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Language is a form of communication that allows people to interact.

It has a communicative nature;

The relationship between sounds and meaning of words is essentially arbitrary;
however there are instances in which sounds and meaning are related. This
happens especially in early language learning.
It is structured; every language that exists has a structure. There are essential
components: symbols of sounds and words; syntax, where grammar is included;
and meaning, in which we can have the semantics and pragmatics area.
It is dynamic because it always changes through time. Sometimes the meaning
of words or expressions changes from one generation to another. There are
always new words coined, especially nowadays when there is a continuous
technological progress and a wide global communication.
Languages continue to evolve over time, adapting to societies and to the
environment, and they operate over many levels and time spans. It is studied
from the beginning of languages till now, considering always the reasons and
circumstances of any language evolution.
It conveys meaning, but it is important to know that the hearer never receives the
exact intended meaning because there are no hearers that have the same
cognitive functions, neither the same previous knowledge on what is being said.
There is always a context in which communication takes place; this context has
linguistic and environmental clues.
The timing in which the message is uttered, as well as the stress and tonal
movements affect what and how is interpreted.
Language can also be used in formal or informal situations; and, according to
contexts, can be idiomatic or slang.


One of the most interesting things about languages and which stimulates the need to
know is the diversity of languages we can find around the world. And, not only
languages are diverse, but also within the communities we can find this characteristic;
for example, the cultural diversity, not only among countries, but also within
communities in a specific country; also patriotic and personal values, behavioral styles,
dialects, nonverbal communications, socioeconomic factors, how the world is viewed,
and the frames of how to live, what to believe, and how to act in special situations
influence this cultural diversity. Moreover, we might find, in our field of work, students
that are speakers from different countries that make them linguistically different.


But, most of all, it is for sure that we will have students with different learning styles. It
could be advisable to make our students aware of their own learning by giving them the
tools to generate strategies so that they can meet their needs of processes to enhance
their learning.
On the other hand, metalanguage is a language by means of which another language
is described. The language described is called object language. But, an object language
can also be used as metalanguage. There are formal and informal metalanguages.
Grammar as we know it is one example of an informal metalanguage. Formal
metalanguages are for example the one used in generative grammars to describe
languages. They are seen as theories of a specific language.
The one that might interest us could be the informal metalanguage, unless you would
like to do a specific research on the generative grammar of a specific language.
It will never be enough to state that we, all human beings, have the same biological
tools to produce language, and the same neurons fire in all human brains when they
communicate with other human beings, regardless of what language is being used to do

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