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Dr. Shalan and Dr.

kazem in America in
conference about Don Quixote in
Literature and Art Work
Dr. sanaa Shalan and Dr. Adnan Kazekm participated in the activities of fiftyFirst International conference of California State University, Domingues Hills
in Los Angeles in the United states in its 2015 session under the title: (The
Influence of Don Quixote in the worlds of art and literature) by a specialized
joint discussion paper titled (The Influence of the Novel of Don Quixote on
the novel of Al Mutashael by Emile Habibi)
English and Spanish languages were used this international conference.
Ninety three academic researchers from 11 countries and four continents
took part in this conference over three days of sessions which went at the
same time in four sessions in the same place. The conferences included
activities on the sidelines such as photo galleries, musical evenings and
ballet dance as well as theatre performances and visits to some museums,
heritage and literary places in California.
Dr. Shalan and Dr. Kazem said in their joint research paper which they
presented in the research it stems from the premise the contemporary Arabic
narrative has been clearly influenced by the timeless international novel of
(Don Quixote) by its writer (Miguel De Cervantes Sabdra). The research
addressed the study of the novel (The Strange incidents in the
disappearance of Said Abi Al Nahs, The Mutashael) (1) by the Palestinian
writer (Emile Habibi) (2) as an example of this influence which the study
assumes as a clear and evident influence which is easy to notice. It includes
the formal, intellectual and visionary patterns. Their study concluded that
the following research axils: the crises, the tool, the novel, sarcasm, the
irony, the tragedies of destiny, the ridicule of the situation, and the mockery
of the language context, the visionary of the door step and the beauty of
hinting for the purpose of narration, and the proximity in building the
characters and the extraordinary and the majestic in the two novels and the
similarity of the structure in both novels.
The study concluded at the end that the influence of the novel of (Don
Quixote) on Emile Habibis novel (Almutashael) was clear and evident. It is
easy to see its features of that influence and interpret it based on

intellectual, objective and purposeful picture while it forms a special case of

narrative in the novel of (Don Quixote) and inspire it in a new creative
literary work in accordance with new creative detriments stemming from the
basic structure itself.
At the end of the research paper Dr. shalan said (Cervantes) has played the
instrument of the human narrative when he wrote (Don Quixote) which
accommodates in a beautiful manner all previous arts of narrative. It offered
a new style of narrative which employs the story throughout its narrative
history and take it into the world of novel in its most mature style. By doing
that he shows that acquired cultural, artistic, narrative and traditional
background which enabled him to be one of the undisputed fathers of the
modern novel. His work became a destination for the innovators like (Amile
Habibi) who comprehended this legendary narrative and reproduced it anew
in his novel (Almutashael) in an extraordinary and magical manner which
depicts one of the aspects of the suffering of the Palestinian people in the
face of the Zionist enemy.
Cervantes, in his novel (Don Quixote) has paved the way towards
immortality, many walked that path and some walked that path and
stumbled. Emile Habibi in his novel Pessoptimist Almutashaem) which is
considered as one of the most important contemporary novels. It is also
considered one of the most important novels second to none. He was able to
make his novel a hymn of the chorales of (Don Quixote) in the atmosphere of
purely Palestinian suffering.
On the sidelines of the conference about the research paper which initiated a
long debate and opened the doors for a lot of questions. Dr. Adnan Kazem
said: The Palestinian novel (Almutashaem) by the Palestinian writer Emile
Habibi is considered a clear example of the influence of the novel (Don
Quixote) as it conjures up the atmosphere of that novel, and no one can
delve to this novel without leaning on (Don Quixote) which is considered the
backyard of this novel. Anything that cant find directly in the novel of
(Almutashael) can be found explicitly in the novel of (Don Quixote). And
anything that we find hard to comprehend we can find its answers in (Don
Quixote). Thats why we find great resemblance in the making of these two
novels, from the thinking of the writer, his motives, circumstances and the
facts and making of their novels and the creation of the features of their
characters in respect of their intellectual, psychological, emotional and
mental existence.

(Don Quixote) and his servant Sansho) live in a world of dreams and the
characters of the novel of (Almutashaem) Saad lives his life in a way
different to the way others live. He works as an agent for a company. He is
exhausted from writing as he wants to become a clerk, bet he never
achieved anything in that regard, his fate was the same as the fate of (Don
Quixote) who is living in a world of dreams but never realizes his dream,
incurring losses, physical and psychological pain. These two similar fates
raise similar questions about reality questions of existence and a persons
dilemma in complicated and tiring social dimensions.

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