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STD Prevention Script

Slide 1-5: Erin: to begin with, lets look at the prevalence of STDs in the US, starting
with Chlamydia. In Jefferson County alone, more than 400 people of 100,000
population, carry Chlamydia. Now lets look at Gonorrhea. In Jefferson County more
than 100 people of a 100,000 population, carry Gonorrhea. Does it concern anyone
else that although Birmingham is a major hub for health promotion, we are also in
an area that has a high rate of STDs?
Slide 6: Erin: so Ashley, can you tell us why it is so important that we promote
sexual health?
Ashley: (you can basically read off of the slide, but also expand on some of
the ideas) Well the problem with these infections is that commonly the
person is asymptomatic, so they spread the disease unknowingly. In addition,
these infections can be passed on to babies during birth and can cause
blindness. Also, STDs increase the chance of passing on HIV due to the
amount of HIV in secretions and also in open sores.
Slide 7: Erin: excellent. Now, Cassie, can you give us some guidelines for promoting
safe sex practices?
Cassie: (again, you can read off the slide but also expand on some of the
ideas) Some people go to behavioral counseling to help with sexual
awareness. In addition, high schools are teaching sex education more and
more, and not just promoting abstinence, but also safe sex. They promote
ownership of self as it is your responsibility to get yourself tested and your
partner. In addition, they promote the importance of monogamy as a way of
reducing the chance of spreading an infection.
Slide 8: Erin: very good! Porsha can you tell us what diagnostic labs may be ordered
for a patient who wants to be tested?
Porsha: (samsies, you can read off the slide but expand!) The most common
test for Chlamydia is the NAAT or Nucleic Acid Amplification Test. This test
works by finding the DNA of the bacteria. For Gonorrhea, a carbohydrate test.
The carbohydrate test looks for different carbs produced by the gonorrhea
bacteria: glucose, maltose, lactose, sucrose, and then we can define the
species and treat the patient correctly. For an HIV test, we test for the HIV
antibody test and if positive, we confirm with a Western blot which basically
lays out proteins to see if they match. Some of these tests are more accurate
with others so we always want to do a confirmatory test, and a pregnancy
Slide 9: Erin: good work!! Alright, Abi, can you give me a summary of this article
that we studied concerning Chlamydia research?
Abi: (you cant really read off the slide so this is a summary if you want to
read this, whatever is good for you!): These researchers were looking at
patients who still had symptoms of Chlamydia, after their first episode of

treating Chlamydia. Of the patients, 17 reported a Chlamydia infection. In

addition, others reported Trich, Candidias and Gonorrhea. After completing
their antibiotic regiment, Gonorrhea remained as the most prevalent in the
patients. Chlamydia trachomatis was the responsible organism in
approximately a quarter of patients (17/75) who despite their full compliance
on anti-Chlamydial treatment still suffered from signs and symptoms of STI.
Slide 10: Erin: excellent work! Alright, Kylie, can you tell us about the article
concerning Ciprofloxacin resistance in patients reporting gonorrhea?
Kylie: (same thing, its kind of hard to read off of the slide, so heres a
summary if you want it!): In this study, researchers looked at gonorrhea
resistance to Cipro in different cities. They found a positive correlation
between increased resistance to Cipro and increased gonorrhea incidence
rates in the city level. Cities that had a gonorrhea bacteria that was more
resistant were Denver, Portland, San Diego, and San Francisco. Cities with a
lower resistant gonorrhea were Atlanta, Baltimore, Birmingham, Cincinnati,
and New Orleans. This means that we may have to develop more
combination antibiotics that will continue to work against Gonorrhea
Slide 11: Erin: perfect! Anna, can you tell us about this article discussing
prophylactic treatment for HIV prevention?
Anna: (samsies, its hard to read off the slide, so heres a summary if you
want it!): In this article, they discussed if the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis
for HIV was associated with increased sexual risk behavior. This was a
longitudinal study looking at the sexual behavior of people who were on this
prophylactic antiretroviral. They believed that this would cause the people in
the study to take greater sexual risks. They found that pre-exposure
prophylaxis did not result in substantial changes in risk-taking sexual
behavior by heterosexual couples.
Slide 12-14: Erin: good work! Now lets take a look at some of the horrifying visuals
that these infections can cause: Chlamydia: Sores and inflammation of the mucosa
are signs of the infection. In addition sores found not only on the genitalia, but
systemically. Gonorrhea: This is known for the common symptom of burning during
urination but as you can see, it can affect other parts of the body, even causing
deformation of babys eyes and blindness. HIV: HIV is characterized by this rash that
is found all over the body and is sometimes confused with an allergic reaction. It
may even progress into Kaposis Sarcoma. Further, the sores in the mucosa and
mouth. These are advertisements produced by the HIV/AIDS foundation promoting
the ownership of self and the importance of monogamy, condoms, and getting
Slide: 15-17: Alright Melanie can you summarize the HIV information for youth in

Melanie: The CDC reported that there were 12,000 NEW HIV cases among 1324 year olds in 2010. Most were male being 83% and women being 17%. Of
high school students in 2011, 47% of students had had sex, 15% had had sex
with 4+ people. In addition 34% were sexually active and of those 34%, 40%
did not use a condom the last time they had sex. Also, 84% were taught in
school about AIDS/HIV and only 13% of students had been tested for HIV.
Good work now how about we summarize this information for the rest of the class
Erin: Thats the lesson class is out of session

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