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Search engines[edit]





Black Market Reloaded (defunct)

Evolution (defunct)

The Farmer's Market (defunct)

Sheep Marketplace (defunct)

Silk Road (defunct)


Tor Mail (defunct)

File storage[edit]

Free Haven

Hidden services directories, portals, and information[edit]

The Hidden Wiki

Instant messenger[edit]


News, whistleblowing and archives of document


Filtrala, a Spanish whistleblowing initiative operated by Associated Whistleblowing Press



Independent Media Center

Ljost, an Icelandic whistleblowing initiative operated by Associated Whistleblowing Press

NawaatLeaks, an Arabic whistleblowing initiative operated by Nawaat

SecureDrop, a secure communications platform for use between journalists and sources.
The first implementation was The New Yorker's Strongbox website.[1][2][3]


Social media[edit]

Encyclopedia Dramatica

Web directories

Search engines

File storage and peer-to-peer

file sharing

Email and
instant messaging

Social media

The Hidden Wiki


Free Haven Project

The Pirate Bay
Tor Mail (defunct)

Encyclopedia Dramatica

Black Market Reloaded (defunct)

Evolution (defunct)
The Farmer's Market (defunct)
Sheep Marketplace (defunct)
Silk Road(defunct)

News, whistleblowing,


and document archives

Independent Media Center



Lolita City (defunct)
Memex - DARPA's search engine for the Dark Web





Another Download Tor Browser Package Link

The Tor Library


Bitcoin Sites or
You can purchase physical bitcoins at or
you may buy them with a credit card at is a place you can check out many
bitcoin related services is bitcoins largest online
auction house is a travel site that strictly uses bitcoins
for payment navigator site with many bitcoins
locations in your area Turn Bitcoins into gift cards for

Amazon, Itunes etc

Set Up Your Own Tor Domain


Tor Search Engines - Onion is Found
http://xycpusearchon2mc.onion - Deep Search
http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion - Duck Duck Go Duck Duck Go (surface web version)

Area 51 Archives on Tor


Tor Browser Download

Find Links! Start out:

The Hidden Wiki!


Tor Library

Vendor database

A List of Popular Boards


Tor Popular Channel (or channels)


Link Directory List of Links


Popular Channel


http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/paste/browse.phpand http://ekwreugkil5

Useful Links Submitted for Tor:


List of Links, Uncategorized


TORCH - Huge Search Engine for Tor:


How to Disappear - Fake ID is Just the Beginning

Disappearing is something that most of us never think about. Why
would someone want to completely disappear and never be found. Well
there could be many reasons. Perhaps the person is a criminal or he
has done something wrong and fears that the authorities are closing
in on him.. Perhaps the person is overwhelmed with family
responsibilities and wants to run away and start a new life without
worrying about being found.
There are many possible reasons, but whatever the reason, the act of
disappearing and not being found again, can be a daunting task.
Perhaps some of these escape artists might want to use Tor to help
accomplish their goal.
You would think, and you would be correct in assuming that trying to
just leave your present life and run away to a new location would be
a difficult task. There are many things to consider in getting a new
identity. The first thing to do would be to clear your home of
personal items and anything that could be used to trace your
whereabouts. Computer hard drive? Destroy those. personal papers?
Burn those (much better than shredding). Bank accounts ? Those
should be closed. Credit cards? Never use them again and cut them
up. Cash only is the only way to make this transition. Ok the job
you have, obviously that is history. Family and friends? They can
only be told that you are going away for awhile, and never to
Old habits must be avoided, old friends must be dropped. Cell
phones? Forget those, too easy to trace. Any communication device
basically would be too easy to track your whereabouts. Not to say
you would not be able to use a cell phone, but it would be better to
use a disposable one with a new number that can easily be

To completely disappear, many move to another country where there is
very little chance old friends or family might run into them. If
not, and remaining in same country many disguise their appearance.,
shave their head, wear glasses, gain or lose weight, or just
basically keep on the move at all times, never staying in one
location for long.
When moving to the new area do not talk much about your past, or
where you are from, etc. Should you use, or would it be ok to use
Tor to communicate with friends or family? Well that's the big
question. It is safe and anonymous to browse Tor, most of the time.
But, the whole point of disappearing is to have nobody know where
you are.
So, theoretically if you communicated with friends or family through
this method, it would be a good way to hide where you really are. It
would depend though on the goal. What is the goal? To disappear and
have nobody know where you are, yet they still know you are ok? Or
is the goal to disappear and have people think you are no longer
There are many books on how to disappear, and this chapter just
talked briefly about a few of the important topics. I guess our best
advice, is live a clean life. Then you wont have to search for
books on how to disappear.

The Hidden Wiki is full of interesting sites and there are many
about how to disappear. Following is a short analysis and synopsis
we picked up on several sites we browsed to via

the Hidden

Wiki . If you are planning to disappear, this guide seems very

helpful. Hope you enjoy it.
One of the most important decisions to make and one that happens in
the early stages, is to determine where exactly you want to
"disappear to". If you have a city which you would have preferred to
go to above all others, this may not be the best choice. Why?
Because you may have inadvertently spoken to others about it. You
should choose someplace that is outside your current location,
another city, another state. Maybe even a different country. After
you have decided where to go, do not change your mind. Stick with
this choice. The following steps should be undertaken over a period
of several months.

Step One:
Cut all of the ties you have, personal ties, with anyone who knows
you. Disconnect from social groups, anything you were a part of
before. The most important aspect of this is to avoid detection.
This requires doing this slowly. If you pull out too fast, you will
arouse suspicions of friends and family. This step requires many
months of gradual withdrawal, non returned telephone calls and
meetings that are missed. Gradually withdraw from everyone who knows

Step Two:
Sell all of your possessions, in other words, liquidate and turn
everything to cash. Stocks and other possessions and property should
be sold, or given away. You will need to save a weeks worth of
clothes and other items you deem necessary. Do not save your
computer, you do not need it. If you own a house, then sell it. This
should, by the way, be the last thing you sell. If you are married
make sure not to sell your spouses possessions, especially since
these may be jointly owned. Also any other jointly owned
possessions, do not sell those. If you do sell jointly owned assets,
this could have unintended negative consequences later down the
road, so avoid this at all costs.
Try to always get cash for everything you sell. You should empty
your bank account but wait until the last day before leaving to do
this. Actually you should close the bank account. Be very picky and
think long and hard when you are deciding what to keep and what not
to keep. Remember that whatever items you keep most probably will
need to fit into one or two suitcases. Keep that in mind. Do not
sell your vehicle or automobile. You will need this for the initial
stages of your disappearance.


You must obtain false IDs. You will ideally need to get TWO sets of
New IDs. This will be explained in detail later. This was not listed
previously however this really should be the first thing you do. Do
not leave this task until the later stages because it requires
substantial time to obtain quality forgeries. This process is not
cheap, in fact it may be expensive, but it is very necessary, if you
wish to obtain quality fake IDs. If you skimp on price on this
process and buy a cheap fake ID. If you are in the USA, you will
need drivers license, and a valid social security number and a
birth certificate. In other countries the types of ID needed may

Step Four.
Sell your car to yourself. In other words, to you fake identity
(number 1). You will need a PO box in the fake identity's name in
that particular town or city. Make sure to register the car in the
new name in a new county and then get insurance. The insurance rates
are not important, since this bill will not be paid.

Step Five:
One week before you plan to begin your journey, make it a point to
visit all of your friends at least one time. If they ask where you
have been lately, be sure to answer them with a comforting reply,
without revealing too much information. That way they will not be
too upset if they do not see you for a few weeks in the future.
After you have closed the sale of all of your property and
possessions, make sure to destroy all copies of your current ID.
Burning it is the best method. In your wallet, put your new ID (fake
ID number 1), and then also include 100 dollars (approximately) in
cash. Place the other cash in another location such as one of your
suitcases. Load your other possessions into the car. Now you are
ready to go. Put the car in drive, and DRIVE.

Step Six:
Once you arrive in a different location or state or province or
country, sell your car. This will be using the ID that you
registered the car in. Now get rid of or burn this set of
identification. (again) Put your new ID (fake ID number 2) in your
wallet. There is now nothing that exists (hopefully) that ties you
to your old life. Place your second set of identification in your
wallet. There is now nothing to tie you to your old life. Now get on
another mode of transportation (bus is good) and drive to your new
destination. Do not fly to your destination directly as airlines
keep much more accurate records than buses do. If you have to fly,
take a bus first to the airport destination. Carry your briefcase
with money with you at all times. Make sure to not put the money
directly in your baggage, as this is subject to being lost or
stolen. Make SURE to always keep an eye on your money. If this is
stolen, you will be begging on the streets instead of enjoying your
new life.

Protect Yourself on Tor, Learn How to Keep

Yourself Clean
Next on the list of questions you may have is, what can you do you
do make sure you avoid stepping into dangerous websites or going
down the wrong dark alley when you are on the Deep Web? Good

Well, hopefully we have taught you by now to avoid just clicking on
any link you see. That is a very big rule to follow when making sure
you do not get yourself into trouble. You can only theoretically
get into trouble if you go to sites or places that you would not
want to be seen in, or would not want the authorities to know you
have been there. The best way to do that is to not go to those types
of sites in the first place.
What types of sites are we talking about here? Well that is not too
hard to figure out. Of course we would want to avoid drugs sale
sites (illegal). Not too many legal pharmacies set up locations on
the Deep Web so most sites dealing in drugs you can be most assured
they are probably not legitimate legal sites. Then you have all of
the sites for gun sales, military supplies, (most of it illegal, or
else why are they on Darknet?).
Of course any sites having anything to do with hacking, would be
wise to avoid. Then any sites with anything to do with hired
assassins would also be on this list.

NEVER click on any sites

with the initials CP. There many be other acronyms that have to
do with these initials.But TO BE SAFE. Never go to sites or
links which have those initials stressed in the link.
That would be sites that have to do with Child P****. We did not
type out the words but I think you get what we are talking about.
Sites with also deal with topics such as stolen credit cards or fake
Ids would be wise to avoid, and many of these types of sites will be
cross linked, since they seem to deal in an area which shares
similar needs. Any sites designed to harm people, scam people, sell
stolen merchandise, etc would be certainly best left alone. These
sites can only be trouble. They might even be fake sites set up by
law enforcement to catch criminals, so going there, just the act of
visiting the site out of curiosity, might get you in big trouble. So
avoid those sites at all costs.
Generally there are probably too many categories of forbidden or
illegal sites to list here, But you can probably 99 percent of the
time SPOT these types of sites IMMEDIATELY in their link text, since
most do not attempt to hide the nature of their sites. I am sure
there is a total sub layer of sites and topics that do not even list
themselves on Tor directories, or other Tor sites. These types of
sites are so illegal that you have to know someone to even be
invited and get the actual url to find the site. For us, that is
perfectly ok since we do not want to visit those types of sites

Dangerous Site List. A Guide

Ok now that we are here and we have heard some warnings lets get
down to the nitty gritty and find out what exactly exists in the
Hidden Wiki. What types of sites are there that are too hot to
touch? The type of sites that even experienced browsers think twice
before entering. Well of course there is one easy category to enter
and that is the one that contains all the hackers. Hackers are like
cockroaches if you ask me. They are extremely irritating, they are
everywhere you look and they are often so skilled at programming
that they also are the ones who sit home and crank out viruses when
they are bored. These are the types of guys you dont want to mess
Hash Party - http://3terbsb5mmmdyhse.onion
HackBB - http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion
Ok next we have the sites where illegal drugs are bought and sold.
There may be anything from low quality prescription drugs all the
way up to the hard core drugs like cocaine and heroin. In this site,
anything goes, and you can pretty much buy any type of drug you want
and have it delivered to your residence. (not that we are condoning
this practice or encouraging it)
Silk Road - http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion
Ok after this you have the sites where arms dealers buy and sell
guns. But not only guns. These sites sell anything from handguns, to
military assault rifles. These sites will deal in any type of weapon
you can imagine including shoulder fired grenade launchers (RPGs). I
am certain that if you looked around long enough you could find
sites that sell any type of military weapon you can think of,
including tanks and helicopters. Are these sites legitimate?
TorDir - http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion
Depends on what you mean by legitimate? Legal? I would seriously
doubt that any site that deals in this type of merchandise would be
considered legal in the eyes of the govt of any country.
Certainly dealing with the people on the other end would be not only
challenging, it could be downright dangerous.
Next you have sites which specialize in hired guns, or hitmen, as
they are known to some. These of course could be anything from sites
where they sell services to eliminate a cheating spouse to sites
where they actually have mercenaries for hire.
These mercenaries are basically private soldiers who hire out on

contract to provide either protection services or ally with prechosen parties to attempt to overthrow a corrupt government. These
sites are serious, and they mean business. Do not even attempt to
enter one of these types of websites unless you know someone who has
visited the site before. If they do not know you or have a referral,
they will not do business with you.
After all of these super dangerous categories of sites listed above,
you can add to that list the following classifications.
Sites which buy and sell all types of stolen merchandise, including
credit cards. Sites which buy sell and trade identify information,
where people assume the identity of other people for all types of
nefarious reasons. Could be someone trying to disappear. Could be
someone trying to get fake bank cards.
There are so many other types of forbidden sites listed on both The
Hidden Wiki, and other underground website directories, that it
would be difficult to name them all. Suffice it to say, you will
never be at a loss to find a site which will blow you away or
shock you. The Hidden Wiki is full of these sites.

How to Access the Hidden Wiki

Ok lets get started on how to access the Deep web, so that we may
be able to possibly find a way to access our site of choice (The
Hidden Wiki).
First you are going to need to download a browser that is enabled
for Tor. What is Tor? Tor is an acronym for The Onion Network.
Originally this was a project developed by the US Navy, and it has
been rumored that it was used for transmission of Top-Secret US
Government intelligence data. This may have been data that was
collected by agents involved in missions sent to other countries
undercover. Of course we are talking about spies here, but let us
get back on topic.

Warning! No one knows more about your surfing and downloading

habits that your ISP. Your Internet Service Providers can see every
site you visit, every page you view, and every file you download,
and this situation can't be changed only by using proxy. What's
worse, Internet Service Providers know exactly who you are and often
keep logs for substantial periods of time and the worst of all is
that they can share this information with anybody! This includes
government or any commercial organisation! There is only one way to
avoid spying on you,encrypt

encryption! Learn more...

everything with military level

The Onion Network, (or Tor) is basically a network of computer users

around the world who interlink their computers and, in so doing,
give each other anonymity and protect each other from prying eyes.
This interlaced network of shared computers is weaved together in
layers, kind of like an Onion. This is thought to be how Tor got its
name (The Onion Network).
Anyways you need a Tor enabled browser in order to be able to access
the Deep Web. You can actually go to a website, at the following
That url is the download page for the main browser which is
compatible with Firefox. This is the recommended browser for Tor. is the home website of the group of people who
originally wrote this piece of software, and they also have a forum
located on the site if you have any questions.
Download the software from this url:
The download will look like this before you click on the download
button at that url.

Once you download the software, you must of course install the Tor
browser. Normally these types of files are executable files. (.exe

files) and you simply execute (double click on the downloaded file)
the file and allow it to install itself on your computer. Remember
to see where the file is located. . Once the installation is
complete, simply navigate to the location on your computer where the
Tor browser has installed itself (the folder) and click on the icon
that looks like the image below:

Normally once this Onion Icon is clicked you will immediately open
up your Vidalia Control Panel, it looks like this and the network
Status should say loading

Network Status

Then, after the connection is finished completing itself

VidaliaBrowser screen should Say Connected to The Tor

Network, and it should look like this

Once the Vidalia Control panel is opened, and the Blue Loading
Network Status reaches loading status, Firefox will open a new

Congratulations Your Browser is

Configured for Tor
window that says

Congratulations, Now that was not so bad was it? You have now
entered the unchartered underground called The Deep Web. Most new
surfers are so intimidated by this whole process and think that it
will be so difficult or scary and take so long that it will take
weeks to get in. That didn't take you too long now, did it?

But wait. You are not actually inside yet. You are just
ready to go inside. We will stay by your side until you are past the
guard gates. Let us take the next step and actually go inside the
Deep Web and take a look around. Let us see if we can find this site
called the Hidden Wiki.
Lets go to the Hidden Wiki Now!
Ok now look up in the address bar of the Tor browser for Firefox.
Enter this address in the address

bar : http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/
Now click return or enter on your keyboard and you should be
taken to a site that looks like this:

This site is Called Tor Library , and it contains links to many of

the famous sites on the Deep Web. Now scroll down and look to the
left . See the link called Hidden Wiki??. Thats it, that
is the one we want. Ok now click on that. Remember, when browsing on
Tor, it sometimes takes a lot longer than standard browsers on the
surface web.

So please be patient.

How to Remain Anonymous - Always Watch Your Back

Tor is a magical browsing piece of software. However it does have a
few limitations and you should keep these in mind. Tor is primarily
focused on protection of data being transported. You also should use
protocol-specific software (support software) to ensure sites you
are visiting do not see your identifying info. You can use Torbutton
while browsing to hold certain information about the configuration
of your computer.
The Tor Browser Bundle is what you should be using, and the new
version of this bundle includes Firefox latest edition, since the
programmers at do not have the time to constantly
update the Tor browser to keep up with Firefox accelerated release

schedule of updates. at this time does not recommend

using the Toggle model of torbutton. Users are recommended to use
Tor Browser Bundle, they should not install Torbutton separately.

Do not enter personal information

Also keep in mind that there is nothing Tor can do to protect you
from a site gathering information from you that you purposely enter.
In other words if you voluntarily submit your personal data to a
website, there is absolutely nothing Tor can do in that case. You
have broken the privacy bond by doing this so please do not give out
personal information on sites you surf in the Deep Web. Protect

Alternative Services or Methods Tor is not the only method

available online for browsing security, and we all know that nothing
is foolproof. There are also services that will enable you to
maintain anonymity, albeit at a slightly less secure level, and let
us explore a few of these options.

Proxies: Proxies are basically services where users access

different IP addresses to log in under using what are called Proxy
IP addresses. When users log in under proxy IP addresses, it appears
to others that their location is actually the location where the IP
address is being hosted. Many users use these proxy addresses and
they do provide some level of anonymous surfing. However, these
proxy address lists are passed around and well known to many
internet companies and they can easily detect if you are logging on
via a proxy address. Also, you have the option of purchasing a
separate IP address for yourself, a personal proxy IP, and these are
certainly not as well known, but they suffer from some of the same
vulnerabilities that other proxy IP addresses suffer from.
Proxies are really not that secure, as they can easily be detected
by one eavesdropping on your browsing activities. They are
considered amateur and low level by most experienced browsers of the
Deep Web and most would not browse using only a proxy IP.

VPN Services. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPNs are
private networks that many corporations use to maintain security
especially for their financial transactions. They are more difficult
to sniff (where intruders basically intercept data on the server)
and they offer a higher level of security than Proxy IP addresses.

Policy on Privacy? If you want to maintain total anonymity, or

certainly a higher level of anonymity, one fear that people have is
a subpoena issued to a host, which demands the host to turn over

your browsing activity information. Not all companies will do this,

and some will flat out refuse to hand over the information. One

Cryptocloud and another company who

refuses to hand over information is iPredator. So be sure and keep
company such as this is

this in mind when you are choosing a VPN host, if you should choose
to go that route.

Combination is safest. Many surfers on Tor, of course are using


which is a first step in the process of anonymity. But many of

take the extra step and also log into Tor via a VPN network.
adds an additional layer of security and also makes it that
more difficult for any govt agency or any nosy person to spy on
browsing activities online.

Deep Web, so Many Sites, How Can You Decide?

There are literally thousands of sites listed on here, but do not
just go and click on any link without finding about the exact type
of site you are going to. You will find sites on hit-men, where guns
for hire will do your dirty work for you. Normally this will be
mentioned in the link.
Not what you are looking for? There are sites for hackers, for gun
running, for identity theft and for selling hot merchandise (not
the type that comes with a receipt from a store). Most of the sites
are a curiosity, to most surfers and they and we often cannot
believe that sites like this actually exist. Well you can see with
your own eyes right in front of you that these sites are real. But,
as we said before, be careful what sites you click on. Especially
any site to do with Warez, or hacking.
You would think, (and you would be correct) that the owners of these
sites are experts in writing malicious codes (be sure you have
JavaScript and cookies turned off, remember) and these guys would
certainly be a bit risky to visit. Of course you can click on any
site you want. We cannot stop you . But just be warned. This place
you are now prowling around in, is a secret underground world where
traditional rules do not apply. Be extra careful where you walk, and
where you step.

Dangerous Site List. A Guide

Ok now that we are here and we have heard some warnings lets get
down to the nitty gritty and find out what exactly exists in the
Hidden Wiki. What types of sites are there that are too hot to
touch? The type of sites that even experienced browsers think twice
before entering. Well of course there is one easy category to enter
and that is the one that contains all the hackers. Hackers are like

cockroaches if you ask me. They are extremely irritating, they are
everywhere you look and they are often so skilled at programming
that they also are the ones who sit home and crank out viruses when
they are bored. These are the types of guys you dont want to mess
Hash Party - http://3terbsb5mmmdyhse.onion
HackBB - http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion
Ok next we have the sites where illegal drugs are bought and sold.
There may be anything from low quality prescription drugs all the
way up to the hard core drugs like cocaine and heroin. In this site,
anything goes, and you can pretty much buy any type of drug you want
and have it delivered to your residence. (not that we are condoning
this practice or encouraging it)
Silk Road - http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion
Ok after this you have the sites where arms dealers buy and sell
guns. But not only guns. These sites sell anything from handguns, to
military assault rifles. These sites will deal in any type of weapon
you can imagine including shoulder fired grenade launchers (RPGs). I
am certain that if you looked around long enough you could find
sites that sell any type of military weapon you can think of,
including tanks and helicopters. Are these sites legitimate?
TorDir - http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion
Depends on what you mean by legitimate? Legal? I would seriously
doubt that any site that deals in this type of merchandise would be
considered legal in the eyes of the govt of any country.
Certainly dealing with the people on the other end would be not only
challenging, it could be downright dangerous.
Next you have sites which specialize in hired guns, or hitmen, as
they are known to some. These of course could be anything from sites
where they sell services to eliminate a cheating spouse to sites
where they actually have mercenaries for hire.
These mercenaries are basically private soldiers who hire out on
contract to provide either protection services or ally with prechosen parties to attempt to overthrow a corrupt government. These
sites are serious, and they mean business. Do not even attempt to
enter one of these types of websites unless you know someone who has
visited the site before. If they do not know you or have a referral,
they will not do business with you.
After all of these super dangerous categories of sites listed above,

you can add to that list the following classifications.

Sites which buy and sell all types of stolen merchandise, including
credit cards. Sites which buy sell and trade identify information,
where people assume the identity of other people for all types of
nefarious reasons. Could be someone trying to disappear. Could be
someone trying to get fake bank cards.
There are so many other types of forbidden sites listed on both The
Hidden Wiki, and other underground website directories, that it
would be difficult to name them all. Suffice it to say, you will
never be at a loss to find a site which will blow you away or
shock you. The Hidden Wiki is full of these sites.

How to Get Your Own .onion Domain Up and Running

OK we are not going to get into the actual specifics of how to
configure your server and get a .onion domain up and running because
there are other websites which do a much better job at this task
that we could ever even begin to do.
We will quickly go over a few points though just to clarify. Lets
start with .onion domains. Basically what a .onion domain is, is it
is a pseudo top level domain which is used for anonymous surfing on
the Deep Web via the Tor network. The .onion domain is a 16character alpha semi-numeric-hash These are not domains that are
part of the ICANN registry and you cannot go out and buy one at a
typical domain registrar such as Godaddy, even if you wanted to.
Basically the procedure to set up one of these .onion domains and
hosting is very simple but it is too lengthy for us to go into, in
detail on this eBook. It is covered quite extensively on the website and here is a great tutorial which will walk
you through every step in getting your own private .onion domain set
up. Follow this link
Once you have installed your own server, (which is recommended) and
you have installed the Tor browser software, Tor automatically
generates the .onion address for your website for you. If you follow
the instructions on the website above (which is recommended), pay
very close attention to the details and do everything that the site
tells you to do. It is possible by utilizing this .onion domain
also, to instruct Tor to give your website a brand new identity, at
the click of a keystroke.
Getting a .onion domain is not only free (they are automatically
generated by Tor), but it is simple once you have completed the

basic server installation procedure. If you are not familiar with

servers find a friend or a tech whiz who can walk you through it. As
with everything computer related, it is fairly difficult if you have
never done it, but after you do it once, it is basically a breeze.
The next time you generate a new address for yourself will take you
only seconds.

Remaining Hidden in the .onion Web - Important

OK now lets get to the good stuff. What can we do with our own
.onion domain. First of all you have to read the chapter and links
above on how the Tor bundle network browser will issue you a .onion
domain all your own. You do nothave to pay ICANN to register this
domain or renew it. The domain is automatically generated by the Tor
software, and you can also change the location of your website once
you have it, so that you are now at a new location than you were
yesterday. This procedure is convenient for remaining anonymous.
Remember that no software, no anonymization method is totally
secure. Nothing is totally secure. Keep that in mind. Also remember
that no matter where you go online, and especially if you are
browsing Onionland (as Tor Onion sites are commonly known) there
will be someone, somewhere, for some reason many times unknown to
YOU, who wants to spy on your whereabouts. This person or agency
will be curious as to where you have been browsing, what sites you
have visited, and what you did at those sites. Think this is
exaggeration? Think again.
If you really want to make sure that you cover all your tracks, one
trick is to adopt the mindset of a person who wants to totally
disappear., and leave no trace of his whereabouts. Do you think this
attitude would make you change your habits online? Things like
visiting the same sites every day or at a certain time, that kind of
habit is the type of habit that might make you more vulnerable to
being spied on. Don't do it. Remember you are now lurking in a
secret underground world of sites where absolutely anything is
allowed. Who is down there? You have no idea? Criminals? Sure they
are hanging around. Governments? You can bet your life that there
are government agencies prowling the corridors and underground
tunnels looking for people or websites conducting illicit

You must think like a spy, think like a criminal, Do not

go to the same place every day or the same time. Just like in real
life think about it. If you were a spy would you follow the same
routine every day? No of course not. You would wear different
clothing, wear disguises, follow different routes, use different

forums of transportation. Make it as difficult as possible for

people to know where you have been, and most especially, who you

Onion Url Repository

Links about or that promote: narcotics, racism and criminal activities generally will be removed.
(Number of hits within parentheses)

General .onion urls

Cocaine Seeds (445) *

$0.2 Bitcoin=$48 0.5...(176)

{100%anonymous sho... (418)
MyFreeCams Token Hack(1202)
Coca Seeds - Free Sh...(306)
$8000 paypal balance...(448)
0.5 Bitcoin=$106 ...(169)
{100%anonymous sh...(296)
0.1 Bitcoin=$25 0.2 ...(160)
Can-Na-Bis (401)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6...(344)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6

Jailbait Videos and ...(5841)

Bitcoin Fog Clearnet(605)

0.1 Bitcoin=$25 0....(261)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6

1 Bitcoin=$2O6

Safe dice (362)

|1 Bitcoin=$195.89|...(414)
||1 Bitcoin=$195.89...(351)
Molly, Weed, Coke &...(1202)
|1 Bitcoin=$195.89|...(272)
||1 Bitcoin=$195.89...(259)
||1 Bitcoin=$195.89...(261)
|1 Bitcoin=$195.89|...(333)
||1 Bitcoin=$195.89...(292)
||1 Bitcoin=$195.89...(265)
NEW GUN SHOP 2015(2033)
The French Connection(1243)
LihatTV (884)
%%%||1 Bitcoin=$195.... (332)
$$$||1 Bitcoin=$195....(424)
@@@||1 Bitcoin=$195.... (346)
PayServer SKY IT, UK...(486)
+||1 Bitcoin=$195.89...(326)
-|1 Bitcoin=$195.89|...(308)
||1 Bitcoin=$195.89|...(306)
Double Your Bitcoins(552)
$7000-$8000 paypal a...(786)
$$$ ||1 Bitcoin=$195...(327)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6...(388)


||1 Bitcoin=$195.89|...(333)
1 Bitcoin=$2O6 (364)
New Gun Shop (1826)
Sell BTC @ $289 (Pay...(362)
||2 Bitcoin=$425.68|...(413) se...(816)
|1 Bitcoin=$238.79||...(367)
CCUnknown's CCs, Pay...(944)
use 2 bitcoin get $1...(704)
send bitcoin in 2 m...(537) s...(746)

prescription (1055)
PayServer Sky IT-UK-...(678)
Easy Cash (1600)
ThePot Shop (1140)
Steroids (1379)
Stop your Shity Bitc...(999)
1 Bitcoin=$238.79|| ...(485) ...(832)

Guns-Rifles Shop (2088)

Updated TPS (585)
$10000+ paypal accou...(1182)
send bitcoin in 2 mi...(487)

EURO & USD Counterfeits(1242)

2 Bitcoin=$400 3 B...(530)

send bitcoin in 2 m...(459)

TraffiCards (1518)
$8000 paypal balance...(1464)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6

send bitcoin in 2 m...(618)

Drugs @ Onion (2386)
New Guns - Rifles Shop(2290)
||1 Bitcoin=$238.79|...(572)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6 ...(588)

0.2 Bitcoin=$48 0.5 ...(536)

3 Bitcoin + extra 0....(597)
MDMA, Cocaine, Weed ...(2594)
$1000 paypal balance...(1299)
5 Bitcoin + extra 0....(639)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6

0.2 Bitcoin=$48 0.5 ...(500)

BTC Gambling (870)
DarkUSB, pendrive co...(2040)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6



PlayPen Archives (4558) ...(837) ...(628)



1 ... (1032)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(601)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(588)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(616)

NEW Guns,Rifles,Ammo...(2543)
$10000+paypal balanc...(1280)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(553)

2 Bitcoin=$400 3 B...(586)
0.1 Bitcoin=$25 0.2 ...(599)
free (1407)
Arma Shop (2440)
bitcoin free now (1373)
Agora Market Registr...(1930)
Fixed Match (3144)
CccamCline Sky, M7P,...(2245)
Hidden Virtual Serve...(2869)
TorChan (10918)
Cresil's Tor Projects(1640)
PGP Key List (1985)
SSN DOB MMN (1877)
BlackBook (6229)
2015 HIdden Wiki(11758)
Black Book (4494)
Deep Market - electo...(5129)
IPhone Shop - cheape...(4642)
Green Escrow - BTC E...(1624)
Secret Escrow - BTC ...(2487)
Cashy - ATM (3201)
Brute Onion (3954)
RIfles Shop (4216)
Abraxas Market (2901)
ebaypaypal (2895)
your market (2554)
Lucky 47 (3647)
Mail 2 Tor (1723)
Paypal Shop (4471)
Ugandan Gay Chan(5391)
Spanish Onion (7950)
Hidden Wiki 2015(19082)
IPhone Store (6954)
Bloomsfield (3232)
EUR & USD Counterfeits(7628)
TorSuperMarket - ele...(9216)
SIGAINT Email (2859)
Iphone 6 maket place(10156)
IPhone Discount Store(5843)
Tor Super Store (6301)
TorSuperMarket (6263)
BitcoinFog Updated URL(1775)
PPP - PayPal Pupils(3862)
Tor Escrow (4721)
SAE - Samsung and Ap...(6286)
PlasticMoney (8360)
Tor Music Directory(6451)
The Onion Market(12078)
IPhone 6 Store (10379)

BadUSB exploit (7564)

ccPal (5147)
Apples4Bitcoin (5013)
USA Citizenship (7027)
USD Counterfeits (7221)
Onion Identity Services(4109)
Kamagra for Bitcoins(2683)
NLGrowers (3559)
Brainmagic (9398)
OnionWallet (3810)
OnionList (18012)
EasyCoin Wallet (2424)
OnionDir (11196)
toristore (3893)
BTCtoPP (2366)
PGPmail | PGP-...(3201)
The Fappening (43578)
Bitcoin Anonymity (4610)
Smokeables (9116)
Kamagra (Viagra) (7380)
Mobile Store (7936)
The Hidden Wiki (NO CP)(18382)
EasyCoin (3595)
Onion Wallet (3396)
Bitcoin Blender (2752)
Bitcoin Fog (2453)
Apple Discount Store(8459)
AppleTor (7381)
Core Media Press (5785)
Jailbait Pictures a...(106501)
Bitcoin Gym (5214)
Agora (11747)
PolitiBet 2016 (5531)
CleanCoin darknet(5061)
BitSAFE (3635) (3275)
Dream Market (19445)
TCM (6232)
Onion-Pastebin (17400)
Onion Service (8640)
Moneypak Exchange(9627)
WorldMarket (11416)
WorlMarket (7121)
CCforever- CC good q...(10860)
Darknet Marketplaces(37149)
Excavator - Digg (9138)
InserTor (7416)
AgoraMarket Update(18413)
Adult Erotic Comics(79624)
Nordic Scandinavian ...(30287)
deepzon (26892)
1776 Marketplace(13269)
Wiki Tor (24283)
Hidden Wiki (62657)
Space For All Founda...(6187)
Dark road E-commerce(22694)
Onion Wiki (35361)

Apple Palace (16621)

RCT (5850)
OnionChat (21820)
TorSoft (16596)
Deep Road Works - On...(12134)
Apple sTORe (20409)
DarkNet - Onion Shop...(28439)
The Hidden Wiki (82600)
Image hosting and ra...(65522)
The BlackBox Market(37320)
Access to Tor Usenet...(24289)
PremiumTor Apple Dis...(15698)
Trustore2 (18478)
Trustore1 (15241)
Hiddenhosting (25825)
Apple Web (24336)
Deep Docs (51943)
Twitter clone (34851)
Onion Anonymity(67886)
Freedom of speech .onion urls
Guardian Secret Serv...(764)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6 ...(332)

free btc (627)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6

Freedom Community(2040)


1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(545)
Football (2179)
Hidden Wiki 2015 (9814)
Ctl-v (1787)
HiddenWiki 2014(30661)
TorLinks (26603)
The Hidden Wiki (NO ...(18454)
Onion Wiki (18530)
anonymous confessions(21863)
Oaisis Marketplace(8504)
The Hidden Wiki (57265)
Black Goblin Realms(20436)
Wikileaks (50234)
Tor Hidden Wikipedia(127899)
Blogs with .onion urls
Queen Mary the First(753)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(612)
Basketball (1358)
myid (1119)
Cresil's Tor Projects(1379)
The Torist | Deep We...(4141)
Ansage Pakistan (2676)
Emanon (2268)
Techn0polis, journal...(2874)
Benji's blog (2507)
blog of darkcy (9956)
Technodrome (7374)
Rebel Stronghold (8257)
Torepublic Blog (9932)
Masked (40465)
Forums with .onion urls

1 Bitcoin=$2O6...(319)

siph0n leaks - Forum(1700)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(569)

Tennis (1781)
NotOnionForum (1970)
Crossdress and Stuff(7547)
CommunityX Recruitme...(5283)
Turkish Deep Web(16604) ArcHive(10126)
Torepublic Forum(12116)
Galaxy Deep Web Soci...(26791)
Forum (23880)
Sam (9995)
Alt Sellers (18329)
ChampyEvents (9611)
Runion Reloaded (22953)
Runion (16195)
Torbook (30594)
Onion Forum (59112)
Resources with .onion urls
Euro Bill Counterfeits(229)
T0RMAIL (378)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6...(280)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(526)
SERT (1169)
The Reading Room(3036)
Drogen und Medikamente(4786)
torx (5714)
BTCtoPP (1913)
TOR Links (21852)
Buy and sell Bitcoin(8410)
The hidden resources(30453)
Russian Road (11506)
Web Hosting (3891)
Real Hosting (5221)
The Hidden Wiki (33686)
Krang Tor Catalog (6642)
Maxima Culpa (15928)
Fenergy fileserver(18370)
TOR-SER | .ONION HOS... (13985)
Escrow Expertz (6632)
URSSMail (Anonymous ...(11232)
TorBooks (25902)
SMS4TOR - Free Encry...(12986)
VEscudero's ServiceS(6662)
IPLISTS (16956)
TOR Mail (18176)
Search engines with .onion urls

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(801)

Torrent Search (15590)

Grams (25819)
Deepsearch (212235)
Torgle (139882)
Toogle (142990)

Tor Network Resources without .onion urls

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(465)
The Hidden Wiki (NO CP)(12266)
Buy and sell Bitcoin(3996)
TOR Proxy (20341)
torstatus (29437)
torcheck (20249)
The Tor Blog (17782)
SafeWallet (365)
Molly, Weed, Coke &a...(793)
WeedShop420 (506)

1 Bitcoin=$2O6...(322)

Spooks Chat (2327)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(496)

MultiVerse Social Ne...(1338)

samir (1411)
DaWilsNet (1088)
Onion Files (9862)
WeBuyBitcoins (1877)
BitcoinFog (3813)
BitMix (2489)
Bitcoin Fog (2070)
Onion Wallet (2514)
Shared Coin (blockch...(2158)
USA Citizenship (5873)
New Identity (8951)
Want to stay Anonymous? (7011)
berijas (5288)
FreeBay (26612)
Onion Images (87016)
White rabbit (64156)
Revolution related

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(546)
Help the Islamic State(8923)
Revolution (18196)
#ukraine-diary (11607)
Bitcoin related
Dark Net Bitcoin Cas...(34) *
bitcoin X100 (159)
Pick 3 Bonanza (229)
WeedShop420 (397)
Double Your Bitcoins(409)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(499)

$7,000 Paypal : 1 BTC(850) (691)
BitcoinFog 2015 (679)
Haze 4 Coins - Buy t...(1078)
Crypto Double (1132)
Agora (16213)
BitcoinFog Updated Url(1380)
BTC to CAD (2615)
PlasticMoney (2331)

SwissShop (3541)
Agora Marketplace(3432)
Bitcoin For (2444)
BitMix (1847)
NLGrowers (2121)
Peoples Marketplace(5000)
Brainmagic (3179)
Eviano (2126)
Apple4Bitcoin (2629)
Armory (4473)
CCs, CVV2s, Ebay, Pa...(4028)
USD Counterfeits (HQ)(2774)
Euro Counterfeits (4303)
We Buy Bitcoins (1918)
Bitcoin Blender (off...(1673)
Bitcoin Fog (official)(2654)
The Hidden Wiki (6885)
Paypal bazar (3579)
Paypal Shop (4784)
QuickPal (2396)
Exchange Moneypak(2572)
The Pirate Market(17761)
Andromeda Marketplace(7123)
Agora Silkroad Repla...(12102)
Oasis Marketplace (7047)
Under Ground Files(10596)
BraveBunny Original(7438)
Hidden Host (16361)
Hydra Market (6421)
Pokerle (4639)
Miners Exchange Cons...(4500)
BTC-WU Exchange(3850)
BitCash (4551)
Bitcoin Blender (5077)
Wash your coins (4371)
Bitcoin Fog (3217)
Increase Your BITCOINS(10258)
Bitcoin Lottery (6251)
Buy Bitcoins with Pa...(4180)
CoinBlender (5927)
Bitcoin Dice-Casino(7938)
VEscudero's Bitcoin ...(8084)
Country specific: Brasil

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(806)
Underground Weight L...(11192)
Brasil Contra Corrup...(15485)
Country specific: Germany

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(564)
The Pirate Market Ge...(9432)
Neues Deutschland(10771)
German anti-censorsh...(19134)
Country specific: Poland

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(577)

Spekulant (2895)
eStadion - new polis...(6583)

Polish Torepublic Ca...(11239)

Country specific: Russia

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(666)
Kali Linux - Russian...(2580)
Brave Bunny (11695)
Russian .onion forum(52671)
Russian Road (13970)
Country specific: Italy
PayServer Calcio, Sp...(771)

1 Bitcoin=$205 ...(799)

CccamCline, m7p, sky(2795)

Italians Tickets Res...(11775)
Anonymous Italia(35034)

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