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OPC Data Server S

1 utilizador
Cancela e substitui TLXCDSUOFS35



OPC Data Server S

10 utilizadores
Cancela e substitui TLXCDSTOFS35



OPC Data Server L

1 utilizador
Cancela e substitui TLXCDLUOFS35



OPC Data Server L

10 utilizadores
Cancela e substitui TLXCDLTOFS35



OPC Data Server L

200 utilizadores
Cancela e substitui TLXCDLFOFS35


Industry Business - Marketing - PMS - Fev 2016

Offer Description
Redundant PLC link

The PLC link redundancy function is an optional feature allowing to establish a

redundant link between OFS and Unity PLCs on Ethernet. The objective is to
increase the availability of the system without impacting the SCADA or OPC
client application.
The redundancy of communication relies on two physical communication paths
using two different IP addresses attributed to the same PLC with a unique alias.

The 2 IP@ of the remote PLC must be declared in the OFS configuration.

Then, in the case of fault, the switch from Primary communication path to the
Standby communication path is insured automatically by OFS, and is done
transparently from the OPC client application.
This feature can be used in both stand-alone and Hot Standby PLC architecture
supporting Modbus TCP.

Device Connection
Operating Mode

On a device disconnection, OFS maintains the communication flow on the network

in order to recover the communication as soon as possible.
Two parameters allow you to adjust the communication flow recovery:
Reconnection retry number
Disconnection timeout
These parameters can now be configured individually device per device in order to
optimize the communication with OFS in the case of communication issues.

Access to String
data in PL7 PLCs

The behavior is aligned to what is done with Unity PLCs: Using the syntax
extension ;c , the access to a data of type String will really get a string
(VT_BSTR, OPC type 8) and not an array of bytes as it is currently without using
this extension.

Industry Business - Marketing - PMS - Fev 2016

Integration in WSP Thanks to the OFS-WSP driver, a WSP customer who already purchased the IO
driver is able to communicate with a UNITY PLC without having to buy additional
software or driver.

The OFS-WSP driver supports the same features as OPC V3.60 Large except
the following :
It is licensed from a Wonderware environment only. No possibilities to run it
outside a Wonderware environment.
It contains the server the simulator - a sample client Configuration tool
configuration manager user manual
It is OPC DA compatible only (No OPC UA No OPC XML)
This version will be available only on the web, via the
Customer Support site at the following address:

Wonderware Global
There is no Schneider Electric part number for this product.

Demo product

A V3.60 demo product will be also available .

This demo product has the same features as the OFS V3.60 Large product, but
with the following restrictions :
The product will not require any licensing.
This product cannot run continuously for more than 72 hours
This demo product will not exist as a Part Number, but will be available only from
Schneider Electric web sites.

Industry Business - Marketing - PMS - Fev 2016

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