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# 9 6 0 1 PGA - B o a r d S o f t w a r e
# Release Date: 18. FEB 2014
This SW delivery includes binaries for the 9601 SIP build.
There are serial images and complete factory images for the NAND Flash.
!!!!!!!!!!!! Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This image is based on PhonecChange 6.1. It contains SIP Application software.
Please refer to Factory command document Version 1.5 regarding details of factor
Note: This implementation of firmware detects the hardware type from EEPROM and
hence it is pre-requisit that the EEPROM on board should be correctly programmed
before booting.
!!!!!!!!!!!! Important for all models !!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a serial image upgrade the /nvdata/etc/enet.cfg file has per default no MA
To be operational the MAC-Addr. must first be added to this file by using the
factory test command ft macaddr 1. This command writes the MAC-Addr. from EEPROM
enet.cfg file. After this is done the phone application is able to do DHCP after
the next reset.
9621/9641 must execute the ft tscalibrate 1 command to calibrate the touch scree
This must be done for every phone which is uploaded via serial upgrade.
With some samples it should be tested that the phone applications starts with DH
and gets an IP-Address.
Released on 18 Feb 2014
1. RELEASE_NOTE_9601_SIP6.3.1.20_FACTORY_18FEB2014.txt
2. Factory_Command_96X1_10_5.doc
Factory Test
Boot-up command:
1. After serial upgrade and phone is restarted it shows following on serial debu
g terminal (minicom) on PC

Press any key to enter download mode or m key bring up the menu
Press c key (once) to temporary enable console.
2. Immediately during boot-up; there is time delay of around 1.7 sec and user h
as to press 'c' key on PC keyboard to enable console
During these 1.7 sec dots '.' are printed on the screen as time progress bar
#console# [....
#console# [..............
#console# [................................]
3. If user presses any key during this 1.7 sec
If 'c' key is pressed (once) console will be enabled to /dev/ttyAMA0 irrespe
ctive of EEPROM 38th location value
If ' ' space key is pressed phone can be put into firmware download mode
4. If user doe NOT presses any key during this 1.7 sec
Phone will select architecture as per eeprom value
Phone will either enable or disable the console based on EEPROM 38th locatio
n value
["BM" console is disabled; "UART0" console is set to /dev/ttyAMA0]
SIP Application
The serial binary contains the SIP binary that gets started
as the default application.
This version of SIP is based on Phonex-6.1 and can upgrade to future loads
of SIP binaries which are based on Phonex-6.1
Firmware release number:
9601 firmware corresponds to 96x1_Platform_61 build "2933"
Corresponding APP and UKR

APP: S96x1_SALBR6_3_1r20_V4r83.tar
UKR: S96x1_UKR_V18r2933_V18r2933.tar

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