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IntroAstro 2013-2014

Homework Set 1-A Solutions

In several of the questions we refer to the following stars


Right Ascension
4h 36m
9h 13m
20h 41m
10h 08m
14h 04m

16 310
69 420
45 200
12 180
60 240

1. If Aldebaran is crossing your local meridian, how long would you need to wait to see
Regulus cross the meridian?
Your answer should be two numbers representing the time until Regulus crosses the
meridian. First enter a number of hours, and then a number of minutes, separated by
a space. So, for example, 2 hours and 45 minutes would be entered as 2 45.
Solution: If Aldebaran is crossing the local meridian, we know that the local sidereal time is
equal to the Right Ascension of Aldebaran, 4:36. Regulus will cross the meridian when
sidereal time is equal to its Right Ascension, 10:08. This will happen, according to a
sidereal clock, in 5 hours and 32 minutes.
Note that we could be more precise. Regulus will cross the meridian in 5 + 32/60 =
5.533333 sidereal hours, of which there are 24 in a sidereal day. We measure time
in hours of which 24 comprise the slightly longer solar day. Since there is one more
sidereal day than solar day in a year, a sidereal day is about 365.25/366.25 = 0.99727
of a solar day, and so a sidereal hour is shorter by this factor than a solar hour.
Taking this into account we find that 0.99726 5.533333 = 5.518225, or 5 hours and
31.1 minutes pass between the two stars meridian crossing.
I would enter this as 5 31. 5 32 would also be accepted as a correct answer.
2. Which of the stars in the table are ever visible from St. Petersburg, Russia, located
at Latitude 59 560 and Longitude 30 160 ?
Your answer should contain the first letters of the stars, in the order in which they
appear in the table. For example, if the answer is Deneb and Hadar, enter DH.

Solution: At the Latitude of St. Petersburg, our Zenith is at Declination 59 560 . Our view
of the sky changes as the Earth spins, with the Zenith moving around this celestial
parallel once each sidereal day. Some stars will never come into our view, however,
because they will always be below our horizon. Looking horizontally to the South we
would be looking at a point on the celestial sphere with Declination 90 South of our
Zenith, or 30 40 (and RA equal to the local sidereal time). At their highest point,
stars with this Declination would be on our horizon; stars with Declinations South of
this would never be visible. Any star with a Declination North of this will be visible
to us at some time (although in practice, of course, it is very difficult to observe stars
closer to the horizon than some 10 ). Thus Miaplacidus and Hadar would never be
visible from St. Petersburg, but all the other stars would be visible at some time.
I would enter my answer as ADR.
3. Which are always visible (never set) as seen from St. Petersburg, Russia?
Your answer should contain the first letters of the stars, in the order in which they
appear in the table. For example, if the answer is Deneb and Hadar, enter DH.
Solution: When we look horizontally to the North in St. Petersburg, we are looking at a point
found by moving along the local meridian 90 North from our Zenith. This motion,
past the celestial pole, takes our gaze to a point of Declination 30 040 and RA 12
hours away from our local sidereal time. Stars with this Declination touch the horizon
at the lowest point of their apparent motion about the celestial North pole; stars with
Declinations North of this are circumpolar , always in the visible portion of the sky
for an observer in St. Petersburg. Of our collection of stars, only Deneb lies in this
part of the celestial sphere.
I would enter my answer as D.
4. Which of these stars would be found closest to the Zenith (when it is highest in the
sky) by an observer in Sao Paulo at Latitude 23 320 and Longitude 46 380 ?
Solution: At Sao Paulo an observers Zenith is a point on the celestial sphere at Declination
equal to the Latitude, or 23 320 . When a star is at its highest point in the sky,
it lies on the local meridian and its angular distance from the Zenith (Zenith angle)
is the (absolute value of) the difference between its Declination and the Declination
of the Zenith (the observers Latitude). Thus the star that would be closest to the

Zenith at its highest point in the Sao Paulo skies is the one with Declination closest
to 23 320 , which is Regulus.
5. If Aldebaran is crossing the local meridian in St. Petersburg, what are its azimuth and
altitude? You may round to the nearest degree. (Enter your answer as two numbers,
azimuth and then altitude, separated by a blank space. Do not include units in the
Solution: The local meridian, the great circle from our Northern horizon through the Zenith
to our Southern horizon, can be divided in two at the Zenith. Points North of the
Zenith along this meridian lie at Azimuth 0 (due North of us) and points South of
the Zenith at Azimuth 180 (due South).
When Aldebaran crosses the meridian, at its Declination of 16 310 , its angular distance
from our Zenith (Zenith angle) is given as above by the absolute value of the difference
between its Declination and that of our Zenith (equal to the Latitude, here 59 560 ). At
meridian crossing, Aldebaran is 43 250 due South of our Zenith along the meridian.
Its Azimuth is thus 180 . To find its altitude note that the Zenith angle is the
complementary angle to Altitude Alt + ZA = 90 . Aldebarans Altitude is thus
90 43 250 =46 350 . Rounding to the nearest degree this is 47 .
I would enter this answer as 180 47.
6. At the instant when Aldebaran crosses the local meridian of Saint Petersburg, Russia,
at what latitude and longitude on Earth would an observer see Miaplacidus at her
zenith? Enter your answers in degrees. Note that latitudes South of the equator
and longitudes West of the prime meridian are denoted by negative values. You may
round to the nearest degree. (Enter your answer as two numbers, latitude and then
longitude, separated by a blank space. Do NOT include units in the answer.)
Solution: At the instant when Aldebaran crosses the local meridian in St. Petersburg, the
terrestrial meridian containing St. Petersburg (30 160 ) is aligned with the celestial
meridian containing Aldebaran (4h 36m ). For an observer to see Miaplacidus at her
Zenith she must be located on the terrestrial meridian that is aligned with the celestial meridian containing Miaplacidus (9h 13m ). This lies to the East (sidereal time
increases as one moves East) of the meridian of St. Petersburg, by 4h 37m or 4.616667
hours. Since an hour is equivalent to 360 /24 = 15 , this is 69.25 . Miaplacidus is

crossing the meridian for observers at Longitude 30 160 +69 150 =99 310 . Rounding
to the nearest degree this is 100 .
Of all observers on this meridian, Miaplacidus will be at the Zenith for those whose
Latitude equals the stars Declination of 69 420 . Rounding to the nearest degree
this is 70 .
Following the directions I would enter this as -70 100. This observer would be located
in Antarctica.
7. Which of these stars would be in the early evening sky (around sunset) on September
21 in Sao Paulo? (check all that apply)
Your answer should contain the first letters of the stars, in the order in which they
appear in the table. For example, if the answer is Deneb and Hadar, enter DH.
Solution: On September 21, the fall equinox, the Sun sets around 6pm. The Sun is at Right
Ascension 12h on this date, so sidereal time is about the same as local time (noon, with
the Sun overhead, corresponds to sidereal time 12h). Thus when the Sun is setting,
sidereal time is about 18h. Stars with sidereal time 18h will be at their highest point
in the sky. At the Zenith in Sao Paulo will be a point on the celestial sphere at Right
Ascension 12h 0m and Declination equal to the Latitude in Sao Paulo (23 320 ).
Stars with Declinations North of 66 280 are never above the horizon in Sao Paulo.
Stars with declinations South of 66 280 are always above the horizon. Stars with
Declinations between these rise and set, and are visible when their Right Ascension is
within a few hours of the sidereal time. A few here ranges from zero just South of
Declination 66 280 to almost 12 (in other words, almost always visible) just North of
Declination 66 280 . It is exactly six hours for stars on the celestial equator.
Using this information, we see that Miaplacidus is always above the horizon in Sao
Paulo. Aldebaran and Regulus, not far from the celestial equator and some 15 and 8
hours, respectively, in Right Ascension away from our meridian, will not be visible.
Deneb, less than three hours away from our meridian, will be in the Northeastern sky.
It will not be very high, its Altitude at meridian crossing in a few hours will be only
about 20 , but it will be visible.
I would enter my answer as MDH.

8. A geostationary satellite orbits Earth so that it appears at all times to be at the Zenith
as viewed from a fixed point somewhere on Earths equator. This is a very useful orbit
for communication satellites, as we will see. Which of the following correctly describes
the satellites position on the celestial sphere?
A. The satellite moves to the East along the celestial equator, traversing it once
every sidereal day
B. The satellite remains stationary at a point on the celestial equator.
C. The satellite moves to the West along the celestial equator, traversing it once
every sidereal day.
D. The satellite remains stationary at one of the celestial poles.
Solution: Looking at this from the point of view of a stationary observer out in space, we see
this: As the Earth spins to the East, the satellite moves to the East as well, remaining
at the rotating Zenith. Its RA is precisely the sidereal time at the point above which
it lies. Thus the RA increases, completing a revolution of the celestial equator to the
East each sidereal day.
Looking at the same situaiton from the point of view of an observer at the special
point on the equator, the satellite appears not to move at all - it is parked at the
Zenith. Since stars - and the celestial sphere - appear to rotate from East to West,
this means that the satellite is not stationary on the celestial sphere but moves from
West to East along the sphere at just the right rate to cancel the motion of the sphere.
The answer to this one is A.
Note there are a few subtleties being ignored here. The satellite is not very far from
Earth. As we will see, it is about 6R from the Earths center (R is the Earths
radius). This is near enough that observers far enough North will see the satellite to
the South of the celestial equator, and conversely obserevers in the South will see it
North of the equator. For the observer at the equator, what we said is precisely true.
9. A telescope located in Durham, Latitude 36 000 and Longitude 78 000 , is aimed
due South (azimuth 180 ) at a fixed altitude of 48 . Which of the following describes
the position on the celestial sphere at which the telescope is aimed?

A. The telescope is aimed at a declination of 6 000 and right ascension given by

the sidereal time in Durham.
B. The telescope is aimed at a declination of 48 000 and right ascension given by
the sidereal time in Durham.
C. The telescope is aimed at a declination of 36 000 and right ascension 78 000 .
D. The telescope is aimed at a declination of 48 000 and right ascension given by
the sidereal time in Durham.
Solution: Since the telescope is aimed due South, it is looking along Durhams local meridian,
and hence at a point on the celestial sphere with Right Ascension given by the sidereal time in Durham. This point lies 90 48 = 42 South of the local Zenith in
Durham. Since the Zenith is at Declination 36 000 (Durhams Latitude) this point
lies at Declination 36 42 = 6 .
The answer is A.
10. We often say that stars rise in the East and set in the West. This is less than precise.
In fact, only some stars rise (cross the horizon from below) due East (at Azimuth 90 ).
For an observer in Athens at Latitude 37 580 , Longitude 23 430 , these stars would be
A. Stars at Declination 37 580
B. Stars at Declination 23 430
C. The answer will change throughout the year.
D. Stars at Declination 0 (along celestial equator)
Solution: The best way to think of this is to consider two great circles on the celestial sphere.
One is the celestial equator. The other is our local horizon - the points we see when
looking horizontally in all directions. The celestial equator contains all points at an
angular distance of 90 from the celestial poles. The horizon circle contains all points
at an angular distance of 90 from our Zenith. The two circles, therefore, are tilted
with respect to each other by an angle that is complementary to our Latitude. At the
poles the horizon is the celestial equator, for example. Here the question is of course
ill-posed since no stars rise or set. The tilt is along an axis pointing East-West, since
the Zenith lies due South (in Northern hemisphere) or North (in Southern hemisphere)
of the pole. This means the two points along the axis are the points common to both

circles. The celestial equator meets the local horizon at points due East and due West
of any observer.
The answer here is D.
Note: this means that from March 21 to September 21, anywhere on Earth (except
where it does not rise or does not set) the Sun rises North of due East; from March
21 to September 21 it rises South of due East.

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