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List of Greek mythological creatures

1 Mythological creatures
2 Animals from Greek mythology
3 Dragons
3.1 Drakons
3.2 Cetea
3.3 Dracaenae
4 Automatons
5 Legendary tribes
6 Primordial Deities, Titans, Olympians, Moirai, Charites, Muses, Nymphs
7 See also
8 References
9 Sources
Mythological creatures
Anax, a giant, son of Uranus and Gaea.
Asterius or Aster, a giant.
Athos, a giant.
Alcyoneus, a giant.
Almops, a giant, son of the god Poseidon and the half-nymph Helle.
Aloadae, they were strong and aggressive giants.
Otus (or Otos)
Amphisbaena, a serpent with a head at each end.
Antaeus, half-giant son of Poseidon and Gaia. Killed by Heracles.
Arachne, a half-spider half-female, she is the mother of all spiders. She was made into that by Athena, after losing to a weaving contest after she boastfully said she was the best.
Arae, female daemons of curses. Particularly of the curses placed by the dead upon those guilty of their death, called forth from the underworld.
Argus, a 100-eyed giant.
Azeus, a giant.
Catoblepas, it had the body of a buffalo and the head of a wild boar.
Centaur and Centauride , a head and torso of a human with the body of a horse.
Agrius, one of the Centaurs who Heracles fought with.
Amycus, one the Centaurs who fought at the Centauromachy.
Asbolus, in Greek mythology, was a centaur. He was a seer, or an auger. He was a diviner who read omens in the flight of birds.
Bienor, one the Centaurs who fought at the Centauromachy.
Centaurus, father of centaurs.
Chiron, the eldest and wisest of the centaurs. The ancient trainer of heroes.
Chthonius, a Centaur who was killed by Nestor at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia.
Cyllarus, one the Centaurs who fought at the Centauromachy.
Dictys, one the Centaurs who fought at the Centauromachy.
Eurytus, a Centaur present at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia, and the one that caused the conflict between the Lapiths and the Centaurs by trying to carry the bride off.
Eurynomos, one the Centaurs who fought against the Lapiths at the wedding of Hippodamia.
Elatus, a Centaur killed by Heracles.
Eurytion, two different Centaurs had the same name.
Hylaeus, a centaur who tried to rape Atalanta. He killed by Meleager.
Hylonome, a Centauride, wife of Cyllarus.
Nessus, famous centaur, known for being killed by Heracles.
Perimedes, one the Centaurs who fought at the Centauromachy.
Ph los, a centaur.
Pholus, a wise centaur and friend of Heracles.
Thaumas, a centaur.
Rhaecus, a centaur who tried to rape Atalanta. He killed by Meleager.
Cyprian Centaurs, bull-horned centaurs native to the island of Cyprus.
Cetus or Ceto, sea monsters.
Ceuthonymus, daemon of the underworld. Father of Menoetius.
Charon, the ferryman of Hades.
Charybdis, a sea monster whose inhalations formed a deadly whirlpool or a huge water mouth.
Chimera, a fire breathing three-headed monster with one head of lion, one of a snake, and another of a goat, lion claws in front and goat legs behind, and a long snake tail.
Chthonius, a giant.
Crocotta or Cynolycus, creature with the body of a stag, a lion's neck, cloven hooves, and a wide mouth with a sharp, bony ridge in place of teeth. It is imitating the human voice, to
call men by name at night, and to devour those who approach it. It is as brave as a lion, as swift as a horse, and as strong as a bull. It cannot be overcome by any weapon of steel.
Cyclops or Cyclopes, they were one-eyed giant creatures.
Arges, one of the children of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus have locked him in Tartarus.
Brontes, one of the children of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus have locked him in Tartarus.
Steropes, one of the children of Gaia and Uranus. Uranus have locked him in Tartarus.
Polyphemus, son of Poseidon.
Assistants of god Hephaestus, Hephaestus had some Cyclopes as his assistants at his workshops.
Diomedes of Thrace, was a giant, the son of Ares and Cyrene
Echion, a giant.
Eurynomos, the netherworld daemon of rotting corpses dwelling in the Underworld.
Enceladus or Enkelados, a giant who battled Athena at the war against the gods.
Erinyes (Furies), the goddesses of vengeance, who were the offspring of Gaia born from the blood shed when Cronus castrated his father Uranus. Their number is usually left
indeterminate, Virgil mention that they were three:
Eurytus, a giant.
Ghosts, Shades, Spirits.
Gegenees, six-armed giants which were slain by the Argonauts.
Geryon, was a giant according to Hesiod Geryon had one body and three heads, whereas the tradition followed by Aeschylus gave him three bodies. A lost description by
Stesichoros said that he has six hands and six feet and is winged; there are some mid-sixth-century Chalcidian vases portraying Geryon as winged. Some accounts state that he had
six legs as well while others state that the three bodies were joined to one pair of legs.
Gigantes, were a race of great strength and aggression. Archaic and Classical representations show Gigantes as human in form. Later representations show Gigantes with snakes for
Gorgons, monstrous women depicted as having snakes on their head instead of hair, tusks and whiskers.
Medusa, whose gaze could turn anyone to stone.
Stheno, most murderous of the sisters.
Euryale, whose scream could kill.
Graeae, three old women with one tooth and one eye among them.
Persis or Perso or persos
Griffin or Gryphon or Gryps or Grypes, a creature that combines the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.
Hecatonchires, three giants of incredible strength and ferocity.
Briareos or Aegaeon
Harpies, creature with torso, head and arms of women, talons, tail and wings (mixed with the arms) of bird.
Hippalectryon, a creature with the fore-parts of a rooster and the body of a horse.
Hippocampus, a creature with the upper body of a horse and the lower body of a fish.
Hippogriff, a creature with the front part of an eagle and hind legs and tail of a horse, symbols of Apollo.
Lernaean Hydra, also known as King Hydra, a many-headed, serpent-like creature that guarded an Underworld entrance beneath Lake Lerna. It was destroyed by Heracles, in his
second Labour. Son of Typhon and Echidna.
Ichthyocentaurs, a pair of marine centaurs with the upper bodies of men, the lower fronts of horses, and the tails of fish
Ipotane, a race of half-horse, half-humans. The Ipotanes are considered the original version of the Centaurs.
Keres, spirit of violent or cruel death.
Kobaloi, was a sprite from Greek mythology, a mischievous creature fond of tricking and frightening mortals.
Laestrygonians or Laestrygones, a tribe of giant cannibals.
Antiphates, King of the Laestrygonians.
Lion-Headed Giants
Leon or Lion, killed by Herakles in the war against the gods.
Manticore or Androphagos, it has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth.
Merpeople, human with fish tail after torso (Mermaid as female, Merman as male), they lure adventurers to drown them.
Minotaur, a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man; slain by Theseus.
Mimas, a giant.
Multi-headed Dogs
Cerberus (Hellhound), the three-headed giant hound, that guarded the gates of the Underworld.
Orthrus, a two-headed dog, brother of Cerberus, slain by Heracles.
Onocentaur, part human, part donkey. Head and torso of a human with the body of a donkey.
Ophiotaurus (Bull-Serpent), a creature part bull and part serpent.

Orion, giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.
Pallas, a giant.
Panes, a tribe of nature-spirits which had the heads and torsos of men, the legs and tails of goats, goatish faces and goat-horns.
Periboea, a Giantess. Daughter of the king of the giants
Philinnion, unwed maiden who died prematurely and returned from the tomb as the living dead to consort with a handsome youth named Makhates. When her mother discovered
the girl she collapsed back into death and was burned by the terrified townsfolk beyond the town boundaries.
Phoenix, a golden-red fire bird of which only one could live at a time, but would burst into flames to rebirth from ashes as a new phoenix.
Polybotes, a giant.
Porphyrion, a giant.
Satyrs and Satyresses, companions of Pan and Dionysus which had human upper bodies, and the horns and hindquarters of a goat.
Silenus or Papposilenus, was a companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus.
Scylla, lover of Poseidon, transformed by Circe into a many-headed, tentacled monster who fed on passing sailors in the straits between herself and Charybdis.
Scythian Dracanae, upper body of a woman, lower body composed of two snake tails.
Sirens, mermaid like women whose irresistible song lured sailors to their deaths
Skolopendra, giant sea monster said to be the size of a Greek trireme. It has a crayfish-like tail, numerous legs along its body which it uses like oars to move and extremely long
hairs that protrude from its nostrils. Child of Phorcys and Keto.[1]
Sphinx has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman.
Stymphalian Birds, man-eating birds with beaks of bronze and sharp metallic feathers they could launch at their victims.
Taraxippi, ghosts that frightened horses
Thoon, a giant.
Tityos, was a giant.
Typhon or Typhoeus, extremely savage and terrifying monster with man's upper body, snake coils instead of legs and serpentine fingers.
Unicorns or Monocerata, creatures as large as horses, or even larger with a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from their forehead.
Vampire Daemons
Corinthian Lamia, a vampiric demo who seduced the handsome youth Menippos in the guise of a beautiful woman to consume his flesh and blood.
Empousa, seductive female vampire demons with fiery hair, a leg of bronze and a donkey's foot. They are especially good at ensnaring men with their beauty before devouring
Lamia, a vampiric demon who by voluptuous artifices attracted young men, in order to enjoy their fresh, youthful, and pure flesh and blood.
Mormo or Mormolyceae or Mormolyce, a vampiric creature which preyed on children.
Mormolykeia, female underworld Daemons, attendants of the goddess Hecate.
Werewolf or Lycanthrope.
Winged Centaurs
Winged Horses or Pterippi, winged pure white horses.
Pegasus, a divine winged stallion that is pure white, son of Medusa and Poseidon, brother of Chrysaor and father of winged horses.
Animals from Greek mythology
Birds of Ares or Ornithes Areioi, were a flock of feather-dart-dropping birds that guarded the Amazons' shrine of the god on a coastal island in the Black Sea.
Calydonian Boar, a gigantic boar sent by Artemis to ravage Calydon.Was slain in the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Clazomenae Boar, gigantic winged sow which terrorized the Greek town of Klazomenai in Ionia, Asia Minor.
Crommyonian Sow, the Crommyonian Sow was a wild pig that ravaged the region around the village of Crommyon between Megara and Corinth, and was eventually slain by
Theseus in his early adventures.
Erymanthian Boar, a gigantic boar which Heracles was sent to retrieve as one of his labors.
The Cattle of Geryon, magnificent cattle guarded by Orthrus.
The Cattle of Helios, immortal cattle of oxen and sheeps owned by the sun god Helios.
The black-skinned cattle of Hades, the cattle owned by Hades and guarded by Menoetes.
Cercopes, monkeys.
Cretan Bull, was the bull Pasipha fell in love with, giving birth to the Minotaur.
Dionysus Leopard, Dionysus often shown riding a leopard.
Dionysus Panthers, the panthers drawn the chariot of Dionysus.
Argos, Odysseus faithful dog, known for his speed, strength and his superior tracking skills.
Golden Dog, a dog which guarded the infant god Zeus.
Guard Dogs of Hephaestus Temple, the temple of Hephaestus at Mount Etna was guarded by a pack of sacred dogs.
Laelaps, a female dog destined always to catch its prey.
Maera, the hound of Erigone, daughter of Icarius of Athens.
Donkey of Hephaestus, Hephaestus often shown riding a donkey.
Donkey of Silenus, Silenus was riding a donkey.
Ceryneian Hind, an enormous deer which was sacred to Artemis; Heracles was sent to retrieve it as one of his labours
Elaphoi Khrysokeroi, four immortal golden-horned deer sacred to the goddess Artemis. They drew the goddess' chariot.
Aetos Dios, giant golden eagle of Zeus.
Aethon or Caucasian Eagle, a giant eagle, offspring of Typhon and Echidna. Zeus condemned Prometheus to having his liver eaten by the Caucasian Eagle for giving the Flames of
Olympus to the mortals.
Giant turtle, Sciron robbed travelers passing the Sceironian Rocks and forced them to wash his feet. When they knelt before him, he kicked them over the cliff into the sea, where
they were eaten by the giant sea turtle. Theseus killed him in the same way.
Golden-haired ram, from which the Golden Fleece, which was held in Colchis, have been made.
Anemoi, the gods of the four directional winds in horse-shape drawn the chariot of Zeus.
Zephyrus or Zephyr
Arion, the immortal horse of Adrastus who could run at fantastic speeds.
Balius and Xanthus, the immortal horses of Achilles.
Mares of Diomedes, four man-eating horses belonging to the giant Diomedes.
Horses of Ares, immortal fire breathing horses of God Ares.
Horses of Eos, a pair of immortal horses owned by the dawn-goddess, Eos.
Horses of Erechtheus, a pair of immortal horses owned by the king of Athens, Erechtheus.
Horses of Dioskouroi, the immortal horses of the Dioskouroi.
Horses of the Hector
Horses of the Helios, immortal horses of the sun-god Helios.
Horses of the Poseidon, immortal horses of the god Poseidon.
Lampos, three horses had the same name. One was owned by Eos, one by Diomedes and one by Hector.
Trojan Horses or Trojan Hippoi, twelve immortal horses owned by the Trojan Kings Laomedon.
Karkinos, a giant crab which fought Heracles alongside the Lernaean Hydra.
Nemean Lion, a gigantic lion whose skin was impervious to weapons; it was strangled by Heracles.
Rhea's Lions, the lions drawn the chariot of Rhea.
Little Owl, bird of god Athena
Screech Owl (Ascalaphus), bird of god Hades
Snakes of Hera, Hera sent two big snakes to kill Herakles when he was an infant.

Swans of Apollo, the swans drawn the chariot of Apollo.

Teumessian fox, a gigantic fox destined never to be hunted down.
The dragons of Greek mythology were serpentine monsters. They include the serpent-like Drakons, the marine-dwelling Cetea and the she-monster Dracaenae. Homer
describes the dragons with wings and legs.
The Colchian Dragon, an unsleeping dragon which guarded the Golden Fleece
Cychreides, a dragon which terrorised Salamis before being slain by Cychreus
Demeter's dragons, a pair of winged dragons that drew Demeter's chariot and, after having been given as a gift, Triptolemus's
Delphyne, female dragon.
Giantomachian dragon, a dragon that was thrown at Athena during the Giant war. She threw it into the sky where it became the constellation Draco
Lernaean Hydra, also known as King Hydra, a many-headed, serpent-like creature that guarded an Underworld entrance beneath Lake Lerna. It was destroyed by Heracles, in his
second Labour. Son of Typhon and Echidna.
The Ismenian Dragon, a dragon which guarded the sacred spring of Ares near Thebes; it was slain by Cadmus
Ladon, a serpent-like dragon which guarded the Golden apples of immortality of the Hesperides
Maeonian Drakon, a dragon that lived in the kingdom of Lydia and that was killed by Damasen
Medea's dragons, a pair of flying dragons that pulled Medea's chariot. Born from the blood of the Titans
Nemean dragon, a dragon that guarded Zeus' sacred grove in Nemea
Ophiogenean dragon, a dragon that guarded Artemis' sacred grove in Mysia
Pitanian dragon, a dragon in Pitane, Aeolis, that was turned to stone by the gods
Python, a dragon which guarded the oracle of Delphi; it was slain by Apollo.
Rhodian dragons, serpents that inhabited the island of Rhodes; they were killed by Phorbus
Thespian dragon, a dragon that terrorized the city of Thespiae in Boeotia
Trojan dragons, a pair of dragons sent by Poseidon to kill Laoco n and his sons in order to stop him from telling his people that the Wooden Horse was a trap.
Solar Dragons
Drakons ("" in Greek, "dracones" in Latin) were giant serpents, sometimes possessing multiple heads or able to breathe fire (or even both), but most just spit
deadly venom.
The Laconian Drakon was one of the most fearsome of all the drakons. Drakons don't have wings like dragons either
Cetea were sea monsters. They were usually featured in myths of a hero rescuing a sacrificial princess.
The Ethiopian Cetus was a sea monster sent by Poseidon to ravage Ethiopia and devour Andromeda, which was slain by Perseus
The Trojan Cetus was a sea monster that plagued Troy before being slain by Heracles.
The Dracaenae were monsters that had the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of any sort of dragon. Echidna, the mother of monsters, and Keto, the mother
of sea-monsters are two famous dracaenae. Some Dracaenae were even known to have had in place of two legs, one (or two) serpent tail.
Campe, a dracaena that was charged by Cronus with the job of guarding the gates of Tartarus; she was slain by Zeus when he rescued the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires from their
Ceto, a marine goddess who was the mother of all sea monsters as well as Echidna and other dragons and monsters.
Echidna, wife of Typhon and mother of monsters.
Poena, a dracaena sent by Apollo to ravage the kingdom of Argos as punishment for the death of his infant son Linos; killed by Coraebus.
Scythian Dracaena, the Dracaena queen of Scythia; she stole Geryon's cattle that Heracles was herding through the region and agreed to return them on condition he mate with her.
Scylla, a dracaena that was the lover of Poseidon, transformed by Circe into a multi headed monster that fed on passing sailors in the way between her and Charybdis
Sybaris, a draceana that lived on a mountain near Delphi, eating shepherds and passing travellers; she was pushed off the cliff by Eurybarus.
Automatons, or Colossi, were men/women, animals and monsters crafted out of metal and made animate in order to perform various tasks. They were created by the divine
smith, Hephaestus. The Athenian inventor Daedalus also manufactured automatons.
The Hippoi Kabeirikoi, four bronze horse-shaped automatons crafted by Hephaestus to draw the chariot of the Cabeiri
The Keledones, singing maidens sculpted out of gold by Hephaestus
The Khalkotauroi, fire-breathing bulls created by Hephaestus as a gift for Ae tes.
The Kourai Khryseai, golden maidens sculpted by Hephaestus to attend him in his household.
Talos, a giant man made out of bronze to protect Europa Esther
Legendary tribes
Acephali (Greek akephalos, plural akephaloi, from a-, "without", and kephal , "head") are human without head, with their mouths and eyes being in their breasts.
Amazons, a nation of all-female warriors.
Aegea, a queen of the Amazons
Aella (?, an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
Alcibie (?, an Amazonian warrior, killed by Diomedes at Troy
Antandre (?, an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
Antiope (), a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta
Areto (?, an Amazon
Asteria (?, an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
Bremusa (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Idomeneus at Troy
Celaeno (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Heracles
Eurypyle (), an Amazon leader who invaded Ninus and Babylonia
Hippolyta (), a queen of Amazons and daughter of Ares
Hippothoe (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
Iphito (?, an Amazon who served under Hippolyta
Lampedo (), an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Marpesia
Marpesia (), an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Lampedo
Melanippe (), a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta and Antiope
Molpadia (), an Amazon who killed Antiope
Myrina (), a queen of the Amazons
Orithyia (?, an Amazon queen
Otrera (?, an Amazon queen, consort of Ares and mother of Hippolyta
Pantariste (), an Amazon who fought with Hippolyta against Heracles
Penthesilea (), an Amazon queen who fought in the Trojan War on the side of Troy
Arimaspi, a tribe of one-eyed men.
Cynocephaly, dog-headed people.
Curetes, legendary people who took part in the quarrel over the Calydonian Boar.
Dactyls, mythical race of small phallic male beings.
Hyperboreans, mythical people who lived "beyond the North Wind".
Korybantes, were armed and crested dancers.
Lotus-eaters, people living on an island dominated by lotus plants. The lotus fruits and flowers were the primary food of the island and were narcotic, causing the people to sleep in
peaceful apathy.
Machlyes, hermaphrodites whose bodies were male on one side and female on the other.
Monopodes or Skiapodes, a tribe of one-legged Libyan men who used their gigantic foot as shade against the midday sun.
Myrmidons, legendary warriors commanded by Achilles.
Panotii, a tribe of northern men with gigantic, body-length ears.
Pygmies, a tribe of one and a half foot tall African men who rode goats into battle against migrating cranes
Spartoi, mythical warriors who sprang up from the dragon's teeth.
List of Greek mythological figures
The following is a list of gods, goddesses and many other divine and semi-divine figures from Ancient Greek mythology and Ancient Greek religion.
The Greeks created images of their deities for many purposes. A temple would house the statue of a god or goddess, or multiple deities, and might be decorated with relief
scenes depicting myths. Divine images were common on coins. Drinking cups and other vessels were painted with scenes from Greek myths.
Aphrodite (, Aphrodit)
Goddess of beauty, love, desire, and pleasure. Although married to Hephaestus she had many lovers, most notably Ares, Adonis, and Anchises. She was depicted as an
extraordinarily beautiful woman, with poets praising the radiance of her smile in particular. Her symbols include roses and other flowers, the scallop shell, and the myrtle
wreath. Her sacred animals include doves and sparrows. Her Roman counterpart is Venus.
Apollo, lira, dan angsa.jpg Apollo (, Aplln)
God of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, manly beauty, and archery. He is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. Both Apollo
and Artemis use a bow and arrow. Apollo is often incorrectly identified as the god of the sun. Although Apollo is the god of the sun in Roman mythology, Helios is the god of
the sun in Greek mythology. In sculpture, Apollo is depicted as a very handsome, beardless young man with long hair and an ideal physique. As the embodiment of
perfectionism, he could be cruel and destructive, and his love affairs were rarely happy. He often appears in the company of the Muses. His attributes include the laurel
wreath and lyre. His sacred animals include roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, mice, and snakes. His Roman counterpart is also named Apollo.
Ares Canope Villa Adriana b.jpg Ares (, rs)
God of war, bloodshed, and violence. The son of Zeus and Hera, he was depicted as a beardless youth, either nude with a helmet and spear or sword, or as an armed warrior.
Homer portrays him as moody and unreliable, and he generally represents the chaos of war in contrast to Athena, a goddess of military strategy and skill. Ares is known for
cuckolding his brother Hephaestus and conducting an affair with Aphrodite. His sacred animals include vultures, venomous snakes, dogs, and boars. His Roman counterpart
Mars by contrast was regarded as the dignified ancestor of the Roman people.
Diane de Versailles Leochares.jpg Artemis (, rtemis)
Virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, young girls, childbirth, and plague. She is often incorrectly identified as the goddess of the moon, but that is in fact Selene. In
later times Artemis became associated with bows and arrows. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo. In art she is often depicted as a young woman
dressed in a short knee-length chiton and equipped with a hunting bow and a quiver of arrows. Her attributes include hunting spears, animal pelts, deer and other wild
animals. Her sacred animals include deer, bears, and wild boars. Her Roman counterpart is Diana.
7348 - Piraeus Arch. Museum, Athens - Athena - Photo by Giovanni Dall'Orto, Nov 14 2009.jpg Athena (, Athn)
Goddess of intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, handicrafts, and wisdom. According to most traditions, she was born from Zeus's head, fully formed and
armored. She is depicted as being crowned with a crested helm, armed with shield and spear, and wearing the aegis over a long dress. Poets describe her as "grey-eyed" or
having especially bright, keen eyes. She is a special patron of heroes such as Odysseus. She is also the patron of the city Athens (which was named after her). Her symbol is
the olive tree. She is commonly shown as being accompanied by her sacred animal, the owl. Her Roman counterpart is Minerva.

Eleusinian hydria Antikensammlung Berlin 1984.46 n2.jpg Demeter (, Dmtr)

Goddess of grain, agriculture, harvest, growth, and nourishment. Demeter is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and a sister of Zeus, by whom she bore Persephone. Demeter is
one of the main deities of the Eleusinian Mysteries, in which her power over the life cycle of plants symbolizes the passage of the human soul through life and into the
afterlife. She is depicted as a mature woman, often crowned and holding sheafs of wheat and a torch. Her symbols are the cornucopia, wheat-ears, the winged serpent, and the
lotus staff. Her sacred animals include pigs and snakes. Her Roman counterpart is Ceres.
Dionysos Louvre Ma87 n2.jpg Dionysus (, Dinysos)/Bacchus (, Bkkhos)
God of wine, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, drugs, and ecstasy. In art he is depicted as either an older bearded god or an effeminate, long-haired youth. His
attributes include the thyrsus, a drinking cup, the grape vine, and a crown of ivy. He is often in the company of his thiasos, a group of attendants including satyrs, maenads,
and his old tutor Silenus. The consort of Dionysus was Ariadne. His sacred animals include dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys. A later addition to the Olympians, in some
accounts he replaced Hestia. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into common usage among the Romans.
Hades-et-Cerberus-III.jpg Hades (, Hds)/Pluto (, Ploutn)
King of the underworld and the dead. His consort is Persephone. His attributes are the drinking horn or cornucopia, key, sceptre, and the three-headed dog Cerberus. His
sacred animals include the screech owl. He was one of three sons of Cronus and Rhea, and thus sovereign over one of the three realms of the universe, the underworld. As a
chthonic god, however, his place among the Olympians is ambiguous. In the mystery religions and Athenian literature, Pluto ("the Rich") was his preferred name, with Hades
referring to the underworld itself. The Romans translated Plouton as Dis Pater ("the Rich Father") or Pluto.
Vulcan Coustou Louvre MR1814.jpg Hephaestus (, H phaistos)
God of fire, metalworking, and crafts. Either the son of Zeus and Hera or Hera alone, he is the smith of the gods and the husband of the adulterous Aphrodite. He was usually
depicted as a bearded, crippled man with hammer, tongs, and anvil, and sometimes riding a donkey. His sacred animals include the donkey, the guard dog, and the crane.
Among his creations was the armor of Achilles. Hephaestus used the fire of the forge as a creative force, but his Roman counterpart Vulcan was feared for his destructive
potential and associated with the volcanic power of the earth.
Hera Campana Louvre Ma2283.jpg Hera (, H ra)
Queen of the gods, and goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings, and empires. She is the wife and sister of Zeus, and the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was
usually depicted as a regal woman in the prime of her life, wearing a diadem and veil and holding a lotus-tipped staff. Although she is the goddess of marriage, Zeus's many
infidelities drive her to jealousy and vengefulness. Her sacred animals include the heifer, the peacock, and the cuckoo. Her Roman counterpart is Juno.
Hermes Ingenui Pio-Clementino Inv544.jpg Hermes (, Hrms)
God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language, and writing. The son of Zeus and Maia, Hermes is the messenger of the gods, and a psychopomp who leads the
souls of the dead into the afterlife. He was depicted either as a handsome and athletic beardless youth, or as an older bearded man. His attributes include the herald's wand or
caduceus, winged sandals, and a traveler's cap. His sacred animals include the tortoise.
Hestia - Wellesley College - DSC09634.JPG Hestia (, Hesta)
Virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and chastity. She is a daughter of Rhea and Cronus, and a sister of Zeus. Not often identifiable in Greek art, she appeared as a modestly
veiled woman. Her symbols are the hearth and kettle. In some accounts, she gave up her seat as one of the Twelve Olympians in favor of Dionysus, and she plays little role in
Greek myths. Her Roman counterpart Vesta, however, was a major deity of the Roman state.
0035MAN Poseidon.jpg Poseidon (, Poseidn)
God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, and earthquakes. He is a son of Cronus and Rhea, and the brother of Zeus and Hades. He rules one of the three realms of the universe,
as king of the sea and the waters. In art he is depicted as a mature man of sturdy build, often with a luxuriant beard, and holding a trident. His sacred animals include the
horse and the dolphin. His wedding with Amphitrite is often presented as a triumphal procession. In some stories he rapes Medusa, leading to her transformation into a
hideous Gorgon and also to the birth of their two children, Pegasus and Chrysaor. His Roman counterpart is Neptune.
Jupiter Smyrna Louvre Ma13.jpg Zeus (, Zeus)
King of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus, and god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice. He is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. He overthrew
Cronus and gained the sovereignty of heaven for himself. In art he is depicted as a regal, mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard. His usual attributes are the royal
scepter and the lightning bolt. His sacred animals include the eagle and the bull. His Roman counterpart is Jupiter, also known as Jove.
Primordial deities
The god of the upper atmosphere and light.
The goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity.
The nothingness from which all else sprang. Described as a void.
Chronos (Chronus)
The god of time. Not to be confused with the Titan Cronus (Kronos), the father of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.
The god of darkness and shadow.
The god of love and attraction.
The personification of sleep.
The Nesoi
The goddesses of the islands and sea.
The god of the heavens (Father Sky); father of the Titans.
Gaia (Gaea)
Personification of the Earth (Mother Earth); mother of the Titans.
The Ourea
The gods of mountains.
The god of procreation in the Orphic tradition.
The god of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures.
The god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld, the Tartarean pit (which is also referred to as Tartarus
Personification of the sea and consort of Pontus.
God of Death. Brother to Hypnos (Sleep) and in some cases Moros (Doom)
The goddess of day.
The goddess of night.
The goddess of retribution.
Titans and Titanesses
The Titans and Titanesses are depicted in Greek art less commonly than the Olympians.
Eos (Dawn) and the hero Memnon (490480 BC)
Helios in his four-horse chariot (3rd century BC)
Themis, from the Temple of Nemesis (ca. 300 BC)
Oceanus wearing crab-claw horns, with Tethys (Roman-era mosaic)
Athena watches Prometheus create humans (3rd century AD)
English name Description
The Twelve Titans
Coeus Titan of intellect and the axis of heaven around which the constellations revolved.
Crius The least individualized of the Twelve Titans, he is the father of Astraeus, Pallas, and Perses.
Cronus The leader of the Titans, who overthrew his father Uranus only to be overthrown in turn by his son, Zeus. Not to be confused with Chronos, the god of time.
Hyperion Titan of light. With Theia, he is the father of Helios (the sun), Selene (the moon), and Eos (the dawn).
Iapetus Titan of mortality and father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius, and Atlas.
Mnemosyne Titaness of memory and remembrance, and mother of the Nine Muses.
Oceanus Titan of the all-encircling river Oceans around the earth, the fount of all the Earth's fresh-water.
Phoebe Titaness of the "bright" intellect and prophecy, and consort of Koios.
Rhea Titaness of fertility, motherhood and the mountain wilds. She is the sister and consort of Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia.
Tethys Titaness of fresh-water, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds.
Theia Titaness of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky. She is the consort of Hyperion, and mother of Helios, Selene, and Eos.
Themis Titaness of divine law and order.
Asteria Titaness of nocturnal oracles and falling stars.
Astraeus Titan of dusk, stars, and planets, and the art of astrology.
Atlas Titan forced to carry the heavens upon his shoulders by Zeus. Also Son of Iapetus.
Aura Titaness of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning.
Clymene Titaness of renown, fame, and infamy, and wife of Iapetus.
Dione Titaness of the oracle of Dodona.
Helios Titan of the sun and guardian of oaths.
Selene Titaness of the moon.
Eos Titaness of the dawn.
Epimetheus Titan of afterthought and the father of excuses.
Eurybia Titaness of the mastery of the seas and consort of Krios.
Eurynome Titaness of water-meadows and pasturelands, and mother of the three Charites by Zeus.
Lelantos Titan of air and the hunter's skill of stalking prey. He is the male counterpart of Leto.
Leto Titaness of motherhood and mother of the twin Olympians, Artemis and Apollo.
Menoetius Titan of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality. Killed by Zeus.
Metis Titaness of good counsel, advice, planning, cunning, craftiness, and wisdom. Mother of Athena.
Ophion An elder Titan, in some versions of the myth he ruled the Earth with his consort Eurynome before Cronus overthrew him. Another account describes him as a snake,
born from the "World Egg"
Pallas Titan of warcraft. He was killed by Athena during the Titanomachy.
Perses Titan of destruction.
Prometheus Titan of forethought and crafty counsel, and creator of mankind.
Styx Titaness of the Underworld river Styx and personification of hatred.
Gigantes and other "giants"
The Gigantes were the offspring of Gaia (Earth), born from the blood that fell when Uranus (Sky) was castrated by their Titan son Cronus, who fought the Gigantomachy,
their war with the Olympian gods for supremecy of the cosmos, they include:
Agrius (), he was killed by the Moirai.
Alcyoneus (), a giant usually considered to be one of the Gigantes, slain by Heracles.
Chthonius ().
Clytius (), killed by Hecate with her torches.
Enceladus (), typically slain by Athena, said to be buried under Mount Etna in Sicily.
Ephialtes (), according to Apollodorus, he was blinded by arrows from Apollo and Heracles.
Eurymedon (), he was a king of the Giants and father of Periboea.

Eurytus (), he was killed by Dionysus with his thyrsus.

Gration (), he was killed by Artemis.
Hippolytus (), he was killed by Hermes, who was wearing Hades' helmet, which made its wearer invisible.
Lion (), possibly one of the Gigantes, killed by Heracles.
Mimas (), according to Apollodorus, he was killed by Hephaestus, or by others Zeus or Ares.
Pallas (), according to Apollodorus, he was flayed by Athena, who used his skin as a shield.
Polybotes (), typically slain by Poseidon.
Porphyrion (), one of the leaders of the Gigantes, typically slain by Zeus.
Thoas/Thoon (), he was killed by the Moirai.
Other "giants"
Aloadae (), twin giants who attempted to climb to Olympus by piling mountains on top of each other.
Otus or Otos ()
Ephialtes ()
Anax (), were giants of the island of Lade near Miletos in Lydia, Anatolia.
Antaeus (), a Libyan giant who wrestled all visitors to the death until he was slain by Heracles
Antiphates (), the king of the man-eating giants known as Laestrygones which were encountered by Odysseus on his travels.
Argus Panoptes ( ), a hundred-eyed giant tasked with guarding over Io
Asterius (), a Lydian giant.
Cacus (), a fire-breathing Latin giant slain by Heracles.
Cyclopes (Elder), three one-eyed giants who forged the lightning-bolts of Zeus, Trident of Poseidon and Helmet of Hades
Arges ()
Brontes ()
Steropes ()
Cyclopes (Younger), a tribe of one-eyed, man-eating giants who herded flocks of sheep on the island of Sicily
Polyphemus (), a cyclops who briefly captured Odysseus and his men, only to be overcome and blinded by the hero
The Gegenees (), a tribe of six-armed giants fought by the Argonauts on Bear Mountain in Mysia
Geryon (), a three-bodied giant who dwelt on the sunset isle at the ends of the earth. He was slain by Heracles when the hero arrived to fetch the giant's cattle as one of his
twelve labours.
The Hekatonkheires (), or Centimanes (Latin), the Hundred-Handed Ones, giant gods of violent storms and hurricanes. Three sons of Uranus and Gaia, each with
their own distinct characters.[2]
Briareus () or Aigaion (), The Vigorous
Cottus (), The Furious
Gyges (), The Big-Limbed
The Laestrygonians (), a tribe of man-eating giants encountered by Odysseus on his travels
Orion (), a giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion
Talos (), a giant forged from bronze by Hephaestus, and given by Zeus to his lover Europa as her personal protector
Tityos (), a giant slain by Apollo and Artemis when he attempted to violate their mother Leto.
Typhon (), a monstrous immortal storm-giant who attempted to launch an attack on Mt. Olympus but was defeated by the Olympians and imprisoned in the pits of Tartarus
Personified concepts
Achlys (), spirit of the death-mist, personification of sadness, misery and poison
Adephagia (), spirit of satiety and gluttony
Adikia (), spirit of injustice and wrongdoing
Aergia (), spirit of idleness, laziness, indolence and sloth
Agon (), spirit of contest, who possessed an altar at Olympia, site of the Olympic Games.
Aidos (), spirit of modesty, reverence and respect
Aisa (), personification of lot and fate
Alala (), spirit of the war cry
Alastor (), spirit of blood feuds and vengeance
Aletheia (), spirit of truth, truthfulness and sincerity
The Algea (), spirits of pain and suffering
Achos () "trouble, distress"
Ania () "ache, anguish"
Lupe () "pain, grief, sadness"
Alke (), spirit of prowess and courage
Amechania (), spirit of helplessness and want of means
The Amphilogiai (), spirits of disputes, debate, and contention
Anaideia (), spirit of ruthlessness, shamelessness, and unforgivingness
The Androktasiai (), spirits of battlefield slaughter
Angelia (), spirit of messages, tidings and proclamations
Apate (), spirit of deceit, guile, fraud and deception
Apheleia (), spirit of simplicity
Aporia (), spirit of difficulty, perplexity, powerlessness, and want of means
The Arae (), spirits of curses
Arete (), spirit of virtue, excellence, goodness, and valour
At (), spirit of delusion, infatuation, blind folly, recklessness, and ruin
Bia (), spirit of force, power, bodily strength, and compulsion
Caerus (), spirit of opportunity
Corus (), spirit of surfeit
Deimos (), spirit of fear, dread, and terror
Dikaiosyne (), spirit of justice and righteousness
Dike (), spirit of justice, fair judgement, and the rights established by custom and law
Dolos (), spirit of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery, and guile
Dysnomia (), spirit of lawlessness and poor civil constitution
Dyssebeia (), spirit of impiety
Eirene (), goddess of peace
Ekecheiria (), spirit of truce, armistice, and the cessation of all hostilities; honoured at the Olympic Games
Eleos (), spirit of mercy, pity, and compassion
Elpis (), spirit of hope and expectation
Epiphron (), spirit of prudence, shrewdness, thoughtfulness, carefulness, and sagacity
Eris (), spirit of strife, discord, contention, and rivalry
The Erotes ()
Anteros (), god of requited love
Eros (), god of love and sexual intercourse
Hedylogos (), god of sweet talk and flattery
Himeros (), god of sexual desire
Pothos (), god of sexual longing, yearning, and desire
Eucleia (), spirit of good repute and glory
Eulabeia (), spirit of discretion, caution, and circumspection
Eunomia (), goddess of good order and lawful conduct
Eupheme (), spirit of words of good omen, acclamation, praise, applause, and shouts of triumph
Eupraxia (E), spirit of well-being
Eusebeia (E), spirit of piety, loyalty, duty, and filial respect
Euthenia (), spirit of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
Gelos (), spirit of laughter
Geras (), spirit of old age
Harmonia (), goddess of harmony and concord
Hebe (), goddess of youth
Hedone (), spirit of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Heimarmene (), personification of share destined by fate
Homados (), spirit of the din of battle
Homonoia (), spirit of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind
Horkos (), spirit of oaths
Horme (), spirit of impulse or effort (to do a thing), eagerness, setting oneself in motion, and starting an action
Hybris (), spirit of outrageous behaviour
Hypnos (), god of sleep
The Hysminai (), spirits of fighting and combat
Ioke (), spirit of pursuit in battle
Kakia (K), spirit of vice and moral badness
Kalokagathia (), spirit of nobility
The Keres (), spirit of violent or cruel death
Koalemos (), spirit of stupidity and foolishness
Kratos (), spirit of strength, might, power, and sovereign rule
Kydoimos (), spirit of the din of battle, confusion, uproar, and hubbub
Lethe (), spirit of forgetfulness and oblivion, and of the river of the same name
Limos (), spirit of hunger and starvation
The Litae (), spirits of prayer
Lyssa (), spirit of rage, fury and rabies in animals
The Machai (), spirits of fighting and combat
Mania (), spirit or spirits of madness, insanity, and frenzy
The Moirai, or "Fates" ()
Clotho (), the spinner of the life thread
Lachesis (), the measurer of the life thread
Atropos (), the severer of the life thread

Momus (), spirit of mockery, blame, censure and stinging criticism

Moros (), spirit of doom
The Neikea ( ), spirits of quarrels, feuds and grievances
Nemesis (), goddess of revenge, balance, righteous indignation, and retribution
Nike (), goddess of victory
Nomos (), spirit of law
Oizys (), spirit of woe and misery
The Oneiroi (), spirits of dreams
Epiales (), spirit of nightmares
Morpheus (), god of dreams, who takes shape of humans
Phantasos () spirit of dreams of fantasy, who takes shape of inanimate objects
Phobetor () or Icelos (), spirit of nightmares, who takes shape of animals
Palioxis (), spirit of backrush, flight and retreat from battle
Peitharchia (), spirit of obedience
Peitho (), spirit of persuasion and seduction
Penia (), spirit of poverty and need
Penthus (), spirit of grief, mourning, and lamentation
Pepromene (), personification of the destined share, similar to Heimarmene
Pheme (), spirit of rumour, report, and gossip
Philophrosyne (), spirit of friendliness, kindness, and welcome
Philotes (), spirit of friendship, affection, and sexual intercourse
Phobos (), spirit of panic fear, flight, and battlefield rout
The Phonoi (), spirits of murder, killing, and slaughter
Phrike (), spirit of horror and trembling fear
Phthonus (), spirit of envy and jealousy
Pistis (), spirit of trust, honesty, and good faith
Poine (), spirit of retribution, vengeance, recompense, punishment, and penalty for the crime of murder and manslaughter
Polemos (), personification of war
Ponos (), spirit of hard labour and toil
Poros (), spirit of expediency, the means of accomplishing or providing, contrivance and device
Praxidike (), spirit of exacting justice
Proioxis (), spirit of onrush and battlefield pursuit
Prophasis (), spirit of excuses and pleas
The Pseudologoi, spirits of lies
Ptocheia (), spirit of beggary
Soter (), male spirit of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm
Soteria (), female personification of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm
Sophrosyne (), spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion
Techne (), personification of art and skill
Thanatos (), spirit of death and mortality
Thrasos (), spirit of boldness
Tyche (), goddess of fortune, chance, providence, and fate
Zelos ( ), spirit of eager rivalry, emulation, envy, jealousy, and zeal
Chthonic deities
Amphiaraus (), a hero of the war of the Seven Against Thebes who became an oracular spirit of the Underworld after his death
Angelos (), a daughter of Zeus and Hera who became an underworld goddess
Askalaphos (), the son of Acheron and Orphne who tended the Underworld orchards before being transformed into a screech owl by Demeter
Cerberus (), the three-headed hound who guarded the gates of Hades
Charon (), ferryman of Hades
Empusa (), a monstrous underworld spirit or spirits with flaming hair, the leg of a goat and a leg of bronze. They are also servants of Hecate.
Erebos (), the primeval god of darkness, his mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth
The Erinyes (), the Furies, goddesses of retribution, known as "The Kindly Ones"
Alecto (), the unceasing one
Tisiphone (), avenger of murder
Megaera (), the jealous one
Hecate (), goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy
Judges of the Dead
Aiakos (), former mortal king of Aegina, guardian of the keys of Hades and judge of the men of Europe
Minos (), former mortal king of Crete and judge of the final vote
Rhadamanthys (), former mortal lawmaker and judge of the men of Asia
Keuthonymos (), an Underworld spirit and father of Menoetes
Cronus (), deposed king of the Titans; after his release from Tartarus he was appointed king of the Island of the Blessed
Lamia (), a vampiric Underworld spirit or spirits in the train of Hecate
Lampades (), torch-bearing Underworld nymphs
Gorgyra ()
Orphne (), a Lampad nymph of Hades, mother of Askalaphos
Macaria (), daughter of Hades and goddess of blessed death (not to be confused with the daughter of Heracles)
Melinoe (), daughter of Persephone and Zeus who presided over the propitiations offered to the ghosts of the dead
Menoetes (), an Underworld spirit who herded the cattle of Hades
Mormo (), a fearsome Underworld spirit or spirits in the train of Hecate
Nyx (), the primeval goddess of night
Hades () God of underworld and all things beneath the earth
Persephone (), queen of the underworld, wife of Hades and goddess of spring growth
Rivers of the Underworld
Acheron (), the river of pain
Kokytos (K), the river of wailing
Lethe (), the river of forgetfulness
Phlegethon (), the river of fire
Styx (), the river of oaths
Tartarus (), the primeval god of the dark, stormy pit of Hades
Thanatos (), spirit of death and minister of Hades
Sea deities
Aegaeon (), god of violent sea storms and ally of the Titans
Achelous (), shark-shaped sea spirit[citation needed]
Benthesikyme (), daughter of Poseidon, who resided in Ethiopia
Brizo (), patron goddess of sailors, who sent prophetic dreams
Ceto (), goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters
Charybdis (), a sea monster and spirit of whirlpools and the tide
Cymopoleia (), a daughter of Poseidon married to the Giant Briareus
Delphin (), the leader of the dolphins, Poseidon placed him in the sky as the constellation Delphin
Eidothea (), prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus
Glaucus (), the fisherman's sea god
Gorgons (), three monstrous sea spirits
Stheno ()
Euryale ()
Medusa (), the only mortal of the three
The Graeae (), three ancient sea spirits who personified the white foam of the sea; they shared one eye and one tooth between them
Deino ()
Enyo ()
Pemphredo ()
The Harpies (), winged spirits of sudden, sharp gusts of wind
Aello () or Aellope () or Aellopous ()
Ocypete () or Ocypode () or Ocythoe ()
Podarge () or Podarke ()
Celaeno ()
Nicothoe ()
Hippocampi (), horses of the sea that have the upper-body of a horse and the lower-body of a fish
Hydros (), primordial god of waters
The Ichthyocentaurs (), a pair of centaurine sea-gods with the upper bodies of men, the lower fore-parts of horses, ending in the serpentine tails of fish
Bythos () "sea depth"
Aphros () "sea foam"
Karkinos (), a giant crab who allied itself with the Hydra against Heracles. When it died, Hera placed it in the sky as the constellation Cancer.
Ladon (), a hundred-headed sea serpent who guarded the western reaches of the sea, and the island and golden apples of the Hesperides
Leucothea (), a sea goddess who aided sailors in distress
Nereides (), sea nymphs
Thetis (), leader of the Nereids who presided over the spawning of marine life in the sea
Arethusa (), a daughter of Nereus who was transformed into a fountain
Galene (), goddess of calm seas
Psamathe (), goddess of sand beaches
Nereus (), the old man of the sea, and the god of the sea's rich bounty of fish
Nerites (), a sea spirit who was transformed into a shell-fish by Aphrodite
Oceanus (), Titan god of the Earth-encircling river Oceanus, the font of all the Earth's fresh-water
Palaemon (), a young sea god who aided sailors in distress

Phorcys (), god of the hidden dangers of the deep

Proteus (), a shape-shifting, prophetic old sea god, and the herdsman of Poseidon's seals
Poseidon (), king of the sea and lord of the sea gods; also god of rivers, flood and drought, earthquakes, and horses
Amphitrite (), sea goddess and consort of Poseidon
Scylla (), monstrous sea goddess
The Sirens (), sea nymphs who lured sailors to their death with their song
Aglaope () or Aglaophonos () or Aglaopheme ()
Himerope ()
Leucosia ()
Ligeia ()
Molpe ()
Parthenope ()
Peisinoe () or Peisithoe ()
Raidne ()
Teles ()
Thelchtereia ()
Thelxiope () or Thelxiepeia ()
The Telchines (), sea spirits native to the island of Rhodes; the gods killed them when they turned to evil magic
Actaeus ()
Argyron ()
Atabyrius ()
Chalcon ()
Chryson ()
Damon () or Demonax ()
Damnameneus ()
Dexithea (), mother of Euxanthios by Minos
Lycos () or Lyktos ()
Lysagora ()?
Makelo ()
Megalesius ()
Mylas ()
Nikon ()
Ormenos ()
Simon ()
Skelmis ()
Tethys (), Titan goddess of the sources fresh water, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds
Thalassa (), primeval goddess of the sea and consort of Pontos
Thaumas (), god of the wonders of the sea
Thoosa (), goddess of swift currents
Triteia (), daughter of Triton and companion of Ares
Triton (), fish-tailed son and herald of Poseidon
Tritones (), fish-tailed spirits in Poseidon's retinue
Sky deities
Achelois (), "she who washes pain away", a minor moon goddess
Aeolus (Aiolos) (), god of the winds.
Aether (), primeval god of the upper air
Alectrona (), solar goddess of the morning or waking up
Aparctias (), another name for the north wind (not identified with Boreas)
Apheliotes (), god of the east wind (when Eurus is considered southeast)
Argestes (), another name for the west or northwest wind
Caicias (), god of the northeast wind
Circios () or Thraskias (), god of the north-northwest wind
Euronotus (), god of the southeast wind
Lips (), god of the southwest wind
Skeiron (), god of the northwest wind
Zeus (), King of Heaven and god of the sky, clouds, thunder, and lightning
Hera (), Queen of Heaven and goddess of the air and starry constellations
Apollo, (), Olympian God of the sun, light, knowledge, music, healing, and the arts
Artemis, (), Olympian Goddess virgins and young women, of the moon, nature, hunt and the wild animals
Arke (), messenger of the Titans and twin sister of Iris
Astraios (), Titan god of stars and planets, and the art of astrology
The Astra Planeti ( ), gods of the five wandering stars or planets
Stilbon (), god of Hermaon, the planet Mercury
Eosphorus (), god of Venus the morning star
Hesperus (), god of Venus the evening star
Pyroeis (), god of Areios, the planet Mars
Phaethon (), god of Dios, the planet Jupiter
Phaenon (), god of Kronion, the planet Saturn
Aurai (), nymphs of the cooling breeze
Aura (), goddess of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning
Chaos (), the nothingness from which all else sprang, she also represented the lower atmosphere which surrounded the earth
Chione (), goddess of snow and daughter of Boreas
Uranus (), primeval god of the heavens
Helios (), Titan god of the sun and guardian of oaths
Selene (), Titan goddess of the moon
Eos (), Titan goddess of the dawn
Hemera (), primeval goddess of the day
Nyx, (), goddess of the night
The Hesperides, (), nymphs that represented a star cluster in the constellation Taurus (Pleiades) and were associated with rain
Iris (), goddess of the rainbow and divine messenger
Nephelai (), cloud nymphs
Pandia (), daughter of Selene and Zeus
Ersa (), goddess of the morning dew
Anemoi, (), gods of the winds
Boreas (), god of the north wind and of winter
Eurus (), god of the unlucky east or southeast wind
Notus () god of the south wind
Zephyrus (), god of the west wind
The Pleiades (), goddesses of the constellation Pleiades and were associated with rain
Alcyone ()
Sterope ()
Celaeno ()
Electra ()
Maia ()
Merope ()
Taygete ()
Rustic deities
Aetna (), goddess of the volcanic Mount Etna in Sicily
Amphictyonis (), goddess of wine and friendship between nations, a local form of Demeter
Anthousai (), flower nymphs
Aristaeus (), god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing, and hunting
Attis (), vegetation god and consort of Cybele
Britomartis (), Cretan goddess of hunting and nets used for fishing, fowling and the hunting of small game
Cabeiri (), gods or spirits who presided over the Mysteries of the islands of Lemnos and Samothrace
Aitnaios ()
Alkon ()
Eurymedon ()
Onnes ()
Tonnes ()
Centaurs (), a race of half-man, half-horse beings
Asbolus ()
Chariclo (), wife of the centaur Chiron
Chiron (), the eldest and wisest of the Centaurs
Eurytion ()
Nessus (), a ferryman at the river Euenus
Pholus ()
The Cercopes (), a pair of monkey-like thieves who plagued the land of Lydia in western Anatolia
Akmon ()
Passalos ()
Chloris (), goddess of flowers and wife of Zephyrus
Comus (), god of revelry, merrymaking, and festivity
Corymbus (), god of the fruit of the ivy

The Curetes (), guardians of infant Zeus on Mount Ida, barely distinguished from the Dactyls and the Corybantes
Cybele (), a Phrygian mountain goddess associated with Rhea
The Dactyls () "fingers", minor deities originally representing fingers of a hand
Acmon ()
Damnameneus ()
Delas ()
Epimedes ()
Heracles (not to be confused with the hero Heracles)
Iasios ()
Kelmis ()
Skythes ()
companions of Cybele
Titias ()
Cyllenus ()
Dionysus (), god of wine, drunken orgies, and wild vegetation
Dryades (), tree and forest nymphs
Gaia (), primeval goddess of the earth
Epimeliades (), nymphs of highland pastures and protectors of sheep flocks
Hamadryades (), oak tree dryades
Hecaterus (), minor god of the hekateris a rustic dance of quickly moving hands and perhaps of the skill of hands in general
Hephaestus (), god of metalworking
Hermes (), god of herds and flocks, of roads and boundary stones, and the god of thieves.
The Horae (), The Hours
The goddesses of natural order
Eunomia (), spirit of good order, and springtime goddess of green pastures
Dike (), spirit of justice, may have represented springtime growth
Eirene (), spirit of peace and goddess of the springtime
The goddesses of springtime growth
Thallo (), goddess of spring buds and shoots, identified with Eirene
Auxo (), goddess of spring growth
Karpo (), goddess of the fruits of the earth
The goddesses of welfare
Pherousa () "the bringer"
Euporie () "abundance"
Orthosie () "prosperity"
The goddesses of the natural portions of time and the times of day
Auge (), first light of the morning
Anatole () or Anatolia (), sunrise
Mousika or Musica (), the morning hour of music and study
Gymnastika, Gymnastica () or Gymnasia (), the morning hour of gymnastics/exercise
Nymphe (), the morning hour of ablutions (bathing, washing)
Mesembria (), noon
Sponde (), libations poured after lunch
Elete, prayer, the first of the afternoon work hours
Akte, Acte () or Cypris (), eating and pleasure, the second of the afternoon work hours
Hesperis (), evening
Dysis (), sunset
Arktos (), night sky, constellation
The goddesses of seasons of the year
Eiar (), spring
Theros (), summer
Pthinoporon (), autumn
Cheimon (), winter
Korybantes (), the crested dancers who worshipped Cybele
Damneus () "the one who tames(?)"
Idaios () "of Mount Ida"
Kyrbas (), whose name is probably a variant of Korybas, singular for "Korybantes"
Okythoos () "the one running swiftly"
Prymneus () "of lower areas(?)"
Pyrrhichos (), god of the rustic dance
Maenades (), crazed nymphs in the retinue of Dionysus
Methe (), nymph of drunkenness
Meliae (), nymphs of honey and the ash tree
Naiades (), fresh water nymphs
Daphne ()
Metope ()
Minthe ()
The Nymphai Hyperboreioi ( ), who presided over aspects of archery
Hekaerge (), represented distancing
Loxo (), represented trajectory
Oupis (), represented aim
Oreades (), mountain nymphs
Adrasteia (), a nursemaid of the infant Zeus
Echo (), a nymph cursed never to speak except to repeat the words of others
Oceanides (), fresh water nymphs
Beroe (), a nymph of Beirut, the daughter of Aphrodite and Adonis, who was wooed by both Dionysus and Poseidon
Calypso ()
Clytie ()
Eidyia (), the youngest of the Oceanides
for the complete list, see List of Oceanids
The Ourea (), primeval gods of mountains
The Palici (), a pair of rustic gods who presided over the geysers and thermal springs in Sicily
Pan (), god of shepherds, pastures, and fertility
Potamoi (), river gods
Achelous ()
Acis ()
Acheron ()
Alpheus ()
Asopus ()
Cladeus ()
Eurotas ()
Cocytus (K)
Lethe ()
Peneus ()
Phlegethon ())
Styx ()
Scamander ()
Priapus (), god of garden fertility
Rhea (), the great mother and queen of the mountain wilds
Satyrs (), rustic fertility spirits
Krotos (), a great hunter and musician who kept the company of the Muses on Mount Helicon
Silenus (), an old rustic god of the dance of the wine-press
Telete (), goddess of initiation into the Bacchic orgies
Zagreus (), in the Orphic mysteries, the first incarnation of Dionysus
Agricultural deities
Adonis (), a life-death-rebirth deity
Aphaea (), minor goddess of agriculture and fertility
Carme (), a Cretan spirit who presided over the harvest festival
Carmanor (), a Cretan harvest god
Chrysothemis (), goddess of the "Golden Custom", a harvest festival, daughter of Demeter and Carmanor
Cyamites (), demi-god of the bean
Demeter (), goddess of fertility, agriculture, grain, and harvest
Despoina (), daughter of Poseidon and Demeter, goddess of mysteries in Arcadia
Dionysus (), god of viticulture and wine
Eunostus (), goddess of the flour mill
Hestia (), maiden goddess of the hearth who presided over the baking of bread, mankind's stable food
Persephone (), queen of the underworld, wife of Hades and goddess of spring growth
Philomelus (), agricultural demi-god inventor of the wagon and the plough
Plutus (), god of wealth, including agricultural wealth, son of Demeter
Triptolemus (), god of farming and agriculture, he brought agriculture to Greece
Health deities
Apollo, god of healing and medicine
Asclepius (), god of healing

Aceso (), goddess of the healing of wounds and the curing of illnesses
Aegle(), goddess of radiant good health
Epione (), goddess of the soothing of pain
Hygieia (), goddess of cleanliness and good health
Iaso (), goddess of cures, remedies, and modes of healing
Panacea (), goddess of healing
Telesphorus (), demi-god of convalescence, who "brought to fulfillment" recuperation from illness or injury
Other deities
Acratopotes (), god of unmixed wine
Adrastea (), a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, or an epithet of Nemesis
Agdistis (), Phrygian hermaphroditic deity
Alexiares and Anicetus ( and ), twin sons of Heracles who presided over the defence of fortified towns and citadels
Aphroditus (), Cyprian hermaphroditic Aphrodite
Astraea (), virgin goddess of justice
Auxesia () and Damia (), two local fertility goddesses
Charites (), goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility
Aglaea (), goddess of beauty, adornment, splendor and glory
Euphrosyne (), goddess of good cheer, joy, mirth, and merriment
Thalia (), goddess of festive celebrations and rich and luxurious banquets
Hegemone () "mastery"
Antheia (), goddess of flowers and flowery wreaths
Pasithea (), goddess of rest and relaxation
Cleta () "the glorious"
Phaenna () "the shining"
Eudaimonia () "happiness"
Euthymia () "good mood"
Calleis () "beauty"
Paidia () "play, amusement"
Pandaisia () "banquet for everyone"
Pannychis () "all-night (festivity)"
Ceraon (), demi-god of the meal, specifically the mixing of wine
Chrysus (), spirit of gold
Circe (), goddess-witch of Aeaea
Daemones Ceramici ( ), five malevolent spirits who plagued the craftsman potter
Syntribos (), the shatterer
Smaragos (), the smasher
Asbetos (), the charrer
Sabaktes (), the destroyer
Omodamos (), crudebake
Deipneus (), demi-god of the preparation of meals, specifically the making of bread
Eiresione (), personification of the olive branch
Eileithyia (), goddess of childbirth
Enyalius (), minor god of war
Enyo (), goddess of destructive war
Harpocrates (), god of silence
Hermaphroditus (), god of hermaphrodites and effeminate men
Hymenaios (), god of marriage and marriage feasts
Ichnaea (), goddess of tracking
Iynx (), goddess of the love charm
Matton (), demi-god of the meal, specifically the kneading of dough
Muses (), goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets
Titan Muses, daughters of Uranus and Gaia
Aoide (), muse of song
Arche (), muse of origins
Melete (), muse of meditation and practice
Mneme (), muse of memory
Thelxinoe (), muse "charmer of minds"
Olympian Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne
Calliope (), muse of epic poetry
Clio (), muse of history
Euterpe (), muse of musical poetry
Erato (), muse of lyric poetry
Melpomene (), muse of tragedy
Polyhymnia () or (), muse of sacred poetry
Terpsichore (), muse of dance and choral poetry
Thalia (), muse of comedy and bucolic poetry
Urania (), muse of astronomy
Younger Muses, daughters of Apollo
Cephisso ()
Apollonis ()
Borysthenis ()
Hypate () "the upper (chord of the lyre)"
Mese () "the middle (chord of the lyre)"
Nete () "the lower (chord of the lyre)"
Polymatheia (), muse of knowledge
Palaestra (), goddess of wrestling
Rhapso (), minor goddess or nymph whose name apparently refers to sewing
Deified mortals
Achilles (), hero of the Trojan War
Aiakos (), a king of Aegina, appointed as a Judge of the Dead in the Underworld after his death
Aeolus (), a king of Thessaly, made the immortal king of the winds by Zeus
Amphiaraus (), a hero of the war of the Seven Against Thebes who became an oracular spirit of the Underworld after his death
Ariadne (), a Cretan princess who became the immortal wife of Dionysus
Aristaeus (), a Thessalian hero, his inventions saw him immortalised as the god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing, and hunting
Asclepius (), a Thessalian physician who was struck down by Zeus, to be later recovered by his father Apollo
Attis (), a consort of Cybele, granted immortality as one of her attendants
Bolina (), a mortal woman transformed into an immortal nymph by Apollo
The Dioscuri (), divine twins
Castor ()
Pollux ()
Endymion (), lover of Selene, granted eternal sleep so as never to age or die
Ganymede (), a handsome Trojan prince, abducted by Zeus and made cup-bearer of the gods
Glaucus (), the fisherman's sea god, made immortal after eating a magical herb
Hemithea () and Parthenos (), princesses of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape their father's wrath; Apollo transformed them into demi-goddesses
Heracles (), ascended hero
Lampsace (), a semi-historical Bebrycian princess honored as goddess for her assistance to the Greeks
Minos (), a king of Crete, appointed as a Judge of the Dead in the Underworld after his death
Ino (), a Theban princess who became the sea goddess Leucothea
The Leucippides (), wives of the Dioscuri
Phoebe (), wife of Pollux
Hilaera (), wife of Castor
Orithyia (), an Athenian princess abducted by Boreas and made the goddess of cold, gusty mountain winds
Palaemon (), a Theban prince, made into a sea god along with his mother, Ino
Phylonoe (), daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, made immortal by Artemis
Psyche (), goddess of the soul
Abderus, aided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes
Achilles ( or ), hero of the Trojan War and a central character in Homer's Iliad
Aeneas (), a hero of the Trojan War and progenitor of the Roman people
Ajax the Great ( ), a hero of the Trojan War and king of Salamis
Ajax the Lesser ( ), a hero of the Trojan War and leader of the Locrian army
Amphitryon (), Theban general who rescued Thebes from the Teumessian fox; his wife was Alcmene, mother of Heracles
Antilochus (), Son of Nestor sacrificed himself to save his father in the Trojan War along with other deeds of valor
Bellerophon, hero who slew the Chimera
Castor, the mortal Dioscuri twin; after Castor's death, his immortal brother Pollux shared his divinity with him in order that they might remain together
Chrysippus, a divine hero of Elis
Daedalus, creator of the labyrinth and great inventor, until King Minos trapped him in his own creation.
Diomedes, a king of Argos and hero of the Trojan War
Eleusis, eponymous hero of the town of Eleusis
Eunostus, a Boeotian hero
Ganymede, Trojan hero and lover of Zeus, who was given immortality and appointed cup-bearer to the gods
Hector, hero of the Trojan War and champion of the Trojan people

Icarus, the son of the master craftsman Daedalus

Iolaus, nephew of Heracles who aided his uncle in one of his Labors
Jason, leader of the Argonauts
Meleager, a hero who sailed with the Argonauts and killed the Calydonian Boar
Odysseus, a hero and king of Ithaca whose adventures are the subject of Homer's Odyssey; he also played a key role during the Trojan War
Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet who attempted to retrieve his dead wife from the Underworld
Pandion, the eponymous hero of the Attic tribe Pandionis, usually assumed to be one of the legendary Athenian kings Pandion I or Pandion II.
Perseus (), son of Zeus and the founder-king of Mycenae and slayer of the Gorgon Medusa
Theseus, son of Poseidon and a king of Athens and slayer of the Minotaur
Notable women
Alcestis (), daughter of Pelias and wife of Admetus, who was known for her devotion to her husband
Amymone, the one daughter of Danaus who refused to murder her husband, thus escaping her sisters' punishment
Andromache (), wife of Hector
Andromeda (), wife of Perseus, who was placed among the constellations after her death
Antigone (), daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta
Arachne (), a skilled weaver, transformed by Athena into a spider for her blasphemy
Ariadne (), daughter of Minos, king of Crete, who aided Theseus in overcoming the Minotaur and became the wife of Dionysus
Atalanta (), fleet-footed heroine who participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt
Briseis, a princess of Lyrnessus, taken by Achilles as a war prize
Caeneus, formerly Caenis, a woman who was transformed into a man and became a mighty warrior
Cassandra, a princess of Troy cursed to see the future but never to be believed
Cassiopeia (), queen of thiopia and mother of Andromeda
Clytemnestra, sister of Helen and unfaithful wife of Agamemnon
Dana, the mother of Perseus by Zeus
Deianeira, the third wife and unwitting killer of Heracles
Electra, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, she aided her brother Orestes in plotting revenge against their mother for the murder of their father
Europa, a Phoenician woman, abducted by Zeus
Hecuba (), wife of Priam, king of Troy, and mother of nineteen of his children
Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction brought about the Trojan War
Hermione (), daughter of Menelaus and Helen; wife of Neoptolemus, and later Orestes
Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra; Agamemnon sacrificed her to Artemis in order to appease the goddess
Ismene, sister of Antigone
Jocasta, mother and wife of Oedipus
Medea, a sorceress and wife of Jason, who killed her own children to punish Jason for his infidelity
Medusa, a mortal woman transformed into a hideous gorgon by Athena
Niobe, a daughter of Tantalus who declared herself to be superior to Leto, causing Artemis and Apollo to kill her fourteen children
Pandora, the first woman
Penelope, loyal wife of Odysseus
Phaedra, daughter of Minos and wife of Theseus
Polyxena, the youngest daughter of Priam, sacrificed to the ghost of Achilles
Semele, mortal mother of Dionysus
Thrace, the daughter of Oceanus and Parthenope, and sister of Europa
Abas, a king of Argos
Acastus, a king of Iolcus who sailed with the Argonauts and participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt
Acrisius, a king of Argos
Actaeus, first king of Attica
Admetus (), a king of Pherae who sailed with the Argonauts and participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt
Adrastus (), a king of Argos and one of the Seven Against Thebes
Aeacus (), a king of the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf; after he died, he became one of the three judges of the dead in the Underworld
Aetes, a king of Colchis and father of Medea
Aegeus (), a king of Athens and father of Theseus
Aegimius, a king of Thessaly and progenitor of the Dorians
Aegisthus (), lover of Clytemnestra, with whom he plotted to murder Agamemnon and seized the kingship of Mycenae
Aegyptus (), a king of Egypt
Aeson, father of Jason and rightful king of Iolcus, whose throne was usurped by his half-brother Pelias
Athlius, first king of Elis
Aetolus (), a king of Elis
Agamemnon (), a king of Mycenae and commander of the Greek armies during the Trojan War
Agasthenes, a king of Elis
Agenor (), a king of Phoenicia
Alcinous ( or ), a king of Phaeacia
Alcmaeon, a king of Argos and one of the Epigoni
Aleus, a king of Tegea
Amphiaraus (), a seer and king of Argos who participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt and the war of the Seven Against Thebes
Amphictyon (), a king of Athens
Amphion and Zethus, twin sons of Zeus and kings of Thebes, who constructed the city's walls
Amycus, son of Poseidon and king of the Bebryces
Anaxagoras (), a king of Argos
Anchises (), a king of Dardania and father of Aeneas
Arcesius, a king of Ithaca and father of Laertes
Argeus, a king of Argos
Argus, a son of Zeus and king of Argos after Phoroneus
Assaracus, a king of Dardania
Asterion, a king of Crete
Athamas (), a king of Orchomenus
Atreus (), a king of Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus
Augeas (), a king of Elis
Autesion, a king of Thebes
Bias, a king of Argos
Busiris, a king of Egypt
Cadmus, founder-king of Thebes
Car, a king of Megara
Catreus, a king of Crete, prophesied to die at the hands of his own son
Cecrops, an autochthonous king of Athens
Ceisus, a king of Argos
Celeus, a king of Eleusis
Cephalus, a king of Phocis who accidentally killed his own wife
Cepheus, a king of Ethiopia
Cepheus, a king of Tegea and an Argonaut
Charnabon, a king of the Getae
Cinyras, a king of Cyprus and father of Adonis
Codrus, a king of Athens
Corinthus, founder-king of Corinth
Cranaus, a king of Athens
Creon, a king of Thebes, brother of Jocasta and uncle of Oedipus
Creon, a king of Corinth who was hospitable towards Jason and Medea
Cres, an early Cretan king
Cresphontes, a king of Messene and descendent of Heracles
Cretheus, founder-king of Iolcus
Criasus, a king of Argos
Cylarabes, a king of Argos
Cynortas, a king of Sparta
Cyzicus, king of the Dolionians, mistakenly killed by the Argonauts
Danaus, a king of Egypt and father of the Danaides
Dardanus, founder-king of Dardania, and son of Zeus and Electra
Deiphontes, a king of Argos
Demophon of Athens, a king of Athens
Diomedes, a king of Argos and hero of the Trojan War
Echemus, a king of Arcadia
Echetus, a king of Epirus
Eetion, a king of Cilician Thebe and father of Andromache
Electryon, a king of Tiryns and Mycenae; son of Perseus and Andromeda
Elephenor, a king of the Abantes of Euboea
Eleusis, eponym and king of Eleusis, Attica
Epaphus, a king of Egypt and founder of Memphis, Egypt
Epopeus, a king of Sicyon
Erechtheus, a king of Athens
Erginus, a king of Minyean Orchomenus in Boeotia
Erichthonius, a king of Athens, born of Hephaestus' attempt to rape Athena
Eteocles, a king of Thebes and son of Oedipus; he and his brother Polynices killed each other
Eteocles, son of Andreus, a king of Orchomenus
Eurotas, a king of Sparta

Eurystheus, a king of Tiryns

Euxantius, a king of Ceos, son of Minos and Dexithea
Gelanor, a king of Argos
Haemus, a king of Thrace
Helenus, seer and twin brother of Cassandra, who later became king of Epirus
Hippothon, a king of Eleusis
Hyrieus, a king of Boeotia
Ilus, founder-king of Troy
Ixion, a king of the Lapiths who attempted to rape Hera and was bound to a flaming wheel in Tartarus
Lartes, father of Odysseus and king of the Cephallenians; he sailed with the Argonauts and participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt
Laomedon, a king of Troy and father of Priam
Lycaon of Arcadia, a deceitful Arcadian king who was transformed by Zeus into a wolf
Lycurgus of Arcadia, a king of Arcadia
Lycurgus of Nemea, a king of Nemea
Makedon, a king of Macedon
Megareus of Onchestus, a king of Onchestus in Boeotia
Megareus of Thebes, a king of Thebes
Melampus, a legendary soothsayer and healer, and king of Argos
Melanthus, a king of Messenia
Memnon, a king of Ethiopia who fought on the side of Troy during the Trojan War
Menelaus, a king of Sparta and the husband of Helen
Menestheus, a king of Athens who fought on the side of the Greeks during the Trojan War
Midas, a king of Phrygia granted the power to turn anything to gold with a touch
Minos, a king of Crete; after his death, became one of the judges of the dead in the Underworld
Myles, a king of Laconia
Nestor, a king of Pylos who sailed with the Argonauts, participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt and fought with the Greek armies in the Trojan War
Nycteus, a king of Thebes
Odysseus, a hero and king of Ithaca whose adventures are the subject of Homer's Odyssey; he also played a key role during the Trojan War
Oebalus, a king of Sparta
Oedipus, a king of Thebes fated to kill his father and marry his mother
Oeneus, a king of Calydon
Oenomaus, a king of Pisa
Oenopion, a king of Chios
Ogygus, a king of Thebes
Oicles, a king of Argos
Oileus, a king of Locris
Orestes, a king of Argos and a son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon; he killed his mother in revenge for her murder of his father
Oxyntes, a king of Athens
Pandion I, a king of Athens
Pandion II, a king of Athens
Peleus, king of the Myrmidons and father of Achilles; he sailed with the Argonauts and participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt
Pelias, a king of Iolcus and usurper of Aeson's rightful throne
Pelops, a king of Pisa and founder of the House of Atreus
Pentheus, a king of Thebes who banned the worship of Dionysus and was torn apart by Maenads
Periphas, legendary king of Attica who Zeus turned into an eagle.
Perseus (), founder-king of Mycenae and slayer of the Gorgon Medusa
Phineus, a king of Thrace
Phlegyas, a king of the Lapiths
Phoenix, son of Agenor, founder-king of Phoenicia
Phoroneus, a king of Argos
Phyleus, a king of Elis
Pirithos, king of the Lapiths and husband of Hippodamia, at whose wedding the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs occurred
Pittheus, a king of Troezen and grandfather of Theseus
Polybus of Corinth, a king of Corinth
Polybus of Sicyon, a king of Sicyon and son of Hermes
Polybus of Thebes, a king of Thebes
Polynices, a king of Thebes and son of Oedipus; he and his brother Eteocles killed each other
Priam, king of Troy during the Trojan War
Proetus, a king of Argos and Tiryns
Pylades, a king of Phocis and friend of Orestes
Rhadamanthys, a king of Crete; after his death, he became a judge of the dead in the Underworld
Rhesus, a king of Thrace who sided with Troy in the Trojan War
Sarpedon, a king of Lycia and son of Zeus who fought on the side of the Greeks during the Trojan War
Sisyphus, a king of Thessaly who attempted to cheat death and was sentenced to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down
Sithon, a king of Thrace
Talaus, a king of Argos who sailed with the Argonauts
Tegyrios, a king of Thrace
Telamon, a king of Salamis and father of Ajax; he sailed with the Argonauts and participated in the Calydonian Boar hunt
Telephus, a king of Mysia and son of Heracles
Temenus, a king of Argos and descendent of Heracles
Teucer, founder-king of Salamis who fought alongside the Greeks in the Trojan War
Teutamides, a king of Larissa
Teuthras, a king of Mysia
Thersander, a king of Thebes and one of the Epigoni
Theseus, a king of Athens and slayer of the Minotaur
Thyestes, a king of Mycenae and brother of Atreus
Tisamenus, a king of Argos, Mycenae, and Sparta
Tyndareus, a king of Sparta
Amphilochus (), a seer and brother of Alcmaeon who died in the war of the Seven Against Thebes
Anius, son of Apollo who prophesied that the Trojan War would be won in its tenth year
Branchus, a seer and son of Apollo
Calchas, an Argive seer who aided the Greeks during the Trojan War
Carnus, an Acarnanian seer and lover of Apollo
Carya, a seer and lover of Dionysus
Cassandra, a princess of Troy cursed to see the future but never to be believed
Ennomus, a Mysian seer, killed by Achilles during the Trojan War
Halitherses, an Ithacan seer who warned Penelope's suitors of Odysseus' return
Helenus, seer and twin brother of Cassandra, who later became king of Epirus
Iamus, a son of Apollo possessing the gift of prophecy, he founded the Iamidai
Idmon, a seer who sailed with the Argonauts
Manto, seer and daughter of Tiresias
Melampus, a legendary soothsayer and healer, and king of Argos
Mopsus, the name of two legendary seers
Polyeidos, a Corinthian seer who saved the life of Glaucus
Telemus, a seer who foresaw that the Cyclops Polyphemus would be blinded by Odysseus
Theoclymenus, an Argive seer
Tiresias, blind prophet of Thebes
Aegea, a queen of the Amazons
Aella (), an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
Alcibie (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Diomedes at Troy
Antandre (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
Antiope (), a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta
Areto (), an Amazon
Asteria (), an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
Bremusa (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Idomeneus at Troy
Celaeno (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Heracles
Eurypyle (), an Amazon leader who invaded Ninus and Babylonia
Hippolyta (), a queen of Amazons and daughter of Ares
Hippothoe (), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
Iphito (), an Amazon who served under Hippolyta
Lampedo (), an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Marpesia
Marpesia (), an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Lampedo
Melanippe (), a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta and Antiope
Molpadia (), an Amazon who killed Antiope
Myrina (), a queen of the Amazons
Orithyia (), an Amazon queen
Otrera (), an Amazon queen, consort of Ares and mother of Hippolyta
Pantariste (), an Amazon who fought with Hippolyta against Heracles
Penthesilea (), an Amazon queen who fought in the Trojan War on the side of Troy
Inmates of Tartarus
The Danaides, forty-nine daughters of Danaus who murdered their husbands and were condemned to an eternity of carrying water in leaky jugs

Ixion, a king of the Lapiths who attempted to rape Hera and was bound to a flaming wheel in Tartarus
Sisyphus, a king of Thessaly who attempted to cheat death and was sentenced to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down
Tantalus, a king of Anatolia who butchered his son Pelops and served him as a meal to the gods; he was punished with the torment of starvation, food and drink eternally dangling
just out of reach
Minor figures
Abas The name of several mythological figures.
Abia Nursemaid of Glenus, a son of Heracles.
Abrota Wife of Nisos, king of Megara.
Acacallis Daughter of Minos, king of Crete.
Acallaris Daughter of Eumedes.
Acamas, son of Antenor () A son of Antenor who fought in the Trojan war on the side of Troy.
Acamas, son of Theseus () A son of Theseus who fought with the Greeks during the Trojan War.
Acarnan () A son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoe.
Achaeus () Progenitor of the Achaeans.
Acoetes A priest of Dionysus.
Acraepheus A son of Apollo.
Actaeon A hunter transformed into a stag by Artemis and devoured by his own hounds.
Actor () The name of several mythological figures.
Aegiale () Unfaithful wife of Diomedes.
Aegialeus The name of several mythological figures.
Aepytus The name of several mythological figures.
Adon Daughter of Pandareus, changed into a nightingale.
Arope The name of several mythological figures.
Aesacus A son of Priam who was transformed into a bird.
Aethalides Herald of the Argonauts.
Aethilla Sister of Priam, king of Troy.
Aethra () Mother of Theseus.
Aetolus A son of Endymion, eponym of Aetolia.
Agamede The name of several mythological figures.
Agamedes A famed architect.
Agapenor Leader of the Arcadians during the Trojan War.
Agastrophus A Paeonian ally of the Trojans.
Agave Mother of Cadmus and worshipper of Dionysus.
Agelaus (Agelos) The name of several mythological figures.
Aglaea () The name of several mythological figures.
Aglaulus The name of several mythological figures.
Agrius The name of several mythological figures.
Agron A son of Eumelus who was transformed into a plover for disrespecting Hermes, Athena and Artemis.
Alcaeus () The name of several mythological figures.
Alcathous The name of several mythological figures.
Alcidice Wife of Salmoneus, king of Elis.
Alcimache The name of several mythological figures.
Alcimede Wife of Aeson and mother of Jason.
Alcimedon The name of several mythological figures.
Alcimus The name of several mythological figures.
Alcinoe The name of several mythological figures.
Alcmene () Mother of Heracles.
Alcyone ( or ) Daughter of Aeolus and wife of Ceyx.
Almus One of the sons of Sisyphus.
Aloeus The name of several mythological figures.
Alope A woman seduced by Poseidon in the form of a kingfisher.
Alphesiboea The name of several mythological figures.
Althaea () Mother of Meleager.
Althaemenes Son of Catreus, king of Crete; it was prophesied he would be killed by his own son.
Amarynceus A chief of the Eleans.
Amethystos A maiden that was changed into amethyst.
Amphidamas () The name of several mythological figures.
Amphimachus () The name of several mythological figures.
Amphinome The name of several mythological figures.
Amphinomus () A son of Nisos and one of Penelope's suitors during the Odyssey.
Amphion The name of several mythological figures.
Amphithea () The name of several mythological figures.
Amyclas () The name of several mythological figures.
Amyntor () The name of several mythological figures.
Amythaon A son of Cretheus, father of Melampus and Bias.
Anaxarete A Cypriot maiden turned to stone by Aphrodite for refusing her suitor's advances.
Anaxibia The name of several mythological figures.
Anaxo Mother of Alcmene.
Ancaeus The name of two separate Argonauts, each of whom was killed by a boar.
Anchialus () The name of several mythological figures.
Andraemon The name of several mythological figures.
Andreus Son of the river-god Peneus.
Androgeus A son of Minos, king of Crete.
Antenor () A counselor of Priam.
Anthas Founder and king of Anthea, a part of what later became Troezen.
Antheus The name of several mythological figures.
Anthus The name of several mythological figures.
Anticlus one of the Greek warriors who hid inside the Trojan Horse.
Anticlea Mother of Odysseus.
Antilochus () A son of Nestor who participated in the Trojan War.
Antimachus () The name of several mythological figures.
Antinoe The name of several mythological figures.
Antinous one of the most prominent and disrespectful suitors of Penelope during the Odyssey.
Antion father of Ixion.
Antiphates The name of several mythological figures.
Antiphus The name of several mythological figures.
Apemosyne A daughter of Catreus who was raped by Hermes.
Aphareus founder of the city Arene in Messenia.
Apheidas The name of several mythological figures.
Apis The name of several mythological figures.
Apisaon The name of several mythological figures.
Apsyrtus A son of Aetes, murdered by his sister Medea.
Arcas () Son of Zeus and Callisto.
Arceophon A Phoenician man who committed suicide after being spurned by his beloved.
Arcesilaus One of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War.
Areithous The name of several mythological figures.
Aretaon The name of several mythological figures.
Arete Wife of Alcinous.
Arganthone Famed huntress and lover of Rhesus.
Arge The name of several mythological figures.
Argea Daughter of Adrastus and wife of Polynices.
Argia The name of several mythological characters.
Argynnus Beloved of Agamemnon.
Arisbas The name of several mythological figures.
Aristodemus () A descendant of Heracles who helped lead the Dorian Invasion.
Aristomachus () The name of several mythological figures.
Asius The name of two people who fought during the Trojan War.
Aspalis A maiden of Melite, Phthia associated with a local cult of Artemis.
Astacus The name of several mythological figures.
Asterodia The name of several mythological figures.
Asteropaios A Paeonian ally of the Trojans.
Asterope The name of several mythological figures.
Astyanassa Helen of Troy's maid.
Astyanax () Infant son of Hector and Andromache, killed during the Sack of Troy.
Astydameia () The name of several mythological figures.
Astynome The name of several mythological figures.
Astyoche The name of several mythological figures.
Astypalaea () A lover of Poseidon.
Atrax founder of Atracia in Thessaly.
Atymnius The name of several mythological figures.
Auge mother of the hero Telephus.
Autochthe A daughter of Perseus and Andromeda who married Aegeus.

Autolycus A son of Hermes.

Automedon () Achilles' charioteer.
Autono Daughter of Cadmus and mother of Actaeon.
Autonous man transformed by the gods into a stone curlew.
Axylus A participant in the Trojan War who fought on the side of Troy.
Batea wife of Dardanus and mother of Ilus.
Baubo An old woman who jested with Demeter while the goddess was mourning the loss of Persephone.
Baucis A virtuous old woman whose hospitality the gods rewarded.
Bianna A Cretan woman who migrated to Gaul and disappeared in a chasm of the earth.
Bienor The name of several mythological figures.
Biston A son of Ares and eponym of Bistonia in Thrace.
Bormus A Mariandynian youth abducted by nymphs.
Borus The name of several mythological figures.
Botres A son of Eumelus, transformed into a bee-eater.
Budeia A Boeotian princess who led an army against Thebes.
Briseus father of Briseis.
Broteas A son of Tantalus.
Bucolion illegitimate son of the Trojan king Laomedon and half-brother of Priam.
Buphagus A son of Iapetus.
Bura A daughter of Ion.
Butes The name of several mythological figures.
Byblis A woman who fell in love with her twin brother.
Calesius Axylus' charioteer.
Caletor The name of two men involved in the Trojan War.
Callidice queen of Thesprotia and wife of Odysseus.
Callithyia The first priestess of Hera.
Calyce The name of several mythological figures.
Calydon Eponym of Calydon Aetolia.
Canace A daughter of Aeolus and lover of Poseidon.
Canethus The name of several mythological figures.
Canthus The name of several mythological figures.
Capaneus An arrogant warrior who was struck down by Zeus.
Capys The name of several mythological figures.
Carius A son of Zeus believed to have learned music from nymphs.
Carystus Son of Chiron.
Cassiopeia A vain Ethiopian queen, punished by Poseidon for her hubris.
Caucon The name of several mythological figures.
Caunus A son of Miletus who fled from his twin sister's incestuous advances.
Cebriones An illegitimate son of Priam.
Celtine A Celtic princess and lover of Heracles.
Cerambus A talented yet arrogant singer who was transformed into a beetle.
Cerdo wife of Phoroneus.
Cestrinus Son of Helenus and Andromache.
Ceyx husband of Alcyone.
Chaeresilaus Son of Iasius.
Chalciope The name of several mythological figures.
Chalcodon The name of several mythological figures.
Charops The name of several mythological figures.
Chelone changed into a tortoise by Hermes.
Chione, daughter of Arcturus A lover of Boreas.
Chione, daughter of Callirrhoe A woman transformed by Hermes into a snow cloud.
Chione, daughter of Daedalion mother of Philammon and Autolycus by Apollo and Hermes respectively.
Chloris The name of several mythological figures.
Chromia Daughter of Itonus.
Chrysanthis A woman who told Demeter of the abduction of Persephone.
Chryseis A woman enslaved as a war prize by Agamemnon, who was later forced to return her.
Chryses A priest of Apollo and father of Chryseis.
Chrysippe The name of several mythological figures.
Chrysothemis The name of several mythological figures.
Chthonia The name of several mythological figures.
Chthonius The name of several mythological figures.
Chthonophyle A daughter of Sicyon and wife of Phlias.
Cilix founder of Cilicia.
Cilla The name of several mythological figures.
Cleite The name of several mythological figures.
Cleitus The name of several mythological figures.
Cleoboea The name of several mythological figures.
Cleobule The name of several mythological figures.
Cleodaeus A grandson of Heracles.
Cleopatra wife of Meleager.
Clinis A Babylonian man, transformed into a bird.
Clonius The name of several mythological figures.
Clymenus The name of several mythological figures.
Clytie The name of several mythological figures.
Clytius The name of several mythological figures.
Clytodora The name of several mythological figures.
Clytus The name of several mythological figures.
Coeranus The name of several mythological figures.
Comaetho The name of several mythological figures.
Con A son of Antenor who fell against Agamemnon.
Copreus herald of Eurystheus.
Coresus The name of several mythological figures.
Coronis The name of several mythological figures.
Cragaleus A man transformed into stone by Apollo.
Cratos god of Strength.
Crete The name of several mythological figures.
Creusa The name of several mythological figures.
Crino The name of several mythological figures.
Crisus founder of the town of Crissa.
Ctesippus The name of several mythological figures.
Ctesylla A maiden of Ioulis.
Ctimene younger sister of Odysseus.
Cyanippus The name of several mythological figures.
Cychreus Son of Poseidon and Salamis.
Cycnus The name of several mythological figures, most of whom were transformed into swans.
Cydippe The name of several mythological figures.
Cydon The name of several mythological figures.
Cynurus A son of Perseus.
Cyparissus A boy beloved by Apollo and transformed into a cypress tree after his death.
Daedalion A man transformed by Apollo into a hawk.
Daedalus A skilled inventor and artisan.
Dascylus The name of several mythological figures.
Deileon The name of several mythological figures.
Deimachus The name of several mythological figures.
Deioneus () or Deion () The name of several mythological figures.
Deiphobus A son of Priam and Hecuba who fought in the Trojan War.
Deipyle wife of Tydeus and mother of Diomedes.
Delphus The name of several mythological figures.
Demodice The name of several mythological figures.
Demonassa The name of several mythological figures.
Demonice The name of several mythological figures.
Demophon of Eleusis A son of Celeus, king of Eleusis, whom Demeter attempted and failed to immortalise.
Deucalion Survivor of the Deluge.
Dexamenus The name of several mythological figures.
Dia mother of Pirithos.
Dictys The name of several mythological figures.
Dimoetes brother of Troezen.
Diocles The name of several mythological figures.
Diomede The name of several mythological figures.
Dirce wife of Lycus.

Dius The name of several mythological figures.

Dolius A slave of Penelope.
Dolon A fast runner who fought for Troy in the Trojan War.
Dolops The name of several mythological figures.
Dorus Progenitor of the Dorians.
Dotis The name of several mythological figures.
Dryas The name of several mythological figures.
Dryope A woman transformed into a black poplar.
Dymas The name of several mythological figures.
Echion The name of several mythological figures.
Eioneus The name of several mythological figures.
Electryone A daughter of Helios and Rhode.
Eleius The name of several mythological figures.
Eleuther The name of several mythological figures.
Elpenor A crew member of Odysseus, who died in an accident; his shade approached Odysseus in the Underworld to beg him for a proper burial.
Elymus Progenitor of the Elymians.
Emathion The name of several mythological figures.
Enarete wife of Aeolus.
Endes Daughter of Chiron.
Endymion eternally sleeping lover of the moon goddess Selene.
Enyeus The name of several mythological characters.
Epeius The name of several mythological figures.
Epicasta The name of several mythological figures.
Epidaurus eponymous hero of the city Epidaurus.
Epipole A woman that went to Trojan War in disguise of a man.
Epirus Daughter of Agave and Echion, after whom the region of Epirus was named.
Epistrophus The name of several mythological figures.
Epochus The name of several mythological characters.
Ereuthalion The name of several mythological figures.
Eribotes one of the Argonauts.
Eriopis The name of several mythological figures.
Eriphyle mother of Alcmaeon and wife of Amphiaraus.
Erymanthus The name of several mythological figures.
Erythras The name of several mythological figures.
Euippe The name of several mythological figures.
Euchenor The name of several mythological figures.
Eulimene A Cretan girl who was put to death after having an affair with a man other than her betrothed.
Eumaeus Odysseus' loyal swineherd.
Eumedes The name of several mythological figures.
Euphorion The son of Achilles and Helen.
Europs The name of several mythological figures.
Euryalus The name of several mythological figures.
Euryanassa The name of several mythological figures.
Eurybates herald of the Greek armies and squire to Odysseus during the Trojan War.
Eurycleia The wet-nurse of Odysseus.
Eurycyda A lover of Poseidon.
Eurydamas The name of several mythological figures.
Eurylochus The second-in-command of Odysseus' ship during the return to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
Eurymachus The name of several mythological figures.
Eurymedon The name of several mythological figures.
Eurymedousa The name of several mythological figures.
Eurypyle The name of several mythological figures.
Eurypylus The name of several mythological figures.
Euryte Daughter of Hippodamas.
Eurythemis The name of several mythological figures.
Eurythemista The name of several mythological figures.
Eurytion The name of several mythological figures.
Eurytus The name of several mythological figures.
Evaechme The name of several mythological figures.
Evippus The name of several mythological figures.
Galanthis Servant and friend of Alcmene, who foiled Hera's plan to prevent Heracles' birth and was transformed into a weasel in punishment.
Gerana A Pygmy queen changed into a crane.
Golgos Son of Adonis and Aphrodite
Gorge The name of several mythological figures.
Gorgophone Daughter of Perseus and Andromeda.
Guneus The name of several mythological figures.
Haemon Son of Creon and Eurydice.
Halaesus The name of several mythological figures.
Halirrhothius A son of Poseidon who was killed by Ares.
Harpalion The name of several mythological figures.
Harpalyce The name of several mythological figures.
Harpalycus The name of several mythological figures.
Hecamede Daughter of Arsinos who was captured and given to Nestor as a servant.
Heleus A son of Perseus and Andromeda.
Henioche The name of several mythological figures.
Herippe A woman from Miletus, abducted by the Gauls.
Hermippe wife of Orchomeus and mother of Minyas by Poseidon.
Hero and Leander Star-crossed lovers.
Hippocon The name of several mythological figures.
Hippodamas The name of several mythological figures.
Hippodamia wife of Pelops.
Hippolytus A son of Theseus.
Hippotes The name of several mythological figures.
Hippothoe The name of several mythological figures.
Hippothous The name of several mythological figures.
Hodites The name of several mythological figures.
Hodoedocus Son of Cynus, father of Oileus.
Hyacinthus A lover of Apollo changed into a flower.
Hyacinthus of Lacedaemon father of four daughters who were sacrificed to avert plague.
Hyamus maternal grandfather of Delphus.
Hyettus An Argive, reputedly the first person to ever commit murder over adultery.
Hylas Arms bearer to Heracles.
Hyllus Son of Heracles and Deianira.
Hyperbius The name of several mythological figures.
Hyperenor The name of several mythological figures.
Hyperes The name of several mythological figures.
Hyperippe The name of several mythological figures.
Hypermnestra The name of several mythological figures.
Hyperochus The name of several mythological figures.
Hyperphas father of Euryganeia and Euryanassa.
Hypsenor The name of several mythological figures.
Hyrmine The wife of Phorbas.
Hyrnetho The wife of Deiphontes.
Ialmenus A son of Ares who sailed with the Argonauts.
Iasus The name of several mythological figures.
Icarius The name of several mythological figures.
Icarus The son of Daedalus, who fell to his death.
Ilione Daughter of Priam and wife of Polymestor.
Ilioneus The name of several mythological figures.
Imbrius A son-in-law of Priam.
Iodame Daughter of Itonus, turned to stone by Athena.
Iole Daughter of Eurytus.
Ion Son of Apollo and Creusa, wife of Xuthus.
Iphianassa The name of several mythological figures.
Iphianeira The name of several mythological figures.
Iphicles The name of several mythological figures.
Iphidamas The name of several mythological figures.
Iphimedeia A lover of Poseidon.
Iphinoe The name of several mythological figures.

Iphitus The name of several mythological figures.

Iphthime The name of several mythological figures.
Itonus Son of Amphictyon and founder of a shrine to Athena.
Lamedon A son of Coronus of Sicyon.
Lampus The name of several mythological figures.
Laodamas The name of several mythological figures.
Laodamia The name of several mythological figures.
Laodice A daughter of Priam.
Laonome The name of several mythological figures.
Laophoon A Paeonian ally of the Trojans in the Trojan War.
Laothoe The name of several mythological figures.
Lapithes eponym of the Lapiths.
Leitus A leader of the Achaean forces during the Trojan War.
Leos name of two Attic heroes.
Lepreus A grandson of Poseidon and an enemy of Heracles.
Lethaea A woman turned into stone for her vanity.
Leucippus The name of several mythological figures.
Leucon The name of several mythological figures.
Leuconoe The name of several mythological figures.
Leucophrye Daughter of Mandrolytus; she betrayed her city for the love of a man.
Leucus The name of several mythological figures.
Lityerses A son of Midas killed by Heracles, and eponym of a kind of reaping songs.
Lophis The young son of a Boeotian king.
Lupa The minor goddess of wolves.
Lycaon of Troy A son of Priam, killed by Achilles.
Lycaste The name of several mythological figures.
Lycastus The name of several mythological figures.
Lycorus The name of several mythological figures.
Lycurgus of Thrace A king of the Edoni in Thrace.
Lysianassa The name of several mythological figures.
Lysimache The name of several mythological figures.
Lysippe The name of several mythological figures.
Machaon A physician and son of Asclepius who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Maeon The name of several mythological figures.
Magnes The name of several mythological figures.
Mantius A son of Melampus and father of Cleitus.
Mariandynus Eponymous hero of the Mariandyni.
Mecisteus Son of Talaus who participated in the war of the Seven Against Thebes.
Meda The name of several mythological figures.
Medn The name of several mythological figures.
Megapenthes The name of several mythological figures.
Melanippus The name of several mythological figures.
Melantho A disloyal servant of Penelope.
Melas The name of several mythological figures.
Meliboea The name of several mythological figures.
Melicertes Son of Athamas and Ino who was transformed into the marine god Palaemon.
Melite An eponymous heroine of a deme in Attica.
Memphis eponym of Memphis, Egypt.
Menippe A daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet.
Messene An ambitious Argive princess for whom Messenia was named.
Metaneira wife of Celeus, king of Eleusis.
Metioche A daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet.
Mestor The name of several mythological figures.
Mestra Daughter of Erysichthon who possessed the gift of shape-shifting.
Miletus A son of Apollo and founder of the city Miletus.
Minyas founder of Orchomenus in Boeotia.
Molurus The man killed by Hyettus.
Munichus The name of several mythological figures.
Myrina The name of several mythological figures.
Myrmidon eponymous progenitor of the Myrmidons.
Myrmidone The name of several mythological figures.
Myrrha The mother of Adonis.
Myrtilus charioteer of Oenomaus.
Myrto The name of several mythological figures.
Mysius An Argive who offered hospitality to Demeter.
Mytilene The name of several mythological figures.
Narcissus A young man who fell in love with his own reflection.
Naubolus The name of several mythological figures.
Nausicaa A Phaeacian princess who aided Odysseus.
Nausithous The name of several mythological figures.
Neoptolemus A son of Achilles.
Nicippe The name of several mythological figures.
Nireus An Achaean leader during the Trojan War, renowned for his beauty.
Nyctimene A woman transformed by Athena into an owl.
Nyctimus A son of Lycaon who was killed and served up as a meal to Zeus.
Nemesis Goddess of revenge.
Oenoe The name of several mythological characters.
Oenone The first wife of Paris, whom he abandoned in favour of Helen.
Oenotrus A son of Lycaon.
Olenus The name of several mythological figures.
Omphale A queen of Lydia to whom Heracles was required to become a slave for the period of a year.
Oncius A son of Apollo and eponymous hero of Oncium, Arcadia.
Orchomenus The name of several mythological figures.
Orestheus The name of several mythological figures.
Orion A hunter whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.
Ormenus The name of several mythological figures.
Ornytion A son of Sisyphus and ruler over Corinth.
Ornytus The name of several mythological figures.
Orsilochus The name of several mythological figures.
Othryoneus A suitor of Cassandra.
Oxylus The name of several mythological figures.
Paeon (father of Agastrophus) A Paeonian, father of Agastrophus and Laophoon.
Paeon (son of Antilochus) A Messenian noble.
Paeon (son of Endymion) Eponym of Paeonia.
Paeon (son of Poseidon) By Helle, sister of Phrixus.
Pallene The name of several mythological figures.
Pandaie A daughter of Heracles in India.
Pandareus A friend of Tantalus who got involved into the latter's impious deeds.
Pandarus A Trojan archer who fought in the Trojan War.
Pandora II A daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha.
Panopeus A son of Phocus.
Panthous An elder of Troy.
Paris A son of Priam whose abduction of Helen resulted in the Trojan War.
Parthenopeus one of the Seven Against Thebes.
Patroclus A comrade of Achilles who was killed by Hector during the Trojan War.
Peirous A Thracian ally of the Trojans.
Peisenor The name of several mythological figures.
Peisidice The name of several mythological figures.
Peisistratus The youngest son of Nestor.
Pelopia The name of several mythological figures.
Peneleos An Achaean soldier in the Trojan War.
Penthilus The name of several mythological figures.
Periboea The name of several mythological figures.
Perigune Daughter of Sinis and lover of Theseus.
Perileos The name of several mythological figures.
Perimede The name of several mythological figures.
Perimedes The name of several mythological figures.
Periphas The name of several mythological figures.

Periphetes The name of several mythological figures.

Peristhenes The name of several mythological figures.
Phaenops The name of several mythological figures.
Phaton A son of Helios who lost control of his father's sun chariot and was struck down by Zeus to prevent disaster.
Phalanthus The name of several mythological figures.
Phalerus A son of Alcon who sailed with the Argonauts.
Pharis A son of Hermes and founder of Pharae in Messene.
Phemius An Ithacan poet who performs in the house of Odysseus.
Phialo A lover of Heracles.
Phocus The name of several mythological figures.
Philemon A virtuous old man who was rewarded by Zeus.
Philoctetes A famed archer who participated in the Trojan War.
Phlias A son of Dionysus who sailed with the Argonauts.
Phocus A son of Aeacus, killed by his brothers Peleus and Telemon.
Phoenix one of the Myrmidons who participated in the Trojan War.
Phorbas The name of several mythological figures.
Phorcys A Phrygian ally of Priam in the Trojan War.
Phrastor The name of several mythological figures.
Phrixus A son of Athamas and Nephele, rescued by Chrysomallus, the ram with the golden fleece.
Phrontis A son of Phrixus who sailed with the Argonauts.
Phylacus The name of several mythological figures.
Phylas The name of several mythological figures.
Phyleus Son of Augeas.
Phyllis wife of Demophon of Athens.
Physadeia The name of several mythological figures.
Physcoa member of the Sixteen Women and lover of Dionysus.
Phytalus An Attic hero encountered by Demeter.
Pleuron eponym of Pleuron, Aetolia.
Plexippus The name of several mythological characters.
Podalirius A healer and son of Asclepius who participated in the Trojan War.
Polites The name of several mythological figures.
Polyboea The name of several mythological figures.
Polycaon The name of several mythological figures.
Polycaste The name of several mythological figures.
Polydorus The name of several mythological figures.
Polymele The name of several mythological figures.
Polypheides The name of several mythological figures.
Polystratus A youth of Dyme, Achaea.
Polyxenus The name of several mythological figures.
Polyxo The name of several mythological figures.
Praxithea The name of several mythological figures.
Presbon The name of several mythological figures.
Proclia Daughter of Laomedon, sister of Priam and wife of Cycnus.
Procrustes A rogue smith and bandit from Attica who attacked people.
Promedon Possibly a follower of Orpheus.
Pronax A brother of Adrastus.
Prosymnus A shepherd who aided Dionysus in rescuing Semele from Hades.
Protesilaus The first Greek soldier to die at Troy.
Prothoenor one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War.
Psophis The name of several mythological figures.
Pterelaos The name of several mythological figures.
Ptous eponym of Mount Ptous in Boeotia.
Pygmalion A sculptor who fell in love with his own creation.
Pylaeus A Pelasgian ally of the Trojans.
Pylaemenes An Enetian ally of the Trojans.
Pyraechmes A Paeonian ally of the Trojans.
Pyramus Tragic lover of Thisbe, on whom Shakespeare's Romeo is based.
Pyrrha Wife of Deucalion.
Rarus A possible father of Triptolemus.
Rhadine and Leontichus Star-crossed lovers.
Rhoeo A lover of Apollo.
Saon The name of several mythological figures.
Schedius The name of several mythological figures.
Schoeneus The name of several mythological figures.
Scylaceus A Lycian ally of the Trojans.
Selemnus A man who loved the sea nymph Argyra.
Selene The goddess of the moon.
Sidero Stepmother of Tyro.
Socus The name of several mythological figures.
Solymus Ancestral hero of the Solymi tribe in Lycia.
Sostratus A beloved of Heracles.
Sparta wife of Lacedaemon for whom the city of Sparta was named.
Staphylus The name of several mythological figures.
Stentor A herald of the Greek forces during the Trojan War.
Stheneboea Daughter of Iobates and consort of Proteus.
Sthenele The name of several mythological figures.
Sthenelus The name of several mythological figures.
Stratonice The name of several mythological figures.
Strophius The name of several mythological figures.
Stymphalus A son of Elatus.
Syleus A Lydian who forced people to dig his vineyard and was killed by Heracles.
Syme Eponym of the island Syme.
Teuthras a native of Magnesia, who fought at Troy and was killed by Hector and Ares.[1]
Teuthras an Athenian, founder and eponym of Teuthrone in Laconia.[2]
Teuthras Brother of Tyres and one of the companions of Aeneas.[3]
Teuthras a young man of Argos, son of Iphiclus; he was shot to death by the Amazon Hippolyta during the Parthian War.[4]
Tecmessa The name of several mythological figures.
Tegeates founder of Tegea.
Telecleia A daughter of Ilus and wife of Cisseus.
Telegonus Son of Circe and Odysseus.
Telemachus Son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in the Odyssey.
Teleon father of Butes and Eribotes.
Telephassa wife of Agenor and mother of Cadmus.
Tenes eponymous hero of Tenedos.
Termerus A bandit killed by Heracles.
Theiodamas The name of several mythological figures.
Themiste A daughter of Ilus and mother of Anchises.
Themisto Third wife of Athamas.
Theobule The name of several mythological figures.
Theonoe The name of several mythological figures.
Theophane A lover of Poseidon, changed into an ewe.
Thero The name of several mythological figures.
Thersander The name of several mythological figures.
Thersites A soldier of the Greek army during the Trojan War.
Thespius founder-king of Thespiae Boeotia.
Thestius father of Iphicles.
Thestor The name of several mythological figures.
Thisbe Tragic lover of Pyramus, on whom Shakespeare's Juliet is based.
Thoas A leader of the Aetolian armies during the Trojan War.
Thon The name of several mythological figures.
Thrasymedes Soldier who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Thymoetes The name of several mythological figures.
Timandra Daughter of Leda and Tyndareus.
Tithonus lover of Eos, granted immortality but not eternal youth.
Tlepolemus A son of Heracles who fought in the Trojan War of the side of the Greeks.
Toxeus The name of several mythological characters.
Trambelus A son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax.
Trochilus Possible inventor of the chariot linked to cults of Hera and Demeter.
Troezen A son of Pelops and eponym of the city Troezen.
Trophonius An architect, brother of Agamedes.

Tydeus father of Diomedes and one of the Seven Against Thebes.

Tyres, a companion of Aeneas along with his brother Teuthras.[5]
Tyres, a warrior in the army of Perses who fought and died in the war between Perses and Aeetes.[6]
Tyro Daughter of Salmoneus.
Ucalegon An elder of Troy.
Xanthippe The name of several mythological figures.
Xanthius A descendent of Bellerophon and father of Leucippus.
Xanthus The name of several mythological figures.
Xuthus A son of Hellen and Orseis and father of Ion and Achaeus.
Zarex A son of Carystus and founder of the town Zarex in Laconia.
Zetes An Argonaut and son of Boreas.
Zeuxippe The name of several mythological figures.
Zeuxippus The name of several mythological figures.

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