her mother at a Catholic boarding school where she was emotionally
and physically starved. After a doctor forced Annes mother to bring her home,
her mother used physical and verbal abuse to take out her frustrations on the defenseless little girl.
Anne transitions from a malnourished state to binge eating to obesity. At age
fifteen, without love and support from her family, Anne is forced to take full responsibility for her own life through hard work, undaunted intelligence, and
Today a leading doctor and researcher on obesity and health, Anne has
helped thousands of women improve their relationship with food, but this is
not their story. Starved is the story of how Anne helped herself and turned the
adversity she encountered as a child into a strength and set of skills that would
later help her meet the demands of her career.
Anne McTiernan, MD, PhD, is a physician who conducts research on the effects of diet, exercise, and weight loss on cancer and health. Currently, she is a
professor at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of
Washington Schools of Public Health and Medicine in Seattle, Washington.


6 x 9 | 272 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942094-28-9 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
Advertising in: Kirkus Reviews, Publishers
Weekly, Library Journal, Psychology Today
Booksigning at 2017 BEA trade convention,
publicity in conjunction with NCAD, Journal
Training, and APA events.
Outreach to womens general interest and
lifestyle magazines
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Seattle, WA

FLC F16 Central Recovery 79-84.indd 81

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Central Recovery Press

RecoveryMind Training
A Neuroscientific Approach to Treating Addiction

Paul H. Earley, MD, DFASAM

A comprehensive addiction treatment model combining
evidence-based techniques with twelve-step philosophy,
laying the foundation for successful recovery.

6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-942094-32-6 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
Advertising in: Kirkus Reviews, Publishers
Weekly, Library Journal, Psychology Today
Booksigning at 2017 BEA trade convention,
publicity in conjunction with NCAD, Journal
Training, and APA events.
Promotion through:

An innovative guide for professionals that establishes an extraordinary approach to understanding the dynamics of addiction and the recovery process.
RecoveryMind Training (RMT) includes state-of-the-art information on neuro
science and behavioral techniques.
To be successful, the learning involved in recovery has to overcome the complex and hard-wired entrainment produced by the use of highly reinforcing
drugsincluding alcohol. The RMT model describes the dynamics of active addiction with regard to its effects on the brainmotivations, drives, memories,
and cognitive distortionswith the term AddictBrain. Recovery is facilitated through the learning of a structured set of skills that promote changes
thoughts, beliefs, and actions, and brings about RecoveryMind.
RMT challenges readers to see addiction from a different perspective and
introduces a structured treatment model that will put order to the chaos typically found with addiction.
Paul H. Earley, MD, DFASAM has been an addiction medicine physician for
thirty years. He treats all types of addictive disorders and specializes in the assessment and treatment of healthcare professionals. As a therapist, he works with
patients already in recovery, providing long-term therapy for those who suffer
from this disease. Dr. Earley has been on the board of the American Society of
Addiction Medicine (ASAM) for over fourteen years and is currently a directorat-large. Currently, he is the Medical Director of the Georgia Professionals Health
Program, Inc. He also trains therapists about the neurobiological basis of addiction and psychotherapy. Dr. Early has provided training in the United States,
Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Switzerland.

Contributor Hometown: Atlanta, GA

FLC F16 Central Recovery 79-84.indd 82

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Central Recovery Press

Real Hope, True Freedom
Understanding and Coping with Sex Addiction

Milton S. Magness, DMin, and Marsha Means, MA

Answers many questions and offers specific tools on how relationships

not only can survive sex addiction, but thrive in recovery.

Covering a wide variety of topics for anyone who wants to understand sex addiction and the process of recovery, this comprehensive volume addresses the
different manifestations and misperceptions of a disabling disorder. The topics covered include: how sex addiction impacts the brain, risk factors, and when
sex addiction co-occurs with other mental health disorders; barriers to getting
help, information and resources specific to the needs of the partners of sex addicts; the process of treatment, and the process of recovery for both individuals
and couples. Included are tips for relationship rebuilding, re-establishing intimacy, healthy sexuality, and relapse prevention tools and strategies. The book is
in part structured in an FAQ-style format.
Milton Magness, DMin, MA, LPC, CSAT, is the founder and director of Hope
& Freedom Counseling Services in Houston. He is a Licensed Professional
Counselor and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist. Dr. Magness is the author of
Stop Sex Addiction: Real Hope, True Freedom for Sex Addicts and Partners; Thirty
Days to Hope & Freedom for Sexual Addicts: The Essential Guide for Daily Recovery
and Relapse Prevention; and Hope & Freedom for Sexual Addicts and Their Partners.
Marsha Means, MA, is a marriage and family therapist, as well as the founder
and director of A Circle of Joy Ministries. She is the author of Your Sexually
Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal and co-author of Living with
Your Husbands Secret Wars.

Also Available


6 x 9 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-942094-30-2 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
Advertising in: Kirkus Reviews, Publishers
Weekly, Library Journal, Psychology Today
Booksigning at 2017 BEA trade convention,
publicity in conjunction with NCAD, Journal
Training, and APA events.
Outreach to womens general interest and
lifestyle magazines
Promotion through:
Contributors Hometowns: Houston, TX /
Prescott, AZ

Stop Sex Addiction

Real Hope, True Freedom for Sex Addicts and Partners
Milton Magness
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-937612-23-8 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Central Recovery 79-84.indd 83

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Selected Backlist from Central Recovery Press

The Joey Song

A Mothers Story of
Her Sons Addiction
Sandra Swenson
6 x 9 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937612-71-9 USC
eBook available

Yoga and the

Twelve-Step Path
Kyczy Hawk


6 x 9 | 258 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-936290-80-2 USC
eBook available

Many Faces, One Voice

All Bets Are Off

Secrets from
The Anonymous People
Bud Mikhitarian

Foreword by Greg Williams

Losers, Liars, and Recovery

from Gambling Addiction
Arnie Wexler and Sheila Wexler
with Steve Jacobson


6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $22.50
978-1-937612-93-1 USC


6 x 9 | 252 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-937612-75-7 USC

eBook available

eBook available

Intimate Treason

Healing the Trauma for Partners

Confronting Sex Addiction
Claudia Black and Cara Tripodi
8 x 10 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-936290-93-2 USC
eBook available


My Life as a Fat Man

and How I Escaped
Gregg McBride

Foreword by Joy Bauer

6 x 9 | 328 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-937612-69-6 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Central Recovery 79-84.indd 84

4/5/16 8:48 AM

Chin Music Press

White Elephant
Mako Idemitsu
Translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter

Sakiko cannot say no. Hiroko is tired of hearing it. Two sisters,
straddling American and Japanese culture, navigate womanhood.

With a deeply-imbedded indebtedness to their father Morimasa Morimoto, a

self-made man in post-war Japan, two sisters struggle to uphold a family legacy.
Sakiko moves to the fantastically free United States. Fragile and unsure in 1960s
San Francisco, she clings to her brazen artist husband for stability. Hiroko, headstrong and irreverent, uses her fathers money to move to New York, promising to
become a famous artist. Intolerant of weakness in others, she crumbles in the face
of her own shortcomings.
From catty carpooling moms to manipulative stoners, and abortions to adultery, White Elephant is a vivid book from a seasoned artist turned writer. Mako
Idemitsu, daughter of Rockefeller-esque petroleum executive Sazo Idemitsu,
reconfigures her own family discord to reflect on the binds of being female in
this gorgeous English translation.
Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Mako Idemitsu immigrated to the United States
in 1963, where she met and married abstract expressionist painter Sam Francis.
Disillusioned with housewife life, she picked up an 8mm camera and became
a pioneer in experimental video and the feminist art movement of the 1970s.
Internationally acclaimed, her work has been featured in major museums worldwide and is included in the MoMAs permanent collection. This is her debut novel.
Award-w inning translator Juliet Winters Carpenter has rendered the works of
Abe Kobo, Fumiko Enchi, and Minae Mizumura into English. She is the first person to have won the prestigious Japan-US Friendship Commission Prize for the
Translation of Japanese Literature twice.

5 x 7 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-63405-958-9 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Chin Music 85-86.indd 85

4/5/16 8:47 AM

Chin Music Press

Meet Me at the Bamboo Table
Everyday Meals Everywhere

A.V. Crofts

In a multimedia feast for the senses, this memoir-in-meals crosses the

world investigating how food nourishes memory, culture, and community.


6 x 9 | 184 pp
50 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $16.50 | CAN $21.50
978-1-63405-960-2 W
eBook available

In our ever-more-g lobalized world, how better to connect than with food, and
who better to connect us than a chowhound communications professor? A.V.
Crofts has spent decades eating (and learning) her way around the world. Shes
studied in China, taught in Italy, and conducted humanitarian communications
trainings in war-torn Sudan. Here, she traces a lifetime of meals across countries and continents, exploring the ways that food ties us together. With warm,
thoughtful prose, Crofts invites us to the only coffee shop in Kunming; to a home-
cooked feast at a civil rights pilgrimage in Alabama; to a surprise Thanksgiving in
Germany; and to her annual Lunar New Year dumpling party in Seattle.
This full-color visual tour-de-force will delight foodies, armchair travelers,
and anyone whos ever learned a little something from a special meal. Photos,
sketchnotes, and other ephemera from Croftss globetrotting coalesce into a
truly beautiful meditation on how food nourishes community.
A.V. Crofts works at the University of Washington as a Senior Lecturer in the
Department of Communication and as a clinical instructor in the Department of
Global Health. Her work has been published in Gastronomica, Saveur, and on her
popular blog, Pepper for the Beast.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
National 6-city tour

Author Events
Portland, ME Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Seattle, WA

FLC F16 Chin Music 85-86.indd 86

4/5/16 8:47 AM

ChiZine Publications
The Rib From Which I Remake the World
Ed Kurtz

What begins with a gruesome and impossible murder soon spirals into hallucinatory waking nightmares for hotel house detective Jojo Walker in World War II
Arkansas. Black magic and a terrifying Luciferian carnival boil up to a surreal finale for the town of Litchfield, and Walker is forced to face his own identity in
ways he could never have imagined.

6 x 9 | 350 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99
978-1-77148-390-2 W* (excludes Canada)

A blend of Jim Thompsonstyle

mid-century rural noir and the more
phantasmagorical novels of Peter Straub.

Seven Crow Stories

Robert J. Wiersema

In his debut collection Seven Crow Stories, best-selling novelist Robert J. Wiersema
draws on myth, folktale, ghost stories, and fairy tales to share a glimpse of the
worlds bordering our own. With his short fiction, Wiersema explores the mysterious realms of the shadowsthe mirrorlands where time runs strange.
FICTION | October | ChiZine Publications | 5 x 7 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99 | 978-1-77148-395-7 W* (excludes Canada)

or How to DIY Without Getting Killed
Noah Wareness
A surrealist, post-apocalyptic novel that evokes Chuck Palahniuk intersecting
with Hunter S. Thompson, Meatheads relates the bizarre, high-octane quest of
mind-bent punks navigating the zombie-i nfested wasteland of San Angeles.
FICTION | September | 6 x 9 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99 | 978-1-77148-388-9 W* (excludes Canada)

FLC F16 ChiZine 87-90.indd 87

4/5/16 8:45 AM

ChiZine Publications
Midnight City: Flesh Tree
G.M.B. Chomichuk

After uncovering the ghastly secret of the heroes of the Midnight Society, The
Risk must navigate treacherous waters, aided only by his arch-nemesis, The
Sphinx. Guided by nightmares of his dead comrades in a world where everyone is
hiding something behind the mask, how long until The Risks luck runs out, and
the world becomes the hellscape he thought hed left behind in the War?


6 x 10 | 84 pp
Trade Paper US $19.99
978-1-77148-399-5 W* (excludes Canada)

Re-imagined public domain pulp

heroes try to survive the horrors of
H.P. Lovecrafts eldritch terrors in this
sequel to Midnight City: Corpse Blossom.

Very Sensible Stories and

Poems for Grown Persons
Jason Taniguchi
A mix of mind-bending genre poems and stories that sidle up to your spirit, so
that you say to yourself, Hmm! This looks like just the sort of unconventional
book Ive been looking for! These are stories and poems. You are a grown person.
Why not do the sensible thing?
LITERARY COLLECTIONS / POETRY | September | 5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $17.99 | 978-1-77148-405-3 W* (excludes Canada)

The Role of Lightning in Evolution

David Clink
In David Clinks long-awaited fourth collection of speculative genre poetry, a
poet-master craftsman paints articulate and detailed portraits of his life and experiences with tremendous skill and accomplishment. There is heart here, a love of
family (no matter how strange that family may be), ghosts, a sance, shape shifters, a dragon made of words, an insect caught between dimensions, and a road that
can feel your every footfall.
POETRY | September | 5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $17.99 | 978-1-77148-401-5 W* (excludes Canada)

FLC F16 ChiZine 87-90.indd 88

4/5/16 8:45 AM

ChiZine Publications
House of Mystery
Courtney Bates-Hardy
House of Mystery is a beautifully dark and vivid collection of poems that tears
down our familiar ideas about fairy tales. These are not poems about privileged
princesses who live happily ever after; these are poems about monsters, mothers,
witches, and mermaids. They explore the pain of change and womanhood, and
transform the way we think about fairy tales.
POETRY | September | 5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $17.99 | 978-1-77148-403-9 W* (excludes Canada)

Imaginarium 5:
The Best Canadian Speculative Writing
Edited by Samantha Beiko and Sandra Kasturi
This annual speculative fiction anthology collects the best reprinted short fiction
and poetry from the current year, featuring the most urgent Canadian voices in
the genre. It features an introduction by horror author Andrew Pyper.
FICTION | September | 6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99 | 978-1-77148-392-6 W* (excludes Canada)

Angels of Our Better Beasts

Jerome Stueart

A collection of fifteen fantastical stories of beasts, and the beasts we sometimes

become, asking us how much influence we have over each other, and how much
control the beasts already have over us.
FICTION | December | 6 x 9 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99 | 978-1-77148-407-7 W* (excludes Canada)

Cocktails at Seven, Apocalypse at Eight:

The Derby Cavendish Stories
Don Bassingthwaite
Im Derby Cavendishthats pronounced Derby with an ar sound, not an er: remember it for later. Ever since I was a boy, the forces of the otherworldly have been
drawn to me like divas to a spotlight. But Im ready for them. Bring it on, bitches.
Its Supernatural meets Queer Eye for the Straight Guy in this hilarious collection of stories from Wizards of the Coast author Don Bassingthwaite.
FICTION | December | 6 x 9 | 260 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99 | 978-1-77148-376-6 W* (excludes Canada)

FLC F16 ChiZine 87-90.indd 89

4/5/16 8:45 AM

Selected Backlist from ChiZine Publications

House of War and Witness

Experimental Film

Almost Dark

6 x 9 | 312 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99
978-1-77148-349-0 W* (excludes Canada)

6 x 9 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99
978-1-77148-336-0 W* (excludes Canada)

Shadows in Summerland

The Lady ParaNorma

Midnight City:
Corpse Blossom

6 x 9 | 350 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99
978-1-77148-383-4 W* (excludes Canada)


8 x 8 | 80 pp
Trade Paper US $19.99
978-1-77148-195-3 W* (excludes Canada)

Mike Carey, Linda Carey

& Louise Carey

6 x 9 | 420 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99
978-1-77148-312-4 W* (excludes Canada)

Adrian Van Young

Gemma Files

Vincent Marcone

Letitia Trent

G.M.B. Chomichuk


6 x 10 | 85 pp
Trade Paper US $19.99
978-1-77148-381-0 W* (excludes Canada)

FLC F16 ChiZine 87-90.indd 90

4/5/16 8:45 AM

Cinco Puntos Press

Murder on the Red River
Marcie R. Rendon

A murdered man in a field. The sheriff needs Casha twenty-something

tough, smart Indian woman with special seeing powers.

Cash and Sheriff Wheaton make for a strange partnership. He pulled her from
her mothers wrecked car when she was three. Hes kept an eye out for her ever
since. Its a tough place to livenorthern Minnesota along the Red River. Cash
navigated through foster homes, and at thirteen was working farms. Shes tough
as nailsfi ve feet two inches, blue jeans, blue jean jacket, smokes Marlboros,
drinks Bud Longnecks. Makes her living driving truck. Playing pool on the side.
Wheaton is big lawman type. Scandinavian stock, but darker skin than most.
He wants her to take hold of her life. Get into junior college. So there they are,
staring at the dead Indian lying in the field. Soon Cash is dreaming the dead
mans cheap house on the Red Lake Reservation, mother and kids waiting. She
has that kind of power. Thats the place to start looking. Theres a long and dangerous way to go to find the men who killed him. Plus theres Jim, the married
white guy. And Longbraids, the Indian guy headed for Minneapolis to join the
American Indian Movement.
Marcie R. Rendon is an enrolled member of the White Earth Anishinabe
Nation. She is a mother, grandmother, writer, and performance artist. A recipient of the Lofts Inroads Writers of Color Award for Native Americans, she studied
under Anishinabe author Jim Northrup. Her first childrens book is Pow Wow
Summer (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2014). Murder on the Red River is
her debut novel.

5 x 8 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941026-52-6 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Social media campaign
Regional Midwest author tour
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

FLC F16 Cinco Puntos 91-92.indd 91

4/5/16 8:43 AM

Selected Backlist from Cinco Puntos Press

The Do-Right

Country of the Bad Wolfes

5 x 8 | 306 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941026-19-9 W

6 x 9 | 368 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935955-03-0 USC

eBook available

eBook available

Lisa Sandlin

James Carlos Blake

Everything Begins and

Ends at the Kentucky Club
Benjamin Alire Senz

6 x 9 | 180 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935955-32-0 USC
eBook available

House of Purple Cedar

Tim Tingle

Phillippe Diederich


A Tightly Raveled Mind

6 x 9 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935955-24-5 USC

6 x 9 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941026-14-4 W

6 x 9 | 306 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935955-92-4 NA

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

Diane Lawson

FLC F16 Cinco Puntos 91-92.indd 92

4/5/16 8:43 AM

City Lights Publishers

Whistleblower at the CIA
An Insiders Account of the Politics of Intelligence

Melvin A. Goodman

A former CIA analyst tells the inside story of

political corruption inside the CIA and what he did to stop it.

Mel Goodman has spent the last few decades telling us whats gone wrong with
American intelligence and the American military . . . he is also telling us how to
save ourselves.Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker
Melvin Goodmans long career as a respected intelligence analyst at the CIA,
specializing in US-Soviet relations, ended abruptly after twenty-four years. In
1990, Goodman resigned when he could no longer tolerate the corruption he
witnessed at the highest levels of the Agency. In 1991 he went public, blowing
the whistle on top-level officials and leading the opposition against the appointment of Robert Gates as CIA director. In the widely covered Senate hearings,
Goodman charged that Gates and others had subverted the process and the
ethics of intelligence by deliberately misinforming the White House about
major world events and covert operations.
In this breathtaking expos, Goodman tells the whole story. Retracing his
career with the Agency, he presents a rare insiders account of the inner workings of Americas intelligence community and the corruption, intimidation, and
misinformation that lead to disastrous foreign policy decisions. An invaluable
and historic look into one of the most secretive and influential branches of US
governmenta nd a wake-up call for the need to reform its practices.
Melvin A. Goodman served as a Senior Analyst and Division Chief at the CIA
from 1966 to 1990. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, Washington
Post, Harpers, and many others. He is the author of six books on US intelligence
and international security.
Also Available

5 x 8 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-0-87286-730-7 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Washington, DC
Boston, MA Cambridge, MA Baltimore, MD
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Washington, DC
National Insecurity
The Cost of American Militarism
Melvin A. Goodman
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $21.99
978-0-87286-589-1 W
eBook available

FLC F16 City Lights 93-98.indd 93

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City Lights Publishers

America at War with Itself
Henry A. Giroux
An eye-opening critique of how Americas drift toward
authoritarian intolerance is dividing the nation
and intensifying social and political conflicts.

Praise for The Violence of Organized Forgetting:

A clarion call to imagine a different Americajust, fair, and caringa nd then
to struggle for it.Bill Moyers
Prophetic and eloquent.Frontline

City Lights Open Media
5 x 7 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-0-87286-732-1 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Author tour in Canada
Promotion through:,

From hatemongering tactics in the run-up to the 2016 presidential race, to the
increasing number of mass shootings, to excessive police violence, evidence
that America is at war with itself is everywhere around us. The question is not
whether or not its happening, but how to understand whats driving the crisis and how to prevent conditions from getting worse. In this insightful book,
Henry A. Giroux offers a far-reaching critique of the economic interests, cultural dynamics, and political forces at work in the nations shift toward increasingly abusive forms of power, and what can and should be done to resist them.
Reflecting on a wide range of social issues, Giroux contrasts Donald Trumps
America with Sandra Blands to understand who really benefits from politically
fueled intolerance for immigrants, communities of color, Muslims, low-income
families, and those who challenge state and corporate power. A passionate advocate for civil rights and the importance of the imagination, Giroux argues that
only through widespread social investment in democracy and education can the
common good hope to prevail over the increasingly concentrated influence of
extreme right-w ing politicians and self-serving economic interests.
Henry A. Girouxs most recent books include The Violence of Organized Forgetting
and Americas Addiction to Terrorism. A prolific writer and political commentator, he has appeared in a wide range of media, including the New York Times and
Moyers & Company.


Contributor Hometown: Hamilton, ON

FLC F16 City Lights 93-98.indd 94

Disposable Futures
The Seduction of Violence
in the Age of Spectacle
Brad Evans and Henry A. Giroux
City Lights Open Media
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $22.50
978-0-87286-658-4 W

The Violence of Organized Forgetting

Thinking Beyond Americas
Disimagination Machine
Henry A. Giroux
City Lights Open Media
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-0-87286-619-5 W

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 8:43 AM

City Lights Publishers

Motherland Hotel
Yusuf Atlgan
Translated by Fred Stark

Camus meets Orhan Pamuk via Freud in this existentialist novel

by the father of Turkish modernism.

My heroes are Ahmet Hamdi Tanpnar, Ouz Atay, and Yusuf Atlgan. I have
become a novelist by following their footsteps. . . . I love Yusuf Atlgan; he manages to remain local although he benefits from Faulkners works and the Western
traditions.Orhan Pamuk
Zebercet, the last surviving member of a once-prosperous Ottoman family, is the
owner of the Motherland Hotel, a rundown establishment in a remote Anatolian
village. A lonely, middle-aged introvert, his simple life is structured by daily administrative tasks and regular, routine sex with the hotels maid. One day, a
beautiful woman from the capital comes to spend the night, promising to return
next week, and suddenly Zebercets insular, mechanical existence is dramati
cally and irrevocably changed. The mysterious womans presence has tantalized
him, and he begins to live his days in fevered anticipation of her return. But the
week passes, and then another, and as his fantasies become more and more obsessive, Zebercet gradually loses his grip on reality.
Motherland Hotel was hailed as the novel of the year in Turkey when it was
published in 1973, astonishing critics with its experimental style, its intense psychological depth, and its audacious description of sexual obsession. Zebercet was
compared to such memorable characters as Quentin Compson in Faulkners The
Sound and the Fury and Meursault in Albert Camuss The Stranger. While author
Yusuf Atlgan had already achieved considerable literary fame, Motherland Hotel
cemented his reputation as one of Turkeys premier modernists.

5 x 8 | 152 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-0-87286-711-6 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 City Lights 93-98.indd 95

4/5/16 8:43 AM

City Lights Publishers

Lost Profiles
Memoirs of Cubism, Dada, and Surrealism

Philippe Soupault
Translated by Alan Bernheimer
Foreword by Mark Polizzotti
Afterword by Ron Padgett

Portraits and memoirs of modernist movements and writers

by the co-founder of the Paris surrealist group.


5 x 7 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-0-87286-727-7 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Outreach to international literature and
translation publications
Featured event at World Dada Fair in
San Francisco, November 2016
Social media campaign

A French literary classic since its 1962 publication, Lost Profiles is a retrospective of a crucial period in modernism, written by a co-founder of the surrealist
movement, Philippe Soupault. Beginning with a reminiscence of the Parisian
branch of the international Dada movement in the late 1910s, and its transformation into surrealism, Lost Profiles ushers readers into encounters with a variety
of literary lions. We meet an elegant Marcel Proust, renting five adjoining rooms
at an expensive hotel to contain the silence needed to produce Remembrance of
Things Past; an exhausted James Joyce putting himself through grueling translation sessions for Ulysses; and an enigmatic Guillaume Apollinaire in search
of the ultimate objet trouv. Soupault sketches lively portraits of surrealist precursors like Pierre Reverdy and Blaise Cendrars, a moving account of his tragic
fellow surrealist Ren Crevel, and the story of his unlikely friendship with right-
wing anti-V ichy critic George Bernanos. The collection ends with essays on two
modernist forerunners, Charles Baudelaire and Henri Rousseau. With an afterword by Ron Padgett recounting his meeting with Soupault in the late sixties,
an informative translators preface by Alan Bernheimer, and a foreword by Mark
Polizzotti, Lost Profiles confirms Soupaults place in the vanguard of twentiethcentury literature.
Philippe Soupault (18971990) served in the French army during W WI and
subsequently joined the Dada movement. In 1919, he collaborated with Andr
Breton on the automatic text Les Champs Magntiques, the foundation of the sur
realist movement. In the years that followed, he wrote novels and journalism,
directed Radio Tunis in Tunisia, and worked for UNESCO.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC Atlanta, GA
Boston, MA Asheville, NC New York, NY
Portland, OR Philadelphia, PA
Contributors Hometowns: Berkeley, CA /
New York, NY

FLC F16 City Lights 93-98.indd 96

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City Lights Publishers

Mephistos and Other Poems
Michael McClure

Eco-poetic innovations and ecstatic meditations

from a founding member of the Beat Generation.

A landmark work of bio-romanticism, Mephistos and Other Poems is the first

completely new collection in five years from legendary Beat and San Francisco
Renaissance poet Michael McClure, reflecting his interests in mammal consciousness and ecological survival. The title sequence stems from McClures
ongoing grafting experiment, growing new poems from fragments of previous ones. Some Fringes is a series of haiku-like nature poems, while the
seventeen-part Rose Breaths derives from the poets practice of meditation.
The freestanding poems grouped under the title Being pay homage to many
of McClures collaborators and fellow travelers, such as Bruce Conner, Terry
Riley, and Dave Haselwood. The book climaxes with Song Heavy, recounting
McClures recent encounter with a beached whale in Rockport, Massachusetts,
and recalling his classic For the Death of 100 Whales, which he read at the Six
Gallery in 1955t he inaugural moment of American eco-poetics.
Michael McClure is an award-w inning American poet, playwright, songwriter,
and novelist. After moving from Kansas to San Francisco as a young man, he was
one of the five poets who participated in the Six Gallery reading that featured
the public debut of Allen Ginsbergs landmark poem Howl. A key figure of
the Beat Generation, McClure is immortalized as Pat McLear in Jack Kerouacs
novels The Dharma Bums and Big Sur. He also participated in the sixties counter
culture alongside musicians like Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison. McClure remains active as a poet, essayist, and playwright and lives with his wife, Amy, in
the San Francisco Bay Area.

Also Available

6 x 8 | 184 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-0-87286-728-4 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Author Events
Berkeley, CA San Francisco, CA New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Oakland, CA

Ghost Tantras
Michael McClure
City Lights/Grey Fox
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $15.50
978-0-87286-627-0 W

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City Lights Publishers

and then we became
devorah major
Who are we humans, with our differences and our personal histories, mytholo
gies and urgencies, as well as our collective struggles and dreams? Why are
we here? Questions of culture, ethnicity, and gendera nd the denial of those
bordersinfuse these poems, rich with social and political commentary, and
filled with compassion, love, anger, and hope. Even while writing of one child,
one homeless person, one soldier, or one war survivor, devorah major connects
these individual stories to a contemplation of humanitys place in the cosmos.
devorah major, poet, novelist, YA author, and educator, served as San Franciscos
Poet Laureate from 20022006.
5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-0-87286-726-0 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National TV and radio campaign National print and online campaign
Outreach to African American literature and womens literature publications
Social media campaign Promotion through:

Author Events
Reaching from the kitchen table
to the stars, ruminations on who we are,
and how we became who we are.

Berkeley, CA Corte Madera, CA Oakland, CA San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA

Santa Barbara, CA
Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry

City Lights Pocket Poets Number 17

Malcolm Lowry
Preface by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Edited with an introduction by Earle Birney

City Lights Pocket Poets Series
4 x 6 | 112 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-0-87286-729-1 W

First collection of Lowrys poetic canon,

including most of the Mexican verses
related to his novel, Under the Volcano.

While famous for his celebrated novel, Under the Volcano, Malcolm Lowry always
considered himself a poet. First published by City Lights in 1962 and long outof-print, Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry is the only comprehensive selection of
his poetry to be published, and it remains the perfect introduction to his extensive poetic canon. Edited by Lowrys good friend, renowned Canadian poet Earle
Birney, with the assistance of his widow, Margerie Lowry, the selection includes
extraordinary poems written during Lowrys stay in Mexico, many of which are
closely related to his novel. This new edition includes a Publishers Note from
Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign Social media campaign
Promotion through:

FLC F16 City Lights 93-98.indd 98

4/5/16 8:43 AM

Coach House Books

The Hidden Keys
Andr Alexis

Giller Prize winner Andr Alexiss contemporary take on

the quest narrative is an instant classic.

Although the Green Dolphin is a bar of ill repute, its there that Tancred Palmieri,
a thief with elegant and erudite tastes, meets Willow Azarian, an aging heroin addict. She reveals to Tancred that her very wealthy father has recently passed away,
leaving each of his five children a mysterious object that provides one clue to the
whereabouts of a large inheritance. Willow enlists Tancred to steal these objects
from her siblings and help her solve the puzzle.
A Japanese screen, a painting that plays music, an aquavit bottle, a framed
poem, and a model of Frank Lloyd Wrights Fallingwater: Tancred is lured into
this beguiling quest, and even though Willow dies before the puzzle is solved,
he presses on.
As he tracks down the treasure, he must enlist the help of Alexander von
Wurfel, conceptual artist and taxidermist to the wealthy, and fend off Willows
heroin dealers, a young albino named Nigger Colby and his sidekick, Sigismund
Freud Luxemburg, a clubfooted psychopath, both of whom are eager to get
their paws on this supposed pot of gold. And he must mislead Detective Daniel
Mandelshtam, his most adored friend.
Inspired by a reading of Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island, The Hidden
Keys questions what it means to be honorable, what it means to be faithful, and
what it means to sin.
Andr Alexis was born in Trinidad and grew up in Canada. His most recent
novel, Fifteen Dogs, won the prestigious Scotiabank Giller Prize, awarded annually
to the best Canadian fiction book.

5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-55245-325-4 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising: Library Journal,
Publishers Weekly
National print and online campaign
National radio campaign
Social media campaign
5-city national tour
Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

Fifteen Dogs
Andr Alexis
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-305-6 W*
(excludes Canada)

Andr Alexis
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-286-8 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

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Coach House Books

Maxime Raymond Bock
Translated by Pablo Strauss
Bocks language crackles with the energy of a Qubcois folk song, impassioned
and celebratory but also melancholy and cheekily ironic.Th e New Yorker,
on Atavisms
A young, floundering author meets Robert Baloney Lacerte, an older, marginal poet who seems to own nothing beyond his unwavering certainty. Over
the course of several evenings, Lacerte recounts his unrelenting quest for poetry,
which has taken him from Quebecs Boreal forests to South America to East
Montreal, where he seems poised to disappear without a trace. But as the blocked
writer discovers, Lacerte might just be full of it.
5 x 8 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-55245-339-1 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

A Tristram Shandyesque novella

about failing memory and failed writing,
from one of French Canadas
most exciting new voices.

Maxime Raymond Bock lives in Montreal, Quebec. Atavisms, his first book, won
the Prix Adrienne-Choquette.
Pablo Strauss, who also translated Atavisms, lives in Quebec City, Quebec.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National advertising: Publishers Weekly, World Literature Today
National print and online campaign National radio campaign
Social media campaign 3-city national tour
Contributors Hometowns: Montreal, QC / Quebec City, QC

The Island of Books

Dominique Fortier
Translated by Rhonda Mullins
A fifteenth-century portrait painter, grieving the untimely death of his lover,
takes refuge at the monastery at Mont Saint-M ichel, an island off the coast of
France. He haunts the halls until a monk assigns him the task of copying a
manuscriptthough he is illiterate. His work heals him and continues the tradition that grew the monasterys library into a beautiful city of books, all under the
shadow of the invention of the printing press.

5 x 8 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-55245-338-4 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

A rich portrait of the beauty

of wordspainted by a
fifteenth-century illiterate scribe.

Dominique Fortier is an editor and translator living in Montreal. She is the

author of five books, including On the Proper Use of Stars and Wonder.
Rhonda Mullins is an award-w inning translator and writer living in Montreal,
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National print and online campaign
National advertising Social media campaign
5-city national tour Promotion targeting literary journals
Contributors Hometown: Montreal, QC

FLC F16 Coach House 99-104.indd 100

4/5/16 8:42 AM

Coach House Books

Jesse Ruddock

Prose with rules of its own captures the joy of friends

in harmony, and the special hell of their discord.

Stunning and just so gracefully told. Ruddocks landscape and characters are told
by heart and her fierce and beautiful language makes you feel it.Naja Marie Aidt,
author of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rachel is a young single mother living with her son, Tristan, on a lake that borders the unchanneled northremote, nearly inhospitable. She does what she has
to do to keep them alive. But soon, and unexpectedly, Tristan will have to live
alone, his youth unprotected and rough, even brutal, mirroring the wild open
place that is his only home, and that will be overrun by strangersstrangers inhabiting the lodge that has replaced his home, strangers that make him fight, or
talk, or even love, when he doesnt want to.
A resonant book of first love, first loss, then second love, Shot-Blue brings to
life the dance of consciousness, how in mind and heart we do not exist alone on
our own terms.
The road was like a portage: an opening that lets you in but makes no promise to
bring you out on another side. Maybe the road narrowed to a dead end or was blocked
by a swamp raised by a beaver dam. Maybe it led to a place they werent welcome. She
walked through the cut slowly and stopped, her dark hair falling across her shoulders
heavily, and Tristan imagined that she meant to let her hair sweep the ground as it did.
Most boys would have run out to meet their mothers. But he knew he couldnt understand. She was always telling him, you cant understand everything.
Born in Guelph and based in New York, Jesse Ruddock first left Canada on a
hockey scholarship to Harvard. Her writing and photographs have appeared in
the, BOMB Magazine, Music & Literature, and Vice. Shot-Blue is
her first novel.

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-55245-340-7 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National advertising
National print and online campaign
Social media and website promotion
Promotion targeting literary publications and
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

FLC F16 Coach House 99-104.indd 101

4/5/16 8:42 AM

Coach House Books

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence
for a New Social Contract
Darren ODonnell
A cultural planners immodest proposal: change how we think
about children and we just might change the world.


Exploded Views
4 x 7 | 140 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95
978-1-55245-337-7 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans

We live in an adultitarian state, where the rules are based on very adult priorities and understandings of reality. Young people are disenfranchised and
powerless; they understand theyre subject to an authoritarian regime, whether
they buy into it or not. But their unique perspectives also offer incredible potential for innovation.
Cultural planner and performance director Darren ODonnell has been collaborating with children for years through his company, Mammalian Diving
Reflex; their most well-k nown piece, Haircuts by Children (exactly what it
sounds like) has been performed internationally. ODonnell suggests that working with children in the cultural industries in a manner that maintains a large
space for their participation can be understood as a pilot for a vision of a very different role for young people in the worldone that the UN Committee on the
Rights of the Child considers a new social contract.
Haircuts by Children is a practical proposal for the inclusion of children in
as many realms as possible, not only as an expression of their rights, but as
a way to intervene in the world and to disrupt the stark economic inequalities
perpetuated by the status quo. Deeply practical and wildly whimsical, Haircuts
by Children might actually make total sense.
Darren ODonnell is an urban cultural planner, novelist, essayist, playwright,
director, designer, performer, and the artistic director of the Mammalian Diving
Reflex. ODonnell currently resides in Hemsbach, Germany, where he is working with refugees.

Advance reader copies

National advertising: Artforum International
National print and online campaign
National radio campaign
Outreach to theaters, playwright organizations,
art organizations, youth organizations
Social media campaign
3-city national tour
Promotion through:


Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

FLC F16 Coach House 99-104.indd 102

Social Acupuncture
Darren O'Donnell
Trade Paper US $13.95
978-1-55245-170-0 W*
(excludes Canada)

Your Secrets Sleep With Me

Darren O'Donnell
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55245-138-0 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 8:42 AM

Coach House Books

3 Summers
Lisa Robertson
Inspired by Flauberts Three Tales and Steins Three Lives,
a grappling with time, form, and embodiment.

Robertson proves hard to explain but easy to enjoy. . . . Dauntlessly and resourcefully intellectual, Robertson can also be playful or blunt. . . . She wields language
expertly, even beautifully.The New York Times
Robertson makes intellect seductive; only her poetry could turn swooning into
a critical gesture.The Village Voice
Organs, hormones, toxins, and lesions: what is a body? In 3 Summers, Lisa
Robertson takes up her earlier concerns with form and literary precedent and
turns toward the timeliness of embodiment. What is forms time? Here the form of
life called a poem speaks with the bodys mortality, its thickness, and its play. The
ten poem-sequences in 3 Summers inflect a history of textual voicesincluding
Lucretius, Karl Marx, Aby Warburg, Gilles Deleuze, and the Sogdian Sutrasin
a lyricism that insists on analysis and revolt, as well as the pleasures of description.
The poet explores the mysterious oddness of the body, with its languor and persistence, to test how it shapes the materiality of thinking, which includes rivers and
forests. But in these poems landscapes, the time of nature is inherently political.
Now only time is wild, and only timeembodied here in Lisa Robertsons forceful cadencescan tell.
Recite your poem to your aunt.
I threw myself to the ground.
Where were you in the night?
In a school among the pines.
What was the meaning of the dream?

5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-330-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Lisa Robertsons books include Cinema of the Present, Debbie: An Epic, The Men,
The Weather, Rs Boat, and Occasional Works and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft
Architecture. Lisa Robertsons Magenta Soul Whip was named one of The New York
Times 100 Notable Books. She lives in France.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
3-city national tour

Cinema of the Present
Lisa Robertson
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-297-4 W*
(excludes Canada)

Lisa Robertsons Magenta Soul Whip

Lisa Robertson
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55245-215-8 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Coach House 99-104.indd 103

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Coach House Books

Night & Ox
Jordan Scott

Scott is a cosmoglot of the throats ravine, and this is his manic, pandemonic
article of faith.Andrew Zawacki

4 x 7 | 80 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-329-2 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Night & Ox is a long poem working its interruptions to a degree where its broken by the will to live. A poem that invokes expansive loneliness, where the poets
emotional response is to endure. A crushed line of astral forms and anatomy
in entropy; it is a poem that nurtures vulnerability: some soft-footed embryo
sounds against fatherhood and languages viscera. Night & Ox possesses a feral
minimalism for those too tired and too frantic with joy to cope with narrative.
Jordan Scott is the author of Silt, Blert and, with Stephen Collis, Decomp. Scott
is the 2015/16 Writer-in-R esidence at Simon Fraser University. He lives in
Vancouver, British Columbia.
Marketing Plans

A poem timed to our internal clocks,

in perpetual remove, in preposterous love.

Advance reader copies National advertising: The Boston Review

National print and online campaign Social media campaign 3-city national tour
Contributor Hometown: Vancouver, BC

In on the Great Joke

Laura Broadbent

What do you get when you cross Lao Tzu and an application for a university teaching application? What do you get when you give W. G. Sebald and
Clarice Lispector the ability to speak from the afterlife? What happens if a girl
is stopped at a red light for an entire year? In on the Great Joke is a palace of hybridity, where film structure informs poetry, poetry alters the essay, and the
essay recalibrates the joke. Broadbent has lent her ear to the dead, the living,
the voiceless, to give us the punchline of what it means to be intellectually alive.
5 x 8 | 64 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55245-336-0 W* (excludes Canada)

Laura Broadbent is the author of Oh There You Are I Cant See You Is It Raining?,
which won the 2012 Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry. She lives in
Montreal, Quebec, where she is working on her PhD in Literature.

eBook available

In a blend of essayistic poetics,

Broadbent wields alchemy, translation,
and necromancy to bring readers
In on the Great Joke.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National print and online campaign 3-city national tour
Social media campaign Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Montreal, QC

FLC F16 Coach House 99-104.indd 104

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Coffee House Press

The Revolutionaries Try Again
Mauro Javier Cardenas

Three childhood friends reunite to transform Ecuador, only to find

their idealism has succumbed to the cynicism of their fathers.

Extravagant, absurd, and self-aware, The Revolutionaries Try Again plays out
against the lost decade of Ecuadors austerity and the stymied idealism of three
childhood friendsan expat, a bureaucrat, and a playwrightwho are as sure
about the evils of dictatorship as they are unsure of everything else, including
each other.
From The Revolutionaries Try Again:
Everyone thinks theyre the chosen ones, Masha wrote on Antonios manuscript. See
About Schmidt with Jack Nicholson. Then she quoted from Hope Against Hope by
Nadezhda Mandelstam, because she was sure Antonio hadnt read her yet: Can a
man really be held accountable for his own actions? His behavior, even his character, is
always in the merciless grip of the age, which squeezes out of him the drop of good or evil
that it needs from him. In San Francisco, besides the accumulation of wealth, what does
the age ask of your so called protagonist? No wonder he never returns to Ecuador.
Mauro Javier Cardenas grew up in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and graduated with
a degree in Economics from Stanford University. Excerpts from his first novel,
The Revolutionaries Try Again, have appeared in Conjunctions, the Antioch
Review, Guernica, Witness, and BOMB. His interviews with and essays on
Lszl Krasznahorkai, Javier Marias, Horacio Castellanos Moya, Juan Villoro,
and Antonio Lobo Antunes have appeared in Music & Literature, San Francisco
Chronicle, BOMB, and the Quarterly Conversation.

6 x 9 | 296 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-56689-446-3 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Excerpts in: BOMB, Conjunctions, Guernica
National advertising: Bookforum
Public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
NCIBA appearance; giveaways on Twitter
and Instagram

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA
San Francisco, CA Washington, DC
New York, NY Portland, OR
Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

FLC F16 Coffee House 105-112.indd 105

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Coffee House Press

Diego Ziga
Translated by Megan McDowell

On a long, near-silent drive with his father, a young man

surveys the worn-out puzzle of his broken family.

An unexpected voice, a new landscapea sober, risky, unsettling and surprising book.A lejandro Zambra
Diego Ziga is the author of an extraordinary first novel. Camanchaca is written with austerity and a laconic and fragmented style that is like the shreds
through which we are able to catch glimpses of the landscape through the fog.
Patricio Pron
A long drive across Chiles Atacama desert, traversing the worn-out puzzle
of a broken familya young mans corrosive intimacy with his mother, the obtrusive cheer of his absentee father, his uncles unexplained deathoccupies
the heart of this novel. Camanchaca is a low fog pushing in from the sea, its
moisture sustaining a near-barren landscape. Camanchaca is the discretion that
makes a lifelong grief possible. Sometimes, the silences are what bind us.
5 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-56689-460-9 NA

Diego Ziga (b. 1987) is a Chilean author and journalist. He is the author of
two novels and the recipient of the Juegos Literarios Gabriela Mistral and the
Chilean National Book and Reading Council Award. He lives in Santiago, Chile.

Marketing Plans

Megan McDowells translations include books by Alejandro Zambra, Arturo

Fontaine, Lina Meruane, and Mariana Enriquez, and have been published in the
New Yorker, the Paris Review, Tin House, and McSweeneys, among other places. She
lives in Santiago, Chile.

Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

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Coffee House Press

Fish in Exile
Vi Khi Nao

The loss of a child takes mythological, magical casts

distortions that allow us to see the contours of grief more clearly.

Praise for Vi Khi Nao:

Here I was allowed to forget for a while that that is what books aspire to tell, so
taken was I by more enthralling and mysterious pleasures.Carole Maso
How do you bear the death of a child? With fishtanks and jellyfish burials,
Persephones pomegranate seeds, and affairs with the neighbors. Fish in Exile
spins unimaginable loss through classical and magical tumblers, distorting our
view so that we can see the contours of a parents grief all the more clearly.
Vi Khi Nao was born in Long Khanh, Vietnam. Her work includes fiction, film,
and cross-genre collaboration, and her poetry collection, The Old Philosopher, was
the winner of 2014 Nightboat Poetry Prize. She holds an MFA in fiction from
Brown University.

5 x 8 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-56689-449-4 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

Author Events
Iowa City, IA Brooklyn, NY Providence, RI
Contributor Hometown: Iowa City, IA

FLC F16 Coffee House 105-112.indd 107

4/5/16 8:41 AM

Coffee House Press

Ill Tell You in Person
Chloe Caldwell

Disarmingly frank essays on sexuality, celebrity, TJ Maxx, acne,

off-brand chocolate, almost-little-sisters, Craigslist, wanting to write,
and the eternal what-should-I-do-with-my-life.

Praise for Chloe Caldwell:

I read it a couple of months ago in one cant-put-it-down-even-t hough-its-t he-
middle-of-the-n ight sitting. Its as intense and interesting and clear-hearted as
they come.Cheryl Strayed
Ill read anything Chloe Caldwell writes. Shes a rare bird: fearless, dark, prolific,
unpretentious, and truly honest.Elisa Albert
Nothings sexier than first love and first intimacies, and Caldwells brave autobiographical tale twists the trope into a powerful story about unexpectedly falling in love with a woman and the discoveries, sexual and otherwise, that ensue.
Time Out New York

Emily Books
5 x 8 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-56689-453-1 NA

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Excerpts in: Longreads, Salon, VICE
National advertising: Bookforum
Public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

The essays in this collection are as exuberant as they are sad. Her storytelling
is as vulnerable as it is bombastic. These essays roll in gangsta, but wear freshly
picked daisies in their hair.R ookie
Flailing in jobs; failing at love; getting addicted and un-addicted to people, food,
and drugsIll Tell You in Person is a disarmingly frank account of attempts at
adulthood and all the less-than-perfect ways we get there. Caldwell has an un
sparing knack for looking within and reporting back whats really there, rather
than what shed like you to see.
Chloe Caldwell is the author of the novella Women and the essay collection Legs
Get Led Astray. Her work has appeared in the Sun, Salon, VICE, Hobart, Nylon,
the Rumpus, and Mens Health, among other places. She teaches personal essay
and memoir writing in New York City and lives in Hudson, New York.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY New York, NY
Rhinebeck, NY Portand, OR Austin, TX
Marfa, TX
Contributor Hometown: Hudson, NY

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Coffee House Press

How We Speak to One Another
Edited with an introduction by Ander Monson
and Craig Reinbold

The best of Essay Dailyeach piece features a writer in conversation

with and about an essay, whatever its variety, contemporary and classic.

The essay is rhizomatic: it builds off and shoots out conversations between us
every time we read, reread, or write. When we speak back to others we amplify
ourselves and get a foothold in an ongoing conversation. How We Speak to One
Another collects those conversations, giving context to a genre and deepening
the flexibility and vitality of its many forms.
Contributors include: Marcia Aldrich, Robert Atwan, Amy Benson,
Chelsea Biondolillo, Ken Chen, Steven Church, Meehan Crist, John DAgata,
Alison HawthorneDeming, EmilyDePrang, CsarDaz, BrianDoyle, MattDube,
Danielle Cadena Deulen, T Clutch Fleischmann, V. V. Ganeshananthan,
Albert Goldbarth, Rigoberto Gonzlez, Peter Grandbois, Robin Hemley,
Pam Houston, Maya Kapoor, Megan Kimble, Julie Lauterbach-Colby,
David LeGault, Paul Lisicky, Phillip Lopate, Patrick Madden, Bethany Maile,
Lucas Mann, Thomas Mira y Lopez, Dave Mondy, Ander Monson,
Danica Novgorodoff, Brian Oliu, Elena Passarello, John T. Price, Kristen Radtke,
Craig Reinbold, Bonnie J. Rough, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, Katherine E. Standefer,
Joni Tevis, Ryan Van Meter, Patricia Vigderman, Nicole Walker, and Erin Zwiener.
Ander Monson is the author, most recently, of Letter to a Future Lover:
Marginalia, Errata, Secrets, Inscriptions, and Other Ephemera Found in Libraries
(Graywolf Press). He is also the author of Vanishing Point, a finalist for the
National Book Critics Circle Award, and Neck Deep and Other Predicaments.
Craig Reinbolds writing has appeared in journals and magazines including the
Gettysburg Review, Iowa Review, New England Review, Guernica, Gulf Coast, and
Brevity. He was the managing editor of Essay Daily from 2013 to 2016.

6 x 9 | 275 pp
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-56689-457-9 NA

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: AWP, HFF
National advertising: Bookforum
Public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram
Promotion through:

Author Events
Tucson, AZ San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY
Contributors Hometowns: Tucson, AZ /
Wauwatosa, WI

FLC F16 Coffee House 105-112.indd 109

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Coffee House Press

How to Be Perfect
An Illustrated Guide

Ron Padgett
Illustrated by Jason Novak
Human perfection, attainable in ninety-nine easy steps in this
quirky illustrated edition of Ron Padgetts most beloved poem.

Eat an orange every morning. Make eye contact with a tree. Wear comfortable shoes. Ron Padgetts ninety-n ine-line prescription for human perfection is
both tongue-i n-cheek and deeply felt, solidly good advice. In this offbeat, warm,
and humorous edition, each line springs to life with Novaks cartoonsa glorious match-up of sensibilities. And remember, After dinner, wash the dishes.
Ron Padgetts How Long was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in poetry and his Collected
Poems won the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of
America and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for the best poetry book of 2013.
His work has been translated into eighteen languages.
5 x 7 | 112 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-56689-455-5 W

Jason Novak is a cartoonist whose work has appeared in the New Yorker, the Paris
Review, and the Believer, among other places. He lives in Oakland, California.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Excerpts in: Paris Review
National advertising: Bookforum,
Shelf Awareness
Public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

Author Events
Oakland, CA New York, NY
Contributors Hometowns: New York, NY /
Oakland, CA

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Coffee House Press

Unbearable Splendor
Sun Yung Shin
A Believer Poetry Award finalist.
Praise for Sun Yung Shin:
[Her] work reads like redactions, offering fragments to be explored, investigated
and interrogated, making her reader equal partner in the creation of meaning.
Star Tribune
What is a cyborg but a hybrid creature of excess? A thing that exceeds the sum of its
parts. A thing that has extended its powers, enhanced, even superpowered.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
Public radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

Author Events
Chicago, IL Minneapolis, MN St. Paul, MN
Contributor Hometown: Minneapolis, MN


5 x 7 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-56689-451-7 W

Who is guest, and who is host?

Adoption, Antigone, zombies, clones,
and minotaursall building blocks,
forming and reforming our ideas.

Make Yourself Happy

Eleni Sikelianos
A Library Journal Best Book 2013: Poetry
Praise for Eleni Sikelianos:
Electric as a lightning storm, wild as a first-g rowth forest, protean as fantasys
shape-shiftersthats Sikelianoss poetry, a real pleasure to read.Library
You walk into the sunlight
to make yourself happy.
This is the poem that will tell you
how to live.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies
Public radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

6 x 9 | 168 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-56689-459-3 W

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Boulder, CO Denver, CO
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Boulder, CO

What does it mean to nature for us

to live in our heads, destroying the world
for our happiness?

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Coffee House Press

So What So That
Marjorie Welish
Praise for Marjorie Welish:
[Welish] challenges prettiness at an almost feverish pitch, working against a
poems anticipated flow even as she moves it along with jazzy verve.Bookforum
From Vamp (avant pied):
In laughter you acquit
the betwixt divided
by half and half helped into the indecent
parentheses brooding on
6 x 9 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-56689-456-2 W

Thinking through jazz

as a form of modernism, this is
poetry in kinetic, musical, and
spatial relationship to the page.

reasoning, resonancetoo much reverb

lay in the epilogue
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies: BEA
Public radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL Cambridge, MA Brooklyn, NY New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Greg Hewett
2010 Lambda Literary Award Finalist in Poetry
2007 Triangle Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry Finalist
From Skyglow:
we spin filaments of light into profiles,
drawing each other
through something resembling time and space and dark.
Lets call this something something vague and mythic
as the ether. Lets say were ethereal.
6 x 9 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-56689-448-7 W

Witty, touching, and introspective

lindsight finds Greg Hewett becoming
a parent and easing toward middle age
with a sense of calm and inevitability.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies: BEA
Public radio campaign National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Giveaways on Twitter and Instagram

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Iowa City, IA Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN New York, NY
Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: St. Paul, MN

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4/5/16 8:41 AM

Jack London. The Paths Men Take
Jack London
Edited by Alessia Tagliaventi
Introduction by Davide Sapienza
This book recounts Jack London as a photographer,
beautifully juxtaposing his world-famous literature
with his incredible photographs.

This unique book combines long excerpts of Jack Londons literature with a copious amount of his photographs. It beautifully juxtaposes his world-famous
writing with his incredible images, creating a dialogue between the visual and
literary arts and building towards a complete understanding of the eclectic and
versatile artist London. The texts collected in the book contain excerpts from
The People of the Abyss (1903), The Russo-Japanese War (1904), two articles from
the San Francisco Examiner, The San Francisco Earthquake (1906), and The Cruise
of the Snark. Sixty-n ine black and white photographs of his adventures join the
texts, creating the artistic connection between visual and literary that lies at the
roots of Londons art.
Alessia Tagliaventi is a scholar of photographic history and editor at Contrasto.
She has curated several photography books and catalogs. She is the author of
many critical essays for numerous publications, including My Brothers Keeper:
Documentary Photographers and Human Rights and Photoshow. She also teaches
courses on the history of photography.
Davide Sapienza is an Italian writer, translator, and journalist. Hes a contributor in the Corriere della Sera. Since 2000, he has been dedicating himself to narrative forms strictly bound to the themes of the journey, the path of progress, and
the Earth. Among his most famous works are Camminando (2014) La musica della
neve (2011), Scrivere la natura (2012), I Diari di Rubha Hunish (2014), and La valle
di Ognidove (2013).

6 x 8 | 196 pp
69 B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-88-6965-639-2 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
Promotion through:

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4/5/16 8:41 AM

Irene Kung
Foreword by Giovanna Calvenzi
In Trees, Irene Kung focuses on Mother Natures creations and takes photographs
of old-g rowth and young plants, proving her great skills. In every picture, she
makes an effort to catch the spirit of nature and to transmit it, pure, intact, and
free, to her audience.
Irene Kung was born in 1958 in Switzerland. She began her career as a painter
and soon started photographing. She has exhibited her work in the most renowned art galleries and museums.
Available Now
11 x 11 | 92 pp
39 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $48.95 | CAN $63.50
978-88-6965-465-7 USC

A journey among Irene Kungs trees,

discovering the beauty of nature.
Her magical photographs make nature
seem almost supernatural.

Giovanna Calvenzi taught history of photography and photographic language

for eleven years while collaborating with numerous magazines. Since 1985, she
has worked as a photo editor for several Italian newspapers.

Marketing Plans
Co-op: available Advance digital reader copies Social media campaign
Promotion through:,

Fontana Group. Aluminum Atelier

Isabella Pedicini and Tommaso Bonaventura

The Fontana Group represents the greatest example of Italian excellence, as their
high-quality car body designs are known all over the world. With this book, the
company aims to open their doors to the public through Isabella Pedicinis fascinating writing and Tommaso Bonaventuras photographs, which bring out the
artistic value of the Fontana Groups products.


9 x 11 | 128 pp
Color and B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $31.95 | CAN $41.50
978-88-6965-649-1 USC

A book exploring the greatest

Italian company for luxury car design
that boasts clients like Ferrari, Jaguar,
and many others.

Isabella Pedicini is a writer and art critic. Among her most renowned works
is Francesca Woodman. The Roman Years: Between Flesh and Film, published by
Contrasto in 2012.
Tommaso Bonaventura is a photographer whose work has appeared in many
international magazines. Among other prizes, in 2010 he won first prize at the
Sony World Photography Awards.

Marketing Plans
Co-op: available Advance digital reader copies Social media campaign
Promotion through:,

FLC F16 Contrasto 113-114.indd 114

4/5/16 8:41 AM

Copper Canyon Press

Garden Time
W.S. Merwin
Late in life, our most revered poet delivers a verdant collection
that rivals the best from his storied career.

There are few great poets alive at any one time, and W.S. Merwin is one of them.
Read him.The Guardian
Merwin has attained a transcendent and transformative elevation of beaming
perception, exquisite balance, and clarifying beauty.B ooklist, starred review
of The Moon before Morning
Merwin has become instantly recognizable on the page.Helen Vendler,
The New York Review of Books
W.S. Merwin composed Garden Time during the difficult process of losing his
eyesight. When he could no longer see well enough to write, he dictated his new
poems to his wife, Paula. In this gorgeous, mindful, and life-a ffirming book,
our greatest poet channels energy from animated sounds and memories to remind us that the only hope is to be the daylight.
From A Breath of Day:
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Cloth US $24.00 | CAN $30.99
978-1-55659-499-1 USC

Last night I slept on the floor of the sea

in an unsounded part of the ocean
in the morning it was a long way up
through the dark streets of a silent country
with no language in its empty houses
until I had almost reached the surface
of a morning that I had never seen
then a breeze came to it and I began
to remember the voices of young leaves . . .

Marketing Plans

W.S. Merwin served as Poet Laureate of the United States and has received
every major literary accolade, including two Pulitzer prizes, most recently for The
Shadow of Sirius (Copper Canyon), and the National Book Award for Migration:
New and Selected Poems (Copper Canyon). He lives in Hawaii.

10,000-copy print run

Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Excerpts in: The New Yorker
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Haiku, HI

The Shadow of Sirius
W.S. Merwin
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.00
978-1-55659-310-9 USC
Trade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $24.50
978-1-55659-284-3 USC

FLC F16 Copper Canyon 115-126.indd 115

New & Selected Poems
W.S. Merwin
Trade Paper US $24.00 | CAN $29.00
978-1-55659-261-4 USC

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Copper Canyon Press

One Mans Dark
Maurice Manning

Peopled with extraordinary rural characters, these revelatory poems

tell a communitys story in gorgeously intimate and personal terms.

Maurice Manning displays not just terrific cunning but terrific aim.
New York Times Book Review
Mannings geniush is truly staggering geniusis in his ability to put this ancient question into a true American idiom, to make this fundamental human inquiry both vividly, heartbreakingly poignant and madly, idiosyncratically his
own.Smartish Pace
Hes saved himself with the most basic of thingsa place, its people, and one of
its songs.Orion


6 x 9 | 110 pp
Trade Cloth US $23.00 | CAN $29.99
978-1-55659-474-8 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Springfield, KY

Pulitzer finalist Maurice Manning is at the height of his powers as he searches

through layers of dreams, imagination, and memory to reconnect with oneself
and ones place in the cosmos. Drawing deep from his Kentucky roots, Mannings
poems are peopled with ordinary and extraordinary rural characters, as he gives
voice to a region well-loved and full of tradition.
From Something to Say about Possums:
Ive taken so many backward steps,
I have believed history
can be explained, only to learn,
like sin, it cant. How Ive needed more
and more forgiveness! Ive needed grace,
and followed it into a dream
of green and yellow light coming
from a-way on high, maybe a mountain.
Maurice Manning is the author of five previous books of poetry, including The
Common Man, a 2011 Pulitzer Prize finalist, and Lawrence Booths Book of Visions,
winner of the 2000 Yale Younger Poetry Series Award, selected by W.S. Merwin.
A Guggenheim Fellow, he currently teaches at Transylvania University and is on
the permanent faculty of Warren Wilson College.

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Copper Canyon Press

Imaginary Vessels
Paisley Rekdal
Photographs by Andrea Modica

Incorporating photography and rigorous research, Imaginary Vessels

makes history personal and the personal historical.

Compelling, appealing, cinematic . . . Rekdal refreshes the meaning and the

image of being displaced in this world.The Boston Globe
Rekdals work deeply satisfies, for it witnesses and wonders over the necessary
struggles of human awareness and being.R ain Taxi
In acknowledging the disappointing facts of our existence and singing her way
into its amazement, she has created poetry that lives alongside the misery we
sometimes witnessa nd sometimes cause.Slate
Paisley Rekdal questions how identity and being inhabit metaphorical and personified vessels, from blown glass and soap bubbles to skulls unearthed at the
Colorado State Mental Institution. Whether writing short lyrics or a sonnet sequence celebrating Mae West, Rekdals intellectually inquisitive and carefully
researched poems delight in sound, meter, and head-on engagement. The poems
are illustrated with twelve Andrea Modica photographs.
From Youre:
Vague as fog and turniphipped, a creel of eels
that slithers in stains. Dirty slate, youre
Diamond Lil. Shes you, you say. Youre her. Shes I. O
Mae, fifth grade, we dressed in feathers and our mothers slit
pink slips, dipped into your schema and your accent,
aspiring (like you) to be able to order coffee and have it
sound like filth . . .
Paisley Rekdal is the author of four books of poetry, a book of personal essays,
and a mixed media book of photography, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. She lives
in Salt Lake City and teaches at the University of Utah.

6 x 9 | 110 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55659-497-7 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributors Hometowns: Salt Lake City, UT /
Philadelphia, PA

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Copper Canyon Press

Run the Red Lights
Ed Skoog

Ed Skoogs poetry is simultaneously minimal and monumental,

and his conversational tone invites readers in with open arms.

Skoog [is] fashioning a poetry that fluctuates and ripples as incessantly as open
water.Boston Review
Ed Skoog is a master of mischief and misdirection.Prairie Schooner
Ed Skoogs poetry is so ambitious it takes my breath away.The Stranger
Run the red lights were the last words the musician Alex Chilton spoke to his
wife on the way to the hospital. In Ed Skoogs new book, the poems are running
all the lights, the way that talking casually runs and flows over itself and intertwines with what others are saying. These plainspoken poems rediscover the relationship between talking and thinking as they weave among enthusiastic jags
about sex and love, theater, music, New Orleans, numbness, ghosts, wolves, history, violence, rescue, art, marriage, mothers, fathers, and children.
6 x 9 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-55659-503-5 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Portland, OR

After Katrina, I took the diet where you eat meat,

and lost almost a hundred pounds from a surfeit
of bacon, sauted pork medallions, beef & lamb.
The weight fell away like a knights armor
after a joust. I bought shirts at a regular store.
I played softball and ran bases, bounded them,
as if on a new, more forgiving planet. And
I went crazy, evened out, broke down again . . .
Ed Skoog was born in Topeka, Kansas, and earned his MFA at the University of
Montana. His poetry has appeared in Poetry, American Poetry Review, the Paris
Review, and Ploughshares, and earned the Poetry Society of Americas Lyric Poetry
Award and the Washington State Book Award. He lives in Portland, Oregon.


FLC F16 Copper Canyon 115-126.indd 118

Mister Skylight
Ed Skoog
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00
978-1-55659-293-5 USC

Rough Day
Ed Skoog
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-55659-434-2 USC

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Copper Canyon Press

At the Great Door of Morning
Selected Poems and Translations

Robert Hedin
There isnt a misstep on a single page . . . let whats there
wash over you with its beauty.Ted Kooser

Robert Hedin is one of the quietest, most spiritually sensate poets of our time.
Olga Broumas
Every poem is a creation myth, writes Robert Hedin. This long overdue retrospective, spanning forty years of patient and painstaking work, highlights Hedins
original poems, translations of Norwegian poets, and includes the aphoristic
essay Field Notes. Hedins poemselegant, spare, and devoid of artifice
detail themes of Midwestern life, the natural world, ocean liners, and airships.
A profound, essential volume.
Unable to Write, I Decide to Move Out with the Finches
This morning Im going to drag my desk
Out into the backyard and set it down
By the birdbath, near the flowerbed
Overgrown with weeds. And the black
Leather armchair where I like to read
Ill lug out under the two young maples,
Along with the Persian rug, the tall
Goose-necked lamp, the books, the CDs,
Even the huge unruly fern in the corner.
Im going to haul it all outside, out
Into the open air where its quiet,
Where I wont be bothered . . .


6 x 9 | 220 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-55659-504-2 USC

Robert Hedin is the founding director of the Anderson Center for the Arts, and
author of eight books of poetry and several translations from Norwegian. He lives
in Red Wing, Minnesota.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Red Wing, MN

The Dream We Carry
Selected and Last Poems of Olav Hauge
Olav H. Hauge
Translated by Robert Bly and Robert Hedin
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95
978-1-55659-288-1 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Copper Canyon 115-126.indd 119

The Roads Have Come to an End Now

Selected and Last Poems of Rolf Jacobsen
Rolf Jacobsen
Translated by Robert Bly, Robert Hedin,
and Roger Greenwald
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-55659-165-5 USC

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Copper Canyon Press

Banana Palace
Dana Levin
With dreamy clarity, Dana Levin gives us a powerful sense of self
in a strange and fraught landscape.

Images that are satisfyingly clear . . . and excitingly inexplicable.

R obert Pinsky, Washington Post
Intimate and hypnotic . . . whether turning her gaze inward or outward, these
poems question the moral, aesthetic, and metaphysical needs that poetry exists
to fill.Ploughshares
Levins work is phenomenological; it details how it feels to be an embodied consciousness making its way through the world.Boston Review
In her newest collection, Dana Levin uses humor, jump-cut imagery, and popular
culture references in preparation for the approaching apocalypse. Against a backdrop of Facebook, cat memes, and students searching their smartphones for a
definition of the soul, Levin draws upon a culture of limited attention spans and
searches for greater spiritual meaning. The poems in Banana Palace are elliptical
by design, the lines often trailing off into a white space of their own making, as if
flirting with and resolving in their own isolation.
6 x 9 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55659-505-9 USC

It was the most glorious thing I had ever seen.

Cross-section of a banana under a microscope
the caption read.
I hunched around my little screen
sharing a fruit no one could eat.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign

Dana Levin has published three books of poetry, Wedding Day (Copper Canyon
Press), Sky Burial (Copper Canyon Press), and her first book, In the Surgical
Theatre, which won the APR/Honickman Award. A teacher of poetry for over
twenty years, Levin splits her time between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Maryville
University in St. Louis, where she serves as Distinguished Writer in Residence.

Contributor Hometown: Santa Fe, NM

Wedding Day
Dana Levin
Trade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00
978-1-55659-219-5 USC

FLC F16 Copper Canyon 115-126.indd 120

Sky Burial
Dana Levin
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $17.95
978-1-55659-332-1 USC
eBook available

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Copper Canyon Press

Tumbling Toward the End
David Budbill
David Budbill turns his pared-down style and playful wit
to the deeply human process of growing older.

Budbill both informs and moves. He is, in short, a delight and a comfort.
Wendell Berry
nonsense, free-
r ange sage.
Dana Jennings,
David Budbill is a no-
The New York Times
Looking at the reality closely, he sees parts move in a unisonsometimes graceless, sometimes ugly, always resolved in a human wholeness.Donald Hall
David Budbills . . . poetry is as accessible as a parking lot and as plain as a pair
of Levis.Parnassus
Appearing frequently on Garrison Keillors The Writers Almanac, David Budbills
poems are deceptively simple and filled with light and longing. In this new book,
he confronts the painful realities of aging, with both joy and mortality interweaving his sparse and brisk poems. Eschewing platitudes and easy answers,
Budbill achieves a dynamic and delicate balance between deepening winter and
filling out the seed-c atalog order for the next garden.
6 x 9 | 110 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55659-506-6 USC

Pare Everything Down to Almost Nothing

then cut the rest,
and youve got
the poem
Im trying to write.
David Budbill is the author of six books of poems, eight plays, a novel, a collection of short stories, a picture book for children, and dozens of essays, introductions, speeches, and book reviews. He has also served as an occasional
commentator on National Public Radios All Things Considered. He lives in the
mountains of northern Vermont where he tends his garden, woodpile, and website.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Wolcott, VT

Moment to Moment
Poems of a Mountain Recluse
David Budbill
Trade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.00
978-1-55659-133-4 USC
eBook available

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While Weve Still Got Feet

David Budbill
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00
978-1-55659-223-2 USC
eBook available

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Copper Canyon Press

Self-Portrait as a Wikipedia Entry
Dean Rader

This funny, intelligent, playful, inventive, and engaging collection

subverts the norms of identity, authorship, and audience.

By writing honestly about the difficulties of self-representation, Rader represents himself as a writer who cares deeply about his audience and his craft.
Raders poetry asks how to be an artist in a nation founded on and still struggling
with the demand for representation and what poetry as a medium means in an era
of representational sprawl.Jacket


6 x 9 | 110 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55659-508-0 USC

Wikipedia articles are never finalized. In Dean Raders energized and inventive
new book, the poet considers identity of self and society as a Wikipedia page
sculpted and transformed by the ever-present push and pull of politics, culture,
and unseen forces. And, in the case of Rader, how identity can be affected by the
likes of Paul Klees paintings and the characters from the childrens stories about
Frog and Toad. Raders cagey voice is full of humor and inquiry, warmly inviting
readers to fully participate in the creation.
From How We Survive: A Tryptich:

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

This afternoon I took a nap

wearing a costume that looks
just like me. Inside it I felt like
another person who happened
to know so many things about me,
like my preference for almonds over
cashews, how sometimes, when
I am in a strange room, I imagine
hopping from one piece of
furniture to the next . . .

Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Born in Oklahoma, Dean Rader has published in the fields of poetry, American
Indian studies, and popular culture. He is a professor of English at the University
of San Francisco, and writes regularly on literature and politics for the San
Francisco Chronicle.

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Copper Canyon Press

First Trade Paper Edition

Heather Tone
Introduction by Nick Flynn

Winner of the APR/Honickman First Book Prize.

Its almost impossible to explain why the playfulness of Heather Tones Likenesses
produces such delight. . . . Freedom, light, leggerezza, speed, and depth. Crystal
abyss, nothing, a touch of Kabbalah. Perfect projections of shades between
death and life, a scent of Eden. Like four-year-old boys throwing clumps of
mud at each other, bursting into happy laughter. These lines scream with joy.
B oston Review
Likenesses was selected by Nick Flynn for the prestigious Honickman First Book
Prize. In his introduction he writes: Likenesses is made up of five sequences
of poems, many of which use the engine of simile to drive them forward. Running alongside this simile-generating machine, there is something also here of
Genesist he book is, in part, an origin myth, an attempt to create the world by
naming it.
When he is dead, a man in a
bathing suit looks most like a little boy.
A woman in a bathing suit
looks like a woman, unless she is quite
thin, in which case she looks like a little boy.
A little girl in a sundress looks like a little boy
in a sundress. Her mouth is a cold oval, as cold
as a strawberry. When dead, a robin red-breast
looks like a little girl, while it goes without
saying that Robin Hood looks like a boy . . .
Heather Tones poetry has appeared in the Boston Review, the Colorado Review,
Fence, and other journals. A graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop, she currently lives in Florida.


American Poetry Review
APR Honickman 1st Book Prize
6 x 9 | 66 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9833008-2-3 USC
Trade Cloth US $23.00 | CAN $29.99
978-0-9833008-3-0 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Jupiter, FL / Brooklyn, NY

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Copper Canyon Press

The Poem She Didnt Write
and Other Poems
First Trade Paper Edition

Olena Kalytiak Davis

Honored as one of Nine Great Poetry Books of the Year
by The New Yorker.

The Poem She Didnt Write is a breakup book, full of the kinds of invective and
taunts honed by a person who has spent, as all of us have now spent, infinite hours
online. Its complex tones arise from the poets wanting equally to seduce and
to repel a lover whose deepening silence only provokes rhetorical escalation.
Dan Chaisson, The New Yorker
Daviss first full collection in a decade should be stamped with the warning,
Buckle up!, because entering this writers mind is one wild ride of digression,
mutation, and syntactical and typographical experimentation.Booklist
From Not This:
my god all the days we have lived thru

6 x 9 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55659-460-1 USC

Contributor Hometown: Anchorage, AK

not this
one, not this,
not now,
not yet, this week
doesnt count, was lost, this month
was shit, what a year, it sucked,
it flew, that decade was for
what? i raised my kids, they
grew i lost two pasts . . .
Olena Kalytiak Davis was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Educated at
Wayne State University, the University of Michigan Law School, and Vermont
College, she is the author of three books of poetry and currently works as a
lawyer in Anchorage, Alaska.
Also Available

Shattered Sonnets, Love Cards, and Other Off and Back Handed Importunities
Olena Kalytiak Davis
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-55659-440-3 USC

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eBook available

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Copper Canyon Press

Splitting an Order
Ted Kooser
Ted Kooser must be the most accessible and enjoyable
major poet in America. His lines are so clear and simple.
Michael Dirda, The Washington Post

Readers [of Splitting an Order] will find characters both strange and wonderful,
animal or human. There is a sense that time is passing quickly and that everything
worthy must be captured and savored.Library Journal, starred review
Koosers ability to discover the smallest detail and render it remarkable is a rare
gift.Bloomsbury Review
Hailed by Library Journal as a master of the single-metaphor poem, Pulitzer
Prize winner and bestselling poet Ted Kooser calls attention to the intimacies of
life through commonplace objects and occurrences. This collectionten years
in the makingis rich with quiet and profound magnificence.
I like to watch an old man cutting a sandwich in half
. . . and then to see him lift half
onto the extra plate that he asked the server to bring,
and then to wait, offering the plate to his wife
while she slowly unrolls her napkin and places her spoon,
her knife and her fork in their proper places,
then smoothes the starched white napkin over her knees
and meets his eyes and holds out both old hands to him.
Ted Kooser is the author of numerous books of poetry and prose, including
Delights and Shadows (Copper Canyon Press), which won the Pulitzer Prize.
A former US Poet Laureate, Kooser serves as editor for American Life in Poetry,
a nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column.


5 x 6 | 102 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55659-470-0 USC

Contributor Hometown: Garland, NE

Delights & Shadows
Ted Kooser
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00
978-1-55659-201-0 USC
Trade Cloth US $75.00 | CAN $90.00
978-1-55659-243-0 USC
eBook available

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Braided Creek
A Conversation in Poetry
Jim Harrison and Ted Kooser
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.00
978-1-55659-187-7 USC
eBook available

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Copper Canyon Press

Rilke: New Poems
Rainer Maria Rilke
Translated by Joseph Cadora
Foreword by Robert Hass
Essential for all poetry collections.Library Journal

Translator Joseph Cadora renders a beautiful new edition complete with commentary on each poem, based on Rilkes letters, numerous biographies, and related works as well as an introduction outlining his approach to the translation.
Library Journal, starred review
[The] renderings of the canonical poems, such as The Panther, Orpheus,
Eurydice, Hermes, and Archaic Torso of Apollo (to name a few), are worthwhile additions to the enormous body of Rilkes work already translated by


6 x 9 | 512 pp
Trade Paper US $27.00 | CAN $34.99
978-1-55659-425-0 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-55659-424-3

Contributor Hometown: Berkeley, CA

Rainer Maria Rilke is one of the worlds best selling poets, and Rilke: New Poems
contains many of his most iconic pieces. Translator Joseph Cadora has created the definitive English-language version through meticulous faithfulness
to Rilkes German and insightful commentary on each of the four-hundred-plus
poems. This edition is bilingual, with an introduction by Robert Hass.
The Panther
From endless passing of the bars his gaze
has weariedthere is no more it can hold.
There seem to be a thousand bars always,
and past those thousand bars there is no world.
The soft pad of his brawny, rippling pace
turns itself in a tightening circle till,
like a mighty dance around a tiny space,
it centers a numb but still enormous will.
But at times the shades of his pupils rise,
grasping an image he cannot resist;
through his tense, unmoving limbs it flies,
and within his heart it ceases to exist.
Rainer Maria Rilke (18751926) is one of the worlds most beloved poets.
Joseph Cadora is a guitarist, writer, and translator. He lives in Berkeley, California.

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The Critical Press

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Critical Press is a publisher of short books on film and culture. In exploring the many avenues and
outlets available to film writers in the twenty-first centuryonline publications, print periodicals, and
even the traditional bookwe found there to be a crucial gap: shorter pieces too long for a magazine or
journal article, but still more concise than the traditional monograph. The current film critical community
is rich with original, perceptive, and ambitious writers; why should there not be more places to publish and
encourage books of this length?
We are committed to publishing and selling well-written, high-quality critical arguments about new and
classic films, especially those of a length that may otherwise have been overlooked. Since starting two years
ago we have published eight books, and we are now happy to be joining with Consortium to bring our titles
to a wider readership. We believe that criticism and debate is an important part of any healthy art form, and
we hope that our books will be able to contribute to the rapidly-evolving world of film culture.
Tom Elrod, Publisher

first season at Consortium

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The Critical Press

Happy Place
Living the Disney Parks Life

Scott Renshaw

A touching, empathetic journey through the Disney Parks

with its biggest, most devoted fans.

6 x 9 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-941629-29-1 W

Contributor Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

What if the day you remembered as one of the most magical of your childhood
became every day of your life?
In Happy Place, Scott Renshaw explores the phenomenon of Disney theme
park super-fans, and the unique connections they build with places known to
most people only as occasional vacation destinations. Along the way, Renshaw
meets a pass-holder who has visited Disneyland for one thousand consecutive
days, another who has taken more than three thousand rides on his single favorite attraction, and even some who have managed to turn visiting Disney parks
into their job. Happy Place is also a personal journey to find out what happens
when an infatuation with the parks turns into a relationship. Is that relationship
always full of joy, orwhen nostalgia collides with the realities of a corporation
running a businesscan it sometimes turn into frustration and disappointment?
Happy Place isnt just the story of a place. Its a love story, about the kind of
love that emerges when the happiest place on earth becomes more than just a
Scott Renshaw has been Arts & Entertainment Editor and film critic for the
Salt Lake City Weekly newspaper since 2002, with film reviews appearing in
alternative newsweeklies in ten states. Over a twenty-year career as a professional writer and critic, he has received awards from the Society of Professional
Journalists and the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, and has contributed
writing about Disney parks to the website IndieWire. This is his first book.

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The Critical Press

Shots in the Dark
Collected Film Criticism

Jonathan Baumbach
Edited by Miriam Bale
The first collection of novelist Jonathan Baubachs film criticism
from the Golden Age of film writing.

Novelist and critic Jonathan Baumbach was a contributor to Film Culture in the
late 1950s, and then was the film critic for the Partisan Review from the 1970s
through the early 1980s. His essays touched on a range of interests, including the
legacy of French New Wave, the rise of New Hollywood, and the critical reputation of Pauline Kael. Though he was a contemporary of Kael, Andrew Sarris, and
others in the Golden Age of film criticism, Baumbachs writing on cinema has
never before been collected in one place. Shots in the Dark will bring this significant body of work together for the first time.
Jonathan Baumbach is the son of a painter and the father of a filmmaker, a
photographer, and a film theorist. He has had cameo appearances in several of
his son Noahs films. Shots in the Dark is his seventeenth book and second volume of criticism. His novels include A Man to Conjure With, Reruns, Separate
Hours and YOU or The Invention of Memory. He is a former two-t ime chairman
of The National Society of Film Critics.
Miriam Bale is an independent film programmer and writer. She has written for
the New York Times, New York Daily News, Film Comment, Cineaste, Filmmaker,
The L, and BOMB, as well as film websites such as Moving Image Source and
Indiewire. Her programming work has been frequently highlighted in the the
New Yorker, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.

6 x 9 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-941629-06-2 W

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The Critical Press

Present Tense
Notes on American Nonfiction Cinema, 19982013

Robert Greene

A filmmakers exploration of the digital revolution

in documentary film in the twenty-first century.

In the past fifteen years, nonfiction cinema has experienced something of a re

naissance in America. A slew of formally ambitious films have emerged, spanning
from 1998, when future Hollywood director Bennett Millers low-fi The Cruise
proved that digital video could be theatrical with a narrative hook and a compelling subject and star, to 2013, when two Harvard-connected masterpieces,
Leviathan and The Act of Killing, received massive critical success, the crashing
of a long-building tidal wave. Examining these films and many others that came
between them, Present Tense is a year-to-year, personal journey through this era
from filmmaker Robert Greene. Featuring essays and interviews with those on
the front lines, Present Tense is an exploration of how documentary filmmakers, enabled by cheap technology and driven to create films at all costs, boldly embraced
the most exciting narrative and formal techniques of the past to create a true, un
deniable movement.
6 x 9 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-941629-05-5 W

Robert Greene is a filmmaker and writer. He directed Kate Plays Christine

(2016), Actress (2014), and Fake it So Real (2012). Hes edited films as diverse as
Alex Ross Perrys Listen Up Philip and Douglas Tirolas Hey Bartender. Robert
writes about documentary for several places, including Sight & Sound.

Contributor Hometown: Columbia, MI

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The Critical Press

Self and Sensibility in the Summer of Lost Love

Tom Silvestri

An incisive and exciting study of Richard Lesters

1968 film classic Petulia.

An enduring and highly influential classic from one of the most innovative filmmakers of the twentieth century, Petulia is a funny, fast-moving, and ferociously
cinematic exploration of San Francisco and America at large circa 1967, directed
by Richard Lester, produced by Raymond Wagner, and starring Julie Christie
and George C. Scott. In this inspired and inspiring bookthe first-ever full-
length study of the filmTom Silvestri explores the movies origins, production, themes, impact, and ongoing relevance with the warmth, wit, and wise
insights of an industry insider.
Tom Silvestri, a Hollywood veteran of more than three decades, has worked
variously as an acclaimed motion picture and TV story analyst, executive, and
freelance consultant at Columbia Pictures, NBC, New Regency Pictures, HBO,
New Line Cinema, Lionsgate, and more than fifty other major companies in
Los Angeles. A graduate of the NYU film school, he attended USCs graduate
Professional Writing program as well as studying acting at the Lee Strasberg
Theatre Institute in New York. A former book club editor, musician, and music
journalist, he has guest-lectured at universities and has a slate of movie projects
in development as a screenwriter and producer.

Hollywood Unleashed
6 x 9 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941629-30-7 W

Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

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The Critical Press

The Hollywood Surreal
How the European Surrealists Changed American Cinema

Sabina Stent
From Alfred Hitchcock to David Lynch and Quentin Tarantino, Surrealism
and cinema have long inspired one another, crossing paths in some of the most
fruitful and fascinating artistic collaborations of the twentieth century. This
book examines the Surrealist movement, including key figures like Salvador
Dali and Elsa Schiaparelli, and the impact it had upon movies and Hollywood,
both directly and through its still-i nfluential afterlife.

6 x 9 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941629-24-6 W

Sabina Stent is a freelance film and culture writer whose work has appeared
in BWDR, Dazed & Confused, Electrolyte Magazine, Little White Lies, Silent
London, and others.

A fascinating study of how

Surrealism changed Hollywood.

Ben Wheatley
Confusion and Carnage

Adam Nayman
British filmmaker Ben Wheatley has made a name for himself directing stylish
genre films like Kill List, A Field in England, and High-R ise. In the first published
study of his work, Adam Nayman meticulously examines the themes and visual
style of Wheatleys films, connecting them to the history of British genre cinema
and placing this unique filmmaker in a larger context while arguing for his early
inclusion into the canon. The book also includes a new, in-depth interview with
6 x 9 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941629-32-1 W

The first study of cult and horror

British filmmaker Ben Wheatley.

Adam Nayman is a contributing editor to CinemaScope and author of It Doesnt

Suck: Showgirls (ECW Press, 2014).

Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

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4/5/16 8:40 AM

Recent & Recommended from The Critical Press

The Gag Man
Clyde Bruckman and the Birth of Film Comedy

Matthew Dessem
Wonderfully engaging.The New Republic
A key figure of early cinema, Clyde Bruckman collaborated with film comedy
icons like Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd, but his story has been relegated
to a footnote. This book shines a light on his life and an important corner of
Hollywood history.
PERFORMING ARTS / BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 352 pp
Trade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $37.50 | 978-1-941629-19-2 W

I Lost It At The Video Store

Tom Roston

Selected by Kirkus Reviews as one of the Best Indie Books of 2015. Filmmakers
such as Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, and Darren Aronofsky, who came of age
during the reign of video rentals, discuss an era of cinema history which, though
gone, continues to shape film culture today.
PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 5 x 8 | 160 pp
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $31.50 | 978-1-941629-15-4 W

Approaching the End

Imagining Apocalypse in American Film

Peter Labuza
An auspicious debut.Glenn Kenny
An innovative study of film noir, Peter Labuza investigates the hidden structures
underneath a variety of American films, from Kiss Me Deadly to Days of Heaven to
The Terminator, which reveal how apocalyptic narratives explore the darker edges
of humanitys moral failings.
PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $16.50 | 978-1-941629-00-0 W

Asghar Farhadi
Life and Cinema

Tina Hassannia
A rich, thought-provoking study.Godfrey Cheshire
Tina Hassannia traces the career of Academy Award-w inning Iranian filmmaker
Asghar Farhadi from his origins as a scriptwriter to renowned director, providing
contextual analyses for each of his films, including About Elly and A Separation.
Also includes an exclusive, in-depth interview with the filmmaker.
PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 113 pp
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $14.99 | 978-1-941629-02-4 W

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Recent & Recommended from The Critical Press

Orson Welles
Power, Heart, and Soul

F.X. Feeney
Conveys, as no book ever has before, what it must have felt like to be Orson
Welles.Joseph McBride
Paying special attention to the political, social, and cultural milieus in which
Orson Welles lived and worked, this biographical portrait contextualizes and
fully humanizes the man behind masterworks like Citizen Kane.
PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 392 pp
Trade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $37.50 | 978-1-941629-08-6 W

Facing Blackness
Media and Minstrelsy in Spike Lees Bamboozled

Ashley Clark
Essential reading for anyone interested in black film, black history, or Americas
dark past.K aleem Aftab
Film critic Ashley Clark makes the case for Bamboozled as one of Spike Lees
richest and most enduring films, and as one of the most important satires of
American culture in this young century.
PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 5 x 8 | 110 pp
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $14.99 | 978-1-941629-21-5 W

Richard Pryor
American Id

Jason Bailey
A fascinating, surprising and terrifically entertaining book that is as eccentric
and sharp as its subjectJason Zinoman, New York Times comedy critic
This series of essays examines Richard Pryors workfrom albums to concert films to moviesa s one of the most powerful, yet idiosyncratic, voices of
American culture.
PERFORMING ARTS / PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 124 pp
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $14.99 | 978-1-941629-13-0 W

Yesterday is Forever
Nostalgia and Pixar Animation Studios

Josh Spiegel
Affectionate, vivid, and insightful.A nthony Breznican, Entertainment Weekly
Josh Spiegel examines films from Pixar and Disney over the past twenty years,
from Toy Story to Frozen, that have embodied a nostalgic longing for the past,
which may not have truly existed outside of the minds eye.
PERFORMING ARTS | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $14.99 | 978-1-941629-23-9 W

FLC F16 Critical 127-134.indd 134

4/5/16 8:40 AM

Curbside Splendor Publishing

Revise the Psalm
Work Celebrating the Writing of Gwendolyn Brooks

Edited by Quraysh Ali Lansana

and Sandra Jackson-Opoku
Original poetry, visual art, and essays
commemorating the one-hundredth birthday of
Chicago poet and cultural philanthropist Gwendolyn Brooks.

In the hands of Gwendolyn Brooks, old age is a diamond with many facets.
Throughout her poetry Brooks has illuminated old age as a time of isolation and
withdrawal, remembrance and continuity, poverty, vulnerability, even homelessness, exploitation, neglect, abandonment, marginalization, and destruction. And,
yet, she offered resistance and affirmation.A ngela Jackson, award-w inning
playwright and poet
The year 2017 marks the one-hundredth birthday of the late poet and cultural
icon Gwendolyn Brooks. Brookss depictions of poor and working-class African
Americans provides insight into the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and her
lens on the Great Migration, the era of Black codes, and the Black Power movement interprets and contextualizes current racial inequities and tensions. This
collection of poetry, essays, and art inspired by the work of Brooks celebrates her
life, writing, and activism.
Quraysh Ali Lansana is the author or editor of twenty books. He is a faculty
member of the writing program of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Lansana served as Director of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature
and Creative Writing at Chicago State University from 2002 to 2011.
Sandra Jackson-Opoku has authored two novels. The River Where Blood is Born
earned the American Library Association Black Caucus Award for Best Fiction;
Hot Johnny (and the Women Whom Loved Him) was an Essence magazine bestseller.
Her fiction, poetry, articles, essays, and scripts have appeared in the Los Angeles
Times, Ms. magazine, the Literary Traveler, Islands magazine, and elsewhere.


8 x 11 | 200 pp
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940430-86-7 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio and TV campaign
National print and online campaign
10-city national tour
Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Chicago, IL Boston, MA Baltimore, MD
New York, NY Portland, OR Philadelphia, PA
Madison, WI Milwaukee, WI
Contributors Hometown: Chicago, IL

FLC F16 Curbside Splendor 135-138.indd 135

4/5/16 8:39 AM

Curbside Splendor Publishing

Late Stories
Stephen Dixon

Master stylist Stephen Dixon returns with a collection exploring

the elision of memory and reality in the wake of loss.

Mr. Dixon wields a stubbornly plain-spoken style; he loves all sorts of tricky
narrative effects. And he loves even more the tribulations of the fantasizing mind,
ticklish in their comedy, alarming in their immediacy.The New York Times

5 x 8 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-940430-87-4 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans

The interlinked tales of Late Stories detail the excursions of an aging narrator
navigating the amorphous landscape of grief in a series of tender and often waggishly elliptical digressions.
The writer Philip Seidel is in mourning. Although it has been four years since the
death of his longtime wife, Abigail, hes only steadily become more isolated, reclusive, and antisocial. And so he continues to do what he knowshe writes: memories of their shared life, its joyscultural, filial, and sensual; its disappointments
and sorrows; and of the long, slow decline of her health. Along the way, he fantasizes, dryly recounts his daily routines, amends, backtracks, gets confused, repeats
himselfultimately producing a fractured amalgamation of snapshots and quiet
moments that coalesce into a wholly human and heartfelt portrait of bereavement.
Stephen Dixon was born in 1936 in New York City. He is the author of more than
thirty books, including Frog and Interstate, which were nominated for the National
Book Award. He is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the American
Academy Institute of Arts and Letters Prize for Fiction, the O. Henry Award, and
a Pushcart Prize.

Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio and TV campaign
National print and online campaign
5-city national tour
Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL New York, NY
Portland, OR Milwaukee, WI
Contributor Hometown: Ruxton, MD

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Curbside Splendor Publishing

Body Horror
Essays on Misogyny and Capitalism

Anne Elizabeth Moore

Unspeakable acts are committed on womens bodies under capitalism every day.
In Body Horror, Anne Elizabeth Moore explores the global toll of capitalism on
women with thorough research, surprising humor, and easeespecially when
examining her own experiences with disease and healthcareto create a portrait
of contemporary American culture that is gory and fascinating.
Anne Elizabeth Moore is the author of Unmarketable and Cambodian Grrrl,
co-editor and publisher of the now-defunct Punk Planet, a founding editor of
Best American Comics, a Fulbright scholar, former UN Press Fellow, and a USC
Annenberg/Getty Arts Journalism Fellow.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National radio and TV campaign
National print and online campaign 5-city national tour Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Boston, MA New York, NY Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

5 x 8 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-940430-88-1 USC
eBook available

Examining horror films, fast fashion,

labor trafficking, and more,
Anne Elizabeth Moore tackles the brutality
done unto womens bodies worldwide.

Everything We Dont Know


Aaron Gilbreath
Heartfelt, earnest, and humorous, the essays in Everything We Dont Know examine the journey of growing up in contemporary America. Aaron Gilbreath
contemplates the ocean-bound debris from Japans Fukushima nuclear disaster, his nostalgia for the demolished buildings of his youth, quitting smoking,
the etymology of the word radical, and more. A deftly c rafted debut from a
wise, bold voice.
Aaron Gilbreaths essays have appeared in Harpers, the New York Times, the
Paris Review, Vice, Tin House, the Believer, Oxford American, and elsewhere.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National radio and TV campaign
National print and online campaign 5-city national tour Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Portland, OR

5 x 8 | 359 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-940430-83-6 USC
eBook available

A beautifully crafted debut collection from

an essayist concerned with pursuing a
meaningful life in contemporary America.

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Curbside Splendor Publishing

Cocktails for Ding Dongs
Text by Dustin Drankiewicz
Illustrated by Alexandra Ensign
With humor and playfulness, this collection of cocktail recipes and comics offers
updated twists on classic cocktails. With appearances from pop culture characters, inebriated unicorns, and more, this cocktail guide aims to bring the sophistication of the craft cocktail to the average swiller.
Dustin Drankiewicz served stints bartending in Milwaukee and Las Vegas before becoming beverage director for Chicagos restaurant and hospitality group
16" on Center.
6 x 9 | 200 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940430-85-0 USC

Alexandra Ensign is a University of Chicago graduate and bartender who spends

her free time creating zines, comics, and illustrations to sell at local comic conventions and fests.
Marketing Plans

A no-nonsense cocktail guide featuring

hand-drawn comics that aims to dissolve
the mythos surrounding the culture of the
over-complicated craft cocktail.

Co-op available Advance reader copies

National radio and TV campaign National print and online campaign
Cocktail events in Chicago area Goodreads giveaway
Contributors Hometown: Chicago, IL

Steve Himmer

After an aimless life, Martin Blaskett is ready to settle down, unaware of the tension rising in his new town from unknowable forces. When he draws the attention
of a shape-shifter from local legend, his world is shaken, and he is led across the
hazy border of the feral wilderness with a tempestuous history.

Dark House Press
5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-940430-84-3 USC
eBook available

Magical realism is woven throughout

this supernatural novel, which examines
the thinning boundary between man and
werewolf, wild and tame.

Steve Himmer is author of the novels The Bee-Loud Glade and Fram. His stories
have appeared in Hobart, Hawk & Handsaw, the Collagist, the Los Angeles Review,
and elsewhere. He edits the web journal Necessary Fiction and teaches at Emerson
College in Boston.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National radio and TV campaign
National print and online campaign 5-city national tour Goodreads giveaway

Author Events
Chicago, IL Boston, MA Portsmouth, NH New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: Boston, MA

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Daylight Books
Seasons Greetings
The Christmas Card Collection of Monroe Wheeler

Compiled and edited by Vincent Cianni

Foreword by Joseph Scott IV
Essay by Allen Ellenzweig
Seasons Greetings includes handmade art objects and
limited printings that come from the estate of Monroe Wheeler.

As Director of Exhibitions and Publications at the Museum of Modern Art from

1939 to 1967, Monroe Wheeler heavily influenced typography, book design,
and the development of the museum exhibition catalogue. During his tenure at
MoMA, Wheeler developed close relationships with many of the artists he exhibited and published. Seasons Greetings is a volume of over fifty handmade art objects and limited printings that were sent to Wheeler from artists, many of whom
he knew intimately, including never-before-seen work by such luminaries as
Jean Cocteau, Ben Shahn, Miguel Covarrubias, Rufino Tamayo, Robert Parker,
Roberto Montenegro, Herbert Bayer, and Max Weber.
Essays by Joseph Scott IV and Allen Ellenzweig establish the importance of
this vast archive of art, letters, and ephemera, and highlight Wheelers wide influence within his field. Seasons Greetings is a fitting tribute to a man whose lifes
work centered on and celebrated fine art publications.
Vincent Cianni is a documentary photographer whose work explores community and memory through image, text, and audio. He teaches at Parsons, The New
School for Design in New York City, and has authored two books, including
Gays in the Military, published by Daylight Books in 2014.
Joseph Scott IV became caretaker of the Manhattan apartment of Monroe
Wheeler in 1990 to help organize and preserve Wheelers archive. His work continues today, as executor for Anatole Pohorienko, to assist in cataloging the remaining material for Wheeler, Glenway Wescott, and George Platt Lynes.

8 x 10 | 96 pp
50 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-1-942084-22-8 W

Contributor Hometown: Newburgh, NY /

Philadelphia, PA / New York, NY

Allen Ellenzweig is an arts critic and cultural commentator currently preparing

a biography of twentieth-century photographer George Platt Lynes for Oxford
University Press. He teaches in the Writing Program at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, New Jersey.

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Daylight Books
Anonymous Women
Photographs by Patty Carroll

For over twenty years, Patty Carroll has staged photographs using models, drapery, and household objects to add to the dialogue surrounding femininity and
the domestic sphere. Anonymous Women presents images that symbolize the psychological states of women around the world by showing them hidden behind,
and intertwined with, visually stunning domestic scenes. These not-so-still-l ives
are colorful, beautiful, mysterious, and humorous, articulating the many complex relationshipsboth personal and culturale xisting between women and
the home.
10 x 10 | 112 pp
50 color photographs
Paper over Board US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-1-942084-19-8 W

Anonymous Women is a series of

photographs with models using household
objects and drapery to comment on
women and domesticity.

Patty Carroll is a photographer and educator who has previously published four
books. This body of work has been featured in over thirty online blogs, magazines,
and news sources. Carroll was a Photolucida Top 50 in 2014, and has received numerous awards for this project.

Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

A Whole World Blind

War and Life in Northern Syria

Nish Nalbandian
Award-w inning photographer Nishan Nalbandian has spent three years covering the war in Northern Syria and the refugees from that war in Turkey. His
debut monograph, A Whole World Blind, entwines documentary photography
and portraiture with oral testimony, essays, stories, and memoir to create a vivid
picture of the reality of this war. This book depicts fighters on the frontline, as
well as everyd ay people eking out a living amidst the ruins. Fascinated by the
dynamic of life that continues through conflict, Nalbandians photographs humanize what often reads as impersonal headlines about a dangerous war.
11 x 9 | 196 pp
80 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-1-942084-25-9 W

Nish Nalbandian has photographed in more than thirty-five countries worldwide in a variety of environments and continues to cover Syrian refugee issues.
Nalbandians awards include First Prize for War Conflict photography in the 2014
International Photography Awards, the Gold Medal for War Photography in the
2014 Prix de la Photographie, Paris, and many more.

A Whole World Blind depicts the realities

of war in Northern Syrias rebel-held
territories from the brutal to the mundane.

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Daylight Books
Cuba Unfinished
Photographs 19892015

Photographs and foreword by Manuello Paganelli

Working in the tradition of Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank, Paganelli
brings an artists eyes and a native sons sensibility to his superb photographs.
Frank Van Riper, The Washington Post
Manuello Paganelli has documented the daily activities of the people and culture of Cuba for more than twenty-five years. In his debut book, Cuba Unfinished,
Paganelli brings together over 150 black and white images that celebrate the
indomitable essence of Cubaits cuisine, music, dance, and everyday life
persisting in the midst of varying political pressures and economical complexities.
Manuello Paganelli is a Los Angelesbased freelance photographer whose images have been published in Bloomberg Business, ESPN, Newsweek, and elsewhere.

Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

12 x 11 | 224 pp
175 B&W photographs
Cloth Text US $60.00 | CAN $77.99
978-1-942084-23-5 W

Cuba Unfinished explores Cubas land,

people, and complex relationship with
the United States from 1989 to 2015.

The Lumen Seed

Records of a Search in the Australian Desert

Judith Crispin
Foreword by Juno Gemes

The Lumen Seed sensitively depicts a cultural dialogue taking place before a backdrop of offenses against the Australian continent, as well as a history of systematic discrimination against indigenous peoples on the part of the countrys white
population. The images, created by Australia-based artist Judith Crispin in close
consultation with indigenous people, document an attempt by the Warlpiri group
to share sacred information with white people; the poems convey the artists interpretation of those ideas, alongside her development of personal relationships
with community elders.
Judith Crispin returned to Australia in 2011 after living and working in Germany
for several years. Since that time she has driven the eight-thousand-kilometer
round trip from her home in Canberra to the remote community of Lajamanu
many times and established a close relationship with the Warlpiri community
there. Crispin has a background in music composition, poetry, and photography.

6 x 9 | 80 pp
30 color photographs
Paper over Board US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-1-942084-24-2 W

The Lumen Seed contains photographs,

drawings, and poems about the
indigenous Warlpiri people of Australias
Northern Tanami Desert.

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Daylight Books
A Crack in the World
Five Acres in Mariposa

Photographs by Barbara Kyne

Essay by Susan Griffin

11 x 9 | 96 pp
45 color photographs
Paper over Board US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-1-942084-20-4 W

A Crack in the World explores empathy

for all sentient beings and the planet
in the face of global warming.

A Crack In The World presents Barbara Kynes photographs of the five acres that
she and her partner share in Mariposa, California. Kyne photographs as a means
of looking for clues to so-c alled reality, wondering what is outside of the environment that she can detect with her own limited human biology. Ultimately,
she produces a photography of nature that does not rely on the nature genre
or even on the subject matter of nature for engagement or visual enjoyment,
and instead examines the possibilities in the unsensed and imagined. A Crack in
the World contains fresh and elegant, yet layered and technically complex, photographs made with the intention of inspiring empathy for all beings and the
planet that sustains us. Essays by Susan Griffin examine the artistic and theoretical implications of this deceptively simple body of work.
Barbara Kyne is an artist based in Oakland, California. Her work has been shown
at SF Camerawork, Photo Center NW, the Trition Museum of Art, the Kala
Institute, and the Bedford Gallery, and is featured in many contemporary photography books and publications.
Contributor Hometown: Oakland, CA / Berkeley, CA

A Modern Tale of Acadia

Photographs by Mark Marchesi

Foreword by Christoph Irmscher
Poetry by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

9 x 9 | 96 pp
54 color photographs
Cloth Text US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-1-942084-21-1 W

Evangeline is a photographic exploration

of Nova Scotia, Canada, directly
inspired by the epic 1847 poem by
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Evangeline is a photographic exploration of Nova Scotia, Canada, directly inspired

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellows 1847 epic poem about the historic Expulsion
of the Acadians. Today, the proud presence of Acadian heritage on the shores
of the Bay of Fundy is unmistakable in Mark Marchesis soft, pastel images of
churches, Acadian flags, and unique architecture. But the regions population is
dwindling, and the culture that struggled against the New World British influence is again losing ground. Marchesi eloquently portrays this gradual exodus of
the Acadian people from rural Nova Scotia in haunting landscapes of empty seaports and abandoned Victorian properties.
This is the forest primeval; but where are the hearts that beneath it
Leaped like the roe, when he hears in the woodland the voice of the huntsman?
Mark Marchesi received a BFA in Photography from Maine College of Art in
1999. He was a winner of Jen Bekman Projectss popular photography competition Hey, Hot Shot in 2007, and has been awarded three Maine Arts Commission
project grants.
Contributor Hometown: South Portland, ME / Bloomington, IN

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Deep Vellum Publishing

Eve Out of Her Ruins
Ananda Devi
Translated by Jeffrey Zuckerman

A harrowing account of the hidden violent reality of life in her native

country by the figurehead of Mauritian literature.

Devi writes about terrible and bitter events with a soft, delicate voice.Le Figaro
With brutal honesty and poetic urgency, Ananda Devi relates the tale of four young
Mauritians trapped in their countrys endless cycle of fear and violence: Eve, whose
body is her only weapon and source of power; Savita, Eves best friend, the only one
who loves Eve without self-interest, who has plans to leave but will not go alone;
Saadiq, gifted would-be poet, inspired by Rimbaud, in love with Eve; Cllio, belligerent rebel, waiting without hope for his brother to send for him from France.
Eve Out of Her Ruins is a heartbreaking look at the dark corners of the island
nation of Mauritius that tourists never see, and a poignant exploration of the construction of personhood at the margins of society. Awarded the prestigious Prix
des cinq continents upon publication as the best book written in French outside of
France, Eve Out of her Ruins is a harrowing account of the violent reality of life in
her native country by the figurehead of Mauritian literature.
The book featurues an original introduction by Nobel Prize winner J.M.G.
Le Clzio, who declares Devi a truly great writer.
Ananda Devi (b. 1957, Trois-Boutiques, Mauritius) is a novelist and scholar. She
has published eight novels as well as short stories and poetry, and was featured at
the PEN World Voices Festival in New York in 2015. She was made a Chevalier des
Arts et des Lettres by the French Government in 2010.

5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941920-40-4 NA
eBook available

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC Chicago, IL Boston, MA
New York, NY Rochester, NY Toronto, ON
Austin, TX Dallas, TX Houston, TX

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Deep Vellum Publishing

A Zero-Sum Game
Eduardo Rabasa
Translated by Christina MacSweeney
A hilarious satire and universal exploration of the origins of power and corruption. A Zero-Sum Game uses the highly-charged election for the presidency of
a residents committee and the influence of a powerful stranger to both expose
those in power and to sympathize with individuals who find themselves caught
in the paradox of empowerment and impotence that is modern consumer society and the democratic state.

5 x 8 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941920-38-1 W

Eduardo Rabasa is the founding editorial director of Sexto Piso, Mexicos most
prominent independent publishing house, and was selected to the Hay Festivals
Mxico20 list of the greatest Mexican authors under the age of forty.

eBook available

This debut from a Mexico20-recognized

author examines humanitys dark side
in a fatalistic satire of consumer society
and the cult of the individual.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Chicago, IL Boston, MA
New York, NY Rochester, NY Austin, TX Dallas, TX Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX

Blood of the Dawn

Claudia Salazar Jimnez
Translated by Elizabeth Bryer
Blood of the Dawn follows three women whose lives intertwine and are ripped
apart during whats known as the time of fear in Peruvian history, when the
Shining Path militant insurgency was at its peak. The novel rewrites the conflict
through the voices of women, activating memory through a mixture of politics, desire, and pain in lucid and brutal prose.

5 x 8 | 104 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941920-42-8 NA

Claudia Salazar Jimnez (b. 1975, Lima, Peru), is a critic, scholar, and author.
She founded PERUFEST, the first Peruvian film festival, in New York, where
she lives, and won the 2014 Americas Narrative Prize for her debut novel Blood
of the Dawn.

eBook available

Author Events
This debut novel by a Peruvian author
viscerally revisits Perus recent, traumatic
history through the eyes of three women.

Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Atlanta, GA

Chicago, IL Boston, MA Baltimore, MD Ann Arbor, MI Minneapolis, MN
Durham, NC Brooklyn, NY New York, NY Portland, OR Austin, TX Dallas, TX
Houston, TX San Antonio, TX Charlottesville, VA Seattle, WA

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Deep Vellum Publishing

Heavens on Earth
Carmen Boullosa
Translated by Shelby Vincent
Three narrators from different historical eras engage in preserving history in
Heavens on Earth. As her narrators sense each other and interact through time
and space, Boullosa challenges the primacy of recorded history and asserts literature and languages power to transcend the barriers of time and space in vivid,
urgent prose.
Carmen Boullosa is one of Mexicos leading novelists, poets, and playwrights.
Her most recent novel Texas: The Great Theft (Deep Vellum, 2014) was shortlisted for the PEN Translation Prize, nominated for the International Dublin
Literary Award, and won Typographical Eras Translation Award. She lives in
Brooklyn, New York, and Mexico City, Mexico.

5 x 8 | 384 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-941920-44-2 W
eBook available

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Santa Barbara, CA Washington, DC
Chicago, IL Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY New York, NY Rochester, NY
Portland, OR Austin, TX Dallas, TX Houston, TX San Antonio, TX Seattle, WA
Contributors Hometowns: Brooklyn, NY / Dallas, TX

In a vivid fragmentary narrative,

three narrators from different times and
places find theyre connected through
history, memory, and language.

Bae Suah
Translated by Deborah Smith
Bae Suah offers the chance to un-k nowto see the every-day afresh and be
defamiliarized with what we believe we knoww hich is no small offering.
Music & Literature
The meeting between a group of emigrants and a mysterious, wandering actress
in an empty train station sets the stage for Recitation, a fragmentary yet lyrical
meditation on language, travel, and memory by South Koreas most prominent
contemporary female author. As the actress recounts the fascinating story
of her stateless existence, an unreliable narrator and the interruptions of her
audience challenge traditional notions of storytelling and identity.

5 x 8 | 280 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941920-46-6 W
eBook available

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC New York, NY Austin, TX
Dallas, TX Houston, TX

A mysterious actress turned wanderer

shares her story with a nameless emigrant
chorus in this novel exploring memory
and personhood.

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Deep Vellum Publishing

On Darkness
Josefine Klougart
Translated by Martin Aitken

Klougart mixes prose, lyric essay, drama, poetry, and images to meditate
on death and loss through breathtaking, moving, apocalyptic writing.

Klougart has an unusual ability to create phrases, images and a language that
you long to stay in and remember forever.Dagens Nyheter
One can speak of unbearable beauty, but one can also speak of a linguistic beauty
that makes it possible to bear the unbearable.Politiken
In this genre-bending apocalyptic novel Josefine Klougart fuses myriad literary
styles to breathtaking effect in poetic meditations on life and death interspersed
with haunting imagery. Her experimental novel asks readers to reconsider death,
asserting sorrow and loss as beautiful and necessary aspects of living.
Hailed as the Virginia Woolf of Scandinavia, Klougart mixes prose, lyric
essay, drama, poetry, and images to breathtaking effect in her writing, and On
Darkness marks the arrival of a wholly new literary talent in world literature.
5 x 8 | 312 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941920-50-3 W
eBook available

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA
San Francisco, CA Washington, DC
Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL Boston, MA
Baltimore, MD Ann Arbor, MI
Minneapolis, MN Durham, NC Brooklyn, NY
New York, NY Portland, OR Austin, TX
Dallas, TX Houston, TX San Antonio, TX
Charlottesville, VA Seattle, WA

Josefine Klougart (b. 1985) made her literary debut in 2010 with the novel Rise
and Fall, which was nominated for the prestigious Nordic Council Literature
Prize. Her third novel, One of Us is Sleeping, forthcoming from Open Letter Books
in summer 2016, was also nominated for a Nordic Council Literature Prize, making her the youngest author ever nominated twice for this prominent prize. Her
fourth and most recent novel, On Darkness, appeared in Denmark in 2014 to universal critical acclaim and became a massive bestseller in Denmark and Norway.
Translator Martin Aitken has won numerous awards for his translations of
Danish literature, and he is currently working with Karl Ove Knausgaard to translate the final volume of My Struggle and his nonfiction.

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Deep Vellum Publishing

The Magician of Vienna
Sergio Pitol
Translated by George Henson
The heartbreaking final volume in Sergio Pitols groundbreaking memoir-essay-
fiction-hybrid Trilogy of Memory finds Pitol boldly and passionately weaving
fiction and autobiography together to tell of his life lived through literature as a
way to stave off the advancement of a degenerative neurological condition causing him to lose the use of language. Fiction invades autobiographya nd vice
versaas Pitol writes to forestall the advancement of degenerative memory loss.
Sergio Pitol, the greatest living Mexican writer, winner of the Juan Rulfo and
Cervantes prizes, is profoundly influential to the current generation of Mexican
writers, including Valeria Luiselli and Yuri Herrera.

5 x 8 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941920-48-0 W
eBook available

In this Cervantes Prize-winner, fiction

invades autobiographyand vice versaas
Pitol writes to forestall the advancement
of degenerative memory loss.

The Outlaw
Jn Gnarr
Translated by Lytton Smith
The Outlaw describes the harsh world of Jn Gnarrs late teenage years and
wrestles with painful, bleak memories of this troubled stage of his life, physi
cally abused and surrounded by suicides. He uses punk music to cope, but
also discovers an interest in girls and ponders philosophical questions of right
and wrong and how to be true to himself. The dark final volume in the former
Reykjavk mayors childhood memoir-t rilogy delves into the brutal, relentless
despair of his late teens.
Jn Gnarr is one of Icelands most well-k nown actors and comedians, and became an international celebrity as the former mayor of Reykjavk, Iceland.


5 x 8 | 312 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941920-52-7 W
eBook available

Author Events
Berkeley, CA Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA San Francisco, CA Boulder, CO
Denver, CO Washington, DC Chicago, IL New Orleans, LA Boston, MA
Baltimore, MD Minneapolis, MN New York, NY Rochester, NY Portland, OR
Austin, TX Dallas, TX Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX San Antonio, TX Seattle, WA

The dark final volume in the former

Reykjavk mayors childhood memoir-
trilogy delves into the brutal, relentless
despair of his late teens.

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Selected Backlist from Deep Vellum Publishing



The Mountain and the Wall

Translated by Samantha Schnee

Translated by Emma Ramadan

Introduction by Daniel Levin Becker

Translated by Carol Apollonio

Introduction by Ronald Meyer

5 x 8 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-941920-00-8 W

5 x 8 | 152 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-941920-09-1 W

5 x 8 | 264 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-941920-15-2 W

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

The Great Theft

Carmen Boullosa

The Art of Flight

Sergio Pitol

Anne Garrta

Tram 83

Fiston Mwanza Mujila

Translated by George Henson

Introduction by Enrique Vila-Matas

Translated by Roland Glasser

Foreword by Alain Mabanckou


5 x 8 | 424 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-941920-06-0 W

5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-941920-04-6 NA

eBook available

eBook available

Alisa Ganieva

Seeing Red

Lina Meruane

Translated by Megan McDowell

5 x 8 | 170 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941920-24-4 W
eBook available

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Dewi Lewis Publishing

Pop Pills
The Usage of Behavior Medication by Kids in the USA

Baptiste Lignel

A revealing and at times disturbing insight

into a complex subject that affects many lives.

One in five Americans under eighteen years old is diagnosed as having a mental condition that translates into behavioral problems. Often, this is treated with
medication, which can start from an extremely young age.
Over a six-year period, Baptiste Lignel followed the progress of nine American
teenagers with an array of pathologies which lead to behavioral problems, such
as ADHD and OCD as well as depression and anxiety. In candid interviews, the
teenagers talk about their diagnoses and the impact that their medical treatment
has had on their lives. Lignel also explores the social background and, in particular, the imagery that is fed back through social media and popular culture.
When working on a controversial subject, my goal is to remain as neutral
as possible. My hope is to bring to light many aspects surrounding the topic
sometimes contradictory onesin order for the readers to make up their own
minds. Lignel gives a balanced account of what is inevitably a complex and controversial subject.

7 x 9 | 216 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $48.00 | CAN $62.50
978-1-907893-89-6 USC

Marketing Plans
Advance digital reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
Outreach to NGOs and parent education
Social media campaign

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Selected Backlist from Dewi Lewis Publishing

The Street & Modern Life

Hans Eijkelboom

13 x 7 | 120 pp
1000 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $58.00 | CAN $72.50
978-1-907893-73-5 USC

Road Wallah

The Heavens:
Annual Report

Paolo Woods &

Gabriele Galimberti
9 x 12 | 218 pp
84 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $64.00 | CAN $79.99
978-1-905928-12-5 USC

Toy Soldiers

Martin Parr

4 x 6 | 144 pp
89 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
978-1-907893-80-3 USC


Dougie Wallace

Simon Brann Thorpe

Bruce Gilden

11 x 14 | 96 pp
65 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $55.00 | CAN $71.50
978-1-907893-85-8 USC

9 x 11 | 112 pp
96 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $55.00 | CAN $68.99
978-1-907893-67-4 USC

9 x 14 | 104 pp
52 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $58.00 | CAN $72.50
978-1-907893-75-9 USC

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DoppelHouse Press
Los Angeles, California

DoppelHouse Press is an independent publishing company originally founded in 2011 to share the littleknown stories of migrs and exiles at the center of twentieth century movements in art and architecture.
Today we have expanded our mission to welcome a diverse gallery of new and translated titles including
memoirs, biographies, artist monographs, critical texts, and select fiction from authors around the world.
Based in Los Angelesitself a historically important center for cross-pollination of ideasDoppelHouse
Press assembles a plurality of voices that shed new light on historical events and bring the past to reflect on
the present.

first season at Consortium

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DoppelHouse Press
Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forgers Life
Sarah Kaminsky
Translated by Mike Mitchell
Photographs by Adolfo Kaminsky

The gripping true story of a life-long forger as told to his daughter.

Written like the best spy novels.T

Best-selling author Sarah Kaminsky takes readers through her father Adolfo
Kaminskys perilous and clandestine career as a real-life forger for the French
Resistance, the FLN, and numerous other freedom movements of the twentieth century. Recruited as a young Jewish teenager for his knowledge of dyes,
Kaminsky became the primary forger for the French Resistance during the Nazi
occupation of Paris. Then, as a professional photographer, Kaminsky spent the
next twenty-fi ve years clandestinely producing thousands of counterfeit docu
ments for immigrants, exiles, underground political operatives, and pacifists across the globe. Kaminsky kept his past cloaked in secrecy well into
his eighties, until his daughter convinced him to share the details of the life-
threatening work he did on behalf of people fighting for justice and peace
throughout the world.
5 x 8 | 230 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-0-9970034-7-5 W
Trade Cloth US $26.95 | CAN $34.99
978-0-9970034-0-6 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans

It took me two years of research and some twenty interviews before I got to know
Adolfo Kaminsky, who I only knew as Papa: decoding his silences, detecting between
the notes of his monotone delivery things he didnt put into words, understanding
the parables and finding the messages hidden beneath the series of anecdotes that
filled my notebook. And sometimes I needed to see the way other people looked at
him to understand his choices, his life as a forger, his work underground, his politi
cal commitments, his inability to understand society and the hatred motivating vari
ous groups that encumbered it, his desire to build a world of justice and freedom.

10,000-copy print run

Advance reader copies
Radio campaign
Social media campaign
Book launch in Los Angeles and West Coast
author tour
Promotion at Jewish book festivals and

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL

FLC F16 DoppelHouse 151-154.indd 152

4/5/16 8:37 AM

DoppelHouse Press
Hungarian Art: Confrontation and
Revival through the 20th Century
Avant-garde and Modern Movements

va Forgcs
va Forgcs is a brilliant guide to the history of modern and contemporary art
in Hungary.David Crowley, Royal College of Art
Insightful essays and rarely-seen images tracing, from birth to maturation, several
generations of Hungarian modernism, from the avant-garde to neo-avant-garde.
This wide-ranging collection by va Forgcs, a leading scholar of modernism,
corrects long-standing misconceptions about Hungarian art while examining
the social milieu and work of dozens of important Hungarian artists, including
Lszl Moholy-Nagy and Lajos Kassk. This book paints a fascinating image of
twentieth-century Budapest as a microcosm of the social and political turmoil
raging across twentieth-century Europe.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Excerpts in: The Nomadic Journal
Social media and email campaign Author tour in California and Florida
Fall 2016 exhibition at the Boca Raton Museum of Art

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Boca Raton, FL
Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

6 x 9 | 250 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $38.99
978-0-9970034-1-3 W
eBook available

An engaging collection of essays and

imagery tracing the development of
modernism in Hungarian art and reflecting
on sociopolitical currents.

Three Tearless Histories

Erich Hackl
Translated by Mike Mitchell
With characteristic literary reflection, award-winning author Erich Hackl excavates
three evocative personal histories: the improbable wedding at Dachau of resistance
fighter Gisela Tschofenig; Wilhelm Brasse, who photographed Auschwitz prisoners and saved evidence of Mengeles crimes; and the multi-generational history of
the Klagsbrunns, who fled Vienna for Brazil and suffered under that dictatorship.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / HISTORY | January | 5 x 7 | 200 pp
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50 | 978-0-9970034-3-7 W
eBook available

Escape Home
Rebuilding a Life After the Anschluss
First Trade Paper Edition

Charles Paterson and Carrie Paterson

The riveting family memoir of a Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice and his resourceful father begins in Nazi-occupied Europe and journeys home to American
modernism and the snow-clad mountains of Colorado.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / HISTORY | March | 6 x 9 | 570 pp
Two-color art; 200 B&W photographs, maps, tables
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50 | 978-0-9970034-6-8 W
eBook available

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Recent & Recommended from DoppelHouse Press

The Ghetto Swinger
A Berlin Jazz-Legend Remembers

Coco Schumann
Translated by John Howard; Afterword by Michael H. Kater
Jazz remains a constant in a remarkable life story.The Jazz Rag
A sobering, but hopeful, memoir by a Jewish musical prodigy and concentration
camp survivor who went on to become an award-w inning jazz legend.
Available Now | 6 x 9 | 192 pp | B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50 | 978-0-9832540-4-1 W
eBook available

Peter Sichrovsky
Translated by John Howard; Foreword by Ari Roth
This is a strong collection. . . . The pieces here are memorable and diverse, making Verklempt an excellent English-language introduction to the authors fiction.
Foreword Reviews
Internationally best-selling Austrian author Peter Sichrovsky explores post-
Holocaust Jewish identity through absurdity and dark humor.
FICTION | Available Now | 5 x 7 | 200 pp
Trade Cloth US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-0-9832540-3-4 W
eBook available

Paul T. Frankl | Autobiography

Paul T. Frankl
Edited with an introduction by Christopher Long
An easy flowing account that captures this leading Modernist in his own words.
Chicago Art Deco Society Magazine
The memoir of modernist design pioneer Paul T. Frankl, thought for decades to be
lost. Edited and annotated by modern design scholar Christopher Long with previously unpublished photographs and drawings. Linen cover.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / ARCHITECTURE | Available Now | 5 x 8 | 252 pp
Two-color art and B&W illustrations; 85 B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $32.99 | 978-0-9832540-2-7 W

Adolf LoosA Private Portrait

Claire Beck Loos
Translated by Constance C. Pontasch and N. Saunders
Hugely perceptive and beautifully written.
D r. Irena Murray, British
Architectural Library
An unusual, literary biography featuring lively, often-humorous snapshots of revered Viennese-Czechoslovak architect Adolf Loos. Written by his last wife, the
photographer Claire Beck Loos, this is the first English edition after having enjoyed several reprints in German.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / ARCHITECTURE | Available Now | 5 x 7 | 200 pp
35 B&W photographs | Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $27.99 | 978-0-9832540-0-3 W

FLC F16 DoppelHouse 151-154.indd 154

4/5/16 8:37 AM

Engine Books
Pretend Im Your Friend
MB Caschetta

Linked story cycles by the award-winning author of Miracle Girls

plumb the depths of love, loss, sex, and betrayal.

A dying mother wishes her cancer was her daughters, not hers. A woman with
extrasensory visions accidentally gives her philandering husband her blessing.
A sisters darkest secret is revealed at her brothers wedding. Pretend Im Your
Friend lays bare the fear, loss, and pain of love, sex, and family life in fifteen crisp,
engaging, and startlingly funny, elegantly entwined stories.
As the squad car pulls out into the street, Marie realizes that she could just shut her
door and lock it. This is your best friend, she reminds herself. Susan turns up the path,
face blotchy with grief.
I would have been nicer to David, Susan says, but he was such a drug addict.
They stand on the front stoop, looking at one another, as if someone else might open
the door and let them in. My apartment, Marie reminds herself, motioning Susan into
the foyer.
Four friends from high school are due to arrive this evening to cheer and comfort
Marie during her crisis. Susan has made arrangements.
MB Caschetta is an award-w inning novelist and short story writer. Her novel
Miracle Girls won the USA Best Book Award for Literary Fiction, an Independent
Publisher Awards Gold Medal in Spiritual Books, and was an LGBT IndieFAB
2015 Book of the Year. Miracle Girls was also a Lambda Literary Award Finalist
and a People Pick o f the Week, where it was hailed as darkly beautiful. Caschetta
lives in Massachusetts with her spouse and standard poodle.

Also Available


5 x 8 | 216 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-938126-42-0 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op Available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Author tour
Goodreads giveaway
Promotion through:,,
Contributor Hometown: Provincetown, MA

Miracle Girls
MB Caschetta
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
eBook available

FLC F16 Engine 155-156.indd 155

4/5/16 9:11 AM

Engine Books
Madagascar: New and Selected Stories
Steven Schwartz

From the O. Henry prizewinning author comes this essential collection

of his best stories from nearly four decades of mastery.

Praise for Madagascar:

A collection to be held up as evidence that the short story not only endures but
also flourishes.Booklist, starred review
Steven Schwartzs masterly Lives of the Fathers mines our deepest feelings toward
parents, time, memory, and forgiveness.Chicago Tribune
Schwartz delineates with admirable and diverting finesse the timeless
spectacle of parents and offspring locked in tenderly shattering combat.
Publishers Weekly
These eight stories reveal Schwartzs remarkable ability to create a range of very
believable characters.Publishers Weekly
5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938126-40-6 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op Available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Author Tour
Goodreads giveaway
Promotion through:

From Nelson Algren Award for Short Fiction and O. Henry Prizewinner Steven
Schwartz comes this indispensable collection spanning nearly four decades of
artistic mastery. These compelling, deftly crafted narratives about fathers and
sons, loss and separation, sorrow, comic happenstance, and the vagaries of ro
mantic and familial love offer a resonating testament to the depth and promise
of human connection.
Steven Schwartz is the author of two novels and three collections of short stories. A two-t ime recipient of the Colorado Book Award for Literary Fiction, he
has also received the Nelson Algren Award from the Chicago Tribune, the Cohen
Award from Ploughshares, the Sherwood Anderson Prize, two O. Henry Prize
Story Awards, and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. He teaches in
the Warren Wilson MFA program for writers and is professor emeritus of English
at Colorado State University.

Contributor Hometown: Fort Collins, CO

FLC F16 Engine 155-156.indd 156

4/5/16 9:11 AM

Enigma Books
Americas Civil War
The Blue and the Gray in History, Myth, and Memory

Albert A. Nofi

The Civil War in hundreds of detailed anecdotes

by a veteran historian.

Americas greatest conflict was long in coming. Its roots lay deeply embedded in
the nations past. Despite rhetoric, then and since, the fundamental issue was always slavery. On April 15, 1861, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand militiamen. This prompted most of the slave-holding states still tentatively loyal to
the Union to secede: Virginia on April 17, shortly followed by Arkansas, North
Carolina, and Tennessee. Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri were barely held
for the Union. Men sprang to arms to take part in the great adventuremost believed the war would be short. The aged Winfield Scott, hero of both the War of
1812 and the Mexican-American War, now an honorary lieutenant general and
General-in-Chief of the Army, suggested in vain that it would be long and hard.
This history looks at the war through the lens of a commonplace book: a collection of useful, interesting, and entertaining informationfactoids, essays,
poems, anecdotes, lists, profiles, and other miscellany. This helps to throw light
on various aspects of the war from its origins up to the present, looking at how
we remember and memorialize those people and events.
These pieces of information would normally be scattered over the in
numerable books, newspapers, and magazine articles that make up our knowledge of the Civil War. This compilation is a selection of items of interest, covering
the entire war; it includes more detail and facts than any similar one-volume publication on the subject.

6 x 9 | 300 pp
50 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $26.00 | CAN $33.99
978-0-9863764-8-1 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Outreach to Civil War websites
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Enigma 157-160.indd 157

4/5/16 9:24 AM

Enigma Books
Mob Lawyer
The Mafias Attorney Tells All

Frank Ragano and Selwyn Raab;

Foreword by Nicholas Pileggi
The first paperback edition of the groundbreaking account by the
Mafias key lawyer: an inside story of the Mafia at the top level.

6 x 9 | 300 pp
25 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $26.00 | CAN $33.99
978-0-9972100-0-2 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans

In spite of the deadly law of omert among the men of honor of the Mafia, promising swift and fatal retribution to its transgressors, Frank Ragano tells an un
rivaled and unmatched insiders story. Never before has someone so highly placed
revealed what went on behind the closed doors of organized crime during its most
powerful, lucrative, and pervasive years.
This is the unvarnished story of the murders, the fixed juries, the sweetheart
deals, and the political corruption that characterized the heyday of the Mafia.
Here in unprecedented detail are the day-to-d ay workings of Americas most
profitable and influential criminal organizations; huge operations whose tremendous growth from the 1950s to the 1970s was due in part to brilliant,
aggressive, highly paid attorneys who kept the wheels of these drug and prostitution factories well-greased.
Ragano acted as a conduit between the mob and politicians, crooked business
men, and powerful labor leaders. He provides an enthralling hour-by-hour account of the day Jimmy Hoffa was killed, including who ordered the hit and
why. He shows how Hoffas animus toward Attorney General Robert Kennedy
erupted in a brawl between the two men in the offices of the Justice Department,
and most shockingly, how Ragano unwittingly delivered the messagefrom
Hoffa to the mobt hat resulted in President Kennedys assassination. At the
very heart of the American Mafia, Ragano was the attorney for Santo Trafficante,
Jimmy Hoffa, and Carlos Marcello.
With a foreword by award-w inning screenwriter and author Nicholas Pileggi.

Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Outreach to true crime websites
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Enigma 157-160.indd 158

4/5/16 9:24 AM

Enigma Books
Diary 19371943
First Trade Paper Edition

Galeazzo Ciano
Introduction by Sumner Welles
The members of what was politely termed the Italian Government were no more
than Mussolinis lackeys. Count Ciano himself was wholly subservient to him.
Count Ciano was a man who lacked neither personal dignity nor physical courage, and yet I have seen him quail at an interview with Mussolini when the dictator showed irritation. I first knew of the existence of this Diary . . . from Count
Ciano himself. He showed it to me and read me excerpts from it in my first conversation with him. There is no question of its authenticity. . . . I believe it to be one
of the most valuable historical documents of our times.Sumner Welles, from
the introduction
Galeazzo Ciano was Benito Mussolinis confidant and advisor, and met with the
foreign leaders with whom Mussolini had dealings. This is World War II seen
from the inside: the only book of its kind that provides the key to many little-
known episodes and operations that influenced the course of the war. This diary
was eventually the cause of Cianos death by firing squad, which the Nazis ordered to be carried out.
This is the only complete edition.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available

6 x 9 | 650 pp
52 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $29.00 | CAN $37.50
978-0-9972100-4-0 USC
eBook available

The most famous diary by the Italian

Foreign Minister and son-in-law of
Mussolini, which led to his death by
firing squad.

Fighting the Nazis

French Intelligence and Counterintelligence 19351945
First Trade Paper Edition

Colonel Paul Paillole

Few careers can match that of Colonel Paul Paillole of the French intelligence
service. He joined the Service de Renseignement in Paris as a young officer in 1935
and served in counterintelligence until November 1944. On June 6, 1944, he
was the only French officer privy to top secret details: the day and hour of the
Normandy invasion. This book is filled with fascinating operational detail, with
descriptions of hundreds of espionage and counterespionage cases, among them
the real origins of the plot to kill Admiral Darlan in 1942; the use of submarines
to help the resistance; and the compilation of lists of SS, Gestapo, and French col
laborators slated for arrest and execution after D-Day.

6 x 9 | 500 pp
52 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $29.00 | CAN $37.50
978-0-9972100-2-6 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available

Memoirs of the only French officer

who was told the secrets of D-Day
ahead of the invasion.

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4/5/16 9:24 AM

Selected Backlist from Enigma Books

American Police, A History:

The Blue Parade, Vol. II
Thomas A. Reppetto


6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Cloth US $23.00 | CAN $25.50
978-1-936274-43-7 USC
eBook available

My Fault

Mussolini As I Knew Him

Margherita Sarfatti
Edited by Brian Sullivan

6 x 9 | 357 pp
Trade Cloth US $26.00 | CAN $28.50
978-1-936274-39-0 USC

Hitler & Mussolini

Hitler at War

The Secret Meetings

Santi Corvaja

Meetings and Conferences,

Edited by Robert L. Miller

6 x 9 | 420 pp
46 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.95
978-1-929631-42-1 USC

6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $26.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-936274-78-9 USC

Translated by Robert L. Miller

eBook available


The President of Rwanda Speaks

Francois Soudan
5 x 8 | 141 pp
Trade Cloth US $21.00 | CAN $26.50
978-1-936274-80-2 USC

eBook available

The Man Behind

the Rosenbergs
Alexander Feklisov


6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $21.95
978-1-929631-24-7 USC

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Enigma 157-160.indd 160

4/5/16 9:24 AM

Etruscan Press
One Turn Around the Sun
Tim Seibles

This panorama of poems defines the twilight when a

caretaker of parents realizes that life is too short.

One Turn Around the Sun is a panorama of poems that attempts to define the first
appearances of lifes twilight. The book also studies the intricacies of being a self:
a particular personality shaped by forces seen and unseen, both knowable and
not. At times, the various voices might be considered characters that agree and
sustain one perspective. In other cases, contending sensibilities imply an underlying argument. This is especially true of the book within the book, which is entitled The Hilt. Several questions drive this collection, the most central being:
How can a person stay sane when, so often, sociopolitical circumstances mock all
efforts to create a livable world? This titles intention is to bolster an ongoing engagement with life at a time when running away is a great temptation.
Tim Seibless book of poems, Fast Animal (Etruscan Press, 2011) was a finalist for the 2012 National Book Award, received the triennial Theodore Roethke
Memorial Poetry Prize and the PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award. Seibles
has received fellowships from both the Provincetown Fine Arts Center and The
National Endowment for the Arts. He also won the Open Voice Award from the
63rd Street Y in New York City. His work appears in numerous literary journals
including Indiana Review, Black Renaissance Noire, Huizache, Cortland Review,
and Ploughshares. His poem Allison Wolff was anthologized in Best American
Poetry 2010.

6 x 9 | 100 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-0-9903221-8-4 USC

Marketing Plans
7-city author tour

Author Events
Also Available

Chicago, IL Provincetown, MA Detroit, MI

Cleveland, OH Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA Dallas, TX
Contributor Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Fast Animal
Tim Seibles
Trade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $15.50
978-0-9832944-2-9 USC

FLC F16 Etruscan 161-162.indd 161

4/5/16 9:23 AM

Etruscan Press
Human Directional
Diane Raptosh

Pointing the way to what Michel de Montaigne called unlearning how to be a

slave, Human Directional teaches us how to be free. With the deadly precision of
the fey, it reveals the heartbreak and absurdity of our world by exploringa nd
often explodingits most sacred memes. Diane Raptosh writes for lovers of
poetry, books, words, and mountains, and for people who are worried about the

6 x 9 | 88 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-0-9903221-6-0 USC

Human Directional angles with cautious

hope toward the space of the thinkable,
celebrating body and beauty, justice and
decency, and difference and community.

Diane Raptoshs American Amnesiac (Etruscan Press) was longlisted for the
2013 National Book Award and the 2014 Housatonic Book Award for Poetry.
Recipient of three fellowships in literature from the Idaho Commission
on the Arts, Raptosh was Boises Poet Laureate (2013) and serves as Idahos
Writer-i n-R esidence (20132016).

Marketing Plans
Author tour and attendance at conferences and workshops
Contributor Hometown: Boise, ID

The Candle
Selected and New Poems

William Heyen
The Candle is a record, unlike any other in literature, of an American poets staring into the central atrocities of our twentieth centuryof his struggle against
soul-sickness as he attempts, over almost fifty years, by way of despised and barbaric poetry (in Theodor Adornos terms), to find ways to realize, to understand,
and to remember.

6 x 9 | 352 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-0-9903221-7-7 USC

A compilation of half a centurys

poetic meditation on the Holocaust
and its causes and consequences.

William Heyen is a former senior Fulbright lecturer in American literature in

Germany. His Crazy Horse in Stillness won the Small Press Book Award, Shoah
Train was a National Book Award finalist, and A Poetics of Hiroshima was a selection of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle.

Marketing Plans
Outreach to Holocaust museums, centers, and memorials
Contributor Hometown: Brockport, NY

FLC F16 Etruscan 161-162.indd 162

4/5/16 9:23 AM

Exterminating Angel Press

The Supergirls
Feminism, Fantasy, and the History of Comic Book Heroines
(Revised and Updated)

Mike Madrid
The classic alternative history of American comic book
superheroines, in a new and revised edition.

Mike Madrid is doing Gods work . . . mak[ing] accessible a lost, heady land of
female adventure.ComicsAlliance
Sharp and lively . . . [Madrid] clearly loves this stuff. And hes enough of
a historian to be able to trace the ways in which the portrayal of sirens and
superg irls has echoed societys ever-changing feelings about women and sex.
Entertainment Weekly
A long overdue tribute to [those] fabulous fighting females.Stan Lee
Mike Madrid has become known as a champion of women in comics and as the
expert in Golden Age female characters. And now here is where it all began, as
informative and entertaining as ever, in a revised and updated edition, including new illustrations and a new introduction, as well as an afterword bringing us
up t o date on whats happening with women in comics now.
Mike Madrid is the author of Divas, Dames & Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden
Age Comics; Vixens, Vamps & Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics;
and the original The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy, and the History of
Comic Book Heroines, an NPR Best Book To Share With Your Friends and
American Library Association Amelia Bloomer Project Notable Book. A San
Francisco native and lifelong fan of comic books and popular culture, Madrid
also appears in the documentary Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American
Superheroines and is the illustrator of two of The History of Arcadia books: Lily
the Silent and The Lizard Princess.


Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-935259-03-9

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National public radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing,
and Edelweiss
3-city regional Northern California/Pacific
Northwest tour
Promotion through:,

Author Events

Divas, Dames & Daredevils

Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics
Mike Madrid
Foreword by Maria Elena Buszek, PhD
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935259-23-7 W

Vixens, Vamps & Vipers

Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics
Mike Madrid
Foreword by William Kuskin
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935259-27-5 W

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Exterminating Angel 163-164.indd 163


5 x 7 | 336 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935259-33-6 W

San Francisco, CA Portland, OR Seattle, WA

Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

4/5/16 9:23 AM

Selected Backlist from Exterminating Angel Press

Snotty Saves the Day

Lily the Silent

The Lizard Princess

Illustrated by Gary Zaboly

Illustrated by Mike Madrid

Illustrated by Mike Madrid

5 x 7 | 208 pp
7 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $13.00 | CAN $15.50
978-1-935259-07-7 W

5 x 7 | 224 pp
16 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-935259-18-3 W

5 x 7 | 304 pp
15 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-935259-29-9 W

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

Jam Today

Jam Today Too

A Galaxy of Immortal

The History of Arcadia

Tod Davies

The History of Arcadia

Tod Davies

The History of Arcadia

Tod Davies

A Diary of Cooking
With What Youve Got
Tod Davies

The Revolution
Will Not Be Catered
Tod Davies

5 x 7 | 224 pp
12 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $15.95
978-1-935259-04-6 W

5 x 7 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-935259-25-1 W

5 x 7 | 336 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-935259-14-5 W

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

The Yin Side of

Chinese Civilization
Brian Griffith

FLC F16 Exterminating Angel 163-164.indd 164

4/5/16 9:23 AM

The Feminist Press at CUNY

Black Wave
Michelle Tea

Its 1999and Michelles world is ending.

A dreamlike and dystopian meditation on sobriety,
adulthood, and the obligations of storytelling.

I was unable to put down Black Wave, suddenly afraid and unsure of what was
out there beyond my reading. This bad-fairytale-come-t rue is destabilizing and
palpable, and its Michelle Teas most fearless book. Its a radically honest and
wonderful place that shes spun. It shook me up.Eileen Myles
A keen portrait of a subculture, an instant classic in life-writing, a go-forbroke exemplar of queer feminist imagination, and a contribution to crucial
conversations about whose lives matter. Black Wave is a rollicking triumph.
Maggie Nelson
Desperate to quell her addiction to drugs, disastrous romance, and nineties
San Francisco, Michelle heads south for LA. But when its announced that
the world will officially end soon, life in the metropolis becomes increasingly
While living in an abandoned bookstore, dating Matt Dillon, and keeping
an eye on the encroaching apocalypse, Michelle begins a new novel, a sprawling and meta-textual exploration, to complement her promises of maturity and
responsibility. But as she tries to make queer love and art without succumbing
to self-destructive vices, the boundaries between storytelling and everyday living begin to blur, and Michelle wonders how shell make sense of it all before
Michelle Tea is the author of numerous books, including Rent Girl, Valencia,
and How to Grow Up. She is the co-creator of Sister Spit and founder of RADAR
Productions, a literary nonprofit that oversees queer-centric projects.

5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55861-939-5 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National advertising: Bookforum,
Publishers Weekly
National print and media campaign
Social media campaign
8-city national tour

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Amherst, MA Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY
New York, NY Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

FLC F16 Feminist 165-170.indd 165

4/5/16 9:21 AM

The Feminist Press at CUNY

The Crunk Feminist Collection
Edited by Brittney C. Cooper, Susana M. Morris,
and Robin M. Boylorn

Unapologetic and necessary, this collection of pop-culture criticism

takes on beauty parlor politics, prison abolition, and Rihanna.

5 x 8 | 322 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-55861-943-2 USC
eBook available

For the Crunk Feminist Collective, their academic day jobs were lacking in
conversations they actually wantedrelevant, real conversations about how
race and gender politics intersect with pop culture and current events. To address this void, they started a blog. Now with an annual readership of nearly
one million, their posts foster dialogue about activist methods, intersection
ality, and sisterhood. And the writers personal identitiesa s black women; as
sisters, daughters, and lovers; and as television watchers, sports fans, and music
loversa re never far from the discussion at hand.
These essays explore Sex and Power in the Black Church, discuss how
Clair Huxtable Is Dead, list Five Ways Talib Kweli Can Become a Better
Ally to Women in Hip Hop, and dwell on Dating with a Doctorate. Self-
described as critical homegirls, the authors tackle life stuck between loving
hip hop and ratchet culture while hating patriarchy, misogyny, and sexism.
Brittney C. Cooper is assistant professor at Rutgers University. In addition to
a weekly column in Salon, her words have appeared in the New York Times, the
Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, and others. In 2013 and 2014, she was on the
Root 100, an annual list of top black influencers.
Susana M. Morris received her PhD from Emory University and is currently an
associate professor of English at Auburn University.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and media campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Robin M. Boylorn is assistant professor at the University of Alabama. She is

the author of the award-w inning monograph Sweetwater: Black Women and
Narratives of Resilience (Peter Lang 2013).

Author Events
Auburn, AL Atlanta, GA New Brunswick, NJ
New York, NY
Contributors Hometowns: New Brunswick, NJ /
Auburn, AL / Tuscaloosa, AL

FLC F16 Feminist 165-170.indd 166

4/5/16 9:21 AM

The Feminist Press at CUNY

Avies Dreams
An Afro-Feminist Coloring Book

Makeda Lewis
Part activity book, part surrealist poem, Avies Dreams
takes an interactive and wildly introspective approach
to Afro-feminist self-discovery and girlhood.

Disillusioned by the fallacies of convention, a young dreamer picks herself back

up and wanders through a personal mythology of women warriors, tropical flowers, and sea creatures. A radical and interpersonal take on the usual coming-of-
age tale, Avie firmly establishes her authorial rolea nd infuses ancient Greek
lore, Renaissance paintings, and Hollywood blockbusters with images of Afro
centricity and queer identity.
Despite the continued popularity of adult coloring books, few actually incorporate adult literary themes into their pages. Not only is Avies Dreams beautifully illustrated, it also tells a complex and challenging narrative of race, gender
and sexuality, and body image. Interspersed with lyrics and quotes taken from
contemporary Internet culture and modern poetry, the story investigates the
trials and magic of a young black girl growing up in the world.
Makeda Lewis is an artist living in Atlanta, Georgia. Her art has been positively reviewed by BET, Colorlines, Blavity, MadameNoire, The Reel Network, and
HerStyle Media. This is her first book.


9 x 9 | 64 pp
Trade Paper US $11.95 | CAN $15.50
978-1-55861-938-8 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events
Atlanta, GA Boston, MA Asheville, NC
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Atlanta, GA

FLC F16 Feminist 165-170.indd 167

4/5/16 9:21 AM

The Feminist Press at CUNY

The Doulas!
Radical Care for Pregnant People

Mary Mahoney and Lauren Mitchell

Introduction by Loretta Ross
As more feminism migrates online, full-spectrum doulas remain focused on lifes
physically intimate relationships: between caregivers and patients, parents and
pregnancy, individuals and their own bodies. They are committed to supporting
a pregnancy no matter the outcomewhether it results in birth, abortion, miscarriage, or adoptionfacing the question of choice head-on.
Mary Mahoney is founder and board cochair of the Doula Project, and a key
player in several reproductive justice-focused coalitions and think tanks.
5 x 7 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-55861-941-8 USC
eBook available

Through their unique hands-on activism,

full-spectrum doulas provide tangible
support for those confronting life, death,
and the sticky in-between.

Lauren Mitchell is a founder of the Doula Project and co-coordinator of the

Reproductive Choices Service of NYCs largest public hospital.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National print and media campaign
Social media campaign Promotion through:

Author Events
Boston, MA New York, NY Nashville, TN
Contributors Hometowns: Brooklyn, NY / Nashville, TN / Atlanta, GA

Follow Me into the Dark

Felicia C. Sullivan

A man takes a lover: a younger version of his dying, cancer-ridden wife. Bearing witness to the affair is his stepdaughter, Kate, a baker of cartoon cakes, and
her brother Jonah, an itinerant lonerboth slowly unraveling with a serial killer
on the loose. An examination of gendered roles, emotional deprivation, and the
unbearable weight of personal history, Follow Me into the Dark investigates the
acute lengths children will go to create family.

5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55861-945-6 USC
eBook available

Insidious assumptions of sex and violence

poison a small-town family, resulting in a
daughter taking survival to the extreme.

Felicia C. Sullivan is the author of the memoir The Sky Isnt Visible from Here
(Algonquin/Harper Perennial). She maintains the popular lifestyle blog
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print campaign Social media campaign

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

FLC F16 Feminist 165-170.indd 168

4/5/16 9:21 AM

The Feminist Press at CUNY

Chasing the King of Hearts
Hanna Krall
Translated by Philip Boehm
Afterword by Mariusz Szczygiel
This canonical work of Polish reportage is a terse, unexpected human lesson
born of an occupation-era love story. Based on a true story, the raw interplay of
history and fictionalization spans the Warsaw Ghetto, the war-torn countryside,
and the nightmare of Auschwitz.
This is the books first US publication.
Hanna Krall was born in 1935 in Poland and survived the Holocaust by hiding in a cupboard. She has received numerous Polish and international awards,
such as the Polish PEN Club Prize and the German Wrth-Preis for European
Literature, and has been translated into seventeen languages.

5 x 7 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-55861-944-9 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National advertising: Bookforum

When her husband is arrested in

Nazi-occupied Poland, Izolda endures
unending brutality to ensure his safety.

Queer Methods
Edited by Matt Brim and Amin Ghaziani

Rather than focusing on what makes up queer identity, this issue of the award-
winning journal WSQ asks whether the academys preexisting scholarly methods
will be enough to take on this exciting new field of study. As an inherently slippery discipline, the resistance, impreciseness, and provocation that distinguish
queer studies will undoubtedly affect its methodological development.
Matt Brim is associate professor of queer studies in the English department at
the College of Staten Island, CUNY.
Amin Ghaziani is associate professor of sociology at the University of British
Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Contributors Hometowns: Staten Island, NY / Vancouver, BC

Womens Studies Quarterly
6 x 9 | 360 pp
Trade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-55861-942-5 USC

This issue of WSQ reframes the question

What is queer theory? to How is the
work of queer theory done?

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Selected Backlist from The Feminist Press at CUNY

The Feminist
Utopia Project

Fifty-Seven Visions of a
Wildly Better Future
Edited by Alexandra Brodsky
and Rachel Kauder Nalebuff
5 x 7 | 360 pp
Full color insert
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.99
978-1-55861-900-5 USC

Beijing Comrades
Bei Tong

Translated by Scott E. Myers

Afterword by Petrus Liu

The Cosmopolitans
Sarah Schulman

5 x 8 | 312 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-55861-907-4 USC

5 x 8 | 296 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-55861-904-3 USC
Trade Cloth US $27.95 | CAN $36.50
978-1-55861-910-4 USC

eBook available

eBook available


The Riot Grrrl Collection

eBook available

Zipper Mouth
Laurie Weeks

5 x 7 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-55861-748-3 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Feminist 165-170.indd 170

The Best of the Magazine that

Illuminated the Sex Industry and
Started a Media Revolution
Edited by Rachel Aimee,
Eliyanna Kaiser, and Audacia Ray
6 x 8 | 368 pp
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $30.99
978-1-55861-872-5 USC

Edited with an introduction

by Lisa Darms
Essay by Johanna Fateman


7 x 10 | 368 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $38.50
978-1-55861-822-0 USC
eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:21 AM

Feral House
Strength Through Design
Third Reich Propaganda in Print

Nigel Wingrove

A unique look at the Third Reich through its enormous output

of books, magazines, brochures, newspapers, and poster material.

We all know of the horrifying success of Nazi propaganda and its promotion of
totalitarian and anti-Semitic ideas. In Strength Through Design, collector and author Nigel Wingrove breaks down how it all happened with reproductions of Nazi
books, magazines, brochures, newspapers, and posters. Strength Through Design
collects and contextualizes a time when graphic design joined forces with the
worst kind of state apparatus.
Nigel Wingrove is known for co-w riting, with Marc Morris, The Art of the
Nasty, a book that focused on the packaging of horror films and how video nasty
hysteria gripped the British media in the early 1980s. When archaic blasphemy
laws moved against artistic expression, Wingrove joined writers Salman Rushdie
and Fay Weldon and film directors Derek Jarman and Michael Winner in suits
heard at the European Court of Human Rights.


9 x 11 | 300 pp
Paper over Board US $39.95 | CAN $51.99
978-1-62731-035-2 W*

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4/5/16 9:20 AM

Feral House
Life of My Own

Harley Flanagan
Introduction by Steven Blush
Harley Flanagan epitomizes hardcore punk rock that began
for him at a very early age. Heres his controversial story.


6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $23.95 | CAN $30.99
978-1-62731-033-8 W*
eBook available

Harley Flanagan provides a fascinating memoira homeless child prodigy and

family friend of Andy Warhol and Allen Ginsberg. At a young age he became close
to many stars of the early punk rock scene like Joe Strummer of the Clash and
was taught to play bass by members of the famed black punk band Bad Brains. He
went on to start the notorious hardcore band Cro-M ags.
From the memoirs introduction by American Hardcores Steven Blush: Harley
Flanagan is not like you or me. Most of us grew up in relative safety and security. Harley came up like a feral animal, left by his hippie mother to fend for
himself in the 70s Lower East Side jungle of crime, drugs, abuse, and poverty.
By age the age of ten he played frequently at Maxs Kansas City and CBGB,
drumming in his aunts punk band The Stimulators, and socializing with
Blondies Debbie Harry and Clevelands Dead Boys. Everyone thought it was
so cute, but it wasnt.
Currently a Jiu Jitsu instructor for the famed Renzo Gracie, Flanagan was never
shy: making friends with important figures like Lemmy Kilmister of Motrhead,
defending himself in street battles, and, most recently, finding media play and
court battles after former band members betrayed their one-time friend and

Contributors Hometown: New York, NY

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Feral House
The Mohammed Code
How a Desert Prophet Brought You ISIS,
al Qaeda, and Boko Haram

Howard Bloom
The Mohammed Code tells the story of how Mohammed
invented jihad and demanded that it conquer the earth.

If Howard Bloom is only ten percent right, well have to drastically revise our
notions of the universe through the contagious joy of a great mind set loose on
the biggest intellectual puzzles humans have ever faced. Whether youre a scientist or hyper-c urious layperson, Blooms argument will rock your world.
Barbara Ehrenreich on Howard Blooms The God Problem
Osama bin Laden called Mohammed a Prophet of Conquest. Pakistans Universal
Sunnah Foundation brags that under Mohammeds battlefield leadership, Islam
spread an average of 317 square miles per day.
ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Supreme Leader of Iran know that
Islam toppled two of the biggest superpowers in historyR ome and Persia
then took over two-thirds of the inhabited world. Militant Muslims believe
that Islam is on the brink of doing it again. The Mohammed Code: How a Desert
Prophet Brought You ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram lays bare the origins of this
profoundly dangerous belief.
Many contemporary thinkers excuse Islamic violence as a legitimate reaction to Western imperialism. They blame Americas wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
and the establishment of Israel in 1948. But Jihad was invented in 624 AD by the
only prophet ever to call himself The Prophet of War. And that prophet was
not responding to legitimate grievances, but an ambition for world conquest.


6 x 9 | 350 pp
Trade Paper US $23.95 | CAN $30.99
978-1-62731-036-9 W*
eBook available

Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

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4/5/16 9:20 AM

Feral House
The Krampus and the
Old, Dark Christmas
Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil

Al Ridenour
From elements of medieval witchcraft reworked in
18th-century folk Catholicism, the Krampus has risen
to embody a new countercultural holiday.

7 x 10 | 240 pp
75 color photographs; 10 B&W photographs;
15 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-62731-034-5 W*

With the appearance of the demonic Christmas character Krampus in contemporary Hollywood movies, television shows, advertisements, and greeting cards,
medieval folklore has now been revisited in American culture. Krampus-related
events and parades occur both in North America and Europe, and they are an
ever-g rowing phenomenon.
Though the Krampus figure has once again become iconic, not much can be
found about its history and meaning, thus calling for a book like Al Ridenours
The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas. With Krampuss wild, graphic history, Feral House has enlisted the awarded designer Sean Tejaratchi to take on
Ridenours book about this ever-so-c urious figure.
Al Ridenour has lectured on Krampus at the Goethe Institutes in Los Angeles
and San Francisco. He became somewhat of an internet phenomenon himself
due to the hilarious hijinks he coordinated with the controversial Cacophony

eBook available

Contributor Hometown: Pasadena, CA

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4/5/16 9:20 AM

Feral House
Lemmy Kilmister of Motrhead
Color the Ace of Spades

Preface by Joe Petagno

This adult coloring book pays tribute to the recently deceased rock legend
Lemmy Kilmister, famous for his hard metal and hard living. The book features
drawings from many of his fans as well as many personal stories of the guitarist and vocalists life and work with the bands Hawkwind and Motrheada nd
the liters of whisky he consumed at West Hollywoods famous Rainbow Bar.
Included in the book is work by Joe Petagno, who painted the cover of
Motrheads renowned Orgasmatron album.
Feral House Coloring Books for Adults
8 x 11 | 88 pp
B&W illustrations
Coloring Book US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-62731-038-3 W*

A fan-based collection of original

tribute art to rock n roll legend
Lemmy Kilmister of the band Motrhead.

David Bowie: Coloring the Starman

Tony Millionaire

This particular Feral House adult coloring book is the most anticipated of the series. Hundreds of David Bowie fans have begged for inclusion in the volume, as
Bowie has been a life-changing influence for them due to his transformational
aesthetic in gender roles, pop music, and movies.
Among the contributors to this book are Mica OHerlisy, Mike Diana, Steve
Krakow, and Tony Millionaire.

Feral House Coloring Books for Adults
8 x 11 | 83 pp
B&W illustrations
Coloring Book US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-62731-037-6 W*

Contributors Hometowns: New York, NY / Los Angeles, CA

A collection of interpretive illustrations

honoring and memorializing the beloved
cultural Icon, David Bowie.

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Selected Backlist from Feral House

Dying for the Truth

Undercover Inside the Mexican

Drug War by the Fugitive
Reporters of Blog del Narco
Blog del Narco

Violence Girl

Voluptuous Panic

East L.A. Rage to Hollywood Stage,

a Chicana Punk Story
Alice Bag

The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin

(Expanded Edition)
Mel Gordon


8 x 10 | 398 pp
150 color photographs
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50
978-1-936239-57-3 W*


6 x 9 | 384 pp
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $19.95
978-1-936239-12-2 USC


8 x 11 | 300 pp
260 color and B&W illustrations
and photographs
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $41.95
978-0-922915-96-5 USC

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

Horizontal Collaboration

American Hardcore
(Second Edition)

The Erotic World of Paris,

Mel Gordon


8 x 11 | 224 pp
B&W and color photographs
Trade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $49.99
978-1-62731-017-8 W*

FLC F16 Feral House 171-176.indd 176

A Tribal History
Steven Blush

Edited by George Petros

7 x 10 | 408 pp
260 B&W photographs,
140 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $27.95
978-1-932595-89-5 USC

Pulp Macabre

The Art of Lee Brown Coyes

Final and Darkest Era
Edited by Mike Hunchback
and Caleb Braaten
8 x 10 | 220 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $39.95 | CAN $49.99
978-1-62731-000-0 W*
eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:20 AM

Frame Publishers
Night Fever 5
Hospitality Design

Carmel McNamara
Night Fever 5 takes a grand global tour of the best in hospitality design. It showcases 130 recent and extraordinary interiors and delves into the design concepts
for some of the worlds top destinations to drink, dine, and dream. Readers discover how initial design ideas transform and develop as the tantalizing spaces
are realized.
This book is the definitive title to feature all hospitality venue types (bars,
clubs, cafes, restaurants, and hotels), while other competitive titles only focus
on one or two individual sectors per publication.
Night Fever
9 x 11 | 600 pp
900 color photographs, 750 B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $89.00 | CAN $115.50
978-94-91727-99-3 USC

Marketing Plans
Social media campaign Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted and sold at more than 35 trade fairs worldwide
Promotion through:

This book unveils show-stopping

hospitality interiors from across the globe,
as an overview of design trends
for bars, restaurants, and hotels.

Sound Materials
Innovative Sound-Absorbing Materials
for Architecture and Design

Tyler Adams
Sound Materials provides a visual encyclopedia of sound-absorbing materials.
Categorized according to application, each material is profiled with color photographs and illustrations, reference projects, manufacturer contact details, technical specifications, and sound absorption performance data. A vital reference
volume for architects, designers, acousticians, engineers, students, and creative
professionals, this book also includes interviews with materials scientists about
developing materials and with acoustical engineers and designers about how
these products are utilized to solve design problems.
Tyler Adams is an artist and acoustician based in Los Angeles, California.
Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international design trade fairs Author events
Promotion through:

9 x 6 | 304 pp
350 color photographs, 100 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-94-92311-01-6 USC

Detailing one hundred sound-absorbing

materials and finishes with case studies
of innovative architectural
and design applications.

FLC F16 Frame 177-184.indd 177

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Frame Publishers
Where They Create

Paul Barbera
Text by Kanae Hasegawa
Photographer Paul Barbera presents his next volume in the Where They Create
series, directing his lens to a new geographical locale: Japan. Making this metropolis his destination of choice, he chronicles his journey as he uncovers how
contemporary Japanese design, art, and creative thinking have influenced and
inspired the world (and vice versa) by visiting thirty creatives and documenting
their workplace.

Where They Create
8 x 10 | 312 pp
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-94-92311-02-3 USC

Featuring the work of photographer

Paul Barbera, documenting creativity
in thirty Japanese studios.

Paul Barbera is an award-w inning photographer who was born in Melbourne,

Australia, and currently resides in New York, New York.

Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international design trade fairs Author events
Promotion through:

Happening 2
Design for Events

Sarah de Boer-Schultz
In Happening 2, over one hundred eye-catching events are showcased that capture the imagination whilst translating the essence of a brand into an unforgettable experience. This book focuses on the design of the whole event, informing
readers exactly how the brief was translated in order to create a show that fascinates a global audience.

9 x 11 | 500 pp
1200 color photographs, 450 B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $89.00 | CAN $115.50
978-94-92311-03-0 USC

Happening 2 journeys into the world

of event design, vibrantly showcasing
fashion shows, festivals, exhibitions,
product launches, and much more.

Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international design trade fairs Author events
Promotion through:

FLC F16 Frame 177-184.indd 178

4/5/16 9:19 AM

Frame Publishers
Identity Architects
Ippolito Fleitz Group

Oliver Herwig
An inspiring monograph that takes an in-depth look at the work of the Ippolito
Fleitz Group, demonstrating the studios strengths and inspirational vision.
The book focuses on award-w inning projects, highlighting the different creative fields in which the studio operates, which range from numerous sectors
of interior design to product and furniture design, as well as branding and
Peter Ippolito and Gunter Fleitz are the founders and identity architects of
Ippolito Fleitz Group, a multidisciplinary design studio based in Stuttgart,

Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international design trade fairs Author events
Promotion through:

8 x 11 | 304 pp
300 color photographs, 100 color illustrations
Paper over Board US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-94-92311-00-9 USC

Taking an exclusive look at the

inner workings of the Ippolito Fleitz
Group, a world-renowned studio led by
Peter Ippolito and Gunter Fleitz.

Knowledge Matters
Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos

The profession architect has expanded in recent years, not just in terms of
cultural influences, but equally with respect to scientific advances. The inventive economy has also led to new lifestyle choices and a new role for the architect
and architectural practice. We talk of an architecture that is either pre-c risis or
post-c risis, the latter resulting in a call for responsible architecture (affordable,
sustainable, attainable, and healthy).
This development led to changes in the UNStudio practice with the introduction of Knowledge Platforms and the development from a network to a
knowledge practice. Now compiled into an inspiring publication, Knowledge
Matters will help architects to run a better studio and to share knowledge.

Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international over 30 trade fairs Promotion through:

9 x 11 | 400 pp
B&W and color photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-94-91727-98-6 USC

Explores the changing role

of the architect though the knowledge
process of the world-renowned
architecture firm UNStudio.

FLC F16 Frame 177-184.indd 179

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Frame Publishers
Spaces for Innovation
The Design and Science of Inspiring Environments

Kursty Groves Knight and Oliver Marlow

Investigating the impact of physical surroundings on workplace behavior, this
book explains the relationship between the design of working environments
and levels of creativity and innovation. Based on the available evidence, Spaces
for Innovation identifies the physical characteristics of workspaces that are associated with high innovation potential and determines why they have an effect. Providing a basic framework for the design of innovative environments, this
research-based book can be used in analyzing ways to enhance physical space in
the pursuit of innovation.
Available Now
6 x 8 | 256 pp
Color photographs, color illustrations, charts
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-94-91727-97-9 USC

A research-based book about the

relationship between the physical design
of working environments and levels
of creativity and innovation.

Kursty Groves Knight is an author and expert in creativity and space.

Oliver Marlow is a designer with expertise in space, cowork, and collaboration.
Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs
Social media campaign Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international design trade fairs Author events
Promotion through:

Its People and Surroundings

Charles Avery
The long-term project of artist Charles Avery entitled The Islanders is a detailed
description of a fictional island. The book takes the onlooker on a journey to investigate the lives of island inhabitants and discover how they develop cultural
nuances within the city walls and eke out an existence from the landscape. This
visual title gives glimpses of the wilderness that lies beyond the fortified walls
of the capital city Onomatopoeia.

Available Now
10 x 13 | 256 pp
150 color photographs, color illustrations,
B&W photographs, and B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-94-91727-96-2 USC

The inhabitants of a fictional island,

with unique topography and cosmology,
are illustrated through drawings,
objects, and texts.

Charles Avery is a London-based artist, with his ongoing body of work rooted
in his own life and upbringing on the Isle of Mull off the west coast of Scotland.

Marketing Plans
Advertising in: Frame magazine, Mark magazine
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international over 30 trade fairs Promotion through:

FLC F16 Frame 177-184.indd 180

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Frame Publishers
Foam Magazine

Foam is an international photography magazine published three times a year

around a specific theme. The structure of the redesigned magazine is no longer
fixed, and makes Foam feels more like a book than a magazine. It has become
timeless. The new structure enables each issue to do better justice than ever to
current artistic practice, and to focus its attention more effectively on the work
Foam is published three times a year. The annual Talent Issue, appearing
every fall, focuses on emerging photography talent and the developments in the
contemporary world of photography.
Foam connects a global network of photographers, photography enthusiasts,
and professionals and is available worldwide. The magazine is a joint publication
of Foam Photography Museum Amsterdam and Vandejong Creative Agency.
What readers find in each issue of Foam:
Multiple portfolios printed on carefully considered different kinds of paper
All kinds of photography: from documentary to fashion and contemporary
to historic
World-renowned image makers and relatively unknown emerging talent
Interviews and opinions by experts in the field of photography, combined
with surprising and distinctive articles.

ADCN Silverlamp
Distinctive Merit Award of the New York
Art Directors Club
D&D Award in the category Magazine &
Newspaper Design
Lucie Award Nominations in the category
Best Photography Magazine of the Year

Marketing Plans

Issue 45
Marloes Krijnen
PHOTOGRAPHY | October | 9 x 12 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50 | 978-94-92311-04-7 USC


Issue 46
Marcel Feil, Marloes Krijnen
PHOTOGRAPHY | October | 9 x 12 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50 | 978-94-92311-05-4 USC

FLC F16 Frame 177-184.indd 181

Advertising in: Frame magazine,

Mark magazine
Outreach to photography websites and blogs,
Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 43,000 subscribers
Promoted at international trade fairs
Promotion through:

4/5/16 9:19 AM

Frame Publishers
Frame: The Great Indoors
Frame: The Great Indoors is a bi-monthly international trade journal devoted
to spatial design and interior-related products. Frame offers a stunning selection of interiors across a variety of genresfrom shops to offices and hospitality
venuesalongside products and projects that delve into themes such as color, material, and form. The publication also tackles trends through in-depth research
into interior-related topics and goes behind the scenes into the business of design.
The magazinewhich has the look, feel, and heft of a bookcovers the
most interesting projects and people from around the globe in six tactile issues
each year. Visually focused, Frame offers contextual articles illustrated with inspirational imagery. A great deal of energy and rigorous curation goes into finding, analyzing, and presenting the best in contemporary design. Frame is an
indispensable reference for professional interior designers, as well as for those
involved in other creative pursuits.
What readers find in each issue of Frame:
Inspiring projects bubbling on the fringes of the great indoors

Perspectives on people: new talents to watch, lessons in design from
established creatives, and more
Statement spaces from across the globe: exhibitions, catwalks, retail spaces,
and everything in between
Personal interviews with inspiring individuals, in-depth coverage of
interiors, topical essays, and more

Marketing Plans
20,000-copy print run
Advertising in: Elephant magazine,
Mark magazine
Outreach to design websites and blogs
Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 60,000 subscribers
Promoted at interior design trade fairs
Promotion through:

Frame Lab
Analytical research on the latest in interior-related themes: materials,
events, hospitality, color, retail, and products
The business of design: insight into the DNA of companies and their
products, with stories from manufacturers across the globe

Issue 112
Tracey Ingram and Robert Thiemann
ARCHITECTURE | November | 9 x 12 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-94-92311-06-1 USC


Issue 113
Tracey Ingram and Robert Thiemann
ARCHITECTURE | January | 9 x 12 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-94-92311-07-8 USC


FLC F16 Frame 177-184.indd 182

Issue 114
Tracey Ingram and Robert Thiemann
ARCHITECTURE | March | 9 x 12 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-94-92311-08-5 USC

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Frame Publishers
Mark: Another Architecture

Mark: Another Architecture is a bi-monthly international trade journal featuring

exceptional architectural projects. Launched in 2005 by the makers of Frame,
Mark takes a radical and international approach to architecture, showcasing the
best new work from every corner of the world.
Viewing the magazine as a visual medium, Mark attempts to avoid jargon
and academicism, opting instead for direct communication. Ever curious, Mark
wants to uncover architects motivations and use them to inspire. We dare you
to try and find an international architecture journal that fills more of its pages
with interviews than Mark.
Shining its spotlight on starchitects and new talent alike, the magazine explores the boundaries of architecture and anticipates whats heating up around
the next corner.
What readers find in each issue of Mark:
Notice Board
Visions of projects yet to be realized from the drawing boards of architects
all over the world
Cross Section
Cutting-edge articles whisk readers to the outer reaches of architecture
and beyond

A theme section discussing the state of architecture in a specific city,
region, or country
Long Section
Articles on new buildings, portraits of architecture practices, and reports
on fascinating phenomena from cosmic architecture to treetop living
Reports from manufacturers and information about new building materials

2008 European Design Award,
Magazine Category
2009 ADC Cube Award, Magazine Category

Marketing Plans

Issue 63
Arthur Wortmann and David Keuning
ARCHITECTURE | October | 9 x 12 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-94-92311-09-2 USC


Issue 64
Arthur Wortmann and David Keuning
ARCHITECTURE | December | 9 x 12 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-94-92311-10-8 USC

13,000-copy print run

Advertising in: Elephant magazine, Mark
Outreach to architecture websites and blogs
Social media campaign
Digital newsletter sent to 60,000 subscribers
Promoted at design and architecture trade fairs
Promotion through:


Issue 65
Arthur Wortmann and David Keuning
ARCHITECTURE | February | 9 x 12 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-94-92311-11-5 USC

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Selected Backlist from Frame Publishers

CMF Design

The Fundamental Principles of

Colour, Material and Finish Design
Liliana Becerra

Powershop 5

The Other Office 2

New Retail Design

Melika Aghabeigi

Creative Workplace Design

Carmel McNamara

9 x 6 | 208 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-94-91727-79-5 USC

9 x 12 | 512 pp
900 color photographs, 150 color
illustrations, 300 B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $89.00 | CAN $115.50
978-94-91727-93-1 USC

9 x 11 | 480 pp
900 color photographs,
400 B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $89.00 | CAN $115.50
978-94-91727-60-3 USC

Postdigital Artisans

Holistic Retail Design

8 x 11 | 296 pp
240 color photographs,
20 B&W photographs
Paper over Board US $45.00 | CAN $56.50
978-94-91727-61-0 USC

6 x 9 | 400 pp
450 color photographs,
20 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $43.99
978-94-91727-65-8 USC

Craftsmanship With a New

Aesthetic in Fashion, Art,
Design and Architecture
Jonathan Openshaw

Reshaping Shopping for

the Digital Era
Rainer Zimmermann
and Philipp Teufel

Goods 2

Interior Products
from Sketch to Use
Marlous van Rossum-Willems
9 x 11 | 500 pp
1000 color photographs
and 300 B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $69.00 | CAN $89.50
978-94-91727-42-9 USC

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Gallic Books
French Rhapsody
Antoine Laurain
Translated by Jane Aitken and Emily Boyce
Antoine Laurains new novel combines his trademark charm
with a satirical take on modern France.

Praise for The Red Notebook:

An endearing love story written in beautifully poetic prose. It is an enthralling
mystery about chasing the unknown, the nostalgia for what could have been, and
most importantly, the persistence of curiosity.San Francisco Book Review
Praise for The Presidents Hat:
Its gentle satirical humor reminded me of Jacques Tatis classic films.
Library Journal
Irresistibly whimsical, possessed of wit somewhere between that of Alan Bennetts
in The Uncommon Reader and Muriel Barberys in The Elegance of the Hedgehog, and
thoroughly entertaining.The Kings English Bookshop, Salt Lake City
Middle-a ged doctor Alain Massoulier has received a life-c hanging letter
thirty-t hree years too late. Lost in the Paris postal system for decades, the letter from Polydor, dated 1983, offers a recording contract to The Holograms, in
which Alain played lead guitar. Back then The Holograms had believed in their
cutting-edge sound. However, the music industry remained indifferent, and
eventually the band split up, each going their own way.
Alain is overcome by nostalgia, and is tempted to track down the members of
the group. But in a world where everything and everyone has changed . . . where
will his quest take him?
Antoine Laurain is a Parisian screenwriter, antiques collector, and the author of
six novels, three of which are available in English. The Presidents Hat was a 2013
ABA Indies Introduce choice.

5 x 7 | 232 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-910477-30-4 USC

Marketing Plans
20,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Online giveaways, competition,
and email campaign
Promotion through:

The Presidents Hat
Antoine Laurain
Translated by Jane Aitken, Emily Boyce,
and Louise Rogers Lalaurie
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-908313-47-8 USC

FLC F16 Gallic 185-186.indd 185

The Red Notebook

Antoine Laurain
Translated by Jane Aitken and Emily Boyce
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-908313-86-7 USC

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Gallic Books
The Great and the Good
Michel Don
Translated by Julian Evans
Arthur Morgan travels to New York in the 1950s. He encounters gilded youth,
the rich and eccentric, and is invited to the White House. He succeeds in meeting the great and the good. But the repercussions of unfulfilled desires and love
will resurface long after Arthur has returned to France.
FICTION | January | 5 x 7 | 232 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-910477-28-1 USC

Songs from the Violet Caf

Fiona Kidman
The experience of working for Violet Trench in her small-town cafe in the summer of 1963 shapes the lives of a group of women including Jessie Sandle, who
follows Violets influence as far as Cambodia.
Fiona Kidman explores family relationships and the difficult journey to female
FICTION | February | Aardvark Bureau | 5 x 7 | 272 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-910709-17-7 USC

Octavios Journey
Miguel Bonnefoy
Translated by Howard Curtis
The story of Venezuela told through the adventures of kindly giant Octavio.
Struggling to conceal his illiteracy, he embarks on a transformative journey that
unearths his lifes purpose.
Winner of several literary awards, this critically a cclaimed and instantly engaging tale reveals Miguel Bonnefoy to be a gifted storyteller.
FICTION | March | 5 x 7 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-910477-31-1 USC

The Eskimo Solution

Pascal Garnier
Translated by Jane Aitken and Emily Boyce
A crime author writing the story of Louis, who decides to do his cash-strapped
friends a favor by hastening their parents demise, finds reality and fiction over
lapping during a stay in Normandy.
Pascal Garnier combines the style of Georges Simenon and the insight of
Albert Camus with a wit that is all his own.
FICTION | September | 5 x 7 | 136 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99 | 978-1-910477-22-9 USC

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Pierre Gouthire
Virtuoso Gilder at the French Court

Christian Baulez and Charlotte Vignon

Contributions by Anne Forray-Carlier, Joseph Godla,
Helen Jacobsen, Luisa Penalva, and Emmanuel Sarmo
A major new volume on the life of Pierre Gouthire (17321813),
the celebrated Parisian gilder to the French kings.

Pierre Gouthire: Virtuoso Gilder at the French Court celebrates the life of Pierre
Gouthire (17321813), considered to be one of the best Parisian bronze chasers
and gilders of the eighteenth century. Gouthire became gilder to Louis XV in
1767, and is credited with inventing a new type of gilding that left a matte finish
dorure au matone of the hallmarks of his work. Although incredibly successful
in his day, Gouthire died in relative obscurity and poverty; unlike some of his
contemporaries, his works never regained popularity after the French Revolution.
The inclusion of detailed entries and plates of forty works positively attributed
to Gouthire, five essays by leading experts which examine Gouthires life, career, clientele, and gilding techniques, as well as examples of his work from US,
Russian, and British collections, ensure that this beautiful volume is an invaluable
new resource on Gouthire. The only other volume on this master was published
in 1920, and is now long out of print.
Christian Baulez is chief curator of Furniture and Decorative Arts at the Muse
de Versailles.

9 x 11 | 408 pp
215 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $79.95 | CAN $103.99
978-1-907804-61-8 USC

Charlotte Vignon is curator of Decorative Arts at the Frick Collection in New

Anne Forray-Carlier is chief curator of the Department of Seventeenth and
Eighteenth Centuries at the Muse des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.
Joseph Godla is chief conservator at the Frick Collection.
Helen Jacobsen is senior curator and curator of Eighteenth-Century Decorative
Arts at the Wallace Collection in London.
Luisa Penalva is curator of the Gold, Silver and Jewelry Collections at the Museu
Nacional de Arte Antiga in Lisbon.
Emmanuel Sarmo is an independent scholar.

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Van Gogh
Into the Undergrowth

Cornelia Homburg, Simon Kelly,

Laura Prins, and Jenny Reynaerts
A key study of how Vincent Van Gogh popularized
the sous-bois genre, capturing the forest scene through paint.

9 x 11 | 160 pp
86 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-1-907804-84-7 USC

There is something intrinsically fresh, immediate, and approachable about

Vincent Van Goghs sous-bois paintings, which are some of his most famous and
finest works, and which beautifully capture the subtle and transient effects of light
on foliage. Van Gogh: Into the Undergrowth examines the way in which Van Gogh
was part of the wider sous-bois tradition in nineteenth-century French painting,
and explores how he used painting as a metaphor for the dynamism, vitality, and
ever-changing face of nature.
In addition to color plates of twenty-five artworks by Van Gogh and other leading landscape painters such as Charles-Franois Daubigny, Claude Monet, and
Paul Gauguin, this volume presents extensive new research on Van Gogh, nature, and sous-bois. There is a lead essay on Van Gogh and nature by independent
scholar Cornelia Homburg, Jenny Reynaerts looks at the sous-bois genre in the
nineteenth century, and Simon Kelly examines Van Goghs relationship with the
Barbizon and Impressionist schools. Laura Prins writes specifically on Cincinnati
Art Museums own late Van Gogh painting, Undergrowth with Two Figures, which
has recently been restored.
Cornelia Homburg is curator of the Washington University Gallery of Art in
Saint Louis, Missouri.
Simon Kelly is curator and head of department at the Saint Louis Art Museum.
Laura Prins is curator of European Paintings at the Fine Arts Museums of San
Jenny Reynaerts is senior curator of Eigtheenth-and Nineteenth-Century paintings at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

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Mughal Paintings
The Cleveland Museum of Art

Sonya Rhie Quintanilla with Dominique DeLuca

Essays by Mohsen Ashtiany, Marcus Fraser, Catherine Glynn,
Ruby Lal, and Pedro Moura Carvalho

A captivating and vibrant reflection of the art history of one of the

greatest empires of the early modern period.

The mighty Persian warrior Rustam; the Israelite prophets Joseph, Moses, and
Elijah; the Christian Messiah; the Mughal emperors Babur, Humayun, and
Akbar; and the women of the harem; Mughal paintings tell the stories of these
figures from epic poetry, holy texts, and the real-l ife history of the Mughals, one
of the greatest empires of the early modern period. Captured in this unique art
form, Mughal paintings blend Persian and Indian themes and styles, along with
Central Asian and European elements. The results are works of great beauty: intense, delicate, detailed, luxurious, and unique.
This, the third volume in a series dedicated to the Cleveland Museums light-
sensitive treasures, casts new light on these stunning paintingssplendid works
of wisdom and delight. The provenance, publication history, and technical information of each manuscript painting is also accompanied by full transcriptions of
Persian and Arabic calligraphy.

9 x 11 | 368 pp
400 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $69.95 | CAN $87.50
978-1-907804-89-2 USC*

Sonya Rhie Quintanilla is the George P. Bickford Curator of Indian and

Southeast Asian Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Mohsen Ashtiany is an associate research scholar at Columbia University.
Marcus Fraser is an independent Islamic art consultant and specialist in Islamic
Catherine Glynn is a former curator of Indian Art at the Los Angeles County
Museum of Art.
Ruby Lal is professor of South Asian studies in the Department of Middle
Eastern and South Asian Studies at Emory University, Atlanta.
Pedro Moura Carvalho is chief curator of the Asian Civilizations Museum in

FLC F16 Giles 187-192.indd 189

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In the Light of Naples
The Art of Francesco de Mura

Edited by Arthur R. Blumenthal

Contributions by Nicola Spinosa, David Nolta,
Loredana Gazzara, and Maria Grazia Leonetti Rodin

9 x 11 | 208 pp
110 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $64.99
978-1-907804-85-4 USC

This is the first-ever scholarly publication devoted to the art of Francesco de Mura
(16961782), one of the greatest painters of the golden age of Naples.
De Muras refined and elegant compositions, with their exquisite light and coloring, heralded the rococo, and his later style was a precursor of neo-classicism.
His ceiling frescoes at Monte Cassino, destoyed in World War II, rivalled those
of his celebrated Venetian contemporary, Giambattista Tiepolo (16961770). Yet
today, he lacks his proper place in the history of art. This volume demonstrates
why it is now time to reevaluate this once-celebrated artist.

A long-overdue celebration of one of

the greatest painters of the golden age
of Naples baroque.

Myth and Mystique

Clevelands Gothic Table Fountain

Stephen N. Fliegel and Elina Gertsman

The Cleveland Museum of Arts medieval table fountain, c. 132040, is the only
version of its kind to have survived in its complete form from the Middle Ages.
A superb example of French Gothic goldsmithing, it is an exquisite metalwork
structure and a unique example of courtly taste and princely fashion, which was
designed not for any religious purpose but purely as an indulgence. Its uncertain
provenance has added to its charm. This focus volume reassesses this extraordinary piece in the context of other similar luxury objects, analyzing specifically the
fountains history, functionality, materials, and style.
Cleveland Masterwork Series
8 x 8 | 232 pp
125 color photographs
Trade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $38.99
978-1-907804-94-6 USC

This book focuses on one of the

most remarkable examples of
gothic art to have survived; a unique,
functioning table decoration.

Contributor Hometown: Cleveland, OH

FLC F16 Giles 187-192.indd 190

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Fragile Legacies
The Photographs of Solomon Osagie Alonge

Amy J. Staples and Flora S. Kaplan

Fragile Legacies showcases the fascinating photographs of Chief Solomon Osagie
Alonge (19111994), Nigerias premier twentieth-century photographer and the
first official photographer to the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Benin. Alonges
historic photographs document the rituals, pageantry, and regalia of the Benin
Court for over a half-century, and provide rare insight into the history of Nigeria
from an insiders perspective. With important contributions by leading Nigerian
writers, this volume examines the transformations of colonialism in Africa, and
more specifically Nigeria, within the context of global capitalism in the early to
mid-t wentieth century.

9 x 11 | 208 pp
103 color photographs, color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $64.99
978-1-907804-99-1 USC

Solomon Osagie Alonges historic

photographs provide rare insight
into the rituals and regalia of the
Benin Court over a half-century.

The Black Figure in the

European Imaginary
Edited by Susan H. Libby and Adrienne L. Childs
Introduction by David Bindman
With forty major loans, including paintings, engravings, lithographs, water
colors, sculpture, and decorative arts, this new volume studies the way in which
the visual arts in Europe perceived, or imagined, the black figure during the
long nineteenth century (c. 17501914).
ART | February | 9 x 11 | 80 pp | 55 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $30.00 | CAN $38.99 | 978-1-907804-49-6 USC

A History of Lithuania in 50 Objects

Egidijus Aleksandraviius, Irena B. Chambers,
Karil Vaitkut, and Rita Janz
The Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture in Chicago holds a wide range of
items which span Lithuanias history, from prehistory through to the rebirth of the
Lithuanian nation in 1990. The fifty objects chosen here capture the Lithuanian
spirit and illuminate universal themes that run through all American life and
HISTORY | March | 8 x 8 | 112 pp | 80 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-907804-90-8 USC

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Painting with Light

Photography at the Freer|Sackler

David Hogge and Carol Huh

5 x 8 | 216 pp
200 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-907804-65-6 USC

Painting with Light is one of a series of guides to the collection areas represented by the Freer|Sackler in Washington DC, the Smithsonians museum of
Asian art. This edition features photography from the museums remarkable
collections, revealing how the medium has shaped views of Asia from the mid-
nineteenth century to the present day. Included are portraits of the famous and
the anonymous, urban and rural landscape views, posed studio images and candid shots, and photos documenting research in the field. Each photograph is ac
companied by a brief description of its art historical significance or little-k nown
aspects of its history.

A guide to Freer|Sacklers collection

of nineteenth-and twentieth-century
photographs of scenes and figures
from Asia and the Middle East.

Revealing the Charterhouse

The History of a London Landmark

Edited by Cathy Ross

The Charterhouse, a former Carthusian monastery in the City of London, has
served as private house, a boys school, and, since 1611, as an almshouse, which it
remains to this day. This souvenir volume includes a series of illustrated essays
on its unique archaeology, history, landscape, environment, and architecture.
ARCHITECTURE | October | 9 x 10 | 224 pp | 175 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $49.95 | CAN $64.99 | 978-1-907804-98-4 USC

The Charterhouse
Edited by Cathy Ross

This invaluable, fully illustrated, and compact guidebook features a short history,
a timeline, and aguidedtourof the Charterhouse, one of the great survivors from
Londons medieval past. 2016 sees its reopening as a museum, celebrating over
six hundred years of history.
ARCHITECTURE | October | 8 x 10 | 64 pp | 60 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.99 | 978-1-907804-97-7 USC

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Global Book SalesClearview

Sensational Chocolate
50 Celebrities Share 60 Recipes

Paul A. Young
Master chocolatier Paul A. Young has assembled a glittering array of celebri
ties to share their secret chocolate recipes for this book, including Rob Lowe,
Gordon Ramsay, and Wolfgang Puck. The book features stunning photography
of all the glorious recipes and a proportion of the proceeds of the book sales will
be donated to charity.
Paul A. Youngs first book, Adventures with Chocolate, won the Worlds Best
Chocolate Book at the Gourmand Cookbook Awards in Paris and in 2014 Paul
was named Outstanding British Chocolatier by the International Chocolate
Awards. Paul appears regularly on TV, with appearances in the United States
on the Nate Berkus Show.

8 x 12 | 160 pp
Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-1-908337-34-4 USC

Master chocolatier Paul A. Young has

assembled a glittering array of celebrities
to share their secret chocolate recipes.

Gone Fishing
From River to Lake to Coastline and Ocean,
80 Simple Seafood Recipes

Mikkel Karstad
Chef Mikkel Karstad takes us on a fishing trip around Denmark, bringing us over
eighty delicious seafood recipes. All the recipes are highly nutritious and use only
fish and shellfish from sustainable species. The book is full of superb photographs
of all the dishes and the stunning Danish coastline.
COOKING | December | Clearview | 7 x 10 | 252 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $64.99 | 978-1-908337-33-7 USC

Architecture by Hand
Inspired by Natural and Organic Materials

Spencer Fung
An inspirational architectural and interior design book that focuses on the re
cycling of natural materials. The book is structured into chapters on wood, stone,
metal, glass, and organic materials in which over forty projects are showcased.
The book shows how Spencer Fungs amazing hand-d rawn sketches are trans
formed into state-of-the-art buildings and interiors.
ARCHITECTURE | December | Clearview | 9 x 12 | 160 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $65.00 | CAN $84.50 | 978-1-908337-32-0 USC

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Global Book SalesLittle Toller

Orison for a Curlew
In Search for a Bird on the Edge of Extinction

Horatio Clare
The slender-billed curlew, Numenius tenuirostris, the slim beak of the new
moon, is one of the worlds rarest birds. It once bred in Siberia and wintered in
the Mediterranean basin, passing through the wetlands and estuaries of Italy,
Greece, the Balkans, and Central Asia. Today, the slender-billed curlew only
exists as a rumour, a ghost species surrounded by unconfirmed sightings and
speculation. The only certainty is that it now stands on the edge of extinction.
This is a story of beauty, triumph, and the struggles of conservation. It is a
homage to a creature that may never be seen again.
Little Toller Books
6 x 9 | 104 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Cloth US $19.00 | CAN $24.50
978-1-908213-33-4 USC

The captivating story of the

search through Europe for the
slender-billed curlew, which stands
on the brink of extinction.

In Pursuit of Spring
Edward Thomas
In March 1913, as the storm clouds of the Great War gathered, the great poet
Edward Thomas took a bicycle ride from Clapham to the Quantock Hills in
Somerset. This is the story of that journey. With an introduction by Alexandra
Harris, the acclaimed author of Weatherland.
September | Little Toller Books | 6 x 8 | 200 pp | B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $24.50 | 978-1-908213-43-3 USC*

Dream Island
R.M. Lockley
Introduction by Amy Liptrot
Lockley was a hugely influential figure in natural history and was lauded by Sir
Peter Scott and Richard Adams, the author of Watership Down, who also used
him as a character in his book The Plague Dogs. With an introduction by Amy
October | Little Toller Books | 6 x 8 | 200 pp | B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $24.50 | 978-1-908213-32-7 USC

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Global Book SalesLittle

Global Book Sales
Black Apples of Gower
Iain Sinclair
The acclaimed writer Iain Sinclair walks back along the cliff-top paths of the
Gower peninsula in South Wales where he grew up. He soon recognises these
walks were significant waymarks in his life as he discovered the mythology
behind the Black Apple paintings of Ceri Richards and the poems of Dylan
December | Little Toller Books | 5 x 6 | 184 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99 | 978-1-908213-45-7 USC

On Silbury Hill
Adam Thorpe

Silbury Hill, the largest preh istoric mound in Europe, like Stonehenge, has
inspired and perplexed people for generations. Adam Thorpe, author of the
highly influential book Ulverton, reflects on what Silbury Hill has meant to him
throughout his life.
HISTORY | November | Little Toller Books | 5 x 6 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99 | 978-1-908213-36-5 USC

The Ash Tree

Oliver Rackham

Oliver Rackham, the outstanding botanical writer of his generation, has written
the first history and ecology of the ash tree, exploring its place in human culture,
explaining ash disease, and arguing that globalization is now the single greatest
threat to the worlds trees and forests.
NATURE | October | Little Toller Books | 5 x 6 | 184 pp | Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.99 | 978-1-908213-42-6 USC

Love, Madness, Fishing

Dexter Petley
Full of extraordinary characters, this book is an unsentimental memoir of the
1960s and 1970s in Kent and Sussex, told through the discovery of fishing.
Reminiscent of Laurie Lee and Jonathan Meades, Dexter Petleys book will be
remembered and celebrated for years to come.
November | Little Toller Books | 5 x 8 | 232 pp
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50 | 978-1-908213-44-0 USC

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Global Book SalesJacaranda

Speak Gigantular
Irenosen Okojie

A startling debut short story collection from one of Britains rising literary
stars. These stories are captivating, erotic, enigmatic, and disturbing. Irenosen
Okojies gift is in her understated humor, her light touch, her razor-sharp assess
ment of the best and worst of humankind, and her unflinching gaze into the dark
est corners of the human experience.

5 x 7 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-909762-29-9 USC

Irenosen Okojie is a Nigerian British writer who has worked with the Royal
Shakespeare Company, the Southbank Centre, and the Caine Prize and was
Writer in Residence for TEDxEast End. In 2015, the Evening Standard named her
as one of the top debut novelists of the summer with for her novel Butterfly Fish.

Sexy, serious, and at times

downright disturbing, this brilliant debut
collection sizzles with originality.

The Colour Black

Maia Walczak

Two lives, one secret, and a journey that will change everything. This is a stirring
take on the American road novel as Silvia and Jack travel across the landscapes
of America from San Diego to Alaska looking for answers to their problems and
finding adventure on the way.
FICTION | December | Jacaranda | 6 x 9 | 224 pp | B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99 | 978-1-909762-02-2 USC

From Pasta to Pigfoot: Second Helpings

Frances Mensah Williams

Hoping to escape from her suddenly complicated life and revive her wilting
romance, Faye returns to sunny Ghana for what she hopes will be the time of
her life. But life doesnt always offer second chances and when disaster strikes,
she is forced to confront the biggest question of her life so far.
FICTION | November | Jacaranda | 5 x 7 | 480 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-909762-27-5 USC

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Global BookGlobal
Book Sales
Patrick Wilmot

An unflinching tale of social reality, politics, love, and unmitigated horror in a

mythological Caribbean drawn directly from real life. Topical and insightful,
Glass tackles key contemporary issues affecting modern-day Caribbean life and
explores the links between the Caribbean and the West.
FICTION | September | Jacaranda | 6 x 9 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99 | 978-1-909762-01-5 USC

No More Heroes
Stephen Thompson

A terrorist attack, an unlikely hero, and the dark secret that could destroy his
life forever. No More Heroes is the new, authentically British novel from Stephen
Thompson, acclaimed author of Toy Soldiers.
FICTION | September | Jacaranda | 5 x 7 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-909762-12-1 USC

Satans & Shaitans

Obinna Udenwe
Set against the backdrop of Nigerias ongoing terrorism tension and upcoming
elections, Satans and Shaitans is a powerful story about love, politics, power, reli
gion, and corruption.
Obinna Udenwe was Ebonyi State Literary Icon 2014 and has contributed to
several publications, as well as worked with the likes of Mukoma Wa Ngugi.
FICTION | October | Jacaranda | 5 x 7 | 368 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-909762-05-3 USC

The Blink that Killed the Eye

And Other Stories

Anthony Anaxagorou
A stunningly crafted debut short story collection, taking a poetic torch to the
shadows of daily lifei lluminating the characters, situations, emotions, and di
lemmas that pour into even the most ordinary existences.
Anthony Anaxagorou is an acclaimed poet, prose writer, playwright, and per
former who has published eight volumes of poetry.
FICTION | November | Jacaranda | 5 x 7 | 145 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-909762-04-6 USC

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Global Book SalesTAOC

The Art of Conversation helps people of all ages become confident speakers,
better listeners, and great all-round communicators while sharing great
times and building stronger relationships.
An award-w inning and best-selling title, it is an ideal book shop gift
with broad appeal to book buyers. It is perfect for use in a multitude of set
tings, including family, health, education, and corporate. TAOC is a proven
strong seller with over two hundred thousand copies sold in Australia
alone. Attractive display packs containing twelve of each title are available.

The Art of Conversation

The Art of Couples Conversation

Keith Lamb and Louise Howland

Available Now
5 x 3 | 100 pp
Color illustrations
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-646-46214-1 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

Louise Howland and Keith Lamb

Available Now
5 x 3 | 104 pp
Color photographs
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9808435-6-9 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

The Art of Childrens Conversation

The Art of Food Conversation

Louise Howland and Keith Lamb

Available Now
5 x 3 | 100 pp
Color illustrations
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9803455-3-7 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

Louise Howland and Keith Lamb

Available Now
5 x 3 | 100 pp
Color illustrations
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9808435-1-4 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

The Art of Christian Conversation

The Art of Literary Conversation

Louise Howland and Keith Lamb

Available Now
5 x 3 | 100 pp
Color illustrations
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9803455-9-9 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

Louise Howland and Keith Lamb

Available Now
5 x 3 | 100 pp
Color illustrations
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9803455-6-8 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

The Art of Travel Conversation

Louise Howland and Keith Lamb
Available Now
5 x 3 | 100 pp
Color illustrations
Cards AH US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9803455-5-1 USC
This item is nonreturnable.

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Global Book Sales

Simon & Garfunkel Together Alone
Spencer Leigh

With unique material and exclusive interviews with fellow musicians and friends,
Spencer Leigh has written a compelling biography of Simon and Garfunkel. With
remarkable stories about the duo on every page, the book not only charts their
rise to success, but analyzes the personalities of the two men and the ups and
downs of their fraught relationship.
The journalist, acclaimed author and broadcaster Spencer Leigh, is an ac
knowledged authority on popular music and he has interviewed thousands of
musicians. He has written several books and broadcasts a two-hour music show
each week for the BBC, On the Beat.


McNidder & Grace
6 x 9 | 268 pp
Trade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $29.99
978-0-85716-150-5 USC

The definitive account of the careers of

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, including
previously unpublished material.

Orange Horses
Maeve Kelly

Published during the centenary of the Easter Rising, Orange Horses provides a
rare and remarkable insight into areas of Irish society which are often maligned
and ignored. These twenty stories are beautiful, sad, and funny.
FICTION | December | Tramp Press | 6 x 9 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99 | 978-0-9934592-0-7 USC

The Uninvited
Dorothy Macardle
A gothic, bone-chilling Irish ghost story first published in 1941 and now brought
back into print. This edition benefits from an introduction by well-k nown aca
demic Professor Luke Gibbons. Director Martin Scorsese and various film
critics, including William K. Everson and Leonard Maltin, regard The Uninvited
as one of the best ghost stories ever filmed.
FICTION | September | Tramp Press | 6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99 | 978-0-9928170-7-7 USC

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Global Book SalesGOST Books

For the Love of Terror
Adam Ferguson

Adam Ferguson offers a unique photographic perspective on the conflict in

Afghanistan and the interaction between Afghani civilians and those serving in
the US Army. In Fergusons account, humor and violence become interchange
able, as the pressure of conflict takes its toll on everyone involved.

GOST Books
10 x 8 | 112 pp
Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-1-910401-09-5 USC

Australian photographer Adam Fergusons work has appeared in numerous

international publications including TIME, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, the
New York Times, and Rolling Stone, amongst others. His work has been exhibited
at the National Public Gallery in Australia, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston,
and at the World Press Photo awards in The Netherlands.

A unique photographic perspective

on the conflict in Afghanistan and
the interaction between Afghani
civilians and the US army.

Chloe Sells

In her first book, Chloe Sells, an Aspen-born photographer, reflects on her expe
rience of living and working in Botswana. By working paint and dyes directly into
the print surface, Sells produces vivid interpretations of rural Africa using these
innovative photographic techniques.
PHOTOGRAPHY / TRAVEL | September | GOST Books | 8 x 9 | 130 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $60.00 | CAN $77.99 | 978-1-910401-08-8 USC

Paul Reas: Works 19722015

Paul Reas

Paul Reas is best known for his work documenting consumerism in the United
Kingdom in the 1980s and 1990s. His work has been exhibited widely in venues
including Tate Britain and is held in a number of public and private collections.
This is the first retrospective of this work.
PHOTOGRAPHY | October | GOST Books | 11 x 9 | 200 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $60.00 | CAN $77.99 | 978-1-910401-07-1 USC

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Global Book Sales

Enchanted by Vietnam
A Journey of Flavours through Vietnam

Truong Thi Quy

This cookbook takes you on a culinary journey through Vietnam: ten cities from
north to south, countless flavors, and amazing dishes interspersed with personal
anecdotes. It will not only teach you about how to prepare Vietnamese food, but
it also explores the cultural aspects of this beautiful country through the fascinat
ing personality of Quyn.
COOKING / TRAVEL | September | Aerial Media | 8 x 10 | 192 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $38.99 | 978-94-026-01244 USC

Real Gardens
Seven Amazing Chelsea Gold MedalWinning Designs

Adam Frost
Adam Frost has won an astonishing seven gold medals at the Chelsea Flower
Show. In this book, he tells the story of the creation of each garden and reveals
tips and information to allow readers to create their own great spaces.
December | Red Planet | 8 x 9 | 240 pp | Color photographs
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50 | 978-1-905959-48-8 USC

Contemporary Homes 3
Inspirational Individually Designed Homes

Homebuilding & Renovating Magazine

Beautifully designed and printed on high-quality paper, this is both a coffee
table book to be admired and a practical guide explaining the stories of how
the houses were built and conceived. The book features stunning photographs
from the thirty-n ine individually designed homes which are showcased.
ARCHITECTURE | September | Red Planet | 9 x 10 | 344 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $35.00 | CAN $45.50 | 978-1-905959-90-7 USC

77 Sulphate Strip
An Eyewitness Account of the Year that Changed Everything
Second Edition

Barry Cain
A new edition of what has become the acknowledged seminal work on punk. Cain
was at every major gig and interviewed all of the acts at the time. He was viewed as
an insider and his access was unrivalled. This new edition includes a thirty-page
interview with Paul Weller of The Jam.
MUSIC | October | Red Planet | 5 x 8 | 432 pp | Color photographs
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-1-905959-92-1 USC

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Global Book SalesPCCS Books

Children in Society:
Politics, Policies and Interventions
Craig Newnes
A deeply searching and challenging collection of sociocultural and critical explo
rations of the issues facing children, their families, and childrens services in to
days society. This book is at the cutting edge of the latest thinking on the subject.
PSYCHOLOGY / PSYCHLOGY | September | PCCS Books | 6 x 9 | 264 pp
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50 | 978-1-906254-80-3 USC

Searching for a Rose Garden:

Challenging Psychiatry,
Fostering Mad Studies
Jasna Russo
This collection introduces and explores radical alternatives to mainstream psy
chiatric practices. Crucially, these are not alternatives developed by professionals;
they are innovative, survivor-led and survivor-r un grassroots approaches.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / PSYCHOLOGY | September | PCCS Books | 6 x 9 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50 | 978-1-906254-79-7 USC

Tales of Unknowing
Ernesto Spinelli

Rather than expounding on a set of theories, Ernesto Spinelli gives an account of

some of the most unforgettable therapeutic encounters that he has experienced
during his professional life. His method comes to life in a way that is compelling
and often profoundly moving.
PSYCHOLOGY | September | PCCS Books | 6 x 9 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $28.00 | CAN $36.50 | 978-1-898059-79-0 USC

Therapist Limits in
Person-Centred Practice
Lisbeth Sommerbeck
Sommerbeck provides a straightforward appreciation of the problems of and
solutions to working with clients with severe mental health problems. The
book examines situations when the therapist feels outside their comfort zone
and how to deal with them. In essence, it covers the areas that many academic
courses dont teach.
PSYCHOLOGY / SOCIAL SCIENCE | September | PCCS Books | 5 x 8 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $21.00 | CAN $27.50 | 978-1-906254-81-0 USC

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Green Integer
Beyond the Wall: New Selected Poems
Rgis Bonvicino

Brazilian author of Sky-Eclipse (Green Integer, 2000) Rgis Bonvicinos new work
represents his writing from 2002 to the present. He is one of Brazils major poetic
talents, and also an editor and anthologist. His writing is both spare and lyrical.
Bonvicino works in So Paulo as a judge.
POETRY | September | 4 x 6 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99 | 978-1-55713-431-8 W*

My Year 2010: Shadows

Douglas Messerli
The tenth volume in Douglas Messerlis ongoing cultural memoirs beginning in
2000, Shadows explores issues of potential danger and despair in 2010, with numerous essays on books, plays, operas, dance, music, sports, and film, featuring
such cultural figures as Judy Garland, Mickey Mantle, Abraham Sutzkever, and
Nathanael West.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY | December | 4 x 6 | 520 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99 | 978-1-55713-432-5 W*

The Collected Poems: Volume 2

Translated and with an introduction by Diane Butterman
The major Dutch poet of the twentieth century, Lucebert was avant-garde yet lyri
cal. This second volume in Green Integers publication of his collected poems
represents his four collections from 1952 to 1959, with uncollected poems from
1953 to 1963.
POETRY | January | 4 x 6 | 664 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-55713-434-9 W*

26 Poems
August Stramm
Translated by Marshall Hryciuk
The great German expressionist poet and playwright August Stramm
(18741915) wrote only two books of poetry before his death in World War I.
These proto-Dadaist poems represent his finest works. Night / Moans / From
the kisses.
POETRY | February | 4 x 6 | 46 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99 | 978-1-55713-435-6 W*

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Green IntegerZerogram Press

Novel Explosives
Jim Gauer

This innovative debut novel is a philosophically

and linguistically fascinating page turner.

An amazing novel, a literary masterpiece that reads like a thriller . . . the most
fun reading Ive had in ages.Steven Moore, author of The Novel: An Alternative

Zerogram Press
6 x 9 | 722 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-55713-433-2 W*

Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Its the week after Easter, April 1320, 2009.

Late in the week, a man wakes up in Guanajuato, Mexico, with his knowledge
intact, but with no sense of who he is or how he came to Guanajuato. His only
clues are a drivers license and ATM card, both of which are in the name of Alvaro
de Campos, one of the heteronyms of Fernando Pessoa.
Earlier in the week, a man sits at his desk in an office tower in Santa Monica,
California, attempting to complete his memoirs after twenty-fi ve years in the
venture business. Unfortunately, one of his current deals may be a money-
laundering scam, and its lead investor has been calling him in the night, not only
demanding his money back, but citing the relevant passages from Shakespeares
The Tempest.
And in the middle of the week, just before dawn on April 15, two gunmen
arrive at an El Paso motel to retrieve a duffel bag stuffed full of currency, and
eliminate the man who brought it to El Paso.
Thus begins the three-stranded narrative of Novel Explosives, a search for
identity that travels through the worlds of venture finance, the Jurez drug wars,
and enhanced-lethality thermobaric weaponry.
Jim Gauer is a mathematician, widely published poet, and possibly the worlds
only Marxist venture capitalist.

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Haymarket Books
Things that Can and Cannot Be Said
Arundhati Roy and John Cusack
In this rich dialogue on surveillance, empire, and power, Roy and Cusack
describe meeting NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden in Moscow in late 2014.

Arundhati Roy is one of the most confident and original thinkers of our time.
Naomi Klein
The fierceness with which Arundhati Roy loves humanity moves my heart.
A lice Walker
[Roy is] an electrifying political essayist. . . . So fluent is her prose, so keen her
understanding of global politics, and so resonant her objections to nuclear weapons, assaults against the environment, and the endless suffering of the poor that
her essays are as uplifting as they are galvanizing.Booklist
In late 2014, Arundhati Roy, John Cusack, and Daniel Ellsberg travelled to
Moscow to meet with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
The result was a series of essays and dialogues in which Roy and Cusack reflect on their conversations with Snowden.
In these provocative and penetrating discussions, Roy and Cusack discuss the
nature of the state, empire, and surveillance in an era of perpetual war, the meaning of flags and patriotism, the role of foundations and NGOs in limiting dissent,
and the ways in which capital but not people can freely cross borders.
Arundhati Roy studies architecture in New Delhi, India, where she now lives.
She is the author of the novel The God of Small Things, for which she received the
1997 Booker Prize. The novel has been translated into forty languages worldwide.
She has written several nonfiction books, including Field Notes on Democracy:
Listening to Grasshoppers and Capitalism: A Ghost Story, published by Haymarket
John Cusack is a writer, filmmaker, and a board member of the Freedom of the
Press Foundation.


5 x 7 | 106 pp
Trade Paper US $10.95 | CAN $13.50
978-1-60846-717-4 USC

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: BEA
National advertising: Harpers, Jacobin,
The Nation
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events
Chicago, IL New York, NY

The End of Imagination

Arundhati Roy
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-1-60846-619-1 US
eBook available

Field Notes on Democracy

Listening to Grasshoppers
Second Edition
Arundhati Roy
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-60846-461-6 US
eBook available

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 205

Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Long Shot
The Struggles and Triumphs of an NBA Freedom Fighter

Craig Hodges and Rory Fanning

Foreword by Dave Zinn
A black-balled NBA champion explores the great challenges
and unexpected rewards of using a celebrity platform
to stand up against racism and exploitation.

It is time to remove Craig Hodges from exile status and place him where he has
always belonged: on the short-list of the activist athletes who stood tall, paid the
price and now live their life perhaps scarred, but without regrets. Read this book
so a new generation of NBA players and fans will know his true story. Read this
book to say not in a whisper but with a confident shout, You DO want to be like
Craig Hodges.Dave Zirin, from the Introduction


5 x 7 | 220 pp
Trade Cloth US $22.95 | CAN $28.50
978-1-60846-607-8 W W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: BEA
National advertising: The Nation, Slam,
Sports Illustrated
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
10-city national tour

From Michael Jordan to George Bush Sr., Craig Hodges has never been shy
about speaking truth to powera nd it cost him dearly. In the prime of his career Hodges was blackballed from the NBA for using his platform as a professional athlete to stand up against racism and economic exploitation. In this
well-told, passionate, and historically literate memoir, Hodges shares the stories of his lifelong crusade to improve conditions for African Americans, including his collaborations with Jim Brown, R Kelly, Nelson Mandela, Coretta Scott
King, Michael Jordan, and more.
Craig Hodges played in the NBA for ten seasons, during which time he led the
league in three-point shooting percentage three times. He won two NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls in 1991 and 1992, and is a three-time Three Point
Contest champion at All-Star weekend.
Rory Fanning walked across the United States for the Pat Tillman Foundation
in 20082009, following two deployments to Afghanistan with the 2nd Army
Ranger Battalion. He is the author of Worth Fighting For: An Army Rangers Journey
Out of the Military.
Also Available

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC
Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN New York, NY
Portland, OR Philadelphia, PA Austin, TX
Seattle, WA Milwaukee WI
Contributor Hometown: Park Forest, IL /
Chicago, IL

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 206

Worth Fighting For

An Army Rangers Journey Out of the Military and Across America
Rory Fanning
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-60846-391-6 W*
eBook available

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Haymarket Books
Demand the Impossible!
A Radical Manifesto

Bill Ayers

Demand the Impossible! is a manifesto for movement-makers

and an invitation to join hands and make history together.

Praise for Fugitive Days:

[A] gripping and provocative story. . . . What is most remarkable about this
dramatic and revelatory personal and social history are the always urgent questions it raises about compassion and freedom, responsibility and community,
and the conundrum of how to bring about much-needed change.B ooklist,
starred review
A memoir that is, in effect, a deeply moving elegy to all those young dreamers
who tried to live decently in an indecent world. Ayers provides a tribute to those
better angels of ourselves.Studs Terkel, author of Working and The Good War
In an era defined by mass incarceration, endless war, economic crisis, catastrophic environmental destruction, and a political system offering more of the
same, radical social transformation has never been more urgentor seemed
more remote.
Demand the Impossible urges us to imagine a world beyond what this rotten
system would have us believe is possible.
In critiquing the world around us, insurgent educator and activist Bill Ayers
uncovers cracks in the system, raises the horizons for radical change, and envisions strategies for building the movement we need to make a world worth living in.
Bill Ayers is a social justice activist, teacher, Distinguished Professor of Education
(retired) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and author of two memoirs,
Fugitive Days and Public Enemy.

5 x 7 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-60846-670-2 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: BEA
National advertising: Atlantic, Harpers,
The Nation
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
20-city national tour
Promotion through:

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA Chicago, IL
Boston, MA Albany, NY New York, NY
Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 207

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Silence is Broken
Reports from the Feminist Revolutions

Rebecca Solnit
The highly anticipated sequel to the
ground-breaking bestseller Men Explain Things to Me.

Praise for Men Explain Things to Me:

Its a fraught time to be female in America (or should I say fraught-er), and
Rebecca Solnits Men Explain Things to Me is the most clarifying, soothing,
and socially aware document Ive read on the topic this year.L ena Dunham,
Wall Street Journal
The Antidote to Mansplaining.The Stranger
Feminist, frequently funny, unflinchingly honest, and often scathing in its

5 x 7 | 180 pp
Trade Cloth US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-60846-740-2 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: BEA
National advertising: Atlantic, Harpers,
The Nation
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
10-city national tour
Promotion through

In a timely and incisive follow-up to her national bestseller Men Explain Things
to Me, Rebecca Solnit offers sharp commentary on women who refuse to be
silenced, misogynistic violence, the fragile masculinity of the literary canon,
the gender binary, the recent history of rape jokes, and much more.
In characteristic style, Solnit mixes humor, keen analysis, and sharp insight
in these eleven essays.
Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit is the author of sixteen books
about environment, landscape, community, art, politics, hope, and memory,
including the national bestseller Men Explain Things to Me, Hope in the Dark,
The Faraway Nearby, A Paradise Built in Hell, A Field Guide to Getting Lost,
Wanderlust: A History of Walking, and River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and
the Technological Wild West (for which she received a Guggenheim, the National
Book Critics Circle Award in criticism and the Lannan Literary Award). A product of the California public education system from kindergarten to graduate
school, she is a contributing editor to Harpers.


Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA
San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Boston, MA
New York, NY Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 208

Hope in the Dark

Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
Second Edition
Rebecca Solnit
Trade Paper US $15.99 | CAN $20.99
978-1-60846-576-7 USC
eBook available

Men Explain Things To Me

Second Edition
Rebecca Solnit
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.99
978-1-60846-466-1 USC
eBook available

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
The Violent American Century
War and Terror Since World War II

John Dower

A Pulitzer Prizewinning author addresses the US-led transformations

in war conduct and strategizing that followed 1945.

World War II marked the apogee of industrialized total war. Great powers savaged one and other. Hostilities engulfed the globe. The mobilization extended to
virtually every sector of every nation. Air war, including the terror bombing of
civilians, emerged as a central strategy of the victorious Anglo-American powers. The devastation was catastrophic almost everywhere, with the notable exception of the United States, which exited the strife unscathed and unmatched
in power and influence.
The death toll of the fighting forces plus civilians worldwide was staggering. The Violent American Century addresses the Unites Statesled transformations in war conduct and strategizing that followed 1945beginning with
brutal localized hostilities, proxy wars, and the nuclear terror of the Cold War,
and ending with the asymmetrical conflicts of the present day. Today, the military playbook meshes brute force with a focus on non-state terrorism, counterinsurgency, clandestine operations, a vast web of overseas American military
bases, andmost touted of alla revolutionary new era of computerized precision warfare. In contrast to World War II, postwar death and destruction has
been comparatively small. By any other measure, it has been appallingand
shows no sign of abating.
The winner of numerous national prizes for his historical writings, including
the Pulitzer and the National Book Award for Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake
of World War II, Dower draws heavily on hard data and internal US planning and
pronouncements in this concise analysis of war and terror in our time. In doing so,
he places US policy and practice firmly within the broader context of global mayhem, havoc, and slaughter since World War IIalways with bottom-line attentiveness to the human costs of this legacy of unceasing violence.

5 x 7 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-60846-723-5 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Atlantic, Harpers,
The Nation
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events
Washington, DC Boston, MA Cambridge, MA
Baltimore, MD New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: Boston, MA

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 209

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
John Feffer

Julian West, looking backwards from 2050, tries to understand

why the world and his family have fallen apart.

Part Field Notes from a Catastrophe, part 1984, and part World War Z, John
Feffers striking new dystopian novel, takes us deep into the battered, shattered
world of 2050. The European Union has broken apart. Great powers like Russia
and China have shriveled. Americas global military footprint has virtually disappeared and the United States remains united in name only. Nationalism has
proven the centurys most enduring force as ever-rising global temperatures have
supercharged each-against-all competition and conflict among the now 300-plus
members of an increasingly feeble United Nations.
As he navigates the world of 2050, Julian West offers a roadmap for the path
were already on, a chronicle of impending disaster, and a faint light of hope. He
may be humanitys last best chance to explain how the world unraveledif he
can survive the savage beauty of the Splinterlands.
5 x 8 | 130 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-1-60846-724-2 W*
eBook available

John Feffer is the director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy
Studies. In 20122013, he was also an Open Society Fellow looking at the transformations that have taken place in Eastern Europe since 1989. He is the author
of several books and numerous articles. He has also produced six plays, including
three one-man shows, and published a novel.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National advertising: Atlantic, Harpers,
The Nation
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events
Washington, DC Baltimore, MD
Hyattsville, MD New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: Hyattsville, MD

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 210

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Struggle or Starve
Working-Class Unity in Belfasts 1932 Outdoor Relief Riots

Sen Mitchell
It is brilliant that Sen Mitchell has brought these great events back to life. It
will be an inspiration to unite again in todays struggles.Ken Loach
In October 1932, the streets of Belfast were gripped by vicious and widespread
rioting that lasted the better part of a week. Thousands of unarmed demonstrators fought pitched battles against heavily a rmed police. Unemployed workers
and whole working-class communities dug trenches and built barricades to hold
off the police assault. The event became known as the Outdoor Relief Riot
one of the few instances in which class sympathy managed to trump sectarian
loyalties in a city famous for its divisions.
Sen Mitchell lives in Dublin, Ireland, and is a founding member of People
Before Profit. He was the first person to stand for election under the partys banner.

Marketing Plans
National advertising: Mother Jones, The Nation Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-60846-678-8 W*
eBook available

The story of how thousands of

Catholics and Protestants united to
challenge poverty and unemployment
in Belfast, Ireland.

Song of the Stubborn One Thousand

The Watsonville Canning Strike, 198587

Peter Shapiro
Peter Shapiro combines wonderful storytelling with a sharp historians analy
sis to explain an important but little-k nown corner of the United States labor
movement. Song of the Stubborn One Thousand is a story of hope and inspiration. Its a must read for anyone interested in the power of working people and
minorities.Freelance journalist Reese Erlich, who covered the strike for the
Christian Science Monitor
The Watsonville Canning strike was a dramatic show of power by women
workers whose struggle became a rallying point for the Chicano movement. In
the course of the strike, a virtually moribund local union was revitalized, and
Watsonvilles Latino majority emerged as a major force in local politics.
Peter Shapiro is a retired letter carrier and longtime labor journalist. His
union paper was repeatedly honored during his tenure as editor, and he has
published in Labor Notes, Labor Studies Journal, Unity, and The Nation.


5 x 8 | 280 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-60846-680-1 W*
eBook available

Author Events
Oakland, CA Chicago, IL Baltimore, MD New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Oakland, CA

An account of the successful strike by

mainly Mexican women workers at the
largest plant in Watsonville, California.

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 211

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
When the Welfare People Come
Race and Class in the US Child Welfare System

Don Lash
In this groundbreaking look at the history and politics of the US child welfare
system, When the Welfare People Come exposes the system in its totality, from
child protective investigation to foster care and mandated services, arguing that
it constitutes a mechanism of control exerted over poor and working class parents
and children. Applying the Marxist framework of social reproduction theory to
the child welfare system, the author reveals the systems role in the regulation of
family life under capitalism.
5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-60846-743-3 W*

Don Lash is an attorney who has practiced in the areas of disability rights, edu
cation, and child welfare for more than twenty years.

eBook available

Analyzes the history of the

US child welfare system and its
implications today, offering ideas
for reform and building solidarity.

Marketing Plans
National advertising: ISR, Jacobin, Mother Jones, The Nation
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Los Hombres Me Explican Cosas

Spanish-Language Edition

Rebecca Solnit
The most clarifying, soothing, and socially aware document Ive read on the
topic this year.L ena Dunham, Wall Street Journal
Trenchant and timely reflections on persistent inequality between women and
men and gender-based violence.The New York Times

5 x 7 | 171 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-60846-721-1 USC
eBook available

A landmark essay that went viral,

inspired the word mansplaining,
and prompted fierce arguments.

In her comic, scathing essay Men Explain Things to Me, Rebecca Solnit takes on
what often goes wrong in conversations between men and women. She writes
about men who wrongly assume they know things and wrongly assume women
dont, about why this arises, and how this aspect of the gender wars works, airing some of her own hilariously awful encounters.
Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit is the author of sixteen books about
environment, landscape, community, art, politics, hope, and memory.
Marketing Plans
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 212

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Urban Revolt
State Power and the Rise of Peoples Movements
in the Global South

Trevor Ngwane, Emmanuel Ness, and Luke Sinwell

How do individuals and organizations move beyond the boundaries of constitutional or legal constructs to challenge neoliberalism and capitalism? As major
urban areas have become the principal sites of poor and working-class social upheaval in the early twenty-fi rst century, the chapters in this book explore key
cities in the Global South.

6 x 9 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-60846-713-6 W*

Marketing Plans

eBook available

National advertising: ISR, Jacobin, Mother Jones Social media campaign

Author Events
Washington, DC Chicago, IL Baltimore, MD New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Through detailed case studies,

Urban Revolt unravels the potential
and limitations of urban social movements
on an international level.

The Last Day of Oppression,

and the First Day of the Same
The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left

Jeffery R. Webber
Throughout the 2000s Latin America emerged as a world leader of neoliberal
resistance. What is left of the Pink Tide today? What is the relationship to the
explosive social movements and the leaders they propelled to power? As Chinas
demand slackens for Latin American commodities, will governments continue
to rely on natural resource extraction? In this accessible and penetrating volume,
Jeffery Webber examines the most important questions facing the Latin American
left today.
Jeffrey R. Webber is a lecturer in the School of Politics and International
Relations at Queen Mary University.

6 x 9 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-60846-715-0 W*
eBook available

Author Events
Chicago, IL New York, NY Toronto, ON

This book offers an overarching

political and economic evaluation of
the Latin American left between the
late 1990s and 2016.

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 213

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Reproductive Rights and Wrongs
The Global Politics of Population Control

Betsy Hartmann
This is a book of conscience. Shocking, eloquent, carefully researched, it should
be reada nd acted upon.Gena Corea
Reproductive Rights and Wrongs tells the story of how international womens
health activists fought to reform population control and promote a new agenda
of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all people. While their efforts
bore fruit, many obstacles remain. Today, despite declining birth rates worldwide, overpopulation alarm is on the rise, and now it is tied to the threats of climate change and terrorism.
5 x 8 | 488 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-60846-733-4 W*
eBook available

With a new preface, this feminist classic

reveals the dangers of contemporary
population-control tactics, especially
for women in developing countries.

Betsy Hartmann is the author of numerous acclaimed books.

Marketing Plans
National advertising: ISR, Jacobin, Mother Jones Social media campaign

Author Events
Washington, DC Chicago, IL Amherst, MA Boston, MA Baltimore, MD
New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: Amherst, MA

Not In Our Genes

Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature

Richard C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin

Informative, entertaining, lucid, forceful, frequently witty . . . never dull . . .
should be read and remembered for a long time.New York Times Book Review
The authors argue persuasively that biological explanations for why we act as we
do are based on faulty (in some cases, fabricated) data and wild speculation. . . . It
is debunking at its best.Psychology Today
An important and timely bookStephen Jay Gould
5 x 8 | 322 pp
Trade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $24.50
978-1-60846-727-3 W*
eBook available

Not in our Genes systematically exposes and dismantles the claims that
inequalitiesclass, race, and gendera re the products of biological, genetic
Marketing Plans
Social media campaign

Three eminent scientists analyze the

scientific, social, and political roots
of biological determinism.

Author Events
Chicago, IL Boston, MA New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 214

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Confronting Empire
Second Edition

Eqbal Ahmad, David Barsamian, and Edward Said

Edward W. Said once urged the legendary Eqbal Ahmad not to leave your
words scattered to the winds, or even recorded on tape, but collected and published in several volumes for everyone to read. Then those who dont have the
privilege of knowing you will know what a truly remarkable, gifted man you
are. In these intimate and wide-r anging conversations, Ahmad discusses nationalism, ethnic conflict, the politics of memory, and liberation struggles
around the world.
Eqbal Ahmad was the managing editor of Race & Class.
David Barsamian is the award-w inning founder and director of Alternative
Edward Saids celebrated works include Orientalism, The End of the Peace Process,
and Out of Place.

5 x 8 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-60846-621-4 W*
eBook available
Previous edition ISBN: 978-0-74531-713-7

Marketing Plans
National advertising: ISR, Jacobin Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Boulder, CO

Brilliant and insightful political analyses

of key political events and movements of
the second half of the twentieth century.

Left Americana
Paul LeBlanc

From the Marxist-tinged anarchism of the Haymarket martyrs to the Occupy

Wall Street movement, these essays give a vibrant sense of the central role of the
Left in social movements and struggles of the past and present, and highlight
some of the amazing individuals included, whose unstoppable energies generated remarkable transformations.
Left Americana considers both the limitations and successes of Christian
socialists, Communists, Maoists, Trotskyists, and the New Left activists of the
sixties and seventies in creating profound social and political change.
Paul Le Blanc is a professor of History at La Roche College and author of the
Choice Awardwinning book A Freedom Budget for All Americans.
Marketing Plans
National advertising: ISR, Jacobin Social media campaign

Author Events
Chicago, IL New York, NY Pittsburgh, PA
Contributor Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA


5 x 8 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $28.50
978-1-60846-682-5 W*
eBook available

Essays highlighting the socialist

and left-wing traditions that helped
shape US history in the direction of
liberty and justice for all.

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 215

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
How Revolutionary Were
the Bourgeois Revolutions?
Abridged Edition

Neil Davidson
Praise for How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions?:
I was frankly pole-a xed by this magnificent book. Davidson resets the entire debate on the character of revolutions: bourgeois, democratic and socialist. Hes
sending me, at least, back to the library.M ike Davis, author of Planet of Slums


5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $22.50
978-1-60846-731-0 W*

In this abridged edition of his magisterial How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois
Revolutions? Neil Davidson expertly distills his theoretical and historical insights
about the nature of revolutions, making them available for general readers.
Neil Davidson currently lectures in sociology with the School of Social and
Political Science at the University of Glasgow.

eBook available

The globalized economy of the present

is the result of political and social
revolutions directed against pre-capitalist
economic structures.

Marketing Plans
National advertising: ISR, Jacobin Social media campaign

Author Events
Chicago, IL New York, NY Toronto, ON

Trotskyism in the United States

Historical Essays and Reconsiderations

Paul LeBlanc
In the new edition of this definitive work on the history of the revolutionary
socialist current in the United States that came to be identified as American
Trotskyism, Paul Le Blanc offers fresh reflections on this history for scholars
and activists in the twenty-fi rst century. Includes a preface written especially
for the new edition of this distinctive work.
Paul Le Blanc is a professor of history at La Roche College and author of the
Choice Awardwinning book A Freedom Budget for All Americans.
5 x 8 | 352 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $28.50
978-1-60846-685-6 W*
eBook available

An outstanding set of informative essays,

providing an unsurpassed account of the
dynamic revolutionary socialist current
known as American Trotskyism.

Marketing Plans
National advertising: ISR, Jacobin Social media campaign

Author Events
Chicago, IL New York, NY Pittsburgh, PA
Contributor Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 216

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Second Edition

Leon Trotsky
Leon Trotskys 1905despite long being out of printhas remained the central
point of reference for those looking to understand the rising of workers, peasants,
and soldiers that nearly unseated the Tsar in 1905. Trotskys elegant, beautifully written account draws on his experience as a key leader of the revolution.
HISTORY | October | 5 x 8 | 488 pp
Trade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $23.99 | 978-1-60846-735-8 W*
Previous edition ISBN: 978-0-39471-515-5
eBook available

Lessons of October
Leon Trotsky
In this sharply polemical account, Leon Trotsky draws up a balance sheet of the
worlds first successful workers revolution. Written primarily for members of
the newly created Communist International, Trotsky focuses on the specific
role played by the Bolshevik Party in leading Russian workers to victory.
POLITICAL SCIENCE | March | 5 x 8 | 305 pp
Trade Paper US $19.00 | CAN $24.50 | 978-1-60846-738-9 W*
eBook available

Revolutionary Democracy
Emancipation in Classical Marxism

Soma Marik
In this wide-ranging and insightful work, Soma Marik defends the legacy of the
Bolshevik Revolution, arguing against many of its detractors that the early communist regime was centrally concerned with both the liberation of women and
the expansion of democracy.
Soma Marik teaches Womens Studies and History at Jadavpur University.
POLITICAL SCIENCE | March | 5 x 8 | 537 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $28.50 | 978-1-60846-729-7 NA
eBook available

Leninism under Lenin

Marcel Liebman
In this comprehensive and dynamic Deutscher Prizewinning work, Liebman
writes about the dogmatism and sterility that plagues most appraisals of Lenin,
and persuasively makes the case that the Russian revolutionarys political ideas
have an enduring relevance for todays activists.
Marcel Liebman was a historian of socialism and of communism.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / HISTORY | November | 5 x 8 | 471 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-1-60846-672-6 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 217

4/5/16 9:15 AM

Haymarket Books
Forthcoming from Haymarket Books

Marxism and Historical Practice

The Politics of Transindividuality

Austro-Marxist Theory and Strategy. Volume 1

Edited by Mark E. Blum and William Smaldone
Trade Paper SDT US $36.00 | CAN $46.99
October | 978-1-60846-699-3 W*

Interpretive Essays on Class Formation

and Class Struggle. Volume I
Bryan Palmer
Trade Paper SDT US $36.00 | CAN $46.99
October | 978-1-60846-688-7 W*

Jason Read
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-696-2 W*

Deliverance from Slavery

Attempting a Biblical Theology
in the Service of Liberation
Dick Boer
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-700-6 W*

A Failed Parricide
Hegel and the Young Marx
Roberto Finelli
Translated by Peter D. Thomas
and Nicola Iannelli Popham
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
December | 978-1-60846-706-8 W*

Gramscis Pathways
Guido Liguori
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
September | 978-1-60846-692-4 W*

Marx and the Commons

From Capital to the Late Writings
Luca Basso
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-695-5 W*

Marx and the Earth

An Anti-Critique
John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
December | 978-1-60846-705-1 W*

Marxism and Historical Practice

Interventions and Appreciations. Volume II
Bryan Palmer
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-689-4 W*

Marxs Capital, Method and

Revolutionary Subjectivity
Guido Starosta
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
December | 978-1-60846-702-0 W*

The Practical Essence of Man

The Activity Approach in Late Soviet Philosophy
Edited by Andrey Maidansky and Vesa Oittinen
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-698-6 W*

The Prisms of Gramsci

The Political Formula of the United Front
Marcos Del Roio
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-693-1 W*

Marxs Economic Manuscripts

of 18641865
Karl Marx
Translated by Ben Fowkes
Edited with an introduction by Fred Moseley
Trade Paper SDT US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
October | 978-1-60846-690-0 W*

Money and Totality

Studies in Pre-Capitalist
Modes of Production
Edited by Laura De Graca and Andrea Zingarelli
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
September | 978-1-60846-687-0 W*

A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marxs Logic in

Capital and the End of the Transformation Problem
Fred Moseley
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-694-8 W*

The Thatcherite Offensive

A Neo-Poulantzasian Analysis
Alexander Gallas
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-697-9 W*

On the Formation of Marxism

Karl Kautskys Theory of Capitalism,
the Marxism of the Second International
and Karl Marxs Critique of Political Economy
Jukka Gronow
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
December | 978-1-60846-703-7 W*

The Philosophy of Living Experience

Popular Outlines
Alexander Bogdanov
Translated, edited, and introduced by David G. Rowley
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-701-3 W*

Trotskys Challenge
The Literary Discussion of 1924 and
the Fight for the Bolshevik Revolution
Translated, annotated, and introduced
by Frederick C. Corney
Trade Paper SDT US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
December | 978-1-60846-704-4 W*

War, Capital, and the Dutch State

Pepijn Brandon
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
September | 978-1-60846-691-7 W*


Norse Revival
Transformations of Germanic Neopaganism
Stefanie von Schnurbein
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
February | 978-1-60846-737-2 W*


The Future of Work
Super-exploitation and Social Precariousness
in the 21st Century
Adrin Sotelo Valencia
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-710-5 W*

Globalizing Cultures
Theories, Paradigms, Actions
Edited by Vincenzo Mele and Marina Vujnovic
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
November | 978-1-60846-711-2 W*

Marx and the Political Economy

of the Media
Edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco
Trade Paper SDT US $36.00 | CAN $46.99
October | 978-1-60846-708-2 W*

Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism

Edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco
Trade Paper SDT US $36.00 | CAN $46.99
October | 978-1-60846-709-9 W*

Power and Resistance

US Imperialism in Latin America
James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
November | 978-1-60846-712-9 W*

Utopia and the Dialectic in

Latin American Liberation
Eugene Gogol and Latin American Colleagues
Trade Paper SDT US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
October | 978-1-60846-707-5 W*


FLC F16 Haymarket 205-218.indd 218

4/5/16 9:15 AM

h.f.ullmann publishing
Potsdam, Germany

We at h.f.ullmann like to introduce ourselves as the one-stop publisher for illustrated books, as we publish
exquisitely illustrated publications on a wide variety of subjects ranging from art, architecture, fashion,
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H.f.ullmann is an independent, family-owned publishing house founded in 1994 by German publisher
Herbert Ullmann. We are proud to be one of the few truly global players in the field of high-quality illustrated
books. With a distribution network stretching from Australia to Finland and from Chile to China, our titles
have been translated into more than twenty languages and are sold and read in more than eighty countries
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It is our goal to make these beautiful publications available to a large audience by offering them at
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Some of our long-selling, peerless books are considered benchmarks and authoritative reference works on
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We are very much looking forward to working with the brilliant team at Consortium and hope you
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FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 219

4/5/16 9:14 AM

h.f.ullmann publishing
1000 Iconic Watches
A Comprehensive Guide

Vincent Daveau
Wearing a watch is not just about time: it is also a passion. This richly illustrated
book is a true watch-lovers bible and a panoramic tour of one thousand iconic
watches. It explores the emblematic brands, the complex mechanisms, and beau
tiful designs that show the watchmakers skills and dedication to perfection.
From the great classics to modern masterpieces to more affordable timepieces,
there is something to delight everyone. A must-have for collectors and for anyone who has ever wished to stop time.
7 x 10 | 256 pp
Color illustrations
Cloth Text US $49.99 | CAN $64.99
978-3-8480-1047-9 USC

French journalist Vincent Daveau writes for professional watchmaking magazines and daily newspapers such as Le Monde.

This handbook is a must-have for

collectors and anyone who has ever
wished they could stop time.

Champagne, Prosecco, Cava & More

Andreas Kjrling
There is always a good reason to toast with a glass of champagne, cava, or prosecco.
But what kind of sparkling wine is best suited for which occasion? This volume offers a comprehensive overview of the best international sparkling wines, ranging
from supreme-quality products to wines at a more affordable price.
All sparkling wines are portrayed with information on their appearance,
aroma, and flavor, as well as details on the producer and the country of origin,
making it even easier to choose the appropriate wine.
5 x 8 | 240 pp
200 color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-1016-5 USC

Andreas Kjrling is a sommelier and author of books on wine and champagne.

A comprehensive overview of the best

international sparkling wines,
from supreme-quality products
to wines at a more affordable price.

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 220

4/5/16 9:14 AM

h.f.ullmann publishing
Angelus & Diabolus
Angels and Devils. The History of Good and Evil in Christian Art

Maria-Christina Boerner
Edited by Rolf Toman
Photographs by Achim Bednorz
The history of angels and demons in art, and how they
mirror the fears and hopes of humankind.

Angels, devils, and demons have played a significant role ever since the emergence of religious beliefs.
Angelus & Diabolus is the first publication of its kind to offer a visually stunning collection of the most beautiful and breathtaking pieces of art reflecting this
contrast between Heaven and Hell. Seven comprehensive chapters examine the
topic from various angles like the nature, the duties, and the hierarchy of angels;
the downfall of sinful angels, angelic choirs, the pain of hell, imaginations of the
end of the world, and the manifestations of heaven.
Substantial texts by art historian Maria-Christina Boerner are accompanied
by striking pictures by photographer Achim Bednorz, some of which show rarely
seen details and make otherwise hidden elements accessible to the beholder.
This tome comprises an unprecedented compilation on this timeless subject.
Dr. Maria-Christina Boerner studied German culture, art history, and journalism at the University of Berlin. After gaining her doctorate with a thesis on
Heinrich Heine, she became a professor and researcher at the University of
Fribourg in Switzerland. She has been writing books on European art history
since 2009, her focal point being the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

11 x 17 | 800 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $250.00 | CAN $324.99
978-3-8480-0750-9 USC

Achim Bednorz has made a name for himself mainly as a photographer of

sacred places.
Rolf Toman has studied German literature and philosophy. After working as
copyeditor for a major German editing house for several years, he began his
career as a freelance editor of books on cultural studies and art history.

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h.f.ullmann publishing
Anatomy Drawing School
Human and Animal

Illustrated by Andras Szunyoghy

Text by Gyrgy Fher
A comprehensive guide to the role of human
and animal anatomy in fine arts.

7 x 9 | 420 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-1008-0 USC

For centuries, the study of anatomy has played an important role in the education of artists. An understanding of anatomy constitutes the basis for the precise representation of human and animal forms, whether at rest or in motion.
With more than one thousand detailed illustrations by the Hungarian master
artist Andrs Szunyoghy, Anatomy Drawing School offers an in-depth view into
the anatomy of human beings and selected mammals. For the student, the volumes remarkably precise depiction of the skeleton and muscles will open the
door to the true-to-life reproduction of the various parts of the body and their
movements, a critical step on the road to artistic mastery. Professor Gyrgy
Fehr provides clear and precise descriptions to accompany every illustration.
Above and beyond these anatomical descriptions, his introductory texts offer a
living image of the depicted life forms.
This effective combination of artistic and scientific depiction makes Anatomy
Drawing School an essential reference work for painters, graphic artists, and anyone interested in anatomy.
Graphic artist and painter Andrs Szunyoghy is a professor at the Institute for
Anatomical Drawing at the Academy of Applied Arts in Budapest. His works
have been featured in exhibitions in many different countries, spreading his renown far beyond the borders of Hungary.
Gyrgy Fehr was a veterinarian and a lecturer at the Budapest University of
Veterinary Medicine.

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 222

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h.f.ullmann publishing
Introducing the Dot-to-Dot Series
Whether you visit Barcelona, Berlin, London, or Paris, or just travel with a finger
on the map, these dot-to-dot activity books are perfect companions. By featuring a great selection of iconic attractions, these guides will take you on a journey
through some of the most vibrant cities of Europe. You will not only read about
historic places past and present, but you will also see them in attractive pictures.
Make learning fun and take part in the re-creation of some of the cities by joining the dots and coloring each drawing. Also included are six dot-to-dot postcards
which you can send to your family and friends. With this series of dot-to-dot activity books, both the author and the illustrator like to share their endless fascination for the worlds most famous metropolises.
Agata Mazur is an art historian and author who loves to explore new cities,
regions and monuments. Based in Germany, she likes to travel extensively.
Natalia Pakula works as a photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator. She
currently lives in France.

Dot-to-Dot Barcelona

An Interactive Travel Guide

Agata Mazur and Natalia Pakula
8 x 11 | 68 pp
80 color illustrations
Cloth Text US $14.99 | CAN $19.50 | 978-3-8480-1005-9 USC
Ages 6 and up

Dot-to-Dot Berlin

An Interactive Travel Guide

Agata Mazur and Natalia Pakula
8 x 11 | 68 pp
80 color illustrations
Cloth Text US $14.99 | CAN $19.50 | 978-3-8480-0961-9 USC
Ages 6 and up

Dot-to-Dot London

An Interactive Travel Guide

Agata Mazur and Natalia Pakula
8 x 11 | 68 pp
80 color illustrations
Cloth Text US $14.99 | CAN $19.50 | 978-3-8480-0965-7 USC
Ages 6 and up

Dot-to-Dot Paris

An Interactive Travel Guide

Agata Mazur and Natalia Pakula
8 x 11 | 68 pp
80 color illustrations
Cloth Text US $14.99 | CAN $19.50 | 978-3-8480-1012-7 USC
Ages 6 and up

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 223

4/5/16 9:14 AM

h.f.ullmann publishing
Smoothies for Kids
Eliq Maranik

7 x 9 | 112 pp
80 color photographs
Trade Paper US $12.99 | CAN $16.99
978-3-8480-0997-8 USC

Your children will love fruits and vegetables thanks to colorful and delicious
smoothies for kids.
Together with thirty boys and girls aged six to thirteen, smoothie expert Eliq
Maranik has developed thirty-n ine simple and healthy smoothie recipes that
every child will love. The ingredients range from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and
seeds to superfoods and dairy products. Exciting facts about the ingredients
and little experiments turn each recipe into an experience for the whole family,
while practical tips help your children create their very own smoothie.
A child-oriented fruit A BC with pictures of each ingredient rounds off this
gorgeous publication.

Help your children discover their

love for fruits and vegetables with
colorful and delicious smoothies.

Winter Smoothies
Eliq Maranik

Who says that smoothies should only be enjoyed in the summertime?

With these all-new recipes by Eliq Maranik, the high season of smoothies and
shakes will now be the coldest time of the year! These fresh and fruity smoothies are flavored with traditional warm winter spices such as ginger and cinnamon.
Sweeten cold winter nights and with the nutrients bodies crave, such as vitamins,
micronutrients, and fiber.


6 x 9 | 128 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-3-8480-1030-1 USC

Eliq Maranik worked in gastronomy before starting as a freelance art director

for book production and then specializing in high-quality cookbooks.

These colorful smoothies help us

get through the winter healthy and vital.

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 224

4/5/16 9:14 AM

h.f.ullmann publishing
Beans, Peas and Lentils
Simple, Tasty and Healthy Recipes

Martin Dort

The comprehensive guide to cooking with pulses: high-protein, low-fat,

rich in vitamins, and incredibly versatile little all-rounders.

Beans, peas, and lentils are tasty, colourful, nutritious, and versatile ingredients.
Enjoyed by people around the globe for centuries, they make wonderful soups,
appetizers, main dishes, and even baked goods. Not only are they rich in proteins
and an alternative to meat, but they also are very low in fat. There is an increasing emphasis on legumes as an essential part of todays healthy diet, as they cut
fat, not flavor.
This book offers a wealth of budget-friendly recipes from around the globe
to rediscover pulses and enjoy their health benefits: Indian chard and red lentil curry, Brazilian Feijoada, Moroccan chickpea salad, and Fava bean and Feta
tapenade, to name a few.
6 x 9 | 144 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-3-8480-1035-6 USC

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 225

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h.f.ullmann publishing
Yiddish Cuisine
Authentic and Delicious Jewish Recipes

Florence Kahn

8 x 11 | 144 pp
110 color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-1028-8 USC

Just like religious festivals, songs, and humor, cuisine is a constitutive part of
the Jewish tradition. In this book, Parisian delicatessen owner Florence Kahn
shares century-old Yiddish recipes that not only feed the hungry, but also delight the soul. Classics of Jewish cuisine, including meals for religious holidays,
are explained step-by-step and illustrated by mouth-w atering photographs.
Florence Kahns easy-to-follow recipes unite the best of Yiddish traditions with
a contemporary approach and show the diversity of Jewish cooking. The authors
tips on recipe variations and her explanations about the origins of the dishes are
a great addition to the contents.

Parisian delicatessen owner

Florence Kahn shares with us Jewish
recipes that not only feed the hungry,
but also delight the soul.

Falafels, Skewers and More

Valry Drouet
Photographs by Pierre-Louis Viel
Whether as a party snack or a light meal, meatballs and skewers are always well-
received! However, this book is not only dedicated to the meat lovers among us,
as it offers many simple and innovative vegetarian dishes, seafood recipes, and
sweet treats.
How about chicken meatballs with goat cheese, pistachios and dried figs;
chocolate fudge balls, or Thai marinated shrimp skewers with fried rice and
ginger? All recipes are presented with step-by-step instructions and serving suggestions, and gorgeously photographed by food-stylist Pierre-L ouis Viel.
7 x 9 | 144 pp
110 color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-1014-1 USC

French chef Valry Drouet is a regular contributor to the food pages of womens

Learn how to make gourmet appetizers

for any taste and occasionit has never
been easier and more delicious.

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 226

4/5/16 9:14 AM

h.f.ullmann publishing
Global Spices for Everyday Cooking
Sarah Golbaza and Hellmut Wagner

Spices can transform a meal into a feast for the palate, and add surprising flavors
to your dishes. This richly illustrated handbook provides a wealth of knowledge
about spices: their cultivation, their storage, and how to use them when cooking.
Sorted by their different flavor notes, from mild and harmonic to spicy, the spices
are each presented in a short profile, followed by more than one hundred appetizing recipes for every taste and occasion.
Sarah Golbaz runs a blog dedicated to spices.
Hellmut Wagner is the founder of a company specializing in importing and
marketing exotic spices.

7 x 9 | 144 pp
110 color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-0934-3 USC

Discover a plethora of organic spices

from different regions of the world.

Cooking with Fresh Herbs

Green Energy for the Four Seasons

Maiga Werner
The immense diversity of scents and savors offered by herbs is more than a gift
from natureherbs have been a part of human culinary habits ever since cooking began, as they can be easily found in the world around us. Their complex
tastes and healing powers unite harmoniously and provide a sensation of freshness when used in soups, salads, or other dishes. Structured by season, this book
covers more than ninety different herbs which grow around the globe. It contains many mouthw atering recipes from salty to sweet, all of which feature
herbs as the central element.
7 x 9 | 144 pp
130 color illustrations
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-0935-0 USC

The perfect introduction to the flavorful

world of garden and wild herbs,
and how to add them to your menu.

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 227

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h.f.ullmann publishing
Recipes from the Bollywood Kitchen

Sandra Salamandjee
This cookbook is as colorful as Indian culture itself and offers a variety of basic
Indian recipes: from spicy dals and exotic curries to delicious tandoories. Food
blogger Sandra Salmandjee presents more than sixty authentic Indian dishes
that take you on a culinary journey through the Indian subcontinent. Numerous
recipes with meat, fish, rice, and lentils, as well as different kinds of vegetables, will
add just the right portion of spice onto your plate.

7 x 9 | 144 pp
250 color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-3-8480-0994-7 USC

Sandra Salmandjeecalled Sanjeeruns the food blog Bollywood Kitchen

and is famous for her culinary skills, which she displays in numerous videos on

This cookbook is as colorful as

Indian culture itself and invites you
on a journey through Indian food.

Cooking with Superfoods

Hannah Frey

You may be unaware of this, but you are actually using some superfoods in your
everyday cooking: avocados, spinach, blueberries, pomegranates, and lemons
are among the most common superfoods; but did you know that cacao, dates,
and chickpeas belong to the same category? Superfoods are not only tasty
they also deliver a wealth of health benefits: anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins,
and much more, contributing to the healing and cleansing of our body and
mind. Each of the thirty superfoods portrayed in this book is described in detail,
accompanied by easy and delicious recipes.
7 x 9 | 144 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-3-8480-1022-6 USC

Hannah Frey is a professional nutritionist and a blogger.

A colorful introduction to the most

important superfoods, with interesting
background information and many
mouthwatering recipes.

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 228

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Recent & Recommended from h.f.ullmann publishing

Ars Sacra
Christian Art and Architecture
from the Early Beginnings to the Present Day

Rolf Toman
Photographs by Achim Bednorz
Ars Sacra is a unique tribute to two thousand years of Christian art, architecture and spirituality. This glorious tome takes the reader on a cultural and spiritual odyssey through centuries of sacred art, from the late antiquity to works by
contemporary artists such as Marc Chagall and Gerhard Richter.
ART / RELIGION | Available Now | 9 x 15 | 800 pp | 1110 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $125.00 | CAN $156.50 | 978-3-8480-0895-7 USC

Cathedrals and Churches of Europe

Barbara Borngsser
Edited by Rolf Toman
Photographs by Achim Bednroz
At the very heart of cities and villages, churches, cathedrals, and basilicas have
shaped the landscape in Europe to a great extent. Their architecture bears witness
to the skills of craftsmen and the mystic fervor that led to their building. It reveals
essential details about their architecture and historical meaning.
ARCHITECTURE / TRAVEL | Available Now | 10 x 14 | 400 pp
500 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $75.00 | CAN $93.99 | 978-3-8480-0690-8 USC

Jeannine Fiedler and Peter Feierabend

This book illustrates not only the origins and impact of the Bauhaus movement,
but also Bauhaus as an institution: theory, pedagogical methods, life, and routine.
The authors take readers inside individual workshops, where they can discover the
unique wealth of forms and ideas that remain the hallmark of Bauhaus products.
DESIGN / ARCHITECTURE | Available Now | 9 x 11 | 640 pp | 800 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $49.99 | CAN $54.99 | 978-3-8480-0276-4 USC

150 YearsCouturiers, Designers, Labels

Charlotte Seeling
This book is devoted to the legendary world of fashion and couturiers. Informative chapters that introduce each era, coupled with extensive portraits of
groundbreaking fashion icons and countless expressive photographs, form a
comprehensive portrayal of the rapid development that took fashion all the way
to the creations of modern designers.
DESIGN | Available Now | 9 x 12 | 512 pp | 1000 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $49.99 | CAN $54.99 | 978-3-8480-0763-9 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-3-8480-0121-7

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 229

4/5/16 9:14 AM

Recent & Recommended from h.f.ullmann publishing

The Ultimate Companion to the Elegant Man
Revised Edition

Bernhard Roetzel
A self-confident demeanor, excellent manners, and carefully chosen quality garments are the distinctive signs of a true gentleman. Paying tribute to the latest evolutions in fashion and style, this thoroughly revised edition of Bernhard Roetzels
tried-a nd-tested guide is set for the man of the twenty-fi rst century.
SELF-HELP / REFERENCE | Available Now | 8 x 10 | 376 pp | 700 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $49.99 | CAN $64.99 | 978-3-8480-0816-2 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-3-8480-0262-7

Handmade Shoes for Men

Lzl Vass and Magda Molnr

Handmade Shoes for Men elucidates the entire process of creating classic mens
shoes, while the detailed color photographs document every stage of production. It is a worthy introduction, for both the professional and the layman, to the
wealth of tradition that is waiting to be discovered in the shoemakers workshop.
DESIGN | Available Now | 8 x 10 | 216 pp | 450 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $39.99 | CAN $43.99 | 978-3-8480-0368-6 USC

Just Style
Fashion Guide for Women

Dagmar Vorwerk
This richly illustrated handbook reveals important tips and tricks about fashion
and styling, and shows what makes a successful look. This guide to fashion and
style will appeal not only to women considering a radical change in their style, but
also to those who simply want to cultivate their look.
SELF-HELP / REFERENCE | Available Now | 4 x 7 | 232 pp | 300 illustrations
Cloth Text US $24.99 | CAN $27.50 | 978-3-8480-0634-2 USC

Pictorial Atlas of Acupuncture

Yu-Lin Lian, Dr. Chun-Yan Chen, Michael Hammes,
and Dr. Bernhard C. Kolster
The Pictorial Atlas of Acupuncture not only provides beginners with an overview
of the most important acupuncture points, but experienced practitioners can also
extend their knowledge. The combination of Chinese sources and the authors
therapeutic experiences provides a sensible balance between the most important
indications and practical needs.
MEDICAL / HEALTH & FITNESS | Available Now | 7 x 9 | 352 pp | 1300 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $29.99 | CAN $32.99 | 978-3-8480-0236-8 USC

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 230

4/5/16 9:14 AM

Recent & Recommended from h.f.ullmann publishing

The Big Book of Drawing
Andrs Szunyoghy
This book contains step-by-step drawing instructions in pictures and text, as
well as innumerable examples and practice techniques for watching and drawing. The reader follows Szunyoghys method intuitively and casually learns to
judge their development. Useful tools such as the Drer-g rid and a grey scale
complete the work.
ART | Available Now | 9 x 11 | 416 pp | 1000 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $39.99 | CAN $43.99 | 978-3-8480-0249-8 USC

Portrait Drawing
Andrs Szunyoghy

This illustrated step-by-s tep tutorial will teach you the skills and techniques
you need to draw a convincing pencil portrait. It provides not only beginners
but also advanced artists with comprehensive assistance.
ART | Available Now | 9 x 11 | 208 pp | 600 illustrations
Trade Cloth US $29.99 | CAN $32.99 | 978-3-8480-0280-1 USC

Smoothie Bowls
Inspiring Healthy Foods

Eliq Maranik
Smoothie bowls combine the freshness of smoothies with nutrients to chew, activating your taste buds and providing a feeling of satiety. The vibrant variety of
color, texture, and flavor make smoothie bowls a pleasure for the eyethey are
small artistic compositions you can create following your taste and needs.
COOKING | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 144 pp | Color photographs
Trade Paper US $14.99 | CAN $19.50 | 978-3-8480-0938-1 USC

Green Juices for Beginners

A One-Stop Guide to Cleansing your Body

Carla Zaplana
This practical guide explains the positive effects of a green juice diet and the best
way to prepare the drinks. Health and nutrition expert Carla Zaplana explains
thirty-five ingredients, including superfoods and toppings that can be found in
normal grocery stores. Thirty delicious and highly addictive recipes round off
this essential handbook.
COOKING | Available Now | 6 x 9 | 128 pp | Color photographs
Trade Paper US $14.99 | CAN $19.50 | 978-3-8480-0937-4 USC

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 231

4/5/16 9:14 AM

Recent & Recommended from h.f.ullmann publishing

Culinaria Italy
A Celebration of Food and Tradition

Claudia Piras
A fascinating journey through Italys culinary traditions, with authentic and inspiring recipes.
COOKING | Available Now | 8 x 10 | 380 pp | 1000 illustrations
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $24.99 | 978-3-8480-0819-3 USC

Japanese Cuisine for Beginners

Laure Ki
This book introduces readers to the essence of Japanese cuisine: What are the
basic ingredients and utensils? Which basic recipes need one know to cook
Japanese style? Why is rice so important? More than fifty recipes of traditional
yet simple Japanese dishes are explained step-by-step with tips and variants.
COOKING | Available Now | 7 x 9 | 144 pp | 260 color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $24.99 | 978-3-8480-0754-7 USC

The Art of Cooking Meat

Valry Drouet
Photographs by Pierre-Louis Viel
This dream book for meat lovers offers more than sixty meat recipes, from hearty
to sophisticated, covering a full range of meat cuts and preparation techniques.
Whether youre planning a Sunday roast for the family or a dinner for your friends,
youll find meat-centric recipes for all occasions and seasons.
COOKING | Available Now | 7 x 9 | 144 pp | Color photographs
Cloth Text US $19.99 | CAN $24.99 | 978-3-8480-0756-1 USC

101 Recipes

Cornelia Adam
Potatoes are synonymous with simple, inexpensive, and unfailingly delicious
food. The taste of potatoes appeals to each of us, and the countless possible ways
of cooking them contributed to making them ubiquitous. This book pays tribute
to the versatility of potatoes in 101 recipes, from salads and soups to desserts.
COOKING | Available Now | 8 x 11 | 192 pp | 300 color photographs
Cloth Text US $24.99 | CAN $31.50 | 978-3-8480-0807-0 USC

FLC F16 hf ullmann 219-232.indd 232

4/5/16 9:14 AM

High Conflict Institute Press

High Conflict People in Legal Disputes
Second Edition
Revised and Updated

Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.

This book makes sense of the fears that drive people to file lawsuits and
complaints, wreaking havoc for legal professionals and everyone.

People with high conflict personalities (HCPs) clog our courts as plaintiffs with
inappropriate claims against their targets of blame, and as defendants who
have harmed others and need to be stopped. Everybody knows someone with
a High Conflict Personality. How can he be so unreasonable? Why does she
keep fighting? Cant she see how destructive she is? Can you believe theyre
going to court over ______?
Some HCPs are more difficult than others, but they tend to share a similar
preoccupation with blame that drives them into one dispute after anothera nd
keeps everyone perplexed about how to deal with them.
Using case examples and an analysis of the general litigation and negotiation behaviors of HCPs, this book helps make sense of the exaggerated fears that
drive HCPs to file lawsuits and complaints. It provides insight for containing their
behavior while managing and resolving their disputes. Characteristics of the five
high-conflict personality disorders are explored:
Bill Eddy is a lawyer, therapist, mediator, and president of the High Conflict
Institute. He developed the High Conflict Personality theory and is an international expert on the subject. He is a certified family law specialist and senior
family mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center. He has taught at the
University of San Diego School of Law, is on the part-time faculty of the Straus
Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law and
the National Judicial College, and lectures at Monash University in Australia.


Unhooked Books
6 x 9 | 298 pp
B&W illustrations, tables
Trade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $28.50
978-1-936268-15-3 W
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-936268-00-9

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Social media campaign
National advertising: American Bar Association
Promotion through author speaking
engagements in US, Canada, and Australia
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: San Diego, CA

Quick Responses to High-Conflict People,
Their Personal Attacks, Hostile Email
and Social Media Meltdowns
Second Edition
Bill Eddy
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-936268-72-6 W

FLC F16 High Conflict 233-234.indd 233

Its All Your Fault!

12 Tips for Managing People Who
Blame Others for Everything
Bill Eddy
Trade Paper US $28.95 | CAN $31.99
978-1-936268-02-3 W

4/5/16 9:13 AM

Selected Backlist from High Conflict Institute Press

5 Simple Steps to Teaching

Kids How They Think
Musical Thinking
The Quick Start Manual
Lynne Kenney, PsyD


8 x 11 | 73 pp
Color illustrations, charts, worksheets
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-936268-54-2 W

Splitting America

How Politicians, Super PACs

and the News Media Mirror
High Conflict Divorce
Bill Eddy and Donald Saposnek
6 x 9 | 162 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $14.50
978-1-936268-52-8 W

The Healthy Parents ABCs

Healthy Parenting Made Clear
and Easy-to-Read
Benjamin D. Garber
5 x 8 | 60 pp
Trade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.99
978-1-936268-99-3 W

Its All Your Fault at Work!

Managing Narcissists and

Other High-Conflict People
Bill Eddy and L. Georgi DiStefano
5 x 8 | 244 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.99
978-1-936268-66-5 W

The Transformative

Changing the Way We Come to

Agreement from the Inside Out
Michle Huff
5 x 8 | 173 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-936268-80-1 W

The Dialectical Behavior

Therapy Wellness Planner
365 Days of Healthy Living for
Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
Amanda L. Smith
Foreword by Blaise Aguirre

7 x 10 | 272 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $30.99
978-1-936268-86-3 W

FLC F16 High Conflict 233-234.indd 234

4/5/16 9:13 AM

Ramn Saizarbitoria
Translated by Aritz Branton
Martutene could well be considered the highest summit of Basque-language
novels. . . . This superb novel recalls the greatness of Tolstoy and the obsessive
stylistic accuracy of Flaubert. ngel Basanta, El Cultural
Set in the current Basque Country, Martutene is an ambitious and truly grand
novel with a splendid array of characters: two bourgeois couples worn down
by years of marriage, their group of friends, and the newcomer Lynn, a young
American sociologist. An insightful portrait of the post-ETA Basque country and
an exploration of those thoughts and feelings that expose our miseries and our
deepest fears as human beings.
A major work, considered the fundamental novel of modern Basque literature.

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign


9 x 6 | 816 pp
Paper over Board US $26.95 | CAN $34.99
978-84-944262-7-8 USC

Martutene is a major literary fiction

work and winner of the Basque Countrys
Literature Prize.

The Blue Palace of the

Belgian Engineers
Fulgencio Argelles
Translated by Frank Wynne
A magnificent and powerful novel.Ernesto Ayala-Dip, El Pas
In September 1927, Nalo starts working as a trainee for the gardener at the blue
palace of the Belgian engineers. A time of revolutions and war, his years at the palace will bring his awakening to life. With a careful and crafted prose, Fulgencio
Argelles displays a varied array of characters who share friendship, love, and
An ongoing success in Spain, the novel is now in its eighth reprint. It is a perfect blend of historical novel and top literary fiction with an outstanding translation by a multi-awarded translator.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 328 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-84-944262-9-2 USC

A tender story of friendship, love, and

hardship written in the style of grand
novels with a very literary feel.

FLC F16 Hispabooks 235-238.indd 235

4/5/16 9:13 AM

Laia Fbregas
Translated by Samantha Schnee
A beautiful blend of philosophical depth and suspense.Boek Magazine
Landing is captivating from start to finish. Fbregas style ranges from refreshingly simple to extremely romantic and poetic.Marieke Dijkman


5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-84-944262-5-4 USC

An inventive, cleverly constructed

story about human relationships and
art, blending philosophical depth
and suspense.

An old Spanish man and a young Dutch woman sit together in a flight to
Barcelona and get acquainted with each other. When he unexpectedly dies during the landing, the woman takes with her the small box the man was carrying to
hand over to his son. Alternately, through Her and Him chapters, we learn
the story of both people.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign

A Brief Theory of Travel and the Desert

Cristian Crusat
Translated by Jacqueline Minett
An extraordinarily versatile prose, a nomadic writing.Estandarte

5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-84-944262-3-0 USC

Six short stories in which fate

or mere chance reveal in a flash the
true face of a characters isolation.

Six stories that contemplate the full range of human experience, in which either fate or mere chance play a pivotal role. They take us on a journey around
the world, from the arid landscapes of the Mediterranean coast to the work of
the brilliant Serbian writer, Milorad Pavic. All of the characters are waiting for,
searching for, or exploring the possibility of a revelation which never appears in
their numbed here-a nd-now.
This novel was winner of the European Union Prize for Literature and the
Manuel Llano International Short Story Prize.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign

FLC F16 Hispabooks 235-238.indd 236

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The Madwoman of the House
Rosa Montero

An outstanding work, both in its ideological and civic positions as in its literary
skill to create a hybrid text, a blend of personal experiences and legends, of auto
biography and fictionalized essay.Fernando R. Lafuente, ABC
An engaging literary essay on the power of imagination and creative writing comprised of nineteen chapters in which the author discusses many topics in relation to the essential quality a good writer should have: the ability to imagine and
A mixture of personal reflections, anecdotes, and literary references by one of
Spains top women writers.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 258 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-84-944965-3-0 USC

A literary essay on the power of

imagination, creative writing,
and life written by a very popular
Spanish woman writer.

Death of a Horse
Andrs Barba
Translated by Lisa Dillman
An intense story.Mara Jos Obiol, El Pas
Andrs Barba needs no introduction. He has his own intentional world perfectly
contained and a literary gift that belies his age.Mario Vargas Llosa
An outstanding short novel by an author included in Grantas The Best of Young
Spanish-Language Novelists.
A professor and a student in a nervous courtship are driving to his friends
country house for a weekend. Towards the end of their journey they come upon
an accident in the road where a horse is fatally injured. The lovers try to help,
something that will put them through their first disagreement and towards their
first truly tender moment.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 108 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-84-944965-1-6 USC

With his insight into the tender jerkiness

that defines our romantic encounters,
Andrs Barba portrays the fragile
atmosphere between two people.

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Selected Backlist from Hispabooks

Rain Over Madrid

Uppsala Woods

Translated by Lisa Dillman

Translated by Jonathan Dunne

Translated by Margaret Jull Costa

5 x 8 | 218 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-84-942284-7-6 USC

5 x 8 | 194 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-84-941744-2-1 USC

5 x 8 | 348 pp
Trade Paper US $16.99 | CAN $18.50
978-84-942284-4-5 USC

eBook available

eBook available

eBook available

The Plimsoll Line

The Same City

Translated by Jonathan Dunne

Translated by Tomasz Dukanovich

5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-84-942830-9-3 USC

5 x 8 | 138 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $18.50
978-84-943496-8-3 USC

Andrs Barba

The History of Silence

Pedro Zarraluki

Translated by Nick Caistor

and Lorenza Garca
5 x 8 | 190 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-84-942830-6-2 USC

lvaro Colomer

Juan Gracia Armendriz


Marcos Giralt Torrente

Luisg Martn

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Hispabooks 235-238.indd 238

4/5/16 9:13 AM

Holy Cow! Press

Were in America Now
A Surviviors Stories

Fred Amram

A heros journey, from the dark days of the Holocaust,

to resettlement in the New World and the American Midwest.

Epic in scope, but gentle and charming in delivery, Fred Amrams Were in America
Now is a quiet chronicle of a clamorous era. Politics and war compel Amrams
family to leave the only home they ever knew and embark on a personal exodus,
fleeing a new pharaoh, pursuing a new promised land. They arrive in America to
discover that paradise is not all milk and honey, but love, loyalty, and faith conspire to hold the family together, and the story of how they rebuild the life that
was robbed them is moving, probing, and insightful.J.C. Hallman, author of
B & Me: A True Story of Literary Arousal
These compelling stories form a riveting memoir that begins with the authors
birth during the rise of Hitler in 1930s Germany. He and his surviving family soon
escape to Holland and sail to America where they encounter many challenges as
immigrants in a new world. This country truly becomes a land of opportunity
where one can build a new life and become more than a Holocaust survivor.
Fred Amram is a retired University of Minnesota professor of communication
and creativity. He spent his early years in Hanover, Germany, where he experienced the Holocaust from its inception in 1933. He witnessed Kristallnacht and
the Gestapo invading his home. He watched the British bombers from his balcony when Jews were banned from air raid shelters. The loss of uncles, aunts, a
grandmother, and many more relatives has motivated him to share his experiences in hopes of ending genocide everywhere.


6 x 9 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-0-9864480-2-7 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Outreach to Jewish publications and websites
Social media campaign
Regional Midwest author tour
Promotion through:

Author Events
Duluth, MN Minneapolis, MN Saint Paul, MN
Door County, WI Milwaukee, WI
Contributor Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

FLC F16 Holy Cow 239-240.indd 239

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Holy Cow! Press

A Memoir
Second Edition

Brenda Ueland
Introduction by Patricia Hampl
With Me, Brenda Ueland wrote a true book and it is her masterpiece.
Patricia Hampl, from the introduction
In work, play, marriage, bringing up her daughter, her reading (she says she was
much influenced by Vincent Van Goghs letters), and in the real pressure of experience, the author passes from adolescence to maturity and finds her own way to
fullness in life.
6 x 9 | 364 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-0-9864480-3-4 USC

Brenda Ueland (18911985) was the author of three best-selling books: If You
Want to Write, Me, and Strength to Your Sword Arm: Selected Writings (Holy Cow!
Press, 1996). October 24, 2016 is Uelands 125th birthday.

Brenda Uelands passionate coming-

of-age story set in Minneapolis
and Greenwich Villagethe focus
of her masterpiece autobiography,
first published in 1939.

Co-op available National advertising: Poets & Writers Magazine, Rain Taxi
Social media campaign

Marketing Plans

Contributors Hometowns: Minneapolis, MN / Saint Paul, MN

Fire in the Village

New and Selected Stories

Anne M. Dunn
These are stories of the magic of and connection to Earth, to people and to
spirit that can be found on any day we choose to look through eyes of wonder.
Winds of Change
A large gathering of more than seventy engaging stories that represent a lifetime of master story-telling and offer keen, loving insights into the mythic origins of the natural and supernatural worlds around and within the reader.
6 x 9 | 260 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-0-9864480-5-8 USC

A dynamic, imaginative collection of more

than seventy new and selected stories
by Anne M. Dunn, Anishinabeg-Ojibwe
grandmother and storyteller.

Living on the Leech Lake Reservation near Cass Lake, Minnesota, Anne M.
Dunn is an Anishinabeg grandmother and elder storyteller who has provided a
compelling and invaluable contribution to Native American folklore studies.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
Outreach to Native American publications and websites Social media campaign

Author Events
Duluth, MN Minneapolis, MN St. Paul, MN
Contributor Hometown: Cass Lake, MN

FLC F16 Holy Cow 239-240.indd 240

4/5/16 9:13 AM

Ig Publishing
A Bloom of Bones
Allen Morris Jones

A rancher and poet in Montana has his life ruptured when

a long-buried dead body appears on his property.

Eli Singer, a rancher and poet in remote Eastern Montana, sees his life upended
when a long-buried corpsewhich turns out to be a murder victim from Elis
childhooderodes out of a hillside on his property. This discovery forces Eli to
turn inward to revisit the tragic events in his past that led to a life-changing moment of violence, while at the same time he must reach outside himself toward
Chloe, a literary agent from New York with whom he is falling in love. In the
tradition of such classic western writers as Thomas McGuane, James Lee Burke,
Ivan Doig, and Jim Harrison, A Bloom of Bones is a poignant and moving exploration of family, community, and the echoing ramifications of violence across
generations, as well as a genre-subverting literary mystery.
Allen Morris Jones is the author of a novel, Last Years River, which was chosen
as a Barnes and Noble pick; a highly-regarded exploration of the ethics of hunting, A Quiet Place of Violence; and co-editor, with William Kittredge, of The Best of
Montanas Short Fiction. He has published numerous articles, essays, short stories,
and poems in various publications. Living in Bozeman, Montana, five minutes
from the Gallatin River, he is currently editor-in-chief of the highly-regarded
magazine Big Sky Journal, and runs his own publishing house, Bangtail Press.

5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-63246-045-5 USC
eBook available

Author Events
Billings, MT Bozeman, MT Brooklyn, NY

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Ig Publishing
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby:
Jaime Clarke
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby is widely considered to be the greatest
American novel ever written, its exploration of decadence, idealism, social upheaval, and excess having been described as a cautionary tale regarding the
American Dream. In this entry in Igs acclaimed Bookmarked series, author Jaime
Clarke examines how this seminal novel influenced his writing and life.
LITERARY CRITICISM | February | Bookmarked | 5 x 8 | 180 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-63246-039-4 USC
eBook available

Malcolm Lowrys Under the Volcano:

David Ryan
The New York Times called Malcolm Lowrys 1947 novel Under the Volcano One
of the towering novels of this century, and the Modern Library ranked the book
number eleven on its list of the one hundred best English-language novels of the
twentieth century. In his Bookmarked entry, critically celebrated author David
Ryan shows how this modernist masterpiece has affected his life and creative work.
LITERARY CRITICISM | March | Bookmarked | 5 x 8 | 180 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50 | 978-1-63246-041-7 USC
eBook available

Somebody in Boots
Nelson Algren
Introduction by Colin Asher
Nelson Algren was a renowned writer, known for his penetrating and influential social novels such as The Man With the Golden Arm and A Walk on the Wild
Side. Originally published in 1935, Somebody in Boots was Algrens first novel,
based on his experiences living in Texas during the Great Depression. A wonderful companion to Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath, this new edition of Somebody
in Boots features an introduction by Colin Asher, who is writing a forthcoming
biography of Algren for W.W. Norton.
Rebel Reads
5 x 8 | 264 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-63246-043-1 USC

Nelson Algren (19091981) was an American writer known for his novels
about the poor. His first novel, Somebody in Boots, relates the wanderings of Cass
McCay, a poor Texas drifter during the Great Depression, who ends up among
the down-a nd-outs of Chicago. Among Algrens many honors was a National
Book Award for the novel The Man with the Golden Arm.

eBook available

Back in print, the first novel

from literary giant Nelson Algren.

FLC F16 Ig 241-242.indd 242

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Kehrer Verlag
New York Legs
Photographs and text by Stacey Baker
Introduction by Kathy Ryan

A book full of ladies legs photographed on the streets of New York

a celebration of the female figure.

For the past three years, Stacey Baker has been photographing womens legs in
New York City and posting the pictures on Instagram, where she has over seventy-
five thousand followers. The women are strangers she meets on the street who
agree to pose in front of a nearby wall. Only their legs are visible in the frame:
She always frames them so the subject is cut off at the waist. She rigorously stages
these photographs, asking the muse to stand in front of a gritty, textured wall, and
composing each image so the heels line up with the horizon line where the wall
meets the chewing-g um-pocked sidewalk, and always framing it so the thin strip
of pavement takes up about a sixth of the picture. By following this disciplined
approach, Baker has figured out a way to commandeer a portrait studio out of
the chaos of midtown Manhattan.
The images, viewed collectively, reflect the diversity of the female figure and
also reflect the personality of each subject as well as the fashion of the moment:
leggings, miniskirts, jeans, and more. Many of the pictures were taken on West
40th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, near where Baker works as a photo
editor at the New York Times Magazine, often during her lunch hour.

6 x 6 | 200 pp
180 color photographs
Paper over Board US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-3-86828-698-4 USC

Contributors Hometown: New York, NY

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Kehrer Verlag
Photographs and text by Rachel Papo
Contributions by Holly Graff and Ariel Shanberg
As criticism of the US education system grows among parents, so does the appeal
of homeschooling. After moving to Woodstock, New York, Rachel Papo began
to photograph a small number of families living in the region who follow this
path. While much of the discussion about the subject revolves around parents
and their beliefs, she chose to focus on the lives and routines of the children,
in an attempt to capture their spirit and the meaning of growing up outside the
conventional four classroom walls. The result is a quiet meditation on the home
education movement from the childrens perspective.
11 x 9 | 128 pp
85 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-3-86828-687-8 USC

Growing up outside classrom walls

the cultural movement of
homeschooling in America.

The Villa Bonita

Pamela Littky
Foreword by Cameron Crowe
Like many apartment buildings in Hollywood, the Villa Bonita was built during the film industrys first heyday during the 1920s and 1930s. Built for the vast
crews and casts that Cecil B. DeMille was hiring during his fertile period, the
Villa Bonita has housed great Hollywood figures from Errol Flynn to Francis
Ford Coppola. In a series of photographs that brings us into intimate proximity
with its subjects, The Villa Bonita surveys the inhabitants of this historic apartment tower in the middle of Hollywood, creating a collective portrait of the transient nature of the city.
11 x 9 | 144 pp
85 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-3-86828-685-4 USC

In the heart of Hollywood: The legendary

apartment building and its residents.

Contributors Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

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Kehrer Verlag
Palm SpringsThe Good Life Goes On
Photographs by Nancy Baron
Contributions by Alexa Dilworth and Matthew Weiner

A tribute to the mid-century modern lifestyle

and the preservation of its architecture.

The dreamy Palm Springs vibe washes over the traveler at the first sightfrom
land or airof the vast windmill farm sprouting from the Southern California
desert; surrounding the town like guards at the gate to paradise.
In Palm SpringsThe Good Life Goes On, Nancy Baron guides us through
this storied American resort town and its mid-century modern lifestyle from
the vantage point of a resident. Baron picks up where she left off in The Good
LifePalm Springs (Kehrer, 2014), documenting, with a positive bias, her ongoing and endless discoveries of her second home and its community of midcentury modern enthusiasts. This large and tight-k nit group of self-proclaimed
modernists are committed to the mid-century modern life style and the preservation of its architecture. Their homes, cars, and clothes pay homage to this carefree post World War II time in US history which glows warmly in their vintage
rearview mirrors. Many of these modernists werent yet born in the 1950s and
1960s, but they find comfort in this reenactment of gentler times.
Barons informal images casually document the carefree Palm Springs lifestyle
as though captured in passing, in the seemingly effortless way that most things
happen in Palm Springs.
Nancy Baron is a documentary photographer based in Los Angeles and Palm
Springs, California. Her work is held in public and private collections and has
been exhibited in galleries across the United States.

8 x 8 | 120 pp
60 color photographs
Paper over Board US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-3-86828-706-6 USC

Contributors Hometowns: Palm Springs, CA /

Los Angeles, CA / Durham, NC

FLC F16 Kehrer Verlag 243-252.indd 245

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Kehrer Verlag
Six Degrees of Freedom
Photographs and text by Jessica Backhaus
Contributions by Caroline von Courten and Lars Mextorf

9 x 11 | 132 pp
64 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-3-86828-667-0 USC

With her latest photographic series, Jessica Backhaus examines universal questions of human existence. Based on her own life story she inquires after the
significance of the roots of ones own existence and to what extent it is pos
sible to re-elaborate theseu sually prescribedroots. With her photographs,
she symbolically captures the essence of this search and of her life stages.
Simultaneously, she pulls off the balancing act of keeping the images open for
the beholder. Her photographs possess metaphoric potential and work against
the grain of classic social documentary photography. They alternate between
realism and abstraction.

New work by one of the most

distinguished voices in contemporary
photography in Germany today.

Short Stories
Recreated Scenes from America During the 1960s and 1970s

Photographs and text by Matt Henry

11 x 9 | 112 pp
72 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-3-86828-670-0 USC

Matt Henrys artistic practice focuses on the politics of America during the
1960s and 1970s. The works take the form of fictional narrative scenes staged
across set-builds and dressed locations, where Henry employs his own prop and
costume styling, storyboarding, and set design. The use of light and color in
Henrys photographs is masterful and the perfection of his protagonists and still
lives is alluring, yet he maintains an ambiguity that challenges the viewer to address their own imagination in considering the works.
The imagery plays with fragments of American photography, cinema, and literature from his chosen period to explore underlying ideological concerns.

Short Stories reimagines the turmoil

of the 1960s and 1970s in America
through the lens of small-town life.

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Kehrer Verlag
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner -
The Artist as Photographer
Photographs by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Edited by Thorsten Sadowsky
Like many of his contemporaries, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (18801938) was
fascinated by the possibilities of photography and explored the medium in vari
ous ways. In his work, there is a noticeable interdependency of photography
and painting, creating an almost photographic pictorial conception.
This catalog assembles a selection of about 140 photographic works and pre
sents examples of all genres in which Kirchner worked: from nudes, studio
scenes, and portraits to landscapes and object photographs. Although Kirchner
did not consider himself a photographic artist, he did extensively exploit the
possibilities of the medium of photography.

8 x 10 | 216 pp
142 duotone photographs
Paper over Board US $45.00 | CAN $58.50
978-3-86828-702-8 USC

A comprehensive overview of the

photographic work of German artist
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (18801938).

Found Not Taken

Photographs and text by Edson Chagas
Contribution by Ana Balona de Oliveira
For this series, Angolan artist Edson Chagas walked through the streets of
Luanda, London, and Newport, collecting discarded objects and moving them,
at times slightly and in other instances significantly, before photographing
them. Taken out of their context and photographed in relation to a carefully
chosen background, the mundane items are turned into abstract icons that ani
mate the city.
Found Not Taken consists of a selection from the series that represented
Angola at the Venice Biennale 2013, winning the Golden Lion for Best National
Participation. Chagass works were recently shown at the Museum of Modern
Art and the Walther Collection Project Space in New York.

10 x 10 | 116 pp
46 color photographs
Cloth Text US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-3-86828-672-4 USC

A conceptual photo series which

represented Angola at the Venice
Biennale 2015, winning the Golden Lion
for Best National Participation.

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Kehrer Verlag
Hello Camel
Photographs and text by Christoph Bangert

9 x 13 | 96 pp
40 color photographs
Cloth Text US $50.00 | CAN $62.50
978-3-86828-683-0 USC

In my experience, the two most significant characteristics of war are horror and
absurdity, says Christoph Bangert, the German photojournalist who has been
documenting crises for international publications such as the New York Times.
Following his examination of the way our society deals with graphic images in
his critically acclaimed book War Porn (Kehrer, 2014), in his new book he confronts the bitter absurdity of war. He opposes our clichd notion of modern war
as a dynamic, dramatic, and heroic experience with his calm and composed, but
equally odd and alien images of the wars in Afghanistan, Gaza, Darfur, Lebanon,
and Iraq.

Christoph Bangert shows us

the absurd side of war.

Embed in Egypt
A Story Without a Beginning

Photographs and text by Emine Gozde Sevim

As tensions rise in the aftermath of Hosni Mubaraks fall and protests and violence continues in the streets, Embed in Egypt tells the story of a parallel reality
of everyday life, manifested in personal moments. Covering the period between
20112013, this series of black and white photographs is a reconstruction of a
prolonged personal memory. In the midst of a historical transition and the dynamic human story within, Embed in Egypt depicts an evolving, complex, and
non-linear reality, expressed in the language of a photographic diary.
Available Now
7 x 9 | 144 pp
69 B&W photographs
Cloth Text US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-3-86828-618-2 USC

A compelling visual diary

from the revolution and its bloody
aftermath in Egypt 20112013.

Emine Gozde Sevim (b. 1985) is a New Yorkbased, Istanbul-born photographer.

Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

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Kehrer Verlag
Call Waiting
Bangkok Phone Booths

Photographs by Frank Hallam Day

Contribution by Brian Curtin
This book compiles Frank Hallam Days multivalent series of photographs of
Bangkoks battered public phone booths, magnets for the detritus of daily life
in a metropolis. Days intimate yet subtly epic images register traces of the demands that govern our urban existence: job postings, signs of commercial
pleasure, and listings for entertainment spectacles or social advancement opportunities. Many of the markings in the booths are tags by graffiti artists and
messages left by street protestors during the recent years of Thailands political meltdown.

Contributor Hometown: Washington, DC

11 x 9 | 80 pp
40 color photographs
Paper over Board US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-3-86828-690-8 USC

Night views of Bangkoks

battered public phone booths and
their surprising traces of urban life.

A Spectacle and Nothing Strange

Photographs by Ahndraya Parlato
Essay by Christian Hawkey
Irrational images flash through our minds all the time, in dreams and daydreams.
Ahndraya Parlatos work imagines an oscillation between these internal and
external images, revealing the possibilities of different realities. Combining
ten years worth of images, this book draws on Parlatos experience of being
raised by a single mother who was mentally ill. Parlato was put in the position of
having to decide whether her mothers observations and fears were real or imagined. These photographs allow her to move between various realities, acknowledging the validity of her mothers world, while also questioning the boundaries
of normal, abnormal, sane, and insane.

Contributors Hometowns: Rochester, NY / Brooklyn, NY

11 x 9 | 96 pp
52 color photographs
Cloth Text US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-3-86828-704-2 USC

Ahndraya Parlatos photographs imagine

an oscillation between internal
and external images, revealing the
possibilities of different realities.

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Kehrer Verlag
Life Science
Photographs and text by Eran Gilat

11 x 9 | 128 pp
70 color photographs
Cloth Text US $54.00 | CAN $69.99
978-3-86828-680-9 USC

Eran Gilat is a neuroscientist and an avid fine art photographer. His research
focuses on the development of an innovative cure for epilepsy. Life Science reflects his long-lasting confrontation with biological tissue, contemplating issues of
materialism, erotica, and mortality, and corresponding with the complicated and
intriguing category of animal reminder in the visual arts. His extended Life
Science series also negotiates the immoral reasoning behind various shades of
human violence, insecurity, and exile.
The book includes an essay in neuro-esthetics, focusing on the animal reminder genre in photography.

A photographic exploration of
human and animalistic morals.

Tender is the Light

Photographs by David Julian Leonard
Introduction by W.M. Hunt

8 x 8 | 96 pp
60 color photographs
Cloth Text US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-3-86828-695-3 USC

A startling mlange of candid moments

and surreal scenes captured by the camera.

Beginning with an education at the elbow of his friend William Eggleston, this
ballade photographique traces David Julian Leonards paths across twenty
years from his American birthplace in Memphis, Tennessee, to his adopted
French home of Arles. His storytelling choices are equally informed by his work
on documentary films as a cinematographer and editor. For this collection of
photographs he offers no formal thesis, only an invitation to open our eyes and
take the ride through a startling mlange of candid moments and surreal scenes
captured by the camera.
This book features an introduction by the renowned New Yorkbased photography collector and curator W.M. Hunt.

Contributors Hometowns: Memphis, TN / New York, NY

FLC F16 Kehrer Verlag 243-252.indd 250

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Kehrer Verlag
Under Old Stars
Wanderings in Italian Hill Towns

Photographs by Mauro Marinelli

Text by Rob Lloyd
Through black and white images and prose sketches, this book takes readers on
a journey to discover a world largely lost today, among people deeply at home
with their old ways in remote hill towns in south-central Italy. Mauro Marinellis
stark yet lyrical photographs reveal the beauty and wonder in small thingsa
foot on the stair, sunlight on a wall, and the flower pot atop a confessional.
Rob Lloyds sensual and meditative prose sketches include historical reveries,
street scenes, snippets of overheard conversations, and private moments, real
and imagined.
9 x 11 | 160 pp
90 B&W photographs
Cloth Text US $40.00 | CAN $51.99
978-3-86828-705-9 USC

These photographs, accompanied

by sensual and meditative prose
sketches, provide a dreamscape
of a disappearing past.

Jim DineI Never Look Away

Art by Jim Dine
Edited by Antonia Hoerschelmann and Klaus Albrecht Schrder
Jim Dine ranks alongside figures such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and
Wayne Thibaud as one of the celebrated stars of American pop art. Dines self-
portraits, which he began painting in the 1950s, serve to catalyze an independent, intense, and surprising dialogue with the artist and his output. Dines
diverse experiments with a wide range of techniques and materials address
themes including youth and old age, intimacy and extroversion, and seriality
and creativity. This enables these self-portraits to open up new insights into a
supposedly familiar oeuvre. The book presents a selection of almost one hundred fascinating self-portraits.

9 x 11 | 288 pp
100 color photographs
Paper over Board US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-3-86828-688-5 USC

One hundred fascinating self-portraits

by the pop art star.

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Kehrer Verlag
Telling Time
Rencontres de Bamako Biennale Africaine de la Photographie

Edited by Antawan I. Byrd, Bisi Silva, and Yves Chatap

This publication features images and essays on almost seventy artists, chronicling the Bamako Biennales twenty-year history through essays, interviews, and
archival documentation, including a complete reprint of the catalog that accompanied the Bamako Biennales 1994 inaugural edition. It serves as an invaluable
compendium of contemporary photography in Africa.
PHOTOGRAPHY | September | 6 x 9 | 488 pp
273 color photographs, 44 B&W photographs
Cloth Text US $50.00 | CAN $64.99 | 978-3-86828-669-4 USC

The Brotherhood
The Experimenting Art School Copenhagen 19611969

Text by Lars Morell

The Danish art school founded in 1961 by Poul Gernes can be compared to
Bauhaus and Black Mountain College. It was in contact with Joseph Beuys,
Henry Flynt, and Nam June Paik, and evolved into an art group that included
names like Henning Christiansen, Per Kirkeby, and Bjrn Nrgaard.
ART | November | 9 x 13 | 440 pp | 309 color illustrations
Paper over Board US $65.00 | CAN $84.50 | 978-3-86828-703-5 USC

Photographic Portraits Berlin

Photographs and text by Alan Luft
Contribution by Stephen Brockmann
Since 1985, Alan Luft has been documenting the city and its inhabitants: Berlin
today is a diverse mix of people, and I think it represents what the future will look
like elsewhere. History is about individuals adapting, changing, and moving from
one place to another.
PHOTOGRAPHY | December | 9 x 11 | 64 pp | 70 B&W photographs
Paper over Board US $40.00 | CAN $51.99 | 978-3-86828-686-1 USC

Family Tree
Photographs by Glen Erler
Introduction by Enda Walsh
American photographer Glen Erler reflects on the various ways in which members of his family are connected. In his often dark, shadowy pictures, Erler gives
onlookers enough room to reconsider their own emotional ties. A beautifully
tender, yet at times harsh, body of work.
PHOTOGRAPHY | September | 11 x 9 | 224 pp | 106 color photographs
Cloth Text US $55.00 | CAN $71.50 | 978-3-86828-455-3 USC

FLC F16 Kehrer Verlag 243-252.indd 252

4/5/16 9:11 AM

Koyama Press
Cat Rackham
Steve Wolfhard
Contribution by Pendleton Ward
The existential dread associated with getting out of bed terrifies Cat Rackham
to his cat core. However, despite his efforts, he seems to consistently find himself dewclaw-deep in trouble, often deeply strange trouble. All of his adventures
are here, along with a poem by Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward!
Steve Wolfhard lives and works in the small town of Midland, Ontario, with his
wife, two cats, and the occasional bat. He draws comics like Cat Rackham and
Turtie Needs Work and works as a storyboard artist on the Emmy Awardwinning
animated television series Adventure Time.


7 x 10 | 116 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-927668-38-2 W

Marketing Plans
Advance digital reader copies National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Book launch at the Small Press Expo, Bethesda, MD
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Midland, ON

Cat Rackhams lows and very lows

are collected in these hilarious tales
of a deeply depressed cat.

Nathan Jurevicius

An abandoned teen in a hostile city embarks upon a treacherous journey in search

of riches to purchase his mother back from servitude. Through this layered work
of fantasy, Jurevicius twists and transforms the picture book through searing
color and characters whose cute surfaces are rippled with waves of weird.
Nathan Jurevicius is an Australian Canadian illustrator who has worked in a variety of media including designer toys, video games, and animation. He is best
known for his acclaimed multi-platform project the psychedelic and heartfelt
modern folktale Scarygirl. His last book was the wildly inventive picture book


8 x 10 | 108 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-927668-39-9 W

Marketing Plans
Advance digital reader copies National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

Beneath a bounty of beautiful colors and

colorful characters lies an allegorical
adventure story of singular vision.

FLC F16 Koyama 253-256.indd 253

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Koyama Press
Wendys Revenge
Walter Scott

Wendy was at a crossroads, but the next chapter of her adventures sees her leave
Montreal and head west to Vancouver, then to Toronto, farther east to Tokyo, and
finally west to LA. Filled with sardonic wit and ample realness, Wendy has her
eyes set on the art world and shes out for revenge.


6 x 9 | 256 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-927668-35-1 W

Walter Scott is an artist from Montreal, Quebec. His work has been exhibited
across Canada and Wendy has been serialized on Random House Canadas literary digital magazine Hazlitt. The eponymous first volume of Wendy was
released in 2014 and was nominated for the Ignatz Award for Outstanding
Graphic Novel.

Marketing Plans
Wendys back, and as flustered as ever,
in this sequel to her hit art world satire.

Advance digital reader copies National print and online campaign

Social media campaign Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Montreal, QC

Daryl Seitchik

Claire Kim hates herself and the world she lives in. Working at a mirror store, she
shows customers their reflections and daydreams about erasing her own. One
night, on her way home, she gets her wish. Follow Claire as she wanders in
visibly through the city and her own psyche.


6 x 9 | 216 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-927668-34-4 W

Daryl Seitchik was born in 1989 and currently lives and works in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. She is best known for her semi-autobiographical comic series
Missy, which earned her a nomination for the Ignatz Award for Promising
New Talent in 2014. She is nocturnal.

Marketing Plans
Mirrors and reflections surround Claire,
but what she wants more than anything
is to erase her own.

Advance digital reader copies National print and online campaign

Social media campaign Author appearance at the Small Press Expo, Bethesda, MD
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

FLC F16 Koyama 253-256.indd 254

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Koyama Press
Hot or Not: 20th-Century Male Artists
Jessica Campbell

The history of twentieth-century art is filled with men, but one key component
has always been missing: which of these men are boneable, and which are not.
Campbell has created the definitive resource on the subject in this hilarious
rundown of male artist hotness and notness.
Jessica Campbell is from Victoria, British Columbia, and is an enthusiast of
jokes, painting, and comics. She completed her MFA at the School of the Art
Institute of Chicago, where she was the recipient of the Edward L. Ryerson
Fellowship, and also a comics instructor. She has exhibited work in Canada, the
United States, Australia, and Greece.


5 x 8 | 64 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $10.00 | CAN $12.99
978-1-927668-33-7 W

Marketing Plans
Advance digital reader copies National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Author appearance at the Small Press Expo, Bethesda, MD
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL

Modern males get the Tinder treatment

as Artforum meets MAD Magazine.
Picasso? More like Picasso-so.

Laurels of Xenon
Ryan Dodgson

This book collects Dodgsons geometric pencil crayon drawings interwoven with
metallic gold ink. These objects and structures have grown out of an intuitive process of experimentation and free association doodling. The results are a sensory
pool of images that are to be experienced like musicvariations on a theme.
Born in Hong Kong in 1984, Ryan Dodgson is a multi-d isciplinary artist and
award-w inning illustrator currently based in Toronto, Ontario. His work has been
known to take the form of drawings, prints, books, sculpture, and performance.
6 x 7 | 68 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-927668-36-8 W

Marketing Plans
Advance digital reader copies National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Author appearance at New York Art Book Fair
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

Enticing and intriguing, Ryan Dodgsons

objects defy classification, but
demand attention.

FLC F16 Koyama 253-256.indd 255

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Selected Backlist from Koyama Press

After Nothing Comes

Aidan Koch

Edited by Bill Kartalopoulos

6 x 9 | 112 pp
Two-color art
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-927668-32-0 W

Night Air
Ben Sears

6 x 9 | 64 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $15.50
978-1-927668-29-0 W

Dont Come in Here


Patrick Kyle

Cathy G. Johnson


5 x 7 | 264 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-927668-28-3 W


6 x 9 | 64 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $10.00 | CAN $12.99
978-1-927668-27-6 W

What Is Obscenity?

The Story of a Good For Nothing

Artist and her Pussy

Edited and translated by Anne Ishii

Edited by Graham Kolbeins
Cover designed by Chip Kidd


Walter Scott
6 x 9 | 216 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-927668-09-2 W


6 x 8 | 168 pp
Color photographs, color and
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-927668-31-3 W

FLC F16 Koyama 253-256.indd 256

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Kube Publishing Ltd

A Treasury of Sacred Maxims
A Commentary on Islamic Legal Principles

Dr. Shahrul Hussain

This collection of maxims discusses the legal and moral implications of some
fundamental Islamic principles. With an emphasis upon concision and concentration of meaning each aphorism, and its accompanying commentary, is full of
value and significance.
Dr. Shahrul Hussain is Lecturer in Islamic Studies at Markfield Institute of
Higher Education, United Kingdom. He studied classical Islamic studies and
Arabic before attending the University of Al-A zhar, Cairo, Egypt, where he
graduated from the Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law in 2001. In 2010
he completed his PhD at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Outreach to Muslim press
Social media campaign Giveaways through Goodreads and LibraryThing


Treasury in Islamic Thought and Civilization
4 x 6 | 160 pp
Cloth Text US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-84774-096-0 USC

An introduction to a wide range

of pivotal Islamic maxims with
accompanying commentaries.
Presented in a format to treasure.

The Islamic Path of Self-Development

Edited by Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

Self-development, tazkiyah, is an authentic Islamic practice. Yet self-development
is rarely written about despite its centrality to Islamic life. This anthology is a
practical manual in English to assist those who want to achieve self-development
by purifying their souls and actions. It covers practical topics, including: management skills, daily routine, intention and commitment, communication skills,
as well as delving into spiritual areas of interest, such as: mans relationship with
Allah, constant striving, and the Islamic worldview.
The Islamic Foundation
5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-0-86037-349-0 USC

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies

Tazkiyah, self-development,
lies at the core of Islamic life
and is essential for those wishing
to purify their souls and actions.

FLC F16 Kube 257-260.indd 257

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Kube Publishing Ltd

Perspectives on Morality
and Human Well-Being
A Contribution to Islamic Economics

Sayed Nawab Haider Naqvi

This book explores in detail the proposition that (private) morality, especially
religious morality, is vital for achieving economic well-being and human happiness; and that this linkage would be even stronger in an Islamic economy. The
book highlights the need for an active interaction between religion, morality,
and economics in general and in an (idealized) Islamic economy in particular.


The Islamic Foundation
8 x 11 | 272 pp
Trade Paper US $27.95 | CAN $36.50
978-0-86037-387-2 USC

Individual economic well-being

has a deep moral basis which is
rooted in religious belief.

Professor Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi has an MA from Yale University and a
PhD from Princeton University. He did his post-doctoral work at Harvard

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies

Islam and the Economic Challenge

M. Umer Chapra

This book combines Quranic wisdom and modern economics to provide a clear,
integrated picture of what Islamic economics has to offer to realize the kind of
personal and spiritual well-being Islam envisages.


The Islamic Foundation
8 x 11 | 448 pp
Trade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $51.99
978-0-86037-217-2 USC

What kind of economic policy package

do Islamic teachings recommend?
This book seeks to answer this
and other related questions.

M. Umer Chapra is ranked amongst the Top 50 Global Leaders in Islamic economics (ISLAMICA 500, 2015) and has been awarded with two prestigious
awards for his contributions to the field: Islamic Development Bank Award for
Islamic Economics (1989) and the King Faisal International Prize for Islamic
Studies (1989).

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies

FLC F16 Kube 257-260.indd 258

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Kube Publishing Ltd

The Future of Economics
An Islamic Perspective

M. Umer Chapra
This profound book is a powerful yet balanced critique of mainstream economics that makes a forceful plea for taking economics out of its secular and
occident-centred cocoon. It presents an innovative and formidable case to re-
link economics with moral and egalitarian concerns so as to harness the discipline in the service of humanity.
M. Umer Chapra is ranked amongst the Top 50 Global Leaders in Islamic economics (ISLAMICA 500, 2015) and has been awarded with two prestigious
awards for his contributions to the field: Islamic Development Bank Award for
Islamic Economics (1989) and the King Faisal International Prize for Islamic
Studies (1989).


The Islamic Foundation
5 x 8 | 446 pp
Trade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $51.99
978-0-86037-345-2 USC

Economics needs moral enrichment

to make it really useful for mankind
in its search for a just world order.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies

Islamic Civilization
Its Foundational Beliefs and Principles

Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi

Translated by Syed Akif
This book argues that the true understanding of Islamic civlization is possible
only by having access to the soul of that civilization and its underlying fundamental principlesbelief in God, the Angels, the Prophets, the Revealed Books and
the Last Dayrather than to its manifestations in knowledge, literature, fine
arts, refined living, and system of governance.
Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi (19031979) was a leading Muslim intellectual
and a chief architect of the Islamic revival in the twentieth century. In 1941 he
founded Jamaat-i-Islami, a political party in Pakistan, which he led until 1972.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies


The Islamic Foundation
8 x 5 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $28.95 | CAN $37.50
978-0-86037-474-9 USC

An attempt to bring out the

relationship between the concept of
civilization and Islams underlying
worldview and vision of life.

FLC F16 Kube 257-260.indd 259

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Selected Backlist from Kube Publishing Ltd

A Journey Through
Islamic History

A Timeline of Key Events

Yasminah Hashim and
Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
12 x 8 | 164 pp
Color photographs, illustrations, and maps
Trade Cloth US $32.95 | CAN $36.50
978-1-84774-028-1 USC

In the Shade of the Quran

Vol. 1 (Fi Zilal al-Quran)
Surah 1 Al-Fatihah &
Surah 2 Al-Baqarah
Sayyid Qutb

Translated and edited by Adil Salahi

6 x 9 | 394 pp
Trade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $37.50
978-0-86037-397-1 USC

Reclaiming Jihad

First Principles of
Islamic Economics

A Quranic Critique of Terrorism

ElSayed Amin

Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi

8 x 5 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $30.99
978-0-86037-593-7 USC


6 x 9 | 328 pp
Trade Paper US $28.95 | CAN $31.99
978-0-86037-492-3 USC

eBook available

eBook available

Life Coaching for Muslims

Seven Steps to
Spiritual Intelligence

Discover the Best in You!

Sayeda Habib

Musharraf Hussain

5 x 7 | 140 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-84774-025-0 USC

4 x 6 | 104 pp
Trade Paper US $8.00 | CAN $9.99
978-1-84774-078-6 USC

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Kube 257-260.indd 260

4/5/16 9:08 AM

Leapfrog Press
The Gospel of Simon
John Smelcer
A retelling of a familiar story in the voice of Simon of Cyrene,
who helped carry the cross for Jesus.

In a world where the media relentlessly enflames fear and hatred, here is a quiet
voice espousing the triumph of love and peace.A rchbishop Desmond Tutu
This book shows the many similarities between Buddhism and Christianity,
such as the practices of compassion, love, contemplation, and tolerance.
The Dalai Lama
This may be exactly the way it happened. A tour de force.Tom OHorgan,
director of Jesus Christ Superstar
May this book bring a lot of benefit to people who read it.Th ich Nhat Hanh,
Love in Action
Smelcer gives us a Jesus who condemns those who . . . oppress or enslave others
and incite hatred, intolerance, bigotry, and violence.Coretta Scott King
Two thousand years ago, an itinerant Jewish preacher was condemned to crucifixion. A man named Simon, from Cyrene, was compelled to help Jesus carry the
heavy cross. What did he and Jesus talk about? Eager to learn more about this
rabbi, Simon returned to Jerusalem the next day. What he learned changed
his life, and gave his descendants an incredible secret.
John Smelcer is the author of over fifty books, many translated and published
worldwide. He contributed to the revised map of global Christianity in the tenth
edition of Living Religions (Mary Pat Fisher, editor), and, with the Dalai Lama,
co-authored a poem on compassion. Smelcers education includes postdoctoral
studies at Cambridge, Oxford, and Harvard, where he studied Buddhism, Islam
and Sufism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity, including the historical Jesus
of Nazareth.

5 x 8 | 150 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-935248-84-2 USC
eBook available
Spanish-language eBook available:

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: ALA
National print and online campaign
Outreach to Christian and other religious media
Social medial campaign
Promotion through:

Author Events
Chicago, IL Kirksville, MO
Binghamton, NY Ithaca, NY


Contributor Hometown: Kirksville, MO

Stealing Indians
John Smelcer
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-1-935248-82-8 USC

Edge of Nowhere
John Smelcer
Trade Paper US $9.99 | CAN $10.99
978-1-935248-57-6 USC

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Leapfrog 261-264.indd 261

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Leapfrog Press
Stony River
Tricia Dower

In a deceptively innocent time, three girls learn who they are

and what theyre capable of survivingand forgiving.

Dowers depiction of postwar family and small-town dysfunction is reminiscent

of MacDonalds The Way the Crow Flies. Pivotal events in Stony River were [also]
inspired by a true crime.The Globe and Mail
A taut, compelling portrait of a small towns underbelly. With sinister imagery and crisp, evocative prose, Dower pulls back the cloak of 1950s innocence to expose the ugly secrets that lie in wait, teeth grown sharp in the dark.
Billie Livingston, One Good Hustle
Think Mad Men but even madder.Toronto Star
Dower does an excellent job chronicling the formative years of her central trio
in a coming-of-age story that effectively tackles heavy subjects including domestic
abuse, mental illness, and rape.Quill & Quire
6 x 9 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-935248-86-6 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: ALA
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

It wasnt all poodle skirts and rock n rollin Stony River, the 1950s was a perilous time to come of age. Absent mothers, controlling fathers, teenage longing,
and small-town pretense abound, with the threat of violence all around: crazy
fathers, dirty boys, strange men in strange cars, one dead girl, one never seen,
and another gone missing.
Tricia Dower is a native of New Jersey. Her short fiction has been published in
the United States, Canada, and Portugal. She won The Malahat Reviews 2010
fiction literary award and subTerrain magazines 2015 Literary Awards for creative nonfiction. Her story collection Silent Girl (Inanna, 2008) was long-listed for
the Frank OConnor Award and the George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in
Literature. Stony River was first published in Canada (Penguin, 2012) and shortlisted for the Canadian Authors Association Fiction Award.

Author Events
Pasadena, CA Santa Cruz, CA Chicago, IL
Minneapolis, MN Rahway, NJ Powhatan, VA
Portland, WA Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Brentwood Bay, BC

FLC F16 Leapfrog 261-264.indd 262

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Leapfrog Press
The Solace of Monsters
Laurie Blauner

Mara, a young Frankenstein, leaves home to find herself,

but discovers she is not the only one struggling with self-identity.

Blauner never shies away from the grotesque, or the beautiful. . . . Courageous
and innovative and mesmerizing, Frankenstein for a new age.Helen Phillips,
The Beautiful Bureaucrat
A statement about the nature of evil and its inevitability, even necessity, that reveals the tragic essence of [Blauners] vision and her adroitness with metaphor.
Jerome Gold, The Moral Life of Soldiers
If Solace was like its protagonistbuilt from others body partsit might
draw its parts from Ishiguros Never Let Me Go, Haddons The Curious Incident
of the Dog in the Night-Time, and, naturally, Frankenstein. In the end, Solace is
its own weird and wonderful creation, the story of the fifth version of a daughter who, despite being haunted by lives she never led . . . simply wants to be
herself.M ark Brazaitis, The Incurables
Created by a grieving father, Mara F. is haunted by previous Maras. One day
she escapes into the world. The Solace of Monsters contrasts the creation of life
with its ending. How does an artificial creature discover life? What do her adventures tell us about natural life and our own attempts to survivea nd find
solacei n the world?
Laurie Blauner is the author of three novels and seven books of poetry. She
received a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship and Seattle Arts
Commission, King County Arts Commission, 4Culture, and Artist Trust
grants and awards. She was a resident at Centrum in Washington State and was
in the Jack Straw Writers Program in 2007. Her work has appeared in many literary journals.

6 x 9 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935248-88-0 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Social media campaign
Author appearance at AWP and other
Promotion through:

Author Events
Tampa, FL Greensboro, NC New York, NY
Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Seattle, WA

FLC F16 Leapfrog 261-264.indd 263

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Selected Backlist from Leapfrog Press

Among the Dead

and Dreaming

The Trench Angel

Girl Singer

6 x 9 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935248-71-2 USC

6 x 9 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.99
978-1-935248-73-6 USC

eBook available

eBook available

Savage Mountain

Indian Giver

6 x 9 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935248-67-5 USC*

5 x 8 | 160 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $12.00 | CAN $14.99
978-1-935248-65-1 USC

6 x 9 | 132 pp
Trade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $17.99
978-1-935248-80-4 USC

eBook available

eBook available

Samuel Ligon

6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-935248-78-1 USC

Michael Keenan Gutierrez

Mick Carlon

eBook available

The Lonesome Trials

of Johnny Riles
Gregory Hill

John Smelcer

John Smelcer

eBook available

FLC F16 Leapfrog 261-264.indd 264

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Lesser Gods
New York, New York

Lesser Gods is the first US imprint of Amsterdam-based Overamstel Publishers. Based in New York City,
Lesser Gods publishes booksby and about musicians, across a variety of genres.
Our debut Fall 2016 list includes something for music lovers of all stripes, including a coffee table
photo book of Pantera, an oral history and memoir by H.R. of Bad Brains, an anthology of rock n rolls
best drug stories, and biographies of the worlds leading pop stars!
Our simple mission is to identify and publish extraordinary stories about the artists and music that
have meant so much to so many of us.
Publisher Jacob Hoye has been producing music and pop culture titles for twenty years. His books
include The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx, From Pieces to Weight by 50 Cent, and No Regrets by Ace Frehley,
all New York Times bestsellers. He was also the publisher of the YA staple The Perks of Being a Wallflower by
Stephen Chbosky and is the author of Tupac: Resurrection, a New York Times bestseller.

first season at Consortium

FLC F16 Lesser Gods 265-270.indd 265

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Lesser Gods
A Vulgar Display of Pantera
Joe Giron
Foreword by Rex Brown

The first-ever authorized visual history of

one of the worlds most legendary metal bands!


9 x 11 | 384 pp
Color and B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-1-944713-00-3 W

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
National radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Radio station giveaways

A Vulgar Display of Pantera is a breathtaking, behind-t he-scenes, comprehensive

look at one of the worlds most legendary metal bands!
This is a voluminous, large-format coffee table book featuring rare and neverbefore-seen images of Pantera in the studio, at home, on the road, and kicking ass
on stage, from their humble beginnings to their grand finish. A Vulgar Display of
Pantera includes contributions and recollections from band members Rex Brown
and Vinnie Paul Abbott. It is both a love song to Dimebag Darrell, one of rocks
last great guitar heroes, as well as an impressive testament to Panteras enduring
Pantera was one of the most successful heavy metal bands of all timea nd
arguably the most important metal band of the 1990s. Panteras 1994 album,
Far Beyond Driven, debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart. Pantera
has sold over twenty-fi ve million albums worldwide! In the United States alone,
four Pantera albums were certified platinum and two more went gold.
Joe Giron shot photographs of Pantera since 1983 and throughout the rest of
the bands career. He also photographed many other artists, including AC/DC,
David Bowie, Gwen Stefani, Van Halen, and U2, just to name a handful, for many
of the worlds leading rock magazines. Today, his niche is in the gaming industry
as the photographer for the World Poker Tour and head of the official photography team at the World Series of Poker. He lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Rex Brown was born in 1964 in Graham, Texas. He joined Pantera in 1982 and
has also played with Down. His new band, Kill Devil Hill, is climbing the charts.
He is the author of Official Truth, 101 Proof: The Inside Story of Pantera. He lives in
New Mexico.

Contributor Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

FLC F16 Lesser Gods 265-270.indd 266

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Lesser Gods
Finding Joseph I
The Journey from Bad Brains Through My Mysterious Mind:
An Oral History

Paul (H.R.) Hudson and Howie Abrams

with James Lathos
The legendary front man of Bad Brains lost his mind and then,
improbably, found his way back to sanity and stability.

The front man and spiritual leader of Bad Brains almost singlehandedly turned
punk into hardcore, with a ferocity never before seen in music. Paul (H.R.)
Hudson did so with love and Rasta in his heart, plus a hopefulness never before
found within the oft-g loomy confines of punk rock.
Hudsons journey has been riddled with unprecedented volatility. He would
go missing in action for months. There were drugs, violence, and deep, painful
bouts with a debilitating mental illnessa disorder so powerful that its difficult
to fathom how he even survived it.
How could one so tremendously troubled leave behind such an incredible
body of workwith plans for moreand have made such an indelible impact?
In Finding Joseph I, we find out, through H.R.s voice, from interviews conducted
throughout various stages of his illness and recovery, as well as the words of his
family, bandmates past and present, friends, and those he has influenced. Other
voices include members of Bad Brains, Minor Threat, the Roots, Living Color,
Deftones, 311, Fishbone, the Wailers, Cro-M ags, Dead Prez, Murphys Law,
Sublime, and many more.


6 x 9 | 288 pp
Cloth Text US $26.00 | CAN $33.99
978-1-944713-01-0 W

Paul (H.R.) Hudson is the singer of the legendary punk band Bad Brains.
Howie Abrams co-authored The Merciless Book of Metal Lists and Misfit Summer
Camp: 20 Years on the Road with the Vans Warped Tour.
James Lathos is a film director. His documentary debut is Finding Joseph I: The
Story of Paul H.R. Hudson.

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributors Hometowns: Philadelphia, PA /
New York, NY

FLC F16 Lesser Gods 265-270.indd 267

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Lesser Gods
Smoke Snort Swallow Shoot
Legendary Binges, Lost Weekends, and
Other Feats of Rock n Roll Incoherence

Edited by Jacob Hoye

The best drug stories from rocks legendary figures,
including Mtley Cre, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses,
Johnny Cash, and Marilyn Manson.


5 x 8 | 384 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-944713-03-4 USC

These are the highest of the highsthe rainbow ride before the crashfrom some
of the music industrys most fabled drug-takers. Smoke Snort Swallow Shoot includes excerpts from memoirs by Mtley Cre, Aerosmith, Marilyn Manson,
Johnny Cash, Lemmy (Motrhead), Slash (Guns N Roses), Gregg Allman (The
Allman Brothers), Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Marianne Faithfull,
and Billy Idol, among others.
Smoke Snort Swallow Shoot collects the best stories from the best rock
memoirslegendary stories of drug excess! Drugs, sex, and rock n roll is the
code for good times and partying in rock music. These stories are the best of
drugs and rock n rolla nd with plenty of sex for good measure!
This anthology will appeal to readers who enjoy fun, exciting stories from their
favorite rock stars . . . and drugs!
Jacob Hoye is the author of the New York Times bestseller Tupac: Resurrection.
Formerly the publisher of MTV Books, where he published bestselling memoirs
by Nikki Sixx (The Heroin Diaries) and 50 Cent (From Pieces to Weight), among
many others, he is currently the publisher of Lesser Gods. He lives in Brooklyn,
New York.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

FLC F16 Lesser Gods 265-270.indd 268

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Lesser Gods
Taylor Swift
Everything Has Changed

Sarah Oliver
If youve ever dreamed of meeting Taylor Swift, then this is the book for you!
Get the inside scoop from Taylors biggest Swifties, including what happened
when they met Taylor, her mom, and her publicist . . . and tour secrets from Loft
89, Club Red, and T-Party you wont hear anywhere else! Learn which countries are Taylors favorites and why, what she likes to do on her days off, and some
of the incredible things shes done when not performing.
Sarah Oliver has written numerous books about celebrities, including One
Direction AZ, Robert Pattinson AZ, and Miley Cyrus: She Cant Stop.

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 288 pp
4 pages of color photographs
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-944713-05-8 USC

If youve ever dreamed of meeting

Taylor Swift, this is the book for you!
The inside scoop from Swifties

A New Direction

Sarah Oliver
Zayn Malik shocked the world in 2015 when he left One Direction. When
the biggest boy band on the planet formed in 2010, few could have expected
the furor this would cause! Follow Zayn from his childhood to his stardom
in One Directiona group that put out a string of number-one hitsto his
chart-topping new solo career. In early 2016, Zayns first single as a solo artist,
Pillowtalk, debuted at number-one on the charts!
Sarah Oliver is the author of Around the World with One Direction and One
Direction AZ.

Marketing Plans
Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 272 pp
16 pages of color photographs
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-944713-08-9 USC

Explore the life of Zayn Malik,

from his childhood to his heyday with
One Direction to his new solo career!

FLC F16 Lesser Gods 265-270.indd 269

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Lesser Gods
Ed Sheeran
A+ The Unauthorized Biography

David Nolan
Ed Sheeran is the Grammy-w inning singer-songwriter with a tiny guitar and a
huge talent! From Sheerans bohemian childhood to international stardom, read
exclusive interviews with friends, relatives, musical collaborators, and key figures in his rise to success. Sheeran has toured with Taylor Swift and he won two
Grammy Awards in 2016, including Song of the Year. This biography details how
Britains hottest music star made his mark on the music industry playing by his
own set of fiercely independent rules.
5 x 8 | 256 pp
8 pages of color photographs
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-944713-04-1 USC

The Grammy-winning singer

has toured with Taylor Swift, performed
with Elton John at the Grammys,
and grown to be a huge star!

David Nolan is an award-w inning journalist with biographies on subjects ranging from Simon Cowell to the Sex Pistols.

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run Social media campaign

Sam Smith
The Biography

Joe Allan
Sam Smiths debut album, In the Lonely Hour, sold four million copies and won
four 2015 Grammy awards. In 2016, he won an Oscar for Best Original Song.
The young, soulful singer has massive crossover appeal, with his touching honesty about loneliness, love, and his own sexuality coming through in both his
music and interviews. While the media largely painted Smith as an overnight
success story, Sam Smith: The Biography details the hard work that Smith put
in for over a decade.
5 x 8 | 288 pp
4 pages of color photographs
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-944713-07-2 USC

After a smash debut album and an

Oscarwinning hit, Sam Smith will
release his new album in 2016.

Joe Allan is the author of 5 Seconds of Summer: The Unauthorized Biography and
Chris Pratt: The Biography.

Marketing Plans
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Lesser Gods 265-270.indd 270

4/5/16 9:07 AM

Mandel Vilar Press

Simsbury, Connecticut

MVP is dedicated to connecting the literature of the Americas by uniting the works of the best writers
of Central and South America and the Caribbean with the leading ethnic minority writers of North
America. We are the nonprofit publishing arm of Americas for Conservation and the Arts, a 501(c)(3)
organization. Focusing on works that are extraordinary and influential and destined to become the classics
of tomorrow, we publish six to ten fiction and nonfiction titles, including translations and classic reprints
each year. We publish books in the following areas: environment, conservation, nature, culture, history,
memoir, fiction, science, politics, sports history, and social and environmental justice.
Mandel Vilar Press brings together the talents of two experienced editors, Robert Mandel and Irene
Vilar. For two decades they have collaborated in publishing important books on Latin American, Latino,
Jewish, and African American literature, art, politics, and culture. Together they created and launched
two major Latin American book series, one at the University of Wisconsin Press (20002006), and the
other at Texas Tech University Press (20082014). In addition, Mandel and Vilar have published many
other notable books in Jewish studies, African American studies, and womens studies. Their longstanding
collaboration now continues with Mandel Vilar Press.
Robert A. Mandel & Irene Vilar, Publishers

first season at Consortium

FLC F16 Mandel Vilar 271-276.indd 271

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Mandel Vilar Press

A Novel

Nava Semel
Translated by Jessica Cohen
Equal parts detective novel, historical fantasia, and alternate history,
Isra-Isle offers a compelling exploration of modern Jewish identity.

In a daring and brilliant book, Nava Semel turns the Zionist narrative upside-
down and contemplates whether it would have been possible to change the history
of the Jewish people. She creates a world in which a prosperous Jewish state under
American patronage arises at Grand Island, near the Niagara Falls, in the wake of
the vision of Mordecai Manuel Noah . . . and asks the question, What would have
happened if . . . ?A braham B. Yehoshua, author of Mr. Mani
Equal parts detective novel, historical fantasia, and alternate history, Isra-Isle offers
a compelling exploration of modern Jewish identity for a postmodern world. . . . This
what-i f novel is Semels Israeli-feminist Yiddish Policemens Uniona real triumph
of the imagination.Adam Rovner, author of In the Shadow of Zion: Promised
Lands Before Israel
5 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942134-19-0 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print campaign
Social media campaign
Author tour

What are Jews doing in the chaotic Middle East when they could have been living
peacefully in the state of Isra-Isle, near Niagara Falls? In 1825 Mordecai Noah, a
diplomat, bought Grand Island as a refuge for Jews. The novel opens in September
2001 when Liam Emanuel, an Israeli descendant of Noah, learns about and inherits the island. He leaves Israel with a burning desire to reclaim this historic
Promised Land in America. Shortly after he arrives in America, Liam vanishes
with no trace. Simon T. Lenox, a police investigator of Native American origin,
tries to recover Israels missing son. While following in Liam Emanuels footsteps, Lenox learns about Jews and Israelis, and why this strange tribe of wanderers has been troubling the world for so long.
Nava Semel has published novels, short stories, poetry, plays, childrens books,
and a number of TV scripts. Her books have been translated and published in
many countries. Her book Becoming Gershona received the 1990 National Jewish
Book Award in the US.

Contributor Hometown: Denver, CO

FLC F16 Mandel Vilar 271-276.indd 272

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Mandel Vilar Press

Oedipus in Brooklyn and Other Stories
Blume Lempel
Translated by Ellen Cassedy and Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

This volume gives English readers the opportunity to enjoy the stories of
Blume Lempel, Yiddish literatures most remarkable woman writer.

[These] stories give English readers an unprecedented opportunity to delve

into a substantial body of prose by Blume Lempel, an important voice in post
World War II Yiddish letters.Jeffrey Shandler, Adventures in Yiddishland:
Postvernacular Language and Culture
This finally makes accessible to a wider audience . . . [Lempels] stories about the
erotic and intellectual life of (mostly) women and men, their psychological and
historical motivations, the horror of the Holocaust and the desire to renew life
even as one mourns.A nita Norich, Writing in Tongues: Translating Yiddish in
the 20th Century
This is the first English-language collection of the best stories by Blume Lempel
(19071999). While many of her stories opened a window on the Old World
and the Holocaust, she also wrote about the margins of society, about subjects
considered untouchable, among them abortion, prostitution, womens erotic
imaginings, and even incest. She illuminated the inner lives of her characters
mostly women. Her storylines migrate between past and present, Old World
and New, dream and reality, modern-d ay New York and prewar Poland, bedtime story and passionate romance, and old-age dementia and girlhood dreams.
Immigrating to New York when Hitler rose to power, Blume Lempel began
publishing her short stories in 1945. By the 1970s her work had become known
throughout the Yiddish literary world. When she died in 1999, the Yiddish paper
Forverts wrote: Yiddish literature has lost one of its most remarkable women
Ellen Cassedy is author of the award-w inning study We Are Here, about the
Lithuanian Holocaust. With her colleague Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, they received
the Yiddish Book Center 2012 Translation Prize for translating Blume Lempel.

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942134-21-3 W
Trade Cloth US $26.95 | CAN $34.99
978-1-942134-25-1 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Washington, DC

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub is the author of several books of poetry, including

Prayers of a Heretic/Tfiles fun an apikoyres (2013), Uncle Feygele (2011), and
What Stillness Illuminated/Vos shtilkayt hot baloykhtn (2008).

FLC F16 Mandel Vilar 271-276.indd 273

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Mandel Vilar Press

Wicked Weeds
A Zombie Novel

Pedro Cabiya
Translated by Jessica Ernst Powell
A zombies search for his lost humanity and the
intellectual quest of the only woman who can bestow it.

One of the most original and capable storytellers in the Caribbean.

R ubn Ros vila
Pedro Cabiya is an incredible intellectual and literary force in Caribbean
letters.Mayra Santos Febres
Cabiya is pure genius . . . funny, provocative, unsettling, all at once.
R ita Indiana Hernndez

6 x 9 | 184 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942134-11-4 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print campaign
Social media campaign
Author tour
Contributor Hometown: Santa Barbara, CA

A Caribbean zombiesmart, gentlemanly, financially independent, and a top

executive at an important pharmaceutical companybecomes obsessed with
finding the formula that would reverse his condition and allow him to become a
real person. In the process, three of his closest collaborators (cerebral and calculating Isadore, wide-eyed and sentimental Mathilde, and rambunctious Patricia),
guide the reluctant and baffled scientist through the unpredictable intersections
of love, passion, empathy, and humanity. But the playful maze of jealousy and
amorous intrigue that a living being would find easy to negotiate represents an
insurmountable tangle of dangerous ambiguities for our undead protagonist.
Wicked Weeds is put together from Isadores scrapbook, where she has collected her boss scientific goals and existential agony, as well as her own reflections about growing up as a Haitian descendant in the Dominican Republic and
what it really means to be human. The end result is a precise combination of
Caribbean noir and science fiction, Latin Americanstyle.
Pedro Cabiya, author of the bestselling novels Trance and The Head and the semi
nal short story collection Historias tremendas, currently resides in the Dominican
Republic, where he is Dean of Academic Affairs at the American School of Santo
Domingo and Senior Producer at Heart of Gold Films.
Jessica Ernst Powell has published numerous translations of Latin American
authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Csar Vallejo, Adolfo Bioy Casares, and
Silvina Ocampo.

FLC F16 Mandel Vilar 271-276.indd 274

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Mandel Vilar Press

Questioning Return
A Novel

Beth Kissileff

A year in Jerusalem questioning American Jews who return to Israel

and to traditional religion changes Wendy Goldbergs life forever.

Every year, 700,000 Americans visit Israel. Wendy Goldberg spends a year in
Jerusalem questioning the lives of American Jews who do Aliyaa return
both to Israel itself and to traditional religious practices. Are they sincere? Are
they happier? The unexpected answers and Wendys experiences (a bus bombing, a funeral, an unexpected suicide, a love affair, and a lawsuit) lead her to
reconsider her own true Jewish identity.
The ambitious graduate student is certain shes on the path to academic
glory. But from the moment her plane takes off Wendy is confronted with unanswerable questions of faith and identity. As she becomes immersed in the
rhythm of Israeli life, her sense of distance from it fades. Her ability to be an
outside observer terminates abruptly when a student commits a horrible act
immediately after his interview with her. Wendy is not sure how or if she is implicated in his action, but in her search for understanding, she is led to knowledge and love in unforeseen places.
Beth Kissileff, a resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has received fellowships
from Yaddo and the National Endowment for the Humanities. She has taught
at Carleton College, the University of Minnesota, Smith College, and Mount
Holyoke College. Her fiction and nonfiction on Israeli cultural, literary, and religious topics appears regularly in many publications including the New York
Times, The Forward, and The Jerusalem Post. She also the editor of a new book,
Reading Genesis: Beginnings.

5 x 9 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942134-23-7 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print campaign
Social media campaign
Author tour
Contributor Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

FLC F16 Mandel Vilar 271-276.indd 275

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Mandel Vilar Press

How Sweet It Is!
First Trade Paper Edition

Thane Rosenbaum
Fans of the greater Miami megalopolis rejoice! Finally theres a novel that nails
your part of the world!Gary Shteyngart, author of Super Sad True Love Story

6 x 9 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942134-01-5 W
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1942134-00-8

This historical novel plunges its

fictional characters into the thrilling,
dangerous, and often absurd world of
Miami in the 1970s.

Set in Miami Beach in 1972, this novel follows the Posner familytwo
Holocaust survivors, Sophie and Jacob, and their son, Adamdoing everything they can to avoid one another in a city with an infinite supply of colorful
diversions. In 72 Miami hosted both the Republican and Democratic political
conventions and experienced the rise of the counterculture, the Cold War, and
the desegregation of the old South. Miami Beach was to be the Posners salvation. Instead they discover their lives quickly turning into a Disney World of
funhouse mirrors and chaotic rides that give them front row seats through a
transformational year in American culture, politics, and history.
Thane Rosenbaum, author of The Stranger Within Sarah Stein, The Golems of
Gotham, Second Hand Smoke, and Elijah Visible, is a senior fellow at New York
University School of Law, where he directs the Forum on Law, Culture & Society.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National print campaign Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Searching for Wallenberg

Alan Lelchuk
A tour de force.Martin J. Sherwin, Pulitzer Prize Winner, American Prometheus
The novel may be as close to the truth about Wallenberg and why we need to
keep his memory alive.Donald Weber, Jewish Book Council

6 x 9 | 288 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-942134-04-6 W
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-942134-03-9

Part detective story, part historic

revisionism, Alan Lelchuk delivers a
thinking mans thriller about the fate of
Raoul Wallenberg.

Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in

Budapest in 19441945, was arrested by the Soviets and taken to Moscow, where
he disappeared until his apparent death. Now, more than seventy years after
these events, mysteries about Wallenbergs life and fate persist. In this novel,
Professor Manny Gellerman sets out on a quest to discover Wallenbergs fate
and encounters a strange woman in Budapest who claims that Raoul Wallenberg
was her father. The novel is at once a literary detective story, a historical investigation, and a tale of an unusual friendship.
Alan Lelchuk, author of American Mischief, Miriam at Thirty-Four, Brooklyn Boy,
Playing the Game, Ziff: A Life?, and Breaking Ground: How Jackie Robinson Changed
Brooklyn, has been on the Dartmouth College faculty since 1985.
Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies National print campaign Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Hanover, NH

FLC F16 Mandel Vilar 271-276.indd 276

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Manic D Press
Memoir from a Damaged Civilization
Stories of Punk, Fear, and Redemption

Dave Dictor
A searing punk memoir by an American original who rebelled against
conformity, complacency, and conservatism with his iconic band, MDC.

From the time Dave Dictor was young, he knew he was a little different than the
all-A merican kids around him. Radicalized politically while in high school, inspired to seize opportunities by his hard-working parents, and intrigued with
gender fluidity, Dictor moved to Austin, and connected with local misfits and
anti-establishment rocknrollers. He began penning songs that have influenced
American punk rock for decades.
MDC always has been in the vanguard of social struggles, confronting
homophobia in punk rock during the early 1980s; invading Americas heartland at sweltering Rock Against Reagan shows; protesting the Popes visit to
San Francisco in 1987; in 1993 they were the first touring US punk band to reach
a volatile Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Dictors narrative is a raw portrait of an American underground folk-hero
who stood on the barricades advocating social justice and spreading punks
promise to a global audience. Part poet, renegade, satirist, and lover, he is an
authentic, homegrown character carrying the progressive punk fight into the
twenty-fi rst century.
Dave Dictor is singer, lyricist, and founding member of legendary American punk
band MDC (Millions of Dead Cops). Since 1979, Dictor has toured throughout
the world with MDC, releasing more than nine albums with MDC. MDC con
tinues to tour, playing more than sixty concerts each year. Dictors MDC song
John Wayne Was a Nazi was featured in the best-selling video game Grand
Theft Auto 5. He appeared in the film American Hardcore and resides in Portland,


Available Now
5 x 8 | 192 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-933149-98-1 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
National advertising: Maximum RocknRoll,
Razorcake, Punk Globe
40-city US tour

Author Events
Colorado Springs, CO Denver, CO
Ft. Collins, CO New Haven, CT Atlanta, GA
Chicago, IL Wichita, KS New Orleans, LA
Baltimore, MD Detroit, MI Long Branch, NJ
Albany, NY Brooklyn, NY Buffalo, NY
Tulsa, OK Philadelphia, PA Austin, TX
Corpus Christi, TX Dallas, TX Houston, TX
San Antonio, TX Richmond, VA
Contributor Hometown: Portland, OR

FLC F16 Manic D 277-278.indd 277

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Manic D Press
Justin Chin: Selected Works
Edited by Jennifer Joseph

Noted literary figures pay tribute to poet and writer Justin Chin
with personal commentaries on works selected from his seven books.

Justin Chins fearless and fierce voice was resolute in relating his worldview,
whether directly or through metaphorical language. As a queer Asian American,
born and raised in Southeast Asia within a devoutly Christian, ethnically
Chinese family of medical professionals, Chins early life experience informed
his writing and framed his point of view. In his literary works, the seemingly conflicted duality of existence is paramount: sacred and profane, saints and sinners,
health and illness, hope and despair, and life and death. His works also explore
his experience of living with HIV, which progressed into AIDS in his final years.
This unique collection of Chins literary legacy will serve as a primer for those
new to his work, as well as a loving tribute by those writers who knew him and
his work best. It contains previously unpublished recent work.
Among many others, contributing writers include R. Zamora Linmark
(Rolling the Rs), Michelle Tea (How To Grow Up), Timothy Liu (Dont Go Back
To Sleep), and Lois-A nn Yamanaka (Night at the Pahala Theatre).
5 x 8 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-933149-97-4 W*

Author Events

Justin Chin (19692015) was the award-w inning author of four poetry books,
two essay collections, one book each of short fiction, and text-based performance art works. His writing appeared in literary magazines, including Beloit
Poetry Journal, and anthologies, including American Poetry: The Next Generation
(Carnegie Mellon). He taught at UC Santa Cruz and at San Francisco State
University. He was a recipient of fellowships and grants from the California Arts
Council, Djerassi Foundation, Franklin Furnace Fund, PEN American Center,
and PEN Center USA West, among others.

Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA

New York, NY
Contributors Hometowns: San Francisco, CA /
Los Angeles, CA / New York, NY / Honolulu, HI


FLC F16 Manic D 277-278.indd 278

Justin Chin
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.00
978-1-933149-07-3 W*

98 Wounds
Justin Chin
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-933149-57-8 W*

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:06 AM

Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd. / Prospect Books

The Homemade Vegan
Joanne OConnell

A look back in timewhen the vegan diet was part of the counterculture.
Recipes, nostalgia, and true vegetarianism.

Dairy-free diets are now in vogue. Soya yoghurts, almond milk, coconut ice
cream, and tofu are widely sold in supermarkets. Vegan cafs and restaurants are
popping up everywhere. And theres plenty going on in the media too: as celebrities ditch the white stuff, scientists debate the impact of veganism on climate
It wasnt always like this. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, eating a plant-only
diet was seen as a far more radical and counter-culture choice than it is today. At
that time, even lacto-vegetariansthose who eat dairy and honey but no meat or
fishwere on the fringes (It felt like we were a different sect of people, said Mary
McCartney, Paul McCartneys daughter, of her vegetarian family in the 1970s.)
Vegans were ahead of their time. They were inventive, resourceful, and creative. They squeezed vegetable juices, creamed cashew nuts into cheeses, poured
tofu into blocks (you couldnt nip out to the grocers to buy a pack), mashed lentils into rissoles, and stirred up everything from sugar-f ree puddings to soups
and goulashes. What they came up with was an affordable way to eat healthy
dairy alternatives, without the added chemicals, sugar, and salt, which are now
so often added to the processed versions produced by major food manufacturers.
This book is a collection of recipes from this time; it also gives them a proper
context, referring to the communities and households who created the recipes
and what it was like for vegans back then.


Prospect Books
5 x 8 | 224 pp
8 color photographs, B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-909248-46-5 USC

FLC F16 Marion Boyars 279-280.indd 279

4/5/16 9:05 AM

Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd. / Prospect Books

By the Atlantic
The Intense Flavors of South West France and Spain

Caroline Conran

Prospect Books
6 x 9 | 256 pp
16 color photographs, B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
978-1-909248-47-2 USC

This book is about the cooking and lifestyle of both the French and Spanish
Basque regions, since, sharing their own language, the two countries are really
one nation. The small towns are unlike any other, with restaurant names that
sound explosive: Berasategui, Arbalaitz, Arzak, and Atxa.
Basque food is all the rage, and pintxos, using elvers (small eels), fish, garlic mayonnaise, and chorizo, are very popular. One wanders from eatery to
eatery, sampling specialties rather than opting for a full meal. The region and
food need an accomplished cook and food historian to explain them, which
Caroline Conran has done.

The coastal Atlantic:

South West France, the Basque
country, and the Bay of Biscay, home to
intense flavors, pintxos, and seafood.

Food Worth Fighting For

From Food Riots to Food Banks

Josh Sutton
This book takes a look at food riots in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
and food-related social conflict, from the Newlyn fish riots to the Cod Wars.
Using words and verse from contemporary broadside ballads and folk songs,
Josh Sutton looks closely at the evolution of the modern food system.
He suggests that the spirit of the food riot is still very much alive today, and
is apparent in the practice of those engaged in providing food charity in modern
Britain and in the United States, where food banks and recycling of supermarket
waste are now common and vital.
Prospect Books
7 x 8 | 224 pp
B&W illlustrations
Trade Paper US $24.00 | CAN $30.99
978-1-909248-48-9 USC

Fights over food in the past,

from the Cod Wars to current-day
food banks, link war and food security.

FLC F16 Marion Boyars 279-280.indd 280

4/5/16 9:05 AM

Monkfish Book Publishing

Arguing Science
A Dialogue on the Future of Science and Spirit

Rupert Sheldrake and Michael Shermer

Two controversial authors debate the nature and methods of science, its dogmas, and its future. Rupert Sheldrake argues that science needs to free itself from
materialist dogma while Michael Shermer contends that science, properly conceived, is a materialistic enterprise; for science to look beyond materialist explanations is to betray science and engage in superstition. Issues discussed include:
materialism and its role in science, whether belief in God is compatible with a
scientific perspective, and parapsychology.
Michael Shermer is editor-in-chief of Skeptic magazine and the author of numerous books including Skeptic: Viewing the World with a Rational Eye.
Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of ten books including his most
recent, Science Set Free, which challenges scientific dogma.


5 x 8 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-939681-57-7 USC
eBook available

An in-depth dialogue on the nature of

science between post-materialist biologist
Rupert Sheldrake and renowned skeptic
Michael Shermer.

Holy Daring
The Earthy Mysticism of St. Teresa, the Wild Woman of Avila
Revised Edition

Tessa Bielecki
Foreword by Adam Bucko
Tessas deep intimacy with Teresa of Avila . . . creates an invitational space for
readers of any tradition (or none) to enter into their own transformational relationship with the wild woman of Avila.M irabai Starr
This fresh, upbeat, and deftly profound book joyfully reconnects the fullness of
our lives and the depth of our prayer. Much more than yet another book about
a great saint who once was, it actually rekindles something of St. Teresas outrageous spiritual impulse for contemporary readers, particularly those who describe themselves as spiritual, not religious.
Tessa Bielecki is the author of several books on St. Teresa of Avila, as well as a
former Abbess.

Contributors Hometowns: Crestone, CO / New York, NY


Adam Kadmon Books
5 x 8 | 164 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-939681-59-1 USC
eBook available

This fresh, upbeat, and deftly profound

book joyfully reconnects the fullness of
our daily lives with the depths of prayer.

FLC F16 Monkfish 281-282.indd 281

4/5/16 9:05 AM

Monkfish Book Publishing

A Heart Afire
Stories and Teachings of the Early Hasidic Masters
First Trade Paper Edition

Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Netanel Miles-Yepez

Foreword by Arthur Green
An engrossing and soulful reflection . . . will delight readers of all backgrounds
who are searching for a spirited and spiritual perspective on Hasidic evolution
and lore.Publishers Weekly


Adam Kadmon Books
6 x 9 | 432 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-939681-61-4 USC
eBook available

A tour-de-force that will take its place beside the efforts of Buber and Wiesel
[in bringing] the deep spiritual practices, stories and perspective of Hassidic
tradition to life.R abbi Goldie Milgram, Meaning & Mitzvah
Zalman Schachter-S halomi (Reb Zalman) was the founder of the Jewish
Renewal movement and author of many books.
Netanel Miles-Yepez was a close student of Reb Zalman, and is the co-founder
of Adam Kadmon Books

A brilliant anthology of early Hasidic

teachings which encompasses Sufism,
Buddhism, and depth psychology.

Yoga for Amputees

Finding Wholeness After Limb Loss:
A Guide for Yoga Students and Teachers

Marsha Therese Danzig

Photographs by Roy Gumpel
Yoga for Amputees is a complete course in yoga practice for amputees and yoga
teachers. Its mission is to get amputees back to wellness and freedom through the
healing practices of yoga. Significant time is spent on what yoga really is, why it
matters for amputees, and how an amputee can best prepare for the practice of
7 x 10 | 180 pp
B&W photographs and illustrations, charts
Trade Paper US $28.95 | CAN $36.00
978-1-939681-65-2 USC

Marsha Therese Danzig, MEd Harvard, is a below-knee amputee and the

founder of Yoga for Amputees, a program to help amputees move forward in
their lives through the healing power of yoga. She has been teaching and training others in yoga for almost two decades.

eBook available

A program to help amputees

move forward in their lives through
the healing power of yoga.

Contributors Hometowns: Dayton, OH / Woodstock, NY

FLC F16 Monkfish 281-282.indd 282

4/5/16 9:05 AM

New Internationalist
One World Two
A Second Global Anthology of Short Stories

Edited by Chris Brazier and Ovo Adagha

Foreword by Elleke Boehmer
The follow-up to One World and another globe-trotting
collection of stories, introducing a diverse range of writers,
narratives and perspectives.

Another globe-trotting collection of stories, One World Two is the eagerly awaited
follow-up to One World. But it is more than simply an anthology of short fiction, as
it contains representative literature from all over the world, conveying the reader
on thought-provoking journeys across continents, cultures, and landscapes.
One World Two is even more ambitious than volume one in its geographic
scope, featuring twenty-one writers drawn from every continent. Most of the
stories are unique to this volume, with some writers appearing for the first time in
English (such as Egypts Mansoura Ez-Eldin and Brazils Vanessa Barbara). The
themes and writing styles are as richly diverse as the writers origins.
The collection is centered around a loose theme of building bridges. It is interested in the human condition as a dynamic central line linking individuals, cultures and experiences: east and west, north and south, and, perhaps most
importantly, past, present, and future.
This book features established stars such as Edwidge Danticat (Breath, Eyes,
Memory), Viet Thanh Nguyen (The Sympathizer), and Aminatta Forna (The Hired
Man), as well as authors who are steadily building a reputation such as Fan Wu,
Ana Menndez, and Daniel Alarcon.
In order of appearance, the authors are: Yewande Omotoso, Viet Thanh
Nguyen, Heidi North-Bailey, Ana Menndez, Mathew Howard, Okwiri Oduor,
Desiree Bailey, Vamba Sherif, Alice Melike Ulgezer, Daniel Alarcon, Mansoura
Ez-Eldin, Aminatta Forna, Nahid Rachlin, Samuel Munene, Vanessa Barbara,
Retsepile Makamane, Fan Wu, Olufemi Terry, Balli Kaur Jaswal, Chris Brazier,
and Edwidge Danticat. The collection is edited and compiled by Ovo Adagha
and Chris Brazier.
Chris Brazier has been a co-editor at New Internationalist since 1984. For most
of his career he worked on the monthly magazine but for the past decade has
commissioned and edited New Internationalists booksincluding editing the
annual anthology of the Caine Prize for African Writing. He is the author of
the NoNonsense Guide to World History, Vietnam: The Price of Peace, and Trigger
Issues: Football. He has also written regularly for UNICEF since 1997, contributing to many of its State of the Worlds Children reports.

5 x 7 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-78026-330-4 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
National print and online campaign
Academic outreach
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Ovo Adagha is a Nigerian scholar and writer living in Canada. Some of his work
has appeared in One World: A global anthology of short stories (New Internationalist,
2009), Caine Anthology (New Internationalist, 2010), African Writing, Eclectica,
Angle Journal, Santa Fe Writers Project, and the Stockholm Review of Literature. He
is a contributing editor with African Writing Journal.

FLC F16 New Internationalist 283-286.indd 283

4/5/16 9:03 AM

New Internationalist
The Bleeding Edge
Why Technology Turns Toxic in an Unequal World

Bob Hughes

A hard-hitting historical analysis of technology that uses the

computer as a tool to expose the innate inequality of capitalism.

5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-78026-329-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Capitalism likes us to believe in the steady, inevitable march of progress, from

the abacus to the iPad. But the historical record tells of innumerable roads not
taken, all of which could have led to better, more equal worldsand still can.
Academic and activist Bob Hughes puts flesh on the bones of the idea that
another world is possible, using as evidence the technology that capitalism
claims as quintessentially its own: the computer in all its forms.
Contrary to popular belief, capitalism does not do innovation wellinstead,
it suppresses and appropriates it. This book shows that great innovations have
never emerged from capitalism per se, but always from the utopian moments that
occur behind the capitalists back. And when capitalism does embrace an innovation, the results are often the diametric opposite of what the innovators intended.
In this thorough and meticulous work, Hughes argues that if we only priori
tized equality over materialism, superior and more diverse technologies would
emerge, leading to a richer, more sustainable world.
Bob Hughes is an academic, activist, and author. He formerly taught electronic
media at Oxford Brookes University and now spends his time researching and
campaigning against inequality. He is the author of Dust or Magic, a book for
digital multimedia workers, about how people do good stuff with computers.
He is a member of No One is Illegal, which campaigns for the total abolition of
immigration controls, and for whom he has written many articles.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National print and online campaign
Academic outreach
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

FLC F16 New Internationalist 283-286.indd 284

4/5/16 9:03 AM

New Internationalist
The Great Climate Robbery
How the Food System Drives Climate Change
and What We Can Do About It

Edited by Henk Hobbelink
In The Great Climate Robbery, highly respected nonprofit GRAIN connects analy
sis of the food system to larger issues affecting the planet, and links peoples
struggles over food to climate change.
The collected articles in this book will help readers to understand the ways
in which corporations seek to control the food system, and give information and
analysis to challenge this control. This book features endorsements from Naomi
Klein, Bill McKibben, and Vandana Shiva.
Henk Hobbelink is an agronomist and member of the GRAIN collective, an international collective that works to support small farmers and social movements
in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems.
Hobbelink conducts research, writing, and outreach activities for GRAIN.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance digital reader copies
Social media campaign Promotion through:


5 x 8 | 224 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-78026-332-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

How food and agribusiness corporations

are causing climate change and what can
be done to turn the system around.

Portraits of Violence
An Illustrated History of Radical Critique

Brad Evans and Sean Michael Wilson

Illustrated by Carl Thompson, Robert Brown, Mike Medaglia,
and Chris Mackenzie
Bringing together established academics and award-w inning comic book writers and illustrators, Portraits of Violence illustrates the most compelling ideas and
episodes in the critique of violence.
Hannah Arendt, Franz Fanon, Jacques Derrida, Edward Said, Paolo Freire,
Michel Foucault, Susan Sontag, Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, and Giorgio
Agamben each have ten pages to tell their story in this innovative graphic title.
Dr. Brad Evans is a political philosopher, critical theorist, and author from the
University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Sean Michael Wilson is an acclaimed comic book writer with more than a dozen
books published with a variety of US, UK, and Japanese publishers.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance digital reader copies Author tour
Social media campaign Promotion through:


6 x 9 | 128 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-78026-318-2 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

A graphic introduction to the

most important radical critiques of
violence, from Fanon to Chomsky and
Foucault to Sontag.

FLC F16 New Internationalist 283-286.indd 285

4/5/16 9:03 AM

New Internationalist
NoNonsense Feminism
Alive and Kicking

Nikki van der Gaag

Far from being in a post-feminist age, weve seen recently a resurgence of feminist campaigning among women (and some men). Theres a new brand of femi
nism: young, social-media savvy, militant. But theres also a new kind of backlash,
driven by so-called fundamentalists and by increasingly overt misogyny.
This book gives a unique international perspective to the advances and challenges worldwide.

4 x 7 | 144 pp
Charts and tables
Trade Paper US $11.95
978-1-78026-327-4 W* (excludes Canada)

Nikki van der Gaag is an independent consultant and writer who focuses primarily on gender issues. She is the author of The No-Nonsense Guide to Womens
Rights, Feminism and Men, and the State of the Worlds Girls reports published by
Plan International.

eBook available

An international perspective on the

resurgence in feminist movements:
the advances and the setbacks, the
challenges and the contradictions.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance digital reader copies
Social media campaign Promotion through:

Development in an Unequal World
Seventh Edition

Edited by Tony Daly, Ciara Regan, and Colm Regan

A development education resource designed and written by an international
group of authors and educationalists. It explores inequalities and injustices in an
accessible and understandable fashion, with infographics, figures, graphs, photographs, and cartoons. Now in its seventh edition, it is extensively used in universities, schools, adult and youth groups, and NGOs.

7 x 10 | 308 pp
Color photographs, color illustrations,
B&W illustrations, 20 maps, charts and tables
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-1-78026-316-8 W* (excludes Canada)

Tony Daly, Ciara Regan, and Colm Regan all work for the Irish NGO 80:20
Educating and Acting for a Better World. Other contributors are from across
the globe. 80:2 0: Development in an Unequal World is a co-publication with
80:20 and the University of South Africa Press.

eBook available

An educational resource that provides

an accessible overview of development
and human rights issues.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance digital reader copies
Social media campaign Promotion through:

FLC F16 New Internationalist 283-286.indd 286

4/5/16 9:03 AM

New Society Publishers

Spit that Out!
The Overly Informed Parents Guide to Raising Healthy Kids
in the Age of Environmental Guilt

Paige Wolf
Foreword by Alysia Reiner
Asbestos in crayons and lead paint on toy cars?! Eco-chic mom
Paige Wolf helps overloaded parents navigate todays toxic world.

From BPA in baby bottles and asbestos in crayons to misleading natural labels
it can despair even the most steadfast parent.
Lighthearted yet authoritative, Spit That Out! cuts through the information
overload, sorts cloth from disposable, and empowers readers to make simple but
impactful changes.
Featuring real-life anxieties and advice from celebrities like Alysia Reiner and
Kaitlin Olson, activists such as Robyn OBrien and Stacy Malkan, and everyday
super-moms, Paige Wolf assures you that you arent alone.
Hot-button topics include food, toys, breast milk, diapers, clothing, the hidden toxins in schools, and how to spot greenwashing from a mile away. Bursting
with valuable advice on green vacations, how to handle unsupportive friends
and family, and how to be green on a budget.
Paige Wolf is a publicist, author, advocate, and eco-chic green living expert. Paige
regularly appears as a green living expert on television, in print, and at conferences across the country. A widely read author, shes received national acclaim
from, Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine, the Huffington Post, and
more. Paige lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two children, where
she runs Paige Wolf Media & Public Relations, a certified B Corporation offering communications services to clients who contribute to a sustainable world
and positive change. To learn more, visit and


6 x 9 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-0-86571-830-2 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National radio campaign
Outreach to parenting publications and
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 287

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

Dark Age America
Climate Change, Cultural Collapse, and the Hard Future Ahead

John Michael Greer

Forget the comfortable platitudesthis is our most likely future.


6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95
978-0-86571-833-3 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans

After decades of missed opportunities, the door to a sustainable future has

closed, and the future we face now is one in which todays industrial civilization
unravels in the face of uncontrolled climate change and resource depletion.
What is the world going to look like when all these changes have run their
course? Author John Michael Greer seeks to answer this question, and with some
degree of accuracy, since civilizations tend to collapse in remarkably similar ways.
Dark Age America, then, seeks to map out in advance the history of collapse,
giving us an idea of what the next five hundred years or so might look like as globalization ends and North American civilization reaches the end of its lifecycle
and enters the stages of decline and fall.
In many ways, this is Greers most uncompromising work, though by no
means without hope to offer. Knowing where were headed collectively is a crucial step in responding constructively to the challenges of the future and doing
what we can now to help our descendants make the most of the world were leaving them.
John Michael Greer, historian of ideas and one of the most influential authors
exploring the future of industrial society, writes the widely cited weekly blog
the Archdruid Report and has published more than thirty books including The
Long Descent, The Ecotechnic Future, The Wealth of Nature, and After Progress. He
lives in Cumberland, Maryland, an old mill town in the Appalachians, with his
wife Sara.

Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Mother Jones
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Cumberland, MD

Decline and Fall
The End of Empire and the Future of
Democracy in 21st Century America
John Michael Greer
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-0-86571-764-0 W*
(excludes Canada)

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 288

eBook available

Green Wizardry
Conservation, Solar Power, Organic
Gardening, and Other Hands-On Skills
From the Appropriate Tech Toolkit
John Michael Greer
Trade Paper US $18.95
978-0-86571-747-3 W*
(excludes Canada)
eBook available

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

Shrinking the Technosphere
Getting a Grip on the Technologies that Limit
our Autonomy, Self-Sufficiency and Freedom

Dmitry Orlov
Making wise individual choices about technology use
may just be the way it really saves us.

Over the past two centuries we have witnessed a wholesale replacement of most
of the previous methods of conducting both business and daily life with new,
technologically advanced, more efficient methods.
What exactly is progressive or efficient about this new arrangement is hardly
ever examined in depth: if the new ways of doing things are so much better, then
we must all be leading relaxed, stress-f ree, enjoyable lives with plenty of free time
to devote to art and leisure activities. But a more careful look at these changes
shows us that many of these advances are not weighing favourably in a harm/
benefit comparison. The harm to the environment, society, and even to our own
personalities, on an individual level, is plain to see, but is brushed off with hollow
claims about efficiency and progress.
Shrinking the Technosphere guides readers through the process of bringing
technology down to a manageable number of carefully chosen, essential, well-
understood and controllable elements. It is about regaining the freedom to use
technology for our own benefit, and is critical reading for all who seek to get back
to a point where technologies assist us rather than control us.
Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, and emigrated to the United States
in the mid-1970s. He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics,
and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet
commerce, network security, and advertising. He is the author of several previous books, including Reinventing Collapse and The Five Stages of Collapse.


6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-0-86571-838-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Mother Jones
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Beaufort, SC

Reinventing Collapse
The Soviet Experience
and American Prospects
Dmitry Orlov
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-0-86571-685-8 W*
(excludes Canada)
eBook available

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 289

The Five Stages of Collapse

Survivors Toolkit
Dmitry Orlov
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-0-86571-736-7 W*
(excludes Canada)
eBook available

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

The Farmers Office
Tools, Tips and Templates to Successfully Manage
a Growing Farm Business

Julia Shanks
A practical how-to guide for farmers who want to achieve
and maintain financial sustainability in their businesses.


7 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-0-86571-816-6 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Mother Earth News,
Urban Farm
Outreach to entrepreneur and small business
publications and blogs
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

You decided to become a farmer because you love being outside, working the land,
and making a difference in the way we eat and grow food.
And when you decided to become a farmer, you also became an entrepreneur
and businessperson. In order to be ecologically and financially sustainable, you
must understand the basics of accounting and bookkeeping, and learn how to
manage a growing business.
Author Julia Shanks distills years of teaching and business consulting with
farmers into this comprehensive, accessible guide. She covers all aspects of
launching, running, and growing a successful farm business through effective
bookkeeping and business management, providing tools to make managerial decisions, apply for a loan or other financing, and offering general business and
strategy advice for growing a business.
Whether youve been farming for many years or are just getting started, The
Farmers Office gives you the tools needed to think like an entrepreneur and
thoughtfully manage your business for success.
Julia Shanks works with food and agricultural entrepreneurs to achieve financial and operational sustainability. She has worked with a range of beginning and
established farmers, providing technical assistance and business coaching that
has allowed them to launch, stabilize and grow their ventures. A frequent lecturer on sustainable food systems and accounting, she sits on the advisory board
of Future Chefs and is the regional leader of Slow Money Boston. Together with
Brett Grohsgal, she is co-author of The Farmers Market Cookbook.

Also Available

Contributor Hometown: Cambridge, MA

The Farmers Market Cookbook

The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Fresh, Local, Seasonal Produce
Julia Shanks and Brett Grohsgal
Trade Paper US $29.95
978-0-86571-822-7 W* (excludes Canada)

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 290

eBook available

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

The Permaculture Market Garden
A Visual Guide to a Profitable Whole-Systems Farm Business

Zach Loeks

The illustrated guide to profitable, vibrant, and sustainable

permaculture-based market gardening.

Permaculture tends to be very much in the domain of home gardeners and property owners. But what if we could take it all a step further, and merge the fields
of permaculture and market gardening?
In The Permaculture Market Garden, author Zach Loeks brings together his
passion for sustainable permaculture food production systems and beautiful,
vibrant illustrations to provide a highly visual guide to the smooth integration
of permaculture into the market garden, in ways that are scalable to specific
situations. Profiling crops and ecosystem-based techniques, Loeks demonstrates a profitable, sustainable, and approachable model for the future of market gardening.
Along the way, Loeks introduces his own system of PermaBeds, season ex
tension techniques, intensive and rotational interplanting, in-depth discussions on soil health, and more, bringing activities, designs, and prospects of
farming to life through illustrations so the reader can be immersed within
the world of permaculture farming. Playful, informative, curious, inspiring,
beautiful, and packed with accessible, practical information, The Permaculture
Market Garden will inspire both the seasoned market gardener as well as anyone aspiring to start a business.
Zach Loeks is a market gardener, farm consultant, and educator living in the
Ottawa Valley. Winner of two regional awards for sustainability and innovation
in agriculture, he shares his expertise in farming, design, and business through a
successful series of on-farm workshops, conferences, and courses as well as a successful year-round CSA.


8 x 10 | 256 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $39.95
978-0-86571-826-5 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Mother Earth News,
Permaculture Activist, Urban Farm
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Cobden, ON

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 291

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

The Permaculture Transition Manual
A Comprehensive Guide to Resilient Living

Ross Mars
Foreword by Rob Hopkins
Illustrated by Simone Willis
Harness the power of permaculture to thrive, not just survive,
the great transition from fossil fuels.


7 x 9 | 288 pp
B&W illustrations and photographs
Trade Paper US $34.95
978-0-86571-835-7 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Mother Earth News,
Permaculture Activist, Urban Farm
Outreach to transition networks and
permaculture publications
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Caught between climate change and a fossil-fuel d riven economy that demands
ever more growth, the world faces a great transitionby design or disaster
away from fossil fuels to a less energy-intensive future.
But what proven tools are available to aid in making a successful, deliberate
transition to a resilient, sustainable future?
For the first time, the power of permaculture design has been brought to bear
on the great transition problem. In the process, acclaimed permaculture teacher
and designer Ross Mars has distilled his considerable knowledge into the ultimate
resource for resilient living.
The Permaculture Transition Manual is packed with information on perma
culture design principles, soil building, and nutrient-dense food growing, including top plant and tree selections for all climatic zones. Coverage extends
to rainwater harvesting and irrigation, human waste management, and strategies for rural properties, plus a unique focus on applying permaculture to small
urban spaces for decluttering and efficient food growing. Also covered are hand
tools, food preservation, energy production, and low-carbon housing along with
a plethora of nearly forgotten skills such as soap making, basket weaving, seed
saving, rope making, candle making, and more.
On the desert island of a world in decline, this is the one-stop guide to vibrant,
resilient living youll want to take with you.
Ross Mars is a scientist with a PhD in Environmental Science, entrepreneur,
and highly-regarded permaculture teacher and designer. Author of The Basics of
Permaculture Design, he manages Candlelight Farm, a permaculture demonstration site and training center in Western Australia.

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 292

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

Grow Create Inspire
Crafting a Joyful Life of Beauty and Abundance

Crystal Stevens

Be the ripple: how the simple acts of growing and creating

can inspire huge change in your own community.

How can we embrace the absolute necessity of preserving and protecting the
earth for our descendants, creating a future in which there is still clean water
to drink, fresh air to breathe, and fresh, healthy food vital to human existence?
Grow Create Inspire is a rallying cry, itself an inspiration urging all of us to
help fill the vital need for growthnot only of food, but also in the hearts and the
minds of individuals around the globe. Focusing on step-by-step approaches to
accumulating skills toward self-sufficiency, Grow Create Inspire is a comprehensive guide to creating a beautiful, regenerative, and deeply satisfying life, covering
everything from basic and more advanced growing tips, preparing and preserving
harvest, and generally greening those aspects of life which bring about happiness,
including, food, art, music, beauty, and time in nature.
Increasing individual happiness ultimately leads to creating positive changes
in our families and communities, and empowers others to do the same. Together, we can grow, create, and inspire a new world of beauty and abundance,
while helping ensure our descendants can do the same in a healthy, vibrant world.
Crystal Stevens is an herbalist, writer, artist, and vegetable farmer, employing
multiple platforms to share her passion for inspiring others to care for the environment, grow gardens, and live healthy lifestyles. Together with her husband Eric,
Crystal co-manages La Vista Farm, a CSA serving 150 families. They live along
the bluffs of the Mississippi River in Godfrey, Illinois, with their two children.


6 x 9 | 224 pp
B&W photographs and illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95
978-0-86571-837-1 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Hobby Farm,
Mother Earth Living, Mother Earth News
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Godfrey, MO

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 293

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse
How to Design and Build a Net-Zero Energy Greenhouse

Lindsey Schiller with Marc Plinke

Build your own self-heating greenhouse for
year-round food production in any climate.

7 x 9 | 304 pp
30 color photographs,
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.95
978-0-86571-824-1 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Mother Earth News
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Fresh, local, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables are hard to find during winter in cold climates. Growing warm-weather crops like tomatoes, bananas, avocados, and other perennials is nearly impossible using conventional structures.
The solution for millions of backyard and small-scale commercial growers is self-
heating solar greenhouses.
The Year-R ound Solar Greenhouse is the one-stop guide to designing and
building greenhouses that harness and store energy from the sun to create natu
rally heated, lush growing environments even in the depths of winter. It covers principles of solar greenhouse design and siting, glazing material properties
and selection, controlling heat loss, ventilation, and construction methods.
Additionally, an in-depth section covers sustainable ways of heating the greenhouse without fossil fuels, including using thermal mass and storing heat underground with a ground-to-air heat exchanger.
Variations include attached solar greenhouses, earth-sheltered greenhouses,
and integrating hydroponics and aquaponics. More than a dozen case studies
from across North America provide inspiration and demonstrate specific challenges and solutions for growing year-round in any climate.
Grow your own food, anytime, anywhere using the power of the sun!
Lindsey Schiller is a greenhouse designer and, with co-author Marc Plinke, co-
owner of Ceres Greenhouse Solutions. Lindsey has designed, toured, and helped
build hundreds of energy-efficient greenhouses from small residential structures
to acre-size commercial facilities.
Marc Plinke is an inventor-innovator with a PhD in engineering who has focused
his engineering mindset on building innovative, energy-efficient, and smarter
greenhouses, with the intention of enabling people to grow their own food sustainably and year-round.

Contributors Hometown: Boulder, CO

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 294

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

The Scything Handbook
Learn How to Cut Grass, Mow Meadows,
and Harvest Grain with a Scythe

Ian Miller
Foreword by Kiko Denzer
The Zen approach to mowing lawns, wacking weeds,
harvesting crops, and building modern homesteader abs!

Dreading the weekly lawn mow? Need to whack the weeds in your orchard?
Cringing at the drudgery and incessant blare of the mower? Imagine instead
long sweeps of an elegant scythe cutting your grass and pesky weeds in blissful,
meditative silence.
That is the power of the scythe revolution sweeping North America.
Written by a master of the scythe, professionally trained in Austria, and
drawing deeply on research into original German texts, The Scything Handbook
brings centuries-old scything techniques into the twenty-fi rst century.
Detailed illustrations cover scythe assembly, perfecting the stroke, blade selection, honing, peening, and aftercare, as well as background on how scythes are
forged. Also covered are the basics of making hay and mulch by hand, and how
to grow and harvest gains at the home and homestead scale for self-sufficiency.
Scything promotes health, flexibility, mind-body connection, and a meditative contemplation of the natural world while producing beautiful lawns and
luscious mulch for the modern gardener and homesteader. This is truly an heirloom tool to master.
Join the scythe revolution!
Ian Miller followed a career in music with a degree in Agroecology from UC
Santa Cruz. During a two-year stint on a biodynamic farm in Austria he learned
how to scythe and delved into historic scything texts in German. He has worked
for Seed Savers Exchange in Iowa and is developing a twenty-acre scythe-based
homestead near Decorah, Iowa, where he grows his own grain for bread-making
and makes hay by hand.


6 x 9 | 160 pp
2-color illustrations
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-0-86571-832-6 US
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Grit, Mother Earth News
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Dubuque, IA

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 295

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

Essential Building Science
Understanding Energy and Moisture
in High Performance House Design

Jacob Deva Racusin

The easy-to-understand rocket science you need to design
durable, healthy, and comfortable high-performance houses.


Sustainable Building Essentials Series
8 x 11 | 160 pp
30 B&W and color photographs, B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $34.95
978-0-86571-834-0 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
Excerpts in: Green Builder, Mother Earth News
National advertising: Green Builder,
Mother Earth News
Social media campaign

Poor heat and moisture management are the enemies of durable, comfortable, and
efficient housing, and good building design and construction starts with a solid
understanding of good building science.
Essential Building Science provides a highly visual and accessible introduction to
the fundamentals of building science for residential construction.
Part one covers the rationale behind high performance design and the fundamentals of building physics, including thermal dynamics, moisture transfer,
and hygro-t hermal dynamics such as vapor drive and condensation.
Part two teaches the vital critical thinking skills needed to consider buildings as whole systems and to develop thermal and moisture control strategies
regardless of the specifics of the design. Case studies and examples from across
North American climatic zones illuminate real-life problems and offer builders,
designers, and DIYers the insights and tools required for creating better new
buildings and dramatically improving old ones.
Good science plus critical thinking equals high performance buildings.
Jacob Deva Racusin is a sustainable and natural building designer, builder, and
educator. He is co-author of The Natural Building Companion, contributor to The
Art of Natural Building, and Systems Director of New Frameworks Construction.
A Building Performance Institute-certified Envelope Professional and Building
Analyst, Jacob is the program director of the Building Science and Net Zero
Design Certificate Program at the Yestermorrow Design/Build School. He and
his family live in a two-thousand-square-foot high p erformance natural home in
the mountains of northern Vermont, where they run a small-scale permaculture-
inspired homestead.

Contributor Hometown: Montgomery, VT


FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 296

Essential Prefab Straw Bale Construction

The Complete Step-by-Step Guide
Chris Magwood
Sustainable Building Essentials Series
Trade Paper US $34.95
978-0-86571-820-3 W*
(excludes Canada)

Essential Hempcrete Construction

The Complete Step-by-Step Guide
Chris Magwood
Sustainable Building Essentials Series
Trade Paper US $34.95
978-0-86571-819-7 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

Power from the Sun
A Practical Guide to Solar ElectricityRevised 2nd Edition

Dan Chiras
The completely revised and updated guide to solar energy
everything you need to power your home or small business.

Written for the layman, this is the fully revised and updated guide for individuals and businesses interested in generating their own electricity using the sun.
Practical and accessible, it provides a basic understanding of electricity, wiring,
and solar energy, and guides the reader through site assessment and determining
the type of system needed, providing a solid understanding of grid-t ied and off-
grid systems, along with important guidelines on installation.
Power from the Sun2nd Edition discusses types of PVs and PV systems, and
includes comprehensive information on recent changes and improvements in PV
modules, charge controllers, inverters, batteries, generators, and net metering
policies. It offers an excellent overview of the many options available, allowing
the reader to make the best choices for their individual situation during the design, installation, and operation of a solar electric system.
The definitive guide for homeowners, business owners, installers, architects,
and just about anyone interested in lowering energy bills while achieving greater
energy independence.
Dan Chiras is Director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Green Building,
through which he teaches workshops on solar electricity, wind energy, passive
solar design, and natural and green building. He is also president of Sustainable
Systems Design, Inc., a company that installs residential solar electric and wind
energy systems and consults on passive solar design, residential renewable energy, and green building throughout North America. Dan is the author of 32 pre
vious books, including The Homeowners Guide to Renewable Energy and Power
from the Wind.


7 x 9 | 288 pp
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.95
978-0-86571-829-6 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available
Previous edition ISBN: 978-0-86571-621-6

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Green Builder,
Mother Earth News
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Gerard, MO

The Homeowners Guide
to Renewable Energy
Achieving Energy Independence Through
Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Hydropower
Second Edition
Dan Chiras
Trade Paper US $28.95
978-0-86571-686-5 W*
(excludes Canada)
eBook available

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 297

The Scoop on Poop

Safely Capturing and Recycling the
Nutrients in Greywater, Humanure,
and Urine
Dan Chiras
Trade Paper US $32.95
978-0-86571-787-9 W*
(excludes Canada)
eBook available

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Society Publishers

Cordwood Building
A Comprehensive Guide to the State of the Art
Fully Revised Second Edition

Rob Roy
Build beautiful cordwood buildings with comprehensive state-of-the-art
guidance from the worlds leading authority on the subject.


8 x 9 | 240 pp
B&W photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.95
978-0-86571-828-9 W* (excludes Canada)
Previous edition ISBN: 978-0-86571-475-5

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance digital reader copies
National advertising: Green Builder,
Mother Earth News
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Cordwood masonry walls are low-cost, easy to build, aesthetically pleasing, and
score high environmental points for making use of low-i mpact materials.
This fully revised second edition of the most widely read and used book on
cordwood construction presents the latest innovations and on-t he-g round experience from four decades of cordwood building and research.
New chapters cover the practical how-to and the full depth and breadth of
cordwood construction, including load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, integrating electrical wiring, innovations on corner designs, new mortar options such as lime putty, and the latest on cob-cordwood, insulation options,
and bottle-end designs. There is detailed treatment of code compliance, efficient
house shapes, and design considerations.
Richly illustrated and augmented with fresh case studies ranging from Hawaii
and the Adirondacks to Tasmania and Michigan, Cordwood Building remains the
most comprehensive book available on cordwood masonry construction methods.
Rob Roy has been building, researching, and teaching about cordwood masonry
for four decades. Widely recognized as a leading authority on cordwood construction, Rob started Earthwood Building School in 1981 to train builders in the latest cordwood building methods. He has authored and edited a dozen books on
alternative and natural building including the first edition of Cordwood Building,
Timber Framing for the Rest of Us, Earth-Sheltered Houses, and Stoneview. Rob has
also presented four videos, including two about cordwood, and has taught cordwood masonry all over the world.

Contributor Hometown: West Chazy, NY

Timber Framing for the Rest of Us
A Guide to Contemporary
Post and Beam Construction
Rob Roy
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-0-86571-508-0 W*
(excludes Canada)

FLC F16 New Society 287-298.indd 298

eBook available

Earth-Sheltered Houses
How to Build an Affordable
Underground Home
Rob Roy
Mother Earth News Wiser Living Series
Trade Paper US $27.95
978-0-86571-521-9 W*
(excludes Canada)
eBook available

4/5/16 9:02 AM

New Vessel Press

The Year of the Comet
Sergei Lebedev
Translated by Antonina W. Bouis

A stunning novel about growing up in Russia on the brink of collapse,

from the preeminent storyteller of his generation.

A clear poetic sensibility built to stand against the forces of erasure.

The Wall Street Journal
Lebedev takes his place beside Solzhenitsyn and other great writers who have
refused to abide by silence.K irkus Reviews
From the critically acclaimed author of Oblivion comes The Year of the Comet, a
story of a Russian boyhood and coming-of-age as the Soviet Union is on the brink
of collapse. An idyllic childhood takes a sinister turn. Rumors of a serial killer
haunt the neighborhood, families pack up and leave town without a word of
warning, and the country begins to unravel. Policemen stand by as protesters
overtake the streets, knowing that the once awe-inspiring symbols of power they
wear on their helmets have become devoid of meaning. Sergei Lebedev depicts a
vast empire coming apart at the seams, transforming a very public moment into
something tender and personal, and writes with stunning beauty and shattering
insight about childhood and the growing consciousness of a boy in the world.
Sergei Lebedev was born in Moscow in 1981 and worked for seven years on geological expeditions in Russia and Central Asia. Lebedev is a poet, essayist, and
journalist. Oblivion, his first novel, was published in 2016 by New Vessel Press,
to great acclaim.

5 x 8 | 275 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-939931-41-2 W

Marketing Plans

Also Available

Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA midwinter
Excerpts in: Brooklyn Rail, Harpers, Words
without Borders
National advertising: Shelf Awareness
National print and online campaign
Outreach to literature, literature in translation,
Russian, and Eastern European websites
Social media campaign
7-city author tour and residencies in the
Northeast and New York City
Giveaways on Goodreads
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Sergei Lebedev
Translated by Antonia W. Bois
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-939931-25-2 W
eBook available

FLC F16 New Vessel 299-302.indd 299

4/5/16 9:01 AM

New Vessel Press

If Venice Dies
Salvatore Settis
Translated by Andr Naffis-Sahely

A passionate, eloquent plea to save one of

the worlds greatest architectural treasures.

A lament for the day-by-day destruction of great beauty . . . full of anger and disappointment at what the author sees as the moral bankruptcy of Italy today.
The Art Newspaper
A chilling account of the slow agony of Venice as illustrative of a global consumerist epidemic.Philippe de Montebello, former director of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art

5 x 8 | 180 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-939931-37-5 W* (excludes Canada)

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA
National radio campaign
Outreach to architecture and design websites
6-city lecture tour
Social media campaign
Giveaway on Goodreads
Confirmed Smithsonian Magazine interview

What is Venice worth? To whom does this urban treasure belong? This eloquent book by internationally renowned art historian Salvatore Settis urgently
poses these questions, igniting a new debate about the Pearl of the Adriatic
and cultural patrimony at large. Venetians are increasingly abandoning
their hometownt heres now only one resident for every one hundred forty
visitorsa nd Venices fragile fate has become emblematic of the future of historic cities everywhere as it capitulates to tourists and those who profit from
them. In If Venice Dies, a fiery blend of history and cultural analysis, Settis argues that hit-a nd-r un visitors are turning landmark urban settings into shopping malls and theme parks. This is a passionate plea to secure the soul of
Venice, written with consummate authority, wide-ranging erudition, and lan.
Salvatore Settis is an archaeologist and art historian and former director of the
Getty Research Institute of Los Angeles and the Scuola Normale Superiore of
Pisa. He is chairman of the Louvre Museums Scientific Council. Settis, often
considered the conscience of Italy for his role in spotlighting the neglect of its
cultural heritage, is the author of several books on art history.

FLC F16 New Vessel 299-302.indd 300

4/5/16 9:01 AM

New Vessel Press

The Madonna of Notre Dame
Alexis Ragougneau
Translated by Katherine Gregor

This police novel illuminates the shadowy corners of

Notre Dame Cathedral, shedding light on good and evil with wry humor.

Thrilling until the last page, an unforgettable investigator, real life characters:
The French crime novel has found its new pope.RTL Television
Alexis Ragougneau demonstrates indisputable talent and promise as a crime
writer and novelist.Le Point
With vigorous writing, Alexis Ragougneau sweeps us away on a high-fl ying
investigation.Le Monde
Fifty thousand believers and photo-hungry tourists jam into Notre Dame
Cathedral on August 15 to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. At days end,
a stunningly beautiful young woman is found murdered inside the cathedral
vestry. The autopsy reveals upsetting details. Police investigators and priests
search for the killer as they discover other truths, as well, about guilt and redemption in this soaring historic Paris refuge for the lost, the damned, and the
saved. The suspect is a disturbed young man obsessed with the Virgin Mary who
spends his days hallucinating in front of a Madonna. But a homeless woman
perpetually ignored by clergy and cathedral staff knows another truth about
the killer of the white-c lad daughter of Algerian immigrants who turned occasional tricks as a prostitute. This gripping novel illuminates the shadowy
corners of a monumental landmark, shedding light on good and evil with suspense, compassion, and wry humor.
Alexis Ragougneau is a playwright, and The Madonna of Notre Dame is his first
novel. He worked for several months in Notre Dame Cathedral helping monitor tourist crowds and knows well its infinite secrets and the forgotten souls who
linger in its darkest corners.

5 x 8 | 210 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-939931-39-9 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA, BEA
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Goodreads giveaways
Promotions through mystery and detective
bookstores and websites

FLC F16 New Vessel 299-302.indd 301

4/5/16 9:01 AM

New Vessel Press

A Very Russian Christmas
The Greatest Russian Holiday Stories of All Time

Lev Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Anton Chekhov

Nobody does Christmas like the Russians.

Running the gamut from sweet and reverent to twisted and uproarious, and with
many of the stories appearing in English for the first time, this is a collection that
will satisfy every reader. Fyodor Dostoevsky brings stories of poverty and tragedy,
Lev Tolstoy inspires with his fable-l ike tales, Anton Chekhovs unmatchable skills
are on full display in a story about a female factory owner and the wretched workers, Teffi gives us a bittersweet story of a lonely childs only friend, and Mikhail
Zoshchenko recounts madcap anecdotes of Christmas trees and Christmas
thieves. There is no shortage of vodka or wit on display here, in a collection that
proves, with its wonderful variety and remarkable human touch, that nobody does
Christmas like the Russians.
My Last Christmas

5 x 8 | 300 pp
Trade Cloth US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-939931-43-6 W

Marketing Plans

On this festive day, because of somebodys sin, it is we who must sit here like the
wretched of the earth . . .
The passengers looked at the fussy figure of the little old man with displeasure and
Yes, the old man continued, because of somebodys sins . . . We are used to
watching our little children jump in indescribable delight around the Christmas
tree . . . Out of human weakness, fine ladies and gentlemen, we enjoy gobbling up ham
with green peas and sausages one after another, and a slice of goose, and a tipple tipple
of the you know what . . .
Tfu! said the fishmonger, looking at the wee old man with disgust.
The passengers slid forward on their chairs . . .

Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA
Social media campaign
Goodreads giveaways

FLC F16 New Vessel 299-302.indd 302

4/5/16 9:01 AM

New Village Press

A Memoir from the Womens Art Movement, New York City

Sabra Moore
Forewords by Lucy Lippard and Margaret Randall

This bold memoir of New York Citys activist womens art movement
features 949 artworks that pushed the eras social change.

In this abundantly illustrated narrative, author Sabra Moore chronicles twenty-

two years of her life and interactions with other women artists finding ways to
create politically and personally meaningful artworks, exhibitions, protests, and
institutions in response to war, government corruption, struggles for reproductive freedom, and racial tensiona ll while fighting for greater representation
and opportunities for women in the art world.
Gracefully mixing vivid historical accounts, poignant personal narratives,
and thoughtful introspection about writing, identity, family, and dreams,
Moore illuminates a breadth of womens struggles and triumphs. She writes of
her volunteer work in New York Citys first legal abortion clinic, her own nearly
fatal incomplete abortion in Guinea, and the abuse she experienced in a relationship with her former art teacher. Journals she kept reveal details of her work
organizing protests against the Museum of Modern Art, creating politically
charged exhibitions with her peers in New York and beyond, and publishing a
collaborative feminist art journal with the Heresies Collective.
Sabra Moore is an artist, writer, and activist. After moving to New York in 1966,
she became an integral creative force within the feminist art movement. Moores
artistic and political involvement was showcased in the feature length film The
Heretics (2011). Her most recent solo museum show, Out of the Woods, was at the
Harwood Museum in Taos, New Mexico, in 2007. She authored and illustrated
the trade book Petroglyphs: Ancient Language/Sacred Art (1997), and her artists books can be found in several museum collections, including the Brooklyn
Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.


7 x 9 | 416 pp
551 color photographs, 398 B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $45.50
978-1-61332-018-1 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader BLADs
National radio campaign
Social media campaign
Outreach to feminist, art history, and social
justice publications and websites
Exhibition of books art and authors archives
at Barnard College
7-city author tour
Promotion through:,

Author Events
Vancouver, BC Berkeley, CA
Washington, DC Boston, MA Glassboro, NJ
Abiquiu, NM Albuquerque, NM
Espanola, NM Santa Fe, NM Taos, NM
Brooklyn, NY New York, NY Montreal, QC
Austin, TX Houston, TX San Antonio, TX
Contributors Hometowns: Abiquiu, NM /
Santa Fe, NM / Albuquerque, NM

FLC F16 New Village 303-304.indd 303

4/5/16 9:01 AM

New Village Press

Root Shock
How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America,
And What We Can Do About It
Second Edition

Mindy Thompson Fullilove

Root Shock examines three different US cities to unmask the
destructive and crippling results of decades-old urban renewal policies.


5 x 8 | 304 pp
60 B&W photographs; B&W illustrations,
maps, charts
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-61332-019-8 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National public radio campaign
Social media campaign
Outreach to urban planning, African American
studies, social science publications and
4-city author tour
Promotion through and

Like a sequel to the prescient warnings of urbanist Jane Jacobs, Dr. Mindy
Thompson Fullilove reveals the disturbing outcome of decades of urban renewal
projects to communities of color. For those whose homes and neighborhoods
were bulldozed, the urban modernization projects that swept America starting in 1949 were nothing short of an assault. Vibrant city blocksplaces rich in
culturewere torn apart by freeways and other invasive development, blatantly
devastating the lives of poor residents.
Fullilove passionately describes the profound traumatic stressthe root
shockthat results when a neighborhood is demolished. She estimates that
federal and state urban renewal programs, spearheaded by business and real estate interests, destroyed 1,600 African American districts in cities across the
United States. But urban renewal didnt just disrupt black communities: the anger
it caused led to riots that sent whites fleeing for the suburbs, stripping them of
their sense of place as well. It also left big gashes in the centers of cities that are
only now slowly being repaired.
Focusing on the Hill District of Pittsburgh, the Central Ward in Newark, and
the small Virginia city of Roanoke, Dr. Fullilove argues powerfully against policies of displacement. Understanding the damage caused by root shock is crucial
to coping with its human toll and helping cities become whole.
Mindy Thompson Fullilove, MD, is a research psychiatrist at New York State
Psychiatric Institute and professor of clinical psychiatry and public health at
Columbia University. She is the author of five books.

Author Events
Orange, NJ New York, NY Pittsburgh, PA
Milwaukee, WI
Contributor Hometown: Orange, NJ

FLC F16 New Village 303-304.indd 304

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Nobrow Press
How to Survive in the North
Luke Healy

A university professor in the throes of a breakdown finds solace

in the stories of two famed Arctic castaways.

1913Captain Robert Bartlett sets sail aboard the Karluk, flagship of the
Canadian Arctic Expedition. The journey ahead would be one of the most
treacherous ever, when the Karluk becomes trapped in ice and is eventually
crushed and destroyed. The survivors, Bartlett and an Inuk companion set out
across the ice for the Siberian coast, in search of civilization and help . . .
1921Twenty-t hree-year-old Inuit Ada Blackjack signs on as a seamstress
for a top-secret Arctic expedition. But soon she finds herself alone and stranded
in the perilous landscape of the arctic.
Present day.A disgraced university professors obsession with these stories
masks him from the cracks beginning to appear in his personal and professional
life, unaware that history can repeat itself in a thousand painful ways . . .
With stunning narrative skill, this compelling book intricately weaves together true-life narratives from 1912 and 1926, and a fictional story set in the
present day. How to Survive in the North is an unforgettable test of the strength it
takes to survive in even the harshest conditions.


6 x 8 | 192 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $22.95 | CAN $29.99
978-1-910620-06-9 USC

Luke Healy was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. He received a BA in journalism from Dublin City University, and an MFA in cartooning from the Center
for Cartoon Studies in Vermont. His comics work has been published in several
anthologies and he has also worked as a coloring assistant with Lucy Knisley on
her book Something New. He lives in Dublin, Ireland.

FLC F16 Nobrow 305-310.indd 305

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Nobrow Press
Dalston Monstazz
Dilraj Mann

A gripping graphic novel set in the heart of East London

as it falls prey to a monstrous calamity!

Dalston, East Londonsometime in the future. Below the citys creaking pavement, where the slabs sag from the weight of soulless new glass-fronted condos,
chain coffee shops, and hoards of real estate agencies, the earth is beginning to
crack. And from these fissures, like woodlice crawling from under ancient stone,
the Monstazz emerge . . .
Roshan and K had heard about the shadowy Monstazz that were emerging from the foundations beneath Dalstons recent hyper-development. But
they didnt expect to be tangled up in its murky underbelly; fighting gangsters,
megalomaniacal property developers, and amongst themselves. Not in the least
because of a girleven if she is the most badass girl in town.
8 x 11 | 64 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $22.95 | CAN $29.99
978-1-910620-14-4 USC

Dilraj Mann is a London-based artist and illustrator. His art is largely inspired
by the unexpected and often curious locals from the streets of London. Mann
is a member of Puck Collective, one of the United Kingdoms largest creative

FLC F16 Nobrow 305-310.indd 306

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Nobrow Press
Wren McDonald

Does one young thief have what it takes to stop

an evil corporation from taking over the world?

SP4RX is the story of mankind clawing for survival. Set in a future dominated
by class, the world is divided into five levels. The elite rule from the extravagant
top, while the bottom is a garbage heap, unfit for anything living. Enter SP4RX,
a young off-the-grid hacker, eluding the military forces that govern his world. He
survives by hacking into corporations and selling stolen data to wealthy buyers
on the black marketjust your average, everyday thief.
When SP4RXs latest heist turns up evidence that one of the futures most
loved corporations, Structus Industries, is secretly plotting to enslave the working class via the use of cybernetic implantscybernetic implants they are paying for themselves!our young hero is set on a collision course with heroism.
Is he ready to care about someone besides himself?
He better be! After all, the fate of humanityevery dirty, last bitis at stake!
Wren McDonald grew up in between Virginia, South Carolina, and Florida.
He currently lives in Brooklyn, New York. McDonald graduated from Ringling
College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida, with a BFA in illustration. He
has illustrated for the New York Times, Flaunt Magazine, Gigantic Books, Rollins
Magazine, and many more.


7 x 10 | 120 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-910620-12-0 USC

Author Events
Brooklyn, NY
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

FLC F16 Nobrow 305-310.indd 307

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Nobrow Press
Lorena Alvarez Gomez

A mysterious graphic novel about fear, insecurity and creativity,

from the enchanting imagination of Lorena Alvarez Gomez.

Every night, tiny stars appear out of the darkness in a little girls bedroom.
Sandy catches them and creates wonderful creatures to play with until she falls
asleep, and in the morning brings them back to life in the whimsical drawings
that cover her room.
One day, Morpie, a mysterious pale girl, appears at school. And she knows
all about Sandys drawings . . .
Nightlights is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel as comfortable with
fantasy as it is with horror, and is certain to be one of the most talked-about
graphic novels of the year.


8 x 11 | 56 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-910620-13-7 USC

Lorena Alvarez Gomez was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, and studied
Graphic Design and Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She has illustrated for Puffin Books, Faber & Faber, Usborne Books, Parragon, Boom! Studios,
Nickelodeon and Disney. Since 2008, she has been part of La Procesin Puppet
Club, an experimental puppetry group of illustrators and visual artists.

FLC F16 Nobrow 305-310.indd 308

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Nobrow Press
Golden Cosmos

A stunning double-sided panorama measuring fifty-four inches

on the history of trains printed in glorious spot color!

This beautiful concertina book from the makers of High Times folds out to a
stunning fifty-four inch panorama detailing the history of trains and locomotives, from the very first railroads and machines to sustainability in the twenty-
first century and beyond! A brilliant wraparound cover details the notable
benchmarks in the history and mythology of trains.
Golden Cosmos was set up in 2010 as a collborative moniker for German artistic couple Daniel Doltz and Doris Freigofas. Their deep knowledge of traditional
printmaking techniques and experiences in self-publishing that have won them
widespread critical acclaim in illustration circles made them the perfect choice for
our trademark concertina series. Their bold use of color and adeptness for shape
and form recall the bold patterns and geometry of early Russian constructivism,
with a nod to mid-century French commercial art. There is no doubt that this
will be a beauty!
5 x 9 | 20 pp
Color illustrations
Slipcased US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-910620-11-3 USC

Also Available

High Times
A History of Aviation
Golden Cosmos
Slipcased US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-907704-35-2 USC

FLC F16 Nobrow 305-310.indd 309

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Selected Backlist from Nobrow Press



Corinne Maier

Illustrated by Anne Simon

A Matter of Life and Death

Alexis Deacon


8 x 11 | 72 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-910620-01-4 USC


7 x 9 | 96 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-910620-03-8 USC

Robert Moses

The Master Builder

of New York City
Pierre Christin and Olivier Balez
7 x 10 | 104 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $30.99
978-1-907704-96-3 USC


Hana Ros and Matteo Farinella

7 x 10 | 144 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $27.50
978-1-907704-70-3 USC

101 Artists To Listen To

Before You Die
Ricardo Cavolo


6 x 9 | 232 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $22.99 | CAN $28.99
978-1-910620-00-7 USC

Fantasy Sports 2

The Bandit of Barbel Bay

Sam Bosma
9 x 11 | 56 pp
Color illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-910620-10-6 USC

FLC F16 Nobrow 305-310.indd 310

4/5/16 9:01 AM

Open Letter
Chronicle of the Murdered House
Lcio Cardoso
Translated by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson
Introduction by Benjamin Moser

This never-before-translated classic of Brazilian

literature is a Faulknerian saga depicting the unraveling
of a traditional patriarchal family.

The book itself is strangepart Faulknerian meditation on the perversities,

including sexual, of degenerate country folk; part Dostoevskian examination
of good and evil and Godbut in its strangeness lies its rare power, and in the
sincerity and seriousness with which the essential questions are posed lies its
greatness.Benjamin Moser, from the introduction
Long considered one of the most important works of twentieth-century Brazilian
literature, Chronicle of the Murdered House is finally available in English.
Set in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, the novel relates the dissolution of a once-proud patriarchal family now represented by Timteo, a gay scion
who wanders the ancestral mansion dressed in his mothers clothes. This downfall, peppered by stories of decadence, adultery, incest, and madness, is related
through a variety of narrative devices, including letters, diaries, memoirs, statements, confessions, and accounts penned by the various characters.
Lcio Cardoso (19121968) turned away from the social realism fashionable in
1930s Brazil and opened the doors of Brazilian literature to introspective works
such as those of Clarice Lispectorh is greatest follower and admirer.
Dame Margaret Jull Costa has translated dozens of works from both Spanish
and Portuguese, including books by Javier Maras and Jos Saramago. Her translations have received numerous awards, including the International IMPAC Dublin
Literary Award. In 2014 she was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire.
Robin Patterson was mentored by Margaret Jull Costa, and has translated Our
Musseque by Jos Luandino Vieira.

5 x 8 | 500 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-940953-50-2 NA
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Open Letter 311-316.indd 311

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Open Letter
A Greater Music
Bae Suah
Translated by Deborah Smith

A heart-wrenching novel of the two love affairs a young

Korean writer experiences while living in Germany.

Bae Suah offers the chance to unknowto see the everyday afresh and be defamiliarized with what we believe we knoww hich is no small offering.
Sophie Hughes, Music & Literature

5 x 8 | 132 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-1-940953-46-5 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Author tour
Social media campaign

Near the beginning of A Greater Music, the narrator, a young Korean writer,
falls into an icy river in the Berlin suburbs, where shes been housesitting for her
on-a nd-off boyfriend Joachim. This sets into motion a series of memories that
move between the hazily defined present and the period three years ago when
she first lived in Berlin. Throughout, the narrators relationship with Joachim,
a rough-a nd-ready metalworker, is contrasted with her friendship with M, an
ultra-refined, music-loving German teacher, who, it is suggested, later became
her lesbian lover.
A novel of memories and wandering, A Greater Music blends riffs on music, language, and literature with a gut-punch of an emotional ending, establishing Bae
Suah as one of the most exciting novelists working today.
Bae Suah has published more than a dozen works and won several prestigious
awards. She has also translated several books from the German, including works
by W. G. Sebald, Franz Kafka, and Jenny Erpenbeck. Her first book to appear in
English, Nowhere to Be Found, was longlisted for a PEN Translation Prize.
Deborah Smiths literary translations from the Korean include two novels by
Han Kang (The Vegetarian and Human Acts), and two by Bae Suah (A Greater
Music and Recitation).

Author Events
Oakland, CA Chicago, IL New York, NY
Rochester, NY Portland, OR

FLC F16 Open Letter 311-316.indd 312

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Open Letter
Radiant Terminus
Antoine Volodine
Translated by Jeffrey Zuckerman
A scathing critique of humanity set in a nuclear wasteland
following the fall of the Second Soviet Union.

Irreducible to any single literary genre, the Volodinian cosmos is skillfully

crafted, fusing elements of science fiction with magical realism and political
commentary.Music & Literature
The most patently sci-fi work of Antoine Volodines to be translated into English,
Radiant Terminus takes place in a Tarkovskian landscape after the fall of the
Second Soviet Union. Most of humanity has been destroyed thanks to a number of nuclear meltdowns, but a few communes remain, including one run by
Solovyei, a psychotic father with the ability to invade peoples dreamsincluding
those of his daughtersa nd torment them for thousands of years.
When a group of damaged individuals seek safety from this nuclear winter in
Solovyeis commune, a plot develops to overthrow him, end his reign of mental
abuse, and restore humanity.
Fantastical, unsettling, and occasionally funny, Radiant Terminus is a key entry
in Volodines epic literary project thatw ith its broad landscape, ambitious vision,
and interlocking characters and ideascalls to mind the best of David Mitchell.
Antoine Volodine (a.k.a. Lutz Bassmann, a.k.a. Manuela Draeger) is the primary pseudonym of a French writer who has published more than forty books,
over twenty under this name. Seven of his titles are currently available in English
translation, including Minor Angels, Bardo or Not Bardo, and Post-Exoticism in Ten
Lessons, Lesson Eleven.
Jeffrey Zuckerman is digital editor of Music & Literature. His writing and translations have appeared in Best European Fiction, 3:AM Magazine, the Rumpus, and
the Los Angeles Review of Books.

5 x 8 | 500 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-940953-52-6 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Post-Exoticism in Ten Lessons,
Lesson Eleven
Antoine Volodine
Translated by J. T. Mahany
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $15.99
978-1-940953-11-3 W*
eBook available

FLC F16 Open Letter 311-316.indd 313

Bardo or Not Bardo

Antoine Volodine
Translated by J. T. Mahany
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-1-940953-33-5 W*
eBook available

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Open Letter
Can Xue
Translated by Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping
Introduction by Porochista Khakpour
A surreal, fantastic coming-of-age novel blending Eastern and Western
beliefs, from the winner of the 2015 Best Translated Book Award.

One of the most raved-

about works of translated fiction this year.
Jonathan Sturgeon, Flavorwire

5 x 8 | 470 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-940953-54-0 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Author tour
Social media campaign

Frontier opens with the story of Liujin, a young woman heading out on her own
to create her own life in Pebble Town, a somewhat surreal place at the base of
Snow Mountain where wolves roam the streets and certain enlightened individuals can see and enter a paradisiacal garden.
Exploring life in this city (or in the frontier) through the viewpoint of a dozen
different characterssome simple, some profoundCan Xues latest novel attempts to unify the grand opposites of lifebarbarism and civilization, the spiri
tual and the material, the mundane and the sublime, beauty and death, and
Eastern and Western cultures.
A layered, multifaceted masterpiece from the 2015 winner of the Best
Translated Book Award, Frontier exemplifies John Darnielles statement that
Xues books read as if dreams had invaded the physical world.
Can Xue is a pseudonym meaning dirty snow, leftover snow. She learned English
on her own and has written books on Borges, Shakespeare, and Dante. Her publications in English include The Embroidered Shoes, Five Spice Street, Vertical Motion,
and The Last Lover, which won the 2015 Best Translated Book Award for Fiction.
Karen Gernant is a professor emerita of Chinese history at Southern Oregon
University. She translates in collaboration with Chen Zeping.
Chen Zeping is a professor of Chinese linguistics at Fujian Teachers University,
and has collaborated with Karen Gernant on more than ten translations.
Also Available

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Boston, MA
Minneapolis, MN New York, NY Rochester, NY
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Vertical Motion
Can Xue
Translated by Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $15.50
978-1-934824-37-5 W*

FLC F16 Open Letter 311-316.indd 314

eBook available

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Open Letter
The Brother
Rein Raud
Translated by Adam Cullen

In this spaghetti western, a mysterious man arrives in a corrupt town

seeking revenge for his sister and upends everything.

Winner of the Eduard Vilde Literary Award.

The Brother opens with a mysterious stranger arriving in a small town controlled
by a group of menmen who recently cheated the strangers supposed sister
out of her inheritance and mothers estate. Resigned to giving up on her dreams
and ambitions, Laila took this swindling in stride, something that Brother
wont stand for. Soon after his arrival, fortunes change dramatically, enraging
this group of powerful men, motivating them to get their revenge on Brother.
Meanwhile, a rat-f aced paralegal makes it his mission to discover Brothers true
identity . . .
The first novel of Rein Rauds to appear in English, The Brother is, in Rauds
own words, a spaghetti western told in poetic prose, simultaneously paying tribute to both Clint Eastwood and Alessandro Baricco. With its well-d rawn characters and quick-moving plot, it takes on more mythic aspects, lightly touching
on philosophical ideas of identity and the ruthless way the world is divided into
winners and losers.
Rein Raud is the author of four books of poetry, six novels, and several collections of short fiction. Hes also a scholar in Japanese studies and has translated
several works of Japanese into Estonian. One of his short pieces appeared in Best
European Fiction 2015.
Adam Cullen was born and educated in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but currently
resides in Tallinn, Estonia, where hes translated dozens of plays, stories, and
poems. Hes also translated three published novels, including Radio by Tnu
nnepalu and The Cavemen Chronicle by Mihkel Mutt.

5 x 8 | 115 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-1-940953-44-1 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Open Letter 311-316.indd 315

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Open Letter
Iben Mondrup
Translated by Kerri A. Pierce

A stylistically brilliant look at the

male-dominated art world, madness, and identity.

The novel positively emanates energetic prose, as suspense-laden tracks which

retain our interest in the female Don Juan who insists on not being a female Don
Juan are generously laid bare.Dag Heede, STANDART

5 x 8 | 212 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-940953-48-9 W*
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Stylistically provocative, Justine tells the story of a young female artist whose
life is upended when her house burns down with all of the artworks for her upcoming exhibit inside. With little time left to recreate everything shes lost,
Justine embarks on a series of sexual escapades with a sort of doomed intensity
that foreshadows the novels final, dark twist.
Through flashbacks and fragmented memories, we see Justine as a student at
the Art Academy first discovering the misogynistic order that rules the Danish
art world, and later on as she constantly challenges its expectationsboth in
the studio and in bed.
A personal meditation on artistic identity, the creative process, and the
male-dominated art scene, the novel veers between the erotic and the savage,
resulting in a spellbinding read from one of Denmarks edgiest contemporary
feminist writers.
Iben Mondrup is a trained visual artist from the Royal Danish Academy of
Fine Arts who is also the author of four novels, including Justine, its sequel, and
Kerri A. Pierce has published translations from seven different languages in
a variety of genresnonfiction, novel, and short story. Her translation of The
Faster I Walk, The Smaller I Am by Kjersti A. Skomsvold was a finalist for the
International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.

Contributor Hometown: Rochester, NY

FLC F16 Open Letter 311-316.indd 316

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Paul Dry Books

The Usefulness of the Useless
Nuccio Ordine
Translated by Alastair McEwen
Essay by Abraham Flexner
A necessary book.R oberto Saviano
A wonderful little book that will delight you.Franois Busnel
An international bestseller in eighteen languages.
In this intriguing and original work, Nuccio Ordine illuminates the usefulness of the useless and the uselessness of the useful. Through the reflections of
great philosophers and writers, Ordine shows how the obsession for material
goods and the cult of utility end up by withering the spirit, thus jeopardizing
not only schools and universities, art, and creativity, but also fundamental values such as human dignity, love, and truth.
Nuccio Ordine is a professor of literature at the University of Calabria.


5 x 8 | 175 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-58988-116-7 USC

A treatise on the fundamental importance

of the liberal arts and the deep damage
to humanity caused by their neglect.

Heideggers Being and Time and the

Possibility of Political Philosophy
Mark Blitz
Heideggers Being and Time (1927) challenged earlier thinking about the basic
structures of human being, our involvement in practical affairs, and our understanding of history, time, and being. Mark Blitz clarifies Heideggers discussions,
offers brief alternative analyses of phenomena central to Heideggers argument,
and examines the connection between Heideggers arguments in Being and Time
and his support of Nazism.
Mark Blitz is a professor of political philosophy at Claremont McKenna College
and Director of the Salvatori Center for the Study of Individual Freedom. He is
author of Platos Political Philosophy, Duty Bound: Responsibility and American
Public Life, and Conserving Liberty.

Contributor Hometown: Claremont, CA

5 x 8 | 280 pp
Trade Paper US $30.00 | CAN $38.99
978-1-58988-117-4 USC

Mark Blitzs study asks if

Being and Time, likely the twentieth
centurys most influential book of
philosophy, embodies an ethics.

FLC F16 Paul Dry 317-318.indd 317

4/5/16 9:38 AM

Selected Backlist from Paul Dry Books

Philadelphia Architecture

Rittenhouse Writers

Stone Tablets

A Guide to the City, Fourth Edition

John Andrew Gallery

Reflections on a Fiction Workshop

James Rahn

Translated by Stephanie Kraft

5 x 10 | 250 pp
60 color photographs
Trade Paper US $28.00 | CAN $36.50
978-1-58988-110-5 USC


5 x 8 | 255 pp
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-58988-112-9 USC

5 x 8 | 733 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $28.50
978-1-58988-107-5 USC

Doublethink / Doubletalk

The Last of All

Possible Worlds and
The Temptation to Do Good

Mountains and a Shore

Naturalizing Second Thought

and Twofold Speech
Eva Brann

4 x 7 | 350 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-58988-113-6 USC

Wojciech Zukrowski

A Journey through
Southern Turkey
Michael Pereira

Two Novels by Peter F. Drucker

Peter F. Drucker

Foreword by David Mason

5 x 8 | 350 pp
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-58988-108-2 USC

5 x 8 | 224 pp
20 photographs
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-58988-104-4 USC

FLC F16 Paul Dry 317-318.indd 318

4/5/16 9:38 AM

European Blackamoors, Africana Readings

Awam Ampka and Ellyn Mary Toscano

ReSignifications links classical and popular representations

of African bodies in European art, culture, and history.

ReSignifications interprets the Blackamoor trope in Western culture. This tradition of decorative art emerged at the intersection of cross-c ultural encounters shaped by centuries of migration, exchange, conquest, servitude, and exile.
ReSignifications links classical and popular representations of African bodies in
European art, culture, and history. It moderates and subverts artistic conventions by using the works of contemporary artists from Africa, Europe, North and
South America, and the Caribbean to engage in dialogue with the broad historical array of ornamental representations of African bodies.
Awam Amkpa is a dramatist, documentary filmmaker, and scholar of theatre
and film. He is associate professor of drama at New York Universitys Tisch
School of the Arts and associate professor in Africana studies and social and
cultural analysis in NYUs College of Arts and Sciences.
Ellyn Mary Toscano is executive director of New York University, Florence. She
is the founder and director of La Pietra Dialogues and the producer of the Season,
a summer festival which assembles artists, writers, musicians, and public intellectuals to produce new works or reinterpretations of classics.

9 x 12 | 250 pp
180 photographs
Trade Paper US $39.90 | CAN $51.99
978-88-98391-47-9 USC

FLC F16 Postcart 319-320.indd 319

4/5/16 9:38 AM

The Photographer and the Shaman
Converstations from a Meter to Infinite

Dario Coletti
With engaging prose, this essay offers a unique insight into photography. The
book is on one hand a reflection on what photography isa n instrument by
which people can discover more about the worlda nd on the other hand an auto
biographical tale that compels the reader to wonder who the photographer is. The
author has the answer: he is a shaman!

5 x 7 | 168 pp
49 photographs
Trade Paper US $18.90 | CAN $24.50
978-88-98391-48-6 USC

Dario Coletti is an Italian photographer. He is currently deputy director of

Istituto Superiore di Fotografia (Rome) where he also teaches courses in the
history of photography. He is the author of Okeanos & Hades (Postcart).

Through original topics and

personal stories, the author offers
a unique insight into photography.

Carnival during the Seventies in Campania, Italy

Marialba Russo
Translated into English, the title Travestimento means disguise. The photographs collected in this book were taken between 1975 and 1980 in the southern
region of Campania, Italy, and are focused on the parades that took place during
carnivals in which female roles were played by men who dressed up like women,
and who pretended to be women through feminine gestures.

8 x 12 | 80 pp
35 photographs
Trade Paper US $29.99 | CAN $38.99
978-88-98391-49-3 USC

Marialba Russo is an Italian photographer. Between 1972 and 1976 she collabo
rated with the National Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions of Rome. Be
sides her personal research and exhibitions, she collaborates with Vogue Italy
and Italian and foreign newspapers. In 1979, Russo represented Italy with
Venezia 79 in the publication Il parto, curated by Daniela Palazzoli, Sue Davis,
and Jean-C laude Lemagny. In the last decade, the Museum of Photography of
Thessaloniki and the Jin Tai Art Museum in Beijing exhibited her work lIncanto,
a volume published by Skira (Milan) in 2004. Her works have been displayed
in many private and public collections all over the world.

A moving look into the anthropological

rite of carnival in southern Italy from
a notable photographer.

FLC F16 Postcart 319-320.indd 320

4/5/16 9:38 AM

Process Media
Swim Through the Darkness
My Search for Craig Smith and the Mystery of Maitreya Kali

Mike Stax

A successful young songwriter in 1960s

becomes derailed by LSD and the resulting madness.

For the past three decades, Ugly Things magazine has been a major resource for
fans interested in the history of rock n roll music. In recent months, the maga
zines editor Mike Stax has published feature articles exposing the dramatic
metamorphosis of Craig Smith. The American singer known for his mainstream
television appearances on the Andy Williams Show later transformed into a psy
chedelic druginfluenced schizophrenic with violent criminal messianic ideas.
Swim Through the Darkness reveals author Staxs efforts in tracking down
this strange saga of American pop culture. Included in the story are Smiths
childhood friend Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees and another Monkee, Mike
Nesmith, who produced and promoted Smiths band, Penny Arkade. At this
time, stories of 1960s psychedelic music are quite popular. Swim Through the
Darkness throws light on a member of this movement whose story has remained
shadowyuntil now.
Purchasers of this book will also receive a code to be able to download
Smiths music in all its variant styles.


6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-934170-65-6 W*
eBook available

Contributor Hometown: La Mesa, CA

FLC F16 Process Media 321-322.indd 321

4/5/16 9:37 AM

Selected Backlist from Process Media

Pacific Ocean Park

The Rise and Fall of Los Angeles

Space Age Nautical Pleasure Pier
Christopher Merritt
and Domenic Priore
Foreword by Brian Wilson

11 x 8 | 267 pp
Color and B&W photographs
Paper over Board US $34.95 | CAN $38.50
978-1-934170-52-6 W*


Revised Edition
Robert Scotto

Introduction by Philip Glass

6 x 9 | 320 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $25.50
978-1-934170-40-3 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Process Media 321-322.indd 322

Guitar Army

Rock and Revolution with The

MC5 and the White Panther Party
John Sinclair
Introduction by Michael Simmons

Go Ask Ogre

Letters from a Deathrock Cutter

Jolene Siana
Afterword by Bonnie McLaughlin


6 x 9 | 300 pp
175 B&W illustrations and photographs
Trade Paper & CD US $22.95 | CAN $24.00
978-1-934170-00-7 USC


7 x 10 | 180 pp
50 Color and B&W illustrations
and photographs
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $23.00
978-0-9760822-1-7 USC

Eye Mind

Demons in the Age of Light

Foreword by Julian Cope


6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-934170-27-4 USC

The Saga of Roky Erickson

and The 13th Floor Elevators,
The Pioneers of Psychedelic Sound
Paul Drummond
6 x 9 | 350 pp
140 Color and B&W illustrations
and photographs
Trade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $27.50
978-0-9760822-6-2 USC

A Memoir of Psychosis
and Recovery
Whitney Robinson

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:38 AM

Profile Books
Family Enterprises
The Essentials

Peter Leach
Foreword by Victoria B. Mars

Family Enterprises: The Essentials explains the pitfalls, tensions,

and competing demands that destroy too many family businesses.

Comprehensive and authoritative, yet entirely fresh and forward-looking.

Professor Nigel Nicholson, London Business School
A must-read book.R oger Pedder, former chairman, Clarks Shoes
With over thirty years of experience, Peter Leach is considered the founding
father of family business thinking.Claire Webster, head of Deloittes Private
Client Services
Some of the most professional companies around the world are family-r un and
have remained in family ownership for generations. Many of them are household names. Commitment, family values, and pride in the business are typically their inherent strengths, yet they also face major challenges reconciling
the needs of the business with those of the family.
Drawing on extensive international experience, Family Enterprises: The
Essentials explains the pitfalls and particularly the tensions and competing demands that destroy too many family businesses. These problems can be avoided
and managed, and this book reveals the techniques and strategies needed to do
so. Running a successful family enterprise is always a huge challenge, but this
book offers real insight and help.
Includes a foreword by Victoria B. Mars, Chairman of the Board for Mars Inc.
Peter Leach has over thirty years specialized experience working with and advising some of the worlds most successful family businesses and business families. He is a partner at Deloitte, adjunct professor in family business at Imperial
College, London, and chairman of the advisory board of the UK Institute for
Family Business, as well as holding other related posts in the United Kingdom
and India.


6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-78125-548-3 USC

Marketing Plans
Outreach to business publications and
Advance reader copies
Co-op available

FLC F16 Profile 323-326.indd 323

4/5/16 9:37 AM

Profile Books
The Forgotten War That Shaped Modern Europe

Tom Buk-Swienty
The Battle of Dybbl, 1864. Prussian troops lay siege to an outpost in Schleswig,
in the far south of Denmark. Danish troops make a valiant attempt to hold out
but are overrun by the might of the Prussian onslaught. A seemingly minor footnote in Prussias and Bismarcks rise to continental supremacy, the conflict foreshadowed the forces that, fifty years later, would tear Europe apart.

5 x 7 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-78125-276-5 USC

The fast-paced history of the

forgotten Second Schleswig War
between Denmark and Germany that
laid the groundwork for WWI.

Tom Buk-Swienty is a Danish journalist and history writer. He has been the
US correspondent for several major Danish newspapers, and is a former fellow
at the Cullman Center of the New York Public Library.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Co-op available

The Railways
Nation, Network and People

Simon Bradley
Britains railways have been a vital part of national life for nearly two hundred
years. Transforming lives and landscapes, they have left their mark on everything from timekeeping to tourism. As a self-contained world governed by distinctive rules and traditions, the network also exerts a fascination all its own.
Simon Bradley is joint editor of the celebrated Pevsner Architectural Guides,
to which he has contributed a number of notable revised volumes. He started
trainspotting at age eleven, and his interest in railways has broadened and endured.
5 x 7 | 768 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-84668-213-1 USC

An extraordinary social history

of Britains rail networks and its people
that will appeal to railway enthusiasts
and commuters.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available

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Profile Books
Ideas in Profile

Danny Dorling and Carl Lee

In this incisive introduction to the subject, Danny Dorling and Carl Lee reveal
geography as a science which tackles all of the biggest issues that face us today,
from globalization to equality, from sustainability to population growth, from
climate change to changing technologya nd the complex interactions between
them all.
Danny Dorling joined the University of Oxford in 2013 to take up the Halford
Mackinder Professorship in Geography.
Carl Lee has taught geography for the past twenty years at the Sheffield College.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Co-op available

Ideas in Profile
5 x 7 | 175 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-78125-530-8 USC

A clear and accessible introduction to

geography by two experts in the topic;
part of the Ideas in Profile series.

Ideas in Profile

Catherine Belsey
At the heart of criticism lies one question: What do you think of it? Every time
we comment on an artifact, whether a poem, a play, a painting, a novel, or a
piano concerto, we are acting as critics, making our own judgements and interpretations. Among the most fundamental of human intellectual activities, criticism offers a starting point for many of our journeys toward understanding.
Catherine Belsey chaired the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory at Cardiff
University before moving to Swansea as research professor in English.
Ideas in Profile
5 x 7 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-1-78125-450-9 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available

The next addition to the

Ideas In Profile series: a snappy
but serious introduction to criticism.

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Profile Books
The Poetry of Angela Carter

Angela Carter
Essay by Rosemary Hill
Despite being one of the most influential of the post-w ar English writers,
Angela Carter remains little-k nown as a poet. In Unicorn, the critic and historian Rosemary Hill collects her published verse from 19631971. With imagery
at times startling in its violence and disconcerting in its presentation of sexuality, Unicorn provides compelling insight into the formation of a remarkable
4 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Cloth US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-78125-361-8 USC

A beautiful edition of Angela Carters

previously uncollected poetry.

Angela Carter was one of the foremost writers of the twentieth century. She
won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for her novel Nights at the Circus and
the Somerset Maugham Award.
Rosemary Hill is a writer and historian.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Co-op available

The Art of Understanding Art

A New Perspective

Hugh Moss
Illustrated by Peter Stuart
Argued with intelligence, panache, and wit, The Art of Understanding Art provides an entertaining read that will change the way you think about and look
at art, whether you are a collector, a connoisseur, an academic, a student, or, of
course, an artist. It is illustrated with intriguing skill, depth, and humor by Peter

5 x 7 | 184 pp
16 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-78125-611-4 USC

A refreshingly original and

thought-provoking new theory of art,
argued with intelligence, panache, and wit.

Hugh Moss ran a gallery specializing in Asian art in London before moving to
Hong Kong in the 1970s. He has worked closely with the worlds leading auction
houses for over fifty years.
Peter Suart is a writer, illustrator, musician, and theatrical performer.

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies Co-op available

FLC F16 Profile 323-326.indd 326

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Hidden Natures Frame Fantasia
Toc de Groc

After the success of Hidden Nature, the Toc de Groc design team offers a collection of frames and borders to color in. Inspired by natural patterns and organic
forms, a little kitten hides in each illustration. The patterns appear only on one
side of every high-quality page, which you can easily tear out. The book includes
a holder template.
Toc de Groc is a design studio created in 2001. This team of three women designers produces artwork for children of all ages and for teens. They design textiles, home and paper products, and more.


9 x 9 | 90 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-84-16504-44-2 USC

Toc de Grocs new coloring book, inspired

by natural patterns and organic forms,
is printed single-sided on the best paper.

The Resourceful Artist

Exploring Mixed Media and Collage Techniques

Victor Escandell
An exploratory, artistic activity guide based around the infinite possibilities and
techniques of collage and mixed media. Through ten different works produced
using a wide variety of procedures, the book analyzes the process of creation step
by step and offers a list of necessary tools, tips, ideas, and solutions for materials,
supports, and finishes. This is a book for art enthusiasts and design professionals
who love to experiment with new paths. A special section is devoted to reproduction techniques for finished works by creating small, domestic photographic sets
with easy-to-make special lighting effects.
Victor Escandell is a well-k nown book, journal, and publicity illustrator.


8 x 10 | 120 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $34.99
978-84-16504-62-6 USC

An exploratory and artistic activity

guide about the infinite possibilities and
techniques of mixed media: materials,
tools, supports, and finishes.

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Street Art Anthology
Magda Danysz

What is behind the tidal wave of street art that is sweeping through the cultural
scene today? What are its artistic features, its codes, and its language? How has
its production, which was originally exclusively centered in the urban space, invaded galleries, bringing with it real popularity for some artists? These are some
of the questions that Magda Danysz, a gallery owner and recognized expert on
street art, answers with an easily comprehensible and entertaining style in this
unique, richly illustrated anthology, which is interspersed with the portraits of
the big international names.
6 x 9 | 240 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $38.99
978-84-16504-45-9 USC

This richly illustrated reference work

on street art presents artists, trends,
techniques, practice settings, and current
debates around the subject.

Collage Therapy
Snipping Away Stress!

Rebeka Elizegi
This activity book combines fun and focus, entertainment, and mindfulness
using collage techniques. It includes a brief history of collage and practical tips
and ideas on how to cut and paste, draw and paint, and sew and stitch using paper
and everyday objects. A whole world to discover!
CRAFTS & HOBBIES / ART | January | 7 x 9 | 160 pp | Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $15.95 | CAN $20.99 | 978-84-16504-63-3 USC

BarcelonaAn Urban Sketchbook

French artist Lapin can be defined as a mobile illustrator who carries his sketchbook and his compact sketching gear to the street, to the bar, to the metro, and to
Tokyo or New York. Sometimes funny, sometimes elegant, always virtuosically
drawn, this annotated travel journal offers a portrait of his adopted home city,
TRAVEL / DESIGN | November | Sketching on Location | 8 x 5 | 120 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50 | 978-84-16504-12-1 USC

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Fashion Patternmaking Techniques
Haute couture [Vol. 1]
Antonio Donnanno
High fashion unquestionably goes hand-in-hand with sartorial and stylistic perfection. A driving force behind the entire fashion and garment industry, it represents the search for new solutions concerning fabrics, style, and patterns. In this
context, the patternmaker is an essential figure, bringing the stylists ideas into
reality. In our richly illustrated new volume of the Fashion Patternmaking series,
the prolific author Antonio Donnanno, the off spring of a tailor family, patternmaking teacher, and director of a fashion school network, describes in detail the
methods and techniques used in high-fashion patternmaking in an understandable and step-by-step way.


8 x 11 | 256 pp
B&W and color illlustrations
Trade Paper US $39.95 | CAN $51.99
978-84-16504-66-4 USC

High fashion is the driving force

behind the entire fashion and garment
industry. This book introduces its
patternmaking techniques.

Fashion Sketching
Templates, Poses and Ideas for Fashion Design

Claudia Ausonia Palazio

Foreword by Mario Boselli
Fashion Sketching aims to help emerging designers and fashion professionals cut
down the time required to produce a collection. It offers every type of silhouette and pose for women, men, and children, so that designers are able to produce
sketches that are faithful to the human figure, even if stylized.
DESIGN / CRAFTS & HOBBIES | September | 7 x 11 | 256 pp
Color and B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $29.95 | CAN $38.99 | 978-84-16504-10-7 USC

Pattern Euphoria
Wang Shaoqiang
Th is book includes patterns designed for textiles, stationery, interiors, and other
products that have been created by international designers and that are inspired
by plant and animal shapes, and geometric and abstract forms. In each chapter
an interview with designers specializing in the field introduces his or her design
philosophy and work process.
DESIGN | February | Graphic Design Elements | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-55-8 USC

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The Art of Folding
Vol. 2
New Trends, Techniques and Materials

Jean-Charles Trebbi, Guillaume Bounoure,

and Chlo Genevaux


8 x 9 | 176 pp
Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $39.95 | CAN $51.99
978-84-16504-64-0 USC

The Art of Folding presented a wide range of creators who are inspired by origami
and whose work with various materials draws on traditional techniques. Drawing
on examples from nature, this second volume focuses on folders know-how as
it applies to art, design, decoration, fashion, furniture and lightning, architecture, new folding techniques, and intelligent objects. In this volume architect
and origami expert Jean-Charles Trebbi cooperates with the architecture partners Guillaume Bounoure and Chlo Genevaux, who specialize in experimental applications of folding techniques with new materials. The book includes
ten folding templates.

Drawing on examples from nature,

this second volume focuses on
folders know-how applied to design,
decoration, and architecture.

Eco Design: Lamps

Second Edition

Ivy Liu and Jian Wong

Green products have become a key aspect of virtually all areas of our lives. This
book presents cutting-edge lighting and lamp designs by designers from all over
the world that through their use of recycling techniques, natural materials, and
new technologies are both exceptionally environmentally friendly and highly
DESIGN | November | 8 x 10 | 160 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $38.99 | 978-84-16504-59-6 USC*
Previous edition ISBN: 978-84-92810-91-8

Eco Design: Furniture

Second Edition

Ivy Liu and Jian Wong

Following the huge demand in contemporary societies to decorate homes in
a green style, this book offers a more environmentally conscious approach to
design and production processes. It presents a wide range of furniture products made with natural materials, as well as recycling and environmentally
respectful technologies.
DESIGN | November | 8 x 10 | 160 pp | Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $29.95 | CAN $38.99 | 978-84-16504-58-9 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-84-92810-84-0

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Color Codes. Branding & Identity
Wang Shaoqiang
Color has multiple functions that differ from those of other design elements such
as shape, texture, and formit is able to awaken multiple feelings and emotions
in audiences. Each of the international case studies included in this book demonstrates the importance of a thoughtful application of color.
DESIGN / ART | November | Graphic Design Elements | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-51-0 USC

Wang Shaoqiang
Typography is the art and technique of designing and arranging type to make
texts readable and appealing, and, therefore a fundamental area of graphic design. Typography gathers a selection of the most creative design projects from
all over the world ranging from branding, poster, and packaging design to space
DESIGN | September | Graphic Design Elements | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-48-0 USC

Wang Shaoqiang
Geometric shapes are widely used by graphic designers and applied to all the
fields of communication. The broad range of case studies featured in this book
displays how familiar shapes can be transformed and used to convey new concepts and trends in design.
DESIGN | January | Graphic Design Elements | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-54-1 USC

Wang Shaoqiang
The smaller the number of graphic elements, the stronger the impact of each element. From Mies van der Rohe to the Nordic and Japanese design schools, more
and more designers have applied minimalism in their works to infuse them with
a clear style, be it branding, editorial, communication, or packaging.
DESIGN | March | Graphic Design Elements | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-52-7 USC

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Optical Illusions
Wang Shaoqiang
The projects shown in this book create extraordinary effects that make us doubt
our perception and fall for their magic. Waves and mazes, overlapping images, the
stereoscopic vision tricks of graphic or space designsthe works showcased are
wonderful examples of what an optical illusion is and how it tickles our mind.
DESIGN | October | Graphic Design Elements | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-50-3 USC

Design for Screen

Wang Shaoqiang
A good screen layout addresses the relationship between fonts, colors, form and
graphics for visual effects, and the balance between the flow of information and
users experience. The over one hundred projects included explore how to produce functional and elegant websites and mobile applications, from the point of
view of graphic designers.
DESIGN / COMPUTERS | February | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-56-5 USC

Exhibition Art
Graphics and Space Design
Wang Shaoqiang
This book, meant for exhibition designers, graphic designers, curators, and event
organizers, collects over sixty of the worlds most creative exhibition designs, including fascinating space design solutions and sophisticated graphic design ideas.
The examples range from extraordinarily large events such as a Worlds Fair exposition to small one-a rtist solo shows.
DESIGN / ARCHITECTURE | September | 8 x 11 | 240 pp
Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Cloth US $59.95 | CAN $77.99 | 978-84-16504-49-7 USC

Graphic Design for Fashion

Fashion Exposed
First Trade Paper Edition

Wang Shaoqiang

This book presents the most outstanding and innovative international fashion
advertising campaigns. This is a graphic design field where creativity is at its
very best a business that invests large budgets in order to achieve the most impressive results and enchant potential customers.
DESIGN | January | 8 x 11 | 240 pp | Color photographs and illustrations
Trade Paper US $35.00 | CAN $45.50 | 978-84-16504-61-9 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-84-92810-77-2

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Prospect Park Books

Bertrand Court
Michelle Brafman

The secrets of a cast of politicos, filmmakers, realtors, diversity trainers,

and housewives intertwine in a suburban Washington, DC, cul-de-sac.

Bertrand Court is a captivating work of fiction, intertwining seventeen luminous

narratives about the secrets of a cast of politicos, filmmakers, and housewives,
all tied to a suburban Washington, DC, cul-de-sac. Linked through bloodlines
and grocery lines, they respond to lifes bruises by grabbing power, sex, or the
family silver. As they atone and forgive, they unmask the love and truth that hop
white picket fences.
Michelle Brafman is the author of the novel Washing the Dead, and she is also
a contributor the upcoming HarperCollins anthology Crush, joining a stellar
cast of writers that includes Carrie Fisher, Stephen King, and Roxane Gay. She
has received numerous awards for her fiction, which has appeared in the Pushcart
Anthology, Lilith, Fifth Wednesday Journal, the Minnesota Review, Blackbird, and
many other journals; her nonfiction pieces have been published in Slate, Tablet,
the Washington Post, and elsewhere. She has been chosen as a Visiting Scribe by
the Jewish Book Council and as a blogger for Lilith Magazine. Brafman teaches
fiction writing at the Johns Hopkins University MA in writing program and at
George Washington University. She lives in Glen Echo, Maryland.

5 x 8 | 264 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-80-0 W
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-938849-79-4 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans

Also Available

10,000-copy print run

Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Bookseller and library promotions: Baker &
Taylor, LibraryThing, Edelweiss, Goodreads
Promotion through:

Author Events
Washington, DC Baltimore, MD
New York City, NY Alexandria, VA
Milwaukee, WI
Washing the Dead
Michelle Brafman
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-938849-51-0 W
eBook available

FLC F16 Prospect Park 333-338.indd 333

Contributor Hometown: Glen Echo, MD

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Prospect Park Books

Heart Attack and Vine
Phoef Sutton

LA bodyguard Caleb Rush, a.k.a. Crush, is back to untangle a mess

involving his con-artist friend and Hollywood players.

Praise for Crush:

As slick as a switchblade with a pearl handle.L ee Child, New York Times best-
selling author
Los Angeles bodyguard/bouncer Caleb Rush (Crush) is back in this second
Crush novel. When Rachel Fury, a con-a rtist friend whod vanished for a couple
of years after a big scam, reappears in Hollywood under a new name as a glitzy
movie star, she hires Crush as a bodyguard, and he quickly gets drawn into a
criminal mess that requires all his brawn, skill, and savvy to negotiate. Its rich
with Hollywood lore, fast-paced action, and noir atmosphere.

5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-68-8 USC
Trade Cloth US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-1-938849-84-8 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies: SCIBA
National print and online campaign
National radio campaign
National advertising: Mystery Scene magazine
Social media campaign
Bookseller and library promotions: Baker &
Taylor, LibraryThing, Edelweiss, Goodreads
Events in Southern California
Promotion through:

Phoef Sutton is a novelist, television writer, and playwright whose work has
won two Emmys, a Peabody, a Writers Guild Award, a GLAAD Award, and a
Television Academy Honors Award. The first novel in the Crush series, titled
Crush, was a Kirkus Best Mystery of 2015 and a Los Angeles Times Summer
Reading Page-Turner. Sutton has been an executive producer of Cheers, a writer
and producer for such shows as Boston Legal and NewsRadio, a writer for Terriers,
and the creator of several TV shows, including the cult hit Thanks. He is also
the co-author, with Janet Evanovich, of Wicked Charms, a New York Times bestseller; a second in that series is coming in August. His other novels include the romantic thriller 15 Minutes to Live. Sutton lives in South Pasadena, California.

Also Available

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA
Contributor Hometown: South Pasadena, CA

FLC F16 Prospect Park 333-338.indd 334

Phoef Sutton
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.99
978-1-938849-36-7 W*
eBook available

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Prospect Park Books

A Narrow Bridge
J.J. Gesher

In an instant of brutal terrorism, Jacob Fisher loses

everyone he loves. Can he find his way back to life?

Shortly after Orthodox Jewish Brooklynite Jacob Fischer puts his young family
on a bus to visit relatives, the bus explodes in a stunning act of terrorism. His
faith shattered, Jacob flees the comforts of his community and disappears. He
lands up in a predominantly black town in rural Alabama, where he meets Rosie,
the single mother of a young son. Their developing relationship, along with the
rekindling of his love of music, precipitate events that will change both their
lives. This debut novel is a powerful page-t urner that follows a complex man on a
journey of salvation after tragedy.
J.J. Gesher is the pen name for co-authors Joyce Gittlin and Janet B. Fattal. To
gether, Gittlin and Fattal have won several prestigious screenwriting awards, including the Geller Prize and the Screenwriting Award at the Austin Film Festival.
Their first screenwriting collaboration, A Twist of Faith, starring Toni Braxton,
was a Lifetime television feature movie. The co-authors both live in Los Angeles,
Joyce Gittlin has written and directed such television shows as Wings, Frasier,
and Everybody Loves Raymond and has written more than ten feature films for
Disney, Paramount, and 20th Century Fox. She has an MFA from NYU.
Janet B. Fattal has a masters in comparative literature from UCLA and has
taught literature and writing at the college level. The editor of several memoirs,
Fattal leads many Los Angelesarea book groups, including groups for the Skirball
Cultural Center, Hadassah, and the Brandeis alumni association.

5 x 8 | 296 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-82-4 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA, SCIBA
National TV and radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Bookseller and library promotions: Baker &
Taylor, LibraryThing, Edelweiss, Goodreads
Promotion through:

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA Palo Alto, CA
Fairfield/Bridgeport, CT Washington, DC
Boston, MA New York, NY
Contributors Hometown: Los Angeles

FLC F16 Prospect Park 333-338.indd 335

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Prospect Park Books

Talk Like a Californian
A Hella Fresh Guide to Golden State Speak

Helena Ventura

A sick dictionary of legit Californian lingo: tech talk to surf speak,

NorCal to SoCal, and studio slang to foodie jargon.

Dude, are you pumped to hack California-speak so you dont sound like a buster?
This sweet guide will get you talking fresh, whether youre in the 626 or the Yay
Area, whether youre below the line or in the pocket, or whether youre on fleek
or on hiatus. Swoop this epic read, take the 5 to the 405 to the 73, and youll be
a legit Californian.
To translate, this vibrantly designed, modestly priced pocket guide to
California slang will help residents and visitors alike feel at home wherever they
go in the Golden State, from the beach to a food truck and from a Hollywood
soundstage to a Silicon Valley cocktail party.
Helena Ventura is the pen name for a California writer of mystery and lore.
Speaking for her will be the books editor Colleen Dunn Bates, publisher of
Prospect Park Books and a sixth-generation Californian.
4 x 6 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.99
978-1-938849-85-5 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Radio campaign
Online campaign

FLC F16 Prospect Park 333-338.indd 336

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Prospect Park Books

Pardon the Ravens
First Trade Paper Edition

Alan Hruska
Vividly real and quite compelling . . . fans of legal-thriller stars like John
Grisham, John Lescroart, William Lashner, and especially Scott Turow will
want to add this fine novel to their must-read lists.Library Journal
This paperback edition of the fast-paced legal thriller set in the Mad Men era
grabs you and doesnt let go. Gifted young New York lawyer Alec Brno gets the
career boost of a lifetime: the opportunity to try a huge fraud case making international headlines. But he risks it all when he falls for an alluring young woman
whose estranged husband is a sadistic Mafia dona nd the criminal mastermind behind Alecs case.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
National advertising: The New York Times, Shelf Awareness
Outreach to mystery publications and websites National radio campaign
National print and online campaign Giveaways

Author Events
New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

5 x 8 | 360 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-88-6 USC
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-938849-40-4

The fast-paced tale of a budding lawyer

who falls in love with his lead witness
in a high-profile case.

Color Pasadena
Ali Zigerelli

Featuring charming illustrations, quality paper, and perforated pages, this

adult coloring book has thirty-eight full-page images of Pasadena. Users can
add their own artistic details to everything from the iconic city hall and the famous Rose Parade and Rose Bowl to such beloved local landmarks as Vromans
Bookstore, the Del Mar jacarandas, Huntington Library, Old Town, Arlington
Garden, the Norton Simon, a bungalow court, Caltech, and the citys best food.
As appealing to residents as it is to Rose Parade visitors (the perfect activity
while camped out for the parade!), Color Pasadena will inspire Pasadena lovers of all ages.

Author Events
Pasadena, CA
Contributor Hometown: Pasadena, CA


8 x 10 | 80 pp
Coloring Book US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-938849-87-9 W

An adult coloring book rich with Pasadena

beauty: architecture, roses, art, parades,
food, gardens, landmarks, and more.

FLC F16 Prospect Park 333-338.indd 337

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Selected Backlist from Prospect Park Books

Little Flower Baking

Christine Moore
and Cecilia Leung

Photographs by Staci Valentine

8 x 10 | 288 pp
150 color photographs
Trade Cloth US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-1-938849-60-2 USC
eBook available

Mark Twains Guide to Diet,

Exercise, Beauty, Fashion,
Investment, Romance,
Health and Happiness
Edited by Mark Dawidziak

5 x 7 | 208 pp
25 B&W illustrations
Trade Cloth US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-45-9 W*

Youre the Best

A Celebration of Friendship
Satellite Sisters
6 x 6 | 160 pp
Trade Cloth US $19.95 | CAN $24.99
978-1-938849-58-9 USC
eBook available

eBook available

This Side of Providence

Rachel M. Harper

5 x 8 | 396 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-76-3 W
eBook available

Plus One

First Trade Paper Edition

Christopher Noxon
5 x 8 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-938849-72-5 USC

Marry, Kiss, Kill

Anne Flett-Giordano
5 x 8 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.99
978-1-938849-49-7 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Prospect Park 333-338.indd 338

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Redleaf Press
Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play
Teaching with the Body in Mind

Mike Huber

The step-by-step guidance and encouragement teachers need

to support big body movement in the early childhood classroom.

Physical play is vital to young childrens development. This practical, hands-on

resource encourages you to incorporate boisterous physical play into every day
and offers concrete advice on how to create spaces for safe play, how to effectively
work big body movement into childrens daily schedules, and how to use physical
play to make teaching practice more dynamic and effective.
Learn about the importance of big body play for social and emotional
development throughout life
Discover how to communicate about safe and intentional rough and
tumble play with children and families
Incorporate big body play into all areas of the child care program while
maintaining boundaries and teaching self-regulation
Use the family companion (sold separately) to educate families on the
importance of rough-and-tumble play for all children
Mike Huber, MAEd, has been an early childhood teacher since 1992 and currently teaches at Seward Child Care Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He
has also worked as a trainer and consultant for the Minnesota Department of
Education, the Child Care Resource and Referral Network, and MnAEYC.
Huber has authored six picture books including The Amazing Erik, winner of
the 2015 Learning magazine Teachers Choice Award. He presents nationally
on the topic of rough-and-tumble play.

8 x 10 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $39.95
978-1-60554-468-7 US

Marketing Plans
12,500-copy print run
Outreach to early childhood professional
organizations, publications, and websites
Social media campaign
Book trailer

Also Available

Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play Family Companion

Mike Huber
Pamphlet US $24.95
978-1-60554-534-9 US

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 339

Contributor Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Redleaf Press
The Language of Art
Inquiry-Based Studio Practices in Early Childhood Settings
Second Edition

Ann Pelo
Make art a way of thinking and communicating
throughout the classroom and give expressive language
to childrens observations and experiences.

Typical art resources for teachers offer discrete art activities, but these dont
carry children or teachers into the practice of using the languages of art. This
resource offers guidance for teachers to create space, time, and intentional processes for childrens exploration and learning to use art for asking questions,
offering insights, exploring hypotheses, and examining experiences from un
familiar perspectives.
Inspired by an approach to teaching and learning born in Reggio Emilia, Italy,
The Language of Art, Second Edition includes:

8 x 10 | 288 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $39.95
978-1-60554-457-1 US
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-929610-99-0

Marketing Plans
20,000-copy print run
Outreach to early childhood professional
organizations, publications, and websites
Social media campaign

A new art exploration for teachers to gain experience before implementing

the practice with children
Advice on setting up a studio space for art and inquiry
Suggestions on documenting childrens developing fluency with art media
and its use in inquiry
Inspiring photographs and ideas to show you how inquiry-based practices
can work in any early childhood setting
Ann Pelo is a teacher, educator, program consultant, and author whose primary work focuses on reflective pedagogical practice, social justice ecological
teaching and learning, and the art of mentoring. Currently, Pelo consults early
childhood educators and administrators in North America, Australia, and New
Zealand on inquiry-based teaching and learning, pedagogical leadership, and
the necessary place of ecological identity in childrensa nd adultsl ives. She
is the author of several books, including the first edition of The Language of Art
and is the co-author of Rethinking Early Childhood Education.

Contributor Hometown: Montesano, WA

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 340

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Redleaf Press
Im OK! Building Resilience
through Physical Play
Jarrod Green
Build resilience in young children with practical approaches
to active play, physical risk-taking, and safety.

Children must learn to pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and bounce
back. How do you allow for the physicality required to build resilience while you
are tasked with childrens safety? This guide provides the tools and strategies for
creating a culture of resilience, including families in the process, and keeping
safety front-of-m ind.
Examine common safety concerns and how to address and prepare
for them
Learn how to work with families and build a trusting relationship around
childrens physical development
Consider legal concerns regarding licensing and liability
Discover practical approaches to working with children to find their
appropriate level of physical risk-taking and how to respond to a childs
risky behavior
Jarrod Green is an early childhood educator with over a decade of experience.
His teaching practice centers around an emergent, project-based approach to
curriculum, with an emphasis on learning through play, developing relationships with communities, and building self-regulation and resilience. Green
also presents at many professional conferences, including NAEYCs Professional
Development Institute.


8 x 10 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-1-60554-451-9 US

Marketing Plans
Outreach to early childhood professional
organizations, publications, and websites
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 341

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Redleaf Press
Dribble Drabble
Process Art Experiences for Young Children

Deya Brashears Hill

A collection of 145 high-quality, classroom-tested, hands-on,

and process-oriented art activities for learning and fun.

Creative art should offer children the opportunities for originality, creativity,
fluency, flexibility, and sensitivity. Remember, there is no right or wrong way of
doing things in art. This collection of activities focuses on the process and not
the finished product, to allow for growth and fun. All activities are easily adaptable for children from age two to eight.
The 145 process-oriented art activities cover a wide range of media including painting, crayons, collage and sculpture, chalk, and printing. Activities are
easy to prepare, set up, and develop into project-approach explorations building
on young childrens interests and inquiries. These hands-on projects have been
classroom-tested to ensure they keep learning fun and engaging.
8 x 10 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-60554-528-8 US

Deya Brashears Hill originally self-published Dribble Drabble in 1973 and it

has been in publication continuously since then. She is currently the Director of
the Orinda Preschool and an adjunct professor for various Bay Area colleges.
Hill travels nationally to conduct workshops and seminars for early childhood
professionals. Her areas of expertise are brain development, curriculum, and
diversity in early childhood education. While in graduate school, she wrote
scripts for Sesame Street during its formative years.

Marketing Plans
Outreach to early childhood professional
organizations, publications, and websites
Social media campaign
Contributors Hometowns: Rochester, NY /
Orinda, CA

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 342

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Redleaf Press
Practical Solutions to
Practically Every Problem
The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
25th Anniversary Edition

Steffen Saifer
Save time and energy with over 800 solutions to
200 common problems faced by early childhood teachers.

An encyclopedic how-to guide for the universal early childhood program

Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem attempts to provide solutions
to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachersbefore teachers encounter them. This classic resource has been updated to focus on current
issues faced by educators, including teaching twenty-fi rst century life skills,
technology, and cultural responsiveness. This easy-to-use guide gives you quick
and practical help, now!
Educators will save time and energy with over eight hundred solutions to
two hundred problems, including:
Daily dilemmas and classroom issues
Partnering with families to raise happy children
Dealing with problematic behaviors from co-workers
Learning to take care of yourself to prevent burn-out
Steffen Saifer, EdD, a former early childhood teacher and Head Start director
and trainer, is currently an international consultant and writer based in Spain.
He has worked on projects for the Open Society Foundation, The World Bank,
and UNICEF in many countries including Bangladesh, Russia, and Zimbabwe.
Dr. Saifer works with programs on culturally responsive curriculum development and implementation and with universities to develop graduate programs
for ECD teachers, administrators, and leaders. When in the United States,
Saifer resides in Portland, Oregon.

8 x 10 | 312 pp
Trade Paper US $34.95
978-1-60554-512-7 US
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-92961-031-0

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Outreach to early childhood professional
organizations, publications, and websites
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Portland, OR

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 343

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Redleaf Press
Creative Block Play
A Comprehensive Guide to Learning through Building

Rosanne Regan Hansel

Creative Block Play covers everything you need to encourage a childs development in a variety of domains through block play. This book is full of photographs
that illustrate block play in real classrooms and stories from teachers who have
successfully used block play to encourage childrens development in fun and
engaging ways.

8 x 10 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $39.95
978-1-60554-445-8 US

Open a whole world of possibilities for

learning through block exploration with
ideas and strategies for teachers.

Rosanne Regan Hansel has been both a teacher and administrator for a variety of early childhood programs and currently serves as Education Program
Development Specialist for the Department of Education. Ms. Hansel received
her MSEd in Early Childhood Leadership from Bank Street College of Education.

Contributor Hometown: New Hope, PA

An Anti-Bias Guide to Including Holidays
in Early Childhood Programs
Second Edition

Julie Bisson
Foreword by Louise Derman-Sparks

8 x 10 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-1-60554-453-3 US
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-88483-432-5

A hands-on guide to celebrating holidays

in your early learning program in culturally
responsive, respectful, and inclusive ways.

Updated information and unbiased, developmentally appropriate strategies and

activities to celebrate, rather than exclude, diversity, traditions, and holidays.
Many programs are establishing a no holiday policy, but this book shows you
how to celebrate and adhere to school policy. Among other topics, it includes
evaluating holiday activities for appropriateness, addressing commercialism
and stereot ypes, involving families, and developing inclusive policies.
Julie Bisson provides training on subjects ranging from culturally relevant and
anti-bias curriculum to holiday curriculum.
Louise Derman-Sparks has worked for over fifty years on issues of diversity,
social justice, and activism in early childhood.

Contributor Hometown: Seattle, WA

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 344

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Redleaf Press
Caring for Young Children
with Special Needs
Cindy Croft
This easy-to-u se guide gives you a quick overview on many topics related to
working with young children with special needs. Learn about inclusion in early
childhood programs and disability law, as well as typical vs. atypical development. The quick guide also covers several specific disabilities/special needs
and provides definitions, common characteristics, and practical strategies for
Cindy Croft is the director of the Center for Inclusive Child Care at Concordia
University and on faculty for several university education programs. She has
her MA in Education and has worked in the field of early childhood for over
twenty years.

Contributor Hometown: Edina, MN

Redleaf Quick Guides
8 x 10 | 88 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-60554-504-2 US

Learn to identify and accommodate

children with special needs using
practical and realistic strategies.

Team Teaching in Early Childhood

Leadership Tools for Reflective Practice

Uniit Carruyo
Discover how to support high-functioning and collaborative teacher teams in
early childhood programs by developing healthy and confident team leaders.
This manual covers topics of dynamic team teaching including: how to create
unified teams, how to become teacher leaders, how to give and receive feedback,
and how to build and assess differentiated curriculum.
Uniit Carruyo has been an early childhood educator for more than twenty
years and is currently the program director at Ithaca Montessori School in
Ithaca, New York. Carruyo received her MS Ed in Leadership from Bank Street
College of Education.

Contributor Hometown: Ithaca, NY

8 x 10 | 152 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95
978-1-60554-488-5 US

The leadership manual for team

teaching that offers concrete tools
for compassionate communication,
self-reflection, collaboration, meeting
protocols, and feedback strategies.

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 345

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Redleaf Press
Look & Cook for Child Care Centers
Partners in Nutrition, the Chef Marshall OBrien Group

Make meal preparation in your child care center easy and fun. Includes step-by-
step instructions and photographs for 160 recipes that all fit the USDAs Child
and Adult Food Program guidelines, a four-week cycle menu for lunch, a two-
week cycle menu for breakfast and snacks, plus a seasonal menu.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / COOKING | September | 8 x 10 | 150 pp | Color photographs
Trade Paper US $29.95 | 978-0-9966293-2-4 US

Look & Cook for

Family Child Care Homes
Partners in Nutrition, the Chef Marshall OBrien Group
Make meal preparation in your family child care setting easy and fun. Includes step-by-s tep instructions and photographs for 160 recipes that all fit
the CACFP guidelines, a seasonal menu, including a four-week cycle menu for
lunch, plus a two-week cycle menu for breakfast and snacks.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / COOKING | September | 8 x 10 | 150 pp | Color photographs
Trade Paper US $29.95 | 978-0-9966293-1-7 US

Family Child Care 2016 Tax Workbook

and Organizer
Tom Copeland
Thousands of family child care providers save time and money using the Workbook
and Organizer. Full of tips to help you save money, information on new tax laws,
and tools to take the guesswork out of doing your taxes. The most comprehensive
tax resource available for family child care providers.
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-60554-511-0 US

Family Child Care 2016 Tax Companion

Tom Copeland

There are many unique tax rules that affect your family child care business.
This workbook is a comprehensive tool that will help your tax preparer understand your business and ensure that they are claiming all allowable deductions
on your behalf.
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-60554-510-3 US

FLC F16 Redleaf 339-346.indd 346

4/5/16 9:36 AM

Saqi Books
Koorosh Shishegaran
Life and Work

Edited by Hamid Keshmirshekan

The first monograph on one of the leading lights

of the contemporary Iranian art movement.

Born in Qazvin, Iran, in 1944, Koorosh Shishegaran is considered one of the

most expressive and emotive artists of the contemporary Iranian art movement. He received a BFA in Interior Design at the University of Tehran and has
since participated widely in solo and group exhibitions in the region and internationally. Best known for his political posters and abstract linear oil paintings,
Shishegarans work testifies to a wide array of experiments on different media
and a range of approaches.
With essays and contributions from leading experts in the field and featuring
over three hundred plates, this collection will bring together the life and work
of Shishegaran for the first time, highlighting the artists progressive approach,
which merges Persian traditional and Western modern art.
Hamid Keshmirshekan is a research associate at the LMEI and associate professor in the History of Art Department at the Advanced Research Institute for
Art (ARIA), Iranian Academy of the Arts. He is editor-in-chief of the bilingual
(EnglishPersian) quarterly Art Tomorrow and was previously academic fellow
in the History of Art Department at Oxford University. His publications include
Contemporary Iranian Art: New Perspectives and Contemporary Art from the Middle
East: Regional Interactions with Global Art Discourses.

9 x 11 | 312 pp
300 color illustrations
Trade Cloth US $69.95 | CAN $90.99
978-0-86356-198-6 USC

FLC F16 Saqi 347-348.indd 347

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Selected Backlist from Saqi Books

Sufism and Surrealism


5 x 8 | 248 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-0-86356-189-4 USC

Syria Speaks

Art and Culture from the Frontline

Edited by Malu Halasa,
Zaher Omareen &
Nawara Mahfoud
5 x 8 | 328 pp
104 color illustrations, B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.99
978-0-86356-787-2 USC

Desert Songs of the Night

1500 Years of Arabic Literature
Edited by Suheil Bushrui
and James M. Malarkey

Enemy on the Euphrates

The Battle for Iraq, 19141921

Ian Rutledge


5 x 7 | 480 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $23.50
978-0-86356-175-7 USC

5 x 7 | 512 pp
15 B&W photographs, 7 maps
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $23.50
978-0-86356-170-2 USC

Why Yemen Matters

Return to the Shadows

6 x 9 | 384 pp
Trade Paper US $34.95 | CAN $38.50
978-0-86356-777-3 USC

5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Cloth US $26.95 | CAN $34.99
978-0-86356-144-3 USC

A Society in Transition
Edited by Helen Lackner

The Rise and Fall of the

Muslim Brotherhood
Alison Pargeter

FLC F16 Saqi 347-348.indd 348

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Sarabande Books
The Brand New Catastrophe
Mike Scalise

Raucous family memoir meets medical adventure in a heartfelt,

hilarious book that explores the public and private theaters of illness.

Winner of the Center for Fictions Doheny Prize

Mike Scalises bold debut is a page-turner of a memoir featuring a sudden and
strange sequence of medical disasters. From its gripping ruptured-brain-t umor
emergency room opening, through a series of medical procedures and oddball
doctors, Scalise creates a sharply observed, uproariously funny, and deeply
moving account of acromegaly, the hormone disorder best known for causing
gigantism. Scalise weaves in meticulous research, social history, and vignettes
about Andre the Giant and a variety of Hollywood acromegalic villains. He
creates a narrative that is informative without feeling pedantic, demonstrating
how he has marshaled the narrative of his life so that he can control it rather
than being controlled by it.
Although his medical story is the primary subject, the emotional engine driving the book is that of his relationship with his mother, a longtime sufferer in her
own right, with a chronic cardiac condition likely exacerbated by her penchant
for chain smoking and late-n ight white wine binges. Sharp-tongued, frustrating, and very funny, Scalises motheroften positioned as his competitor for the
status of best sick personw inds up being the books unlikely hero.
Mike Scalises work has appeared in Agni, Indiewire, the Paris Review, Wall Street
Journal, and other places. He has received fellowships and scholarships from
Bread Loaf, Yaddo, the Ucross Foundation, and was the Philip Roth Writer in
Residence at Bucknell University. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.


5 x 7 | 260 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941411-33-9 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Outreach to medical, wrestling, and Pittsburgh
interest organizations
Social media campaign
8-city author tour
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing,
IndieBound Advance Access Program

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Washington, DC
Boston, MA Baltimore, MD New York, NY
Pittsburgh, PA Lewisburg, PA Sewannee, TN
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

FLC F16 Sarabande 349-352.indd 349

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Sarabande Books
In Full Velvet
Jenny Johnson
Formally rigorous, imaginatively daring, and with deep feeling, Jenny Johnsons
poems moves seamlessly between playful whimsy and probing observation. Her
work is sensualinvoking bodies in love and lust and playat the same time as
it evokes the senses to explore desire, difference, ecology, the queerness of the
natural world, loss, and lineage. Johnson immerses her speakers voice and body
fully within her surrounding environment, blurring the boundaries between
the human body and the natural world, animating the outside world with the
energy of her attention.
Jenny Johnson is a recipient of the 2015 Whiting Writers Award and the
201617 Hodder Fellowship at Princeton.
5 x 7 | 72 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941411-37-7 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National radio campaign
National print and online campaign
Outreach to LGBTQ and feminist interest organizations Social media campaign
Partnered events with Whiting Foundation Promotion through:

Author Events
These sensuous poems explore love,
desire, ecology, queerness in the
natural world, loss, and LGBTQ
lineage and community.

Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC Chicago, IL Boston, MA

Asheville, NC Chapel Hill, NC Exeter, NH New York, NY Princeton, NJ
Corvallis, OR Pittsburgh, PA Philadelphia, PA Columbia SC Charlottesville, VA
Contributor Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

The Heronry
Mark Jarman

In The Heronry, acclaimed poet Mark Jarman explores spiritual engagement with
the natural world through lyric portraiture and meditation. Though at surface
level the poems seem to offer a lucid openness, there is nothing simple about the
moral, theological, and philosophical complexities they engage. With deft use
of storytelling and formal structure, Jarmans latest addition continues and enlarges the themes that have marked his distinguished body of work.

5 x 8 | 88 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-941411-35-3 USC

In The Heronry, acclaimed poet

Mark Jarman explores spiritual
engagement with the natural world
through lyric portraiture and meditation.

Mark Jarman is the author of ten poetry collections. He lives in Nashville,


Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Online advertising campaign
Contributor Hometown: Nashville, TN

FLC F16 Sarabande 349-352.indd 350

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Sarabande Books
Animals Strike Curious Poses
Elena Passarello

With exuberant wit, Elena Passarello casts her gaze on famous historical
animals, crafting an essay collection organized as medieval bestiary.

Elena Passarellos unique and probing intelligence is on display in this captivating

collection of essays, which spotlight famous animals across a history of forty-two
millennia. The book begins with Yuka, a mummified woolly mammoth recently
found in the Siberian permafrost, and moves on to Pleistocene cave paintings, a
crocodile named Osama, war pigeons, a red jungle rooster, a great mountain rescue dog, and de-extincted ibexes.
In a mesmerizing essay about Arabella, the cross spider that spun a web on
Skylab and became the first American female in space, Passarello weaves the reali
ties of the first US space stationNASA jargon, CAPCOM transcripts, and aerodynamic proceduresinto the quieter but no less complex narrative of arachnid
web creation. Employing a wide range of formal and aesthetic modes, Passarello
offers an enthralling follow-up to her award-winning first collection, Let Me Clear
My Throat.
Elena Passarello is an actor, a writer, and recipient of a 2015 Whiting Writers
Award in nonfiction. Her first collection with Sarabande Books, Let Me Clear
My Throat, won the gold medal for nonfiction at the 2013 Independent Publisher
Awards. She lives in Corvallis, Oregon.


5 x 7 | 200 pp
Paper over Board US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-941411-39-1 USC

Marketing Plans

Also Available

Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National advertising: National Geographic,
National print and online campaign
Outreach to animal lovers and zoos
Social media campaign
7-city national tour, partnered events with
Whiting Foundation
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing,
IndieBound Advance Access Program

Author Events

Let Me Clear My Throat

Elena Passarello
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-936747-45-0 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Sarabande 349-352.indd 351

Los Angeles, CA Iowa City, IA New York, NY

Portland, OR Pittsburgh, PA Austin, TX
Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Corvallis, OR

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Sarabande Books
Him, Me, Muhammad Ali
Randa Jarrar

With acerbic wit and tenderness, these otherworldly stories capture the
lives of Arab women across myriad geographies and circumstances.

Randa Jarrars stories grapple with love, loss, displacement, and survival in a
collection that moves seamlessly between realism and fable, history and the
present. How Can I Be of Use to You explores a complicated relationship
between a distinguished Egyptian feminist and her young intern. Zelda the
Halfie dips into magical realism as it follows a breed of half ibexes/half humans
and their various tribulations. With humor, irony, and boundless imagination,
Jarrar brings to life a memorable cast of characters, many of them accidental
transientsa term for migratory birds who have gone astrayseeking their
circuitous routes back home.


5 x 8 | 216 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-941411-31-5 USC

Randa Jarrar is the author of a highly successful novel, A Map of Home, which
received an Arab-A merican Book Award and was named one of the best novels
of 2008 by the Barnes & Noble Review. She grew up in Kuwait and Egypt, and
moved to the United States after the first Gulf War. Her work has appeared
in the New York Times Magazine, the Utne Reader,, Guernica, the
Rumpus, the Oxford American, Ploughshares, and more. She blogs for Salon, and
lives in California.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Excerpts in: Literary Hub, Salon
National print and online campaign
Outreach to Arab-American groups
Social media campaign
East and West coast regional tour
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Fresno, CA

FLC F16 Sarabande 349-352.indd 352

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Secret Acres
The Order of Things

Reid Psaltis

Reid Psaltis disturbs The Order of Things: a truly subversive animal

encyclopedia, with breathtaking paintings and dinosaur bone-dry humor.

A field guide to spotting and identifying mystery fauna, this fancifully illustrated work illuminates a menagerie of creatures, from the possibly extinct Ivory-
Billed Woodpecker to the impossibly ubiquitous Jackalope.Nicholas Mott,
National Geographic
The Order of Things, from rising star Reid Psaltis, is a subversive spin on the medie
val bestiaries and animal encyclopedias that have fired the imaginations of children for centuries. Take a trip back in time through the natural world, but dont
let those breathtaking paintings distract you from The Order of Things. Psaltiss
humor is as dry as those dinosaur bones.
Reid Psaltis majored in oil painting at Western Washington University and completed the science illustration graduate program at California State University,
Monterey Bay. He interned in the Exhibitions Department at the American
Museum of Natural History in New York, participating in the creation of the
museums world-famous dioramas.
His work as an illustrator has been featured online at the Rumpus and in print in
Science Notes, Scout Books Good Ink series, and in Dan Bernes novel the Gods of
Second Chances. His comics have appeared online and in eBooks from Top Shelf
2.0, Study Group Comics, Trip City, and Alternative Comics.
The Order of Things is Psaltiss first book in print.


6 x 9 | 64 pp
Color illustrations
Trade Paper US $12.95 | CAN $16.99
978-0-9962739-4-7 W

Author Events
Washington, DC Bethesda, MD Brooklyn, NY
New York, NY Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Portland, OR

FLC F16 Secret Acres 353-354.indd 353

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Secret Acres
The Pterodactyl Hunters
in the Gilded City
Brendan Leach
The award-winning Pterodactyl Hunters finds family drama in a 1904
New York where hot air balloonists defend their city from pterodactyls.

Action (and angst) in the great pulp tradition, delivered with a sure hand and a
dancing line. Keep your eye on this cartoonist!Mark Newgarden, author of
We All Die Alone and Bow-Wow Bugs a Bug
Brendan Leachs The Pterodactyl Hunters in the Gilded City, a Best American Comics
selection and winner of the Xeric Award and Ignatz Award for Outstanding
Comic, is a story of sibling rivalry and family tradition in a rapidly changing
world: a version of 1904 New York where generations of working-class hot air
balloonists take to the skies each night to defend their city from pterodactyls.


10 x 13 | 44 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-0-9962739-3-0 W*

Brendan Leach is an Ignatz- and Xeric Awardwinning cartoonist and illustrator. He is the author of the graphic novel Iron Bound, one of Print Magazines
best books of 2013. Leachs illustrations have appeared in print in the New York
Times, Time Out New York, Time Out New York Kids, and the L Magazine; online
for Moleskine and Xbox; and on ESPNs Sportscenter. His work has been recognized by 33 magazine and the Society of Illustrators.

Author Events
Washington, DC Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD
Brooklyn, NY New York, NY Toronto, ON
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Also Available

FLC F16 Secret Acres 353-354.indd 354

Iron Bound
Brendan Leach
Trade Paper US $21.95 | CAN $23.99
978-0-9888149-2-9 W

4/5/16 9:35 AM

Small Beer Press

Words Are My Matter
Writings About Life and Books, 20002015,
with a Journal of a Writers Week

Ursula K. Le Guin
A bright and wide-ranging collection of essays, reviews, talks, and more
from one of our best and most thoughtful writers.

Praise for Ursula K. Le Guin:

I read her nonstop growing up and read her still. What makes her so extraordinary for me is that her commitment to the consequences of our actions, of our
all too human frailties, is unflinching and almost without precedent for a writer
of such human optimism.Junot Diaz
A lot of her work is about telling stories, and what it means to tell stories, and what
stories look like. Shes been extremely influential on me in that area of what I, as
a beginning writer, thought a story must look like, and the much more expansive
view I have now of what a story can be and can do.K aren Joy Fowler
She was and remains a central figure for me.M ichael Chabon
Ursula K. Le Guin is one of our foremost public literary intellectuals and this collection of her recent talks, essays, introductions, and book reviews is the best manual we have for traveling the worlds explored in recent fiction; the most useful
guide to the country were visiting, life.
Ursula K. Le Guin was born in Berkeley, California, in 1929. Among her honors are the National Book Foundations Medal for Distinguished Contribution
to American Letters, a National Book Award, the Hugo, Nebula, and Kafka
awards, a Pushcart Prize, and the Harold D. Vursell Memorial Award from the
American Academy of Arts and Letters. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

6 x 9 | 352 pp
Trade Cloth US $24.00 | CAN $30.99
978-1-61873-134-0 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
20,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies: AWP, PNBA
National advertising
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Portland, OR

FLC F16 Small Beer 355-358.indd 355

4/5/16 9:34 AM

Small Beer Press

The Chemical Wedding
by Christian Rosencreutz: A Romance in Eight Days
by Johann Valentin Andreae in a New Version

John Crowley
Illustrated by Theo Fadel
A new edition celebrating the four hundredth anniversary of one of the
most outlandish stories in Western literature. With new illustrations.

Praise for John Crowley:

Like a magus, John Crowley shares his secrets generously, allowing us to believe that his book is revealing the true and glorious nature of the world and the
readers own place within it.Village Voice
[Crowley] transforms the lead of daily life into seriously dazzling artistic gold.
Often described as an alchemical allegory, John Crowley instead decided this is
the first science fiction novel. After all its fiction; its about the possibilities of a
science; and its a novel. No matter what else it might be, its definitely one of the
great outlandish stories in Western literature. With eight appropriately weird and
fascinating black and white woodcuts by Theo Fadel.
6 x 9 | 224 pp
8 B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61873-108-1 USCO
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies: ALA, AWP
Excerpt on
National advertising
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing

John Crowley was born in Presque Isle, Maine, in 1942. He moved to New York
City after college in Indiana to make movies, and did find work in documentary
films, an occupation he still pursues. He has published many novels including the
Ae-g ypt quartet and Little, Big. He teaches creative writing at Yale University.
In 1992 he received the Award in Literature from the American Academy and
Institute of Arts and Letters. He finds it more gratifying that almost all his work
is still in print.
Theo Fadel has a BA in Archeology (Bryn Mawr) and a Master of Architecture
from Columbia University. Currently her studio is in Easthampton, and shes
been in Massachusetts less than a hundred years. This is the first book she has
Also Available

Endless Things
A Part of gypt
John Crowley
Trade Cloth US $24.00 | CAN $29.00
978-1-931520-22-5 W

FLC F16 Small Beer 355-358.indd 356

eBook available

4/5/16 9:34 AM

Small Beer Press

Best Worst American

Juan Martinez

Imaginary countries. Real countries. The best and worst

of both in short, cutting, refreshing stories.

Praise for Juan Martinez:

A little out of the ordinary. . . . He takes this very unnatural environment and
changes it into a landscape.Hannah Tinti
I loved it.Etgar Keret
These are the best Americans, the worst Americans. In these stories (these
cities, these people) there are labyrinths, rivers, wildernesses. Voices sound
slightly different than expected. Theres humor, but its going to hurt. In On
Paradise, a petshop manager flies with his cat to Las Vegas to meet his long-
lost mother and grandmother, only to find that the women look exactly like
they did forty years before. In The Spooky Japanese Girl is There For You, the
spooky Japanese girl (a ghost) is there for you, then she is not. These refreshing and invigorating stories of displacement, exile, and identity, of men who
find themselves confused by the presence or absence of extraordinary women,
jump up, demand to be read, and send the reader back to the earth changed:
reminded from these short stories how big the world is.
Juan Martinez was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and has lived in Orlando,
Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada. He now lives in Chicago with his wife, the
writer Sarah Kokernot, and their son and two cats. Hes an assistant professor at Northwestern University. His work and has appeared in Glimmer Train,
McSweeneys, Ecotone, Huizache, TriQuarterly, Conjunctions, the Cossack Review,
the Santa Monica Review, National Public Radios Selected Shorts, Nortons Sudden
Fiction Latino, and elsewhere.

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61873-124-1 USCO
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies: Heartland Fall Forum
National advertising
Social media campaign
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing

Author Events
Washington, DC Chicago, IL New York, NY

FLC F16 Small Beer 355-358.indd 357

4/5/16 9:34 AM

Selected Backlist from Small Beer Press

The Winged Histories

The Liminal War

5 x 8 | 300 pp
Trade Cloth US $24.00 | CAN $30.99
978-1-61873-114-2 W

5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-61873-101-2 W

eBook available

eBook available

At the Mouth of the

River of Bees

You Have Never Been Here

A Natural History of Hell

5 x 8 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-61873-110-4 USCO

5 x 8 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-61873-118-0 USCO

eBook available

eBook available

a novel
Sofia Samatar

Kij Johnson

5 x 8 | 300 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-931520-80-5 USCO

a novel
Ayize Jama-Everett

New and Selected Stories

Mary Rickert

The Entropy of Bones

Ayize Jama-Everett

5 x 8 | 224 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-61873-103-6 W
eBook available

Jeffrey Ford

eBook available

FLC F16 Small Beer 355-358.indd 358

4/5/16 9:34 AM

Stone Bridge Press

Ethical Porn for Dicks
A Mans Guide to Responsible Viewing Pleasure

David J. Ley

This book offers men non-shaming ways to understand

and talk about how to use pornography responsibly.

Our media is filled with confusing, polarizing messages about the dangers of
porn, while at the same time sexually explicit images are pronounced in advertising and entertainment. Using a natural question and answer format for people
feeling fear and shame about porn use, this accessible, funny, and well-i nformed
book is the first one to offer men a nonjudgmental way to discover how to view and
use pornography responsibly.
David J. Ley, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert on issues related
to sexuality and mental health. He has authored two books, been published in
the Los Angeles Times and Playboy, and appeared on television with Anderson
Cooper and Dr. Phil.
ThreeL Media
5 x 7 | 160 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-0-9964852-3-4 W
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Outreach to sex advice columns, radio
programs, and podcasts, and adult industry
and sexuality publications
Social media campaign
Author appearance at regional tradeshows

Author Events
Phoenix, AZ Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA Miami, FL Chicago, IL
Boston, MA Minneapolis/St Paul, MN
Las Vegas, NV New York, NY Houston, TX
Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Albuquerque, NM

FLC F16 Stone Bridge 359-362.indd 359

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Stone Bridge Press

Cis Men and Trans Women in Love

Joseph McClellan
Trans womena ssigned male at birth and later transitioned into a female
genderare recently in the media because of celebrities and controversial legislation. Therefore, cis menwho identify with a masculine gender they were assigned at birtha re now called upon to share their experiences as lovers of trans
women. Using theory and personal anecdotes, the author questions the codes
that cis men and trans women use to interpret their own and others gendered


ThreeL Media
5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-0-9964852-4-1 W
eBook available

It is critical for trans-amorous people to

hold themselves accountable in a world
that is unfriendly to their trans* lovers.

Joseph McClellan has taught philosophy, Buddhism, and gender studies, and
translated and introduced contemporary French philosopher Michel Onfrays
A Hedonist Manifesto: The Power to Exist.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
Outreach to academic communities and LGBTQ publications and websites
Social media campaign Giveaways Author appearance at regional tradeshows

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Las Vegas, NV New York, NY
Portland, OR Houston, TX Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

What Japanese Words Say About Women
30th Anniversary Edition

Kittredge Cherry
A very graceful, erudite job . . . extraordinarily revealing.The New York Times
Thirty years after its first publication, Womansword remains a timely, provocative work on how words reflect female stereotypes in modern Japan. Short,
lively essays offer linguistic, sociological, and historical insight into issues central to the lives of women everywhere: identity, girlhood, marriage, motherhood,
work, sexuality, and aging. A new introduction shows how things havea nd
5 x 8 | 176 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $25.99
978-1-61172-029-7 W

Kittredge Cherry studied in Japan and has written about the country for
Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal. She has a journalism degree from University
of Iowa.

eBook available

A linguistic portrait of Japanese

womanhood, in a new edition that
reveals how things haveand havent
changed in thirty years.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance digital reader copies
Radio campaign Social media campaign Giveaways
Contributor Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

FLC F16 Stone Bridge 359-362.indd 360

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Stone Bridge Press

Kanji Box
Japanese Character Collection

Shogo Oketani and Leza Lowitz

Bold, visual, profound, and symbolic: Japanese kanji characters communicate
powerful graphic messages that look great on skin, walls, stationery, t-shirts, and
more. Here are dozens of edgy, targeted characters hand-picked to help you find
the inner you and express yourself in a distinctive stylish way. This collection includes cultural clues, readings, font varieties, and ideas for proper use. Dont embarrass yourself with bad ink!
Shogo Oketani is an editor and author in Tokyo, Japan, and a long-time student
of Japanese martial arts, philosophy, poetry, and history.
Leza Lowitz is the author of twenty books of fiction and poetry and is owner
and teacher at Sun and Moon yoga studio in Tokyo, Japan.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance digital reader copies
Social media campaign Giveaways Promotion through:


6 x 6 | 144 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $9.95 | CAN $12.99
978-1-61172-032-7 W

Japanese characters served up

with histories and cultural clues
to help you decorate your skin, body,
and life with just the right word!

A Glossary of Zen Terms

Hisao Inagaki

Over the course of Zens development in China and Japan, the sayings and episodes of the masters have formed a huge collection of literature. Designed to put
these writings within easy reach of serious students for inspiration and understanding, this glossary provides 5,500 entries on Zen terms, names of persons,
texts, idiomatic expressions, references to Chinese classics, general Buddhist
terms, and even particles and other parts of speech considered important in grasping the original intent and meaning.
Hisao Inagaki received a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London, and is a professor at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan.

Marketing Plans
Outreach to academic communities Social media campaign


5 x 8 | 560 pp
Trade Cloth AH US $65.00 | CAN $84.50
978-1-61172-028-0 W

Of special interest to scholars and

students of Zen classics, a glossary
of specialized vocabulary to aid
understanding and practice.

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Stone Bridge Press

Division to Unification in Imperial China
The Three Kingdoms to the Tang Dynasty (220907)

Jing Liu
Who founded China? Are Chinese people religious? What is Chinese culture
and how has it changed over time? The Understanding China Through Comics
series answers these questions and more.
Division to Unification in Imperial China is the second volume in the series. It
explores one of Chinas more chaotic periods, when Chinese culture flourished
while civil wars and foreign invasions repeatedly thwarted attempts at unification.
A handy timeline is included.


Understanding China Through Comics
7 x 9 | 168 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-61172-030-3 W

The second volume in this fun,

comic-style series explores
Chinas transition from the
Three Kingdoms to the Tang Dynasty.

Jing Liu is a Beijing native now living in Davis, California. A successful designer and entrepreneur who helped brands tell their stories, Liu currently uses
his artistry to tell the story of China.
Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies National print and online campaign
Social media campaign Regional West Coast tour
Giveaways, contests, and author appearances at regional tradeshows

Author Events
Davis, CA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA
Contributor Hometown: Davis, CA

Speak and Read Chinese

Fun Mnemonic Devices for Remembering
Chinese Words and Their Tones

Larry Herzberg
From one of the authors of Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar comes Speak and
Read Chinese, a simple, fun guide that helps language learners remember essential Chinese characters.
Students and teachers rate character pronunciation and tones the two most
difficult aspects of learning Chinese. This book addresses this issue by organizing easy pronunciation and tone memorization tricks for the three hundred most
basic characters in popular textbook series like Integrated Chinese and New
Practical Chinese Reader.
5 x 8 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-61172-031-0 W

Larry Herzberg did his Masters and PhD work in Chinese language and literature at Indiana University. He founded Chinese-language programs at two colleges and has been teaching for thirty years.
Marketing Plans

A handy supplement to studying

characters in class or independently that
teaches useful tricks for remembering
pronunciation and tones.

Co-op available Advance reader copies

Social media campaign Regional Midwest tour
Giveaways and author appearances at regional tradeshows
Contributor Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI

FLC F16 Stone Bridge 359-362.indd 362

4/5/16 9:33 AM

U Girl
Meredith Quartermain

Frances escapes her small-town upbringing to attend first-year university in the

big city. Youve got to find your great love, her new friend Dagmar tells her, but
what makes it love instead of sex? Housemates Jack, Dwight, and Carla, a bar waitress whos seen better days, all have the answera long with a whole lot of big
ideas. U Girl takes a close look at the female coming-of-age in the 1970s.
Meredith Quartermain is particularly known for snappy dialogue and characters who live and breathe. U Girl is her seventh book, her second novel, and her
fourth book of fiction.

5 x 8 | 304 pp
Trade Paper US $19.95
978-1-77201-040-4 W* (excludes Canada)

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
Outreach to literary and gender studies publications and websites
Social media campaign Bookseller giveaway at BEA and PNBA
Tour in Pacific Northwest and Canada Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Its 1972 in Vancouver, a city

thats a cross between love-in hip
and forest-corp square.

The Days
Forecasts, Warnings, Advice

M.A.C. Farrant
Who doesnt read their daily horoscope, searching for guidance about whats to
come and how to live? Fortune-telling, sex, death, love, ordinary and special days,
time passing, and humor making it all bearablethese are the repeated gestures running through The Days, an absurdist guidebook made up of ninety un
conventional very short stories collected in three tight sections. This is fiction
that thinksstories told with Farrants trademark humor and acerbic wit.
M.A.C. Farrants previous title in this series of very short fiction, The World Afloat:
Miniatures, won the City of Victoria Butler Book Prize for 2014.


5 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-77201-007-7 W* (excludes Canada)

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies
Outreach to humor publications and websites Social media campaign
Bookseller giveaway at BEA and PNBA
Tour in Pacific Northwest and Canada
Contributor Hometown: Saanich, BC

Its hard to worry about the future

when youre laughing at the
hilarious absurdity of daily life.

FLC F16 Talonbooks 363-366.indd 363

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Reading Sveva
Daphne Marlatt
In Reading Sveva, Daphne Marlatt responds to paintings by Italian migr Sveva
Caetani, her family-bound life, the late beginnings of her artistic growth in 1960,
and the meaning of home.
Daphne Marlatt was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2006 in recognition
of a lifetime of distinguished service to Canadian culture.
POETRY | October | 6 x 9 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-77201-016-9 W* (excludes Canada)

Once in Blockadia
Stephen Collis
These long poems continue the poets ongoing argument with William Wordsworth
and the English poetic response to the commons and the land. Collis visits
English lakes, but also the Tar Sands, and stands in the path of pipeline expansion
on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia.
Stephen Collis was awarded the 2015 Sterling Prize in Support of Controversy.
POETRY | October | 6 x 8 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | 978-1-77201-015-2 W* (excludes Canada)

for love and autonomy

Anahita Jamali Rad
These poems interrogate dominant modes of language and communication by
bringing together jargon from news articles, critical political texts, and popular
music: Marxist economics juxtapose with pop culture lyrics from FKA Twigs to
Sonic Youth.
Anahita Jamali Rad is well respected for her feminist activism and co-curates
the journal About a Bicycle. This is her first published collection of poems.
POETRY | October | 5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | 978-1-77201-017-6 W* (excludes Canada)

Friendly Fire
Danielle LaFrance
Titled after a military term referring to an unintentional attack on an ally, this
collection of poetry and experimental prose borrows from historical sources and
Facebook lingo to explore the male experience of war, rethink feminist identity,
and examine the meaning of friendship in the twenty-fi rst century.
Danielle LaFrance co-c urates About a Bicycle, a self-identified womens critical-
theory journal. Her first book, Species Branding, was published in 2010.
POETRY | October | 5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-77201-018-3 W* (excludes Canada)

FLC F16 Talonbooks 363-366.indd 364

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Entering Time
The Fungus Man Platters of Charles Edenshaw

Colin Browne
In the late 1800s, Haida artist Charles Edenshaw carved three platters depicting the same two frightened figures in a canoe. Their mission: enable men and
women to procreate. This poets essay explores Edenshaws fascination with this
primal scene, suggesting that the theme was as important to him as to his contemporary, Sigmund Freud. The text is supplemented by an interview with visual
artist Neil Campbell, whose recent paintings speak to Fungus Mans art histori
cal echoes and contemporary relevance.
Colin Browne is a poet studying the surrealist fascination with the art of the
Northwest coast.

6 x 9 | 128 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-77201-039-8 W* (excludes Canada)

Marketing Plans
Outreach to indigenous studies and art history publications and websites
Social media campaign Regional Pacific Northwest tour
Contributor Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Who was Fungus Man and why did he

become the one responsible for the
miracle of human procreation?

The Collected Earlier Poems, 19621991

Fred Wah
Edited by Jeff Derksen
Compiled from thirteen rare or out-of-print collections and including two facsimile editions, Scree offers the definitive compendium of Fred Wahs early poetic
reflections on ethnicity, racial hybridity, language, and the local.
POETRY / LITERARY COLLECTIONS | November | 6 x 9 | 646 pp
Trade Paper US $29.95 | 978-0-88922-948-8 W* (excludes Canada)

The Envelope
Vittorio Rossi
A veteran playwright must decide whether to accept generous Canadian funding that comes with government strings attached, or an American film producers
offer of total artistic control but far less money. Will Moretti stand firm in his personal integrity? Or take the cash?
Vittorio Rossis Italian roots have always run deeply through his works.
DRAMA / PERFORMING ARTS | November | 5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-77201-031-2 W* (excludes Canada)

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False Starts
Louis Patrick Leroux
Translated by Katia Grubisic
Two people relive the same moment in unexpected ways and in different genres
(from diary to dramatic dialogue; from film script to sound installation). Despite
their eloquence, they cannot say how they feel for one another.
Louis Patrick Leroux has written more than thirty plays, radio plays, and
DRAMA / PERFORMING ARTS | November | 5 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-77201-027-5 W* (excludes Canada)

In a Blue Moon
Lucia Frangione
When Frankies dad dies, her mom, Ava, cant afford to live in the city anymore.
The only asset theyre left with is a farmhouse and twenty acres outside of town.
Ava decides to move there and start an Ayurveda clinic on the property, providing
her precocious and grieving daughter a new start. Their only problem is a squatter
who wont leave.
Lucia Frangione is the author of more than twenty-eight plays.
DRAMA / PERFORMING ARTS | November | 5 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-77201-035-0 W* (excludes Canada)

You Will Remember Me

Franois Archambault
Translated by Bobby Theodore
When the aging patriarch of a modern family, a powerfully intellectual and political force in his community, begins to suffer from dementia, his family and
friends struggle to care for him.
Franois Archambault maintains a reputation as a sharp social satirist.
Bobby Theodore has translated the work of Quebecs most talented playwrights.
DRAMA / PERFORMING ARTS | November | 5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | 978-1-77201-019-0 W* (excludes Canada)

Yours Forever, Marie-Lou

Michel Tremblay
Translated by Linda Gaboriau
Carmen returns home to convince Manon, her sister, to end ten years of mourning
the death of their parents, Lopold and Marie-Louise. Past and present intermingle
as the two daughters struggle to reconcile events preceding the fatal car crash.
Michel Tremblay is one of Quebecs most important writers.
Linda Gaboriau provides a new translation of this well-loved play.
DRAMA / PERFORMING ARTS | November | 5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | 978-1-77201-023-7 W* (excludes Canada)

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Text Publishing Company

Everywhere I Look
Helen Garner

Spanning ten years, this collection of essays covers a wide range of

subjects with Helen Garners characteristic insight and honesty.

[Garner] doesnt merely listen. She watches, imagines, second-guesses, empathises, agonises. Her voiceintimate yet sharp, wry yet urgentinspires trust.
She writes with a profound understanding of human vulnerability, and of the
subtle workings of love, memory and remorse.Economist
Helen Garner is an invaluable guide into harrowing territory and offers powerful and unforgettable insights.Kate Atkinson on This House of Grief
Spanning fifteen years of work, Everywhere I Look is a book full of unexpected
moments, sudden shafts of light, piercing intuition, flashes of anger, and incidental humor. It takes us from backstage at the ballet to the trial of a woman for the
murder of her newborn baby. It moves effortlessly from the significance of moving house to the pleasure of re-reading Pride and Prejudice. Everywhere I Look
includes Garners famous and controversial essay on the insults of age, her
deeply moving tribute to her mother and extracts from her diaries, which have
been part of her working life for as long as she has been a writer. Everywhere I
Look glows with insight. It is filled with the wisdom of life.
Helen Garner is the author of numerous books of fiction and nonfiction. Her
novel The Spare Room was published to critical acclaim in 2010. Her work of true
crime This House of Grief received international praise in 2015 and was a Times
Literary Supplement Book of the Year.


6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-925355-36-9 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies

This House of Grief
The Story of a Murder Trial
Helen Garner
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-925240-68-9 USC

FLC F16 Text 367-374.indd 367

True Stories
Selected Non-Fiction
Helen Garner
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-921351-84-6 USC

4/5/16 9:33 AM

Text Publishing Company

A Memoir

Magda Szubanski

If you had met my father you would never, not for an instant,
have thought he was an assassin.

A brave and tender book about everything that matters most in life.
Cate Blanchett
A remarkable memoir, that weaves the tragedy of twentieth century history into
a personal narrative of coming to terms with family and self.Christos Tsiolkas
Riveting, overwhelmingly poignant. . . . An extraordinary hymn to the tragic hero
ism at the heart of ordinary life and the soaring moral scrutiny of womankind.
Weekend Australian
A beautifully written, heartfelt and illuminating family saga.New Daily


6 x 9 | 408 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-925355-41-3 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available

Magda Szubanskis childhood in a suburban migrant family was haunted by

the demons of her fathers life in wartime Poland. At nineteen, fighting in the
Warsaw resistance, he had been recruited to a secret counter-intelligence execution squad. His mission was to assassinate Polish traitors who were betraying Jewish citizens to the Nazis. The legacy of her fathers bravery left the young
Magda with profound questions about her family story.
As she grew up, the assassins daughter had to navigate her own frailties and
fears, including a lifelong struggle with weight gain and an increasing awareness
of her own sexuality. With courage and compassion Szubanskis memoir asks the
big questions about life, about the shadows we inherit and the gifts we pass on.
Magda Szubanski is one of Australias best known and most loved performers.
She appeared in a number of sketch comedy shows before creating the iconic
character of Sharon in ABC-T Vs Kath and Kim. She has also acted in films
(Babe, Babe: Pig in the City, Happy Feet, and The Golden Compass) and stage
shows. Reckoning is her first book.

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Text Publishing Company

Good People
Nir Baram

Set in Berlin and Leningrad during WWII, a profound

exploration of individual lives caught in the tide of history.

Written with great talent, momentum and ingenuity.A mos Oz

One of the most intriguing writers in Israeli literature today.Haaretz
Its late 1938. Thomas Heiselberg has built a career in Berlin as a market researcher for an American advertising company.
In Leningrad, twenty-two-year-old Sasha Weissberg has grown up eavesdropping on the intellectual conversations in her parents literary salon.
They each have grand plans for their lives. Neither of them thinks about politics too much, but after catastrophe strikes they will have no choice.
Thomas puts his research skills to work elaborating Nazi propaganda. Sasha
persuades herself that working as a literary editor of confessions for Stalins secret police is the only way to save her family.
When destiny brings them together, they will have to face the consequences of
the decisions they have made.
Good People is a tour de force that has been showered with praise in many
Nir Baram was born into a political family in Jerusalem in 1976. He has worked as
a journalist and an editor, and as an advocate for equal rights for Palestinians.
He began publishing fiction when he was twenty-t wo, and is the author of five
novels in Hebrew. Several have been translated into more than ten languages
and received critical acclaim around the world. In 2010 he received the Prime
Ministers Award for Hebrew Literature.

6 x 9 | 432 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-925240-95-5 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Author tour

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Text Publishing Company

When the Sky Fell Apart
Caroline Lea

A story of love, war and the resilience of the human spirit,

set against the rugged beauty of Jersey.

The writing is beautiful. The characters growing affinities, and the complications those relationships brings with them, make for fascinating reading.
Cecilia Ekback, author of Wolf Winter

6 x 9 | 384 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-925240-71-9 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies

Jersey, June 1940. It starts with the burning man on the beach just after the
bombs land, obliterating the last shred of hope that Hitler will avert his attention from the Channel Islands. Within weeks, twelve thousand German troops
land on the Jersey beaches, heralding a new era of occupation.
For ten-year-old Claudine, it means a re-e ducation under German rule, and
as she befriends one of the soldiers, she inadvertently opens the gateway to a
more sinister influence in her home with devastating consequences.
For Maurice, a local fisherman, it means protecting his sick wife at all
costse ven if it endangers his own life.
Edith, the islands unofficial homeopath, is an islander through to her bones.
But even she cant save everyone, no matter how hard she tries.
And as for English doctor Tim Carteron the arrival of the brutal German
Commandant, he becomes the subject of a terrifying regime that causes the locals
to brand him a traitor, unaware of the torment he suffers in an effort to save them.
When the Sky Fell Apart is a heartbreaking chorus of the resilience of the
human spirit. It introduces an exciting new voice in literary fiction.
Caroline Lea was born and raised in Jersey. When the Sky Fell Apart is her first

FLC F16 Text 367-374.indd 370

4/5/16 9:33 AM

Text Publishing Company

Dangerous to Know
Natalie King, Forensic Psychiatrist

Anne Buist

Natalie Kings charismatic new boss needs her help.

But theres something terrible in his past that could threaten her life.

Praise for Medeas Curse:

A gripping ride of crime and tension, with a Lisbeth Salander-like lead roaring
through danger and intrigue at a million miles an hour.Adelaide Advertiser
A harrowing and thrilling read, this mystery will keep you on the edge of your
seat.Buzzfeed, Best Australian Books of 2015
Forensic psychiatrist Natalie King works with women: victims and perpetrators
of violent crime. Survivor of a tough childhood herself, shes now a dedicated,
insightful professional doing her best to make a difference.
King is back from a stay in the psych ward. Her reluctance to live a quiet life
has contributed to a severe depressive episode, and now its time for a retreat to
the country: a borrowed house on the coast and a low-key research job at a provincial university nearby.
But Natalie and trouble have a strange mutual fascination. Her charismatic
new boss Frank is friendly, even attractive. But it turns out his pregnant wife is
an old enemy of Natalies. And when Franks tragic personal history is revealed
then reprised in the most shocking wayNatalie finds herself drawn deep into a
mystery. And even deeper into danger.
Anne Buist is the Chair of Womens Mental Health at the University of Melbourne
and has over twenty-five years of clinical and research experience in perinatal psychiatry. She works with Protective Services and the legal system in cases of abuse,
kidnapping, infanticide, and murder.

Natalie King, Forensic Psychiatrist
6 x 9 | 384 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-925240-88-7 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Outreach to crime/mystery reviewers

FLC F16 Text 367-374.indd 371

4/5/16 9:33 AM

Text Publishing Company

Fear is the Rider
Kenneth Cook

A nail-biting chase into the outback, towards the devil

lurking at its center. Adrenaline-fuelled reading.

Short but powerful, Cook takes the reader on an action-packed, tension-fi lled
ride. . . . A page-t urner.BookMooch
A true dark classic of Australian literature.J. M. Coetzee on Wake in Fright
A kind of outback Lord of the Flies.Crime Time UK on Wake in Fright

5 x 7 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-925240-85-6 USC

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies and advance digital
reader copies
Outreach to mystery/thriller publications and

FLC F16 Text 367-374.indd 372

From the author of Wake In Fright comes this chilling short novel thats part Wolf
Creek and part Duel.
A young man driving from Sydney to Adelaide for work decides to take a
short detour into the desert. He turns his hatchback on to a notoriously dangerous track that bisects uninhabited stone-covered flats. Out there, under the baking sun, people can die within hours.
Hes not far along the road when a distraught young woman stumbles from
the scrub and flags him down. A journalist from Sydney, she has just escaped the
clutches of an inexplicable, terrifying creature.
Now this desert-dwelling creature has her jeep. Her axe. And her scent . . .
Fear Is the Rider is a nail-biting chase into the outback, towards the devil lurking at its centre. Previously unpublished, the manuscript of this 1980s novella was
recently discovered among Kenneth Cooks papers.
Wake In Fright was made into a film in 1971, arguably the greatest film ever
made in Australia. Lost for many years, the restored film was screened in 2009
at New Yorks Film Forum and at Cannes, winning rave reviews in the New
Yorker and elsewhere. Nick Cave called it the best and most terrifying film about
Australia in existence.

Also Available

Wake in Fright
Kenneth Cook
Introduction by Peter Temple
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-921922-16-9 USC

4/5/16 9:33 AM

Text Publishing Company

Marie Darrieussecq

There are few writers who may have changed my perception of the world, but
Darrieussecq is one of them.Times
Solange is thirty-something, a mediocre actress, and not a great mother. In
Hollywood she falls for a charismatic actor, Kouhouesso, who wants to direct a
movie of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darknessi n Africa.
Solange follows her man to Africa, determined to play a main role in both his
film and his affections. But nothing goes to plan in this witty examination of romance, movie-making, and clichs about race relations. After all, theres no guar
antee youll be loved by the one you love.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available Advance reader copies and advance digital reader copies

6 x 9 | 272 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-925240-91-7 USC

With her characteristic intensity,

edginess, and humor, Marie Darrieussecq
explores female desire, and
what it means to be a woman.

Fear Drive My Feet

Peter Ryan
Introduction by Peter Pierce
Australias finest war memoir.Peter Pierce
At age eighteen, Peter Ryan was an intelligence operative, patrolling isolated regions of New Guinea during World War II.
Isolated, with Japanese forces closing in, he endured the hardships of the
jungle without adequate supplies, a radio, or even a proper map. His very survival depended on forging relationships with the local tribes, and every choice
could lead to catastrophe. For his work, Ryan was awarded the Military Medal
and mentioned in dispatches.
Ryans gripping account has become a classic memoir of the war in the Pacific,
rarely out of print in forty years.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available


Text Classics
5 x 7 | 336 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-925240-05-4 USC

A memoir of how an eighteen-year-old

intelligence operative, isolated in hostile
territory, survived on his wits and through
relationships with natives.

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Text Publishing Company

Take Me to Paris, Johnny
John Foster
Introduction by Peter Craven
Afterword by John Rickard


Text Classics
5 x 7 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-925355-34-5 USC

First published in Australia in 1993.

An unforgettable memoir of love,
loss, and humanity.

John Fosters moving yet unsentimental account of the life of his partner, Juan
Cspedes. In 1981 dancer Juan is a struggling young Cuban dancer in New York
City. There he meets John, an Australian historian. The two live in New York,
where Juan tries to make it on Broadway. They cross the globe together, battling
the disease taking the lives of gay men everywhere. Until his final days, Juan
is captivating, witty, and headstrong. First published in 1993, shortly before
Fosters own death from AIDS, this a story told with humor and skill, about a
radiant love affair in a time of darkness.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available

Between Sky and Sea

Herz Bergner
Introduction by Arnold Zable
Beautifully written with extraordinary insight into the frailties of humanity.

5 x 7 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-921656-31-6 USC

A boatload of Jewish refugees

fleeing persecution face an uncertain
fate on an aging Greek freighter.

Originally written in Yiddish and first published in English in 1946, this was
one of the earliest works of fiction to address the consequences of Hitlers
Final Solution. Herz Bergners novel follows a group of Jewish refugees fleeing Europe aboard a dilapidated freighter. As the ship creeps toward disaster,
tensions surface on board. The author creates unflinching psychological portraits of the reactions of the passengers to the profound uncertainty of their
fate. An arresting novel of compassion and understanding, that resonates tragi
cally with the recent Syrian refugee crisis.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available

FLC F16 Text 367-374.indd 374

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Theatre Communications Group

Lynn Nottage

A hard-hitting new drama from the

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright of Ruined.

From first moments to last, this compassionate but clear-eyed play throbs
with heartfelt life, with characters as complicated as any youll encounter at the
theater today, and with a nifty ticking time bomb of a plot. That the people onstage are middle-class or lower-middle-class folkstoo rarely given ample time on
American stagesmakes the play all the more vital a contribution to contemporary drama. . . . If I had pompoms, Id be waving them now.Charles Isherwood,
The New York Times
No stranger to dramas both heartfelt and heart-rending, Pulitzer Prize-w inning
playwright Lynn Nottage has written one of her most exquisitely devastating
tragedies to date. In one of the poorest cities in America, Reading, Pennsylvania,
a group of down-and-out factory workers struggles to keep their present lives in
balance, ignorant of the financial devastation looming in their near futures. Set
in 2008, the powerful crux of this new play is knowing the fate of the characters long before its even in their sights. Based on Nottages extensive research
and interviews with real residents of Reading, Sweat is a topical reflection of the
present and poignant outcome of Americas economic decline.
Lynn Nottages plays include the Pulitzer Prizewinning Ruined; Intimate
Apparel, the most widely produced play of the 20052006 theater season in
America; By the Way, Meet Vera Stark; Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine;
Crumbs from the Table of Joy; Las Meninas; Mud, River, Stone; Porknockers; and

5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-532-1 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Lynn Nottage
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-355-6 W*
(excludes Canada)

By the Way, Meet Vera Stark

Lynn Nottage
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-442-3 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 375

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Theatre Communications Group

Mary Page Marlowe
Tracy Letts

An engrossing new play from the Pulitzer Prize-winning

playwright of August: Osage County.

On a stage, theres seemingly nothing that Tracy Letts cant do.The Daily Beast
Known for his complex portrayals of the human psyche, Tracy Lettss new play
expands what at first appears to be an intimate snapshot of one womans seemingly ordinary life into a grand and elaborate manifest, complete with different
versions of the same woman at various stages of her life. In a series of elegant,
nonlinear scenes spanning the years from 1946 all the way to 2015, the play
hopscotches through Mary Page Marlowes quiet existence as an accountant
from Ohiocomplicating the notion of what it means to lead a simple life.

5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-534-5 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Tracy Letts was awarded the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and Tony Award for
Best Play for August: Osage County. Other plays include Pulitzer Prize-fi nalist
Man from Nebraska; Killer Joe, which was adapted into a critically acclaimed film
and received its Broadway premiere in 2014; and Bug, which has played in New
York, Chicago, and London and was adapted into a film. Letts garnered a Tony
Award for his performance in the Broadway revival of Whos Afraid of Virginia

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Chicago, IL


FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 376

August: Osage County

Tracy Letts
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-330-3 W*
(excludes Canada)

Superior Donuts
Tracy Letts
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-361-7 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Theatre Communications Group

The Kilroys List
99 Monologues by Female and Trans* Playwrights
Volume 1

The Kilroys
A groundbreaking new collection of monologues
brought together by women in theatre for everyone in theatre.

The superheroines of the theater are backa nd better and bolder than ever.
These plays have been developed and vetted for artistic excellence; they just
happen to possess the added bonus of representing a voice thats currently being
underproduced. Its part of a larger movement to say: Theres an embarrassment
of riches here.Sheila Callaghan for the Kilroys
Not your typical book of monologues, this new collection embodies the mission of the Kilroys, an advocacy group founded in 2013 to raise awareness for
the underutilized work of female and trans* playwrights. The collection is comprised of ninety-n ine monologues, each from a different play off The List from
2014 and 2015, featuring the most unproduced (or under-produced), yet highest-
recommended, plays by women in the United States. The monologues selected
for this volume serve to highlight the talents of these writers in a wide array of
pieces that vary in genre, style, and gender.
As it says on their website, We Make Trouble and Plays.
The Kilroys are a gang of playwrights and producers in Los Angeles, California,
who advocate for the visibility of women playwrights in theatre. Founded in
2013, the Kilroys are named after the iconic graffiti tag Kilroy Was Here that
was first left by WWII soldiers in unexpected places, a playfully subversive way of
making their presence known. The members include Zakiyyah Alexander, Bekah
Brunstetter, Sheila Callaghan, Carla Ching, Annah Feinberg, Sarah Gubbins,
Laura Jacqmin, Joy Meads, Kelly Miller, Meg Miroshnik, Daria Polatin, Tanya
Saracho, and Marisa Wegrzyn.

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95
978-1-55936-535-2 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 377

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Theatre Communications Group

Daphnes Dive
Quiara Alegra Hudes

A heartfelt new work from the Pulitzer Prize-winning

playwright of Water by the Spoonful.

Ms. Hudes writes with such empathy and vibrant humor about people helping
one another to face down their demons that regeneration and renewal always
seem to be just around the corner.The New York Times

5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-531-4 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Through years of drinking together at Daphnes Dive, a cheap bar on the corner in North Philly, a makeshift family has grown out of the misfit collection
of eclectic regulars. Daphne, the eponymous owner of this ramshackle home,
tends bar and frequently takes part in the meandering chats about art and politics, while her adopted daughter finds herself growing up and possibly growing
further away from the familiar crowd of familial outsiders. Known for her previous plays in the acclaimed Elliot Trilogy, Quiara Alegra Hudes continues to
grapple with what it means to be different and the poignant human instinct
to connect with one another despite the odds.
Quiara Alegra Hudes wrote the book for the Broadway musical In the Heights,
which received the 2008 Tony Award for Best Musical, a Tony nomination for
Best Book of a Musical and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Her acclaimed three-part
play cycle, the Elliot Trilogy, includes Elliot, a Soldiers Fugue (a Pulitzer Prize finalist), Water by the Spoonful (2012 Pulitzer Prize for Drama), and The Happiest Song
Plays Last.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY


FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 378

Water by the Spoonful

Quiara Alegra Hudes
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-438-6 W*
(excludes Canada)

The Happiest Song Plays Last

Quiara Alegra Hudes
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-446-1 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Theatre Communications Group

The Humans
Revised Edition

Stephen Karam
Foreword by Samuel G. Freedman
An updated, revised edition of the Broadway hit.

Declared the best play of the year by The New York Times, The Washington Post,
New York Magazine, Chicago Tribune, The Hollywood Reporter, Time Out New York,
and NPR.
A middle-class family seems to be spiraling toward perilous entropy in The
Humans, the blisteringly funny, bruisingly sad and altogether wonderful play
by Stephen Karam. . . . Written with a fresh-feeling blend of documentarylike
naturalism and theatrical daring. . . Mr. Karams comedy-drama depicts the way
we live now with a precision and compassion unmatched by any play Ive seen in
recent years. . . . The Humans is a major discovery, a play as empathetic as it is clearminded, as entertaining as it is honest. For all the darkness at its corea darkness made literal in its ghostly conclusiona bright light shines forth from it, the
blazing luminescence of collective artistic achievement.Charles Isherwood,
The New York Times
Breaking with tradition, Erik Blake has brought his Pennsylvania family to celebrate Thanksgiving at his daughters apartment in lower Manhattan. Unfolding
over a single scene, this delirious tragicomedy (Chicago Sun-Times) by acclaimed young playwright Stephen Karam infuses the traditional kitchen-sink
family drama with qualities of horror in his portentous and penetrating work of
psychological unease (Variety), creating an indelible family portrait.
Stephen Karams plays include Speech & Debate and Sons of the Prophet, a finalist
for the 2012 Pulitzer Prize and the winner of the 2012 Drama Critics Circle, Outer
Critics Circle, Lucille Lortel, and Hull-Warriner awards for Best Play. Born and
raised in Scranton, PA, he lives in New York City.

Available Now
5 x 8 | 164 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-542-0 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-55936-512-3

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 379

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Theatre Communications Group

Here We Go / Escaped Alone
Two Plays

Caryl Churchill

Two provocative new plays from one of Britains

greatest living playwrights.

What Churchill has written is a striking memento mori for an age without faith;
and although her play is brief, that in itself evokes the idea that we are here for a
short time and then are suddenly gone.The Guardian on Here We Go
Line by line its hard to imagine youll come across a more brilliant play this
year . . . and what makes Escaped Alone a great play is that it is strangely euphoric:
spiked with terrible, apocalyptic foreboding, yes, but Churchills funniest since
Serious Money, and with an incredible gift for spinning light out of the dark.
Time Out London on Escaped Alone

5 x 7 | 60 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95
978-1-55936-540-6 W* (excludes Canada)

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

The prolific repertoire of Caryl Churchill gains two thrilling new entries with
Here We Go and Escaped Alone, both exemplary of her notoriously dark, witty
work. Creeping and ruminative, Here We Go acts as a chilling reminder of our
own mortality (The Guardian), with a three-part examination of death and its
aftermath. Escaped Alone considers a notably broader demise: the apocalypse.
Through the musings of four older women idly chatting in an English back garden, the fate of the world is outlined in an unsettling revelation of mankinds own
Caryl Churchill has written for the stage, television, and radio. A renowned
and prolific playwright, her plays include Cloud Nine, Top Girls, Far Away, Drunk
Enough to Say I Love You?, Bliss, Love and Information, Mad Forest, and A Number.
In 2002, she received the Obie Lifetime Achievement Award and in 2010, she
was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame.


FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 380

Love and Information

Caryl Churchill
Trade Paper US $13.95
978-1-55936-440-9 US

Cloud 9
Caryl Churchill
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-099-9 US

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Theatre Communications Group

The Detroit Project
Three Plays

Dominique Morisseau

A searing new trilogy depicting black lives

through three defining years in Detroit history.

Detroit 67 is Morisseaus aching paean to her natal city. . . . A deft playwright,

Morisseau plays expertly with social mores and expectations. She also reframes
commonplace things so that we see them in new light.StarTribune on Detroit 67
A deeply moral and deeply American play, with a loving compassion for those
trapped in a system that makes sins, spiritual or societal, and self-betrayal almost
inevitable.The New York Times on Skeleton Crew
Three provocative dramas make up Dominique Morisseaus sweeping examination of the sociopolitical history of Detroit: Detroit 67, which takes place
during the race riots of 1967, Paradise Blue, set in a small jazz club in Detroits
Blackbottom neighborhood, and Skeleton Crew, which explores an auto plant on
the eve of the 2008 financial collapse. These plays serve to showcase the economic and racial tensions the city has faced throughout the past century, which
are often buried by recurrent headlines of poverty and misery that diminish
Detroits vibrant emotional past. With empathetic storytelling and an ear for
the voice of her home community, Morisseau brings to light the race and class
divides of not only Detroit but the nation as a whole.
Dominique Morisseaus plays include Detroit 67, Paradise Blue, Skeleton Crew,
Sunset Baby, Follow Me to Nellies, Third Grade, Black at Michigan, Socks, Roses Are
Played Out and Love and Nappiness. Morisseau is a recipient of the Edward M.
Kennedy Prize for Drama, two NAACP Image Awards, a commendation from
the Primus Prize by the American Theatre Critics Association, and the winner
of the 2012 Barrie and Bernice Stavis Playwright Award by National Theatre

5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-55936-538-3 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 381

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Theatre Communications Group

Book and lyrics by Csar Alvarez
Music by Csar Alvarez and The Lisps

An avante-Americana musical that

looks to the past to imagine the future.

How refreshing to meet a musical that has too much on its mind, rather than too
little. A show that name-checks Socrates, Copernicus, Pythagoras, Mary Shelley,
and Abraham Lincolna ll in one song, yetcan only help advance an art form
that often seems unable to imagine itself a new future.The New York Times
Futurity commands you to drop your arms and raise your hands. A celebration
of musics transcendent powers. Dont worry about why youre getting uplifted,
just surrender.Village Voice

5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-539-0 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

A new-age blend of American history, science fiction, and alternative indie folk
rock, Futurity is a mind-bending, form-defying new musical that follows the
real-life nineteenth century British mathematician Ada Lovelace as she and
a fictional Union soldier, Julian Munro, team up to create a machine that will
change the course of history and the dismal outlook of their centurys struggles.
The play asks broad and probing questions about the nature of the human mind
and the construction of morality, all woven inside fast-rhyming lyrics set to
Americana Roots music.
Csar Alvarez is a Drama Desk-nominated composer, lyricist, performer, and
writer. His band, The Lisps, has released four albums and played hundreds
of shows around the country since 2005. He is co-founder and resident composer of the Los Angelesbased dance theater company Contra-Tiempo. He has
presented work at Lincoln Center, Dixon Place, Joes Pub, HERE, La MaMa,
Dance New Amsterdam, Ars Nova, Walker Art Center, Ford Amphitheater, and
CounterPulse, among others.
The Lisps formed in the South Bronx in 2005 as a collaboration between composer Csar Alvarez and actress/singer Sammy Tunis. Percussionist and kinetic
sculptor Eric Farber joined in 2007. They created music for The Foundry Theatres
Drama Desk-nominated Good Person of Szechwan, and their music was featured
in the 2015 documentary A Woman Like Me.

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Theatre Communications Group

Evening at the Talk House
Wallace Shawn

A bitingly topical new play from an unconventional playwright.

Wallace Shawn is up to his old tricks again: pricking the conscience of righton, left-leaning theatergoers. No one does that better than this impish, idiosyncratic polymath, who, at seventy-t wo, still comes across as precociousprobably
because we resent him flagging our complacent complicity in all the worlds
The play stops, but has no ending. It is for us to try to answer its bleak questions, to see what it might mean to be undeluded.The Guardian
Gathering around a table at the Talk House, an old haunt, a group of friends and
theatre artists reunite after ten years to reminisce and catch u p on each others
lives. At first, the conversation is fairly run-of-the-m ill: current TV shows and
where their careers have taken them. Eventually, the discussions tone takes a
turn when they mention supplementing their incomes through the government-
led program to enlist unemployed artists for drone strikes and carrying out vio
lent attacks in foreign lands. As is typical of Shawns plays, the premise at once
amuses and unsettles, forcing the viewer to wonder whether being too idle
makes all of us complicit in the worlds ongoing destruction.
Wallace Shawn is a noted actor and writer. His often politically-charged and controversial plays include The Fever, Aunt Dan and Lemon, Marie and Bruce, and The
Designated Mourner. With Andr Gregory, he co-w rote My Dinner with Andr, in
which he also starred. He adapted the classic Ibsen play A Master Builder for film.

5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-520-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

Grasses of a Thousand Colors
Revised Edition
Wallace Shawn
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-478-2 W*
(excludes Canada)

A Master Builder
Henrik Ibsen
Adapted by Wallace Shawn
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-449-2 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 383

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Theatre Communications Group

Molire, or The Cabal of Hypocrites
and Don Quixote
Two Plays by Mikhail Bulgakov

Translated by Richard Nelson, Richard Pevear,

and Larissa Volokhonsky
New translations of two poignant and controversial plays
by Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov.

Pevear and Volokhonsky are at once scrupulous translators and vivid stylists
of English.The New Yorker
From the acclaimed Russian author and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov, Molire,
or The Cabal of Hypocrites and Don Quixote are given fresh new translations
by preeminent Russian translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky,
along with prominent playwright Richard Nelson. Best known for his novel
The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov had a knack for political allegory and
proved it time and again in his numerous writings. Both works in this one-of-
a-k ind book were contentious in their time, written as allegories of the early
twentieth-century Russian agenda, remarking especially on Stalins harsh regime. Charged with cultural subtext and controversial intrigue, both plays are
revealed in a new light in this exceptional new volume.

TCG Classic Russian Drama Series
5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55936-537-6 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Richard Nelsons many plays include Rodneys Wife; Goodnight Children

Everywhere; Drama Desknominated Frannys Way and Some Americans Abroad;
Tony Awardnominated Two Shakespearean Actors and James Joyces The Dead
(with Shaun Davey), for which he won a Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical;
and the critically acclaimed, searing play cycle, The Apple Family Plays.
Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky have produced acclaimed translations of Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov,
and Mikhail Bulgakov. Their translations of The Brothers Karamazov and Anna
Karenina won the 1991 and 2002 PEN/Book-of-t he-Month Club Translation
Prizes. Pevvear, a native of Boston, and Volokhonsjky, of St. Petersburg, are
married to each other and live in Paris, France.


FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 384

The Cherry Orchard

Anton Chekhov
Translated by Richard Nelson,
Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky
TCG Classic Russian Drama Series
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-55936-484-3 W*
(excludes Canada)

A Month in the Country

Ivan Turgenev
Translated by Richard Nelson,
Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky
TCG Classic Russian Drama Series
Trade Paper US $16.95
978-1-55936-467-6 W*
(excludes Canada)

eBook available

eBook available

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Theatre Communications Group

Getting Off
Lee Breuer on Performance

Lee Breuer with Stephen Nunns

A revelatory new examination from one of
theaters most revered avant-garde artists.

Since the nineteen-sixties and seventies, New Yorks experimental-theatre scene

has toned down its wild-man character, but Lee Breuer is the grand old man of the
movement.The New Yorker
Since he first arrived on the New York art/theatre/performance scene in 1970,
Lee Breuer has been at the forefront of the American theatrical avant-garde, creating challenging works both independently and with Mabou Mines (the company
he co-founded with JoAnne Akalaitis), Philip Glass, Ruth Maleczech, and David
Warrilow. Breuers work as a director has included celebrated stagings of Samuel
Beckett, radical readings of classics including The Gospel at Colonus on Broadway
in 1988, a gender-bending adaptation of King Lear in 1990, and his revolutionary
reinterpretation of Ibsen with Mabou Mines Dollhouse.
Theatre historian and journalist Stephen Nunns has assembled a unique look
into one of American theatres most singular creative minds. Using interviews and
excerpts from Breuers writings, with added historical commentary, the thrilling
result is equal parts autobiography, artistic manifesto, and critical exploration.
Beautifully illustrated with archival photographs, drawings, and sketches, this is a
one-of-a-kind portrait of the artist and theatrical activist at work.
Lee Breuer is a writer, director, poet, playwright, adapter, lyricist, and filmmaker engaged in a lifelong procession of incendiary experimental theatre projects across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. He has received
numerous awards and fellowships and has been named Chevalier Ordre des Arts
et des Lettres by the French Minister of Culture.
Stephen Nunns is an associate professor at Towson University. He is the cofounder of the Baltimore-based theatre company Acme Corporation. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Village Voice, American Theatre magazine,
and other publications. He is a former artistic associate of Mabou Mines.
Also Available

6 x 9 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95
978-1-55936-533-8 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National advertising: American Theatre
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Contributors Hometowns: Baltimore, MD /
New York, NY

The Gospel at Colonus

Lee Breuer
Trade Paper US $12.95
978-0-930452-94-0 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

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Theatre Communications Group

Audience (R)Evolution
Dispatches from the Field

Edited by Caridad Svich

Preface by Bill Rauch and Alison Carey
An indispensable book of essays on how to engage your audience.

A collection of thoughtful and provocative reflections on how theatre practitioners think about and engage with audiences, as well as define and explore sites
for performance. Through shared experience and ritual, live performance functions as a catalytic medium for progress and evolution. In the hands of artists
and audiences, the stage is set for the re-makings of commonwealth, or necessary revolution.
Caridad Svich received a 2012 OBIE Award for Lifetime Achievement in the
Theater, a 2012 Edgerton Foundation New Play Award for Guapa, and the 2011
American Theatre Critics Association Primus Prize for her play The House of the
Spirits, based on the Isabel Allende novel.

5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00
978-1-55936-541-3 W* (excludes Canada)

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King Lear in Brooklyn
Michael Pennington
Michael Pennington takes us on a fascinating journey through King Lear from
the point of view of the plays characters. Part memoir, part analysis, part adventure story, this book delves into the unique production of Lear that Pennington
led in New York in 2014. An original and candid approach to Shakespeares
classic from one of todays finest actor-w riters at the top of his form.
PERFORMING ARTS | September | Oberon Books | 6 x 9 | 256 pp
Trade Cloth SP US $36.95 | CAN $47.99 | 978-1-78319-326-4 USC*

Our Mothers Brief Affair

Richard Greenberg
On the verge of death for the umpteenth time, Anna makes a shocking confession
to her grown children: an affair from her past that just might have resonance beyond the family. But how much of what she says is true? A razor-sharp new work
from a Tony Awardwinning playwright that considers the sweeping impact of
indiscretions both large and small.
DRAMA | March | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-78319-347-9 USC*

How to Be a Writer
David Quantick
Quantick interviews some of the best writers in a variety of fields to provide a
detailed overview for living as a writer on a daily, practical level. This book examines every aspect of a writers life, and includes advice and anecdotes from
agents, publishers, comedy writers, best-selling authors, and popular columnists to help you become the writer you want to be.
REFERENCE | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 7 | 188 pp
Trade Paper SP US $23.95 | CAN $30.99 | 978-1-78319-903-7 USC*

On Freedom
Powerful Polemics by Supporters of Belarus Free Theatre

Belarus Free Theatre

An anthology of short essays curated by Belarus Free Theatre and published to coincide with their 10-year anniversary celebrations. On Freedom collects powerful polemics from artists, directors, activists, and politiciansa ll of whom have
worked with or supported Belarus Free Theatre over the last decade. With cover
artwork by Ai Weiwei, this is a timely manifesto on what the changing definition
of freedom looks like today.
PERFORMING ARTS | September | Oberon Books | 7 x 8 | 120 pp
Trade Cloth SP US $23.95 | CAN $30.99 | 978-1-78319-987-7 USC*

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Theatre Communications Group

Queen Anne
Helen Edmundson
1702William III is on the throne and England is on the verge of war. Princess
Anne is soon to become Queen, and her advisors vie for influence over the future monarch. Who can Anne turn to when even her most trusted friends seem
bent on pursuing power? Contending with deceit and blackmail, Anne must decide where her allegiances lie.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 144 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-523-1 US

Anna Jordan
Hench is sixteen, Bobbie is thirteen. Theyre home alone in Feltham with their
dog Taliban; playing PlayStation, streaming porn, watching the world go by.
Sometimes their mum Maggie visits, usually with empty pockets and empty
promises. Then Jenny shows up. This Bruntwood Prizewinning play explores
a childhood lived without boundaries and the consequences of growing up on
your own.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-551-4 US

Little Eyolf
Henrik Ibsen
Adapted by Richard Eyre
Henrik Ibsens forensic examination of a marriage as it falls apart. How is a
life well-lived? Alfred Allmers comes home to his wife Rita and makes a decision. Casting aside his writing, he dedicates himself to raising his sonbut
one event is about to change his life forever. The third in a trilogy, Little Eyolf
follows Eyres multi-award-w inning adaptations of Ghosts and Hedda Gabler.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 80 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-539-2 US

Lela & Co.

Cordelia Lynn
A young girl is trapped in an increasingly tiny world. In the beginning was the
mattress. Gradually, other little changesmore bolts on the front door; the
gun; and the locked cupboard. And she knew in her heart that change was bad.
Based on true stories from around the world, this is a startling debut play that
looks at the courage, strength, and perseverance of women in conflict zones.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 64 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-527-9 US

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Theatre Communications Group

Concord Floral
Jordan Tannahill
Rosa Mundi, Nearly Wild, and their friends spend a lot of time at Concord Floral,
a one-m illion-square-foot abandoned greenhouse, and a refuge for neighborhood teens. But hidden there is a secret no one wants to confront, and when they
stumble upon it the friends set off an unstoppable chain of events. A super
natural thriller of suburban teenagers fleeing a mysterious plague.
DRAMA | September | Playwrights Canada Press | 5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | 978-1-77091-495-7 US

Of Human Bondage
Vern Thiessen
When Philip meets Mildred, the alluring tea-shop waitress, hes smitten. Mildred
seems more interested in Philips possessions than his attention, but her emotional bond to Philip may be stronger than she lets on. An epic story of lust, unrequited love, and the pursuit of beauty, adapted from W. Somerset Maughams
classic novel.
DRAMA | September | Playwrights Canada Press | 5 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | 978-1-77091-503-9 US

Marys Wedding
Third Edition

Stephen Massicotte
The eve of Marys wedding is a night filled with dreams: of love, of war, and of what
might be. When Mary and Charlie meet in a barn during a thunderstorm, a tentative love is born. But the year is 1914, and they must surrender their fates to un
certainty. A poignant story of first love in a brand-new edition with an updated
script and introduction from the author.
DRAMA | September | Playwrights Canada Press | 5 x 7 | 112 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | 978-1-77091-542-8 US
Previous edition ISBN: 978-0-88754-899-4

The Gentleman Clothier

Norm Foster
Norman Davenport feels he was born in the wrong century. Disappointed that
he is forced to cater to more current tastes when he opens a brand new clothing
store, Norman makes a wish that changes his lifea nd the lives of his two loyal
employeesforever. A delightful new play from one of Canadas most-produced
DRAMA | September | Playwrights Canada Press | 5 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper SP US $15.95 | 978-1-77091-527-5 US

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Theatre Communications Group

In the Scene: Jane Campion
Ellen Cheshire
The first in a new series of introductory guides to contemporary filmmakers.
Jane Campion is one of the few women filmmakers working today who has managed to create a unique body of work. This book covers Campions remarkable
career, reflecting on the influence of her study in anthropology as well as her
formative years growing up in New Zealand.
PERFORMING ARTS | September | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 7 | 200 pp
Trade Paper SP US $22.95 | CAN $29.99 | 978-0-9932207-2-2 USC

In the Scene: Ang Lee

Ellen Cheshire
The success of Ang Lees films has made him an international name. Lee came to
the fore in the 1990s as part of the second wave of Taiwanese directors and he
has directed everything from comedy-d ramas focusing on Eastern vs. Western
culture to adaptations of works by Jane Austen and Annie Proulx. This new
guide is a must for film fans and students.
PERFORMING ARTS | October | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 7 | 200 pp
Trade Paper SP US $22.95 | CAN $29.99 | 978-0-9932207-4-6 USC

South-East Asian Plays

Edited by Cheryl Robson and Aubrey Mellor
A unique collection of seven plays by playwrights from countries in South-East
Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and
Cambodia. Covering topics as diverse as the global financial crisis, religious faith,
the sex trade, corruption, and exploitation, these plays provide insight into the
differing concerns of those living in a part of the world that is experiencing
profound change.
DRAMA | September | Aurora Metro Press | 5 x 8 | 300 pp
Trade Paper SP US $32.95 | CAN $42.99 | 978-1-906582-86-9 USC

An Incomprehensible Mother Tongue

Valre Novarina
Translated by Amin Erfani
Edited by Frank Hentschker
This volume contains two new American translations of works by Valre
Novarina, one of the major voices in avant-garde theater of the past forty years.
Novarina is celebrated for his unique theatrical writing, exploring language beyond the conventional limits of communication, while pairing buffoonery with
incantatory mysticism in the traditions of Franois Rabelais and Antonin Artaud.
DRAMA | September | Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publ. | 4 x 6 | 64 pp
Trade Paper SP US $10.00 | CAN $12.99 | 978-0-9906847-3-2 W

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Theatre Communications Group

The Iphigenia Quartet
Caroline Bird, Suhayla El-Bushra,
Lulu Raczka, Chris Thorpe
Euripidess story of a father moved to murder his daughter is one that has been
reinvented and retold anew throughout history. The Iphigenia Quartet includes
four responses to this classical tragedyeach play a reimagining of this story of
familial catastrophe from the differing perspectives of the key characters in the
drama: Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Iphigenia, and the Chorus.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 240 pp
Trade Paper SP US $26.95 | CAN $34.99 | 978-1-78319-320-2 USC*

I Wish to Die Singing

Stories from the Armenian Genocide

Neil McPherson
Commemorating the centenary of the deportations that began the Armenian
Genocide, this play is a controversial documentary drama uncovering the forgotten secrets and atrocities of a denied genocidefeaturing eye-w itness reportage, images, music, poetry from Armenias greatest poets, and verbatim
survivor testimonies from one of the greatest historical injustices of all time.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-78319-305-9 USC*

Can I Start Again Please

Sue MacLaine
A bold new work about our cognitive capacity to process traumatic experience
and the ability of language to represent it. This personal and political piece contemplates what the act of trying to tell really entails. Written in English and in
British Sign Language, the two languages and two scripts work both in opposition and in harmony to test and stretch the limits of language.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 88 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-78319-335-6 USC*

Atypical Plays for Atypical Actors

Kaite OReilly
The first of its kind: a collection of dramas informed by a political and cultural
disability perspective that redefines the notion of normalcy and extends the
range of what it is to be human. From monologues to performance texts to realist
plays, these involving and subversive pieces explore disability as a portal to new
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 328 pp
Trade Paper SP US $34.95 | CAN $45.50 | 978-1-78319-317-2 USC*

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Theatre Communications Group

Dear Lupin
Roger Mortimer and Charlie Mortimer
Adapted by Michael Simkins
An immensely charming stage adaptation of the best-selling book, consisting of a
lifetime of letters from journalist Roger Mortimer to his son Charlie. Mortimers
hilarious, touching, and generous letters are packed with crisp anecdotes and
sharp observations. Spanning twenty-five years, the father-son correspondence
forms a memoir of their relationship, and an affectionate portrait of a time gone by.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 56 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-535-4 US

The Encounter
Complicite and Simon McBurney
Inspired by the book Amazon Beaming by Petru Popescu, this play traces a journey into the depths of the Amazon rainforest, incorporating innovative technology into a solo performance. In 1969, a National Geographic photographer
found himself lost among the people of the remote Javari Valley in Brazil. It was
an encounter that was to change his life, bringing the limits of human consciousness into startling focus.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-554-5 US

The James Plays

Second Edition

Rona Munro
Munros vividly imagined trilogy brings to life three generations of Stewart kings
who ruled Scotland in the tumultuous fifteenth century. Each play stands alone
as a unique vision of a country tussling with its past and future; viewed together
the trilogy creates a complex and compelling narrative of Scottish culture and
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 320 pp
Trade Paper SP US $26.95 | 978-1-84842-560-6 US
Previous edition ISBN: 978-1-84842-420-3

Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons

Sam Steiner
The average person will speak 123,205,750 words in a lifetime. But what if there
were a limit? This play imagines a world where were forced to say less. Its about
what we say and how we say it; about the things we can only hear in the silence;
and about dead cats, activism, eye contact, and lemons, lemons, lemons, lemons, lemons.
DRAMA | September | Nick Hern Books | 5 x 7 | 72 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | 978-1-84842-537-8 US

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Theatre Communications Group

Pina Bausch
Dance Can be Virtually Everything

Marion Mayer
Translated by Penny Black
The first-ever biography in English of Pina Bausch: perhaps the most influential
performer and choreographer of the twentieth century. Mayers accessible account penetrates the mystique and mythology surrounding Bauschs life. As well
as illuminating her personal life and her work ethic, it also takes stock of Bauschs
legacy and the future for the company she created.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 244 pp
Trade Cloth SP US $30.95 | CAN $40.50 | 978-1-78319-989-1 USC*

Macmillan: Plays One

Duncan Macmillan

This is the first collection from critically acclaimed playwright Duncan

Macmillan, containing the plays Monster, Lungs, Every Brilliant Thing, 2071, and
People, Places and Things.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 312 pp
Trade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $40.50 | 978-1-78319-337-0 USC*

Tipping the Velvet

Sarah Waters
Adapted by Laura Wade
Its 1887 and Nancy Astley sits in the audience at her local music hall: she doesnt
know it yet, but the next act on the bill will change her life. Tonight is the night
shell fall in love . . . with the thrill of the stage and with Kitty Butler, a girl who
wears trousers. Adapted by acclaimed playwright Laura Wade from Sarah
Waterss audacious bestselling novel.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 126 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-78319-995-2 USC*

Brian Lobel
In 2011, Brian Lobel gave strangers one minute to decide which of his thirteen
hundred Facebook friends to keep or delete. The deleting was real, the pace was
maniacal, the results were final. An interactive performance exploring the process of, and fallout from, purging people from our digital lives and examining
how we emotionally and socially interact with online media.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50 | 978-1-78319-329-5 USC*

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Theatre Communications Group

How to Enjoy Opera
John Snelson
John Snelson, Commissioning Editor at The Royal Opera House, explores how
the music tells the story in opera. Aimed at newcomers as well as long-t ime fans,
this book focuses on how to look and listen to any opera. The text covers many
of the elements that composers and librettists employ to give enjoyment to audiences, in the hope that readers can gain greater enjoyment from future viewing and listening, too.
PERFORMING ARTS | September | Oberon Books | 4 x 7 | 200 pp
Trade Paper SP US $23.95 | CAN $30.99 | 978-1-78319-823-8 USC*

The Magna Carta Plays

Timberlake Wertenbaker, Howard Brenton,
Anders Lustgarten, and Sally Woodcock
Four new short plays by internationally renowned playwrights inspired by the
eight-hundredth anniversary of the Magna Carta. Plays include Ransomed by
Howard Brenton, Kingmakers by Anders Lustgarten, We Sell Right by Timberlake
Wertenbaker, and Pink Gin by Sally Woodcock.
DRAMA | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 136 pp
Trade Paper SP US $19.95 | CAN $25.99 | 978-1-78319-293-9 USC*

Dramatic Writing Masterclasses

Key Advice from the Industry Masters

Edited by Jennifer Tuckett

Suitable for writers, students, teachers, and anyone with an interest in dramatic
writing, this book offers key advice on writing for theatre, film, television, radio,
and digital media. Includes advice from John Yorke, creator of the BBC Writers
Academy; Kate Rowland, founder of BBC Writersroom; Ola Animashawun, creator of the Royal Court Theatres famous Young Writers Program; and many more.
REFERENCE | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 312 pp
Trade Paper SP US $26.95 | CAN $34.99 | 978-1-78319-324-0 USC*

Rosalind: A Biography of
Shakespeares Immortal Heroine
Angela Thirlwell
Thirlwell explores the fictitious life and the many after-lives of Rosalind,
Shakespeares greatest female creation, and her perennial influence on drama,
fiction, and art. The book ranges widely across Tudor history, theatre history,
sexual politics, art history, and filmography and contains exclusive interviews
with Juliet Rylance, Kenneth Branagh, Vanessa Redgrave, and many more.
PERFORMING ARTS | September | Oberon Books | 5 x 8 | 256 pp
Trade Cloth SP US $30.95 | CAN $40.50 | 978-1-78319-855-9 USC*

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Theatre Communications Group

The Breakwater Book of
Contemporary Newfoundland
Plays, Volume Three

The Dishonoured

Four Play

Aamina Ahmad

Jake Brunger

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-297-7 USC*

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 80 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-555-2 US

Cinderella: A Fairytale

The Divided Laing

Freda and Jems

Best of the Week

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 72 pp
Trade Paper SP US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-78319-968-6 USC*

Aurora Metro Press
5 x 7 | 112 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $27.50
978-1-906582-82-1 USC


Erik and the Gods:

Journey to Valhalla

French Without Tears

Lars-Henrik Olsen

Second Edition
Terence Rattigan

Aurora Metro Press
5 x 7 | 252 pp
Trade Paper SP US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-906582-93-7 USC

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-524-8 US

Edited by Denyse Lynde

Playwrights Canada Press
6 x 9 | 314 pp
Trade Paper SP US $19.95
978-1-55081-636-5 US

Adam Peck and Sally Cookson

Evan Placey

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-520-0 US

Crushed Shells and Mud

Patrick Marmion

Lois Fine

Playwrights Canada Press
5 x 8 | 80 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95
978-1-77091-507-7 US

Ben Musgrave

Phil Davies


The Future Show

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-531-6 US

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 80 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-530-9 US

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-295-3 USC*

Dark Tourism

First Love is the Revolution

Gary Owen: Collected Plays

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-991-4 USC*

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-299-1 USC*

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 328 pp
Trade Paper SP US $30.95 | CAN $40.50
978-1-78319-331-8 USC*

Daniel Dingsdale

Rita Kalnejais

Deborah Pearson

Gary Owen

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Theatre Communications Group

Harlequinade /
All On Her Own
Terence Rattigan

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-541-5 US

Hornimans Choice
Harold Brighouse,
Stanley Houghton,
and Allan Monkhouse

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-291-5 USC*

I Believe in Unicorns


Deborah Bruce, Theresa Ikoko,

Laura Lomas, Chino Odimba,
and Ursula Rani Sarma
Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 56 pp
Trade Paper SP US $18.95
978-1-84842-544-6 US

The Last Dog of War

Linda Griffiths

Playwrights Canada Press
5 x 7 | 64 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95
978-1-77091-499-5 US

Mrs Barbours Daughters

AJ Taudevin

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 88 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-984-6 USC*

My Family and Other

Endangered Species

Ellen Close and Braden Griffiths

Playwrights Canada Press
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $15.95
978-1-77091-519-0 US

Michael Morpurgo

The Live Art Almanac:

Volume 4
Edited by Lois Keidan

(West End Edition)

Jessica Swale

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 64 pp
Trade Paper SP US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-78319-997-6 USC*

Oberon Books
7 x 9 | 312 pp
Trade Paper SP US $26.95 | CAN $34.99
978-1-78319-322-6 USC*

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 136 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-559-0 US

Adapted by Wizard Theatre

Image of an Unknown
Young Woman
Elinor Cook

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-488-3 US

In the Night Time

(Before the Sun Rises)
Nina Segal

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-313-4 USC*


A Radical New Version from the

Perspective of the Children
Kate Mulvany

Original concept by Anne-Louise Sarks,

after Euripides
Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 64 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-303-5 USC*

Nell Gwynn

Performing Indigeneity

New Essays on Canadian Theatre

Edited by Yvette Nolan
and Ric Knowles
Playwrights Canada Press
6 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper SP US $25.00
978-1-77091-537-4 US


Jacqui Honess-Martin
Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-548-4 US

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Theatre Communications Group

Plays from VAULT

Florence Keith-Roach,
Camilla Whitehill,
Rosie Kellett, Oliver Forsyth,
and Stephen Laughton
Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 192 pp
Trade Paper SP US $26.95
978-1-84842-553-8 US

Rise Up

Sultans of the Street

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-993-8 USC*

Playwrights Canada Press
5 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Paper SP US $15.95
978-1-77091-523-7 US

Lisa Evans

Plays of Love and Conflict

The Road to Glory

Aurora Metro Press
5 x 7 | 180 pp
Trade Paper SP US $28.95 | CAN $37.50
978-1-910798-79-9 USC

Aurora Metro Press
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95 | CAN $27.50
978-1-906582-80-7 USC

Neil Duffield

Poppy & George

Neil Duffield


Anusree Roy


David Pinski

Adapted by Colin Chambers

Translated by Ludwig Lewisohn
Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 88 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-999-0 USC*

Wendy & Peter Pan

Diane Samuels

Stacey Gregg

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 80 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-545-3 US

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 112 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-525-5 US


Staying Alive

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 76 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-333-2 USC*

Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-521-7 US

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-982-2 USC*

In-Sook Chappell

The Restoration of Nell Gwyn

Steve Trafford

Oberon Books
5 x 8 | 76 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-78319-301-1 USC*

Kat Roberts

Ella Hickson

Adapted by J. M. Barrie
Nick Hern Books
5 x 7 | 136 pp
Trade Paper SP US $20.95
978-1-84842-526-2 US

Caroline Bird

You Are Happy

Rbecca Draspe

Translated by Leanna Brodie

Playwrights Canada Press
5 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Paper SP US $17.95
978-1-77091-538-1 US

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 397

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Selected Backlist from Theatre Communications Group

Father Comes Home

From the Wars
(Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Suzan-Lori Parks

5 x 8 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-500-0 W* (excludes Canada)

Between Riverside
and Crazy

Ming Cho Lee

5 x 8 | 108 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-515-4 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

9 x 12 | 336 pp
360 color photographs and
140 B&W photographs
Trade Cloth US $75.00
978-1-55936-461-4 W* (excludes Canada)

Stephen Adly Guirgis

A Life in Design
Arnold Aronson

eBook available

Annie Baker

The Flick

Annie Baker


Culture is the Body

5 x 8 | 192 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-458-4 W* (excludes Canada)

5 x 8 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95
978-1-55936-529-1 W* (excludes Canada)

Translated by Kameron Steele

The Theatre Writings

of Tadashi Suzuki
Tadashi Suzuki

5 x 8 | 192 pp
B&W photographs
Trade Paper US $17.95
978-1-55936-496-6 W* (excludes Canada)
eBook available

FLC F16 Theatre 375-398.indd 398

4/5/16 9:32 AM

Third Man Books

The Story of the Stooges As Told By Iggy Pop

Edited by Jeff Gold and Jon Savage

Essays by Johan Kugelburg, Ben Blackwell,
Joan Jett, and Johnny Marr
The first book telling Iggy Pops story of The Stooges in
his own words. Features a treasure-trove of unseen photographs.

Iggy Pop is my total idol.Kurt Cobain

The Stooges also carry a strong element of sickness in their music, a crazed quaking uncertainty and errant foolishness that effectively mirrors the absurdity and
desperation of the times, but I believe that they also carry a strong element of cure,
of post-derangement sanity. And I also believe that their music is as important
as the product of any rock group working today.L ester Bangs, Creem (1970)
[The Stooges] Fun House is one of the greatest rock & roll records of all time and
as great as they were, the Stones never went so deep, the Beatles never sounded
so alive, and anyone would have a hard time matching Iggy Pops ferocity as a
vocalist.Scott Seward, The Rolling Stone Album Guide (2004)
TOTAL CHAOS is the first book telling Iggy Pops story of The Stooges in his
own words. Grammy-winning editor and avid music historian Jeff Gold spent
two days at the rock legends home sharing pictures and memorabilia from his
collection. Featuring a trove of unseen photographs, TOTAL CHAOS shows and
tells, with the help of best-selling author Jon Savage, the story of the Stooges from
those tell-a ll interviews.
Iggy Pop is a musician and actor. He is the vocalist, and last remaining original
member of the Stooges, a band Rolling Stone lists in their one hundred greatest
artists of all time. The Stooges were first active 19671975, reunited in 2003, and
in 2010 were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


9 x 12 | 300 pp
150 B&W and color photographs
Trade Cloth US $50.00 | CAN $64.99
978-0-9913361-9-7 W

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National advertising: New Yorker, Pitchfork,
Rolling Stone, Spin, Vice
National TV and radio campaign
Social media campaign
Co-promotion with Iggy Pop tour
Promotion through:,

FLC F16 Third Man 399-400.indd 399

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Selected Backlist from Third Man Books

Language Lessons:
Volume I
Edited by Chet Weise
and Ben Swank

12 x 12 | 339 pp
Book & Music US $60.00 | CAN $65.99
978-0-9913361-0-4 W

PAIN: The Board Game

Sampson Starkweather

Illustrated by Jon-Michael Frank

5 x 8 | 160 pp
15 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $22.50
978-0-9913361-2-8 W

The Truth Is We Are Perfect

Janaka Stucky

5 x 8 | 92 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $19.99
978-0-9913361-1-1 W

Hidden Water

From the Frank Stanford Archives

Frank Stanford
Edited by Chet Weise
and Michael Wiegers


6 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $22.50
978-0-9913361-3-5 W

My Dinner with Ron Jeremy

When the World Wounds

5 x 8 | 100 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-0-9913361-4-2 W

6 x 8 | 130 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $20.99
978-0-9913361-5-9 W

Kendra DeColo

Kiini Ibura Salaam

FLC F16 Third Man 399-400.indd 400

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Torrey House Press

Charlie Quimby

A realtors boomandbust town needs a boost and theres only one

barrier to overcomethe people shes supposed to help.

A thoroughly enjoyable novel that masterfully takes the reader on an emotionally rewarding exploration of home and the power the concept has on the human
psyche.Jonathan Odell, author of Miss Hazel and the Rosa Parks League
A dramatic, honest, humane portrait of a Colorado city in the throes of great
change and great choice. Inhabited is a vivid, compelling story delivered with
twenty-first century true grit.Alyson Hagy, author of Boleto
Meg Mogrin sells pricey houses, belongs to the mayors inner circle, and knows
more than shes letting on about her sisters death. Isaac Samson lives in a tent
and believes Thomas Edison invented the Reagan presidency. When their town
attracts a game-changing development, Isaac is displaced by the towns crackdown on vagrancy. As Isaac struggles to regain stability, Meg contends with conflicting roles of assisting the developer while serving on the homeless coalition.
Isaacs quest to return a lost artifact soon intrudes into Megs tidy world, digging
up a part of her past shed rather remained buried.
Charlie Quimbys writing life has always crossed divides: a playwright turned
critic; a protest songwriter who worked for a defense contractor; a blogger exploring taxpaying and homelessness. Owner of a marketing firm, he wrote award-
winning words for others in Harvard Business Review, Financial World magazine,
and the NFL Hall of Fame. Naturally, he splits time between Minneapolis and his
native western Colorado.

Also Available

5 x 8 | 345 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-937226-67-1 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
10-city national tour
Author appearances at Mountains and Plains,
Heartland Fall Forum, and PNBA trade shows
Goodreads and LibraryThing giveaways
Promotion through:

Author Events
Grand Junction, CO Minneapolis, MN
Salt Lake City, UT
Monument Road
Charlie Quimby
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-937226-25-1 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Torrey House 401-404.indd 401

Contributor Hometown: Grand Junction, CO

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Torrey House Press

Dancing on the Spiders Web
Sasha Paulsen

A funny, joyful story of young love lost and found again in the tumultuous
time of Haight-Ashbury . . . takes you back to a bygone era when seeking mattered more than finding.Sandra Dallas, New York Times bestselling author of
The Last Midwife
[Sasha Paulsens] characters are so alive in their complexity and her prose is so
vivid. . . . A sparkling and utterly engrossing debut.Margot Livesey, New York
Times bestselling author of The Flight of Gemma Hardy

5 x 8 | 250 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $21.99
978-1-937226-63-3 USC
eBook available

Dancing on the Spiders Web is an exuberant tale about the pursuit of beauty, love,
and self-worth. Uncertain about her medical career path, twenty-fi ve-year-old
Sarah Glass bolts to San Francisco to give herself a month to live. There she
meets free-spirited Gabriel, and together they embark on a series of whirlwind
adventures that take them out of the city, deeper into the country, and face to face
with buried emotions, family discord, and long-sought dreams.
Sasha Paulsen lives in Napa, California, where she is the features editor at the
Napa Valley Register. She holds a BA in English from St. Marys College and an
MA in Journalism from UC Berkeley. Paulsen co-w rote The Masters Secrets to
Enjoying Wine, published in China, Macau, and Hong Kong in 2015.

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Regional Bay Area book tour
Author to NCIBA trade show
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing
Contributor Hometown: Napa, CA

FLC F16 Torrey House 401-404.indd 402

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Torrey House Press

The Talker

Mary Sojourner

Amid the harsh beauty of the contemporary Southwest, these stories

explore lives of the downandout with uncanny grit and grace.

From security guards and jackrabbits to bartenders and blue herons, the desert-
dwellers in The Talker surface with grit and grace from dust-blown trailers,
ancient Joshua trees, and artificial lakes. With her signature down-to-earth
storytelling style, Mary Sojourner explores the lives of working-class people,
threats to Western landscapes, and the complexities of love. The Talker depicts
a community weathering the desert glare of the Mojave, seeking refuge, truth,
and escape.
Mary Sojourner is the author of 29: a Novel; the short story collection Delicate;
an essay collection, Bonelight: Ruin and Grace in the New Southwest; and the
memoirs Solace: Rituals of Loss and Desire and She Bets Her Life. She is an occasional commentator at her local NPR station and the author of many essays,
columns, and op-eds for High Country News, Writers on the Range, and other
publications. A graduate of the University of Rochester, Sojourner teaches writing in private circles, one-on-one, at colleges and universities, writing conferences, and book festivals. She believes in both the limitations and possibilities
of healing through writingt he most powerful tool she has found for doing
what is necessary to mend. She lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.

5 x 8 | 200 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $19.50
978-1-937226-69-5 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans

Also Available

Co-op available
Advance reader copies
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Author to Mountains and Plains trade show
Giveaways through Goodreads, LibraryThing
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Flagstaff, AZ

Mary Sojourner
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937226-35-0 USC
eBook available

FLC F16 Torrey House 401-404.indd 403

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Selected Backlist from Torrey House Press

Alibi Creek

Bev Magennis
5 x 8 | 274 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-937226-55-8 USC
eBook available

The Story of My Heart

As Rediscovered by
Brooke Williams and
Terry Tempest Williams
Richard Jefferies,
Terry Tempest Williams,
and Brooke Williams
Afterword by Scott Slovic


Barbara K. Richardson
5 x 8 | 352 pp
Trade Paper US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937226-04-6 USC
eBook available


4 x 6 | 234 pp
Trade Cloth US $21.95 | CAN $23.99
978-1-937226-41-1 USC
eBook available

Pale Harvest

The Ordinary Truth

5 x 8 | 366 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-937226-39-8 USC

5 x 8 | 373 pp
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $18.50
978-1-937226-06-0 USC

eBook available

eBook available

Braden Hepner

FLC F16 Torrey House 401-404.indd 404

Jana Richman

Facing the Change

Personal Encounters
with Global Warming
Edited by
Steven Pavlos Holmes, PhD
5 x 8 | 173 pp
Trade Paper US $14.95 | CAN $16.50
978-1-937226-27-5 USC
eBook available

4/5/16 9:31 AM

Two Dollar Radio

The Gloaming
Melanie Finn

Shortlisted for the Guardians Not the Booker Prize, The Gloaming
is an adventurous, haunting novel of guilt, atonement, and hope.

Intense, impressive.The Guardian

I rarely get as invested in the outcome of a novel as I did reading The Gloaming,
but the empathies that Finn evokes in this powerful and unpredictable book
are not casual; these traumas could be our own. [Finns] prose is hypnotic and
knife-precise and at times so beautiful its unnerving. I didnt read this book
so much as I experienced it and it will haunt me for a very, very long time.
Jill Alexander Essbaum, New York Times bestselling author of Hausfrau
Pilgrims husband left her for another woman, stranding her in a Swiss town
where she is involved in an accident that leaves three children dead. Cleared of
responsibility though overcome with guilt, she absconds to Africa, befriending
a series of locals, each with their own tragic past.
Mysteriously, the remains of an albino appear, the sign of a curse placed by
a witch doctor spooking everyone, though its intended recipient is uncertain.
Pilgrim volunteers to rid the town of the box and its contents, though wherever
she goes, she cant shake the feeling that shes being followed.
Melanie Finn was born and raised in Kenya until age eleven, when she moved
with her family to Connecticut. She is the author of the novel Away From You and
wrote DisneyNatures beautiful, haunting flamingo epic The Crimson Wing, which
was directed by her husband, filmmaker Matt Aeberhard. During the filming,
Finn established The Natron Healthcare Project. She now lives in Vermont with
Aeberhard and their twin daughters.

5 x 7 | 318 pp
Trade Paper, Deckle Edge US $16.99 | CAN $21.99
978-1-937512-47-7 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies available
Social media campaign
Contributor Hometown: Lyndonville, VT

FLC F16 Two Dollar Radio 405-408.indd 405

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Two Dollar Radio

Joshua Mohr

With the vulnerability and grit for which hes praised, Joshua Mohr
returns with a harrowing chronicle of substance abuse and relapse.

What Mohr enduredthree strokes in his thirties and heart surgery, and thats
just the fun partis more than most of us will suffer in a lifetime. What emerges
is a cri de coeur of power, intensity, andIm just going to say itlove. This is
the kind of book that makes you want to grab strangers at bus stops and scream
at them to read. Think Kathy Acker, think Denis Johnson, think Amy Hempel.
Sirens is a truly powerful work of art, by an artist were all lucky to have alive and
working.Jerry Stahl


5 x 7 | 208 pp
Trade Paper, Deckle Edge US $15.99 | CAN $20.99
978-1-937512-34-7 USC
eBook available

Acclaimed novelist Joshua Mohr provides a captivating and complicated account

of his years of substance abuse and culpability in his nonfiction debut. Employing
the characterization and chimerical prose for which he has been lauded, Mohr
traces his childhood swilling fuzzy navels as a latch key kid, through his first failed
marriage, parenthood, heart surgery, and his everyday struggle against relapse.
Joshua Mohr is the author of Some Things that Meant the World to Me, one of
Oprah Magazines Top 10 reads of 2009 and a San Francisco Chronicle bestseller; Termite Parade, an Editors Choice pick at the New York Times Book
Review; Damascus, called Beat-poet cool by the New York Times; and, most recently, Fight Song and All This Life. He recently moved with his family to Seattle,

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies available
Excerpts in: BuzzFeed, The Rumpus
Social media campaign
10-city national tour

Author Events
San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Seattle, WA

Some Things That Meant
the World to Me
Joshua Mohr
Trade Paper US $15.50 | CAN $17.00
978-0-9820151-1-7 USC

FLC F16 Two Dollar Radio 405-408.indd 406

eBook available

Joshua Mohr
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-0-9826848-9-4 USC*
eBook available

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Two Dollar Radio

Seeing People Off
Jana Be

Winner of the EU Prize for Literature, Seeing People Off is the

English-language debut of a dazzling contemporary voice.

Winner of the European Union Prize for Literature

One of the most important works of new Slovak prose.SME
Benovs short, fast novels are a revolution against normality. Unlike so many
others, her novels not only claim to be a revolution but actually achieve this feat
through their minimalist narratives that go against all conventions; in fact, Benov
manages to subtly and intelligently poke fun at conventional categorizations.
Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, ORF
There is a liveliness and effervescence to Jana Benovs prose that is magnetic.
Whether addressing the loneliness of relationships or the effectiveness of rat
poison, her voice and observations call to mind the verve and sophistication of
Renata Adler or Rosalyn Drexler, while remaining utterly singular.
Seeing People Off follows Elza and Ian, a young couple living in a humongous
apartment complex outside Bratislava where the walls play music and talk, and
time is immaterial.
Drawing on her memories, everyday interactions, observations of post-
socialist realities, and Elzas attraction to actor Kalisto Tanzi, Seeing People Off
is a kaleidoscopic, poetic, and deeply funny portrait of a relationship.
Jana Benov is one of the most acclaimed Slovakian writers, and winner of the
European Union Prize for Literature. She writes poetry and fiction, and is the
author of the novels Seeing People Off, Get Off! Get Off!, Parker, and Honeymoon
(forthcoming from Two Dollar Radio), as well as three collections of poems.
Though her work has been widely translated throughout Europe, Seeing People Off
is her English-language debut.

5 x 7 | 142 pp
Trade Paper US $14.99 | CAN $19.50
978-1-937512-52-1 USC
eBook available

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies available
Social media campaign

FLC F16 Two Dollar Radio 405-408.indd 407

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Selected Backlist from Two Dollar Radio

I Smile Back

Media tie-in
Amy Koppelman
5 x 7 | 194 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.99
978-1-937512-42-2 USC
eBook available

The Absolution of
Roberto Acestes Laing
Nicholas Rombes

David Connerley Nahm

5 x 7 | 176 pp
Trade Paper, Deckle Edge
US $15.95 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937512-23-1 USC

5 x 7 | 222 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937512-20-0 USC

eBook available


A Biography of Place
Scott McClanahan
5 x 7 | 192 pp
Trade Paper, Deckle Edge
US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-937512-03-3 USC

Ancient Oceans of
Central Kentucky

eBook available

A Questionable Shape

Not Dark Yet

5 x 7 | 242 pp
Trade Paper, Deckle Edge
US $16.50 | CAN $17.99
978-1-937512-09-5 USC

5 x 7 | 202 pp
Trade Paper US $15.99 | CAN $19.99
978-1-937512-35-4 USC

Bennett Sims

eBook available

Berit Ellingsen

eBook available

eBook available

FLC F16 Two Dollar Radio 405-408.indd 408

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Uncivilized Books
Brighter Than You Think:
10 Short Works by Alan Moore
With Critical Essays by Marc Sobel

Marc Sobel and Alan Moore

Collection and analysis of Alan Moores
difficult-to-find short comics stories.

A collection of Alan Moores (Watchmen, From Hell) difficult-to-fi nd comics short

stories. From bold experiments, through early takes on his favorite subjects, to
self-critiques of his older work, this wide-ranging collection is an essential look
at Moores illuminating short stories. Each story is drawn by some of the best
artists in comics from mainstream mavericks like Steven Bissette (Swamp Thing,
Tyrant), Rick Veitch (Swamp Thing, Bratpack), and John Totleben (Miracleman)
to underground iconoclasts like Mark Beyer (RAW) and Peter Bagge (Hate,
Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story). Comic book critic Marc Sobel provides insightful commentary and context for each of the stories.
Marc Sobel is the co-editor of The Love and Rockets Companion, published by
Fantagraphics Books. He is also the author of the forthcoming Love and Rockets
Reader, also from Fantagraphics. He is a freelance journalist and scholar in the
field of comic book studies.
Alan Moore is an English writer primarily known for his work in comic books,
including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell (and many others). Frequently described as the best graphic novel writer in history, and he has been
called one of the most important British writers of the last fifty years.

Critical Cartoons
6 x 10 | 200 pp
80 color illustrations
Trade Paper US $22.95 | CAN $29.99
978-1-941250-12-9 W
Ages 16 and up

Marketing Plans
Advance reader copies
Excerpts in: The Comics Journal
Social media campaign
Promotion through Free Comic Book Day

Author Events
Washington, DC New York, NY Toronto, ON
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

FLC F16 Uncivilized 409-410.indd 409

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Selected Backlist from Uncivilized Books


Joann Sfar

Translated by Edward Gauvin

6 x 9 | 200 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-0-9846814-7-1 W*

Truth is Fragmentary
Travelogues & Diaries
Gabrielle Bell


6 x 9 | 176 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $19.99 | CAN $21.99
978-0-9889014-5-2 W

Eel Mansions

Derek Van Gieson

7 x 10 | 240 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $19.95 | CAN $24.99
978-1-941250-00-6 W

Incidents in the Night

Book 2
David B.

Translated by Brian Evenson

7 x 10 | 120 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $24.99
978-0-9889014-8-3 W

New Construction
Two More Stories
Sam Alden


5 x 7 | 208 pp
B&W illustrations
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $22.50
978-1-941250-03-7 W


Jason Little
8 x 4 | 96 pp
B&W illustrations
Paper over Board US $19.95 | CAN $24.99
978-1-941250-02-0 W

FLC F16 Uncivilized 409-410.indd 410

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Unfiltered Media
The Ultimate Beer Guide 2017
The Definitive Guide to Beer in America,
Curated by Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine

Jamie Bogner
The definitive guide to beer in America from established beer experts.
The perfect companion or gift for any beer lover.

As the craft-beer industry continues to grow at a breakneck pace with new breweries opening at a rate of about one thousand per year, consumers have more
choices than ever. But with that choice comes an even greater challenge to find
the standouts in the crowded field. The Ultimate Beer Guide 2017 is the perfect
companion to this beer lovers journey, with a thoroughly researched and updated map to the dynamic craft-beer landscape, presented with engaging and
in-depth writing from the expert editors and writers of Craft Beer & Brewing
The Ultimate Beer Guide 2017 features:
Profiles of more than four hundred of Americas best breweries, including
recommended bottles, tasting notes, and style trends
Editors best-of lists
Regional beer tourism guides to beer bars and bottle shops
This guide is a must-have for any of the beer lovers that make up the annual US
$19 billion craft beer market.
With a focus on practical applicability, this well-designed and easy-to-u se
guide presents information in a clear and concise way. Throughout the pages of
the guide, readers avoid the hyperbole and misdirection of online crowd-sourced
ratings and instead get honest opinions and nuanced suggestions from experts
with a deep pool of experience. Carefully assembled by the team behind Craft
Beer & Brewing Magazine, this guide builds on the knowledge base that has been
assembled through years of exploring, tasting, and writing about the best in craft
The Ultimate Beer Guide 2017 is the perfect companion or gift for any beer lover.

4 x 8 | 288 pp
B&W photographs and maps
Trade Paper US $12.99 | CAN $16.99
978-0-9962689-9-8 USC

Marketing Plans
National advertising: Craft Beer & Brewing
Outreach to brewing publications and websites
Social media campaign
Excerpts in: Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine,
Regional tour
Promotional newsletter to more than 35,000
beer lovers
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Fort Collins, CO

FLC F16 Unfiltered 411-412.indd 411

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Unfiltered Media
The Chefs Guide to Craft Beer
Better Home Cooking With Beer

Christopher Cina
Photographs by Christopher Cina and Matt Graves
With mouth-watering recipes and practical advice, this craft-beer
cookbook will expand the culinary arsenal of any home cook.

The Chef s Guide to Craft Beer appeals to the ever-exploding craft-beer consumer
market as well as to the established cooking market, both nationally and inter
nationally. With an exploration of the flavors of different beer styles, each chapter
of the craft-beer cookbook starts with a quick hit of theory and follows through
with delicious recipes that let home cooks explore the ins and outs of cooking with
craft beer. This cookbook presents creative cuisine that ranges from new takes on
classic pub-g rub to cutting edge contemporary dishes. The guide features:

8 x 9 | 160 pp
Color photographs
Trade Paper US $24.99 | CAN $32.50
978-0-9962689-4-3 USC

Marketing Plans
Excerpts in:Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine
National advertising: Craft Beer & Brewing
Outreach to cooking and craft beer
publications and websites
Social media campaign
Promotional newsletter to more than 35,000
beer lovers
Contributors Hometowns: Aurora, CO /
Fort Collins, CO

FLC F16 Unfiltered 411-412.indd 412

More than one hundred recipes carefully developed and prepared with
craft beer.
Concise, easy-to-follow recipe instructions that are approachable yet
Full-page professional color photography and styling of each dish to make
for a gorgeous cookbook.
Practical theory that helps home cooks consider how to add different beer
styles to their own recipes.
Recipes that are designed, tested, and approved by our expert chefs.
Craft-beer recommendations for pairing and cooking.
Author Chistopher Cina is an award-w inning Executive Chef of Breckenridge-
Wynkoop Dining Concepts, and his recipes and photography have been acclaimed and published nationally. Hes a regular contributor to Craft Beer &
Brewing Magazine, and has contributed to the books The Craft Beer Kitchen and
The Best of Cooking With Beer.

The Craft Beer Kitchen
A Fresh and Creative Approach
to Cooking with Beer
Cooper Brunk
Photographs by Christopher Cina
Foreword by Kim Jordan
Trade Paper US $19.99 | CAN $24.99
978-0-9962689-0-5 USC

The Best of Cooking with Beer

Christopher Cina and Sara Dumford
Photographs by Christopher Cina
and Matt Graves
Trade Paper US $19.99 | CAN $25.99
978-0-9962689-1-2 USC
eBook available

eBook available

4/5/16 9:30 AM

Vodka & Milk

Brooklyn, New York

Vodka & Milk was founded in an effort to deliver compelling works from both cutting-edge and bestselling
writers, with a mission to inform and entertain readers.
Our company is home to imprints such as Infamous Books, Write to Eat, and Five Avenue Entertainment.
We aim to deliver a myriad of releasesaction-packed thrillers, intensely distinct memoirs, uniquely
angled cookbooks, and entertaining fiction and nonfiction works.
We maintain the mantra of publishing in any genre that speaks to us and our audience. After all, your
mind opens the moment a book does.

rst season at Consortium

FLC F16 Vodka Milk 413-416.indd 413

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Vodka & Milk

Commissary Kitchen
My Infamous Prison Cookbook

Albert Prodigy Johnson with Kathy Iandoli

Foreword by Eddie Huang
An inside look at meal culture in prisons, from the quality
of the food to the stories surrounding the preparation of it.


Infamous Books
7 x 9 | 208 pp
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $32.50
978-0-9971462-3-3 USC

Marketing Plans
10,000-copy print run
National print and online campaign
National advertising
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Meals are perhaps the most important aspect of prison life. They keep inmates
alive, both physically and emotionally, as mess halls and common areas provide
a level of social interaction in an otherwise lonely situation. Albert Prodigy
Johnson served three and a half years in prison, and during that time his focus
was on his healtha n almost impossible feat behind bars, where many inmates
often enter the prison system healthy, but leave with diabetes and hypertension.
Commissary Kitchen provides a deeper perspective of what its like to consume
meals in prison. With recipes, Prodigy and co-w riter Kathy Iandoli also tell vari
ous anecdotes about situations in prison involving food. Meal prep in prison is
very limited, so while this work appeals to anyone who has served time or is curious about prison life, it also speaks to those who prepare food with limited access
to various cooking luxuries (such as college students in dorms). While the work
is informational, above all it humanizes the prison experience in a way that has
never been done before.
Albert Prodigy Johnson is a multi-platinum recording artist and member of
the legendary hip-hop duo Mobb Deep. In 2006, Prodigy was arrested for gun
possession and served a three-year prison term. In 2011, he released his first
memoir, the critically-acclaimed My Infamous Life. Since then, Prodigy has continued to release both solo projects and albums through Mobb Deep, touring
worldwide. When he isnt touring, Prodigy is traveling the United States, lecturing at venues like MIT about the prison system and offering insight on changing
the quality of inmates lives.
Kathy Iandoli is a critically-acclaimed journalist and author. Her work has appeared in publications such as Pitchfork, VICE, Maxim, Cosmopolitan, the Village
Voice, Rolling Stone, Billboard, and many others. She is also a professor of Music
Business at New Jersey City University in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA Washington, DC
Miami, FL Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL
Boston, MA Baltimore, MD Detroit, MI
New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY /
Englewood, NJ

FLC F16 Vodka Milk 413-416.indd 414

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Vodka & Milk

Excerpt from Commissary Kitchen: Fried Chicken n Thighs

Correction officers were corrupt as shit. There was a whole prostitution ring happening in the prison. I guess you could say the inmates were the pimps and the COs were the hookers. A lot of the
inmates in therethey got game. Theyre from the hood, theyll
be talking that shit and the girls that work there, theyre from
the hood too (most of them). So theyll be feeling the inmates.
Not all of them were into that prostitution shit. Some would just
have sex with the inmates for free. But the ones who were down
to prostitute had a whole system to it. The way they got paid
was the inmates would have their family send money through
Western Union. Then the inmates would pay the COs and theyd
get busy in there. And theyll be having sex everywhere in the
jail, in all kinds of places. Its a power thing though for the inmates, especially when you feel like you have no power in prison.
If you find one of them female prison guards who was down to
fuck, you could get whatever you want from her after that. Cause
theyll sneak all kinds of shit over to you then: extra food, ciga
rettes, whatever. At least until they got caught. When I was in
there, somebody had just gotten locked up. One of the officers
got locked up for having sex with an inmate in the shower, and
the reason they got caught is because the other inmate snitched.
Fucked up, right?
I had a favorite CO, but I aint fuck her. Her name was Officer
Butz. Imagine that? Butz. And her ass was real nice too. She was

cute. As far as I knew, Butz wasnt about sex with inmates, especially not for money. She was good people. But she was a little
flirt and shit. She would call me in the bubble and show me pictures on her phone of her and her girls at the beach in bikinis and
shit. I was like okay nice, Butz.
One night Butz called me out to the bubble. Its a bulletproof
glass bubble, where the CO sits. And then outside of that is a hallway, and then its two dorms on each side of the hall. So the CO
is never in the dorm, and wed be in there dolo. So when you need
help, the CO is way out there. Rikers is dangerous because of that
alone. One night after chow, Butz called me out to the bubble
over the microphone. I come out, and she buzzed the door to the
bubble. I walk to the open doorway, and shes like, Come inside. She reaches in her pocket and Im like, What the fuck?
In there, she had two pieces of fried chicken wrapped in brown
paper towels from the bathroom. She was like, Here, eat up
boy. I only had one piece of chicken from chow that night
everybody always only got one piece. Theyd put it in the little
window for you and walk away. So here come Butz with two more
pieces. I was like, Oh shit, good looking. Word. She hooked me
up. I shouldve fucked her for that alone because I was hungry as
shit. I didnt, though. Pussy wasnt worth stretching my sentence
or getting Butz in trouble. So I ate the two pieces of chicken and
walked out.

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Vodka & Milk

The State Vs. Albert Prodigy Johnson
Albert Prodigy Johnson with Kathy Iandoli

The follow-up to Prodigys critically acclaimed

My Infamous Life, detailing the legal squabbles and hurdles
endured following his prison sentence.

In 2011, famed rapper Albert Prodigy Johnson released his memoir My

Infamous Life: his journey from his time as a member of legendary rap duo
Mobb Deep to his three-and-a-half year prison sentence. However, the real story
began once he was released. As discussed in his previous memoir, the NYPD
hip-hop task force played a major role in Prodigys arrest. Their presence remained, even following his time served. Prodigy didnt help the cause, finding himself in a series of situations that were partly avoidable, partly inevitable.
They say hindsight is twenty-twenty and The State Vs. Albert Prodigy Johnson
is full of retrospective tales. Fans of Prodigys rap legacy will enjoy the stories
his follow-up memoir details, but true crime fans unfamiliar with his music will
also be intrigued by what Prodigy has in store in his nonstop ride through life
in the fast lane.
Infamous Books
6 x 9 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-0-9971462-0-2 USC

Marketing Plans
20,000-copy print run
National print and online campaign
National advertising
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Albert Prodigy Johnson is a multi-platinum recording artist and member of

the legendary hip-hop duo Mobb Deep. In 2006, Prodigy was arrested for gun
possession and served a three-year prison term. In 2011, he released his first
memoir, the critically-acclaimed My Infamous Life. Since then, Prodigy has continued to release both solo projects and albums through Mobb Deep, touring
worldwide. When he isnt touring, Prodigy is traveling the United States, lecturing at venues like MIT about the prison system and offering insight on changing
the quality of inmates lives.
Kathy Iandoli is a critically-acclaimed journalist and author. Her work has appeared in publications such as Pitchfork, VICE, Maxim, Cosmopolitan, the Village
Voice, Rolling Stone, Billboard, and many others. She is also a professor of Music
Business at New Jersey City University.

Author Events
Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA Washington, DC
Miami, FL Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL
Boston, MA Baltimore, MD Detroit, MI
New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: Brooklyn, NY /
Englewood, NJ

FLC F16 Vodka Milk 413-416.indd 416

4/5/16 9:29 AM

Wave Books
My Private Property
Mary Ruefle
A new collection of exciting and vivacious prose poems, essays,
and more in-between from lauded poet Mary Ruefle.

Ruefle is clearly one of the best American poets writing.Tony Hoagland,

On the Seawall
Author of Madness, Rack, and Honey (One of the wisest books Ive read in years,
according to the New York Times) and Trances of the Blast, Mary Ruefle continues
to be one of the most dazzling poets in America. My Private Property, comprised
of short prose pieces, is a brilliant and charming display of her humor, deep imagi
nation, mindfulness, and play.
When I was young, a fortune-teller told me that an old woman who wanted to die
had accidentally become lodged in my body. Slowly, over time, and taking great care
in following esoteric instructions, including lavender baths and the ritual burial of
keys in the backyard, I rid myself of her presence. Now I am an old woman who wants
to die and lodged inside me is a young woman dying to live; I work on her.
Mary Ruefle is the author of Trances of the Blast; Madness, Rack, and Honey:
Collected Lectures, a finalist for the 2013 National Book Critics Circle Award in
criticism; and Selected Poems, winner of the William Carlos Williams Award. She
has published ten other books of poetry, a book of prose (The Most of It), and a
comic book, Go Home and Go to Bed!; she is also an erasure artist whose treat
ments of nineteenth-century texts have been exhibited in museums and galleries
as well as published in the book A Little White Shadow. Ruefle is the recipient of
numerous honors, including an Award in Literature from the American Academy
of Arts and Letters, a Guggenheim fellowship, a National Endowment for the
Arts fellowship, and a Whiting Award. She lives in Bennington, Vermont, and
teaches in the MFA program at Vermont College.

Trances of the Blast
First Trade Paper Edition
Mary Ruefle
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-933517-91-9 W
Trade Cloth US $22.00 | CAN $23.99
978-1-933517-73-5 W

FLC F16 Wave 417-422.indd 417


5 x 7 | 128 pp
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940696-38-6 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Excerpts in: Best American Poetry, Granta,
Harpers, Kenyon Review, Music & Literature,
The Paris Review, and Tin House
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
10-city national tour
Goodreads and LibraryThing giveaways
Promotion through:
Contributor Hometown: Bennington, VT

Madness, Rack, and Honey

Collected Lectures
Mary Ruefle
Trade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.50
978-1-933517-57-5 W

4/5/16 9:29 AM

Wave Books
Renee Gladman

Thinking collapses and remerges in this metafictional collection

of essays following a writer and artist at work.

Renee Gladman has always struck me as being a dreamershe writes that way
and the dreaming seems to construct the architecture of the world unfolding
before our eyes.Eileen Myles
A collection of linked essays concerned with the life and mind of the writer by
one of the most original voices in contemporary literature. Each essay takes a day
as its point of inquiry, observing the body as it moves through time, architecture,
and space, gradually demanding a new logic and level of consciousness from the
narrator and reader.

5 x 8 | 144 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-940696-27-0 W
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940696-28-7 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
Advance reader copies
Excerpts in: Open Letter, PEN America
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

I was a line in a book, then a line in another book, and performing small acts in
between: I sat at intervals on the toilet, I slept sporadically, I ate kale and fish food,
and called myself Renee for a time. Nobody knew who I was at the grocery store,
but going there was my big event. I knew the books of these people; I knew these people
and I didnt change their names, but when they appeared in my books it wasnt really
their stories I was telling, so they didnt need my protection and I could go Danielle,
Danielle all day.
Born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1971, Renee Gladman studied philosophy at Vassar
College and poetics at New College of California. She is the author of eight works
of prose, including the Ravicka novels Event Factory, The Ravickians, and Ana
Patova Crosses a Bridge, as well as a book of poetry, A Picture-Feeling. Her most
recent work of fiction is Morelia, a short novel forthcoming in 2016. A long
time publisher and bookmaker, her projects include Clamour (19961999), the
Leroy Chapbook series (19992003), and Leon Works (since 2005).

Author Events
St. Louis, MO New York, NY Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Providence, RI

FLC F16 Wave 417-422.indd 418

4/5/16 9:29 AM

Wave Books
Violet Energy Ingots
Hoa Nguyen
Poems of loss, rage, love, and what endures.

In her first collection since Red Juice: Poems 19982008, Hoa Nguyen re
turns to poems of dailiness and raw humanity. Her language hops and skips,
vivid with color, in turn political, ecological, funny, spiritual, and tender. As
grounded in the earth as in the stars, her poems are reminders of the possibili
ties of contemplation in every space and moment.
A Brief History of War
And what if Jupiter
is your faith
a balloon
but I call you
by the improper
names Im stained
by the world here
To be brave and endure
the losing To be brave
and be the losing
Born in the Mekong Delta and raised in the Washington, DC, area, Hoa Nguyen
studied poetics at New College of California in San Francisco. With the poet Dale
Smith, Nguyen founded Skanky Possum, a poetry journal and book imprint in
Austin, Texas, their home for fourteen years. She is the author of several poetry col
lections, most recently Red Juice: Poems 19982008 and As Long as Trees Last. She
lives in Toronto, Ontario, where she curates a series and teaches poetics privately
and at Ryerson University.

5 x 9 | 104 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-940696-34-8 W
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940696-35-5 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Author Events

Red Juice: Poems 19982008
Hoa Nguyen
Introduction by Anselm Berrigan
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $23.99
978-1-933517-92-6 W
Trade Cloth US $30.00 | CAN $32.99
978-1-933517-93-3 W

FLC F16 Wave 417-422.indd 419

San Francisco, CA New York, NY

Toronto, ON Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: Toronto, ON

As Long As Trees Last

Hoa Nguyen
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-933517-61-2 W

4/5/16 9:29 AM

Wave Books
Power Ballads
Garrett Caples
A collection of candid, surreal, and wickedly funny poems and prose.

Thom Gunn, Barbara Guest, Robert Creeley, Philip Lamantia, all ghosts now,
are invoked without sentiment and with plenty of wry humor.Kevin Killian,
Attention Span
A power ballad was a hair metal bands voyage into the softer side of rock, com
promising to the integrity of the genre, but genuine and trailblazing. So too is
Garrett Capless Power Ballads. His poems and prose pieces are bizarre and
hilarious, in which Bob Dylan and David Bowie sit alongside the French surreal
ists, with the occasional turn into heartfelt romanticism.
From Garrett Caples Rides Again:
my concealed carry personality
has deformed my trouser content
to the extent my permit permits
im shooting off often in public
6 x 8 | 96 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-940696-36-2 W
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940696-37-9 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events

im a blow dart in a wind tunnel

aimed in the wrong direction
a boycotted russian vodka distiller
an assdial away from arrest
Garrett Caples is the author of the essay collection Retrievals, two books of
poetry, The Garrett Caples Reader, Complications, and the pamphlet Quintessence of
the Minor. He is the co-editor of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia, Particulars
of Place by Richard O. Moore, and Incidents of Travel in Poetry: New and Selected
Poems by Frank Lima. He is an editor at City Lights Books and curates the Spotlight
Poetry Series there. He was also a contributing writer to the San Francisco Bay
Guardian. He has written articles and blogged for the Poetry Foundation and oc
casionally blogs for the City Lights booksellers and publishers blog. He has a PhD
in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and lives in San Francisco.
Also Available

Los Angeles, CA Oakland, CA

San Francisco, CA Boston, MA
New York, NY Philadelphia, PA
Contributor Hometown: San Francisco, CA

FLC F16 Wave 417-422.indd 420

Garrett Caples
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $23.99
978-1-933517-98-8 W
Trade Cloth US $30.00 | CAN $32.99
978-1-933517-99-5 W

4/5/16 9:29 AM

Wave Books
Cities at Dawn
Geoffrey Nutter

Opulent and lush poems inspired by Japanese,

Chinese, and Elizabethan poets.

Whatevers smuggled into these poemsthe Petronas Towers, Afghanistan

cliffs, Lugers and New Jerseyobeys the abstract logic at the heart of de
scriptive writing: the sweet ease of writings intangibility, its virtual tease.
Adam Fitzgerald, The American Reader
Lush, surreal, cinematic, and imagistically precise, Geoffrey Nutter paints the
world into his fifth collection of poems. His poems display a consciousness in
awe of all matter, be it organic, mechanical, industrial, ornithological, or sartorial.
Iridescent and sparkling, his poems are ornate wonders of language, each their
own contained ecosystem and civilization.
From A Small Victorian Object:
Whats that in the mud where the tide is going out?
Buttons; bottle caps; small bits of Styrofoam
that look like shells or coral; a few dead crabs;
a cracked porcelain vessel from the Victorian era
for containing the tears shed by those
who have survived the death of loved ones.
Geoffrey Nutter is the author of A Summer Evening (winner of the 2001 Colorado
Prize), Waters Leaves & Other Poems (Winner of the 2004 Verse Press Prize),
Christopher Sunset (winner of the 2011 Sheila Motton Book Award), and The Rose
of January. He has taught poetry at Princeton, Columbia, the University of Iowa,
NYU, and the New School, and currently teaches Greek and Latin classics and
cultural studies at Queens College. He runs the Wallson Glass Poetry Seminars
in New York City.

5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-940696-32-4 W
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940696-33-1 W

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign

Author Events
Sacramento, CA San Francisco, CA
Iowa City, IA Boston, MA New York, NY
Providence, RI Seattle, WA
Contributor Hometown: New York, NY

The Rose of January
Geoffrey Nutter
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-933517-69-8 W

FLC F16 Wave 417-422.indd 421

Christopher Sunset
Geoffrey Nutter
Trade Paper US $14.00 | CAN $14.00
978-1-933517-44-5 W

4/5/16 9:29 AM

Selected Backlist from Wave Books

(Soma)tics for the
Future Wilderness


7 x 10 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $23.99
978-1-940696-01-0 W
Trade Cloth US $30.00 | CAN $32.99
978-1-940696-00-3 W

Poems (19621997)
Robert Lax

Edited by John Beer

7 x 9 | 400 pp
Trade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $27.50
978-1-933517-76-6 W
Trade Cloth US $40.00 | CAN $43.99
978-1-933517-80-3 W


Selected Poems of John Wieners

John Wieners
Edited by Joshua Beckman,
CAConrad, and Robert Dewhurst
6 x 9 | 216 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $27.50
978-1-940696-19-5 W*
Trade Cloth US $30.00 | CAN $37.50
978-1-940696-18-8 W*

Snowflake /
different streets
Eileen Myles

5 x 7 | 232 pp
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $21.99
978-1-933517-58-2 W


Joseph Massey
5 x 7 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $22.50
978-1-940696-15-7 W
Trade Cloth US $25.00 | CAN $31.50
978-1-940696-14-0 W


Tyehimba Jess
8 x 10 | 256 pp
Trade Paper US $25.00 | CAN $32.50
978-1-940696-20-1 W
Trade Cloth US $35.00 | CAN $45.50
978-1-940696-22-5 W

FLC F16 Wave 417-422.indd 422

4/5/16 9:29 AM

White Pine Press

After The Fact: Scripts & Postscripts
Marvin Bell and Christopher Merrill

A lively correspondence embodying a wide range of experiences

and imagination between two of our legendary poets.

Prose was always meant for colloquy, risk, and intimacy. With these rich and
conversant prose poems, Marvin Bell and Christopher Merrill return spoken
language to sportsometimes competitive, but often cooperative, exploratory,
even humanely probative. What is a friend? Bell and Merrill demonstrate friendship is drawn from imagination. Stephen Kuusisto, author of Letters to Borges
The best conversationalists intuit and respond to unspoken questions and interstitial meanings, sidelong concerns and secret subjects. They also know how
to listen to anothers story and hear the line or inflection that calls forth their
own tale in a way that enlarges, well, everything. Marvin Bell and Christopher
Merrills stunning epistolary paragraphs illustrate the inner workings of just
such an intimate, agile, and sustained conversation. Th is collaborative, high
wire act offers up profound truths in exactly the way the most exciting poems
take shapeby leaps of imagination and complete trust in the power of association to bring up riches, songs, and wisdom from the depths.Lia Purpura
Aft er the Fact is a lively and imaginative conversation between two legendary
poets. Marvin Bell, writing from Iowa City and Port Townsend, and Christopher
Merrill, writing from around the world, give us an intimate look into collaboration at its best.
Christopher Merrill s recent books include Boat and Necessities. He is the director of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa.
Marvin Bell s works include collaborations with poet William Stafford and volumes of an original poetic form, most recently collected in Vertigo: The Living
Dead Man Poems.

6 x 9 | 108 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935210-88-7 W

Author Events
San Francisco, CA Iowa City, IA New York, NY
Port Townsend, WA Seattle, WA
Contributors Hometown: Iowa City, IA

Also Available

Christopher Merrill
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $17.50
978-1-935210-46-7 W

FLC F16 White Pine 423-426.indd 423

4/5/16 9:28 AM

White Pine Press

Harbors of Light
Marjorie Agosin
Translated by E M OConnor
These musical poems sing the mystical connections between all lighthouses and
those who love them. From Ulysses and Penelope to the angel of dreams to the
girl who fell in love with the lighthouse keeper, this book is full of hopeful, desperate lives seen through the bittersweet mist of dreams.Linda Rodriguez
Agosins poetic knowledge engages the reader in a mesmerizing journey of inward reflections.Isabel Allende

6 x 9 | 120 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935210-87-0 W

Marjorie Agosns vivid imagery brings

to life a world of opposites, serpentine
dark and light like a promise.

Marjorie Agosin proves the power of the word to transport us to the center of
her humane vision.Julia Alvarez
Marjorie Agosin is an award-winning poet and human rights activist.

Author Events
Hartford, CT Boston, MA Wellesley, MA New Brunswick, NJ New York, NY
Contributor Hometown: Wellesley, MA

Returnings: Poems of Love and Distance

Rafael Alberti
Translated by Carolyn Tipton
Winner of the 2016 Cliff Becker Book Prize in Translation
In Returnings, we are treated to an essay on the imaginative possibilities of a
great poet, long exiled from his native land, turning memory into verse, recovering from the past everything that counts: love and friendship and the landscapes
that shaped him. Th rough alleyways and storied ruins, colors and autumn and
war, Alberti discovers poetry at every turn. Christopher Merrill, prize judge
Cliff Becker Book Prize in Translation
6 x 9 | 160 pp
Trade Paper US $18.00 | CAN $23.50
978-1-935210-91-7 W

Rafael Albertis Returnings burn with

erotic intensity fueled by the melancholy
of exile, the longing of nostalgia, and the
consolation of memory.

The musical language that drives these urgent poems is echoed exquisitely in
Carolyn Tiptons translations.Stephen Kessler
Rafael Alberti was one of the greatest poets of twentieth-century Spain.
Poet and translator Carolyn L. Tipton teaches at the University of California,

Author Events
Berkeley, CA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Portland, OR Seattle, WA

FLC F16 White Pine 423-426.indd 424

4/5/16 9:28 AM

White Pine Press

The Brighter House
Kim Garcia
White Pine Press Poetry Prize Winner
Rainer Maria Rilke said that there are two inexhaustible sources for poetry,
childhood and dreams, and Kim Garcia drinks deeply from both wells in these
magical, spooky, riveting, and mysterious poems.Edward Hirsch
Garcia speaks in the language of delicate and mesmerizing touch without ever
falling into precious sentimentality. Over and again, these poems mount to harsh
and cold violences that speak to the intricacies of the soul in a gorgeous way that
leaves the reader feeling bruisedas in pressed uponbut not bloody. Th is is a
brilliant book of fi rst-rate artistry.Jericho Brown, Poetry Prize judge
Kim Garcia is also the author DRONE and Madonna Magdalene. She teaches
creative writing at Boston College.

White Pine Press Poetry Prize
6 x 9 | 102 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99
978-1-935210-89-4 W

Author Events
Denver, CO Miami, FL Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL Boston, MA Portland, ME
New York, NY Portland, OR
Contributor Hometown: Boston, MA

Kim Garcia speaks in the language of

delicate and mesmerizing touch without
ever falling into precious sentimentality.

Someone Always in the Corner of My Eye

BoSeon Shim
Translated by YoungShil Ji and Daniel T. Parker
A Korean voice from a new generation of cutt ing-edge poets that will appeal to
younger writers and readers. Shim includes deeply personal poems, lyric experiments, and strong social statements that reflects the voices of a community. His
grandiose illusions and underprivileged whispers challenge us to consider our
POETRY | November | Korean Voices | 6 x 9 | 102 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99 | 978-1-935210-90-0 W

Torn from the Ear of Night

Jimmie Margaret Gilliam
Gilliam chronicles a coming of age and sustains a fi ne (and difficult) balance between the childs immediacy of experience and the adults analytical recollection.
The sett ing is Appalachia, but this is no tame, nostalgic look at life in the hills.
Here are bears, real and otherwise, and fences to keep them out.Joan Murray
Jimmie Margaret Gilliam (19352015) was a Professor Emerita at Erie
Community College in Buffalo, New York.
POETRY | October | 6 x 9 | 102 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $20.99 | 978-1-935210-92-4 W

FLC F16 White Pine 423-426.indd 425

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Selected Backlist from White Pine Press

Luminous Spaces:
Olav H. Hauge:
Selected Poems & Journals
Olav H. Hauge

Translated and edited by Olav Grinde

Foreword by Bodil Cappelen
6 x 9 | 420 pp
Trade Paper US $22.00 | CAN $28.50
978-1-935210-80-1 W

A Lucent Fire:
New and Selected Poems
Patricia Spears Jones

6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.50
978-1-935210-69-6 W

Nothing to Declare:
A Guide to the
Flash Sequence

Edited by Robert Alexander,

Eric Braun, and Debra Marquart
6 x 9 | 320 pp
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-935210-81-8 W

Swimming For The Ark:

New & Selected Poems
Joan Murray

6 x 9 | 220 pp
Trade Paper US $17.00 | CAN $21.50
978-1-935210-63-4 W

Scattering the Dark:

An Anthology of Polish
Women Poets
Edited by Karen Kovacik

6 x 9 | 270 pp
Trade Paper US $20.00 | CAN $25.99
978-1-935210-82-5 W

Modern Family

Cheon Myeong-kwan
6 x 9 | 240 pp
Trade Paper US $16.00 | CAN $19.99
978-1-935210-67-2 W

FLC F16 White Pine 423-426.indd 426

4/5/16 9:28 AM

Windhorse Publications
Mindfully Facing Disease and Death
Compassionate Advice from Early Buddhist Texts

Bhikkhu Ana

A practical guide for those facing disease and death,

providing access to the ageless wisdom of the Buddhas teaching.

Praise for Bhikkhu Anlayo:

Serious meditation students will benefit tremendously from the clarity of under
standing that Venerable Anlayos efforts have achieved.S haron Salzberg,
author of Real Happiness
This book provides a practical guide for those facing disease and death by helping
them to access the ageless wisdom of the Buddhas teaching.
Disease and death are undeniably integral parts of human life. Yet when they
manifest we are easily caught unprepared. To prepare for these, we need to learn
how to skillfully face illness and passing away. A source of practical wisdom can
be found in the early discourses that record the teachings given by the Buddha
and his disciples.
Bhikkhu Anlayos chief aim is to provide a collection of passages taken
from the Buddhas early discourses that provide guidance for facing disease and
death. He focuses on the theme of compassion, and is concerned with anukampa:
compassion as the underlying motivation in altruistic action.
Anlayo uses his own translations from the Chinese originals, presented here
for the first time. Taken together with his commentary, we gain a first-hand im
pression of what early Buddhism had to say about disease and death.
Bhikkhu Anlayo is a professor of Buddhist studies at the Sri Lanka International
Academy in Pallekele. He teaches at the Center for Buddhist Studies of the
University of Hamburg and researches at the Dharma Drum Buddhist College
in Taiwan.

6 x 9 | 232 pp
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $23.50
978-1-909314-72-6 USC

Marketing Plans
National advertising
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Perspectives on Satipatthana
Bhikkhu Analayo
Trade Paper US $24.95 | CAN $27.50
978-1-909314-03-0 USC

FLC F16 Windhorse 427-428.indd 427

Compassion and Emptiness

in Early Buddhist Meditation
Bhikkhu Analayo
Trade Paper US $17.95 | CAN $22.50
978-1-909314-55-9 USC

4/5/16 9:28 AM

Windhorse Publications
Mindful Emotion
A Short Course in Kindness

Paramabandhu Groves and Jed Shamel

A practical course in cultivating kindness to complement

and augment other mindfulness-based approaches.

This book is all about kindness behavior training (KBT). The authors have
drawn on their clinical experience as well as Buddhism to develop a practical
course in cultivating kindness, intended to complement and augment other
mindfulness-based approaches. Amid the recent explosion of secular mindful
ness, their aim is to reemphasize the importance of the heart, introducing the
reader to a variety of ways of approaching kindness-based meditation, as well as
to how to put kindness into practice in daily life.
A range of psychological theories and areas of research inform the KBT ap
proach, primarily findings from cognitive neuroscience, as well as evolutionary
and positive psychology literatures. It also uses a range of exercises found to be
helpful in Eastern traditions, such as Buddhism. The book will act as a compan
ion, walking the reader through each week of the course.
6 x 9 | 264 pp
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $24.50
978-1-909314-70-2 USC

Dr. Paramabandhu Groves is a consultant psychiatrist working in the National

Health Service in the United Kingdom, specializing in the field of addiction. He
is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order.
Dr. Jed Shamel works as a clinical psychologist in East London. He is a mem
ber of the British Psychological Society, with particular interests in community
psychology and compassion-focused interventions with individuals and groups.

Marketing Plans
National advertising
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Promotion through:

Also Available

FLC F16 Windhorse 427-428.indd 428

Eight Step Recovery

Using the Buddhas Teachings to Overcome Addiction
Valerie Mason-John and Paramabandhu Groves
Trade Paper US $18.95 | CAN $20.99
978-1-909314-02-3 USC

4/5/16 9:28 AM

Zephyr Press
Selected Poems by Julia Fiedorczuk

Julia Fiedorczuk
Translated by Bill Johnston
Explorations of humans in the natural world using tender, sometimes erotic, always moving language.
Julia Fiedorczuk entangles images and concepts from science (astronomy,
physics, and biology) with deeply personal explorations of relationships and connectedness in her debut poetry book in English. Nature abounds in these poems,
and Fiedorczuk is, in turn, ever present in that luscious fruit, the world. Her
passionate engagement with the details of the environment and the people in it
makes hers an unforgettable voice in contemporary ecopoetics, one that argues
for empathy and alertness. She has published five volumes of poetry, three of
fiction, and three books on ecocriticism, and won several Polish literary awards.

Contributor Hometown: Bloomington, IN

6 x 8 | 128 pp
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $19.50
978-1-938890-19-2 W

This English-language poetry debut that

explores humans in the natural world
using tender, sometimes erotic,
always moving language.

Nine Dragon Island

Eleanor Goodman

An alert, skeptical, passionate book about human understanding and its

limitations.Robert Pinsky
With a calm voice and distinct music, the poet speaks about love and loss
and many micro-a spects of the human condition today. It is a splendid debut.
Ha Jin
A linguistic tour-de-force that traverses cultural, psychological, and inter
national boundaries. Eleanor Goodman navigates between worlds, from a parents cancer in Ohio to Hong Kongs Tolo Harbor to migrant workers in China.
These poems are snapshots of daily life as lived and considered, moments of elegy
and rejoicing.
Eleanor Goodman won the 2015 Lucien Stryk Prize and was shortlisted for the
Griffin Poetry Prize for her translations of Chinese poetry.

Contributor Hometown: Boston, MA

6 x 8 | 114 pp
Trade Paper US $13.95 | CAN $17.99
978-1-938890-20-8 USC

A linguistic tour-de-force, these poems

traverse cultural, psychological, and
international boundaries, leading the
reader into entirely new territories.

FLC F16 Zephyr 429-430.indd 429

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Zephyr Press
Ya Hsien
Translated by John Balcom
A core work from the second wave of Chinese modernism
by an outstanding Taiwanese poet.

A seminal work from the second wave of Chinese modernism.

So great is Ya Hsiens influence on younger generations of Taiwanese and
Chinese writers that he is sometimes referred to simply as The Poet. Yet he
never wrote a second book after Abyss appeared in an expanded edition in 1971.
This single books variety and virtuosity have made it a modern classic and the
poet something of a legend. A new documentary, Ya Hsien: A Life that Sings,
was nominated for Best Documentary at the 2015 Taipei Film Festival.
Under the Barber Pole
The barbers sing

6 x 8 | 112 pp
Trade Paper US $13.00 | CAN $16.99
978-1-938890-21-5 W

Always its the same wheat-harvest festival

Always an abundance of rye without ears
Always it is reaped, reaped
On the land of inspiration
A small southern path leads to ears of grain
And its also a kind of horticultural school
A kind of beauty
A kind of agricultural reform
A kind of taste for something other than Greek sculpture
The barbers sing

Marketing Plans
Co-op available
National print and online campaign
Social media campaign
Outreach to northern California and Pacific
Northwest bookstores and media

Ya Hsiens poetry runs the gamut from realism to surrealism, incorporating ele
ments of folksong and modernist poetics, expressing a wide emotional range, and
deftly capturing the critical spirit of the times. The sixty poems are divided into
seven sections that present differing styles and themes, including Wartime,
Songs without Music, and Wild Water Chestnuts.
The pen name Ya Hsien (his given name is Wang Ching-L in) means mute
string. Ya Hsien lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Award-w inning translator John Balcom lives in Monterey, California.

Contributors Hometowns: Vancouver, BC /

Monterey, CA


FLC F16 Zephyr 429-430.indd 430

Grass Roots
Xiang Yang
Edited and translated by John Balcom
Trade Paper US $15.00 | CAN $18.99
978-1-938890-07-9 USC

Lo Fu
Translated by John Balcom
Trade Paper US $16.95 | CAN $20.50
978-0-939010-83-7 USC

4/5/16 9:28 AM


Alice James Books

PO Box 6281
Minneapolis, MN 55406

114 Prescott Street

Farmington, ME 04938

Executives: Raighne Hogan
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-937541, 978-0-578

Executive: Carey Salerno

ph 207/778-7071
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-914086, 978-1-882295,

3dtotal Publishing

Alternative Comics

29 Foregate Street
Worcester, WR1 1DS

21607B Stevens Creek Boulevard

Cupertino, CA 95014

Executive: Tom Greenway

ph 011 44 (0) 190 529764
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9551530,
978-0-9568171, 978-1-909414

Executives: Marc Arsenault

ph 408/921-5164
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-615, 978-0-9801622,
978-0-9918669, 978-1-60309,
978-1-891867, 978-1-934460,
978-1-68148, 978-0-9887999,
978-0-9886624, 978-0-9794178,
978-1-5136, 978-0-9881877

AK Press

And Other Stories

370 Ryan Avenue #100

Chico, CA 95973

91 Tadros Court
High Wycombe Bucks, HP13 7GF

ph 510/208-1700
f 510/208-1701
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-902593, 978-1-873176,
978-1-904859, 978-0-972742,
978-1-84935, 978-1-934639

Executive: Stefan Tobler
ISBN prefix: 978-1-908276

Akashic Books

Arsenal Pulp Press

232 Third Street, Suite A115

Brooklyn, NY 11215

#202211 East Georgia Street

Vancouver, BC V6A 1Z6

Executive: Johnny Temple

ph 718/643-9193
f 718/643-9195
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-888451, 978-0-9719206,
978-1-933354, 978-0-9789103,
978-0-9787794, 978-1-936070,

Executives: Brian Lam and Robert Ballantyne

ph 888/600-7857
f 604/687-4283
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-88978, 978-1-55152

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 431

4/5/16 9:27 AM


BIS Publishers

2432 Rue des Amandiers

75020 Paris

Het Sieraad Building

Postjesweg 1
1057 DT Amsterdam

Executive: Ariane Laine-Forrest

ph 00 33 1 81 69 62 20
f 00 33 1 47 97 20 03
ISBN prefixes: 978-2-7338

Behler Publications

Biteback Publishing

104 Clay Street

Burlington, IA 52601

Westminster Tower
3 Albert Embankment
London, SE1 7SP

Executives: Fred Price and Lynn Price

ph 800/830-2913
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-933016,
978-0-9748962, 978-1-941887

Executives: James Stephens and

Ashley Biles
ph 011 44 (O) 207 091 1260
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-84954, 978-1-906447,
978-1-907278, 978-1-78590

Bellevue Literary Press

Bitter Lemon Press

Department of Medicine
New York University School of Medicine
550 First Avenue, OBV A-612
New York, NY 10016

47 Wilmington Square
London, WC1X 0ET

Executive: Erika Goldman

ph 212/263-7802
ISBN prefix: 978-1-934137, 978-1-942658


Executive: Rudolf van Wezel

ph 011 31 (0) 20 515 02 30
f 011 31 (0) 20 515 02 39
ISBN prefix: 978-90-6369

Executive: Franois von Hurter

ph 011 44 (0) 207 278 3738
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-904738, 978-1-908524


Blue Apple Books

1520 Wyandotte Street East

Windsor, ON N9A 3L2

515 Valley Street

Suite 180
Maplewood, NJ 07040

Executive: Daniel Wells

ph 519/968-2206
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9735881,
978-0-9735971, 978-0-9738184,
978-1-897231, 978-1-926845,
978-1-927428, 978-1-77196

Executive: Harriet Ziefert

ph 973/763-8191
f 973/763-5944
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-60905, 978-1-934706

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 432

4/5/16 9:27 AM

BOA Editions, Ltd.

Centipede Press

250 N. Goodman Street, Suite 306

Rochester, NY 14607

2565 Teller Court

Lakewood, CO 80214

Executive: Peter Conners

ph 585/546-3410
f 585/546-3913
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-918526,
978-1-880238, 978-0-9665639,
978-1-929918, 978-1-934414,
978-1-938160, 978-1-942683

Executive: Jerad Walters

ph/f 303/231-9720
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-933618, 978-1-61347

Breakaway Books

Central Recovery Press

P.O. Box 24
Halcottsville, NY 12438

3321 North Buffalo Drive, Suite 275

Las Vegas, NV 89129

Executive: Garth Battista

ph 607/301-1001
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-891369, 978-1-55821,

Executives: Stuart Smith and Bob Gray

ph 702/868-5830
f 702/868-5831
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9799869,
978-0-9818482, 978-1-936290,
978-1-937612, 978-1-942094

Bywater Books

Chin Music Press

P.O. Box 3671

Ann Arbor, MI 48106

1501 Pike Place #329

Seattle, WA 98101

Executives: Kelly Smith, Marianne K. Martin,

and Salem West
ph 734/662-8815
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-932859, 978-1-61294

Executive: Bruce Rutledge

ph 206/380-1947
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9741995,
978-0-9844576, 978-0-9850416,
978-0-9887693, 978-1-63405

CarTech Inc. /
Sunrise River Press

ChiZine Publications

838 Lake St. S.

Forest Lake, MN 55025
Executive: Molly Koecher
ph 651/277-1200
f 651/277-1203
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9624814, 978-161325, 978-1-932494, 978-1-934709,

1410 Hetherington Drive

Peterborough, ON, K9L 1Z5
Executives: Sandra Kasturi and Brett Savory
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9809410,
978-0-9812978, 978-0-9813746,
978-1-77148, 978-1-926851,

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 433

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Cicada Books

Coffee House Press

48 Burghley Road
London, NW5 1UE

79 13th Avenue NE, Suite 110

Minneapolis, MN 55413

Executive: Ziggy Hanaor

ph 011 44 789 043 1037
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9562053,

Executive: Chris Fischbach

ph 612/338-0125
f 612/338-4004
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-915124,
978-0-918273, 978-1-56689

Cinco Puntos Press

Common Courage Press

701 Texas Avenue

El Paso, TX 79901

121 Red Barn Road

P.O. Box 702
Monroe, ME 04951

Executives: Bobby and Lee Byrd

ph 915/838-1625
f 915/838-1635
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-938317,
978-1-933693, 978-1-935955,

City Lights Publishers


261 Columbus Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94133

Via Nizza 56
Rome, 00198

Executive: Elaine Katzenberger

ph 415/362-1901
f 415/362-4921
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-87286, 978-0-912516,
978-0-87704, 978-1-931404

Executive: Roberto Koch

ph 011 39 (0) 632 8281
f 011 39 (0) 632 828 240
ISBN prefixes: 978-88-89032,
978-88-86982, 978-88-6965

Coach House Books

Copper Canyon Press

80 bpNichol Lane
Toronto, ON M5S 3J4

P.O. Box 271

Port Townsend, WA 98368

Executive: Alana Wilcox

ph 416/979 2217
f 416/977 1158
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-55245, 978-0-88910,
978-0-9783426, 978-1-77056,


Executive: Greg Bates

ph 207/525-0900
f 207/525-3068
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9628838,

Executive: Michael Wiegers

ph 360/385-4925
f 360/385-4985
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-914742, 978-1-55659,
978-0-9663395, 978-0-9718981,
978-0-9776395, 978-0-9672668,
978-1-931337, 978-0-9833008,
978-1-61932, 978-0-9860938

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 434

4/5/16 9:27 AM

The Critical Press

Dewi Lewis Publishing

419 Johnson Street, Suite 102

Jenkintown, PA 19046

8 Broomfield Road
Heaton Moor
Stockport, SK4 4ND

Executive: Tom Elrod
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-941629

Executive: Dewi Lewis

ph/f 011 44 (0) 161 442 9450
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-899235,
978-1-904587, 978-0-948797,
978-1-905928, 978-1-907893

Curbside Splendor Publishing

DoppelHouse Press

1743 N Troy St
Chicago, IL 60647

5012 Hartwick St.

Los Angeles, CA 90041

Executives: Victor David Giron and

Naomi Huffman
ph 312/404-3807
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-615, 978-0-9834228,
978-0-9884804, 978-0-9888258,

Executive: Carrie Paterson

ph 424/258-4423
f 323/349-0985
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9832540,

Daylight Books

Eighth Mountain Press

121 W. Margaret Ln. Ste D

Hillsborough, NC 27278

624 Southeast 29th Avenue

Portland, OR 97214

Executives: Michael Itkoff and Taj Forer
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9832316,
978-1-942084, 978-0-9889831,

Executive: Ruth Gundle

ph 503/233-3936
ISBN prefix: 978-0-933377

Deep Vellum Publishing

Enchanted Lion Books

3000 Commerce Street #159

Dallas, TX 75226

351 Van Brunt Street

Ground FloorGallery
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Executive: Will Evans

ph 214/504-3851
ISBN prefix: 978-1-941920

Publisher: Claudia Bedrick

ph 646/785-9272
ISBN prefix: 978-1-59270

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 435

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Engine Books

Fabled Films Press

P.O. Box 44167

Indianapolis, IN 46244

200 Park Avenue South, Suite 1511

New York, NY 10003

Executives: Victoria Barrett and

Andrew Scott
ph 317/289-7433
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9835477,

Executives: Tracey Hecht and Stacey Ashton

ph 212-220-5804
f 917-591-4951
ISBN prefix: 978-1-944020

Enigma Books

February Books

12 East 86th Street, Suite 308

New York, NY 10028

215 Park Avenue South, Suite 2013

New York, NY 10003

Executive: Robert L. Miller

ph 212/988-1310
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-929631, 978-0-982491,
978-1-936274, 978-0-9863764

Executives: Dee Dee De Bartlo and

Gretchen Crary
ph 212/255-2034
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9849543,

Etruscan Press

The Feminist Press at CUNY

84 W. South Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766

365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5406

New York, NY 10016

Executives: Philip Brady, PhD; Robert

Mooney, PhD; and Bill Schneider
ph 570/408-4546
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9718228,
978-0-9745995, 978-0-9797450,
978-0-9819687, 978-0-9832944,
978-0-9839346, 978-0-9886922,
978-0-9897532, 978-0-9903221

Executive: Jennifer Baumgardner

ph 212/817-7915
f 212/817-1593
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-912670,
978-0-935312, 978-1-55861,

Exterminating Angel Press

Fence Books

1892 Colestin Road

Ashland, OR 97520

SL-320, University of Albany

1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222

Executive: Tod Davies

ph 541/482-8779
ISBN prefix: 978-1-935259


Executive: Rebecca Wolff

ph 518/591-8162
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9663324,
978-0-9713189, 978-0-9740909,
978-0-9771064, 978-1-934200,

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 436

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Feral House
1240 West Sims Way, Box 124
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Executive: Adam Parfrey
ph 323/666-3311
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-922915,
978-1-932595, 978-1-936239,

Garnet Publishing / Ithaca

Press / Periscope Books
8 Southern Court, South Street
Reading, RG1 4QS
Executive(s): Tim Moore
ph +44 1189 597847
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-85964, 978-0-86372,
978-1-873938, 978-1-902932,

Flying Eye Books

Gentle Path Press

611 Broadway
Suite 742
New York, NY 10022

7301 East Sundance Trail, B201

Carefree, AZ 85377

Executives: Sam Arthur and Alex Spiro

ph 212/355-7987
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9562135,
978-1-907704, 978-1-909263,

Executive: Stefanie Carnes, PhD

ph 480/488-0150
f 480/595-4753
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9774400,
978-0-9826505, 978-1-929866,
978-0-9832713, 978-0-9850633

Frame Publishers


Laan der Hesperiden 68

1076 DX Amsterdam

4 Crescent Stables
London, SW15 2TN

Executive: Robert Thiemann

ph 011 31 (0) 20 423 37 17
f 011 31 (0) 20 428 06 53
ISBN prefixes: 978-90-77174,
978-90-78080, 978-3-89955,
978-94-91727, 978-94-92311

Executives: Dan Giles and Liz Japes

ph/f 011 44 (0) 208 780 5060
ph/f 011 44 (0) 1273 480711
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-904832,

Gallic Books

Gilgamesh Publishing

59 Ebury Street
London, SW1W 0NZ

29 Sedgeford Road
London, W12 0NA

Executive: Jane Aitken

ph 011 44 (0) 207 259 9336
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-906040,
978-1-908313, 978-1-910477,

Executives: Max Scott, Graham Edwards,

and Charles Powell
ph 00 44 775 374 5252
ISBN prefix: 978-1-908531

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 437

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Global Book Sales

h.f.ullmann publishing

2 The Hawthorns
Hertfordshire, HP4 3LL

Birkenstr. 10
D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
HRB 24938P

Executive: David Wightman

ph 011 44 (0) 796 321 0830
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9548674, 978-1-905959,
978-1-954867, 978-0-857160, 978-1-904794,
978-1-906254, 978-1-898059, 978-1-908337,
978-0-9929299, 978-1-910401, 978-94-026,
978-0-9574272, 978-0-992817, 978-1-908213,
978-0-9562545, 978-0-9928170, 978-1-909762,
978-0-64646, 978-0-980345, 978-0-980843,

Green Integer
6210 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 211
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Executive: Douglas Messerli
ph 323/857-1115
f 323/857-0143
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-892295, 978-1-55713,
978-1-931243, 978-1-933382

High Conflict Institute Press

7701 E. Indian School Road, Suite F
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Executives: Megan L. Hunter and Paul Williams
ph 888/986-4665
f 480/946-1471
ISBN prefix: 978-1-936268

The Gryphon Press


6808 Margarets Lane

Edina, MN 55439

c/Adelfas, 4, local
28007 Madrid

Executives: Emilie Buchwald and

Dana Buchwald
ph 612/384-7793
f 952/941-6593
ISBN prefix: 978-0-940719

Executive: Ana Prez Galvn

ph 00 34 914 308 897
00 34 690 213 673
ISBN prefixes: 978-84-940948,
978-84-941744, 978-84-942284,
978-84-942830, 978-84-943496,
978-84-943658, 978-84-944262,

Haymarket Books

Holy Cow! Press

4015 North Rockwell Avenue

Chicago, IL 60618

P.O. Box 3170

Mt. Royal Station
Duluth, MN 55803

ph 773/583-7884
f 773/583-6144
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-931859, 978-1-60846


Executive: Pierre Toromanoff

ph +49 331 23 624 0
f +49 331 23 624 200
ISBN prefixes: 978-3-8480, 978-3-8331

Executive: Jim Perlman

ph 218/724-1653
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-930100, 978-0-9779458,
978-0-9823545, 978-0-9833254,
978-0-9859818, 978-0-9864480

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 438

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Ig Publishing

Joshua Odell Editions

PO Box 2547
New York, NY 10163

P.O. Box 2158

Santa Barbara, CA 93120

Executives: Robert Lasner and Elizabeth

ph/f 718/797-0676
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9703125, 978-0-9752517,
978-0-9771972, 978-0-9788431,
978-0-9815040, 978-1-935439,
978-1-939601, 978-1-63246

Executive: Joshua Odell

ph 805/966-4606
ISBN prefix: 978-1-877741

Image Continuum Press

Karadi Tales

P.O. Box 51599

Eugene, OR 97405

3A Dev Regency
11 First Main Road
Gandhinagar, Adyar
Chennai 600020

Executives: David Bayles and Ted Orland

ph 541/344-5955
f 541/344-4493
ISBN prefix: 978-0-9614547, 978-0-615

P.O. Box 31846
San Francisco, CA 94131-0846
Executive: Oliver Chin
ph 415/452-8546
f 360/937-6272
ISBN prefix: 978-1-59702

Executives: Shobha Viswanath,

Aditi Chandrasekhar, Roopa Suresh,
and Suraj Menon
ph 91 404 353 4479
f 91 442 440 3728
ISBN prefix: 978-81-8190

Kehrer Verlag
Heinsteinwerk, Wieblinger Weg 21
69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Executive: Klaus Kehrer
ph 49 (0) 6221 649 20 18
f 49 (0) 6221 649 20 20
ISBN prefixes: 978-3-933257,
978-3-936636, 978-3-980444,
978-3-939583, 978-3-86828

Imperfect Publishing

Koyama Press

P.O. Box 608

Point Reyes, CA 94956

401 Richmond Street West

Suite 209
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

Executive: Leonard Koren
ISBN prefix: 978-0-9814846

Executive: Annie Koyama

ph 416/209-3050
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9784810,
978-0-9868739, 978-0-9879630,

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 439

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Kube Publishing Ltd

Mandel Vilar Press

MCC, Ratby Lane

Leicestershire, LE67 9SY

19 Oxford Court
Simsbury, CT 06070

Executives: Haris Ahmad and Farooq Murad

ph 011 44 (0) 153 024 9230
f 011 44 (0) 153 024 9656
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-86037,
978-0-9536768, 978-1-84774

Executives: Robert A. Mandel and Irene Vilar

ph: 806/790 4731
ISBN prefix: 978-1-942134

Leapfrog Press

Manic D Press

P.O. Box 505

Fredonia, NY 14063

P.O. Box 410804

San Francisco, CA 94141

Executive: Lisa Graziano

ph 508/274-2710
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9654578,
978-0-9679520, 978-0-9728984,
978-0-9815148, 978-1-9352480,
978-1-9352481, 978-0-9796415

Executive: Jennifer Joseph

ph 415/648-8288
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-933149,

Lesser Gods

Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd.

/ Prospect Books

15 W 36th St, Fl 8
New York, NY 10018
Executive: Jacob Hoye
ph: 646/850-4201
ISBN prefix: 978-1-944713

26 Parke Road
London, SW13 9NG
Executive: Catheryn Kilgarriff
f 011 44 (0) 794 96 33552
ISBN prefix: 978-0-7145, 978-1-909248

MCCM Creations
Lumen Books
40 Camino Cielo
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Executive: Dennis Dollens
ph 505/231-5016
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-930829, 978-4-7571,
978-0-936050, 978-84-921103

10th Floor, Unit B

Sing Kui Commercial Building
27 Des Voeux Road West
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Executives: Mary Chan
ph 011 852 2110 0873
f 011 44 (0) 794 96 33552
ISBN prefixes: 978-962-86132, 978-962-86816,
978-988-18583, 978-988-18584, 978-988-97610,
978-988-98653, 978-988-99266, 978-988-99842.
978-988-99843, 978-988-15217, 978-988-15218


Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 440

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Milo Books

New Vessel Press

14 Ash Grove
Wrea Green
Preston, Lancashire PR4 2NY

159W 118th St.

Suite 2H
New York, NY 10026

Executive: Peter Walsh

ph 011 44 (0) 177 267 2900
ISBN prefix: 978-1-903854

Executives: Ross Ufberg and Michael Z. Wise

ph 570/351-4000
ISBN prefix: 978-1-939931

Monkfish Book Publishing

New Village Press

22 East Market Street

Suite 304
Rhinebeck, NY 12572

ADPSR New Village

400 Central Park West, 12B
New York, NY 10025

Executive: Paul Cohen

ph 845/876-4861
Call for fax
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9726357,
978-0-9749359, 978-0-9766843,
978-0-9798828, 978-0-9823246,
978-0-9833589, 978-1-939681

Executive: Lynne Elizabeth

ph 510/717-3101

New Internationalist

Nicolo Whimsey Press

The Old Music Hall

106108 Cowley Road
Oxford, OX4 1JE

16815 Milltown Landing Road

Brandywine, MD 20613

Executive: Daniel Raymond-Barker

ph 011 44 (0) 186 540 3156
f 011 44 (0) 186 540 3346
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-904456,
978-1-869847, 978-0-9540499,
978-1-906523, 978-1-78026

ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9766054,

978-0-9815593, 978-1-61332

Executive: Nick Newlin

ph 301/888-1281
f 301/579-6051
ISBN prefix: 978-1-935550

New Society Publishers

Nobrow Press

P.O. Box 189

1680 Peterson Road
Gabriola Island, BC, V0R 1X0

611 Broadway
Suite 742
New York, NY 10022

Executives: Judith Plant

ph 250/247-9737
f 250/247-7471
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-86571, 978-1-90217,
978-0-97733, 978-0-9789257,
978-0-97841, 978-0-96667, 978-0-615,
978-0-9917090, 978-1-55092

Executives: Sam Arthur and Alex Spiro

ph 212/355-7987
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9562135,
978-1-907704, 978-1-909263,
978-1-910620, 978-1-911171

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 441

4/5/16 9:27 AM


Paul Dry Books

C/ Factor, 10, 3 Izqda. 28013


1700 Sansom Street, Suite 700

Philadelphia, PA 19103

Executive: Luis Amavisca

ph +34 635 893 640
ISBN prefixes: 978-84-942360,
978-84-942929, 978-84-943691,
978-84-944137, 978-84-944318,

Executive: Paul Dry

ph 215/231-9939
f 215/231-9942
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9664913,
978-0-9679675, 978-1-58988,

Ocean Press


P.O. Box 1015

North Melbourne, Victoria 3051

Via Prenestina, 435

00177 Roma RM

Executive: Deborah Schnookal

ph 011 61 (0) 3 9372 2683
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-876175, 978-1-875284,
978-1-920888, 978-1-921235,
978-1-921438, 978-0-9804292,
978-1-921700, 978-0-9870779,
978-0-9872283, 978-1-925019

Executives: Claudio Corrivetti and Giuseppe

ph 011 39 06 259 1030
f 011 39 06 95213327
ISBN prefixes: 978-88-86795,
978-88-905072, 978-88-98391

Open Letter


University of Rochester
Lattimore Hall 411, RC 270082
Rochester, NY 14627

1240 West Sims Way, Box 124

Port Townsend, WA 98368

Executive: Chad W. Post

ph 585/319-0823
f 585/273-1097
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-934824,

Paris Press

Profile Books

P.O. Box 487

Ashfield, MA 01330

3 Holford Yard
Bevin Way
London, WC1X 9HD

Executive: Jan Freeman

ph/f 413/628-0051
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9638183,


Executive: Adam Parfrey

ph 323/666-3377
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9760822,
978-0-9664272, 978-1-934170

Executive: Andrew Franklin

ph 011 44 (0) 20 7841 6300
f 011 44 (0) 20 7833 3969
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-84668, 978-1-86197,

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 442

4/5/16 9:27 AM


Sarabande Books

c/ Ausis March, 124

08013 Barcelona

2234 Dundee Road, Suite 200

Louisville, KY 40205

Executive: Merc Canet

ph 011 34 935 952 282
f 011 34 932 654 883
ISBN prefixes: 978-84-92810,
978-84-935438, 978-84-936408,
978-84-936508, 978-84-15967,

Prospect Park Books

Secret Acres

2359 Lincoln Avenue

Altadena, CA 91001

237 Flatbush Avenue, #331

Brooklyn, NY 11217

Executives: Colleen Dunn Bates

ph 626/793-9796
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9753939,
978-0-9834594, 978-0-9844102,
978-1-938849, 978-0-914502

Executives: Barry Matthews and

Leon Avelino
ph 718/502-9882
f 718/775-3991
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9799609,
978-0-9831162, 978-0-9888149,

Redleaf Press

Serpents Tail

10 Yorkton Court
St. Paul, MN 55117

3 Holford Yard
Bevin Way
London, WC1X 9HD

Executive: David Heath

ph 800/423-8309
f 800/641-0115
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-929610, 978-1-884834,
978-0-934140, 978-1-933653,
978-1-60554, 978-0-615, 978-0-9706634,
978-1-938113, 978-0-692,


Executive: Sarah Gorham

ph 502/458-4028
f 502/458-4065
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9641151,
978-1-889330, 978-1-932511,
978-1-936747, 978-1-941411

Executive: Hannah Westland

ph 011 44 (0) 207 841 6300
f 011 44 (0) 207 833 3969
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-85242,
978-0-9631095, 978-1-84668,

Saqi Books

Small Beer Press

26 Westbourne Grove
London, W2 5RH

150 Pleasant Street #306

Easthampton, MA 01027

Executive: Lynn Gaspard

ph 011 44 (0) 207 221 9347
f 011 44 (0) 207 229 7492
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-86356, 978-1-87339

Executives: Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link

ph/f 413/203-1636
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-931520, 978-1-61873

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 443

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Stark Raving Group


P.O. Box 1451

Beverly Hills, CA 90213

278 East First Avenue

Vancouver, BC V5T 1A6

Executive: Jeffrey Weber

ph 805/701-4890
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9892129,

Stockholm Text
Mlargatan 7, Floor
111 22 Stockholm
Executive: Claes Ericson
ph 46 721 666 933
ISBN prefix: 978-91-87173, 978-91-7547

Executives: Kevin Williams and Vicki Williams

p 604/444-4889
Toll-free outside Vancouver: 1-888-445-4176
f 604/444-4119
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-921368, 978-0-7737,
978-0-88922, 978-1-55331, 978-1-77201


26 Westbourne Grove
London, W2 5RH
Executive: Lynn Gaspard
ph 011 44 (0) 207 221 9347
f 011 44 (0) 207 229 7492
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-84659, 978-1-908906

Stone Bridge Press

Text Publishing Company

P.O. Box 8208

Berkeley, CA 94707

22 William Street
Melbourne 3000

Executive: Peter Goodman

ph 510/524-8732
f 888/411-8527
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-880656, 978-0-9628137,
978-4-89684, 978-4-925080,
978-1-933330, 978-0-89346,
978-0-893467, 978-1-61172,
978-0-9905571, 978-0-9964852

Sweetmeats Press
10153 Riverside Drive, Suite 401
Toluca Lake, CA 91602

Executives: Michael Heyward and

Emily Booth
ph 011 61 3 8610 4500
f 011 61 3 9629 8621
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-876485,
978-1-920885, 978-1-921145,
978-1-921351, 978-1-921520,
978-1-921656, 978-1-921758,
978-1-921922, 978-1-922079,
978-1-922147, 978-1-922182,
978-1-925095, 978-1-925240,

Executive: Joe Black

ph 44 208 547 2570
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9564390,
978-0-9570037, 978-1-909181,


Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 444

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Theatre Communications Group

Torrey House Press

520 Eighth Ave; 24th Floor

New York, NY 10018-4156

2806 Melony Drive

Salt Lake City, UT 84124

Executive: Terry Nemeth

ph 212/609-5900
f 212/609-5901

Executives: Mark Bailey and Kirsten Allen

ph 801/810-9847
f 801/277-3350, call first
ISBN prefix: 978-1-937226

ISBN prefixes: 978-0-930452, 978-1-55936,

978-1-85459, 978-0-913745, 978-0-9515877,
978-0-88754, 978-1-870259, 978-1-84002,
978-0-9536757, 978-0-921368, 978-0-933826,
978-0-9542330, 978-0-9546912, 978-0-9630126,
978-0-9666152, 978-1-55554, 978-0-9773074,
978-0-9551566, 978-0-9790570, 978-0-9819099,
978-1-906582, 978-1-84842, 978-0-9709046,
978-0-9846160, 978-1-84943, 978-0-9566329,
978-1-77091, 978-0-9897393, 978-1-62384,
978-0-9817533, 978-1-78319, 978-1-899791,
978-0-9857577, 978-0-9817533, 978-0-948230,
978-1-55081, 978-0-9907256, 978-0-9905694,

Turtle Point Press

c/o Jonathan Rabinowitz
240 East 39th Street
Suite 26E
New York, NY 10016
Executive: Jonathan Rabinowitz
ph 212/627-8580
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9627987,
978-1-885983, 978-1-885586,
978-1-933527, 978-1-933521

Third Man Books

Two Dollar Radio

623 7th Avenue South

Nashville, TN 37203

141 East Town Street, Suite 200

Columbus, OH 43215
ISBN prefix: 978-0-9913361,

Executive: Eric Obenauf

ph 740/504-7456
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9763895,
978-0-9820151, 978-0-9826848,
978-0-9832471, 978-1-937512

TOON Books

Tyrant Books

27 Greene Street #4F

New York, NY 10013

426 West 46th St. Apt. D

New York, NY 10036

Executives: Franoise Mouly and

Kimberly Guise
ph 212/431-5756
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9799238,

Executive: Giancarlo DiTrapano

ph 917/539-3963
f 917/539-3964
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-615, 978-0-9850235,
978-1-61658, 978-0-9885183,

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 445

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Uncivilized Books

White Pine Press

P.O. Box 6534

Minneapolis, MN 55406

P.O. Box 236

Buffalo, NY 14201

Executive:Tom Kaczynski
ph 917/495-8637
f 612/605-0023
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-9846814,
978-0-9889014, 978-1-941250

Executive: Dennis Maloney

ph/f 716/627-4665
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-877727, 978-0-934834,
978-1-877800, 978-1-893996,
978-0-913089, 978-1-935210

Unfiltered Media Group, LLC

Windhorse Publications

214 S. College Ave, Ste 3

Fort Collins, CO 80524

169 Mill Road

Cambridge, CB1 3AN

Executive: John P. Bolton

ph (508) 314-4275
ISBN prefix: 978-0-9962689


Executive: Peter Joseph

ph 011 44 (0) 1223 213 300
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-899579, 978-0-904766,
978-1-907314, 978-1-909314

Vodka & Milk

Zephyr Press

520 Eighth Avenue Suite 2001

New York, NY 10018

50 Kenwood Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Executive: Marvis Johnson

ph: 917/653-6830
ISBN prefix: 978-0-9971462

Executives: Cris Mattison, Jim Kates, and

Leora Zeitlin
ph/f 617/713-2813
ISBN prefixes: 978-0-939010, 978-0-9533824,
978-0-9706250, 978-0-9761612,
978-0-9545367, 978-0-9815521,
978-0-9832970, 978-1-938890

Wave Books

Zuccotti Park Press

1938 Fairview Avenue East, Suite 201

Seattle, WA 98102

P.O. Box 2726

Westfield, NJ 07090

Executives: Joshua Beckman and

Matthew Zapruder
ph 206/676-5337
ISBN prefixes: 978-1-933517, 978-0-9703672,
978-0-9723487, 978-0-9746353,

Executives: Rachel Daniel and

Greg Ruggiero
ph 718/614-6042
ISBN prefix: 978-1-884519

Consortium Distributed Publishers Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 446

4/5/16 9:27 AM

80:20, 286
1864, 324
1905, 217
100 Maple Leaf Moments, 56
1000 Iconic Watches, 220
26 Poems, 203
3 Summers, 103
77 Sulphate Strip, 201

Abyss, 430
The Ada Decades, 76
Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forgers Life, 152
After Land Vol. 1, 32
After The Fact: Scripts & Postscripts, 423
Afterward, 53
America at War with Itself, 94
Americas Civil War, 157
Anatomy Drawing School, 222
and then we became, 98
Angels of Our Better Beasts, 89
Angelus & Diabolus, 221
Animals Strike Curious Poses, 351
Anonymous Women, 140
Arabian Nights, 46
Architecture by Hand, 94
Arguing Science, 281
The Art of Childrens Conversation, 198
The Art of Christian Conversation, 198
The Art of Conversation, 198
The Art of Couples Conversation, 198
3, 30
The Art of Folding Vol. 2
The Art of Food Conversation, 198
The Art of Literary Conversation, 198
The Art of Travel Conversation, 198
The Art of Understanding Art, 326
The Ash Tree, 195
At the Great Door of Morning, 119
Atypical Plays for Atypical Actors, 391
Audience (R)Evolution: Dispatches from
the Field, 386
Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian Lions, 65
Austro-Marxism, 218
Avies Dreams, 167

Baloney, 100
Banana Palace, 120
Barcelona - An Urban Sketchbook, 328
Beans, Peas and Lentils, 225
Becoming British, 63
Becoming Unbecoming, 40
Beginners Guide to Digital Painting in
Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy, 5

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 447

Ben Wheatley, 132

Bertrand Court, 333
Best Worst American, 357
Between Sky and Sea, 374
Beyond Art Fundamentals, 6
Beyond the Wall: New Selected Poems,
Birthmark, 253
Black Apples of Gower, 195
The Black Figure in the European
Imaginary, 191
Black Wave, 165
The Bleeding Edge, 284
Blindsight, 112
The Blink that Killed the Eye, 197
Blood of the Dawn, 144
A Bloom of Bones, 241
The Blue Palace of the Belgian
Engineers, 235
Bob Stevenson, 48
Body Horror, 137
The Brand New Catastrophe, 349
Breaking the Trance, 79
The Breakwater Book of Contemporary
Newfoundland Plays, Volume Three,
A Brief Theory of Travel and the Desert,
The Brighter House, 425
Brighter Than You Think: 10 Short Works
by Alan Moore, 409
The Brother, 315
The Brotherhood, 252
By the Atlantic, 280

Calamities, 418
Call Waiting, 249
Camanchaca, 106
Can I Start Again Please, 391
The Candle, 162
Candyass, 45
Caring for Young Children with Special
Needs, 345
The Case of Alan Turing, 39
Cash, 91
Cat Rackham, 253
Celebrate! , 344
CEX Sells, 58
Chain of Custody, 67
The Charterhouse, 192
Chasing the King of Hearts, 169
The Chefs Guide to Craft Beer, 412
The Chemical Wedding, 356

Children in Society: Politics, Policies and

Interventions, 202
Chowgirls Killer Party Food, 37
Chronicle of the Murdered House, 311
Cinderella: A Fairytale, 395
Cities at Dawn, 421
Close to Home, 75
Cocktails at Seven, Apocalypse at Eight:
The Derby Cavendish Stories, 89
Cocktails for Ding Dongs, 138
Collage Therapy, 328
The Collected Poems: Volume 2, 203
Color Codes. Branding & Identity, 331
Color Pasadena, 337
The Colour Black, 196
Commissary Kitchen, 414
The Company Game, 60
The Complete Works of Malatesta V.III, 14
Concept Coding, 57
Concord Floral, 389
Conflict Is Not Abuse, 41
Confronting Empire, 215
Connecting in the Land of Dementia, 80
Consensual, 395
Contemporary Homes 3, 201
Contradictions in the Design, 28
Cooking with Fresh Herbs, 227
Cooking with Superfoods, 228
Cordwood Building, 298
A Crack in the World, 142
Create to Conquer, 60
Creative Block Play, 344
Creative Chef Postcard Book, 59
Creative Thinkers Exercise Book, 59
Criticism, 325
The Crown Derby Plate, 53
The Crunk Feminist Collection, 166
Crushed Shells and Mud, 395
Cuba Unfinished, 141

The Dad Dialogues, 43
Dalston Monstazz, 306
Dance of the Jakaranda, 18
Dancing on the Spiders Web, 402
Dangerous to Know, 371
Daphnes Dive, 378
Dark Age America, 288
Dark Tourism, 395
David Bowie: Coloring the Starman, 175
The Days, 363
The Days Last Light Reddens the Leaves
of the Copper Beech, 69
Dear Lupin, 392
Death of a Horse, 237

Index by Title

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Deliverance from Slavery, 218

Demand the Impossible, 207
Design for Screen, 332
Design My Privacy, 59
The Detroit Project, 381
Diary 1937-1943, 159
The Diary of Mr. Poynters, 53
Different Brains, Different Approach, 58
Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 8, 7
The Dishonoured, 395
The Divergent and Convergent Thinking
Book, 59
The Divided Laing, 395
Division to Unification in Imperial China,
Dot-to-Dot Barcelona, 223
Dot-to-Dot Berlin, 223
Dot-to-Dot London, 223
Dot-to-Dot Paris, 223
The Doulas!, 168
Dramatic Writing Masterclasses, 394
Dream Island, 195
Dribble Drabble, 342

Eco Design: Furniture, 330
Eco Design: Lamps, 330
Ed Sheeran, 270
Embed in Egypt, 248
Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play, 339
Emergent Strategy, 12
Enchanted by Vietnam, 201
The Encounter, 392
The End of Pink, 70
Entering Time, 365
The Envelope, 365
Erik and the Gods, 395
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - The Artist as
Photographer, 247
Escape Home, 153
The Eskimo Solution, 186
Essential Building Science, 296
Ethical Porn for Dicks, 359
Evangeline, 142
Eve Out of Her Ruins, 143
even this page is white, 46
Evening at the Talk House, 383
Event Design, 58
Everything We Dont Know, 137
Everywhere I Look, 367
Exhibition Art - Graphics and Space
Design, 332
Exhibitionist, 66
Exits, 254
Extended Play, 3


F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby:
Bookmarked, 242
A Failed Parricide, 218
False Starts, 366
Family Child Care 2016 Tax Companion,
Family Child Care 2016 Tax Workbook
and Organizer, 346
Family Enterprises, 323
Family Tree, 252
The Farmers Office, 290
Fashion Patternmaking Techniques
Haute couture [Vol 1], 329
Fashion Sketching, 329
Fear Drive My Feet, 373
Fear is the Rider, 372
Fighting the Nazis, 159
Finding Joseph I, 267
Fire in the Village, 240
Firebird, 395
First Love is the Revolution, 395
Fish in Exile, 107
Floodgate Companion, 33
Foam #45, 181
Foam #46, 181
Follow Me into the Dark, 168
Fontana Group. Aluminum Atelier, 114
Food Worth Fighting For, 280
for love and autonomy, 364
For the Love of Terror, 200
Found Not Taken, 247
Four Play, 395
Fragile Legacies, 191
Frame #112, 182
Frame #113, 182
Frame #114, 182
Freda and Jems Best of the Week, 395
Frederick Douglass in Brooklyn, 25
French Rhapsody, 185
French Without Tears, 395
Friendly Fire, 364
From Pasta to Pigfoot: Second Helpings,
Frontier, 314
The Future of Economics, 259
The Future of Work, 218
The Future Show, 395
Futurity, 382

The Game Dont Change, 23
Garden Time, 115
Gary Owen: Collected Plays, 395

The Gentleman Clothier, 389

Geography, 325
Getting Off! Lee Breuer on Performance,
Glass, 197
The Gloaming, 405
Global Spices for Everyday Cooking, 227
Globalizing Cultures, 218
A Glossary of Zen Terms, 361
Goldenrod, 73
Gone Fishing, 193
A Good Baby, 56
Good People, 369
The Gospel of Simon, 261
Gramscis Pathways, 218
Graphic Design for FashionFashion
Exposed, 332
GRAPHITE Volume 1, 6
The Great and the Good, 186
The Great Climate Robbery, 285
A Greater Music, 312
Grow Create Inspire, 293

Haircuts by Children, and Other Evidence
for a New Social Contract, 102
Happening 2, 178
Happy Place, 128
Harbors of Light, 424
Hard-Core, 172
Harlequinade / All On Her Own, 396
A Heart Afire, 282
Heart Attack and Vine, 334
Heavens on Earth, 145
Hegemony How-To, 9
Heideggers Being and Time and the
Possibility of Political Philosophy, 317
Hello Camel, 248
Here We Go / Escaped Alone, 380
The Heronry, 350
The Hidden Keys, 99
Hidden Natures Frame Fantasia, 327
High Conflict People in Legal Disputes,
Him, Me, Muhammad Ali, 352
A History of Lithuania in 50 Objects, 191
The Hollywood Surreal, 132
Holy Daring, 281
The Homemade Vegan, 279
Homeschooled, 244
Hornimans Choice, 396
Hot or Not: 20th-Century Male Artists,
House of Mystery, 89
House of Water, 30

Index by Title

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 448

4/5/16 9:27 AM

How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois

Revolutions?, 216
How Sweet It Is!, 276
How to Be a Writer, 387
How to Be Perfect, 110
How to Enjoy Opera, 394
How to Survive in the North, 305
How We Speak to One Another, 109
Human Directional, 162
The Humans, 379
Hungarian Art: Confrontation and Revival
through the 20th Century, 153

I Believe in Unicorns, 396
I Find That Offensive!, 62
I Wish to Die Singing, 391
Identity Architects, 179
If Venice Dies, 300
Ill Tell You in Person, 108
Im OK! Building Resilience through
Physical Play, 341
Image of an Unknown Young Woman,
Imaginarium 5: The Best Canadian
Speculative Writing, 89
Imaginary Vessels, 117
In a Blue Moon, 366
In Another Country, 54
In Full Velvet, 350
In on the Great Joke, 104
In Pursuit of Spring, 194
In the Light of Naples, 190
In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises),
In the Scene: Ang Lee, 390
In the Scene: Jane Campion, 390
An Incomprehensible Mother Tongue,
India!, 228
Inhabited, 401
The Iphigenia Quartet, 391
Islam and the Economic Challenge, 258
Islamic Civilization, 259
The Island of Books, 100
Isra-Isle, 272
Its all about negotiations, 57

Jack London. The Paths Men Take, 113
The James Plays, 392
Jerzy, 47
Jim DineI Never Look Away, 251
Joanne, 396

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 449

Johnny Appleseed, 31
Justin Chin: Selected Works, 278
Justine, 316

Kanji Box, 361
The Kilroys List, 377
King Lear in Brooklyn, 387
Koorosh Shishegaran, 347
The Krampus and the Old, Dark
Christmas, 174

Landing, 236
The Language of Art, 340
The Last Day of Oppression, and the
First Day of the Same, 213
The Last Dog of War, 396
Late Stories, 136
Laurels of Xenon, 255
Left Americana, 215
Lela & Co., 388
Lemmy Kilmister of Motrhead, 175
Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons
Lemons, 392
Leninism under Lenin, 217
Lessons of October, 217
The Liberators of Willow Run, 74
Life Science, 250
The Life-Writer, 51
Likenesses, 123
Little Cyclone, 61
Little Eyolf, 388
The Live Art Almanac: Volume 4, 396
Locomotion, 309
Long Shot, 206
Look & Cook for Child Care Centers, 346
Look & Cook for Family Child Care
Homes, 346
Los Hombres Me Explican Las Cosas,
Lost Profiles, 96
Love, Madness, Fishing, 196
The Lumen Seed, 141

Macmillan: Plays One, 393
Madagascar: New and Selected Stories,
The Madonna of Notre Dame, 301
Madwoman, 27
The Madwoman of the House, 237
The Magician of Vienna, 147

The Magna Carta Plays, 394

Make Yourself Happy, 111
Malcolm Lowrys Under the Volcano:
Bookmarked, 242
The Man with the Speckled Eyes, 77
Mandatory Evacuation, 71
Mark #63, 183
Mark #64, 183
Mark #65, 183
Martutene, 235
Marx and the Commons, 218
Marx and the Earth, 218
Marx and the Political Economy of the
Media, 218
Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism,
Marxism and Historical Practice, 218
Marxs Capital, Method and
Revolutionary Subjectivity, 218
Marxs Economic Manuscripts of 18641865, 218
Mary Page Marlowe, 376
Marys Wedding (Third Edition), 389
Masters of Sketching, 7
MDC: Memoir from a Damaged
Civilization, 277
Me, 240
Meatballs, 226
Meatheads, or How to Diy Without
Getting Killed, 87
Medea, 396
Meet Me at the Bamboo Table, 86
Men, 373
Mephistos and Other Poems, 97
Midnight City: Flesh Tree, 88
Mindful Emotion, 428
Mindfully Facing Disease and Death,
Miximum Ca Canny the Sabotage
Manuals, 13
Mob Lawyer, 158
The Mohammed Code, 173
Molire, or The Cabal of Hypocrites and
Don Quixote: Two Plays, 384
Money and Totality, 218
Motherland Hotel, 95
Mrs Barbours Daughters, 396
Mughal Paintings, 189
The Museum at the End of the World, 55
My Family and Other Endangered
Species, 396
My Private Property, 417
My Year 2010: Shadows, 203
Myth and Mystique, 190

Index by Title

4/5/16 9:27 AM

A Narrow Bridge, 335
Nell Gwynn, 396
New York Legs, 243
Niagara Motel, 45
Night & Ox, 104
Night Fever 5, 177
Nightlights, 308
Nine Dragon Island, 429
No More Heroes: Grassroots Challenges
to the Savior Mentality, 11
No More Heroes, 197
No One Told Me Not to Do This, 22
NoNonsense Feminism, 286
Norse Revival, 218
Not In Our Genes, 214
Novel Explosives, 204

Object 15, 35
Octavios Journey, 186
Oedipus in Brooklyn and Other Stories,
Of Human Bondage, 389
On Darkness, 146
On Freedom, 387
On Silbury Hill, 195
On the Formation of Marxism, 218
Once in Blockadia, 364
One Mans Dark, 116
One Turn Around the Sun, 161
One Who Saw, 53
One World Two, 283
Openings, 303
Optical Illusions, 332
Orange Horses, 199
The Order of Things, 353
Orison for a Curlew, 194
The Outlaw, 147
Outsider Art Memory Game, 60
Oxygen, 429

The Painted Gun, 17
Painting with Light, 192
Palm SpringsThe Good Life Goes On,
Pardon the Ravens, 337
Pattern Euphoria, 329
Paul Reas: Works 1972-2015, 200
Perfect Hair, 1
Performing Indigeneity, 396
The Permaculture Market Garden, 291


The Permaculture Transition Manual, 292

Perspectives on Morality and Human
Well-Being, 258
Petulia, 131
The Philosophy of Living Experience, 218
The Photographer and the Shaman, 320
Photographic Portraits Berlin, 252
Pierre Gouthire, 187
Pina Bausch, 393
Pine, 396
Plays from VAULT, 396
Plays of Love and Conflict, 397
The Poem She Didnt Write and Other
Poems, 124
The Politics of Transindividuality, 218
Pop Pills, 149
Poppy & George, 397
Portraits of Violence, 285
Power and Resistance, 218
Power Ballads, 420
Power from the Sun, 297
The Practical Essence of Man, 218
Practical Solutions to Practically Every
Problem, 343
Present Tense, 130
Pressure Makes Diamonds, 20
Pretend Im Your Friend, 155
Primitive, 71
The Prisms of Gramsci, 218
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, 10
The Pterodactyl Hunters in the Gilded
City, 354
Purge, 393
Pyongyang, 397

Queen Anne, 388
Queer Methods, 169
Questioning Return, 275

Radiant Terminus, 313
The Railways, 324
Rain, 54
Read nothing in here, 60
Reading Sveva, 364
Real Gardens, 201
Real Hope, True Freedom, 83
Recitation, 145
Reckoning, 368
RecoveryMind Training, 82
The Remedy, 44
Reproductive Rights and Wrongs, 214

ReSignifications, 319
Resistance, 63
The Resourceful Artist, 327
The Restoration of Nell Gwyn, 397
Returnings: Poems of Love and Distance,
Revealing the Charterhouse, 192
Revise the Psalm, 135
The Revolution Starts at Home, 12
The Revolutionaries Try Again, 105
Revolutionary Democracy, 217
The Rib From Which I Remake the World,
Rilke: New Poems, 126
Rise Up, 397
The Road to Glory, 397
The Road to Ithaca, 67
The Role of Lightning in Evolution, 88
Root Shock, 304
Rosalind: A Biography of Shakespeares
Immortal Heroine, 394
Run the Red Lights, 118

Sam Smith, 270
San Juan Noir, 24
San Juan Noir (Spanish-language
edition), 24
Satans & Shaitans, 197
Scratch, 138
Scree, 365
The Scything Handbook, 295
Searching for a Rose Garden, 202
Searching for Wallenberg, 276
Seasons Greetings, 139
Seed in Snow, 72
Seeing People Off, 407
Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry, 98
The Selected Works of Voltairine de
Cleyre, 14
Self-Portrait as a Wikipedia Entry, 122
Sensational Chocolate, 193
Seths Christmas Ghost Stories, 52
Seven Crow Stories, 87
Shapes, 331
Shibboleth, 397
The Short Con, 34
Short Stories, 246
Shot-Blue, 101
Shots in the Dark, 129
Shrinking the Technosphere, 289
The Signalman, 52
Silence is Broken, 208
Simon & Garfunkel Together Alone, 199

Index by Title

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 450

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Simplicity, 331
Sirens, 406
Six Degrees of Freedom, 246
Sketching from the Imagination:
Characters, 7
Sleeping Mask, 49
Smoke Snort Swallow Shoot, 268
Smoothies for Kids, 224
So Buttons, 34
So What So That, 112
The Solace of Monsters, 263
Some Go Hungry, 25
Somebody in Boots, 242
Someone Always in the Corner of My
Eye, 425
Song of the Stubborn One Thousand,
Songs from the Violet Caf, 186
Sound Materials, 177
Sound of Snow Falling, 3
South-East Asian Plays, 390
SP4RX, 307
Sparkling, 220
Speak and Read Chinese, 362
Speak Gigantular, 196
Spectacle and Nothing Strange, 249
Spit that Out!, 287
Splinterlands, 210
Splitting an Order, 125
Spoke, 22
Sprawling Heart, 4
Stand by Your Manhood, 62
Starved, 81
The State Vs. Albert Prodigy Johnson,
Staying Alive, 397
Stony River, 262
Stonypath Days, 66
Strategic Design Practices for
Competitive Advantage, 57
Street Art Anthology, 328
Strength Through Design, 171
Struggle or Starve, 211
Studies in Pre-Capitalist Modes of
Production, 218
Such a Lovely Little War, 38
Sultans of the Street, 397
The Supergirls, 163
Swamp, 200
Sweat, 375

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 451

Swim Through the Darkness, 321

Swinging Through Dixie, 56

Take Me to Paris, Johnny, 374
Tales of Unknowing, 202
Talk Like a Californian, 336
The Talker, 403
Talking Back, Talking Black, 50
Taylor Swift, 269
Tazkiyah, 257
Team Teaching in Early Childhood, 345
Telling Time, 252
Tender is the Light, 250
The Thatcherite Offensive, 218
Therapist Limits in Person-Centred
Practice, 202
Things that Can and Cannot Be Said, 205
Thinking in Services, 57
The Third Squad, 16
Three Tearless Histories, 153
Tipping the Velvet, 393
Tomboy Survival Guide, 42
Torn from the Ear of Night, 425
Trans*Am, 360
Travestimento, 320
Treasure, 397
A Treasury of Sacred Maxims, 257
Trotskyism in the United States, 216
Trotskys Challenge, 218
Trying Not to Notice, 2
Tumbling Toward the End, 121
The Two of Us, 55
Typography, 331

U Girl, 363
The Ultimate Beer Guide 2017, 411
Unbearable Splendor, 111
The Unbroken Cycle, 212
Under Old Stars, 251
Unicorn, 326
The Uninvited, 199
Unsportsmanlike Conduct, 21
Urban Revolt, 213
The Usefulness of the Useless, 317
Utopia and the Dialectic in Latin
American Liberation, 218

Van Gogh, 188
A Very Russian Christmas, 302
Very Sensible Stories and Poems for
Grown Persons, 88
The Villa Bonita, 244
The Violent American Century, 209
Violet Energy Ingots, 419
A Vulgar Display of Pantera, 266

War, Capital, and the Dutch State
(1588-1795), 218
Wendy & Peter Pan, 397
Wendys Revenge, 254
Were in America Now, 239
When the Sky Fell Apart, 370
Where They Create: Japan, 178
Whistleblower at the CIA, 93
White Elephant, 85
A Whole World Blind, 140
Wicked Weeds, 274
Winter Smoothies, 224
Womansword, 360
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, 397
Words Are My Matter, 355
World of Made and Unmade, 29
Worshiping Power, 13

The Year of Needy Girls, 19
The Year of the Comet, 299
The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse,
Yen, 388
Yiddish Cuisine, 226
Yoga for Amputees, 282
You Are Happy, 397
You Will Remember Me, 366
Yours, 4
Yours Forever, Marie-Lou, 366

Zayn, 269
A Zero-Sum Game, 144
The Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook,

Index by Title

4/5/16 9:27 AM


1000 Iconic Watches, 220

Architecture by Hand, 194
The Charterhouse, 192
Contemporary Homes 3, 201
Essential Building Science, 296
Frame #112, 182
Frame #113, 182
Frame #114, 182
Happening 2, 178
Identity Architects, 179
If Venice Dies, 300
Mark #63, 183
Mark #64, 183
Mark #65, 183
Night Fever 5, 177
Revealing the Charterhouse, 192
Sound Materials, 177

Anatomy Drawing School, 222
Angelus & Diabolus, 221
The Art of Understanding Art, 326
Beginners Guide to Digital Painting in
Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy, 5
Beyond Art Fundamentals, 6
The Black Figure in the European
Imaginary, 191
The Brotherhood, 252
Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 8, 7
Entering Time, 365
Exhibitionist, 66
Floodgate Companion, 33
GRAPHITE Volume 1, 6
Hidden Natures Frame Fantasia, 327
The Hollywood Surreal, 132
Hungarian Art: Confrontation and Revival
through the 20th Century, 153
In the Light of Naples, 190
Jim Dine I Never Look Away, 251
Koorosh Shishegaran, 347
Laurels of Xenon, 255
Masters of Sketching, 7
Mughal Paintings, 189
Myth and Mystique, 190
No One Told Me Not to Do This, 22
Object 15, 35
Openings, 303
Pierre Gouthire, 187
ReSignifications, 319


Sketching from the Imagination:

Characters, 7
Street Art Anthology, 328
Van Gogh, 188

Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forgers Life, 152
The Brand New Catastrophe, 349
Ed Sheeran, 270
Escape Home, 153
Everywhere I Look, 367
Fear Drive My Feet, 373
Finding Joseph I, 267
Hard-Core, 172
In Pursuit of Spring, 194
Long Shot, 206
Lost Profiles, 96
Love, Madness, Fishing, 196
The Madwoman of the House, 237
MDC: Memoir from a Damaged
Civilization, 277
Me, 240
My Year 2010: Shadows, 203
Openings, 303
Pina Bausch, 393
Pressure Makes Diamonds, 20
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, 10
Reckoning, 368
Sam Smith, 270
Simon & Garfunkel Together Alone, 199
Sirens, 406
Starved, 81
The State Vs. Albert Prodigy Johnson,
Swim Through the Darkness, 321
Take Me to Paris, Johnny, 374
Taylor Swift, 269
Three Tearless Histories, 153
Tomboy Survival Guide, 42
A Vulgar Display of Pantera, 266
Were in America Now, 239
Zayn, 269


Holy Daring, 281


CEX Sells, 58
Concept Coding, 57
Different Brains, Different Approach, 58

Event Design, 58
Family Child Care 2016 Tax Companion,
Family Child Care 2016 Tax Workbook
and Organizer, 346
Family Enterprises, 323
The Farmers Office, 290
The Future of Economics, 259
Islam and the Economic Challenge, 258
Its all about negotiations, 57
Perspectives on Morality and Human
Well-Being, 258
Strategic Design Practices for
Competitive Advantage, 57
Thinking in Services, 57


After Land Vol. 1, 32
Becoming Unbecoming, 40
Birthmark, 253
Brighter Than You Think: 10 Short Works
by Alan Moore, 409
The Case of Alan Turing, 39
Cat Rackham, 253
Dalston Monstazz, 306
Exits, 254
Extended Play, 3
Hot or Not: 20th-Century Male Artists,
How to Survive in the North, 305
Johnny Appleseed, 31
Midnight City: Flesh Tree, 88
Nightlights, 308
The Order of Things, 353
Perfect Hair, 1
Portraits of Violence, 285
The Pterodactyl Hunters in the Gilded
City, 354
The Short Con, 34
So Buttons, 34
Sound of Snow Falling, 3
SP4RX, 307
Sprawling Heart, 4
Such a Lovely Little War, 38
The Supergirls, 163
Trying Not to Notice, 2
Wendys Revenge, 254
Yours, 4

Beans, Peas and Lentils, 225
By the Atlantic, 280

Index by Subject

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 452

4/5/16 9:27 AM

The Chefs Guide to Craft Beer, 412

Chowgirls Killer Party Food, 37
Cocktails for Ding Dongs, 138
Commissary Kitchen, 414
Cooking with Fresh Herbs, 227
Cooking with Superfoods, 228
Creative Chef Postcard Book, 59
Enchanted by Vietnam, 201
Global Spices for Everyday Cooking, 227
Gone Fishing, 193
The Homemade Vegan, 279
India! , 228
Meatballs, 226
Sensational Chocolate, 193
Smoothies for Kids, 224
Sparkling, 220
Winter Smoothies, 224
Yiddish Cuisine, 226
The Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook,


The Art of Folding Vol. 2
3, 30
Avies Dreams, 167
Collage Therapy, 328
Color Pasadena, 337
David Bowie: Coloring the Starman, 175
Dot-to-Dot Barcelona, 223
Dot-to-Dot Berlin, 223
Dot-to-Dot London, 223
Dot-to-Dot Paris, 223
Lemmy Kilmister of Motrhead, 175
The Resourceful Artist, 327

Color Codes. Branding & Identity, 331
Create to Conquer, 60
Design for Screen, 332
Design My Privacy, 59
Eco Design: Furniture, 330
Eco Design: Lamps, 330
Exhibition Art - Graphics and Space
Design, 332
Fashion Patternmaking Techniques
Haute couture [Vol 1] , 329
Fashion Sketching, 329
Graphic Design for Fashion - Fashion
Exposed, 332
Kanji Box, 361
Optical Illusions, 332
Pattern Euphoria, 329
Read nothing in here, 60

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 453

Shapes, 331
Simplicity, 331
Strategic Design Practices for
Competitive Advantage, 57
Typography, 331

Atypical Plays for Atypical Actors, 391
The Breakwater Book of Contemporary
Newfoundland Plays, Volume Three,
Can I Start Again Please, 391
Cinderella: A Fairytale, 395
Concord Floral, 389
Consensual, 395
Crushed Shells and Mud, 395
Daphnes Dive, 378
Dark Tourism, 395
Dear Lupin, 392
The Detroit Project, 381
The Dishonoured, 395
The Divided Laing, 395
The Encounter, 392
The Envelope, 365
Evening at the Talk House, 383
False Starts, 366
Firebird, 395
First Love is the Revolution, 395
Four Play, 395
Freda and Jems Best of the Week, 395
French Without Tears, 395
The Future Show, 395
Gary Owen: Collected Plays, 395
The Gentleman Clothier, 389
Harlequinade / All On Her Own, 396
Here We Go / Escaped Alone, 380
Hornimans Choice, 396
The Humans, 379
I Believe in Unicorns, 396
I Wish to Die Singing, 391
Image of an Unknown Young Woman,
In a Blue Moon, 366
In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises),
An Incomprehensible Mother Tongue,
The Iphigenia Quartet, 391
The James Plays, 392
Joanne, 396
The Kilroys List, 377
The Last Dog of War, 396
Lela & Co. , 388

Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons

Lemons, 392
Little Eyolf, 388
Macmillan: Plays One, 393
The Magna Carta Plays, 394
Mary Page Marlowe, 376
Marys Wedding (Third Edition), 389
Medea, 396
Molire, or The Cabal of Hypocrites and
Don Quixote: Two Plays, 384
Mrs Barbours Daughters, 396
My Family and Other Endangered
Species, 396
Nell Gwynn, 396
Of Human Bondage, 389
On Freedom, 387
Performing Indigeneity, 396
Pine, 396
Plays from VAULT, 396
Plays of Love and Conflict, 397
Poppy & George, 397
Purge, 393
Pyongyang, 397
Queen Anne, 388
The Restoration of Nell Gwyn, 397
Rise Up, 397
The Road to Glory, 397
Shibboleth, 397
South-East Asian Plays, 390
Staying Alive, 397
Sultans of the Street, 397
Sweat, 375
Tipping the Velvet, 393
Treasure, 397
Wendy & Peter Pan, 397
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, 397
Yen, 388
You Are Happy, 397
You Will Remember Me, 366
Yours Forever, Marie-Lou, 366

Caring for Young Children with Special
Needs, 345
Celebrate! , 344
Creative Block Play, 344
Dribble Drabble, 342
Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play, 339
The Language of Art, 340
Practical Solutions to Practically Every
Problem, 343
Team Teaching in Early Childhood, 345

Index by Subject

4/5/16 9:27 AM


Breaking the Trance, 79
The Dad Dialogues, 43
Im OK! Building Resilience through
Physical Play, 341
Look & Cook for Child Care Centers, 346
Look & Cook for Family Child Care
Homes, 346
Spit that Out!, 287

Baloney, 100
Bertrand Court, 333
Between Sky and Sea, 374
Black Wave, 165
Blood of the Dawn, 144
The Blue Palace of the Belgian
Engineers, 235
Bob Stevenson, 48
The Brother, 315
Camanchaca, 106
Chasing the King of Hearts, 169
The Chemical Wedding, 356
Chronicle of the Murdered House, 311
The Colour Black, 196
Dance of the Jakaranda, 18
Dancing on the Spiders Web, 402
The Days, 363
Death of a Horse, 237
Eve Out of Her Ruins, 143
Fear is the Rider, 372
Fish in Exile, 107
French Rhapsody, 185
From Pasta to Pigfoot: Second Helpings,
Frontier, 314
Glass, 197
The Gloaming, 405
A Good Baby, 56
Good People, 369
The Gospel of Simon, 261
The Great and the Good, 186
A Greater Music, 312
Heavens on Earth, 145
The Hidden Keys, 99
How Sweet It Is! , 276
Inhabited, 401
The Island of Books, 100
Isra-Isle, 272
Jerzy, 47
Justine, 316
Landing, 236
The Life-Writer, 51


Martutene, 235
Men, 373
Motherland Hotel, 95
A Narrow Bridge, 335
Niagara Motel, 45
Novel Explosives, 204
Octavios Journey, 186
On Darkness, 146
One World Two, 283
The Outlaw, 147
Questioning Return, 275
Radiant Terminus, 313
Recitation, 145
The Revolutionaries Try Again, 105
Searching for Wallenberg, 276
Seeing People Off, 407
Shot-Blue, 101
Somebody in Boots, 242
Songs from the Violet Caf, 186
Splinterlands, 210
Stony River, 262
The Two of Us, 55
U Girl, 363
The Very Russian Christmas, 302
When the Sky Fell Apart, 370
White Elephant, 85
The Year of the Comet, 299
A Zero-Sum Game, 144


Afterward, 53
Angels of Our Better Beasts, 89
Cocktails at Seven, Apocalypse at Eight:
The Derby Cavendish Stories, 89
The Crown Derby Plate, 53
The Diary of Mr. Poynters, 53
Erik and the Gods, 395
Imaginarium 5: The Best Canadian
Speculative Writing, 89
The Man with the Speckled Eyes, 77
Meatheads, or How to Diy Without
Getting Killed, 87
One Who Saw, 53
The Rib From Which I Remake the World,
Scratch, 138
Seths Christmas Ghost Stories, 52
Seven Crow Stories, 87
The Signalman, 52
The Solace of Monsters, 263
The Uninvited, 199
Wicked Weeds, 274

The Ada Decades, 76
Candyass, 45
Close to Home, 75
Goldenrod, 73
The Liberators of Willow Run, 74
Some Go Hungry, 25
The Year of Needy Girls, 19


Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian Lions, 65
A Bloom of Bones, 241
Cash, 91
Chain of Custody, 67
Dangerous to Know, 371
The Eskimo Solution, 186
Follow Me into the Dark, 168
The Game Dont Change, 23
Heart Attack and Vine, 334
The Madonna of Notre Dame, 301
No More Heroes, 197
The Painted Gun, 17
Pardon the Ravens, 337
The Road to Ithaca, 67
San Juan Noir, 24
San Juan Noir (Spanish-language edition), 24
Satans & Shaitans, 197
The Third Squad, 16


Best Worst American, 357
The Blink that Killed the Eye, 197
A Brief Theory of Travel and the Desert,
Fire in the Village, 240
Him, Me, Muhammad Ali, 352
In Another Country, 54
Late Stories, 136
Madagascar: New and Selected Stories,
The Museum at the End of the World, 55
Oedipus in Brooklyn and Other Stories,
Orange Horses, 199
Pretend Im Your Friend, 155
Rain, 54
Seven Crow Stories, 87
Sleeping Mask, 49
Speak Gigantular, 196
Swinging Through Dixie, 56
The Talker, 403

Index by Subject

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 454

4/5/16 9:27 AM


Speak and Read Chinese, 362

The Art of Childrens Conversation, 198
The Art of Christian Conversation, 198
The Art of Conversation, 198
The Art of Couples Conversation, 198
The Art of Food Conversation, 198
The Art of Literary Conversation, 198
The Art of Travel Conversation, 198
The Company Game, 60
Outsider Art Memory Game, 60

The Permaculture Transition Manual,
Real Gardens, 201
The Scything Handbook, 295
The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse, 294


Connecting in the Land of Dementia, 80
Yoga for Amputees, 282

1864, 324
1905, 217
Americas Civil War, 157
Conflict Is Not Abuse, 41
Diary 1937-1943, 159
Division to Unification in Imperial China,
Fighting the Nazis, 159
Food Worth Fighting For, 280
Frederick Douglass in Brooklyn, 25
A History of Lithuania in 50 Objects, 191
How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois
Revolutions? , 216
The Krampus and the Old, Dark
Christmas, 174
Left Americana, 215
Little Cyclone, 61
Marxism and Historical Practice, 218
On Silbury Hill, 195
Resistance, 63
Strength Through Design, 171
Struggle or Starve, 211
Studies in Pre-Capitalist Modes of
Production, 218
The Thatcherite Offensive, 218
Trotskyism in the United States, 216

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 455

War, Capital, and the Dutch State (15881795), 218


Cordwood Building, 298
Grow Create Inspire, 293

Talk Like a Californian, 336


Dramatic Writing Masterclasses, 394
How to Be a Writer, 387
Talking Back, Talking Black, 50

High Conflict People in Legal Disputes,

Animals Strike Curious Poses, 351
Calamities, 418
Everything We Dont Know, 137
How We Speak to One Another, 109
Ill Tell You in Person, 108
Justin Chin: Selected Works, 278
The Magician of Vienna, 147
My Private Property, 417
Revise the Psalm, 135
The Selected Works of Voltairine de
Cleyre, 14
Stonypath Days, 66
Unbearable Splendor, 111
Very Sensible Stories and Poems for
Grown Persons, 88
Words Are My Matter, 355

Brighter Than You Think: 10 Short Works
by Alan Moore, 409
Criticism, 325
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby:
Bookmarked, 242
Malcolm Lowrys Under the Volcano:
Bookmarked, 242
Shots in the Dark, 129

77 Sulphate Strip, 201
Futurity, 382

How to Enjoy Opera, 394

Simon & Garfunkel Together Alone, 199
Smoke Snort Swallow Shoot, 268
Spoke, 22
Swim Through the Darkness, 321

The Ash Tree, 195
Black Apples of Gower, 195
Dream Island, 195
Orison for a Curlew, 194

Arabian Nights, 46
Audience (R)Evolution: Dispatches from
the Field, 386
Ben Wheatley, 132
Getting Off! Lee Breuer on Performance,
In the Scene: Ang Lee, 390
In the Scene: Jane Campion, 390
King Lear in Brooklyn, 387
The Live Art Almanac: Volume 4, 396
Petulia, 131
Present Tense, 130
Rosalind: A Biography of Shakespeares
Immortal Heroine, 394

Deliverance from Slavery, 218
A Failed Parricide, 218
Heideggers Being and Time and the
Possibility of Political Philosophy, 317
The Philosophy of Living Experience, 218
The Politics of Transindividuality, 218
The Practical Essence of Man, 218
The Usefulness of the Useless, 317
Utopia and the Dialectic in Latin
American Liberation, 218

Anonymous Women, 140
Call Waiting, 249
A Crack in the World, 142
Cuba Unfinished, 141
Embed in Egypt, 248
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - The Artist as
Photographer, 247
Evangeline, 142
Family Tree, 252
Foam #45, 181
Foam #46, 181

Index by Subject

4/5/16 9:27 AM

For the Love of Terror, 200

Found Not Taken, 247
Fragile Legacies, 191
Hello Camel, 248
Homeschooled, 244
Jack London. The Paths Men Take, 113
Life Science, 250
The Lumen Seed, 141
New York Legs, 243
Painting with Light, 192
Palm Springs The Good Life Goes On,
Paul Reas: Works 1972-2015, 200
The Photographer and the Shaman, 320
Photographic Portraits Berlin, 252
Pop Pills, 149
Seasons Greetings, 139
Short Stories, 246
Six Degrees of Freedom, 246
A Spectacle and Nothing Strange, 249
Swamp, 200
Telling Time, 252
Tender is the Light, 250
Travestimento, 320
Under Old Stars, 251
The Villa Bonita, 244
Where They Create: Japan, 178
The Whole World Blind, 140

26 Poems, 203
3 Summers, 103
Abyss, 430
After The Fact: Scripts & Postscripts,
and then we became, 98
At the Great Door of Morning, 119
Banana Palace, 120
Beyond the Wall: New Selected Poems,
Blindsight, 112
The Brighter House, 425
The Candle, 162
Cities at Dawn, 421
The Collected Poems: Volume 2, 203
Contradictions in the Design, 28
The Days Last Light Reddens the Leaves
of the Copper Beech, 69
The End of Pink, 70


even this page is white, 46

for love and autonomy, 364
Friendly Fire, 364
Garden Time, 115
Harbors of Light, 424
The Heronry, 350
House of Mystery, 89
House of Water, 30
How to Be Perfect, 110
Human Directional, 162
Imaginary Vessels, 117
In Full Velvet, 350
In on the Great Joke, 104
Likenesses, 123
Madwoman, 27
Make Yourself Happy, 111
Mandatory Evacuation, 71
Mephistos and Other Poems, 97
Miximum Ca Canny the Sabotage
Manuals, 13
Night & Ox, 104
Nine Dragon Island, 429
Once in Blockadia, 364
One Mans Dark, 116
One Turn Around the Sun, 161
Oxygen, 429
The Poem She Didnt Write and Other
Poems, 124
Power Ballads, 420
Primitive, 71
Reading Sveva, 364
Returnings: Poems of Love and Distance,
Rilke: New Poems, 126
The Role of Lightning in Evolution, 88
Run the Red Lights, 118
Scree, 365
Seed in Snow, 72
Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry, 98
Self-Portrait as a Wikipedia Entry, 122
So What So That, 112
Someone Always in the Corner of My
Eye, 425
Splitting an Order, 125
Torn from the Ear of Night, 425
Tumbling Toward the End, 121
Unicorn, 326
Violet Energy Ingots, 419
World of Made and Unmade, 29

America at War with Itself, 94
Austro-Marxism, 218
Becoming British, 63
The Bleeding Edge, 284
The Complete Works of Malatesta V.III,
Confronting Empire, 215
Demand the Impossible, 207
Globalizing Cultures, 218
Gramscis Pathways, 218
The Great Climate Robbery, 285
Hegemony How-To, 9
I Find That Offensive!, 62
The Last Day of Oppression, and the
First Day of the Same, 213
Leninism under Lenin, 217
Lessons of October, 217
Marx and the Earth, 218
Marxs Capital, Method and
Revolutionary Subjectivity, 218
Marxs Economic Manuscripts of 18641865, 218
The Mohammed Code, 173
Money and Totality, 218
On the Formation of Marxism, 218
Power and Resistance, 218
The Prisms of Gramsci, 218
Revolutionary Democracy, 217
Song of the Stubborn One Thousand,
Things that Can and Cannot Be Said,
Trotskys Challenge, 218
The Violent American Century, 209
Whistleblower at the CIA, 93
Worshiping Power, 13

Children in Society: Politics, Policies and
Interventions, 202
Creative Thinkers Exercise Book, 59
The Divergent and Convergent Thinking
Book, 59
RecoveryMind Training, 82
Tales of Unknowing, 202
Therapist Limits in Person-Centred
Practice, 202

Index by Subject

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 456

4/5/16 9:27 AM

A Glossary of Zen Terms, 361
A Heart Afire, 282
Islamic Civilization, 259
Mindful Emotion, 428
Mindfully Facing Disease and Death,
Tazkiyah, 257
A Treasury of Sacred Maxims, 257

Arguing Science, 281
Geography, 325
Marx and the Earth, 218
Not In Our Genes, 214

Ethical Porn for Dicks, 359
Mindful Emotion, 428
Mindfully Facing Disease and Death,
Real Hope, True Freedom, 83

80:20, 286
Body Horror, 137
Commissary Kitchen, 414
Conflict Is Not Abuse, 41
The Crunk Feminist Collection, 166
Dark Age America, 288

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 457

The Doulas!, 168

Emergent Strategy, 12
The Future of Work, 218
Haircuts by Children, and Other Evidence
for a New Social Contract, 102
Los Hombres Me Explican Las Cosas,
Marx and the Commons, 218
Marx and the Political Economy of the
Media, 218
Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism,
No More Heroes: Grassroots Challenges
to the Savior Mentality, 11
NoNonsense Feminism, 286
Norse Revival, 218
Not In Our Genes, 214
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, 10
Queer Methods, 169
The Remedy, 44
Reproductive Rights and Wrongs, 214
The Revolution Starts at Home, 12
Root Shock, 304
Searching for a Rose Garden, 202
Shrinking the Technosphere, 289
Silence is Broken, 208
Stand by Your Manhood, 62
Trans*Am, 360
The Unbroken Cycle, 212
Urban Revolt, 213
Womansword, 360


100 Maple Leaf Moments, 56
Long Shot, 206
Unsportsmanlike Conduct, 21


The Bleeding Edge, 284
Fontana Group. Aluminum Atelier, 114
The Permaculture Market Garden, 291
Power from the Sun, 297
Shrinking the Technosphere, 289

Locomotion, 309
The Railways, 324

Barcelona - An Urban Sketchbook, 328
Happy Place, 128
Meet Me at the Bamboo Table, 86
The Ultimate Beer Guide 2017, 411

Mob Lawyer, 158
The State Vs. Albert Prodigy Johnson,

Index by Subject

4/5/16 9:27 AM

Vice President, Sales

Mid-Atlantic and New York

Mid-South and Southeast

Jim Nichols

Dan Fallon

Bill McClung


Bill Jordan

Consortium Book Sales & Distribution

34 13th Avenue NE, Suite 101
Minneapolis, MN 55413
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f 612/746-2606

Stuart Abraham

Abraham Associates
5120-A Cedar Lake Road
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Rovers LLC
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West Coast

John Mesjak

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Abraham Associates
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ph 216/291-3538
f 216/691-0548

Bill McClung & Associates

20540 State Highway 46 W
Suite 115
Spring Branch, TX 78070
ph 214/505-1501
f 888/311-8932

Terri McClung

Bill McClung & Associates

20540 State Highway 46 W
Suite 115
Spring Branch, TX 78070
ph 214/676-3161
f 888/311-8932

The Karel/Dutton Group

111 Pueblito Road
Corrales, NM 87048
ph 818/269-4882
f 480/247-5158
The Karel/Dutton Group
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San Francisco, CA 94118
ph 415/668-0829
f 415/668-2463
The Karel/Dutton Group
1047 Stannage Avenue
Albany, CA 94706
ph 510/528-0579
f 510/900-1088

Ted Seykora

Abraham Associates
5120-A Cedar Lake Road
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
ph 800/701-2489
f 952/927-8089

New England and

Upstate New York
Stephen Williamson

New England Book Reps/Rovers LLC

68 Main Street
Acton, MA 01720-3540
ph 978/263-7723
f 978/263-7721


Consortium Sales Representatives Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 458

4/5/16 9:27 AM



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f 952/912-0273

Consortium Gift Sales Representatives Fall / Winter 20162017

FLC F16 zzbm 431-464.indd 459

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Consortium Sales Representatives Fall / Winter 20162017

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4/5/16 9:27 AM

Contact Information
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Prospective Publishers
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In addition to sales and distribution services, we provide
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3dtotal Publishing
AK Press
Akashic Books
Alice James Books
Alternative Comics
And Other Stories
Arsenal Pulp Press

A Missile
O Jack

what a relief
a laugh

this morning
see everything goes anywhere
that any other place
is also
Believe me

it is pure joy
to overshoot the moon
and find you
out there

From Scree
by Fred Wah
Used by permission of Talonbooks

Behler Publications
Bellevue Literary Press
BIS Publishers
Biteback Publishing
Bitter Lemon Press
Blue Apple Books
BOA Editions, Ltd.
Breakaway Books
Bywater Books

Fabled Films Press

February Books
The Feminist Press at CUNY
Fence Books
Feral House
Frame Publishers
Gallic Books
Garnet Publishing
Gentle Path Press
Gilgamesh Publishing
Global Book Sales
Green Integer
The Gryphon Press
Haymarket Books
h.f.ullmann publishing
High Conflict Institute Press
Holy Cow! Press

Ocean Press
Open Letter
Paris Press
Paul Dry Books
Profile Books
Prospect Park Books
Redleaf Press
Saqi Books
Sarabande Books
Secret Acres
Serpents Tail
Small Beer Press
Stockholm Text
Stone Bridge Press
Sweetmeats Press
Text Publishing Company
Theatre Communications Group
Third Man Books
TOON Books
Torrey House Press
Turtle Point Press
Two Dollar Radio
Tyrant Books

Centipede Press
Central Recovery Press
Chin Music Press
ChiZine Publications
Cicada Books
Cinco Puntos Press
City Lights Publishers
Coach House Books
Coffee House Press
Common Courage Press
Copper Canyon Press
The Critical Press
Curbside Splendor Publishing

Ig Publishing
Image Continuum Press
Imperfect Publishing

Daylight Books
Deep Vellum Publishing
Dewi Lewis Publishing
DoppelHouse Press

Mandel Vilar Press

Manic D Press
Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd.
MCCM Creations
Milo Books
Monkfish Book Publishing

Wave Books
White Pine Press
Windhorse Publications

New Internationalist
New Society Publishers
New Vessel Press
New Village Press
Nicolo Whimsey Press
Nobrow Press

Constellation digital-only
CarTech Inc.
Stark Raving Group
Sunrise River Press

The Eighth Mountain Press

Enchanted Lion Books
Engine Books
Enigma Books
Etruscan Press
Exterminating Angel Press

Joshua Odell Editions

Karadi Tales
Kehrer Verlag
Koyama Press
Kube Publishing Ltd
Leapfrog Press
Lesser Gods
Lumen Books

Uncivilized Books
Unfiltered Media
Vodka & Milk

Zephyr Press
Zuccotti Park Press

consortium book sales & distribution

fall | winter 20162017

where independent publishers live

consortium book sales & distribution

fall | winter 2016-2017

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