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Arranged By :
Andika Rifky Galih Bayu
Wiwit Putri Akir Rahayu



Effect of Carbonated Beverages on Health

A. The Background

Carbonated water, also known as soda water, is a major component in

the manufacture of soft drinks mixing distilled water with carbon dioxide
gas. The process of dissolving carbon dioxide gas is called carbonation,
which can form carbonic acid. The reason we choose this title because we
wanted to know more clearly what are the implications for health
carbonated beverages.

B. Containt
History of Carbonated Beverage
In 1767 in England, Joseph Priestley first discovered
carbonated water when he injects carbon dioxide into a bowl of
water at a local brewery in Leeds, England (Wikipedia, 2010).
Carbonated beverage known as soda water containing a small
amount of sodium bicarbonate. Since the 18th century carbonated
water was bottled and marketed all over the world. (Mangkurat,
To make soda water, the most important component is water
and carbon dioxide gas. Soda water is made by dissolving carbon
dioxide gas into the water. Carbon dioxide is the gas that we exhale
when breathing and taken up by plants for photosynthesis. In
addition, the carbon dioxide gas also affects the onset of the effects
of extra sparkle, which distinguishes carbonated soft drinks and
non-carbonated, so carbon dioxide is the only gas that is most
suitable to produce the appearance of sparkle in carbonated soft
drinks. The content contained in such soft drinks, namely:
1. Substance Dyes
2. Caffeine
3. Sugar
4. Phosphoric Acid
C. Danger

Existing content in soft drinks are very harmful to the body, especially
when consumed in the long run. Here is the danger of soft drinks for
health, among others:
1. Harm The Kidneys
If regularly consume soft drinks at least 2 times a day then it is
likely the consumption of soft drinks will experience kidney
damage and decreased function. According to experts, it is
associated with the content of soft drinks, the artificial sweeteners,
artificial colors, caffeine, and phosphoric acid.
2. Increase Risk of Diabetes
The patients with diabetes mellitus is strictly prohibited to
consume sugar. This is because the hormone insulin in the body is
not enough, not even able to convert these sugars into glycogen. It
should be noted that diabetes mellitus is not only arise due to
hereditary factors, a normal person who originally was also at risk
of suffering diabetes.
3. Increase Risk of Obesity
Soft drinks are rich in calories. Calories that enter the body can
increase the risk of obesity. Not only for those who are already
adults, children can suffer from obesity. Obesity is one of the
triggers of the emergence of other diseases. Including diabetes,
stroke, coronary heart damage, and other serious diseases.
4. Increase Risk of Brittle Bones
One of the content of soft drinks is phosphoric acid. In a research,
phosphoric acid can cause disease of bone fragility. This is because
phosphoric acid can dissolve the calcium in the bones. As a result,
bones become brittle and porous.
5. Increasing Damage to Teeth
The content of sugars in the drinks can damage teeth. Not only
that, phosphoric acid also contributed to tooth decay teeth by
dissolving calcium.
6. Increasing Dependence on Caffeine
Soft drinks contain caffeine. This substance had always been
known as a substance that is able to make the dependency.
Although caffeine has a positive effect on the body, negative
effects of caffeine turns more. For example, making heart
palpitations, insomnia, high blood pressure, and others.
D. Goodness
Carbonated drinks are very effective for overcoming the condition
known as gastric phytobezoar. because of the chemicals contained in soft
drinks may work similar to gastric acid, which help digest dietary fiber.
Gastric phytobezoar is a blockage of the stomach, which if not treated
immediately will cause appendicitis.
In addition to health benefits soda can also be used to clean the crust
in the bathroom, as a rust remover, and are used to clean the carburetor.

E. Conclussion

Carbonated water, also known as soda water, is a major component in

the manufacture of soft drinks mixing distilled water with carbon dioxide
gas. This beverage contains Substance Dyes, Caffeine, Sugar, and
Phosphoric Acid which has a lot more danger than the health benefits, so
it's better not to drink too much soda in the long run because it will
damage your health.

F. Reference
[diakses tanggal 19 september 2014, jam 14.00 wib]
september 2014, jam 15.06 wib]



19 [diakses tanggal 19 september

2014, jam 15.10 wib]

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