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t-son 90

Studio PANaroma
O Studio PANaroma de Msica Eletroacstica da Unesp foi fundado em
julho de 1994 pelo Compositor Flo Menezes, chegando, portanto, aos seus
22 anos em 2016.

A srie de concertos T-Son d seqncia s sries histricas

de concertos eletroacsticos do Studio PANaroma,
levadas ao pblico desde a fundao do estdio em julho de 1994
(sries Panorama da Msica de Vanguarda e Terceiro Milnio).

Direo musical: Flo Menezes

Teatro Maria de Lourdes Sekeff
Instituto de Artes da Unesp
28 de abril de 2016, s 20:30h

O T-Son realizado com o

(PANaroma/Unesp Teatro Sonoro,
orquestra de altofalantes do Studio PANaroma),
fundado em 2002 por Flo Menezes com apoio Fapesp.

Kafka Revisitado

t-son 90
Teatro SONoro

Srie de concertos do Studio PANaroma com o

PUTS: PANaroma/Unesp Teatro Sonoro
Direo musical: Flo Menezes
Tcnica: Daniel Avilez

Teatro Maria de Lourdes Sekeff (Instituto de Artes da Unesp)

Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz, 271 Barra Funda SP

28 de abril de 2016, s 20:30h

Kafka Revisitado
Francis Dhomont
Le cri du Choucas (2014-15)
Do Cycle des profondeurs

Textos: Franz Kafka

Encomenda: Musiques & Recherches, Ohain, Blgica

difuso eletroacstica: Flo Menezes, George Alveskog e Daniel Avilez (Difuso de Cmera, a 6 mos)
Estreia brasileira da verso definitiva


To my father (the one Franz did not have)

Conceived in 1997 and left to mature slowly, Le cri du Choucas is the third and final instalment in my Cycle des profondeurs [Cycle
of Depths], the first two parts of this long triptych (about three hours) being Sous le regard dun soleil noir (1981) and Fort
profonde (1994-96), of which a few reminders are included in this instalment. All three are electroacoustic melodramas (Michel
Chion) inspired by a psychoanalytic approach Marthe Roberts in this case, especially an insightful essay by this literary critic,
translator, and psychoanalyst entitled As Lonely as Franz Kafka (1979). As Pierre Schaeffer said, [] how could we not wonder about
the development of music itself, which mysteriously seems to build a bridge between psychology of perceptions and psychology of
depths? and, a fortiori, about the origins of this perceptive music that is acousmatic music, psychology of depths being just another
name for psychoanalysis.
About the title Le cri du choucas, which means The Jackdaws Call Kavka is the Czech word for jackdaw, a bird akin to a crow
whose effigy Hermann Kafka, Franzs father, used for his store sign. Kafka himself wrote, I am a jackdaw, a helpless kavka. This match
and this title are inspired by the animal symbolism found in Kafkas works: the deep call, the solitary, unusual, often-choked, neveremphasized cry that you can hear in every single tale, however fragmentary, by this author.
Before the Law, a famous section of The Trial, serves as the red thread of my piece, the Law being a metaphoric representation of the
impenetrable realms the human mind hits, and not as what the Vulgate and the adjective Kafkaesque usually reduce Kafkas
complex thoughts to a portrait of bureaucratic aberrations. It is mostly what you cannot possibly escape from: a doorway to
knowledge is open especially for the man who gets to it, although he is also forbidden to pass through it. Which means that his
metaphysical question remains unanswered. Symmetrically, a crucial message is addressed to him, although it will never reach him.
In The Penal Colony, writes Marthe Robert, Kafka reduces the law to nothing more than an inordinate power of coercion whose
sole function is to automatically enforce punishment [our translation].
Before this long piece, there were four tudes pour Kafka which form, alongside new elements, the musical materials of this
melodrama. However, these materials are assembled in a different order to fit a script highlighted by texts by and about Kafka told by
multiple voices, some of them known, unknown, or transformed. These are some of the themes covered in this work: the Law, guilt,
the father, solitude, dreams, impossible messages, and death. You will hear, by order of appearance, excerpts from The Trial, The Penal
Colony, Letter to His Father, The Verdict, Diary, Letters to Felice, The Burrow, A Message from the Emperor, and The Metamorphosis.

Le cri du Choucas [The Jackdaws Call] was realized at the composers studio in Avignon (France), and premiered on October 15, 2014
at Thtre Marni as part of the festival LEspace du son in Brussels (Belgium). It was commissioned by Musiques et Recherches (Ohain,
Belgium). This piece benefited, in its long research stage, of a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts in 1997. Francis Dhomont
has translated Franz Kafkas original texts anew in French. Recorded voices: Martin Engler, Marthe Forget, Tom Goldschmit, Pierre
Louet, Marthe Robert, Hans Tutschku, Annette Vande Gorne, Marie-Jeanne Wyckmans, plus a few anonymous quotes. Warm thanks,
for their acute listening, help, and judicious advice, to: Franois Bayle, Gilles Gobeil, Hans Tutschku, Annette Vande Gorne, and Ins
Francis Dhomont [English translation: Franois Couture, January 2016]

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