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Robert Evans

All rights reserved, COPYRIGHT 2014 Robert Evans

Book layout and cover design by Trevor Thomas

This book was written to explain the process behind
the Live Your List Planner, which is a Life-Planner that
helps you organize and manifest your bucket list. Go
to this address to learn more about it:

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means including
information storage and retrieval systems, without
permission in writing from the author. The only
exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short
excerpts in a review.

First Printing: 2014

Table of Contents
~ Introduction . 4

~ The Evolution of the Bucket List . 5

~ Going From a List to the Experience .... 8

~Purpose and Impact 10

~ The Manifesting Process 14

~ Words of Wisdom .. 20

~ Start Capturing Your List .. 24

~ Take it to the next level ..... 28

No Regrets, Live Your List

Im a walking example of what its like to go
from thinking about my dream life all the time to
actually living it. It wasnt an easy journey but it sure
the hell was worth it! Now I have a business that
inspires people to do what I do, live their bucket list.

This is a very short book and I want it that
way for I can tell you in just a handful of pages why
living your list can be one of the best choices you can
make in your life. Im hoping to turn the novelty of a
bucket list into a life-planning tool that starts you
down the path of living a life you want, so you become
one of those people that others talk about and are
envious of because you live such an extraordinary life.

The pages that follow will hopefully redefine
the old concept of a Bucket List and give you an idea of
whats possible, give you a reason to pursue your list,
and show you how it can impact your life and all the
people that surround you.

If you take the time to give this process a try I
can promise you that you will get inspired, motivated

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

and clear that its time to live a BIGGER life than you
may be living now. Pursue your list with passion and
commitment and your life will improve and change for
the best.

Today my goal is to get you thinking outside the box of
your normal life and exploring the big open play land
called All Things Possible. For today and each day
forward, this is true!

Now lets get started with identifying your
dream life

No Regrets, Live Your List

Evolution of the Bucket List

The concept of the Bucket List has been
around forever. Its a common phrase but not a
commonly used practice. After really sitting down and
creating my list I wondered why it took me 42 years to
go through this process. I was immediately inspired!

Over the past couple years I have consciously
pursued my list and in doing so Ive decided to re-
phase Bucket List to something I feel is more true to
what Im practicing and experiencing. I use another
phrase that I believe embodies what were up to here.
Life-List. So for now on, I will refer to the bucket list
as a Life-List. Indeed we want to have these
experiences while we are still alive and well. Right?

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

A Life-List is exactly what Im hoping youll

create here; a list that defines your dream life. I
realized in pursuing my list that it was everything that
I wanted to experience in life the places I wanted to
travel, the things I wanted to do, the things I wanted to
buy or experience, the connections, success,
contributions and transformations all made it on my
list. It was a great BIG picture view of my dream life.

If in the very least Im able to inspire you to
start a Life-List of your own then Ill feel like I
accomplished something.

A Never Ending Life Tool

Over the past year as Ive shared this message
with people Ive seen a number of people respond in a
few interesting ways. My favorite is Ive already
achieved my bucket list. There is nothing left to do.

Hmmm, I dont think thats possible. Maybe
they forgot how to dream because there is ALWAYS
something to experience.

A Life-List never ends in my opinion. There
are always new levels of our dream life. Even if you

No Regrets, Live Your List

have all the success you need, there are ways for you
to contribute to and teach others. Even if you have
traveled the world, there is always a new place that
will inspire you. Even if you have all the material
things you want, you can still experience
transformation through giving to others and seeing
their joy.

Get creative with your list and it will never
end. Having something to look forward to keeps us
vibrant and alive.

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

Going From a Life-List To The

Actual Experience
Like I said the creation of a Life-List was
already an inspiring act. While doing it I envisioned
myself having those experiences. But I knew having a
list wouldnt be enough for me. I decided to commit to
making that list my mission to achieve, as much as

Ill tell you right now if you spend time on
creating a Life-List, having it stay just a list will not
be enough for you either. Good news it doesnt have

So how do we turn the list into a reality?

First, you need to get committed. Follow
some of the practices in this mini-book and that will
help. Use our Live Your List Planner and it will keep
you committed and focused.

Next, most items on a Life-List require
planning. A Life-List is not the same as normal daily

No Regrets, Live Your List

experiences, where they just show up. However, a list

does not have to be hard and if you focus your energy
on having that experience, it will eventually happen.

Last, you have to take action. A list becomes a
reality through action. Commit and plan and action
will follow. Saying a daily affirmation to keep you
committed is always a great tool to use. Lets do that
right now so you can start moving forward with you
dream life.

Write out a simple sentence that inspires you
to stay the course. For example; Today Im committed
to living the life Im destined and now ready to
experience. I am attracting my dream life to me now.

Write your own here:






Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

Purpose and Impact

When you identify the purpose of an item on
your list and you visualize the impact it will have on
your life, it will have more attractive power to the
actual experience. In other words, youll draw that
experience to you faster than if you didnt define these
two things.

Why pursue your dream life?

Figure this question out because it will give
your overall Life-List more meaning. When you
visualize yourself having those experiences get clear
on how your life be impacted, how the people around
you will be impacted, and how people you contribute
to in the process be impacted.

Both purpose and impact are two powerful
energies to focus on in the Live Your List process. You
can start out at a level 5 enthusiasm and go to a level 8
or 9 after you give your list meaning (purpose and
impact). That jump can make all the difference in the
world to your commitment, planning and action.


No Regrets, Live Your List

What is the overall purpose of pursuing your dream

life / Life-List? Why do it?













Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

What will the impact be on your life, your family and

friends, and anyone you touch along the way if you
pursue your Life-List?










These two energies are so important that I integrate
them in every item I plan and take action on (plus Ive
included them in the planning process of the Live Your
List planner).

No Regrets, Live Your List

The Manifesting Process

In my previous business I taught personal
growth messages to people around the world. The
work was rewarding, however like I said it wasnt my
true passion. My passion is now my list J.

What got me started on that journey was a
manifesting process I developed around the Law of
Attraction called the Habit of Attraction. I
witnessed some major transformations from teaching
this process, mainly because we studied the flow of
energy and how it plays its role in what we experience.

The Live Your List process is all about
creating habits, but around your Life-List. Once you
start that list, which youll do at the end of this book,
or use the list you already have, youll activate a
manifesting energy that is proven to draw things to
you. The first principle of this process is

All things are made up of energy

Not just the obvious things, but ALL things like our
Thoughts (energy generated from ideas), Words (the

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

things we say to ourselves and others), our Feelings

(the emotions we have around something), and
Action, which is energy in motion.

I call these the four energy points of
manifesting. And if they are not aligned with each
other, then manifesting becomes difficult. You
experience a PUSH PULL energy.

For example, if you think about having an
experience all the time but your words are pushing
you away from that experience (I cant do that for
example) then youre not aligned.

If you think about, talk about, and feel
strongly towards an experience but never take any
action towards that experience, then you will most
often not have that experience. Again, youre not

The Live Your List process is all about the
alignment of these four energies. Your Life-List, your
commitments, your planning and your actions are all
designed to align these energies.
Since everything is energy, your goal is to
raise up your energy level to the same energy of the

No Regrets, Live Your List

experience you want. What do I mean by level? All

energy has a vibration to it. Our vibration is linked
to our beliefs, past experiences, conditions and rules
we live by. To change our vibration we often need to
move beyond our old way of thinking, speaking,
feeling and doing things.

For example - if you want to go on a weekend
trip, that experience compared to your overall beliefs,
past experiences, and conditions may not be that far
off in vibration to where you are at now.

But if you were to want a month long trip to
Europe, which youve never experienced before, your
beliefs, past experiences and conditions are not yet
aligned or a match to the vibration of what is needed
to make that trip a reality. This is where the
manifesting work you do with these four energies and
the process in this book comes into play.

The way I explain the idea of energy in this
manifesting process is by visually describing energy
using the word light. Not a spiritual term per say but
light being a way to visualize energy in this process
(think ball of light).


Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

Lets start there: Everything has a starting

energy and that happens after you have a thought
about that thing. So, we start the energy of our
dream life by creating our Life-List, which is another
reason why a physical Life-List is important.

Once we pick something from our list to focus
on we are given the opportunity to start increasing our
connection to that items vibrational energy. Imagine
that light starting as a small ball and then building into
a larger ball of light as you do this manifesting work
(see image below).


No Regrets, Live Your List

When you start planning that item to be your

experience and every time, I mean EVERY time, you
do something towards that experience becoming your
reality, you increase your energetic connection to it.
Out goes the energy and in comes the energy,
increasing your vibration (look at the image again to
see incoming and outgoing energy).

Now you think about that experience each
day you say words (affirmations) that increase your
belief of that being your experience one day you feel
into what it would be like to have that experience
(purpose and impact) and you take some kind of
action towards that item.

Once you have raised that energy up to the
level of vibration that the experience is at, it will find
its way to you. You will have attracted it into your

This whole process is the reason why making
a list is just not enough. Especially for the bigger
dreams you have. Being conscious and in control of
the energy you put out, at least through these four
energies, puts you in the drivers seat of your life. Its
not a matter of whether it will happen; its when.

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

The Live Your List Planner that is designed to

implement the ideas in this mini-book uses this
manifesting process with each item you decide to plan.
It gets into the details of the item, breaking it down, so
you can identify ways to attract it into your life.

It taps into the four energies thoughts,
words, feelings and actions and if you stay the course
with what the planner guides you through then you
WILL increase your connection to that Life-List item.

Even if you dont have the planner, you can
use this simple energy boosting process to not only
experience your life-list but to attract anything into
your life. Give it a try; just make sure you keep it
simple because it is!


No Regrets, Live Your List

Words of Wisdom
Here are some words of wisdom that I have
discovered along the way working on my dream life.
Hopefully these will help.

Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone

This is very true and unavoidable in this
process. You will be uncomfortable, but hey thats
how we grow and experience new things. So get used
to it and know that just right around the corner is
something really amazing.


Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

Yes, Sometimes It Will Suck!

Changing your life sometimes sucks but if it
were easy wouldnt everyone be doing it? Suckness is
a fact of life, however you may have to wade through
some muck before you get there. Just know that its all
part of the process and if you move through those
tough times as if it was part of a game, the feeling will
be less intense.

Not Everyone Will Agree With or Support You

Yes, imagine that. You go after your dreams
and people have an issue with it. Its not until they see
you transform and live your dream life that they
finally come around. Be a light unto the darkness for
them. Show them the way by living your list.

You NEED a Physical List

A mental list is not
good enough. Put your Life-
List somewhere (notebook,
smartphone, the Live Your
List Planner). Dont think
youll remember it. A mental
list does NOT have the
power a physical list has, so

No Regrets, Live Your List

trust me on this get it on paper.

You May Have To Make Some Big Decisions

In order for me to have the life I have now I
had to give up something that took me years to build
(my business). Eventually I was fine with it because I
was crazy unhappy in it, but it allowed me to release
some major energy that was holding me back.

Is it a job? A relationship? A belief? The place you
live? The education you spent a ton of money on that
totally doesnt relate to your true passions? What is it
for you?

No Matter What, You Are Manifesting

I dont care what you believe or what
resistance you may or may not have to the concept of
manifesting, when you go after your list, you are in a

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

manifesting process. Get good at this process and you

can create an unstoppable life with experiences
beyond your wildest imagination. Im adding ideas to
my list that I never thought would be there. Lets see
what happens with you.

You Will Change Your Rules and Beliefs

The reason why more people dont live their
true dream life is because they have been conditioned
to believe that its not possible. They either have
beliefs about themselves, others or life in general that
holds them back. Or they have rules that prevent them
from taking that leap.

This is why you are almost guaranteed to be
uncomfortable when first pursuing your life-life. And
going back to the first piece of wisdom in this chapter
Life will begin for you at the end and outside your
comfort zone.

Use a journal or the Live Your List Planner to
keep track of the beliefs that pop up for you when you
are faced with taking action on an item. Check in with
the rules that you impose on yourself that may block
your way. Just being aware of these two things will
make a major difference in how you move forward.

No Regrets, Live Your List

Start Capturing Your List

Im going to make an assumption that you
have not really put time into creating a complete and
detailed Life-List. If you have, then super cool go
rock that list now. However, if not when would NOW
be a good time to get started?

We have a Life Planner that walks you step
by step through the capture, organizing, and
manifesting process so if you want to check it out, go
to this address:

Today lets dream a little by letting go of all

rules, beliefs and limitations and start writing out all
the experiences youd like to have in your life.

Use the few pages in this mini-book to get
started. What adventures do you want? Travel?
Contributions? Health / Fitness? Family / Social?
Things you want to buy or own? Business? Financial?
Self-Improvement? Go for it! The world is your
playground; have fun!

Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!




No Regrets, Live Your List

Health / Fitness?

Family / Social / Self-Improvement?


Dream It. List It. Do It. Live It!

Business / Financial / Contribution?

Things to get?


No Regrets, Live Your List

Take It To The Next Level

Use This Tool To Experience Your List!

This mini-book is part of the Live Your List Planner.

The planner walks you through the capture, planning
and attraction process of Living Your Life List. If you
have enjoyed this mini-book and have created a list
that inspires you, then check out the planner so you
can organize your list and turn it into a reality.


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