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Neale Browning

Proposing Change

Of the three view I can say none of the truly ring true for me. The three views do not flow
with my own personal belief because they really are not mobile enough for me. Now, with that
stated which one rings the best in my ears? I would have to say that that is Alan Watts. This
though is because of the philosophical mind set of me as a high school. Was obsessed with the
place holder Zero it became a debate on the universe, how the universe could sprout from
nothing if it sprouted from nothing and if god existed what was it (which led to the idea that
maybe if god or any deity or deities exist maybe they are existence and the way the learn is
through run a simulation of reality with in themselves). Now to go into more detail on this would
probably feel more then this page, so Ill get into more on what I like about Alan thinking.
I like his whole beginning paragraph and feel that indeed there is the whole spiritual oneupmanship I do not know if he believes as I do that this is a glass wall preventing us from
achieve greater synergy with the global tribe. I also, believe this also make it harder for people
to see that they may have responsibilities to their fellow man because of the, them vs us
This quote recalls on me for both the micro and the macro. But that you are this
universe. And you are creating it at every moment. Because you see, it starts now.
It didnt begin in the past. There was no past. If the universe began in the past,
when that happened it was now. But it is still now and the universe is still beginning
now and its trailing off like the wake of a ship from now and as the wake of the ship
fades out, so does the past. You can look back there to explain things but the
explanation disappears. You will never find it there. Things are not explained by the
past. Theyre explained by what happens now. That creates the past. And it begins

This idea is a great idea because e the past is used as an excuse for inaction or continued
negative action. Such as the Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Indian conflict and bicker-menship.
They all have a long history of border conflict and tragedy and because of their long memory
they refuses to see each other as new entities and instead they seem them as every action that has
happen in the past. Because of this they have a hard time reconciling with each other and use
these event to justify there next action instead of look for a new way of moving forward. This
happens a lot on the micro level as well one man slight begets another. This view of the past
instead of the future does not allow us to learn from or history and prior mistakes, but instead
pushes us into a self-contained loop of repeating the past without take responsibility for it.
From here though I think it goes more into the metaphysical realms of nihilism and

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