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P2- User
Unit 12
Suraj Singh Johal

Unit 12 P2


Johal, Suraj


Suraj Singh Johal

Unit 12 P2


User side factors:

Connection speed
Connection speed is the speed at which data is transferred between a device and
the internet. This speed will define how fast a webpage and its components will
load; the higher the download speed, the faster a page is able to load. Certain
parts of webpages may take longer to load, e.g. videos, compared to other parts
of the website, e.g. text, which could make a noticeable difference if the
connection speed is too slow. Therefore a slow connection speed can hinder
website performance because it will take too long to load whereas a fast
connection speed will make the website run smoothly and load quicker which will
benefit website performance.
Browser can affect website performance because some browsers use a lot more
RAM than others because they have many extra features included in them. This
can have a drastic effect on old computers that dont have much RAM because it
will slow down the entire computer as it struggles to give the browser as much
power as it needs. This will make the website load slower and potentially be
lagging when interacting with it. Some browsers are optimised for low RAM usage
and performance so could be a better solution for devices with small amount of
RAM however devices with lots of RAM should get no issues from this.
PC memory
The PC performance can affect the performance of the website for that user
dependant on its processor speed, RAM and hard disk cache. Processor speeds
will affect how fast the computer is able to process data like video coding and
decoding. RAM will affect the speed of processing data because it can only hold a
certain amount. If there is not enough space on the RAM then it can be cached to
the hard disk which will affect performance dependant on how quickly it can read
and write data.
Server side factors:
Server storage space
The server storage space is very similar to the PC storage space (RAM and hard
disk) however the servers have much higher specs so are able to process a lot
more information but if there is too much it will cause problems and could slow
down the website speed at loading or even take it offline until it has enough
space to run properly. RAM will affect the speed of processing data because it
can only hold a certain amount. If there is not enough space on the RAM then it
can be cached to the hard disk which will affect performance dependant on how
quickly it can read and write data.
Bandwidth limitations
This is similar to the users connection speed however if the server bandwidth is
slower than the users bandwidth (which is normally not the case) then the
website will only be able to load at that speed. It will load at whichever is slowest
as that side of transferring the data wont be able to go any faster. This could
annoy users with high speed connection if they have to wait longer for a page to
load due to server side bandwidth.
Pages with too many scripts

Suraj Singh Johal

Unit 12 P2


Scripts are lines of code that form the website and how it works. They can be
time and resource consuming since they require internet and RAM to run so too
many scripts will require a high demand of the two which can slow down the
website and how long it takes to load. It benefits the website because it allows
more functionality and features however too many will make the website slow
which is a disadvantage.
Website content
The content that is used on the website can affect the website performance
because it can change how much memory and connection speed is required by
the user to receive it and server to send for it to run smoothly. This is because
some aspects of the website, e.g. animations or videos, may have large file sizes
which will make the browser use more RAM to process it and faster connection
speed for it to load quickly. The file type can also change how much is need; for
example JPEG are smaller than bitmaps, MP3 are smaller than WAV, MP4s are
smaller than AVI and SWF is smaller than FLA therefore will require less
bandwidth and RAM.

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