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Create a plan for the collection of primary and

secondary data for the given scenario

Present the survey methodology and sampling
frame used
Design a questionnaire to know the opinion of
students and staff on the matter
Create information design making by
summarizing data using representative values
Analyze the results to draw valid conclusions
in the above scenario
Produce graphs using spreadsheet and draw
valid conclusion based on the information
Table of Content

Assignment one
Q1: Create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for the given scenario
While performing a research an investigator may have to collect information directly from the
field for serving the purposes of the study. Such data is called primary data. Primary data is
often called first hand data that is collected by the researcher for the first time. Primary data is
often called raw data. These data are collected by the researcher in the process of investigation.
(Sreedharan 2004) explained that the data collected from primary sources are more closely
connected to the field and are not collected through a process of filtering that is used in
secondary sources.
There are several ways to collect data from primary sources. These include surveys, direct
observations, interviews, logs. The method varies with the purpose of data collection. One of the
important and wildly used methods of collecting primary data is survey. This method allows the
researcher to collect large volume of data. However, while using survey technique, the researcher
has to rely on the honesty and the skill of the people who are being surveyed.
In many cases, direct observation method is used for the purpose of collecting data from primary
sources. In this method, the researcher observes the specific behavior and characteristics to
collect the data. This method requires proficiency of the researcher to collect the accurate data.
However, this method is not wildly used in practice because of some inherent limitations.
Another important method of collecting primary data is interview. Though this method is often
considered expensive and slow, it helps in collecting in depth data. In this method, the researcher
collects data by questioning and follows up questioning the participants. This method allows the
researcher to read the non verbal communication besides the verbal communication. The data
from primary sources can also be collected though logs. Various types of logs help to collect
valuable and reliable data under specific circumstances.
One of the important advantages of primary data is that the researcher has significant control
over the collection of the data. This allows the researcher to decide the process of collecting data.
Moreover, while collecting data the researcher may focus on the specific aspects of the data that
is necessary of the purpose of the study. It enables the researcher to collect more data on specific
important issues.

In this given context the primary sources of data can be both surveys and interviews. Since it is
the decision of the researchers to determine the technique of primary data collection, so I would
like to go for surveys rather than interview because interview is more time consuming and
expensive as well as in interview sometimes the participants doest speak the truth. In my survey
technique there would be a questionnaire which would be close ended. Multiple choice
questions, where respondents are restricted to choose among any of the given multiple choice
answers are known as closed format or closed-ended questions. There is no fixed limit as to how
many multiple choices should be given; the number can be even or odd.
One of the main advantages of including closed format questions in your questionnaire design is
the ease at performing preliminary analysis.

Secondary data refers to the data that are not collected by the researcher directly from the field
investigation. Once primary data is used and if it is uses in any more subsequent study, it will
called secondary data. Secondary data are usually collected from various published sources
including books, magazines, newspapers, websites, journals etc. Moreover, various government
bodies and departments also publish various data.
Secondary data are often referred as data that were collected for some purposes other than that of
the current study. It is possible to collect the secondary data within a short time and by spending
less money. However, reliability and accuracy becomes an important concern while collecting
secondary data. Moreover, secondary data sometimes may fail to meet other objectives of the
current study.
There are many arguments for using the secondary data. One of the most important reasons is
that the secondary data ensures easy access to the data. The secondary data is often used in the
research in addition to primary data. The secondary sources of data provide a clear overview of
the study issues. The advantages of the secondary data can be summarized as follow:
1. Collection process of secondary data is time efficient
2. It requires fewer resources
3. It facilitates clear understanding of the problem
4. It assists in comparing the data collected by the researcher

5. In many cases primary data collection may be impractical. In such cases secondary data
are only way to solve the problem
6. There are many sources that provide reliable secondary data.
In this given context the secondary data would be collected from the internet and newspapers and
historical records.
Q2: Present the survey methodology and sampling frame used
Perhaps the most important part of the survey process is the creation of questions that accurately
measure the opinions, experiences and behaviors of the public. Accurate random sampling and
high response rates will be wasted if the information gathered is built on a shaky foundation of
ambiguous or biased questions. There are three main types of survey methodologies, and each
has their own risks and benefits:
Open-ended Questions
Open-ended questions ask participants to come up with their own responses and allow the
researcher to document the opinions of the respondent in his or her own words. These types of
questions are useful for obtaining in-depth information on facts with which the researcher is not
very familiar, opinions, attitudes and suggestions, or sensitive issues. Completely open-ended
questions allow the researcher to probe more deeply into issues, thus providing new insights,
bringing to light new examples or illustrations, and allowing for different interpretations and a
variety of responses. Researchers who utilize open-ended questions must be skilled interviewers
since they need to record all information to avoid loss of important information, and the analysis
is time-consuming. In addition, open-ended questions can be difficult to analyze statistically
because the data is not uniform and must be coded in some manner.
Partially Categorized Questions
Partially categorized questions are similar to open-ended questions, but some answers have
already been pre-categorized to facilitate recording and analysis. There is also usually an
alternative titled other with a black space next to it. The advantages of these types of questions
are that answers can be recorded quickly, and the analysis is often easier. One of the major risks
is that the respondent will pre-categorize too quickly, resulting in a potential loss of interesting

and valuable information. In addition, interviewers may try to force the information into the
listed categories instead of exploring the question more thoroughly. If the respondent hesitates
when answering a question, the interviewer may be tempted to present possible answers, causing
bias. Therefore, the researcher must always avoid presenting possible answers to the study
Closed Questions
Closed questions have a list of possible answers from which respondents must choose. They can
include yes/no questions, true/false questions, multiple choice, or scaled questions. Closed
questions can be categorized into 5 different types:

Multiple Choice- this question type is useful when the researcher would like participants
to select the most relevant response.

Likert Scale- this question type is appropriate when the researcher would like to identify
how respondents feel about a certain issue. The scale typically ranges from extremely not
important, not important, neutral, important, to extremely important, or strongly disagree,
disagree, neutral, agree to strongly agree.

Numerical- these questions are used when possible responses are numeric in form. For
example, these questions are useful for asking someones age.

Ordinal- these questions are useful when participants are asked to rank a series of

Categorical- this question type is appropriate when respondents are asked to identify
themselves into a specific category. For example, they may be asked if they are male or

Closed questions are commonly used for obtaining data on background information such as age,
marital status, or education. Closed questions may also be used to assess a respondents opinions
or attitudes by choosing a rating on a scale. Additionally, closed questions may be used to elicit
specific information in an efficient manner.
In this given context the survey methodology would be closed end questions. Quantitative data
would be used for quantitative analysis.
A sampling frame is a list or other device used to define a researcher's population of interest. The
sampling frame defines a set of elements from which a researcher can select a sample of the
target population. Because a researcher rarely has direct access to the entire population of interest

in social science research, a researcher must rely upon a sampling frame to represent all of the
elements of the population of interest
In this research simple random sampling technique would be used. A subset of a statistical
population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. A
simple random sample is meant to be an unbiased representation of a group. The number of
samples would be 20 students and staffs.

Q3: Design a questionnaire to know the opinion of students and staff on the matter
The questionnaire would consist 10 questions and the question pattern would be multiple choice
Q.1: Do you think the college authority should refurbish the college?
1. Disagree 2.Stronglee Disagree 3. Agree 4. Neither Disagree nor agree 5. Strongly agree
Q2: What amount the college should spend to for reconstruct the college building?



250000 400000000

Q3: What amount should be used for college library purpose?






Q4: What amount should be used for accommodation purpose?




1800000 200000000

Q5: What would be the total expenditure for the refurbishing the college?






Q4: Create information design making by summarizing data using representative values
The following information is obtained from the survey:






From the above table it is seen that:

For question 02: What amount the college should spend to for reconstruct the college building?
One student said that he thought 500000 pounds needed to reconstruct the college building, 3
students thought that it would cost 1000000 pounds, maximum 4 students said that it might cost
1500000 pounds and 2 students said that they think 2000000 pounds needed to reconstruct the
college building.
For question Q3: What amount should be used for college library purpose?
In answering question 03, 1 student told that 200000 pounds needed for the library purpose, 01
student told about 200000 pounds, 5 students told 5000000 pounds and 3 students told about
800000 pounds.
For question Q4: What amount should be used for accommodation purpose?
In answering question 4, 01 students told that he thought 500000 pounds needed for
accommodation purpose, 1 student told that 1000000 pounds, 5 students told 1500000 pounds
and 2 students told that the thought 1800000 pounds and 1 students told that 2000000 pounds
needed for accommodation purpose.
For question 5: What would be the total expenditure for the refurbishing the college?

In answering question 5, 2 students told that 4500000 pounds needed for total expenditure, 1
student told 4800000 pounds and 7 students told that total expenditure would be 5000000
Q5: Analyze the results to draw valid conclusions in the above scenario
Analyzing the above information the following results are found:
For question 02:
It is seen that mean value of the question 2 is 3.7, median is 4 and mode is also 4 and standard
deviation is 0.948683. It suggests that the average expressed that the average amount of money
needed for the college building is more than 10000000 pounds and highest number of students
(04) told that they think 15000000 pounds is necessary for college building construction.
For question 03:
Analyzing question three it is seen that in this question mean, median and mode all are same i.e.
4 and standard deviation is 0.942809. It represents that the average amount money for college
library would be needed 500000 pounds that is expected by the students and staffs. Highest 4
students told that 500000 pounds needed for the college library.
For question 04:
Analyzing the question 04, it is found that the mean value is 3.1, median value is 3 and mode
value is 3 and standard deviation is 1.100505.
For question 5:
Analyzing the question 05, it is found that the mean value is 4.5, median is 5, mode is 5 and
standard deviation is 0.849837.

Q-6: Produce graphs using spreadsheet and draw valid conclusion based on the

Question 1


Question 1


In this graphical illustration we see that, 40% of the

correspondent strongly agreed with the refurbishment of college. 20% were strongly
agreed, 30% of the respondent neither disagrees nor agree, 10% were strongly
disagreed and none of them were disagreed.

Question 2






In the above graph, respect to the spending for reconstructing the college building 10% of
the respondent said that college authority should spend 10000 pound, 30% of the
respondent said that college authority should spend 20000 pound, 20% of the

respondent said to spend 40000 and major part of the respondent (40%) asked to
spend 25000 pound.

Question 3
All the books
Half of the books

In question 3, about spending for college library purpose 50% of the respondents
replied to spend 50000 pound, 30% of the respondent said to spend 80000 pound
10% replied to spend 30000 and 20000 respectively.

Question 4





Amount used for accommodation purpose, 10% of the respondent said to spend 50000
and 100000 respectively, 50% of the respondent said to spend 150000, 20% of the
respondent asked to spend 180000 and 10% said to spend 200000 pounds.

Question 5


Series 1








this portion about the total expenditure for the refurbishing the college 70% of respondent said

to spend 50000000, 20% of the respondent said to spend 4500000, and 10% said to spend
4800000 for refurbishing the college.

Q8. Presentation

Q9. Business Report:

Refurbishing the College

Business Report


Kanan Barua Student id- 1609131430

Executive summary
This research is about a college reconstruction. The same question was asked to students and
staff members. The result were analyze together to see their opinion. The average result shows
that the entire participated member was more or less interested. This paper contain analyze of the
result and the future prediction for the management to use.

Table of Contents
Executive summary.......................................................................................................................2
plan for the primary and secondary data....................................................................................1
Survey methodology and sampling frame used..........................................................................3
Closed Questions..........................................................................................................................3
questionnaire for students and staff.............................................................................................5
summarizing data and representative values..............................................................................6
Analyze the results to draw valid conclusions.............................................................................7
spreadsheet graph and conclusion on the information.............................................................8
Future prediction:..........................................................................................................................9

plan for the primary and secondary data

While performing a research an investigator may have to collect information directly from the
field for serving the purposes of the study. Such data is called primary data. Primary data is
often called first hand data that is collected by the researcher for the first time. Primary data is
often called raw data. These data are collected by the researcher in the process of investigation.
(Sreedharan 2004) explained that the data collected from primary sources are more closely
connected to the field and are not collected through a process of filtering that is used in
secondary sources.
There are several ways to collect data from primary sources. These include surveys, direct
observations, interviews, logs. The method varies with the purpose of data collection. One of the
important and wildly used methods of collecting primary data is survey. This method allows the
researcher to collect large volume of data. However, while using survey technique, the researcher
has to rely on the honesty and the skill of the people who are being surveyed.
In many cases, direct observation method is used for the purpose of collecting data from primary
sources. In this method, the researcher observes the specific behavior and characteristics to
collect the data. This method requires proficiency of the researcher to collect the accurate data.
However, this method is not wildly used in practice because of some inherent limitations.
Another important method of collecting primary data is interview. Though this method is often
considered expensive and slow, it helps in collecting in depth data. In this method, the researcher
collects data by questioning and follows up questioning the participants. This method allows the
researcher to read the non verbal communication besides the verbal communication. The data
from primary sources can also be collected though logs. Various types of logs help to collect
valuable and reliable data under specific circumstances.
One of the important advantages of primary data is that the researcher has significant control
over the collection of the data. This allows the researcher to decide the process of collecting data.
Moreover, while collecting data the researcher may focus on the specific aspects of the data that
is necessary of the purpose of the study. It enables the researcher to collect more data on specific
important issues.
In this given context the primary sources of data can be both surveys and interviews. Since it is
the decision of the researchers to determine the technique of primary data collection, so I would

like to go for surveys rather than interview because interview is more time consuming and
expensive as well as in interview sometimes the participants doest speak the truth. In my survey
technique there would be a questionnaire which would be close ended. Multiple choice
questions, where respondents are restricted to choose among any of the given multiple choice
answers are known as closed format or closed-ended questions. There is no fixed limit as to how
many multiple choices should be given; the number can be even or odd.
One of the main advantages of including closed format questions in your questionnaire design is
the ease at performing preliminary analysis.

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