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B.Tech. 6th Sem.


JODHPUR- 342001

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

This is to certify that this Training report Notepad- Text Editor is the
excellence work of CHHATRAPAL CHOUDHARY Roll No.
12EVECS007 carried out in partial fulfillment for the award of degree

Vyas Institute of Engineering
and Technology

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I sincerely express my gratitude to my guide S. Alfozen for his benevolent

guidance in completing the report on NOTEPAD-TEXT EDITOR. His kindness
and help have been the source of encouragement for me.
I am grateful to him for the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions
which were helpful in the preparation of this Project.

B.Tech. 6th Sem.

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This report describes the implementation of Notepad- Text Editor. It uses the
java swings to design its user interface, package for perform the input
functionality and buffer is used to store the data in memory. The system can be
used to create text and perform all the functionality like copy, cut, paste, save, etc.
We can further develop the system and make it a large functionality based text
editor. We can also add coding area for developers.

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DMatics, the IT Learning Solutions Corporation, is known for its pioneering work
in the fields of IT education and training. Our strong research has helped us
continuously innovate in the areas of instructional design methodologies, and
curricula development that is cutting-edge and most advanced.
DMatics, the brainchild of S Alfozen, its CEO, pioneered and nurtured the
concept of Extreme Programming Expertise. Set up in 1999, DMatics has given
a new meaning to IT Education. Committed to providing advanced IT skills to
students and professionals, DMatics has evolved into a Training Powerhouse.
The institute provides a comprehensive education environment to individuals and
enterprises, offering training that is customized to the varied needs of audiences
with diverse backgrounds.
Over the last 16 years, DMatics has enabled young engineers to become familiar
with the key tools of emerging IT and Internet age. Our initiatives, aimed at
narrowing the digital divide, have helped young engineers gain access to advanced
programming skills and enjoy programming expertise.
We have a responsibility beyond simply providing education. Research, neutrality,
developing tomorrows leaders, cultivating a breadth of learning all these
endeavors and more are important components, when our philosophy and vision is
From a technical perspective DMatics has done outstanding work. We are quite
happy with the way our trainings look and operate. Most impressive has been
DMaticss ability to make its training programs fully compliant with the
demanding standards of the industry.
Research and Development is central to DMatics IT learning philosophy. It is a
core strength that helps us identify the emerging market needs, leads us to create
new learning methodologies and techniques, helps us refine our curriculum,
making it cutting edge, and enables us to improve our education delivery. Our
pioneering efforts in the understanding of human cognition have added to the
learning effectiveness of our offerings.

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S No.





1.1 What is Java

1.1.a History of Java
1.1.b The Java White Paper Buzzwords
1.2 Lexical issues
1.3 Standard Organization of Java SDK
1.4 Constructors
1.5 Inheritance
1.6 Packages
1.7 Interfaces
1.8 Exception Handling
1.9 String Class
1.10 Multithreading
1.11 Applets
1.12 Event Handling
1.13 AWT
1.14 Swings





















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Java was conceived by James gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth,
Ed Frank, and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, Inc. In 1991. It took 18
months to develop the first working version. This language was initially called the
OAK, but was renamed JAVA in 1995. Because of the similarities between
Java and C++, it is tempting to think of Java as simply the Internet version of

(Console based)

(Window based)

Dig 1 . Java Process


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Bytecode is a highly optimized set of instruction designed to be executed by the

Java run time System, which is called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is
an interpreter for bytecode.
JDK stands for Java Development kit. It provides the Environment to run Java
programs. There are three JDK editions:
Java Standard Edition (J2SE)

J2SE can be used to develop client-side standalone applications

or applets.

Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

J2EE can be used to develop server-side applications such as

Java servlets and Java Server Pages.

Java Micro Edition (J2ME)

J2ME can be used to develop applications for mobile devices

such as cell phones.

1.1.1 History:
Since 1995, Java has changed our world . . . and our expectations.
Today, with technology such a part of our daily lives, we take it for granted
that we can be connected and access applications and content anywhere,
anytime. Because of Java, we expect digital devices to be smarter, more
functional, and way more entertaining.
In the early 90s, extending the power of network computing to the activities
of everyday life was a radical vision. In 1991, a small group of Sun
engineers called the "Green Team" believed that the next wave in
computing was the union of digital consumer devices and computers. Led
by James Gosling, the team worked around the clock and created the
programming language that would revolutionize our world Java.

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The Green Team demonstrated their new language with an interactive,

handheld home-entertainment controller that was originally targeted at the
digital cable television industry. Unfortunately, the concept was much too
advanced for the them at the time. But it was just right for the Internet,
which was just starting to take off. In 1995, the team announced that the
Netscape Navigator Internet browser would incorporate Java technology.
Today, Java not only permeates the Internet, but also is the invisible force
behind many of the applications and devices that power our day-to-day
lives. From mobile phones to handheld devices, games and navigation
systems to e-business solutions, Java is everywhere!

1.1.2 The Java White Paper Buzzwords

The authors of Java have written an influential white paper that explains their
design, goals and accomplishments. The white paper is organized along the
following Buzzwords:


Object Oriented








Architecture Neutral

1. Simple
The syntax of Java is a cleaned-up version of the syntax for C++. There is
no need for header files, pointer, structures, unions, operator overloading, virtual
base classes, and so on. The another aspect of being simple is being small. One of
the goals of Java is to enable the construction of software that can run stand alone
in small machines.
2. Portable
In Java, there are no implementation-dependent aspects of the
specification. The libraries that are part of the system define portable interfaces.
For e.g. there is an abstract window class and implementation of it for Unix,
Windows, Macintosh.

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3. Object-Oriented
Object Oriented design is a technique for programming that focuses
primarily on the data (Objects) and on the interfaces to that object.

4. Interpreted
The Java interpreter can execute Java Bytecodes directly on any machine
to which the interpreted has been ported.

5. Distributed
Java has an extensive library of routines for coping with TCP/IP protocols
like HTTP and FTP. Java applications can open and access objects across the Net
via URLs with the same ease as when accessing a local file system.

6. High Performance
While the performance of interpreted bytecodes is usually more than
adequate, there are situations where higher performance is required. The
bytecodes can be translated on the fly (at run time) into machine code for the
particular CPU the application is running on.

7. Robust
Java is intended for writing programs that must be reliable in a variety of
ways. Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible problems, later
dynamic (run-time) checking, and eliminating situations that are error-prone.
The single biggest difference between Java and C/C++ is that Java has a pointer
model that eliminates the possibility of overwriting memory and corrupting data.

8. Multi-Threaded

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The benefits of multithreading are better interactive responsiveness and real-time

behavior. If you have ever tried to do multithreading in another language, you will
be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is in Java. Threads in Java also can take
advantage of multiprocessor systems if the base operating system does so. On the
downside, thread implementations on the major platforms differ widely, and Java
makes no effort to be platform independent in this regard

9. Secure
Java is intended to be used in networked/distributed environments. Toward
that end, a lot of emphasis has been placed on security. Java enables the
construction of virus-free, tamper-free systems.

10. Dynamic
In a number of ways, Java is a more dynamic language than C or C++. It
was designed to adapt to an evolving environment. Libraries can freely add new
methods and instance variables without any effect on their clients. In Java, finding
out run time type information is straightforward.
1) Static binding in Java occurs during Compile time while Dynamic
binding occurs during Runtime. 2) private, final and static methods and variables
uses static binding and bonded by compiler while virtual methods are bonded
during runtime based upon runtime object.

11. Architecture Neutral

The compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file formatthe
compiled code is executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java
runtime system.
To enable a Java application to execute anywhere on the network, the
compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format--the compiled code is
executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java runtime system.

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1.2 Lexical Issues

1. white spaces
Space bar, new-line, tab.
2. identifier
Variables name, methods name, and class name are called identifiers.
3. literals
15, 18.1, X, Hello World.
1. Line Comment using


2. Block Comment using


3. Documentation Comment



5. separators
() {} [] , . ;
6. keywords
There are 49 keywords in java. These keywords cannot be used as
1.3 Standard Organization of Java SDK
Docs Contains Library Documentation in HTML format

Contains Application Development Tools


Contains Demonstration Programs


Contains Library Files


Contains Library Source

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1.4 Constructor
In class-based object-oriented programming, a constructor (abbreviation:
ctor) in a class is a special type of subroutine called to create an object. It
prepares the new object for use, often accepting arguments that the
constructor uses to set required member variables.

It is the same name as that of a class.

It looks like a method but it is not exactly a method.

There is no return type.

Constructor should be public type.

It is called implicitly or automatically at the time of class


It is a first block that is called by a java.

Types of constructor:
1. Default Constructor
2. Argumented Constructor
3. Copy Constructor

1.5 Inheritance
A class that is derived from another class is called subclass and inherits all fields
and methods of its superclass. In Java, only single inheritance is allowed and thus,
every class can have at most one direct superclass. A class can be derived from
another class that is derived from another class and so on.
Types of Inheritance in JAVA:
1. Single Inheritance:

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Single inheritance is damn easy to understand. When a class extends

another one class only then we call it a single inheritance. The below flow
diagram shows that class B extends only one class which is A. Here A is a
parent class of B and B would be a child class of A.
2. Multilevel Inheritance:
Multilevel inheritance refers to a mechanism in OO technology where one
can inherit from a derived class, thereby making this derived class the base
class for the new class. As you can see in below flow diagram C is
subclass or child class of B and B is a child class of A. For more details
and example refer
3. Hierarchical Inheritance:
In such kind of inheritance one class is inherited by many sub classes. In
below example class B, C and D inherits the same class A. A is parent
class (or base class) of B, C & D.
In Java Parent Class are known as Super class and child class is known as Sub

1.6 Packages

It is a folder which contains subfolders and .class files or, in another words
Package is a collection of .class files and sub packages.

A package is a grouping of related types providing access protection and

name space management. Note that types refer to classes, interfaces,
enumerations, and annotation types. Enumerations and annotation types
are special kinds of classes and interfaces, respectively, so types are often
referred to in this lesson simply as classes and interfaces

To import a package in another class, the syntax is:

Import package-name.classname

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1.7 Interface
It is an abstract class. we declare the methods in an abstract class and the
definition of all methods declare in an Interface must be defined in its child class.
Java does not support multiple inheritance using extends keyword but it is
possible with the help of interface. Here we use the implements keyword. an
interface is a reference type, similar to a class, that can contain only constants,
method signatures, and nested types. There are no method bodies. Interfaces
cannot be instantiatedthey can only be implemented by classes or extended by
other interfaces.

1.8 Exception handling

Run time errors are called Exception Handling. Exceptions are generating when
an abnormal condition are existing and execution of the program stop. Even
programmer doesnt know which type of error can be generated to handle these
type of errors we use Exception handling.
An exception is a representation of an error condition or a situation
that is not the expected result of a method.
Exceptions are built into the Java language and are available to all
program code.
Exceptions isolate the code that deals with the error condition from
regular program logic.
Types of Exception Handling

Checked (Reported Exception)

o Checked exceptions include errors such as array index out of
bounds, file not found and number format conversion.

Unchecked (Un Reported Exception)

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o Unchecked exceptions include errors such as null pointer, class

not found, Interrupted Exception.
To handle exception:
o To handle the exception, you write a try-catch block. To pass the
exception up the chain, you declare a throws clause in your method or
class declaration.
o If the method contains code that may cause a checked exception, you
MUST handle the exception OR pass the exception to the parent class
(remember, every class has Object as the ultimate)
try {
normal program code
catch(Exception e) {
exception handling code

1.9 String Class

Java Implements string through a class called String. The String class is
defined in the package java.lang, which is automatically imported in all java
programs The String class is declared as final hence it cannot be sub-classed.
The 'String object represents a fixed length immutable character.

There are many function which are used in string class methods:

int length()

character charAt()

Boolean equalsIgnoreCase(str)

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Boolean endsWith(str)

Boolean startsWith(str)

int indexOf(char)

int lastIndexOf(char)

string concat(string)

String replace()

String trim()

String toLowerCase()

String toUpperCase()

Function which are used in string buffer class:

int length()

int capacity()

char charAt(int where)

string insert()

string reverse()

string delete()

string substring()

1.10 Multithreading
The benefits of multithreading are better interactive responsiveness and
real-time behavior. If you have ever tried to do multithreading in another
language, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is in Java. Threads in
Java also can take advantage of multiprocessor systems if the base operating
system does so. On the downside, thread implementations on the major platforms
differ widely, and Java makes no effort to be platform independent in this regard.

it is smallest part of a program.

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C.P.U execute one thread at a time if we divide our program in

multiple threads that program is called Multithreaded program.

There are two process to create a thread

By Thread class

By Runnable class

Methods use for a single thread are:

Thread currentThread()

String getName()

int getPriority()

void setName(String)

void setPriority(int)

void sleep (long ms)

Methods use for a multithreading threads are:

void run()

void start()

1.11 Applets
A Java applet is a small application which is written in Java and delivered
to users in the form of bytecode. The user launches the Java applet from a web
page, and the applet is then executed within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in
a process separate from the web browser itself.
The Applets are used to provide interactive features to web applications that
cannot be provided by HTML alone. They can capture mouse input and also
have controls like buttons or check boxes. In response to user actions, an
applet can change the provided graphic content. This makes applets wellsuited for demonstration, visualization, and teaching. There are online applet
collections for studying various subjects, from physics to heart physiology.
An applet can also be a text area only; providing, for instance, a crossplatform command-line interface to some remote system. If needed, an applet

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can leave the dedicated area and run as a separate window. However, applets
have very little control over web page content outside the applet's dedicated
area, so they are less useful for improving the site appearance in general
(while applets like news tickers or WYSIWYG editors are also known).
Applets can also play media in formats that are not natively supported by the

1.12 Event Handling

Every time a user types a character or pushes a mouse button, an event


Any object can be notified of an event by registering as an event listener

on the appropriate event source.

Multiple listeners can register to be notified of events of a particular type

from a particular source.

Event handling process is describe below ( using diagram) : -

Dig. 2 Event Handling in AWT

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Types of Event Listeners


Window Listener

MouseListener, etc.

Implement event handler

Implement a listener interface or extend a class that implements a listener


Register an instance of the event handler class as a listener upon one or

more components. Implement the methods in the listener interface to
handle the event

1.13 AWT
The classes and interfaces of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) are used to
develop stand-alone applications and to implement the GUI controls used by
applets. These classes support all aspects of GUI development, including event
handling. The Component and Container classes are two of the most important
classes in the java.awt package. The Component class provides a common
superclass for all classes that implement GUI controls. The Container class is a
subclass of the component class and can contain other AWT components. The
Window class is a subclass of the Container class that provides a common set
of methods for implementing windows. The Window class has two subclasses,
Frame and Dialog, that are used to create Window objects. The Frame class
is used to create a main application window, and the Dialog class is used to
implement dialog boxes.
AWT classes:

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Frame etc.

AWT support the following types of control:


Push buttons



Scroll bar

1.14 Swing
Java Swing is a part of Java Foundation Classes (JFC) that is used to create
window-based applications. It is built on the top of AWT (Abstract Windowing
Toolkit) API and entirely written in java.
Unlike AWT, Java Swing provides platform-independent and lightweight

Swing provides many standard GUI components such as buttons, lists,

menus, and text areas, which you combine to create your program's GUI.

Swing provides containers such as windows and tool bars.

top level: frames, dialogs

intermediate level: panel, scroll pane, tabbed pane, ...

other Swing components: buttons, labels, ...

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Every program that presents a Swing GUI contains at least one top-level

A Top level container provides the support that Swing components need to
perform their painting and event-handling.

Swing provides three top-level containers:

JFrame (Main window)

JDialog (Secondary window)

JApplet (An applet display area within a browser window)

Swing features:

The Swing Components

Dialog, Tabbed pane, Buttons, File Chooser, ... Pluggable

Look and Feel

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A Text editor is one, which allows one to write and create text documents, edit
them, save them, replace them, find certain words in them etc. In one word it is
one, which allows some body to edit texts. Text editors are one of the most
essential and important part of any computation and development process. It
allows somebody to edit text for either documentation or programming. Some of
the most used text editors are Notepad, WordPad, VI editor etc. All these text
editors have their own ways of functioning and facilities. Some of these works in
extensive graphics mode and support stuffs like images and hyperlink where the
others generally provide the users with the common function that allows them to
carry out common text related operation. If somebody needs to compare the
earlier days editor with the modern editors there are too many differences to be
listed out. The modern computation revolution has given birth to many text editors
whose responsibilities are much wider than only to be restricted to text related
operation. They support extreme graphics plug ins and real time email or internet
binding. But the older editors only used to work with command.
As we got the opportunity to build the text editor our concept was as simple as
that of VI editor. Keep the things as simple as possible. The simplicity wins over
the complexity in most time or not. We wanted to develop which takes as little
memory as one can imagine. Therefore, we entirely worked into a pure text mode
editor and wanted not to use any interrupt services. At the same time, we wanted
to provide the user with the options that would be sufficient for him to be work
with the editor flawlessly.

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Text editor responsibilities can be summarizing as follows

1. Write documents
2. Open Documents
3. Save them
4. Save them is a different file
5. Copy a line or word and paste them is some other places
6. Insert words
7. Find and replace the words
8. Select proper directory to save the file

The user needs an editor where he can type the document with support for all the
keyboard keys and characters. As he enters the text he needs to save them. For
saving a directory needs to be selected. The directories are essentially file link lists,
hence for saving a new file node needs to be opened corresponding to the directory
and attach the document with the node. The user needs to open the file some time
else hence the options must be provided for him to be able to open the file. The
opening the file means caching the file in a buffer. This is done by dynamically
allocating the memory to a buffer and extracts the file characters in this buffer. This
buffer is then placed in the editor area. The most important part of editor is to
support the back editing.

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Our text editor supports the following functionality.

1. Create a new text file

2. Save the file
3. Save the file with a different name
4. Search and replace words in the document
5. Delete a particular line
6. Copy from a file and paste in other file

We have provided an editing area by initiating a character scanning operation. The

characters are subsequently placed in a buffer from this area. Whenever the user
wants to use any above-mentioned operation, a hot key combination is provided.
For saving the file the with a different name option is ctrl+a, whereas for saving
ctrl+s. For deleting a line ctrl+l. Once a line delete operation is requested the editor
asks the user for the line number which he wants to delete. Once the file is deleted
all the other lines are rearranged. For searching and replace ctrl+ is used. Thus only
by using some key combination the user can carry out all the required functionality.
The only disadvantage of this editor is that it does not support back editing. That is
whenever the user needs to change some intermediate values it is not allowed. It
may be a major setback considering all the modern editors. We wanted to justify
that all cannot be achieved at once. The editor is only 3kb and hence can be operated
from a floppy. This is such a huge advantage for micro systems for which a little
drawback can be considered. It is a platform independent editor also. That is, it can
be run on any platform, as it does not use file type of any specific type. Rather it
uses a general file handling method, which is supported by all the platforms.

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A simple text editor can be designed by taking a huge buffer where the text would
be saved. This temporary buffer would contain the text. The text can be accepted
from the user one character at a time using getchar() or getc() functions. Once user
asks to save the document the file name must be asked from the user. A file is
opened in the write mode and the text would be written. Opening a file in read
mode and reading the file into the buffer can open Similarly document. The buffer
can be then displayed. The options can be asked from the user by any key
combinations like shortcut keys or the hot keys. The copy paste can be achieved
by asking the user to mention the line numbers whose enclosed text must be
copied. For copying \n are counted first and then the first character
corresponding to the first copy line and the last line for the copy is find out. The
characters in that area are then extracted in a buffer. This buffer is appended in the
resultant file. Deleting a line is all about removing the characters of a particular
line and shifting all the post characters in that area.

Components are used the front end (GUI) of the application and project:
1. Button
2. Canvas
3. Checkbox
4. Choice
5. Label
6. List
7. Scrollbar
8. Text Component

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Dig.3 Components used for front-end Application

Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data
through an information system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often
used as a preliminary step to create an overview of the system, which can later be
elaborated. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing
(structured design).
A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the
system, where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be
stored. It does not show information about the timing of process or information
about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel
Here we create a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of Notepad- Text Editor, which
shows the data flow in Text Editor:

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Dig 4. Data Flow Diagram

ERD Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram)

In software engineering, an entityrelationship model (ER model) is a data model
for describing the data or information aspects of a business domain or its process
requirements, in an abstract way that lends itself to ultimately being implemented
in a database such as a relational database. The main components of ER models
are entities (things) and the relationships that can exist among them.
Entityrelationship modeling was developed by Peter Chen and published in a
1976 paper. However, variants of the idea existed previously, and have been
devised subsequently such as supertype and subtype data entities and
commonality relationships.

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Dig.5 Entity Relationship diagram

Shortcut keys created in this project:

1. New- Clt+N
2. Open- Clt+O
3. Save- Clt+S
4. Exit- Clt+Q
5. Font- Clt+F
6. Replace- Clt+R
7. Text Color- Clt+T
1. File
2. Edit

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3. Format
Menu Items:
1. Filea. New: For Creating New Files
b. Open: For Open Saved File
c. Save: For Save File in System
d. Save as: Save File with different Name
e. Exit: For Exit Text Editor

Edita. Replace: For Replacing and Finding a Text

b. Text Color: For Changing Text Color

3. Formata. Font: For Selecting Text Font

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Whatever we think need not be feasible. It is wise to think about the feasibility of
any problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in
the organization by the development of a system. The impact can be either
positive or negative. When the positives nominate the negatives, then the system
is considered feasible.

Technical Feasibility:
We can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much
difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the
system as well. All the resources needed for the development of the software as
well as the maintenance of the same is available in the organization here we are
utilizing the resources which are available already.

Economic Feasibility
Development of this application is highly economically feasible. The organization
do not need to spend much money for the development of the system already
available. The only thing is to be done is making an environment for the
development with an effective supervision. If we are doing so, we can attain the
maximum usability of the corresponding resources. Even after the development,
the organization will not be in a condition to invest more in the organization.
Therefore, the system is economically feasible.

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Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs of Text Editor. The Text
Editor that can perform all the functionality that are required by client. All the
functions of this software are developed according to the SDLC (Software
Development Life Cycle). Coding and Testing are major part of this software
development process, these all are performed accurately. Several user friendly
coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in
satisfying all the requirements of the organization. The objective of software
planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable
estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software
project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. Last but not
least it is not the work that played the ways to success but ALMIGHTY

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1. Dmatics Courseware
2. History of java :
3. Java White Paper Buzzwords:
4. Java Applet:
5. Event Handling Image :
6. The Complete Reference (Java Seventh Edition) by Herbert Schildt,
Mc Graw Hill Education.

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