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EMI 643














A teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of our beliefs about
teaching and learning. In addition to general comments, our teaching
philosophy should discuss how we put our beliefs into practice by including
concrete examples of what we do or anticipate doing in the classroom.
Teaching philosophies are typically may be longer or shorter depending
on our circumstances. They are written for two particular audiences. The first
is search committees, since teaching philosophies are increasingly becoming
part of the academic job. The second audience is ourself and our colleagues.
In this case, the teaching philosophy serves a formative purpose a
document that helps us reflect on and improve our teaching.
Starting a teaching philosophy can be a difficult task, but it need not be.
The steps outlined in this tutorial provide a structure for taking you through
the drafting process step by step. Of course, there are as many different ways
of writing teaching philosophies as there are writers. What we suggest here is
one possible approach to drafting the essay. Feel free to deviate from this
plan, skipping or adding steps to accommodate your personal writing style.
This tutorial follows a basic three-part process.
1. We'll begin by generating ideas for our teaching philosophy based on
our attitudes, values, and beliefs about teaching and learning.
2. Next, we'll organize our ideas and create a working draft. we'll also
check to make sure that we've illustrated our personal beliefs with
specific examples of classroom practice that take into account
disciplinary contexts and constants.
3. Finally, we'll assess our first draft, comparing it to a rubric a set of
guidelines for effective teaching philosophies. our assessment should
point the way toward gaps in the essay or areas that need to be
reworked during subsequent revisions.

Keep in mind that the teaching philosophy is a document in progress. As our




our professional



our teaching

philosophy will also change and grow. So revisit it periodically and rewrite it
as our beliefs and experiences progress and change.

There are many types of teaching philosophies. The examples of those
philosophies that our professors have chosen to teach us in Colleges are not
chosen for their excellence, but to show us a range of choices of styles,
structures and possible content in teaching philosophy statements. When we
read through the extracts, think about the following questions:
What do we like/dislike about the statement?
Who do we think the statement is written for?
Is the statement written in a personal way?
Are the teaching methods clear?
Is there a balance between theory and practice?
Are examples given?
What words reveal the educators teaching values?
What will we remember most about this statement?

Secondary School I see teaching as involving a reciprocal relationship

between teachers and students. I believe that teachers have duties to their
students and that students have duties to their teachers. I believe that it is
my responsibility as a teacher to provide students with the following:
an environment conducive to learning,
knowledge that will help them be successful in achieving their lives'
materials, opportunities, and feedback that will help them learn, and
help in becoming and remaining motivated to be successful both in their
studies and in applying their knowledge to solve problems in their lives.

I also believe that my students have duties to me, to their fellow

students, and to themselves. I believe that these duties support me in
fulfilling my duties to students. Thus, I believe that it is the students'
responsibility to be supportive of the teacher and fellow students by being:
tolerant of different points of view,
prepared for class,
willing to work hard to complete course activities,
willing to bring their life experiences into the class to enrich discussions,
willing to try to apply what they learn in class to solve the problems they
face on their jobs and in their lives.

Therefore, because of the reciprocal nature of the duties between

teachers and students, I believe that it is a fundamental mistake to see
students as customers or as clients because such a view incorrectly implies
that the primary duties in the relationship are the teachers' duties to the
students and virtually ignores the duties of students to their teachers, fellow
students, and themselves. Since I teach four different courses that span three
different areas of management, I provide a more detailed discussion of how
my teaching philosophy relates to what and how I do things in each individual

Our Comments may comprise the following:

Education I am a teacher educator because I want to change the world.
While I realize what I hope to accomplish is limited, I know education is
where I can have the greatest impact. I want my students to understand
that the professional world they will inhabit, the school, is not immutable.
As future teachers they can make a difference and their classrooms can
be healthy, supportive environments in which their own students can
grow and learn. Thus, my students need opportunities to collaborate with

each other, as well as with me, to learn and gain expertise about the act
of teaching. To be effective teachers, my students must have the
opportunity to take responsibility for becoming life-long learners. This
means sharing with others what they learn about teaching and realizing
all the things that they have not yet discovered. I want my students to
become empowered by their own learning and development as teachers.
I create situations where students can take charge for what they learn
and how it applies in their classrooms. Finally, I want students to realize
that they don't teach subjects but rather people. My goal is to teach the
whole person, i.e., the cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions of
the human being.
An effective teacher is like the wizard who must help each individual
appreciate the potential that resides within all of us -- the potential to
make the best use of our minds, our hearts, and those behaviors that can
make the world a better place. It is impossible for me to be all things to
all students. It is healthy for my students to see that I don't have all the
answers and that I must deal with contradictions about teaching and life
just as they will. To embrace these contradictions and gaps in knowledge
creates the opportunity for new understandings and ways of looking at
the world.
Technology is an important part of my work because as an instructional
tool it brings up contradictions for teachers regarding their conceptions of
what it means to teach and learn in the Information Aged. Furthermore,
the rapidity of change in instructional uses of technology keeps me
constantly searching for ways to show teachers what are the educational
potentials of culturally transforming developments such as the Internet.
In summary, I believe that as much as possible future teachers should be
in control and responsible for what they learn. Furthermore, I believe their
accepting responsibility for learning does not occur in a vacuum It also
involves those with whom they work. I develop a sense of community in
my classes. As members of that community, students are responsible not
only to themselves, but to the other members of the community,
including me.

My philosophy of teaching is to provide a classroom environment where
students are encouraged to express their own ideas and participate in their
education experience. Although I stress individual responsibility for learning
in the class, I also provide explanation and guidance regarding the course
materials and subject matter.
I want my students to enjoy the interaction in my classroom and to be
challenged by the intellectual discussion of course material. The purpose of
this document is to illustrate my philosophy of teaching. At the end of each
class that I teach, I would like to have my students remember the following
about me as a teacher:
He care about me as a person and valued my contributions to class
He create an environment in the classroom which inspired learning and
encouraged individual responsibility for education.

I use these statements as the guide for my performance in the classroom

and to define my teaching philosophy. In the remainder of this assignment, I
provide examples of how I apply these guides in my teaching. Recognition of
Individuality, the diverse backgrounds of my students enable them to bring to
my classroom a variety of ideas relating to the class material.
I want my students to feel that my classroom is a discussion room where they
can share their ideas about the subject matter and contribute to the
educational experience. On the first day of class, I ask each student to fill out
an individual information sheet.
I use this information to learn about my students. Throughout the semester, I
attempt to call on each student by name and to know a little about his or her
background. When I know my students, they feel valued and enjoy the
experience of participating in my class.





instructor, I have the responsibility to help my students learn how to learn. I

hope to inspire my students with a desire to learn more on their own.

I encourage students to take advantage of resources other than standard

course materials and lectures. For example, I assign projects which require
interaction with the World Wide Web, electronic mail, and other Internet
related resources.

By doing so, I hope to show my students the tremendous availability of

resources to use in learning about almost any subject matter they are

I expect students to take individual responsibility for their education by

coming prepared to participate in class. To encourage student participation, I
use active learning techniques to draw individuals into class discussions.
During class meetings, I ask students questions and use their responses as a
foundation for the concepts to be covered in the class period.

In addition, I attempt to redirect questions posed by students in the class

to other students. By using active learning techniques, I hope to help my
students understand they are responsible for their own education experience.



Firstly, let me state my understanding of the word Creativity. Creativity is the bringing
into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a
thought. I will attempt to demonstrate what creativity is:

Invent something which has never existed before

Invent something which exists elsewhere but you are not aware of
Invent a new process for doing something
Reapply an existing process or product into a new or different market
Develop a new way of looking at something (bringing a new idea into existence)
Change the way someone else looks at something

In fact, we are all creative every day because we are constantly changing the ideas which
we hold about the world about us. Creativity does not have to be about developing
something new to the world, it is more to do with developing something new to
ourselves. When we change ourselves, the world changes with us, both in the way that
the world is affected by our changed actions and in the changed way that we experience
the world.
Teachers share big and small ideas for making any classroom a more creative place.
Creativity is on our minds. Thats because its central, along with skills like collaboration,
critical thinking, and communication, to the shift from teacher-directed learning to a more
student-centered, project-based approach. We dont want our students creativity to end
with the comments they leave on their friends Facebook pages. We want them to look at
every problem they face with a creative eye: How can I best answer this question? Am I
thinking of all the possible alternatives? Whats the most interesting approach for me?


With practice, ongoing creative thinking (the continuous investigation, questioning and
analysis that develops through education, training and self-awareness) occurs all the time.

Ongoing creativity maximizes both accidental and deliberate creative thinking. Ongoing
creativity takes time and deliberate practice to become skillful at, but it's surprising how
quickly it becomes an attitude, not a technique.
The first step to take is to learn the creative thinking techniques so that we can
deliberately use them to come up with new ideas. We will then be at an immediate
advantage over those who don't know how to use them. We should then practice the
techniques to increase our skill at ongoing creative thinking. (After a while we may even
find it unnecessary to use specific techniques because we may be having too many ideas
anyway.) We can create much creativity by trying to find the answers to the following

What is the state of creativity in our classroom?

How many of our lessons involve students asking questions, brainstorming

solutions, and working with their peers?

How often do we take a break from the books and try making movies or creating

dioramas instead?
What are our goals with regard to creativity?
Where do you want to be in one, two, or three years?

Make a deeper research by taking an assessment on the teaching style applied. Make a
plan to increase the number of project-based assessments in our own classroom. A first
goal might be to replace one traditional assessment with a project that incorporates crosscurricular concepts and creativity. Show our plan to our principal to get him on board.
When it is successful, well have grounding to step up the number of projects throughout
the year.
Fellow teachers who believe in the value of creativity are our best allies. Together,
we can brainstorm strategies for developing new approaches to the traditional curriculum
that encourage students to find their own answers to problems, instead of memorizing the
ones in the textbook. We can issue creative learning challenges that capture students
attention and engage their minds.
Creative teaching


In order to teach creativity, one must teach creatively; that is, it will take a great deal of
creative effort to bring out the most creative thinking in our classes. Of course, creativity
is not the only required element for creative instructors. They must also know their fields
and know how to create an appropriate learning environment.
When will it be most important for you to offer direct instruction? When is discovery
most important? What are our expectations and how can we best communicate them?
Because answers to these questions are so diverse even for individual instructors
teaching different courses or at various times of the semester no one technique will fit
all needs. Here are several approaches or techniques for teaching creatively, both general
and specific to certain fields.

General Techniques
It can be fun when a teacher decides to shake things up in the classroom. Truth be told,
some of my best classes were ones where the teachers teaching methods were anything
but traditional. In fact, I had seen numerous teachers that completely relied upon
creativity and inspiration as the guiding forces in their teachings.
At first, I was a little weary of these one-of-a-kind teachers thinking that they were
only going to complicate things as opposed to expand my creative learning. In the end,
however, I learned more from these unique teachers than I did the rest of my traditional,
teach-by-the-book teachers. For those of us who are looking to integrate creative teaching
and learning into the classroom, here are four exciting ways to do so.
Host a class blog - One of the best classes I ever took was one that featured a
collaborative class blog. Each day, my art history lecturer would go over a particular art
period or movement in class and then invite students to contribute to the class blog about
their thoughts or insights into the various topics we discussed. Not only did the blog
allow people to explain and explore further insight into what we learned, it also
encouraged them to get more excited and involved in the class itself. In case you havent
tried them out already, blogs are a great way to get students more intrigued and active in

the classroom. Some students dont like to publish their thoughts directly on a blog;
therefore, some teachers encourage their students to have class journals instead. Im not
talking about the traditional, wire-bound journal you take notes in; Im talking about a
class diary: a place where students get to express their thoughts, insights, and concerns
about the class.
Assumption Busting
What: An assumption is an unquestioned, assumed truth. Assumption busting is
particularly effective when one is stuck in current thinking paradigms or has run out of
Benefits: Everyone makes assumptions about how the world around us, which in
creative situations, can prevent seeing or generating possibilities. Deliberately seeking
out and addressing previously unquestioned assumptions stimulates creative thinking.
How: List assumptions associated with a task or problem, for example, that a
solution is impossible due to time and cost constraints; something works because certain
rules or conditions; and people believe, need or think of certain things. Then ask under
what conditions these assumptions are not true, continue the process of examination as
old assumptions are challenged and new ones are created. An alternative way of
proceeding is to find ways to force assumptions to be true. This is the opposite of
challenging assumptions in the previous step

Students Class Journals

A few of my teachers would collect these journals from time to time as a way of
assigning participation grades and gauging how students felt about the class in general.
Often times, teachers that incorporated class journals into their curriculum were the ones
students respected and admired most. Much like the classroom blog, these diaries
encouraged students to be more actively involved in the classroom.


What: Brainstorming, a useful tool to develop creative solutions to a problem, is a lateral
thinking process by which students are asked to develop ideas or thoughts that may seem
crazy or shocking at first. Participants can then change and improve them into original
and useful ideas. Brainstorming can help define an issue, diagnose a problem, or possible
solutions and resistance to proposed solutions.
How: Define the problem clearly lay out any criteria to be met. Keep the session
focused on the problem, but be sure that no one criticizes or evaluates ideas during the
session, even if they are clearly impractical. Criticism dampens creativity in the initial
stages of a brainstorming session. Ideas should be listed, rather than developed deeply on
the spot; the idea is to generate possibilities. Accordingly, participants should be
encouraged to pick up on ideas offered to create new ones. One person should be
appointed as note-taker, and ideas should be studied and evaluated after the session.

Concept Mapping
What: Concept maps represent knowledge graphic form. Networks consist of nods,
which represent concepts, and links, which represent relationships between concepts.
Benefits: Concept maps can aid in generating ideas, designing complex structures, or
communicating complex ideas. Because they make explicit the integration of old and new
knowledge concept maps can help instructors assess students understanding.
How: Create a focus question specifying the problem or issue the map should help
resolve. List the key concepts (roughly 20-25) that apply to the area of knowledge. Put
the most general, inclusive concepts at the top of the list, and most specific at the bottom.
Build a hierarchical organization of the concepts, using post-its on a wall or whiteboard,
large sheets of paper, etc. Revision is a key element in concept mapping, so participants
need to be able to move concepts and reconstruct the map. Seek cross links between
concepts, adding linking words to the lines between concepts.


As one considers the possibility of an instructional balance, it is evident that the topic of
standards and creativity offers two opposite spectrum of thinking. When determining
how to equalize standards and creativity, it is essential to examine each component in
relation to the needs of gifted learners. In this article, the author examines how to
integrate creativity in a standards-based system and discusses the benefits of balancing
standards and creativity. The author also describes three components, including teacher
behavior, learning environment, and instructional strategies, that may be used to achieve
this equilibrium, and offers several strategies in implementing creativity in the classroom
in order to balance instruction. Designing for the Students When creating an environment
for a student-centered approach to learning, it is imperative that one take the needs of the
students into consideration. Teachers should ask themselves about what types of
disabilities will be entering their classroom, what types of behavior are expected from the
incoming group, and will all students be able to hear instruction from the seating
arrangements? I believe an issue that is still an issue today when other said, as a society,
we havent yet come to grips with some of the subtler aspects of disabilities legislation,
which aims at ensuring that disabled people participate equally in all the opportunities
that we provide to the able-bodied. In schools, this means making sure that, to the
greatest degree possible students are able to enjoy access to all parts of the curriculum.



Teacher-centered Teaching Methods are activities, and techniques where the

teacher decides what is to be learned, what is to be tested, and how the class
is to be run. Often the teacher is in the center of the classroom giving
instruction with little input from students. The teacher decides the goals of
the class based on some outside criteria. The term student-centered
learning refers








experiences, instructional approaches, and academic-support strategies that

are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or
cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students. To
accomplish this goal, schools, teachers, guidance counselors, and other
educational specialists may employ a wide variety of educational methods,
from modifying assignments and instructional strategies in the classroom to
entirely redesigning the ways in which students are grouped and taught in a


The Role of the Teacher in Learner-centered Teaching

The major purpose of this study is to document the classroom management
beliefs and practices of three teachers reputed to implement studentcentered teaching and to examine the relationship between their instructional
and managerial approaches. All three teachers approaches also reflected the
principles of good classroom management derived from studies conducted in
the in the past in traditional transmission classrooms. Results also will
indicate that the teachers think about the relationship between teaching and
classroom management, but not in terms of using student-centered
management to support their student-centered instruction. Rather, they
thought about what management strategies were necessary to successfully
implement a particular lesson.
The primary emphasis for classroom management in a behavioral


model is the use of techniques that bring students behavior under stimulus








consistent with a traditional or transmission approach to instruction. Over the

last decade, however, views on good instruction have shifted. Teachers are
encouraged to implement an instructional approach based on constructivist
principles of learning. Expert teacher explains that in these classrooms
students are expected to strive to make sense of what they are learning by
relating it to prior knowledge and by discussing it with others. The class acts








complement this shift in instructional approach, schools reformers and

researchers propose a shift in classroom management approach. Many expert
educators suggest that such a shift requires teachers to adopt a personcentered, rather than a teacher-centered, orientation toward classroom
management, which features shared leadership, community building, and a
balance between the needs of teachers and students.
Some educators argue that a management system that orients
students toward passivity and compliance with rigid rules undercuts the
potential effects of an instructional system that is designed to emphasize
active learning, higher order thinking, and the social construction of
knowledge. Similarly, they warn that efforts to promote constructivist learning
and teaching have created an oxymoron: a curriculum that urges problem
solving and critical thinking and a management system that requires
compliance and narrow obedience. Despite the concerns of educators about a
potential mismatch between instruction and management, from a theoretical
point of view, it seems reasonable to expect that teachers would actually
strive to match their instructional and managerial approaches. Teachers who
are committed to student-centered instruction, presumably base their
instructional decisions on a basic set of assumptions about the way children
learn and what they need in the classroom. For example, if such teachers
believe that children need to be active participants in the learning process,
engage in critical thinking and participate in the problem-solving process, it
seems logical to expect them to choose classroom management strategies
such as conflict resolution and peer mediation that foster the same skills.

Unfortunately, there have been very few studies of the management

practices used by teachers implementing constructivist or student-centered
instruction. This lack of empirical data, argues that leave educators with Journal of Classroom Interaction Student-Centered and Teacher- Centered
Classroom Management out clear direction and understandings of what
knowledge and practices teachers utilize in creating and managing socially
complex learning environments. This study is an effort to address this need.
Specifically, I seek to document the classroom management beliefs and








instruction and to examine the relationship between their instruction and

managerial approaches.





Classroom management is a multi-faceted concept that includes the

organization of the physical environment, the establishment of rules and
routines, the development of effective relationships, and the prevention of
and response to misbehavior.
Some researchers suggest that it is helpful to view classroom management
beliefs and practices on a continuum from teacher-centered to studentcentered. For example, may find that educators vary along a continuum of
beliefs about the way children learn to behave and conceptualized this as
ones pupil-control ideology. At one end of the continuum is the custodial
(teacher-centered) educator and at the other end is the humanistic (studentcentered) educator. The extremes in the continuum of beliefs are described in
the following way:
a) The educator with a custodial orientation is likely to be highly controlling,
employing punitive sanctions, moralistic perceptions, highly impersonal
relationships with students, attitudes of general mistrust and a major focus
on the maintenance of order.
b) The educator with a more humanistic orientation is likely to maintain a
classroom climate in which active interaction and communication, close
personal relationships with students, mutual respect, positive attitudes, and
flexibility of rules, as well as student self-discipline, selfdetermination and
independence are fostered.


Instructional Continuum Teacher-Centered Lecture Teacher takes an

active role and presents information to the entire class while the students
main role is to listen to the new information being provided Recitation The
classroom interaction follows the specific pattern of teacher initiates a
question, student responds and teacher evaluates the response Drill and
Practice The teacher provides a series of independent tasks to reinforce a
concept Demonstration The teacher helps the childs learning by showing him
or her how to use materials and special tools, or how to accomplish a particular
task Discussion Conversation designed to stimulate students to respond
divergently and at higher cognitive levels to what they have been learning.
Cooperative Group Small group work that features positive interdependence,
individual accountability and collaboration skills Guided Discovery The teacher
structures an experience or problem for students and provides a series of steps
for students to follow to discover the principle, rule or generalization Contracts
The teacher and student form a written agreement about what work will be
completed and when Role Play Students act out real life dilemmas or decisions
to solve problems Projects An investigation is undertaken by a student or group
of students to learn more about a topic Inquiry An instructional strategy where
the teaching begins with questions and relies on them heavily thereafter as
ways to stimulate student exploration, discovery and critical thinking about
subject matter Selfassessment The student has responsibility for evaluating
his or her own work as a means of learning Student-Centered Student-centered
Note. Teacher Participants I used principal recommendation and self-report to
identify teacher participants. Both measures were based on an instructional
continuum adapted, which lists various instructional strategies ranging from
teacher-centered to student-centered. Thus, for the purpose of this study, a








instructional strategies designed to foster active engagement and experiential


The Role of the Students in Learner-centered Teaching


Because student-centered learning has broad implications, and the term may encompass a
wide variety of potential instructional strategies and academic programs, it may be
difficult to determine precisely what the term is referring to when it is used without
qualification, specific examples, or additional explanation. In some cases, the term may
have a very specific, technical meaning, but in others it may be vague, undecipherable
jargon. For example, some educators use the term synonymously with personalized
learning, while others see personalized learning as one aspect of student-centered
learning, but not a synonymous term or concept. For these reasons, it is important to
investigate precisely how the term is being used, and what it is referring to, in a specific
educational context.
The term student-centered learning most likely arose in response to educational decisions
that did not fully consider what students needed to know or what methods would be most
effective in facilitating learning for individual students or groups of students. For
example, many traditional approaches to schooling could be considered school-centered,
rather than student-centered, because schools are often organized and managed in ways
that work well for organizational operations, but that might not reflect the most effective
ways to educate students.
CONTENT ORGANIZATION (Subject area and what is to be taught)

Curriculum/Syllabus and/or framework is learner centered and differentiated based on

students ability, interests, backgrounds, local culture, tradition, Islamic values, locally
relevant livelihoods and life skills.
Emerging - All members of the school community are aware of and utilize the
national curriculum and/or framework in all aspects of teaching and learning.
Curriculum/framework for Pre-kindergarten through Primary 6 reflects local and
international standards and addresses knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and
prepare students for employment/careers. Curriculum/framework is learner centered,
based on the interests of the child, relevant, and requires active engagement of students.
Curriculum/framework includes a balance of knowledge and skill building benchmarks


and indicators. Teaching and learning materials have literature and images portraying
positive attitude towards other cultures, gender and people with special needs
Progressing - Evidence of all of Emerging plus the following: Learner centered
curriculum / syllabus is differentiated, and integrates technology and multi-media. All
members of the school community provide input into and evaluate the curriculum /
syllabus. All members of the school community discuss benchmarks and objectives of the
curriculum / syllabus. . Planned activities demonstrate respect and equality, and value
people of other cultures, gender, and difference in ability.
Achieving - Evidence of all of Progressing plus the following: Curriculum / syllabus
is annually evaluated by representatives of members of the school community. Annual
evaluation of the curriculum/syllabus includes examination of differentiation, relevance,
cultural sensitivity, interests, ability, and values. Evaluation process determines the extent
to which curriculum/ syllabus effectively supports the learner centered approach and
improvements in student achievement All revisions to curriculum/syllabus contribute to
continues improvement of the quality of education Students discuss their performance
levels, and identify their own g
Achieved - Evidence of all of Achieving plus the following: Curriculum/syllabus is
learner centered, and improves student learning, and is a model for other schools in the
country and region. Children see the curriculum/ syllabus as relevant, interesting and
challenging. Children recognize that their input is important to their future and the future
of others.


Teacher-centered typically refers to learning situations in which the teacher asserts
control over the material that students study and the ways in which they study it.
In contrast, student-centered typically refers to forms of instruction that, for
example, give students opportunities to lead learning activities, participate more actively
in discussions, design their own learning projects, explore topics that interest them, and


generally contribute to the design of their own course of study. Additionally, studentcentered instruction is often associated with classrooms that feature desks arranged in
circles or small groups (rather than rows of desks that face the teacher), with selfguided or self-paced learning, or with learning experiences that occur outside of
traditional classroom settings or dual-enrollment courses.
While the definition of the term is still evolving, advocates of student-centered
learning tend to emphasize a few fundamental characteristics:
a) Teaching and learning is personalized, meaning that it addresses the
distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of
individual students.
b) Students advance in their education when they demonstrate they have
learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn (for a more
detailed discussion, see proficiency-based learning).
c) Students have the flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere, meaning
that student learning can take place outside of traditional classroom and
school-based settings, such as through work-study programs or online
courses such as on nights and weekends.

Students are given opportunities to make choices about their own

learning and contribute to the design of learning experiences.



: Investigation of natural materials


: Material Properties

Sub Topic

: Material Property


: 60 minutes

Objectives : At the end of teaching and learning pupils will be able to:
1. Identifying conductors and insulation materials.

: Inquiry based learning


: experiment and discussion

Teaching Aids

Observations form, brick, pencil, paper clip, paper, plastic spoon, coin 10 cents, nails,
eraser, plastic ruler, glass rod, worksheet.
(5 minutes)


Why there are

different types of
material in an
electric tool.


1. The teacher is talking about the
experience exposed a small electric


Scientific skills:

2.Ask and answer about existing
student experience
( ASK )


Moral Values :
Be careful


Identify the

1. Teacher distributes a variety of

object of

objects to students.

(10 minutes) conductors and


2. Students classify the material into

two groups namely conductors and



(25 Minute)

experiment the
material given in
the electrical

1. Students build and complete

electrical circuit
a complete circuit.
3. Students make observations of flame
complete electrical circuit.
4. The students recorded observation in
observation form.


(15 minutes) materials


1. The teacher asks the students to

present the results of experiment by
2. Each group of students aimed at
experimental results conclusion.

materials (is not
a conductor 0f

3. Teacher strengthens revenue and

provides definitions of conductors and


List of conductor

(5 minutes)

materials and


2. Students connect the objects given in

bulbs for every connected object in a


Scientifik skills:

Students create mind map:

- Conductor materials
- Insulation materials.


Moral Values:



Standard Content

: 5.1

Understand Material properties

Standard Learning

: 5.1.3 Identifying Conductors and Insulation Materials

Please thick ( / )



Rubber eraser
Paper clip
Plastic ruler
coin 10 cents
Plastic spoon
Glass rod





: _____________________________________________

INSTRUSCTIONS: Build mind map.









It begins with the desire to discover. Meaningful questions are inspired by genuine
curiosity about real-world experiences. A question or a problem comes into focus at this
stage, and the learner begins to define or describe.
Based on the lesson plan above, in a set of induction, a teacher told about her
experience exposed to electric shock. Its purpose is to raise questions. Ask and answer
with students about their experiences. The question is Why there are different types of
material in an electric tool?



At this stage the students begins to gather information: researching resources, studying,
crafting an experiment, observing, or interviewing, to name a few. Students may recast
the question, refine a line of query, or plunge down a new path that the original question
did not or could not-anticipate. The information-gathering stage becomes a self motivated
process that is wholly owned by the engaged learner.
Through investigation, we turn curiosity into action. Students gather information,
study, craft an experiment, observe, or interview. Experiments conducted to ensure that
the properties of the materials studied. Each material investigated and noted its decision.
Through the observation of students can verify the substance of a conductor and

Students make observations of the results of the experiment. The State of the current light
bulbs experiments demonstrate the materials studied. The observation that allows
students to build an understanding that all material has properties either electrical
conductor or not electrical conductor.

After complete the experiment, students make discussion to get the validity of hypothesis.
They will present the results. Students were able to conclude that the nature of the
material is a conductor and insulation. Teacher strengthens revenue and provides
definitions of conductors and insulation.

At the end of the lesson the students will make summary as a reflection to the learning
session. Students will make a mind map about the nature of the material. The properties
of the materials are divided into two types, namely conductors and insulation. Students
are also able to identify types of conductors and insulation materials.



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